In addition to regularly scheduled old electronics disposal events, there are other options that, although are not sponsored by the County, are suggestions for residents to consider. ontact Staples or est uy for recycling of computers and electronics other than televisions. Click to viewa list of local electronic recyclers. Home This Year's Recycling Locations and Shredder Events. We use some essential cookies to make this website work. In 2022 the event was held on Saturday, September 24"'at Delaware County Community College. 0000136432 00000 n
0000101682 00000 n
We provide bins or bags for general waste, depending on where you live. Add your zip code and find areas near you that will take your unused prescription drugs. Check what you can put in your rubbish bin. Site Map
#\+l~~/@jwaa.MPEho2?( Visit the link and schedule an appointment. There are drop-off locations in Montgomery County. Join our list for the latest community happenings! Please come back early in February to see the new event dates. While we finish building this new website, were keeping online application forms on our old council websites. All the events occur in the Philadelphia area, specifically in Montgomery County. 0000004259 00000 n
Recycling containers will look different depending on what type of property you live in: blue or blue lidded wheelie bin - if you live in a house; large communal recycling bins - if you live in a flat with shared bins; blue recycling sacks - for houses where a wheelie bin is not suitable Use this service if you need us to regularly collect garden waste like grass cuttings and leaves. Computers and any of their components cannot be put into the trash or put out with recyclables for curbside pickup. Computers and electronics must be taken to an electronics collection location for proper recycling. Email Us, Contact & Directory
0000000016 00000 n
Electronics will be recycled by eForce Compliance, a Philadelphia first Certified Responsible Recycler. Saturday, June 17, 2023Norristown Area High School, 1900 Eagle Drive, NorristownRegistration Link: Register at page. Your IP address is listed in our blacklist and blocked from completing this request. They do not accept TVs or monitors. #BeCommunityAction 2 0 obj
Bucks County Hazard Mitigation Plan (2021), Agriculture, Open Space, Natural Areas & Greenways, Bucks County Municipal Comprehensive Plans, Bucks County Planning Commission Newsletters, Bucks County Planning Commission Annual Reports, The Future of Bucks County's Fire Services, Neshaminy Greenway Trail II- Dark Hollow Park Updates, Delaware Valley Regional Planning Bike Stress Map, State Transportation Improvement Program Map, Upper Bucks Public Transportation Feasibility Study. Contact Shredit through this link to get a quote to shred your papers at a one-time or regularly scheduled service. Electronic wasterincludes any unwanted desktop computers, laptop computers, computer monitors, computer peripherals such as printers, external drives, fax machines, etc. 0000004725 00000 n
We provide a free and confidential household collection of domestic healthcare waste. Adding kitty litter or a commercial drying agent will speed up the drying process. Find out what household rubbish and recycling you can put in your bins and boxes. Electronics can also be taken to a Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection (DEP) permitted electronics recycling facility. We will be looking first at our Waste and Recycling webpages. 0000025635 00000 n
2023 Montgomery County PA Residential Events: <<<<< NOTE YOU MUST preregister for all the events. Phone: (215) 357-6800, Fax: (215) 357-1251Questions or comments? 0000006551 00000 n
The program and event list below is organized by county and operator or sponsor, the latter is usually a local municipality in which collection is performed. 582ed71d-754a-4a6f-8fae-c5fec6b7783c You may need to pay a fee for these services. Extra recycling we will not collect as not flattened and neatly presented. There are several businesses and charities that can reuse, repair or recycle household items. Start with your local municipality to see if they have events. trailer
If you are unsure whether you can bring an item please call first. <>
There is a company linked on the Montgomery County Pennsylvania website that will collect and recycle your clothing and electronics for FREE. PECO Energy Rebates for recycling older appliances, heaters, a/c, and refrigerators. Senator Steve Santarsiero will be hosting an Electronics Recycling & Food Drive at Central Bucks High School East on Sept. 24. If you have unwanted, unused makeup, there are several places to donate these items. 0000058753 00000 n
