Over the last 20 years, Matt has been passing all his knowledge to the kids . For inspiration, he looks to some of the surfing legends from an earlier generation, such as Rabbit Kekai and Woody Brown, who surfed into their 90s. Shipping and discount codes are added at checkout. I want to repair it myself, but if its rare, I want to get it repaired nicely and not make it my daily board. Don't forget to follow us on IG @schapersurfboards. They are a husband and wife team, building all their boards from start to finish. - Built his first surfboard in 1970. Mike Diffenderfer TheStep-up can be ordered from 63 to 70 ans should be your choice for faster waves. No Reserve You are bidding on an 8' Country Surfboards aquatic spear shaped by Roger Hinds. He's been called " surfing's most influential board maker ." He didn't just. U.S. Open of Surfing 2012 | Post Heat Interviews, Surfboard collector Mark Buggs Arico discusses a few of his prized possessions on Surfermag.com. Click here to learn more about ordering your custom surfboard, Check out the video about the Chronic Bully! Holmes, seen here, was one of. Most notably, Carl has developed boards along side Hawaiian pro Bonga Perkins for high . tokoro surfboards, Hawaii, surfboards, surfing, shapers. Tidal waves arent surfing waves; they dont break in sets where the ocean settles between sets. Schaper Hawaii 67-106 Kealohanui St Waialua, HI 96791 Copyright 2016. All high quality and wonderfully priced. I have also purchased a newer series of software called 3D in which I can design a board by specs or by scan, or both, and can change the design as needed.any part, rails, rocker, Vee, concaves, anything ! Al Merrick During the 1970's Joe was making his own boards and working with other shapers. Photo: Dana Edmunds. The best big-wave guys in Hawaii surfed Surfboards Hawaii boards such as Fred Van Dyke and Buzzy Trent. Current Surf Report for Oahu South Shore Surfline Surf Reports Current Surf Report for Oahu North Shore Surfline Surf Reports No responses yet Aloha, Accommodating groups and private families surf lessons to all ages and abilities, from first time surfer/beginner to more advanced surfers with the best instructors to guestsmore, SURF Lessons (beginner, intermediate, advanced) -Family surf sessions -private one-on-one -group surf lessons Kayak Tours (all ages)more, SPOT-ON! Luckily for me, I never stopped.. This is really great for the surfer consumer who can truely get their ideas on their next board ! STAY UP TO DATE! BEN AIPA. - Competition Surfing over 18 years. He made a ton of windsurfers during the 80's but the demand for them disappeared in the . 1992. I took a private lesson with Chelsea about half a year ago. Pipeline is a different story. Jock Sutherland. The Step-up is a very high performance board that handles speed and power and will draw a longer arcneededin waves of size. The Factory, LLC While Jock Sutherland still paddles out in North Shore conditions that would keep many surfers on the beach, he has grown more circumspect with age. Featured Shaper: Sharp Eye! More shapers Search our growing list of surfboards and shapers on our directories, Got Surfboards? One surfboard can change your surf forever. We realize that Ben is not a "South Bay Shaper" but his influence on modern surfing has affected all of us. Although I still do complete hand shapes, I also have some of my best boards scanned to KKL Programs which duplicates the original boardwhats great about this is that you can get a board that you like with varying dimensions according to your specs ! Youre using your brains rather than your brawn. The other is Pueo, the Hawaiian short-eared owl. Surfboards Hawaii was started in the early 1960s by Dick Brewer and John Price. Phone: (808) 542-0589 [CDATA[ And she posed without the bikini for a 1975 issue of Playboy, which featured photos of her surfing at Yokohama Bay in the buff. Lopez created the simple but eye catching Lightning Bolt jag, which became extremely popular in the 1970s. They did anmore, **long review alert*** This is a super overdue review. Scott O: mail@sowens.me. Hawaii Surf Factory always has between 150 to 300 boards in stock and ready to surf. Repairing your board is easier than ever. While test results won't come back until next week, it looks like Dick's blood might be betraying him, possibly the bone marrow, according to Sherry. I think everybodys either surfed or swam naked at least once, right? she asks. Best place to sell your board if you don't got patience or time. This is a review for surf shop in Honolulu, HI: "After 40 years of surfing, I buy surfboards and surfing-related merchandise in Honolulu from only 2 surf shops, and this is one of them. 2290 Alahao PI unit 202, Honolulu, Hi, 96819 Barry Snyder Adding a business to Yelp is always free. Great for all round performance. At the age of 12 she was entering surf contests, and, by the time she hit her mid-20s, she had become one of the first professional women surfers. Glenn Minami shaped many boards for Martin Potter, starting at Town & Country during its early days, and then going on to found Blue Hawaii. It is definitely worth driving to and from DingDocs. Randy Rarick. The 2020 model line of Kazuma shortboards is the evolutionary showcase of master Kazumas life work. Email update suggestions or shaper info to surfboards@thesurfboardproject.com, Adam Ribakoff (Black Atlantic Surfboards) www.blackatlanticsurfboards.com, Al Merrick- website:www.cisurfboards.com, Al Nelson (Jacobs, Ekstrom, Velzy, Pat Curren, Hobie), Allan Byrne (hot Stuff) -www.byrningspears.com.au, Allen White -www.allenwhitesurfboards.com, Anton Butler (Xanadu, Ferral)www.ferral.co.za, Austin Saunders -www.austinsurfboards.com, Barry Kanaiaupuni(Country, Lightning Bolt, Sunset, Chuck Dent), Barry Vandermuelin- (Spyder, Rawson)www.barryvsurfboards.com, Ben Aipa(Greg Noll, Aipa, Town & Country) -website:www.aipahawaii.com, Ben McTavish (McTavish) -www.mctavish.com.au, Bill Blinky Hubina (Morey- Pope) -Youtube Link, Bill Eberwein-www.hawaiiansaltsurfboards.com, Bill Stretch Riedel -www.stretchboards.com, Bill Hamilton (Bear, Country,Chuck Dent, Herbie Fletcher, Surfboards Hawaii, Oxbow, Surfline Hawaii), Bill Stonebreacker (Sunset, Lightning Bolt), Bill Minard (Takayama, G&S, Degree33) -www.pbsurfcompany.com, Bill Shrosbee (Minard, Greg Noll, Fresh Pineapples) -www.freshpineapples.com, Bill Thrailkill (Thrailkill, Velzy, Hobie, Hansen, South Coast), Bob Mctavish website:www.mctavish.com.au, Bob Sheppard (early Hawaiian shaper and big wave rider), Bobby Owens (Lightning Bolt) -www.creationsurfboards.com, Bobby Challenger Thomas - www.challengersurfboards.com, Brian Bulkley- ( HIC, Local Motion, Lightning Bolt, Island Classics) -www.bulkleysurfboards.com, Brian Jacko Jackson -www.jacksonsurfboards.com.au, Bruce Grant (Zephyr, Spyder, Con) -www.consurfboards.com, Bruce Fowler (Fountain of Youth Surfboards), Barry Snyder- website: www.windigosurfboards.com, Buddha Bonifay (Vision) -www.visionsurfco.com, Carl Ekstrom(Bing, Velzy, Con, Jacobs, Wardy) www.hydroflex-surfboards.com, Carl Schaper (Local Motion) - www.schaper-hawaii.com, Casey McCrystal www.mccrystalsurfboards.com, Carl Hayward (Carl Hayward Surfboards) -www.carlhayward.com, Chad Kaimanu Jackson-www.hempsurfboards.com, Cordell Miller website:www.cordellmillersurfboards.com, Cole Simler website:colesurfboards.com, Con Surfboards website: www.consurfboards.com, Con Colburn website: www.consurfboards.com, Chris Christenson(Brewer, Gordan & Smith)- website: www.christensonsurfboards.com, Chris Hawk (Wind and Sea, Hawk) RIP 1951-2009, Chris Birch - www.surfboardsbychrisbirch.com, Chuck Vinsen (Santa Cruz, Lightning Bolt, West Cliff), Clint Preisendorfer (Rusty) www.rustysurfboards.com, Clyde Beatty Jr. (Morning Star) www.wavefrontsurfshop.com, Craig Sugihara (Town and Country) www.tcsurf.com, Craig Hollingsworth (Dogtown, Lightning bolt, Hansen, Surfboards Hawaii, Surfline Hawaii, Nectar) www.hollingsworthsurf.com, Cino Magallanes (Town & Country, Lightning Bolt, Back Yard Boards (BYB), Chuck Dent, Blue Hawaii) www.backyardboards.com, Dan Van Zanten (Rusty, Rip Curl, Sunset, Yancy Spencer, Sunset, Nectar) www.vanzantensurfboards.com, Daniel Tomo Thompson -www.tomosurfboards.com, Dave Parmenter (Aleutian Juice Surfboards, Nowtro) -www.nowtro.com, Dave Sweet (Dave Sweet Surfboards)-www.davesweetsurfboards.com, Dave Implom (Imua Surfboards) www.imuasurfboards.com, Dick Brewer- website:www.brewerhawaii.com, Dick Van Straalen www.dickvanstraalen.com, Dewey Webber- website:www.deweyweber.com, Donald Takayama(Velzy, Jacobs, Bing, Hawaii Pro Designs, Webber)-www.hawaiianprodesigns.com, Dennis Murphy (Gordan & Smith, Nectar, Wind & Sea) www.murphysurfboards.com, Dennis Pang ( Town & Country) - www.dennispangsurfboards.com, David Nuuhiwa- website:www.nuuhiwasurf.com, Darren Handley (DHD) website:http://www.dhdsurf.com, Duane Brown ( Gordan & Smith, Surfboards Hawaii), Don Laughlin (Sea Brother Surfboards) www.seabrothersurf.com, Eric Arakawa- website:www.ericarakawasurfboards.com, Eric Shewchuk -www.stellarsurfboards.com, Eddie Van Zyl (Brewer, Buttons, Chuck Dent) -www.rhinochasersurf.com/shaper, Fabio Giacomini www.fabiogiacominishapes.it, Francis Noel Todd www.toddredwoodsurfboards.com, GrantTwiggy baker - www.twigsurfboards.com, Gregory Hall (Petroglyph Surfboards)-www.jetsurfer.blogspot.com, George Downing(Wave Crest Hawaii, Downing Hawaii), Gene Cooper -cooperdesignsurfboards.tumblr.com, Gerry Lopez- website:www.gerrylopezsurfboards.com, Gordan and Smith- website:www.gordonandsmith.com, Gordan Hansen-www.barronsurfboards.co.nz, George Greenough www.georgegreenough.com, Gary Larson (Hobie)-www.hobie.com/surfboards/, Gary McNeil -www.garymcneillconcepts.com.au, Hoy Runnels- ( Gordon and Smith, Nectar, Brewer, Rusty, wind and sea), Hydroflex Surfboards www.hydroflex-surfboards.com, Ian Wright (Aftermath Surfboards)- www.aftermathsurfboards.com, Jason Stephenson (JS) -www.jsindustries.com, Jason Kashiwai (J. Kashiwai Surfboards)-www.jksurfboards.com, Jim Mcloud (Mcloud Surfboards)- www.mcloudsurfboards.com, Joel Fitzgerald- www.joelfitzgeraldsurfboards.com, John Ike Eichert (Ike and Tuck Surfboards), John Bradbury (Creative Freedom Surfboards), Johnny Cabianca (Pukas) www.pukassurf.com, Josh Friedman-www.monstahglasshawaii.com, Jeff McCallum (McCallum Surfboards) -www.mccallumsurfboards.com, Jeff Hull (Resist Surfboards) -www.resistsurfboards.net, Jeff Doc Lausch (Surf Prescriptions) www.surfprescriptions.com, Jeff Scardine www.jscardine.blogspot.com, Jeff Timpone (Timpone Surfboards) www.timponesurfboards.com, Jye Byrnes ( Jye Byrnes Surfboards) -www.jyebyrnessurfboards.tumblr.com, Kirk Putman (liddlesurfboards)- www.liddlesurfboards.com, Kym Thompsom (Watercooled, Cobra, Klemm-Bell), Lance Carson ( Lance Carson Surfboards)- www.lancecarsonsurfboards.com, Larry Mabile www.larrymabilesurfboards.com, Lyle Carlson (Lyle Carlson Surfboards)-www.lylecarlsonsurfboards.com, Matt Biolos website:www.lostenterprises.com, Matt Kinoshita (Kazuma Surfboards) -www.kazumasurfboards.com, Marc Andreini (Andreini Surfboards) -www.andreinisurfboards.com, Mark Richards- website:www.markrichardssurfboards.com, Mark Johnson (Hobie) -www.hobie.com/surfboards/, Makani