colorado turf replacement program

Forgot your password? ft of area transformed, with a 3-inch-deep ring of organic mulch around all plants. This is unprecedented: Avian flu has killed 12,000 birds in Colorado, Who is running for Denver mayor? A site visit is required once the project is completed and before the rebate can be given. Rebates could double from about $1 a square foot of lawn replaced to about $2. Projects must be completed and visited by a Town employee by Oct. 20, 2023. Aerial view of your property from an online mapping program. FOX31 learned 67% of single-family customers are using less. Be Nice. The specific incentive program must be developed before July 1, 2023. Conrad Swanson covers Colorados environment and politics for The Denver Posts political team. No home lawns sprawling out front and back turf in backyards would max out at 750 square feet. Session: 2022 Regular Session Subject: Water Bill Summary Native and natural landscaping that uses less water helps build drought resilience in Colorado and throughout the southwestern U.S. As the state continues to see prolonged drought, increased aridity, and population growth, this program will help normalize low maintenance, less water-intensive landscapes and parks. Typically, the effectiveness of existing sprinklers will not be ideal for your new water-wise landscape. The first intake process runs from January 25 - March 31. Pictures that show the area of viable turf (green grass, not crab grass). Please look at the time stamp on the story to see when it was last updated. A stormwater retention feature (i.e. Our conservation staff will design a professional landscape that is aesthetically pleasing and meets city code. An Iowa native, he joined the paper in November 2019 after stints at the Colorado Springs Gazette, the Lawrence Journal World in Kansas and the Sioux City Journal in Iowa. Each part covers a different aspect of Colorado water law and policy. GRIP Basic Rules: No, artificial turf doesn't count for the rebate. A bill would expand grass buyouts statewide and double local payments. Amounts may be lower if demand is high. The book is divided into three parts. The program is free. NOTE: Homeowners and individuals interested in participating should contact their local government or water provider. (Note: This summary applies to this bill as enacted.). CWCB is rolling out a new Turf Replacement Program! (Photo by RoschetzkyIstockPhoto, istockphoto), Colorado to incentivize residents to replace grass lawns with water-saving landscaping, Polis vetoes bill requiring commercial, multifamily buildings to have electric car charging stations, Polis approves $1,000 in tax credits to help older Coloradans with housing costs, Polis OKs reporting requirements for Colorados health care sharing ministries, Aurora City Council considers Colorado's first-ever cool weather turf ban for new development. 17 members of your community are following this project, CWCB Turf Replacement Program Frequently Asked Questions, CWCB September Board Meeting - Turf Replacement Program Update. In 2018, Denver Water set a water use goal of no more than 12 gallons per square foot per year for outdoor use. Secure your subscription to Colorados premier political news journal, in continuous publication since 1898. A turf replacement program would pay individuals and organizations to replace their nonnative lawns with plants and landscaping that are adapted to the area's natural climate, reported the Denver Post. Project related turf grass must be replaced with low or no-water use plant beds or low-water use grasses. The second runs from July 1 - September 30. They also offer a Grass to Garden program where if you remove 200+sqft of turf you receive a free Garden in A Box and a drip irrigation kit. That program, designed by the Colorado Water Conservation Board, is expected to launch after July 1, 2023. racist or sexually-oriented language. Residents received $2.00 of incentives per square foot of lawn removed, which was paid following documented evidence of replacement. Colorado's Turf Replacement Program, which became law in June, incentivizes residents to replace non-native grass with low-water landscaping. The recently renamed Water Resources and Agriculture Review Committee (WRARC) was created to contribute to and monitor the conservation, use, development, and financing of Colorado's water resources for the general welfare of the state (Section 37-98-102, C.R.S.). Take photos of the area. The turf replacement initiative comes on the heels of Colorado House Bill 1151 passing in June 2022. This column takes a slight detour from the usual ag-related focus; however, I think you'll see a connection to our own sector of the irrigation industry. Please enable JavaScript in your browser's settings and refresh the page. Exploratory Analysis of Potential Water Savings, Costs and Benefits of Turf Replacement in