It can be expressed as the dried blood found in stool, very dark urine, serious fevers caused by malaria, or, more abstractly, as constipation, bloating, and arthritis. So Hamlet wasnt always so miserable; something happened to change his temperament. In other words, no drinking, no heavy fatty foods and more exercise what any doctor today would recommend. An excess of any humor was also associated with a number of other factors. The four humors are blood, phlegm, yellow bile, and black bile. Until the 19th century, humorism dominated medical practice, with medical professionals ascribing most health . Now of historic interest, the Four Humours may be evoked or listed as part of a non-mainstream therapeutic philosophy or system . No character in all Shakespeare is more evenly balanced, and no mind more capable of seeing things in all their bearings. If Hamlet does not really go mad under his unparalleled griefs and burdens it is because under all circumstances his grim and tragic humor holds evenly the balance of his mind. 20 Aug. 2009. As a member, you'll also get unlimited access to over 84,000 succeed. Nervine, carminative, and antispasmodic herbs, including lemon balm (. ) You can unsubscribe at any time using links in the emails you receive. Jones, Trans.). Hamlet's stubbornness is one of the survival tactics he has developed to counter his own reluctance to kill Claudius.
New York, NY: W.W. Norton. Hamlet is arguably the most famous literary melancholic, demonstrating an excess of black bile - one of the four humours thought to govern bodies in Shakespeare's time. Falstaffs phlegmatic temperament makes him gorge on sack (wine) and capons (castrated cockerel, fattened for eating) all night and sleep all day, which builds up more and more phlegm and makes him even more thick and self-indulgent. Discover humorism and the four humors written about by Hippocrates during Greek times. Badger, 1916. Pray you, love, remember. A contemporary of Socrates (470BC - 399BC), mentioned in the writings of Plato (428BC - 348BC) and Aristotle (384BC - 322BC). These humors represented different aspects of a human, connected to the four elements (wind, air, earth and fire) and the four seasons (spring, summer, fall and winter). For black bile was a medical concept, one of the four bodily humours or fluids that coursed through the organism and determined its constitution, and . If blood dominates, you will have a sanguine temperament; yellow bile makes you choleric; black bile melancholic; and phlegm leads you to being phlegmatic. 1. It reflects the principle of digestion and transformation. Especially serious cases were thought to be possessed by demons or the devil; that called for a very different kind of treatment. ), "Even in dying," as Sir Herbert Tree says, "he breaks into a sweet irony of humor, in meeting the 'fell serjeant death.' Please simply create an account before buying/booking any courses. +44 (0)20 7611, Except where otherwise noted, content on this site is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International Licence, show credit information for image 'Figure representing one of the four temperaments', show credit information for image 'Kemble in the role of Hamlet', show credit information for image 'Groer Mariazeller Wunderaltar von 1519', show credit information for image 'Man working with plants', Figure representing one of the four temperaments, Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0), Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International Licence. Blood represents cheer and courage, phlegm represents apathy, yellow bile represents anger, and black bile represents melancholy. When these unconscionable spies come to him to inquire what he had done with the dead body of Polonius, he first answers: "Compounded it with dust, whereto 't is kin." Principles of treatment [Blog Post]. Essentially, it posited that certain bodily fluids must remain in balance within an individual, and that an imbalance of these fluids could cause illness or other problems. For instance, blood was associated with heat and wetness. The four humors. Hamlet's Relationship with the Ghost
Phlegm. Devin has taught psychology and has a master's degree in clinical forensic psychology. The four major fluids in the bodyyellow bile, phlegm, black bile and bloodwhich the Greeks believed corresponded to the four elementsfire, water, earth and airin the universe. He believed that a humoral imbalance could result in illness. The four elements, which constituted the fundamental building blocks of the 'macrocosm' or 'greater world' of the sublunar sphere, corresponded closely to the four humours of the 'microcosm' or 'lesser world' of the human body.. Each of the humours originated in a different bodily organ.The harmonious balance of these four humours produced health in the body: illness resulted when this balance . The people of Shakespeare's time did not think about physical or mental health the way modern doctors and scientists do. In some of the most tragic moments of his career he has the sanity to play with his tormentors and with the sad conditions of his life. Hamlet's Antic Disposition: Is Hamlet's Madness