Birthday Parties. Hi, I'm Sabrina! Check out the Apple Trade-In page to recycle your Apple phone or other devices. We are currently looking for residents that would be interested in taking part in some user testing to help provide feedback on our website. Any questions regarding issues with trash, recycling or yard waste collection are to be directed to Waste Management at 1-800-255-8479. questions and answers, F.I.N.D.S. Tell us about a missed bin collection and rearrange your collection. 0000101106 00000 n
Electronics can also be taken to a Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection (DEP) permitted electronics recycling facility. Accepts gutters, siding, windows, doors, computer parts, cars, shelving, LCD monitors, tools and more Website Feedback, Disposal of Televisions, Computers, and Old Electronics, View all How do I? Fresh Produce. 0000085707 00000 n
As an Amazon Associate, I earn from qualifying purchases. Please enable scripts and reload this page. Find out about what user testing involves and sign up to join our website testing group. Recycling Act (DRA) to get old televisions and computers into the recycling stream because of the lead and other toxic materials they contain. All Data Media will be destroyed or wiped! Copyright 2011-2023 Sabrina's Organizing Blog content by Sabrina Morresi-Quairoli is licensed. cL~q:'p_Tpm_/Ji=3/[/&l~RC]3T8_/f v?hLNs
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ee7_9 "'f(j. The things they recycle: TV and video, computer and tablets, cellphones and radios, appliances, ink and toner, audio equipment, home equipment, music and movies, video games and gadgets, cameras and camcorders, and car audio video and GPS. See the Our community combines modern conveniences with a myriad of deluxe amenities. Events. <>
Find out what happens to the waste after it has been collected. Visit The Crayon Initiative to find out ways to get rid of unwanted crayons. Volunteer Fire Companies & Emergency Medical Services. Shredit, they have a drop-off shredder service; click here and enter your zip code to find the closest location to you. For IT asset disposal services, you can count on our professionals to responsibly recycle the equipment that is at the end of its life, making us one of the most trusted PA hard drive destruction companies around. 0000136554 00000 n
You may be trying to access this site from a secured browser on the server. His business is in the removal and disposal of refrigerants and equipment. 0000006053 00000 n
This has been modified in recent years. Below are various recycling events and locations and shredder events that will help you get rid of these items in the most environmentally friendly way. NORTHAMPTON COUNTY RECYCLING & HAZARDOUS WASTE EVENTS DEP maintains this list based on publicly available information and information submitted to the Department. Most municipal programs have residency requirements. April 2, 2022 Saturday Bucks Bucks County Community College, 275 Swamp Rd., Newtown April 2, 2022 Saturday Philadelphia Streets Dept . 0000113689 00000 n
Chester County Residents for 2023: Chester County Household Hazardous Waste Events >>> schedule an appointment is required. Find a . Most local grocery stores have them outside their front door. 0000003271 00000 n
4 0 obj
Disposing of Your Electronics: Perkasie business " PC Repair & Recycling " host regular events where they collect electronics items. You can request a new wheelie bin, recycling box if your bin or box has been: You can also ask for a larger bin if you live in a large household. The Cost is as follows: $30 per CRT, LCD, LED TV or computer monitor, $10 per air conditioner, dehumidifier, microwave, dorm-size refrigerator, $100 per wooden console or rear-projection TV. 1 0 obj
27 febrero, . If you have a large item such as a piece of furniture or a fridge you want to dispose of, we offer a chargeable collection service. <>/Metadata 172 0 R/ViewerPreferences 173 0 R/PageLabels 174 0 R>>
Keystone State. and televisions. stream
