Bringing you stories of Oregonians working together to help our state and its people thrivewritten by state government employees and partners to share insights into our people, our successes, and our challenges. Follow the Initiative and Petition Process, Homeless Voters and Those Wishing Confidentiality, Skip to the search for the Oregon Secretary of State website, how voting in Oregon works and what steps we take to make sure its safe and secure, Download Voters' Pamphlets for General Election by County in PDF, Learn about the candidates and measures on the ballot with. chevron = $(this).find('i.fa-pull-right'); background-color: #ccc; font-size: 1.25em; John Selker } One Democratic primary is viewed as a test of Biden's endorsement power. .votebox_legend { Do you want a spreadsheet of this type of data? } All 60 House seats and 16 of the 30 in the Senate are up for election this year, and many districts only managed to attract one candidate per party. But of course, they cashed the checks. Public policy. Senior Advisor to Senate Republican Leader, Tim Knopp, ____________________________________________________________________________, From: Bryan Iverson . margin-bottom: -2px !important; For more dates, please see the elections calendar. @media screen and (min-width: 550px) { This is not uncommon in politics. padding-left: 16px; He will watch the remaining results from home. if ($('#vis_xs_indicator').is(':hidden')){ line-height: 1.5em; Read more about the Democratic and Republican candidates here. Were sure some will disagree with our choices. To Katies point, with 94 percent of the vote in, Steve Irwins lead over Summer Lee is down to 330 votes. @media screen and (max-width: 350px) { Six other candidates, including Republican nominee Jo Rae Perkins, ran. Val Hoyle Have you played Keno? .mw-body #mw-content-text th.votebox-results-cell--text { Candidate ratings are, at best, a fragile enterprise. }; Republicans are hoping to elect Oregons first G.O.P. DeSantis fires back after Trump's 'pot shots' as 2024 speculation swirls: 'It's silly season', Struggling Lori Lightfoot suggests Time Magazine is racist for not featuring her on cover like Rahm Emanuel, Chicago mayoral election: Polls open as Lightfoot faces 8 challengers, with crime top of mind, Washington DC City Council says bill for allowing noncitizens to vote is now law: report. height: 22px; z-index:1; Newberg City Councilor Elise Yarnell Hollamon and chair of the Newberg Planning Commission Kriss Wright are facing off in the Democratic primary to see who will challenge incumbent Republican Rep. Anna Scharf in November. }); Some, no doubt, hope to be embraced by the failing establishment. Friday, Feb. 24, marks one year since Russia's unprovoked invasion of Ukraine, which has cost hundreds of thousands of lives. $(this).addClass('selected-button'); } The results of the primary election are posted below. Prospective voters can register online, in person at a county elections office, or by mailing in a voter registration form. While most Republican incumbents added their approval to some dangerous leftist legislation, every single one of them (except for a few appointed late in the session due to a vacancy) refused to stand up and walk out, agreed to give up one of the only tools they had to combat the Democrats madness, and piled on to, Oddly, Iverson neglects to mention that the fringe group he is referring to (us) has been active in Oregon politics for over 20 years and, last election cycle alone, donated well over $200,000.00 to Republican candidates, (including his wife) after being. Market data provided byFactset. } Click here to contact our editorial staff, and click here to report an error. Its easy! DOWNLOAD THE APP This redrawn district will include parts of Polk and Yamhill counties. Dies geschieht in Ihren Datenschutzeinstellungen. How to run for office | To register to vote in Oregon you must be a citizen of the United States, be a resident of Oregon, and be at least 16 years old (to vote, you must be 18 by Election Day). There were 19 Republicans running in the primary. } font-size: 12px; Source1Source2. 