Little Ash Lake stocked a total of 18 10lb rainbow, last on December 12th, 2022. Black crappie Your best bet is along the lakes western shore, where the bottom drops steeply from 20 to well over 100 feet. At first he thought the fish was a big walleye. If the trout arent biting, Spinelli said it may be worthwhile to cast a line for bass or perch. 14 different lakes. Both steelhead and rainbow trout start out their lives in much the same way. Its probably the most likely place in Washington to catch kokanee salmon that cross the elusive 20-inch mark. The average price for a private, polar bears will readily scavenge on marine mammal carcasses. For starters, Fort Borst Park Pond and South Lewis Park Pond are both . The lakes and rivers weve already mentioned have typical stocked and native rainbows, but WDFW also plants some lakes with triploid rainbow trout, especially in east of the Cascade Mountains. Spokane area anglers should also keep an eye on Chapman Lake. Offering a somewhat underrated kokanee fishery close to home for Puget Sound residents, Lake Stevens is a 1,000-acre lake in Snohomish County. Its actually a subspecies of the rainbow trout adapted for extreme mountain conditions. The Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife stocks fish in lakes and streams around the state. Winter and summer steelhead smolt stocking You can get one online at, by telephone at 1-866-246-9453 or at dealers around the state. While its not stocked with hatchery-reared trout , Lake Washington supports a huge population of resident coastal cutthroat trout, some of which also move in and out of the Cedar River, a tributary stream on the south end known for excellent fly fishing. The famous Lake Chelan in recent years has been stocked with generous numbers of these cutthroat trout, and cutthroat of excellent size are being caught. The best kokanee fishing on Lake Chelan is typically from mid-April through the end of June, but some of the biggest fish tend to be caught a bit later in the summer. You often can spot schools of kokanee using a depth finder, so most frequent kokanee catchers have electronics onboard. It can also be a lot of fun to switch to jigging once you locate a solid school of kokanee. The lakes in this first section are places where youre very likely to do well dunking some bait such as a nightcrawler or PowerBait, trolling around with some pop gear like flashers ahead of a Wedding Ring lure, or sometimes casting lures or flies. Rock Lake is situated one hour south of Spokane. Spanning over 33,000 acres in Chelan County, it also happens to be Washingtons largest natural lake. If youre out after 18-inch brutes but dont mind slower days, wait until August and plan to fish deeper. Lakes with generally modest populations of lake trout include a few in the high Cascades of Western Washington, including neighboring Bear and Snoqualmie lakes in the high mountains of eastern King County and Wallace Lake in Snohomish County. Horsethief Lake stocked a total of 27 10lb rainbow, last on January 3rd, 2023. A full list of participating lakes is available at Just like the Yakima, this, in turn, produces some giant trout as they have a reliable food source and plenty of space to grow. Where is the best salmon fishing in Washington State? Their preferred habitat is deep, cold water lakes and reservoirs. Be sure to read up on the fishing rules and limit your harvest of native trout where allowed. The warmer it gets, the more fishing pressure from other anglers, the thicker the grass and brush surrounding their habitats and the lower the water levels. The department stocked 24 lakes this past week, including a number of local lakes. This cookie is set by GDPR Cookie Consent plugin. Appointed by President Biden, Kendee Yamaguchi will work in the U.S. Department of Commerce, overseeing trade professionals. Its definitely our top choice if you are hoping to boat a big mack. Some of the lakes recently stocked include Island Lake in Kitsap County; Island, Lost, Nahwatzel, and Spencer lakes in Mason County; Lake Sylvia in Grays Harbor County; and Gibbs, Teal and Leland lakes in Jefferson County. She settled with the city this month. What Is The Most Versatile Type Of Fishing Rod? The Department of Fish and Wildlife stocked more than 16 million trout in state waterways this year. Coastal cutthroats include resident forms that remain in freshwater streams and lakes their entire lives, and a searun version that has a lifecycle resembling a steelhead. But theres a great under-the-radar kokanee fishery here as well. That depth keeps the water cold year-round and makes Lake Chelan an absolutely perfect place for kokanee to call home. The trout are big, too, with some of them reaching lengths of 15 or 16 inches. Residents and non-residents alike must have a license to fish or shellfish in Washington waters Everyone age 15 and older needs a fishing license. There are 5- to 10-pound rainbow trout here too, and one might surprise you by grabbing your lure. Its usually not too hard to stock up on 11- to 13-inch kokanee, especially in May and June. Its common to find kokanee bunching up around creek mouths as summer turns to fall. Theres a solid late winter/early spring koke season here too. The prime fishing season at these mountain reservoirs is a little later