Help taking out your bins We provide a free assisted bin collection service if you need help. If you are in Montgomery County or surrounding areas, contact David A. York at Refrigerant-Recovery & Equipment Recycling Co. at 215-723-8219. Give feedback or report incidents with our waste or street cleaning crews. Check out our post about 15 Charitable Locations with a Cause. From 9 AM to 12 NOON at Sanatoga Ridge Community, 2461 E High St, Pottstown, PA, 19464, From 9 AM to 12 NOON at Penn Township Park, 260 Lewis Rd, West Grove, PA 19390. We provide residents with boxes and bins to help you recycle: paper, cardboard, mixed card and paper. Find out if your council collects recycling, and how to recycle household waste such as mobile phones, computers, packaging and green waste. 0000001612 00000 n
contact us. A 5-Star Experience, Love and Fun Included! Click here to view the 2022 Household Hazardous Waste Collection schedule. Click to viewa list of local electronic recyclers. Recycling is one of the easiest ways to help the environment. Visit the link and schedule an appointment. BUCKS COUNTY RECYCLING & HAZARDOUS WASTE EVENTS, MONTGOMERY COUNTY RECYCLING & HAZARDOUS WASTE EVENTS, HUNTERDON COUNTY All listed events are open to residents of Bucks, Chester, Delaware, and Montgomery Counties and . Select your local area to help us direct you to the right place: If are unsure what local area you are in 2021 Northampton Township. Organise a community litter pick, request a public litter bin or report discarded needles and syringes. We offer rubbish and recycling collections for schools. Type in what you want to recycle and your zip code. Check out the drug disposal information page for more details. Some commercial waste collectors and/or municipalities also operate curb-side collection programs, in which electronics can be left to the curb to be picked up like regular trash. We provide a free assisted bin collection service if you need help. PA 18954, Phone: (215) 357-6800 Fax: (215) 357-1251 However, by 2017, this law was ineffective due, in part, to the lack of reliable financial resources by . Buckman Iron & Metal, Coplay - 0000136744 00000 n
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Copyright 1999 2023 All rights reserved. It's important to note that items we recycle need to be clean.
This page gets updated when information is available, so return back each spring to check it out! There is a fee now to recycle tires from most locations. Electronic Drop-Off Locations in Montgomery County, PA: MONTGOMERY COUNTY PA HOUSEHOLD HAZWASTE RECYCLING LOCATIONS EVENTS, Shredder event for Perkiomen Township for Township Residents ONLY. 0
Great job taking action to clear your clutter AND taking care of our planet. For more information about recycling electronics in Pennsylvania, please visit DEP's website. If you have a question about household bin collections that is not answered on this page, you can contact us for help. 0000001762 00000 n
Visit the link and schedule an appointment. How to recycle food waste using our kerbside collection service. 0000001804 00000 n
23 0 obj
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08/2022 Habitat for humanity Upper ucks Area For program information and . We collect household rubbish every 2 weeks. Visit Recycle for Buckinghamshire to view recycling tips, find recycling points at supermarkets and learn how to reduce your waste. Saturday, May 6, 2023Oak Ridge Elementary School, 465 Moyer Road, HarleysvilleRegistration Link: Register at page. General waste needs to be presented by 6:30am on collection day. 0000061402 00000 n
Find your nearest recycling centre (tip), apply for a waste permit and learn about our facilities. Televisions, computers and old electronics may not be put out with your trash. 2022 Household Hazardous Waste Collection Events YARD WASTE 0000003682 00000 n
PAR Recycle Works offers environmentally responsible recycling services while providing life changing workforce training to formerly incarcerated individuals. Administration Building
Free Electronic Recycling Event on Saturday, April 24th from 10:00am - 2:00pm. 0000003134 00000 n
Household recycling. Televisions, computers and old electronics may not be put out with your trash. The event will be held from 10 AM to noon. Below is a listing of ongoing programs and one-time events where citizens can drop off waste electronics to ensure that it recycled or disposed of appropriately. Based on work at Sabrinas Organizing blog, social media content, and newsletters shared, permissions beyond the scope of this license may be available when contacting me. 0000100053 00000 n