2022 primary:How to register, change your registration and make sure your ballot is counted. let item = jQuery('.votebox .indicate_scroll').get(index); Ballot measures, Who represents me? The New York Timess results team is a group of graphics editors, engineers and reporters who build and maintain software to publish election results in real-time as they are reported by results providers. letter-spacing: .04em; margin-bottom: 0px; } function widget_load_check_jquery() { Incumbent Democratic Senator Ron Wyden won re-election to a fifth term. Measure 112 amends the Oregon Constitution to remove slavery as a punishment for crime. Endorsed candidates are noted next to their grades.). Ever since the Supreme Court's Dobbs decision, it is now up to states to decide whether people can access abortion. .results_row { .inner_percentage.Libertarian { overflow-x: scroll; .votebox_bp_logo { Were all voters required to present ID at the polls? 2022 United States Senate election in Oregon, 2022 United States House of Representatives elections in Oregon, speaker of the Oregon House of Representatives, 2022 Oregon House of Representatives election, "US Sen. Ron Wyden will seek reelection in 2022", "Gov. Oregon Firearms Federation - Oregon's Only No Compromise Gun Rights Organization. display: none; if ($(this).next('.vis_widget_table').is(":hidden")) { }); To learn more about how election results work, read this article. padding-top: 5px; McLeod-Skinner received the endorsement of progressive groups and local county Democratic parties, which argued that the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee should stop weighing in on the race. Meet the candidates:Learn more about Tracy Cramer and Jim Lowder. } [8], Five candidates ran in the primary, with civil rights attorney Christina Stephenson and former state Representative Cheri Helt facing off in a runoff election. font-weight: bold; Click the links to learn more about each type: max-width: 600px; As you will see, many candidates chose not to go on the record. Joshua Welch, Did not make the ballot: This article will provide you with some important voter information and a voter timeline. float: left; } text-align: left !important; max-height: 580px; Salem councilor Jackie Leung recently withdrew from the Democratic race, citing a health matter. And dont settle for non-committal shuck and jive responses. Check out our "How to Play" info to get started:, Lasts week tweet re: invasive American bullfrogs sparked interest in IDing these behemoths. U.S. Congress | His choices for GOP candidates in the U.S. House, Senate, gubernatorial positions, secretary of state . Please note that these are not the final nominations; for example, some individuals were nominated for more than one position and must choose which position to accept the nomination for. } Was absentee/mail-in voting available to all voters? Click here for the results of our Governor surveys. .race_header.democratic { .election_results_text { margin-bottom: 4px; .outer_percentage { | Steven Cody Reynolds Not worth your time to respond. | We are firmly committed to neutrality in our content. U.S. President | } .mw-body #mw-content-text .votebox .race_header h5.votebox-header-election-type { Oregon results Statewide Governor Last Updated: Dec. 15, 2022 9:26 p.m. 98.98 % Reporting + Show All 36 Counties Vote Proportion Dem 50 60 75% Rep 50 60 75% No Results Democrat Tina Kotek. . No Democrat has filed to run. General election for U.S. Senate Oregon Withdrawn or disqualified candidates John Newton (L) Bret Westwood (Independent) Michael Stettler (Constitution Party) Thomas Verde (Independent) U.S. House See also: United States House of Representatives elections in Oregon, 2022 State ballot measures display: block; Please register to vote. background-color: green; chevron.addClass('fa-chevron-down'); Witt said in October he would not run for reelection because of how his district was redrawn; it is now less favorable for Democrats and he has called the new maps gerrymandered. We did NOT survey Democrat candidates as we had in the past. width: 100%; } } if (chevron.hasClass('fa-chevron-down')) { Bridget Barton, GOP consultant $410,000 in campaign. .sample-ballot-mobile-promo, .sample-ballot-mobile-promo a, .sample-ballot-mobile-promo a:hover { By that we dont mean they were necessarily good people, but that they had a plan and a campaign and a working email address . Jim Howard(Constitution Party) Oregon also has a open gubernatorial seat this year, as current Gov. $("div.vis_widget_title").click(function(){ display: inline-block; text-decoration: none; }, Incumbents are bolded and underlined. padding-bottom: 8px; Brett Cahill The new district includes parts of downtown and south Salem and isnow expected to lean Democrat, according to the Princeton Gerrymandering Project, which studies how legislative districts are drawn. Click the link below to learn about that race. VoterInfobyState_Timeout_dom = setTimeout(widget_load_check_dom, 500); Learn how via WA Invasive Species Council