here than in many lakes, and Kachess and Keechelus are better known for numbers of kokanee than size of fish. More than 16 million trout and kokanee were added to lakes and streams during the Washington Department of Fish and Wildlifes year-round stocking. The rivers temperature can vary from temperate in the shallows to near-freezing in open water. Kachess Lake and Keechelus Lake are also great kokanee fishing destinations, and despite the seemingly remote landscape that surrounds them, both are located a stones throw from I-90 downhill from Snoqualmie Pass. Brown bullheads are the most common. OLYMPIA Forget about standing in lines on the day after Thanksgiving this year, and think instead about casting a line in one of the many lakes the Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife (WDFW) is still stocking this November. In each case, the response is similar: alligators require tropical and warm environments. You could call it a kokanee craze. courtesy of WDFW. If youre looking for easy-to-catch trout limits, a good bet is to simply see where the Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife stocking trucks go. In Western Washington, literally hundreds of lakes are stocked with trout. The state-owned forest near Gold Bar was cut last year after a decade of debate. While Washingtons record is about half that worlds best size, a nearly 37-pound trout is nothing to sneeze about. Stocking: May 13, 2022 Rainbow 2500 @ 0.54lbs. This lake produced the state record 18-pound Lahontan. Besides the kokanee and trout, American Lake is a local favorite for bass and panfish fishing. if youre concerned about temperature drops in the water, be sure and bring an insulated swimming outfit, like a thermal , Know Where Youre Wading Scout Ahead. Please use the Table of Contents coming up in a few paragraphs to narrow down your searches. Every fall, WDFW stocks lakes across Washington with thousands of holiday special trout weighing up to three pounds and averaging 15 to 16 inches in length. Overall, American Lake follows a typical pattern when it comes to the size of the fish and the best season. Brightly colored spoons, spinners, jigs and squid-like lures called hoochies are the tools of the trade for experienced kokanee anglers. Lures or flies. Where is the best trout fishing in Washington State? California Golden Trout Distribution As a result of extensive pack train collection and stocking efforts over the last century, they can be found in nearby Cottonwood Lakes and Mulkey Creek, as well as several watersheds in the Sierra Nevada. Leaders. According to the Fishbase online database Rainbow trout inhabit water between 0 and 200m (656ft) The source of this maximum depth is from the Catalog of marine and freshwater fishes of the northern part of the Sea of Okhotsk. With their luminous silver coloration and pan-sized dimensions, kokanee salmon are sometimes referred to as silver trout, but they are indeed a salmon. Three-wheeled wonder PEBL lands on the streets of Everett, Snow disrupts schools in Snohomish County; slushy weather to persist, Major Crimes Unit investigates fatal shooting on Highway 99, Smile Check offers free dental care for hundreds of kids who need it, Plan begins to replace failing street trees in Everett, Divisive bills on pursuits, gun purchases edge closer to House votes, You can tell us about news and ask us about our journalism by emailing, If you have an opinion you wish to share for publication, send a letter to the editor to. They are most often found in size #10-#12 sometimes even an #8 sized fly. Pierce County. Thats what opening day is about, its about having fun going fishing, Spinelli said. This is the largest natural lake in eastern Washington. Out of these, the cookies that are categorized as necessary are stored on your browser as they are essential for the working of basic functionalities of the website. The blog quickly gained a following, thanks to Brent's engaging writing style and extensive knowledge of the sport. Ian Davis-Leonard: 425-339-3448;; Twitter: @IanDavisLeonard. 18-inch kokes are possible in both lakes. Searun cutthroat are silvery when the first come back into rivers but take on more coloration after-acclimating to freshwater. The lake is 32.8 acres in size, with a maximum depth of 45 feet and an average depth of 22 feet. The Columbia River is renowned for its salmon and steelhead runs. Can you fish for trout all year-round in Washington? There arent usually many opportunities to catch kokanee from shore. See the latest stocking information for lakes around Washington. All fish stocking is done in a manner that is conducive to protecting native aquatic fauna. Born and raised in the Pacific Northwest, Brent grew up spending his summers out on the water, exploring the many rivers, streams, and lakes of the region. Native populations at Lake Whatcom have also been enhanced by major stocking operations. American Lake near Tacoma is the largest lake in Pierce County. Fish Lake, Leavenworth, WA. What lakes in Washington have tiger trout? Where is the biggest trout in Washington? We will never share your email with third parties or spam you. Look for venders at See the latest stocking information for lakes around Washington. Seumas Petrie is the world record holder, with a 44-pound, 5-inch brown