Colorado. Save with a $250 rebate on a furnace and a $500-$1,000 rebate on a heat pump. A 500-square-foot minimum size applies to all projects unless it is for the entire front yard or curbside area (the grass between the sidewalk and the street). Residential Efficiency Tip Replace & Retrofit Replace or retrofit old fixtures and save. Projects must receive water from the Town of Erie to be eligible. ), (Note: This summary applies to the reengrossed version of this bill as introduced in the second house. CWCB also offers grants like Water Plan Grants and Water Supply Reserve Fund Grants that can be obtained to work on water conservation efforts including turf replacement. Under the bill, water-wise landscaping includes replacement turf and drought-tolerant plants that require less water to grow. ft.). Parkway Projects Residential customers (homes and rental properties) can receive $0.75/square foot up to 1,000 square feet, or up to $750, per approved project, per address. Individual homeowners do not qualify as eligible entities for the state's turf replacement program. This is the first time the State of Colorado has dedicated funds expressly to turf replacement. Staff will follow-up on each submitted application in April. The Rebate Program assists customers with reducing their overall water consumption. No past projects will be rebate eligible. Qualifying applications will ultimately need to complete a scope of work, submit tax information and other required documents before entering into contracting. The Colorado Water Conservation Board has launched funding to support existing and new community programs aimed at helping eligible entities replace nonessential turf in order to reduce outdoor watering, per legislation passed in 2022. water utility). Designs must meet the landscaping requirements set forth in Town of, Keep and submit all your receipts from start to finish of your project. Contact Info. The initial intake period runs from January 25, 2023 - March 31, 2023. Not for the "stupid price" of $150 an acre foot. The specific incentive program must be developed before July 1, 2023. Submit your landscape upgrade plans and rebate applications to J. Buckner, Sen. S. Fenberg, Sen. C. Hansen, Sen. N. Hinrichsen, Sen. S. Jaquez Lewis, Sen. P. Lee, Sen. D. Moreno, Sen. B. Pettersen, Sen. F. Winter. In Colorado, Greeley's turf replacement program, called Life after Lawn, is younger but still successful, said Water Conservation Manager Dena Egenhoff. In response to the ongoing drought in Colorado, the General Assembly passed HB 22-1151 to promote the efficient and maximum utilization of Colorados water resources by decreasing the amount of irrigated turf within the state. Eligible turf replacement projects can receive up to $25,000 in rebates per residential propertythat's huge! Please enable JavaScript in your browser's settings and refresh the page. You have permission to edit this article. He graduated from the University of Iowa with a bachelors degree in journalism and a focus in economics. Turf Replacement Program. Staff will evaluate applications based on applicant eligibility, compliance with program requirements, and the merit of the program (i.e. Native grass conversions are one of the easiest and most cost-effective water and maintenance reduction options available. After considering staffing costs, CWCB estimates this equates to roughly $750,000 per funding cycle for FY 22-23 and . The three six-hour courses cover these landscaping fundamentals: Where Our Water Comes From Sustainable Landscaping & Soils Landscape Water Budgeting & Management The Turf Replacement program is a two-part application process. If your project covers at least 200sqft of maintained irrigated turf grass with low/no water wise plantings, you qualify! The water authority has been able to set aside funding to pursue a turf rebate program. WRA's Laura Belanger joined us to explain the benefits for Colorado's communities and water security. Under the bill, "water-wise" landscaping includes replacement turf and drought-tolerant plants that require less water to . Create a Department of Natural Resources portal account to manage your CWCB email notifications. Salary \$19.60 - \$29.38 Hourly Location 80016, CO Job Type Full-time Department Open Space JobSee this and similar jobs on LinkedIn. The program will explain Metropolitan's Turf Replacement Program guidelines to better help residential or commercial customers. HB 22-1151 allocates $2 million to fund this program. Member subscribers also receive the weekly print edition of our award-winning newspaper, containing outstanding features and news stories, in their mailboxes every Saturday. The city rebates up to 2,000 square feet of lawn removed per single-family residence. It's taken another eight years for lawmakers to try again, and in 2022, the General Assembly passed a bipartisan bill to set up a statewide residential turf