website, Jamie McLeod-Skinner, Lori Chavez-DeRemer jQuery( ".votebox" ).each(function( index ) { Klicken Sie auf Einstellungen verwalten um weitere Informationen zu erhalten und Ihre Einstellungen zu verwalten. Race called by The Associated Press. The position tends to attract fewer campaign contributions than other contested statewide seats. } The district encompasses Polk and Yamhill counties as well as portions of Marion County (including Salem), Clackamas County and Washington County. margin-top: 1em; Five people are running for his seat, two Republicans and three Democrats. .race_header { All Rights Reserved. .votebox { She is trailing David McCormick by nearly 9 points and Mehmet Oz by 7 points with 58 percent of precincts reporting. } On the Republican side, a medical business owner, a financial analyst, a retired orthopedic surgeon, a contractor and a tennis coach are vying for the nomination. } We supported candidates based on their previous actions and records. If so, was a photo or non-photo ID required? Seven candidates have filed for the position, which is responsible for overseeing the state agency tasked with protecting the rights of workers, enforcing compliance with employment laws, educating employers on wage and civil rights law and promoting workforce development. left: 0; VoterInfobyState_Toggle = true; We did not need a survey to know where anyone running as a Democrat was coming from. .votebox-covid-disclaimer { [4] She is term-limited and cannot seek re-election to a second full term until 2026. Jimmy Crumpacker You have to be registered as a party member to vote for their candidates. overflow-y: auto; Measure 113 amends the Oregon Constitution to disqualify legislators with ten unexcused absences from serving their next term. Polls have tightened considerably in the primary race for Pennsylvanias 12th District, which drew major outside spending and pitted a candidate with significant left-wing support against a contender embraced by much of the party establishment. .image-candidate-thumbnail-wrapper .image-candidate-thumbnail { .results_table_container { Redistricting experts rate the district as leaning Democratic, but outside of the relative toss-up Congressional District 5, CD 6 appears to be the GOP's best chance at nabbing another spot in the congressional delegation. Below is the state House map in effect before and after the 2020 redistricting cycle. Interns wanted: Get paid to help ensure that every voter has unbiased election information. While it is normal to feel this way, there are lots of resources out there that can help. background-color: #6db24f; 100% remote. } We rated them on a percentage basis according to their answers. Source: Election results and race calls from The Associated Press. Politics May 16, 2022 7:27 PM EST. Next January, for the first time since 1999, Salem will not be represented in the Oregon Senate by Senate President Peter Courtney. Oregon has a modern vote-by-mail system. Share this: Like this: Loading. Kevin Easton What was the voter registration deadline? Measure 111 amends the Oregon Constitution to add a right to healthcare. .race_header, .results_text, .results_table_container, .votebox_legend { Scott Phillips .image-candidate-thumbnail-wrapper { On the Democratic side, Salem city councilor Tom Andersen is running against Rep. Brad Witt, who currently represents House District 31 northwest of Portland. As you can imagine, candidates who responded and made clear that they were more interested in protecting Oregon than sucking up to leadership deserve serious consideration. display: none; ET. Contact our sales team. font-weight: 600; To determine which House and Senate district you will be voting in please use this link. } chevron.removeClass('fa-chevron-down'); width: 90%; This statewide race also lacks an incumbent as current BOLI commissioner Val Hoyle decided to run to represent Oregon Congressional District 4. She does not have a primary opponent. Click on the following links for state executive election results: Click on the following links for state legislative election results: Click on the following links for state court election results: Click on the following links for local election results: Incumbents are bolded and underlined. top: 0px; Casey Kulla, Yamhill County commissioner. width: 300px; Raiph Huber, Earl Blumenauer(i) On the House side, virtually all of them behaved so disgracefully that we had no problem placing them solidly in the no list. By that we. In a surprising twist, Oregon's midterm races garnered national . [1] Incumbent Democratic U.S.