Real? In our role as herbalists to support the body using natures gifts, may we remember the wisdom given to us by our ancestral teachers. Humoral theory is a long-since debunked medical theory that was popular in many parts of the world for millennia. Early in the play we learn that the young prince has gone through some kind of recent transformation. Centaury. So the play itself is very close to the ideal humoral balance. Often compared to sap in plants, blood is responsible for the foundation of life. A Greek-English lexicon. . Choleric people were quick to anger and highly irritable. - Definition & Examples, Public Broadcast Service (PBS): Definition, Origin & Funding, Satellite Television: Definition & History, Microcasting: Definition, Example & Impact, Communications Act of 1934: Purpose & Impact, Working Scholars Bringing Tuition-Free College to the Community. Shakespeare was too
Sanguine: optimistic even in difficult circumstances, characterizations of conditions and temperaments resemble the Ayurvedic doshas of p, , which some scholars suggest were influenced by the theory of humours. Shakespeare Online. (Original work published ca. The principles governing the 'microcosm' or 'lesser world' of the human body are drawn directly from the fundamental building blocks of the 'macrocosm' or 'greater world' within the sublunar sphere. King Henry IV is melancholic and despondent. We use a third party provider, dotdigital, to deliver our newsletters. You can unsubscribe at any time using links in the emails you receive. The four humors are black bile, yellow bile, phlegm, and blood. , the element of water (cold and moist), includes all clear fluids of the body, such as mucus, plasma, and lymph. I knew him, Horatio; a fellow of infinite jest, of most excellent fancy." Ageing was in itself seen as a process of gradual drying of the flesh and cooling of bodily humours. Herbs that support this imbalance include pungent, stimulating, and aromatic herbs, such fenugreek (Trigonella foenum-graecum), bay laurel(Laurus nobilis),fir(Picea abies),thyme(Thymus vulgaris),and hyssop(Hyssopus officinalis) (Osborn, 2015). Although hes young, he still ticks all the boxes. In Hamlets case the black costume he traditionally wears is also mourning dress: his father the king has recently died. And there is pansies, thats for thoughts Theres fennel for you, and columbines. Words by Nelly EkstrmAverage reading time 4 minutes 11 December 2016 Article The humours would be commonly practiced for 2,500 years and would later be revived by Greek physician and philosopher Galen (130-210 AD), who greatly emphasized their validity in his extensive writings, thus establishing them as a dominant practice well into the Middle Ages (McKeown, 2017). 1) Heat and moisture was the most suitable for the preservation of health.
One indication that the humours were well-known in the Middle Ages can be seen in a quote from Shakespeare`sJulius Caesar(IV, 3) when Brutus exclaims to Cassius: Must I give way and room to your rash choler? What is the humoral theory. One play really stands out when it comes to the subject of humours. The fact that their actions might be the cause of it is a reminder of their own dark deeds, so they are very happy to discover that Hamlets melancholia might actually be caused by his love for Ophelia rather than by grief over his fathers death and his mother marrying his uncle. Nervine, carminative, and antispasmodic herbs, including lemon balm (Melissa officinalis), rosemary (Rosmarinus officinalis), and lavender(Lavandula officinalis) balance these conditions. x-axis (vertical): Introversion - Extraversion scale. Poor Hamlet, too much humor had'st thou for this harsh world!" 4. Severe melancholia, what today would probably be called clinical depression, is also the most frequently mentioned mental illness in Elizabethan literature. It crops out at every turn, and indicates the essential soundness of his mind. Thus, to be an effective herbalist meant understanding imbalances in the context of a persons individual experience in their natural setting. Hippocrates, Galen & The Four Humours. ), who greatly emphasized their validity in his extensive writings, thus establishing them as a dominant practice well into the Middle Ages (McKeown, 2017). The bodys supply of blood diminishes as you approach the final coldness and dryness of death, so it was seen as a part of life to grow a bit melancholic towards the end of your life (see Henry IV, Shylock and King Lear). Sasha Blakeley has a Bachelor's in English Literature from McGill University and a TEFL certification. Blood. Badger, 1916. By now its probably clear that melancholia was the least valued of the four temperaments.
It is very likely that Shakespeare created these humoral parallels deliberately, as he would have been very familiar with the kinds of personalities and treatments delineated by humoral theory. The four seasons, the four elements and the four humors were all related. Having too much of this dark, dull substance in your body would make you as dark and dull in body and mind as the humour itself. Yellow bile, supposedly produced in the liver, was also called ''choler.''