replacement program, with $2 million in incentives to encourage replacement of nonessential irrigated turf on residential, commercial, institutional or industrial properties. If you have a question about the program, we'd love to hear it. You may still install artificial turf per the city code, but you will not be eligible for the rebate. Staff will not follow-up with eligible entities who submit an application until the close of the intake period in April. Be Proactive. The bill requires the Colorado water conservation board (board) to develop a statewide program to provide financial incentives for the voluntary replacement of irrigated turf with water-wise landscaping (turf replacement program). "We are currently in the process of developing the turf funding program, which will become available on or sometime before July 1, 2023," said Sara Leonard, a spokesperson for the Colorado . SNWA has been running a turf replacement rebate program nearly 20 years and has saved almost 13 billion gallons a year. Younger programs in. If you recently put your old icebox on ice, recycle it or your refrigerator for a chill $50. In Colorado, Greeley's turf replacement program, called Life after Lawn, is younger but still successful, said Water Conservation Manager Dena Egenhoff. Always check with your local water provider to see if they offer rebates. Applications must include matching funds that provide a dollar-for-dollar match for the funds being requested. Only projects that are completed in the 2023 calendar year are eligible. The state treasurer is required to transfer $2 million from the general fund to the turf replacement fund, which fund is created to finance the turf replacement program. Funding for expanding existing turf replacement programs. First funding cycle intake period closes. Some content on this page may not display correctly. Funding for development of new turf replacement programs. City Floral Landscapings general manager Trela Phelps told the Problem Solvers the business is seeing an increase in demand for plants and trees that look impressive but are water efficient. The measure, House Bill 1151 cleared the state Senate this week. This funding has expiration dates built into in legislation, but because the program has a seasonal component CWCB anticipates breaking the funding into two funding/rebate cycles. They are not retroactive or intended for projects already completed outside the program. Turf removal program applications are competitive and individual contracts will only be awarded to qualifying applicants. Subscribe for $2.15/week. Please enable javascript for the best experience! If funds remain, CWCB will consider additional funding cycles. After considering staffing costs, CWCB estimates this equates to roughly $750,000 per funding cycle for FY 22-23 and FY 23-24. Rebates could double from about $1 a square foot. that is degrading to another person. Is there a limit to how many Garden's In A Box you can buy with a discount? The Grass Replacement Incentive Program rebates are intended for customers who currently have grass front and side yards visible to the public and wish the replace them with water-wise landscaping. Please visit to learn more about turf replacement funding. Outline using tracing paper or a computer program the area of turf that will be replaced. You mow, water, and then cover the lawn with plastic for 6+ weeks, which will kill most organisms and prevent photosynthesis, all for very little cost, and no need for intense chemicals. ft. up to 1,000 sq. Concerning measures to incentivize water-wise landscapes, and, in connection therewith, creating a state program to finance the voluntary replacement of irrigated turf, and making an appropriation. Colorado Water Plan Grant Program and the Water Supply Reserve Fund Grant Program. The turf removal program was designed with 19 million people and 300 cities in mind. Project design must be approved by the Town of Erie before ground is broken and follow the design submittal rules noted in the following section. accounts, the history behind an article. Familiarize yourself with Turf Replacement Program guidelines since your newly designed garden will need to be complaint with program requirements to obtain a rebate. Rebates include $2 per square foot for low-water use garden plantings or $1 per square foot for low water use grasses. Here is an outline of the design submission: Please direct any questions to Dylan King, Water Conservation Technician by emailing or by calling 303-926-2871. This was sometimes supplemented by additional local incentives, such as in the cities of Los Angeles and Long Beach. When is the next funding cycle?CWCB is planning two funding cycles in 2023. Whether you choose a colorful plant-based landscape or water-wise or native grass, youll conserve water and save money on your water bill by switching to a water-wise landscape through GRIP. Earlier