trout that measured 38.58 inches long with a 34-inch girth. Search for stocked lakes near you by entering your zip code or address. But, they do feed predominantly near or just off the bottom. Some of the best coastal cutthroat trout fishing lakes include: Lake Washington, the mammoth natural lake between Seattle and Bellevue, produces some of the larger cutthroat trout around for those who learn the secrets. A lot of those fish end up in the bellies of Lake Whatcoms largemouth and smallmouth bassits also an excellent bass fishing lakebut plenty grow up to reach catchable size. Yellow perch Fingerling brook trout have been stocked since 1976, and fishing has been permitted since 1979. The cookie is set by the GDPR Cookie Consent plugin and is used to store whether or not user has consented to the use of cookies. Conventional wisdom suggests that late spring is the best time to catch trout, especially if youre looking for larger fish. The lake gets its name from the naturally occurring foam that gives its water a soapy appearance, and because the lakes mineral-rich waters have a slick, soapy feel. Westslope cutthroat trout This cookie is set by GDPR Cookie Consent plugin. Night fishing is allowed on Loon Lake, and fishing for kokanee after dark is popular among local anglers, many of whom jig with glow-in-the-dark jigs tipped with maggots. Two neighboring reservoirs along the North Fork Lewis River, Yale Lake and Lake Merwin both offer excellent fishing opportunities. Non-seagoing cutthroat trout in westside streams tend to run smaller than sea-runs and can be most densely populated in the upper watersheds. There is a primitive launch near the community of Seatons Grove, Washington near the east end of the reservoir Bridgeport State Park offers another boat launch on the west end of the reservoir near Chief Joseph Dam. The largest rainbow ever stocked is 10 lbs. In fact, the Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife has also stocked channel cats in dozens of lakes. They hatch out of eggs laid in freshwater streams, rivers, and lakes. . Start at the state park. Whats the biggest fish ever caught in Washington state? What Rod Does Andy Montgomery Use For Skipping? Shockingly deep, in fact. Enjoy several stocked lakes and privacy. Those ages 15 and older need to buy an annual fishing license. Trolling over deep water with hoochies can yield lots of 12- to 14-inch kokanee in summer. The fish hatchery on Lake Whatcom actually raises kokanee salmon for release in lakes all over the state, and theyve planted fingerlings in Lake Whatcom numbering in the millions. Most brook trout are considerably smaller than that, often in the pan-sized range that make an excellent meal, whether backpacking or driving up for the day. Get notified by email right after a lake near you has been stocked! Functional cookies help to perform certain functionalities like sharing the content of the website on social media platforms, collect feedbacks, and other third-party features. (The big lake remains a hot spot for kokanee and bass fishing, however.). But even on a so-called bad year, its not hard to catch your limit of 12- to 14-inch fish. Washington State Fishing Lake offers numerous camping areas along the east side of the lake. In north-central Washington, triploid brook trout are regularly stocked in a few lakes. The action on Lake Stevens heats up as the calendar turns to May, and stays strong well into summer. Rock Lake. I-82 Pond 4 stocked a total of 30 10lb rainbow, last on December 2nd, 2022. The WDFW stocks these fish abundantly every spring, but they are also self-sustaining, spawning in the lake's tributaries in fall. Soon, new trees will sprout in its place. See our privacy policy. New regulations posted in 2002 require release of all trout less than 10 inches. There are no fish in the lake, due to the high PH and mineral content. Bigger isnt always better, but for Washingtons longest river, it is. Simply use the links to go to articles with specific fishing information about individual lakes. What follows are our carefully curated selection of the very best kokanee lakes in Washington. They tend to run a little smaller in Yake Lake, but dont write off your chances of catching bigger fish. Use a live bait float to target the top half of the water column During the hot summer months, Trout are deeper and typically further from shore. The lures used to catch them arent usually intended to mimic their natural food, but rather to provoke a reaction strike from these naturally aggressive fish. Table of Contentsshow 1. The big lake whitefish is Washington State's first record catch of 2023. From the small haunts to the well-known spots, more information on the local stocking schedule can be found at Summer is the best time to be on Banks Lake chasing kokanee. German brown trout, have made their home in a fair number of Washingtons lakes and streams, thanks both to stocking programs and natural reproduction in some waters. Bobbers (or, floaters) Swivels, to keep fishing line from twisting. Where is the best fishing in Washington State? This is definitely a lake to keep an eye on and see if sizes increase in years ahead. If chasing rainbows, as they say, youll especially want to take a look at the Yakima River and Rocky Ford Creek in Central Washington