The Elder Hamlet: The Kingship of Hamlet's Father
Elizabethans believed that the balance of the four humors would keep them healthy. Another strong example of the use of humoral theory in Shakespeare's work is in Henry IV parts one and two. The four humours were literally bodily fluids, but were associated with personality traits, which is why we still talk about someone being "good-humoured." Perfect physical and mental health would occur if the various humours were balanced, meaning that they were in the proper proportion in the body. The humours would be commonly practiced for 2,500 years and would later be revived by Greek physician and philosopher Galen (130-210. The point of humoral theory was that it gave a reason for ailments not clearly understood. Hippocrates' temperamental approach draws striking similarities to the Kiersey temperaments, Jungian types, DISC, as well as Socionics. y-axis (horizontal): Thinking - Feeling scale.
Drawing, c.1793. This is the humour of regeneration and is supported by herbs that are either cooling and drying to help regulate blood, such as agrimony (Agrimonia spp. Phlegm, the element of water (cold and moist), includes all clear fluids of the body, such as mucus, plasma, and lymph. Specifically, the Four Humors were: black bile, while was associated with the Melancholic person; yellow bile, which was associated with the Choleric person; blood, which was associated with the Sanguine person; and phlegm, which was associated with the phlegmatic person. In dealing with the present topic I find myself greatly indebted to this lecture by the distinguished actor and critic. The four temperament theory is a proto-psychological theory which suggests that there are four fundamental personality types: sanguine, choleric, melancholic, and phlegmatic. , the element of air (hot and moist), is the vital force of the body and the very essence of youth and health. Hamlet is a play. Those unions result in the four humors: 1) melancholic. Sanity is humor." Woodcut of two men drinking, over-consuming and vomiting. King Henry IV himself is melancholic, Prince Hal sanguine, Sir Harry Hotspur choleric and the knight Sir John Falstaff is phlegmatic. By Erika Mills ~ English poet and playwright William Shakespeare (1564-1616) created characters that are among the richest and most recognizable in all of literature. In ancient Greece, Hippocrates wrote about the humors in conjunction with various diseases. Quotations from Hamlet (with commentary)
Representation of the melancholic temperament; an old man reading a book and holding a bag of earth, with a mourning dove sitting on his head. As I mentioned in the previous episode of this blog series, the humoral theory is a holistic approach to medicine and the body. one that would circumvent God, might it not?" She has been teaching English in Canada and Taiwan for seven years. Create your account. Articulate and analyze the dramatic plot structure of Shakespeare's works. These 'humours' were thought to be created in the liver and transported through the body through the blood stream. Instead of seeking cures from gods and goddesses, who were often blamed for illness and to whom the sick begged for forgiveness, people began focusing more on medicine, philosophy, and the natural sciences for greater understanding of how the body worked. spacious in the possession of dirt." 109 0 obj
This explains the Hippocratic . Hippocratic method and the four humors [Blog Post]. The phlegmatic and sanguine temperaments have a lot in common. What a person ate was thought to change the balance of these humors, and even specific flavors were thought to influence humors. According to humoralism, four bodily fluidsblood, yellow bile, black bile, and phlegmdetermined a person's temperament and an imbalance led to certain sicknesses dependent upon which humors were in excess or deficit. mock your grinning? . These four humours, from the Greek word. Equally important is understanding and recognizing the contributions of ancient Greek herbalism, namely the four humours. Melancholy could also be treated through purging, which generally involved the use of laxatives. What matters is that we understand history as the foundation of our modern practices and find the inspiration we need to understand the complexities of health. These humours were thought to be connected to different organs inside the body; to the four elements of earth, water, fire and air; and even to the movements of the stars in the sky.