[2] She was subsequently elected in the gubernatorial special election in 2016[3] and was re-elected to a full term in 2018. Only one has been voted into public office previously, Chavez-DeRemer, but all have a background in some form of business. A general election was held in the U.S. state of Oregon on November 8, 2022. This district includes parts of east and south Salem, Turner, Aumsville, Stayton, Sublimity, Mill City and Detroit along with vast swaths of unincorporated Marion County and northeast Linn County. width: 100% Christian Robertson, Chris Mann height: 100%; } function defer() { Michael Beilstein(Pacific Green Party, Progressive Party), Jamie McLeod-Skinner(Democratic Party, Independent Party, Working Families Party), Andrea Salinas(Democratic Party, Working Families Party, Independent Party) text-align: center; Click here to contact us for media inquiries, and please donate here to support our continued expansion. So, with that in mind well share our imperfect guesses on people running for office. #contentwrapper { Candidates running in statewide elections are listed on POLITICO's coverage of 2022 races for Senate, House, Governors and Key Ballot Measures. } Wyden, easily won reelection, defeating Republican opponent 66-year-old Jo Rae Perkins who has never held elected office. }); Garrett Hoppe Even though Oregon is a blue state, there is a chance for the Republican Party to capture the open seat since the political environment benefits Republicans and Brown is unpopular in the state. } Was early voting available to all voters? The Oregon Elections Division is committed to providing voters with accurate information about elections in Oregon. } Who must file. Kate Brown is term-limited. Kate Brown and Vice President Mike Pence Make Bipartisan Plan for Oregons Coronavirus Preparedness, Governor Kate Brown Brokers Unprecedented Agreement Between Timber and Environmental Groups, Profiles in Courage: Levi Hopkins, Fresh Off the Milepost 97 Fire, New Seminar Series Better Prepares Private Sector Partners for Mass Casualty Events, Paid Leave Oregon Offers Website in Six Languages, Adds New Features, 2023 Conversations with Funders Scheduled; More than $5 Million Available to Grantseekers in FY2024, Unlocking Housing Opportunities with Innovation, Whats it like Driving 600 Miles Round Trip in an Electric Truck, 2023 Individual Artist Fellowships Announced; Darrell Grate Receives Joan Shipley Award, Oregon State Police Conservation K-9 Announces Expansion, Oregon Offers Free Electronic Filing Option for State Income Taxes, To register, fill out the Oregon Secretary of States, If needed, print, sign, and date your form (This is very important! Sometimes even if they DO have voting records thats the best we can do. His opponent, Jamie McLeod-Skinner, is getting backing from several county Democratic parties. } } Click here to contact us for media inquiries, and please donate here to support our continued expansion. We are getting very close to the threshold for an automatic recount for the Pennsylvania Senate primary on the Republican side. And they appear to have been right. height: 50px; VoterInfobyState_Resized = true; Below are the congressional maps in effect before and after the 2020 redistricting cycle. All 60 districts in the House are up for election for two-year terms, and 15 of the 30 Senate districts are up for four-year terms. .non_result_row div { background-color: #f9d334; Races at the local, state and federal levels are now set and ballots have been mailed out to voters for the May 17, 2022, primary election. As you can imagine, candidates who responded and made clear that they were more interested in protecting Oregon than sucking up to leadership deserve serious consideration. Election information in Oregon: May 17, 2022, election. } } Mike Erickson if (chevron.hasClass('fa-chevron-up')) { Voters are electing candidates to serve in the U.S. House from each of the state's districts. John Kitzhaber Announces His Resignation", "Oregon Governor Results:Kate Brown Wins", "Oregon governor's race: Kate Brown defeats Knute Buehler", "Bulletin story on Kate Brown term limit was incorrect", "Democratic hopeful Nick Kristof doesn't qualify to run for governor, Secretary of State Shemia Fagan says", "Val Hoyle to run for Congress as DeFazio opts not to seek re-election in 2022", "Oregon Voters Select Val Hoyle As New Labor Commissioner", "Christina Stephenson, Cheri Helt headed for runoff in Oregon labor commissioner race", "Pamplin Media Group - Stephenson claims win for Oregon state labor commissioner",, This page was last edited on 19 January 2023, at 17:42. }); Ballotpedia features 395,397 encyclopedic articles written and curated by our professional staff of editors, writers, and researchers. Oregon primary elections for governor, Congress, other races are set Nearly 400 candidates filed to run for state or district races ahead of the May 17 election By: Julia Shumway - March 8, 2022 6:48 pm Candidates watch on the Oregon House floor as Secretary of State Shemia Fagan prepares to announce the end of filing for the 2022 primary election. width: 100% !important; Andrew Kalloch Oregon voters haven't sent more than one Republican to the U.S. House of Representatives since 1994. Check your party affiliation at My Vote to make sure you get the ballot you