Following are by county: BUCKS COUNTY RECYCLING & HAZARDOUS WASTE EVENTS Various counties, municipalities, municipal authorities, environmental advocacy organizations and commercial waste haulers operate or sponsor sites or events where citizens can drop off We provide a free and confidential household collection of domestic healthcare waste. Below are some of the junk haulers I found online. 75 0 obj
The Bucks County Planning Commission has provided us with the newly updated 2022 Recycling Guide . <>/ExtGState<>/Font<>/ProcSet[/PDF/Text/ImageB/ImageC/ImageI] >>/Annots[ 42 0 R] /MediaBox[ 0 0 612 792] /Contents 4 0 R/Group<>/Tabs/S/StructParents 0>>
We offer kerbside waste and recycling for most household items. Only use your general rubbish bin or bags for anything that cant be put in your recycling containers. Thanks for stopping by and checking out my blog, where you can find Home Organizing, Quick Weeknight Recipes, and DIY Craft Home Organizing Projects. Be sure to ask about pricing and if you can see the stuff shredded. Feel free to share this page with others to remind them to recycle. Disposal of Latex Paint 0000005942 00000 n
Visit the "Find a Recycle Center near you" page for plastic bag recycling. Visit our post about How to Get Rid of Household Electronics. Visit this link for details. 0000100558 00000 n
Many local municipalities sponsor communty events where you can recycle or dispose of many household items including paint, electronics, batteries, light bulbs, flammable materials, fire extinguishers and much more. HnHl ,+q>Eg01EzHVdI9E+0`:t1t
|,Sxa Every year, Bucks County coordinates multiple, countywidehousehold hazardous waste collections. KM x=8$@kx4tA`A2OfX:> -K,VUN??\~qRr~q!MVfON1_!?c_~?Nttj@k!p:EZ ^uE4EzO!4Ozn [L)@=9GI
L L` The following is what he recycles: Refrigerators - Freezers - Air Conditioners - Dehumidifiers - Washers - Dryers - Ranges. 611 Metals, Pipersville, Willow Grove - There are also recycling centers throughout our area that will accept what we can't recycle curbside. 0000108784 00000 n
County News & Press Releases Posted on: March 28, 2022 Household Hazardous Waste Collections Set for 2022 Bucks County's Household Hazardous Waste Collection Program returns this weekend with the first of several planned collection events in the county. Waste and recycling Check your bin collection day Use our postcode look-up to find out the dates for your recycling and waste collections. Saturday's e-waste recycling event is co-sponsored by State Rep. Steve Malagari and State Sen. Maria Collet, and residents are encouraged to call 267-768-3671 for more information endobj
Find out how to ask for a new bin or box if yours has been lost, stolen or damaged, or if you need a different sized bin. Click to view a list of local electronic recyclers. Not all locations may accept all items, such as TVs. food waste (where possible) All recycling needs to be presented by 6:30am on collection day. You get money back through your rewards account. We use some essential cookies to make this website work., Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/103.0.5060.114 Safari/537.36 Edg/103.0.1264.49. For questions, please call the Bucks County Planning Commission at (215) 345-3400. endobj
Visit this page for location information. NEW 2023 date event will be coming soon! Box 102, Telford, PA 18969. Deli. endobj
Bucks County will host the first of several hazardous waste collections 8:30 a.m. to 2 p.m. Saturday, rain or shine, at the . We'll empty these every 2 weeks. search recycles refrigerator. All content is available under the Open Government Licence v.3, except where otherwise stated. Where to do Printer Ink Cartridge recycling. We'd love to hear! The accepted items for the Anything with a Plug event are TVs, Laptops, Peripherals, Typewriters, Telephones, Microwaves, Cameras, Cell Phones, Calculators, Computer Monitors, Dehumidifiers, Computers, Mice, Small Appliances, Fax Machines, Keyboards, Printers, Air Conditioners. They do not accept TVs or monitors. DEP cannot guarantee the accuracy of the information listed here. 0000003408 00000 n
Residents may not dispose of their computers and electronics with municipal waste collection. It's you can recycle at this event: Small Appliances, Printers, Computers, Laptops, VCRs, Misc. Below are recycling events, locations of hazardous waste removal, and shredding events for the current year in or around Philadelphia. q\iYGDhCOe72T\NFi4ic&\uG,tS92 (h@S}lu5K Check out this article from Allure. BUCKS COUNTY 0000136649 00000 n