A healthy balance of this humour is thought to ensure appreciation of the arts and thoughtful introspection. This
The four humors were thought to be sanguine (blood), choleric (yellow bile), melancholic (black bile), and phlegmatic (phlegm) and their composition within the body was considered to determine. His clothing is grey and black, and very drab, while Rosalind and Celia are in contrasting bright colors and textures. Treatment for phlegmatic personalities included avoiding foods thought to be insipid or flavorless, including cucumber, lettuce, and fish, and instead eating choleric foods like capers, olives, garlic, onions, parsley, and other bitter and salty foods. These four humours, from the Greek word chymos or bodily fluid, helped ancient healers effectively explain disease and help those seeking medical treatment with appropriate recommendations, becoming a practice that would survive well into the Middle Ages (Galen, 165-175/2003). Hamlet as National Hero
Diet, age, gender, and the time of year were all thought to play an important role in humoral balances. (Original work published ca. It referred to the four fluids thought to be present in the human body: blood, yellow bile, black bile, and phlegm. Retrieved from, (O. Powell, Trans.). Principles of treatment [Blog Post]. Posts. hbbd```b``{A$G9d"&"A qTI 9l!9$'``]`Jim10l0 w
Black bile was associated with a melancholy temperament. Black bile, the humour that dominated this temperament, was connected to the cold and dry element earth, to old age, and all things dying and rotting. %%EOF
These humours in turn were composed of four qualities (hot, dry, cold and . For information about how we handle your data, please read our privacy notice. ), stinging nettle (Urtica dioicia), and yarrow (Achillea Millefoliium), or herbs that are warming and moistening to nourish and increase blood flow, such as linden (Tilia), chamomile (Matricaria chamomilla), and hawthorn (Crataegus spp.). But the Prince, who is honest and good-hearted due to his sanguine temperament, knows that he has to mend his ways in order to be worthy of the crown and he eventually leaves the bad influence of Falstaff behind. By this time, the Renaissance had spread to other European countries, and ideas about our ability to fully understand the human experience became more skeptical. On
Blank Verse and Diction in Shakespeare's Hamlet
Vomiting was also thought to help purge phlegm to restore balance to patients. There are many famous melancholics - the author of Ecclesiastes was one, so was Hamlet (Shakespeare probably had read an . The phrase "melancholy Dane" has become a cliche when it comes to describing our prince, Hamlet. They were the centerpiece of a medical theory called humorism, proposed by Hippocrates in the fourth century BCE. Loeb Classical Library. Hamlet addresses frailty as though speaking to a human being. Melancholy individuals were thought to be excessively sad and sullen, possibly a description of what is now known as depression. The link between the three philosophies and the three higher faculties is nowhere more evident than in the reliance of the four humours of Galenic medicine on the four elements of Aristotelian physics. The theory of the four humours informed many of Shakespeare's best-known characters, including the phlegmatic Falstaff. The four main characters of the two plays each represent one of the four temperaments. If the humours were in balance, then the body was in health. Its a choice that has to be made in every production of it: how mad is he really? The Roman philosopher and physician Claudius Galen formulated a concept of personality types based on the ancient Greek theory of humorism, which attempted to explain the workings of the human body. What were the humours according to the Theory of the Four Humours? Hippocratic method and the four humors [Blog Post]. Lived on the island of Kos (Cos) and his . Shakespeare and the four humours Blood, phlegm, black bile and yellow bile: the body's four humours were believed to control your personality in Shakespeare's day and influenced the way the Bard created some of his most famous characters. For example, in a 1964 episode of Bewitched, Samantha tells her husband, "Vanity, they name is human." In the animated TV show The Simpsons, Bart exclaims, "Comedy, thy name is Krusty." His world is vast. Air was the most important humor because it corresponded with blood. Hamlet's Silence
The treatment would have been mainly bloodletting, leeching and a special diet to restore the humours to normal levels. Understanding the four humours that Hippocrates developed thousands of years ago.
All rights reserved. The Hamlet and Ophelia Subplot
Humors, Madness, and "Hamlet". He has got far too much phlegm in him, and there are many references to his unattractiveness. It is fascinating to recognize that during Hippocrates lifetime in the 4th century BCE, a major cultural shift was taking place in ancient Greece. A quick glance at Google's Ngram application shows the first usages of the phrase come from the 1830's; then there's a dormancy period, followed by a slightly larger spike in the 1850's, with the phrase really taking off in the 1870's and hitting twin peaks in 1909 and 1922 with a . Nelly Ekstrm is a Visitor Experience Assistant, bringing the galleries and exhibitions to life.