this year, Colorado lawmakers passed a GOP-sponsored bill that allocated $2 million to establish a statewide turf replacement program for residential, commercial, institutional and industrial properties. Colorado would expand grass turf buyouts statewide and double existing city rip-and-replace programs in a bill aimed at solving misuse of precious water during the state's long-term drought. This website requires javascript to run optimally on computers, mobile devices, and screen readers. Colorado ratified the compact in 1943. . Designs should be submitted to. Application review, follow-up and contracting if qualified. All parts of your design must be submitted before you start your project. DENVER (KDVR) The great American West drought is the driest it's been in 1,200 years, but a house bill that passed through a Colorado House committee on Monday aims to help remedy this crisis.. Plant list provides identification and quantities of plant types and materials. First Regular Session | 74th General Assembly. Staff will evaluate applications based on applicant eligibility, compliance with program requirements, and the merit of the program (i.e. Please enable javascript for the best experience! Residential Efficiency Tip Repair a Leaky Toilet Make sure your toilets are working properly and not wasting water. Funding will be limited based on volume. Residential Efficiency Tip It is expected to support no more than $25,000 per applicant per funding cycle. Turf replacement programs across the American West have seen great success. Complete a 30 minute phone consultation. This is the first time the State of Colorado has dedicated funds expressly to turf replacement. Measure your space and determine sun exposure (200 sqft or more). Eagle River Water & Sanitation has a pilot rebate program for turf replacement, which could be expanded with state money, if the bill passes. One in Las Vegas started in 1999 and has since saved about 163 billion gallons of water. a rain garden, rock garden, dry river bed, swales, berms, grades, rain barrels or cisterns). Water is the most precious resource we have, said Rep. Dylan Roberts, D-Avon, who sponsored the bill. Click here to learn more about what can and can't be funded. 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Not completing the submission will result in not receiving a rebate for your project. This is the first time the State of Colorado has dedicated funds expressly to turf replacement. Please Note: Single family homeowners, HOAs, or other groups who do not regularly work with water resources or conservation and who do not have the capacity to support community-scale turf replacement are not eligible to apply. ** The status of Second Reading amendments may be subsequently affected by the adoption of an amendment to the Committee of the Whole Report. This is an archived article and the information in the article may be outdated. Funding is not expected to exceed $25,000 per funding cycle for any one eligible entity.Eligible entities can apply for funds to either expand their existing community turf replacement or request support for starting a new initiative. The act requires the Colorado water conservation board (board) to develop a statewide program to provide financial incentives for the voluntary replacement of irrigated turf with water-wise landscaping (turf replacement program). A turf replacement bill, which passed unanimously this week out of the Colorado House Agriculture, Livestock & Water Committee, would require the state water board to develop a statewide program to provide financial incentives for the voluntary replacement of irrigated turf with water-wise, drought-resistant landscaping. Phone: (714) 593-5036 or Email: The new law will allocate $2 million to finance the Turf Replacement Fund, which could include expanding statewide existing city programs that pay between $1 and $3 per square foot of grass that is removed. In an effort to ensure that our water resources are put to good use, Montrose County's turf replacement program compensates landowners interested in replacing turf with more water-wise landscaping. * Amendments passed in committee are not incorporated into the measure unless adopted by the full House or Senate. Colorado Politics is published both in print and online. Our website features subscriber-only news stories daily, designed for public policy arena professionals. If implemented, the program in Colorado would be completely voluntary. Mulched beds cannot have more than 25% bare mulch when plants mature. The Colorado Water Conservation Board mission is to conserve, develop, protect and manage Colorados water for present and future generations. Use the 'Report' link on Notifications from this discussion will be disabled. Repair a Leaky Faucet A leak of just 10 drops per minute will waste almost 300 gallons in a year. 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