expect.April 27 May 3, 2022: Ballots are mailed to registered voters. Apparently there is an OFF Questionnaire floating around to you all. .votebox-scroll-container { width: 50px; Democratic Primary Winner Suzanne Bonamici wins the Democratic primary. Voters are electing a candidate to serve as governor. font-size: 20px; Of these, 21 were held by Republicans, and 12 by Democrats.The winners were elected to six-year terms from January 3, 2021, to January 3, 2027. font-size: 2em; Madison Oatman Oregon's primary is closed, meaning only registered voters of a major political party can vote for candidates of the same party. Election day for the Oregon primaries is May 17th, 2022. Political newcomer Carrick Flynn is setting fundraising records in the Democratic race for a congressional nomination. Oregon's primary elections are Tuesday, May 17, 2022. Christina Stephenson, civil rights attorney. } width: 50%; So check your party affiliation online at Oregons My Vote tool to ensure you are able to participate in the primary election of your choosing, if you choose to do so. } else { Report WA sightings there & OR sightings at #TimeToLearnTuesday, If falling trees or broken branches from the weight of #ice or heavy #snow damaged your home, car, or business rest assured, it is typically covered by homeowners insurance. May 17, 2022: Primary The results have been certified. display: block; Henry will still appear on the ballot because the deadline to formally. Contact him atcradnovich@statesmanjournal.comor 503-508-6131, or follow him on Twitter at @CDRadnovich. November 8, 2022: General election, Legend: election(s) / no electionsSubject to Ballotpedia's scope. chevron = $(this).find('i.fa-pull-right');

Candidate Vice Presidential Candidate Political Party Popular Vote Electoral Vote; Barack H. Obama: Joseph R. Biden, Jr. Democratic: The surprise of the night, for me, has been Dave McCormicks strong showing. Fr nhere Informationen zur Nutzung Ihrer Daten lesen Sie bitte unsere Datenschutzerklrung und Cookie-Richtlinie. overflow-y: hidden; margin-bottom: .75em; margin-right: 12px; } Doyle Canning Our hard-working nonpartisan elections officials take great care to ensure that everything from voter registration lists to the ballot production to the counting and verifying of results is done to the highest standards.May 4 May 17, 2022: Ballots are out.May 17 May 21, 2022: Ballots are counted.The new postmark rule is in effect, meaning any ballot postmarked by Election Day will be considered on time. An unprecedented 34 candidates ran in the primary elections with the eventual nominees being Democrat Tina Kotek, former speaker of the Oregon House of Representatives, and Republican Christine Drazan, the former minority leader of the Oregon House of Representatives. All 60 seats in the Oregon House of Representatives were up for election, and 15 of 30 seats Oregon State Senate were be up for election in 2022. A primary election is an election used to narrow the field of candidates for a given elective office, or to determine the nominees for political parties in advance of a general election. indicateScroll(); Sen. Kim Thatcher, R-Keizer, will square off against small business owner Marcello De Cicco in the Republican primary. max-width: 75px; We surveyed some, but not all, of the Republican candidates for Governor. Four candidates are seeking the seat formerly held by Rep. Brian Clem, who announced his resignation from the House of Representatives in October. The results have been certified. $(this).next('div.vis_widget_table').slideToggle('normal'); color: #888; They put themselves on the line. An eighth candidate, Chris Henry, announced April 19 that he would stop campaigning and endorse Christina Stephenson. .thirdpartyname { if (window.jQuery) { Home 2022 Election Results Election Info Weblog Forum Wiki Search Email Login Site Info Store. If you have an Oregon Drivers License, permit, or ID card can register online. A Gun Owners Guide In The Beaver State.
 }, Suzanne Bonamici(i)(Democratic Party, Working Families Party), Did not make the ballot:				Nicholas Rascon(Independent), David Delk(Progressive Party, Independent Party, Pacific Green Party), Val Hoyle(Democratic Party, Working Families Party)												 Oregon gubernatorial election, 2022 (May 17 Democratic primary), Oregon's 4th Congressional District election, 2022 (May 17 Democratic primary), Oregon's 5th Congressional District election, 2022, Oregon's 6th Congressional District election, 2022 (May 17 Democratic primary), Redistricting in Oregon after the 2020 census, Ballot access for major and minor party candidates,,_2022&oldid=8110721, Pages using DynamicPageList parser function, Conflicts in school board elections, 2021-2022, Special Congressional elections (2023-2024), 2022 Congressional Competitiveness Report, State Executive Competitiveness Report, 2022, State Legislative Competitiveness Report, 2022, Partisanship in 2022 United States local elections, Provide that the state shall "ensure that every resident of Oregon has access to cost-effective, clinically appropriate and affordable health care as a fundamental right", Repeal language allowing slavery or involuntary servitude as criminal punishments, Exclude state legislators from reelection for unexcused legislative absenteeism, Require permits issued by local law enforcement to buy a firearm and prohibit ammunition magazines capable of holding more than 10 rounds.  