Mcdonald-www.monstahglasshawaii.com, Marc Andreini-www.andreinisurfboards.com, Matt Kechele website:www.kechelesurfboards.com, Michael Baron- www.byrnesurf.com/shapers/michael-baron, Michael Miller www.mmillersurfboards.com, Michael Hynson website:www.mikehynsonsurfboards.com, Mike Minchinton (Robert August Surfboards) -www.hbshaper.com, Michel Junod- www.micheljunodsurfboards.com, Mitch Yuasa -www.sundolphinsurfboards.blogspot.com, Mitchell Rae -www.outerislandsurfboards.com, Olaf Henke Muller (Califa Surfboards)-www.califasurf.com, Pat Rawson- website:www.patrawsonsurfboards.com, Peter Schroff- www.schroffsurfboards.com, Randy Cone (Respected Mavericks big-wave gun shaper), Ray Lucke (Ray Lucke Surfboards) -rluckesurfboards.wordpress.com, Rich Pavel website:www.pavelsurfboards.com, Rich Harbour- website:www.harboursurfboards.com, Rusty Preisendorfer website:rusty.com/us/surfboards/, Robert August- website:www.robertaugust.com, Rod Sorensen (Agua Surfboards, T&C , Bear ,martin potter (,Potz ),herbie fletcher , ,jacks ,sunset , rusty, slingerland), Robert Sparky Scheufele (Inter-island surfboards) -www.inter-island.com, Roger Hinds Country Surfboards, Bear Surfboards, Ryan Engle (Canvas Surfboards) -www.canvassurfboards.com, Sean Carter (Carter Surfboards)-www.cartersurfboards.tumblr.com, Simon Anderson website:www.simonandersonsurfboards.com, Spider Murphy (Spider Surfboards) -www.safarisurf.com, Stretch Reidel website:www.stretchboards.com, Steve Coletta website:www.naturalcurvesboards.com, Tommy Tanaka- Website:tcsurf.com/surfboards/shapers/tommy-tanaka.aspx, Timmy Patterson website:www.tpattersonsurfboards.com, Travis Reynolds- reynoldssurfboards.blogspot.com, Tom Wegener website:tomwegenersurfboards.com, Tom Pohaku Stone (Traditional Hawaiian board builder), Tony Channin (Channin Surfboards)-www.channinsurfboards.com, Terry Chung(Papa Hee Nalu Kauai Surfboards), Wayne Rich ( Wayne Rich Surfboards)-www.waynerich.com, Yater (Reynolds Renny Yater) website:www.yater.com, Zephyr Walker (Nimbus Surfboards) -www.nimbussurfboards.com, Alaia Balsa Surfboard Barry Kanaiaupuni Barry Snyder Barry Snyder Surfboards Bear Mirandon Ben Aipa Big wave gun campbell brothers campbell brothers bonzer campbell brothers surfboards Chuck Dent Con Surfboards david nuuhiwa Dean Edwards Surfboards Dick Brewer Donald Takayama duke kahanamoku duke kahanamoku production surfboard Ernie Tanaka Gerry Lopez Greg Noll Hawaii Hobie Surfboards Jeff Rowley Kelly Slater Matt Kinoshita Maui Shapers Midget Farrelly Phil Becker Pipeline Plastic Fantastic Ryan Burch Shaping legend Skip Frye Surfboards Surfboards Hawaii Surf Legend Terry Martin Tom Morey Nose Riding Contest Tommy Tanaka Town & Country Surfboards transitional era surfboard Vintage Surfboard Windigo Surfboards. GOOD ViBES! It's super easy to communicate with them by text and Daley is just such a good listener. Shaped by the late Ben Aipa (1942-2021) in 1969, serial #321 . Not for a picture, though. Sixty-three-year-old Gerry Lopez, master of the Bonzai Pipeline, left Hawaii a long time ago to raise a family in the high desert of Eastern Oregon. While 'boardsmith' would work, the artisans of the surf world are called shapers for a reason. Its a great excuse to go surfing, he says. 67-106 Kealohanui Street, Building P-2, Waialua, Hawaii, 96791. If you are able to provide further details as to the board it would be hugely appreciated. Both of her brothers, her sister and even her parents surfed. We will clean, take multiple professional photos, and post to our high traffic website. Ben Aipa was born in Honolulu in . There was a Tsunami warning that went into effect about midnight last night. Copyright 20042023 Yelp Inc. Yelp, , and related marks are registered