are superb rainbow trout fisheries. Lake Merwin is a little larger at over 3,800 acres, and has been heavily stocked with kokanee by WDFW. The mouth of McAleer Creek is a good trolling area for cutthroat trout in spring months. Polar bears will also eat birds, fish, vegetation and, fishing licence. (Mike Benbow, file). Try tolling at about 1.4 to 1.6 mph, and dial it down if the fish seem to prefer a slower presentation. (How Deep Do They Feed?) The cookies is used to store the user consent for the cookies in the category "Necessary". Kokanee fishing on Lake Whatcom starts to get underway in April, and you can catch some right around the season opener. This comes on top of 915,000 planted . Omak Lake is twelve miles long with sandy beaches located on the southwest, northwest and northeast shores. There may be no other lake in Washington that more consistently produces big kokanee salmon than Lake Chelan. Visit WDFWs lowland lakes page for more information on these and hundreds of other lakes throughout the state. Brook trout are a popular and widely distributed game fish in Washington and although they are called a trout, they are actually a char, closely related to lake trout and bull trout rather than rainbow or cutthroat trout. Surrounded by the rugged tree-covered slopes of the Cascade Range, these two large reservoirsalong with their third neighbor, Cle Elum Lakeare simply breathtaking. Expect a boatload of fish in the 10 to 12 inch range, with a few in the 16 to 18 inch class. Need a fishing license? Merrill Lake (fly fishing) in Cowlitz County. With a year-round open fishing season, this mixed species fishery has a reputation of providing an excellent fishery for Rainbow and Brown Trout. Know when, how many, and how big fish are stocked. Kokanee Jigging can also be very productive for putting kokanee into the boat quickly, if you know what youre doing, and a few anglers tempt them still-fishing with bait. Trout can be found in Washington lakes and rivers year-round, with fishing season usually beginning around April and ending in the fall. Theyre most likely to come closer to the surface in spring and fall. But fishs stomachs are , Use large-sized baits such as dead bluegill, live chubs, water dogs, crayfish and frogs when seeking larger catfish. Depths from 15 to 40 feet are productive early in the season, but you may need to set your sites as deep as 60 feet in summer. At 1,486 feet, lake Chelan is the third-deepest lake in America, even deeper than the great lakes. April 20, 2022. The best-known Lahontan cutthroat trout fishery in Washington is Lake Lenore in Grant County. Other lakes that have been planted with Lahontan cutthroat trout in recent years include Sprague Lake in Adams and Lincoln counties and Grimes Lake in Douglas County. Trolling from Hunters to Whitestone Rock, and from Whitestone Rock to the dam, is a great way to get started. The best time to be on the water is in the morning. Lake Sacajawea stocked a total of 15 10lb rainbow, last on December 15th, 2022. Some of those stocked waters (many covered with in-depth articles) include: As mentioned, coastal cutthroat including the sea-run variety also are widely distributed in streams around Western Washington. Dozens of lakes, primarily on the west side of the state, will be or have already been stocked in the leadup to Black Friday on Nov. 25 this year. You can catch a lot of 8- to 12-inch kokanee in June and July, with size generally increasing as the season progresses. Maybe youd rather match the hatch on moving water? Largemouth bass That puts it a little off the radar, but the public can fish Omak Lake with a tribal permit. On average, Spinelli said 50% to 70% of tagged fish are caught each year. Potholes Reservoir. Lake trout like cold, deep lakes with abundant sources of food. Also, in a few select waters, Lahontan cutthroat trout that are native to inland areas of Nevada and California (notably Pyramid Lake in Nevada) are stocked in a handful of Washington waters that fit their unique needs. Most anglers employ trolling to find them, using downriggers or weight to get their baits and lures down to the appropriate depth. Fish Lake is one of the regions most popular fishing spots, catch your quota of brook trout, rainbow trout and tiger trout. Honestly, there are hundreds if not thousands of high lakes and streams with brook trout in them. As you explore, youll want to click the links in this article to discover more detailed information about places where you can catch your favorite type of trout, or where you can check off another less-common trout species from your bucket list. Kokanee typically measure 10 to 14 inches and weigh about a pound. We calculated the density of stocked fish per acre based amount of fish stocked in the last 12 months, divided by the acreage of the lake. The first step will be a demonstration planting Wednesday and Thursday on Colby Avenue. Advertisement cookies are used to provide visitors with relevant ads and marketing campaigns. WDFW also stocks brook trout in some waters, including some hatchery reared triploid brookies that, like triploid rainbows, are sterile and faster-growing than fertile trout. In north-central Washington, triploid brook trout, American Lake is 32.8 in. 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