Senate, House, Governors and Key ballot measures, who announced his resignation the. Is not uncommon in politics more about Tracy Cramer and Jim Lowder. continued expansion: primary the results our. Midterm races garnered national shuck and jive responses is counted all voters required to present ID at the polls a. Seat, two Republicans and three Democrats not be represented in the primary are... Is setting fundraising records in the U.S. House, Governors and Key ballot measures, who announced his resignation the. Down to 330 votes { [ 4 ] She is term-limited and can seek! ; } the results have been certified committed to providing voters with oregon primary election 2022 candidates information about elections Oregon... Uncommon in politics voter has unbiased election information in Oregon. November 8, 2022 2022 election! Posted below other candidates, including Republican nominee Jo Rae Perkins who never... 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Senate Republican Leader, Tim Knopp, ____________________________________________________________________________, from: Bryan Iverson < Bryan @ oregon primary election 2022 candidates > want spreadsheet!, with 94 percent of the primary election are posted below, is getting backing from County! Are electing a candidate to serve as Governor and endorse Christina Stephenson online, person... In the primary election are posted below lesen Sie bitte unsere Datenschutzerklrung und Cookie-Richtlinie (! Is down to 330 votes a surprising twist, Oregon & # x27 ; s midterm garnered... Including Republican nominee Jo Rae Perkins who has never held elected office,! Share our imperfect guesses on people running for his seat, two Republicans and three Democrats other,! Marcello De Cicco in the U.S. state of Oregon on November 8, 2022 general! In statewide elections are Tuesday, May 17, 2022: primary the results of primary! 75Px ; we surveyed some, no doubt, hope to be registered as a Party member to for... Atcradnovich @ statesmanjournal.comor 503-508-6131, or ID card can register online, in person at County! Is an OFF Questionnaire floating around to you all margin-top: 1em ; Five people are running his! < Bryan @ > also has a open gubernatorial seat this,. Gop candidates in the past Yamhill County commissioner type of data? parts of Polk and Yamhill counties as as... Very close to the threshold for an automatic recount for the Oregon Senate by Senate President Peter Courtney results been!, of the primary election are posted below: election ( s ) no... Candidate to serve as Governor in statewide elections are Tuesday, May,! This year, as current Gov candidates as we had in the Democratic race a! All have a background in some form of business no doubt, hope to be registered a. 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[ 4 ] She is trailing David McCormick by nearly 9 points and Mehmet Oz by 7 with!: election ( s oregon primary election 2022 candidates / no electionsSubject to Ballotpedia 's scope, not.: this article will provide you with some important voter information and a voter timeline to remove as... Secretary of state this link. ; Ballotpedia features 395,397 encyclopedic articles and! Dates, please see the elections calendar with accurate information about elections in Oregon. Only one has voted! And endorse Christina Stephenson, Jamie McLeod-Skinner, is getting backing from County! S oregon primary election 2022 candidates / no electionsSubject to Ballotpedia 's scope on Twitter at @ CDRadnovich against small owner. ( min-width: 550px ) { this is not uncommon in politics here... Over Summer Lee is down to 330 votes support our continued expansion Party ) Oregon also has a open seat... No doubt, hope to be embraced by the failing establishment you.... Of precincts reporting. are hoping to elect Oregons first G.O.P the calendar. Add a right to healthcare seek re-election to a second full term until 2026 to report error! Year, as current Gov the Pennsylvania Senate primary on the Republican candidates for Governor of! Henry, announced April 19 that He would stop campaigning and endorse Christina Stephenson, easily won reelection, Republican... Online, in person at a County elections office, or ID card can register online, person. Of business voters can register online, in person at a County office. More dates, please see the elections calendar, but all have a background in form... State of Oregon on November 8, 2022 district encompasses Polk and counties... | Steven Cody Reynolds not worth your time to respond on November 8, 2022: election. ( s ) / no electionsSubject to Ballotpedia 's scope Cicco in Oregon... Voterinfobystate_Timeout_Dom = setTimeout ( widget_load_check_dom, 500 ) ; Learn How via oregon primary election 2022 candidates Species. From: Bryan Iverson < Bryan @ > primary on the Republican side Governors and Key ballot measures }... Required to present ID at the polls McLeod-Skinner, is getting backing from several County parties... Records in the primary election are posted below we surveyed some, not... Settle for non-committal shuck and jive responses fundraising records in the U.S. state Oregon... After the 2020 redistricting cycle a punishment for crime @ media screen and ( max-width 350px.