trademarks of Yelp. We respect your privacy, and we totes won't spam you. Surfboard shapers. You can find surfboards built by Hawaii Surf Factory in surf shops all over the world. December 12, 2011 David Thompson "I don't feel 60," says Laura Blears. Gerry Lopez, king of Pipeline in the 1970s and now an avid stand-up paddle surfer, keeping up with the times at Sunset Beach. Located on the North Shore of Oahu Hawaii, Schaper Hawaii is best known for our custom surfboards for every surfer. Team riders throughout the years have . South Bay surfboard shaper Phil Becker dies at 81 Phil Becker, one of the most iconic surfboard makers in the world who helped shape surf culture in the South Bay and beyond, has died. Buy Hawaii Shaped Surfboards by Alan Uehara Get your next surfboard from Alan in Hawaii. It wasn't until the late 1960s, when Lightning Bolt shaper and original Hawaiian surf star Gerry Lopez relocated here, that the Valley Isle exploded as a hotbed of cutting-edge design . In 1964 I quit my job and bought a ticket to Honolulu. Oct 22, 2020. Evolution is a beautiful thing and dont forget that any of the Kazuma board models can be custom shaped to fit your surfing style, experience, home break or particular needs. You know which waves to take off on and which to pass on. We celebrated National Take a Hike Day (Nov. 17), with a round up of our top picks for the best hikes on the Island. Terms & Conditions. It was in Aspen that he opened the original Chart House in 1961, followed by others in California and then Waikk, all with the same dark wood interiors contrasting with the bright aloha wear of the servers. The list of shapers that have come through this factory includes Ed Leasure, Richard Munson, Matt Kechele, Rich Rudolph, Bill Johnson, Tom Neilson, Sean Slater, Joe Johnson, Joey Maus, and current shaper Bruce Ragan. 5. For an immediate response, please call (808-234-4739) or stop into the shop (2290 Alahao Pl Unit 202) Tue-Fri between 11am-5pm and Sat-Sun between 11am-4pm. Located on the North Shore of Oahu Hawaii, Schaper Hawaii is best known for our custom surfboards for every surfer. If anything, their relationship with the waves has only deepened and improved. Like about all the sweet sales we're having and fun events. I think most people in the South Bay know Becker surfboards. I believe it to be a Surfboard Hawaii Model A (1966) or possibly a Stylist i (1967-68). Australia. Ive added Surflines reporting widget for both the South Shore and Chuns (North Shore). While in Hawaii, and together with other shapers, Lopez started the Lightning Bolt Surfboards brand of high performance shortboards. A Rawson gun is synonymous with the North Shore of Oahu, Hawaiian winters, and big-wave performance surfing. Check out Sharp Eye's Inferno FT! In the 1970s, Laura Blears achieved a level of pop-culture stardom of her own. Blears achieved a level of pop-culture stardom of her own Uehara get your next from. Our custom surfboards for every surfer Copyright 20042023 Yelp Inc. Yelp,, big-wave! Went into effect about midnight last night we totes wo n't spam you shapers our! Windsurfers During the 80 & # x27 ; s Joe was making his own and. On our directories, Got surfboards is the evolutionary showcase of master Kazumas work... Great excuse to go surfing, shapers, he says of his prized possessions Surfermag.com! Be hugely appreciated ( 1942-2021 ) in 1969, serial # 321 surfboards Hawaii such. Anmore, * * * this is a very high performance board that handles speed and power will., their relationship with the North Shore of Oahu, Hawaiian winters, and with... Into effect about midnight last night, Hawaiian winters, and Post to our high traffic website by Dick and! 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