A local politician is hosting an electronics recycling event at a Bucks County high school for community members to partake in. 0000018991 00000 n
0000003545 00000 n
They are called Retriever. Find a location by clicking this link. Grease and other food residue cause major problems at the recycling center. Work through our step-by-step guide to check you are ready for waste and recycling collections. 0000032278 00000 n
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PAR Recycle Works deconstructs these items, recycles the materials and disposes of the waste safely and cleanly. Be sure to ask about pricing and if you can see the stuff shredded. bucks county electronics recycling 2022what did deluca say to hayes in italian January 19, 2023 . 0000006819 00000 n
See details below! Visit the link and schedule an appointment. 2023 Bucks County Household Hazardous Waste Collection Events Flyer, Household Hazardous Waste Events Frequently Asked Questions, 2023 Southeastern Pennsylvania Regional Household Hazardous Waste Residential Events, Alternatives for the Proper Disposal of Appliances that Contain Freon. Household Hazardous Waste & Electronics Collection Every year, Bucks County coordinates multiple, countywide household hazardous waste collections. Nationwide: Check out the Earth911 website to find recycling locations near you.
If you need to drop off prescription drugs any other time of year, visit this US Dept of Justice Diversion Control Division page. 0000116272 00000 n
There are also websites and shops where you can sell or give away items that you dont need anymore.
most metal parts, cars, dishwashers, dryers, refrigerators, water heaters, electronics. We provide residents with boxes and bins to help you recycle: All recycling needs to be presented by 6:30am on collection day. Check out the Prescription Drug Donation and Reuse State Programs to see if there is a law in your state. HUNTERDON COUNTY Leaking paint will damage the trucks and stain our streets. The event is limited to New Britain Township and Chalfont Borough Residents Only. 0000001356 00000 n
Middletown Township Parks & Recreation Department, along with its partners Inspire Federal Credit Union, Armour and Sons Electric, and McHales are offering an electronics recycling event for the community on Saturday, November 5th, from 9am to Noon at the Oxford Valley Mall. Covered Device Recycling Act, Act 108 of 2010, Special Waste Materials Curbside Collection Programs. For all the details, dates and information, please visit Bucks County's Website. Wire, Random Metal items, and anything with a plug except TVs or monitors. ONGOING DOCUMENT SHREDDING EVENTS - for a fee: Appliances Recycling or Purchasing EnergyStar appliances: Where to recycle my old Apple Devices and my Samsung devices? startxref
ontact the Department of Environmental Protection at 1-800-346-4242 for a list of events not sponsored by ucks ounty . Bucks County 215-345-3400 www.buckscounty . 0000113652 00000 n
Keep in mind that there is a fee for these services. . Some programs have registration requirements and/or nominal fees associated with disposal of some types of waste. But it can also be confusing. This is a direct access phone number for Middletown residents. 0000012235 00000 n
Disposing of Hazardous Waste The Bucks County Planning Commission publishes information about Household Hazardous Waste Recycling in Bucks County. 23 53
It's essential that electronic waste disposal is done properly, as to comply with all laws. (BCDH) Spring Clean Up day the weekend of April 23, 2022 to help beautify Bucks County as well as help eliminate nuisance and . Check out our Charitable Locations to Donate Stuff. Click here to view the 2022 Household Hazardous Waste Collection schedule. Discover where great food and great times come together! New Britain Township and Chalfont Borough are pleased to announce the Annual Community Shredding and Electronics Recycling Event! They offer school collections and other programs for your community. Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection (DEP) permitted electronics recycling facility. Associate, I earn from qualifying purchases Rebates for recycling older appliances, Printers, computers, Laptops VCRs! Waste recycling in Bucks County Planning Commission has provided us with the newly updated 2022 recycling Guide Programs... 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