In addition to age, gender, diet, and a host of other factors, humors were even thought to be connected to appearance. Boston R.G. We use a third party provider, dotdigital, to deliver our newsletters. Find out more in the Living with Buildings exhibition. Humoral theory meant that the effect of an imbalance of the humors would cause predictable changes in a person's behavior and health. In the graveyard over the skulls he is sardonic and pathetic, and over Yorick's he is melancholy. As Sir Herbert Tree has recently said: "But for humor he should go mad. To cure an imbalance of yellow bile, patients were sometimes told to starve themselves. It was the dominant medical theory of the Medieval period. and will not tell him of his action of battery?" FOOTNOTE 1: Humor in Tragedy, by Sir Herbert Tree. Each humor was associated with one of four qualities of matter: yellow bile with heat, blood with dryness, phlegm with moisture, and black bile with cold. The Significance of the Ghost in Armor
Disease - whether malaria or cancer or epilepsy - was a skid along a slippery continuum. There were four humours. From Hamlet, an ideal prince, and other essays in Shakesperean interpretation: Hamlet; Merchant of Venice; Othello; King Lear by Alexander W. Crawford. Drawing, c.1793.'. Hamlet's Antic Disposition: Is Hamlet's Madness Real? The first words Hamlet sighs forth are in the nature
Black bile was connected to the element earth, and the word earth is mentioned a lot in Hamlet. It is this exuberant humor that reveals beyond doubt Hamlet's fundamental sanity. Unless hours were cups of sack, and minutes capons, and clocks the tongues of bawds, and dials the signs of leaping houses, and the blessed sun himself a fair hot wench in flame-coloured taffeta, I see no reason why thou shouldst be so superfluous to demand the time of day.. Of the four humors of the body, blood was generally thought to be the most prevalent and the most important. Most people would have relied on traditional remedies made out of what they could pick in the forest or grow themselves. In Shakespeares day, only very wealthy people could afford a doctor and the medicines or treatments he would recommend. These four humours are best described as semi-imaginary. This idea dates back to ancient Greece, where the body was seen more or less as a shell containing four different humours, or fluids: blood, phlegm, black bile and yellow bile. Here is the humor of tragedy with a vengeance. Speaking of the king, Hamlet's humor
Today, this Shakespeare quote is often adapted for humorous effect. The physic garden or patch, would be as important to the household as the kitchen garden, and it was common knowledge how these plants and herbs were used. The temperament is melancholy from / melas, black and / khol, bile, or the feeling of pensive sadness (Liddell et al., 1940). (III. Melancholics therefore make good scholars, which Hamlet also is (he has just returned from the university in Wittenberg). * It is the work of Polybus, Hippocrates' student and son-in-law. 83-99. Words by Nelly Ekstrmaverage reading time 6 minutes 16 December 2016 The Elizabethan melancholic He has given Hamlet nearly all varieties of humor, from the playful to the sardonic. The amount of blood an individual had depended on their gender, age, diet, and health, as well as the time of year and other factors. A person with this kind of temperament was not seen as productive and active in society like the warm-blooded sanguines and cholerics were. He first
Choler refers to anger, a characteristic of yellow bile when out of balance in the body.
At the beginning of a play, the heroes and heroines all have an excess, in differing amounts, of one of the humours. The same eminent critic asserts that, "If the quality of humor is important in comedy, it is, I venture to say, yet more important, in tragedy, whether it be in the tragedy of life or in the tragedy of the theatre." Yellow bile, the element of fire (hot and dry), flushes out impurities and deeply nourishes the body. Not one now, to
Liddell, H.G., Scott, R., Jones, H.S., & McKenzie, R. (1940). IT . Choler was much more acceptable in men than in women, which is part of why Kate has to be ''tamed'' over the course of the play. English Review, November, 1916. Words by Nelly Ekstrmaverage reading time 4 minutes 11 December 2016. Cambridge, England: Cambridge University Press. Suitable for use with AQA GCSE History: Health and the People: c1000 to the Present DayThis video explores the importance of Galen's Theory of the Four Humo. Humors written about by Hippocrates in the emails you receive liver, was also called ``.. A medical theory called humorism, proposed by Hippocrates in the body flesh cooling... Very drab, while Rosalind and Celia are in contrasting bright colors and textures out in! Bringing the galleries and exhibitions to life balance in the play we learn that the effect of an imbalance yellow! Introversion - Extraversion scale what a person ate was thought to be in. 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