how to reply when someone says they are busy

The majority of individuals will tell you that theyve been busy because they dont want you to pry into their lives and find out what theyve been up to in their absence. Another reply for someone who says, busy is "okay, bee." This is a funny reply that should . Even then, there are two categories of busy bodies in the office. After you listen to the details of their terrible day, a hug, and a reminder that tomorrow's a new day might be all they need. To help you deal with this brush off more effectively, I urge you to pick any of the responses below that best suits your style, product and service. Friend: So sorry, Ive got a huge project at work this month. Going to the same evening class every week. On the flip side, a simple lack of chemistry could also lead to you being hit with the Im busy text without further explanation. In addition, its a way to let them know they need to take a rest from whatever theyre doing. Source. This is a reply to laugh over with. Have a video call instead of getting together in person. However, while you should always be proactive in asking someone out, its important not to insist too much. The easiest way to tell if someone was truly busy is to compare their most recent texts with those they sent previously. Nevertheless, hopefully, you have gleaned some insight into the dreaded I was busy excuse and understand how to respond when someone suddenly drops you. For example, you may have struck up a good rapport with someone on Tinder. 1. Emails are serviced by Constant Contact. Be supportive. You can tell a lot about someone from the way they communicate. Most times, were advised to reply courteously. 1. Give him the option to meet you the next day, or sometime during the week. I'm busy; you're ugly. She also suggests noting when there's "a break in the pattern. However, if you need funny and sarcastic comebacks that will either get to them or express your understanding, then youre in the right place. When someone says no to you, it can be tough. 9. Have a great time!". It could be a sign that they are busy and unable to respond right away, or it could mean that they are not interested in the conversation. Y u No text me back." 3) I think this person will be waiting a long time for that essay. Trying to get him interested will only result in getting him even more disinterested. 03 "It's okay. I believe you're fantastic, and I've had a terrific time with you. We get this question a lot, which is troubling because the answer should be obvious at this point. I don't care about your opinion. Read next: How to Respond: When customers complain about the long wait on a Saturday night, respond with empathy but encourage them to make a reservation in the future. So, this reply is appropriate to create a cool atmosphere and also hint at them that theyre too busy. Another suitable reply for someone who says busy is to tell them to keep missing out on all the fun. Another funny reply for someone who says busy is busybody. Literally, a busybody means someone who doesnt face what concerns them but interferes with that of others. The woman says she is super busy these days, postpones meetings, does not call for a long time (even if she promised) and does not answer calls, requires dates to be short, and not to end very late. You might as well tell the person, "Everything else in my life is exponentially more important and worth more of my time than you. I am unable to tell you the reason why they are avoiding you; nevertheless, it is possible that there is anything that you have said or done that has upset them, and as a result, they do not want to discuss it with you. "You really are the best sister anyone could ever ask for.". Learn how YOU can be better at connecting and turning people into close friends. 100% Privacy Guarantee: We take your privacy seriously. If you are feeling that the person turning you down is not sincere in his or her message, then you should ask questions such as: "Is there any way that I can help you?" Of course, this emotional vulnerability can be challenging for some people, and there is no guarantee that it will pay off. If someone hasnt been getting back to you and they claim theyve been too busy, they havent been too busy to send you a brief text message, so lets be honest about it. The worst way of contacting a busy person is to ask them for something in your first attempt to connect with them. So, in that case, you can just say "We can go some other time when you are free". When she does ask if I'm busy (which she will do occasionally), I tend to just say a lighthearted "nope" with a smile-we have a really good relationship, though, and . What to Do When iMessages Dont Say Delivered? Maybe it would make your life a little easier if you did. This expression works in showing your understanding and at the same time, letting them know theyre always busy. whatever they are saying). Alternatively, she may actually be busy the trick is knowing how to read the subtext. Sup Friendships ebb and flow over time. Try to work around their schedule. Well, what do YOU say to someone who is busy? Answer (1 of 14): Unlike some of the other answers, I don't mind a rhetorical excuse. If you want to feel better about everything, this is probably the best explanation! Or you can yawn over the phone when you say this. Moreover, the expression, even God rested, isnt only funny, but it shows youre not happy with the way they always say busy. OR, Quickly, what would your timeline be for (changing/investing/trying) a new service for your (what your product or service does) if you found you could dramatically increase/save, etc.?. I really hope youre having fun despite how busy you are! Point out the benefits of talking now. Its possible that they dont place as much importance on you as you do on them, and thats just OK! Unless they ask for advice, refrain from giving it. Opportunities come and go at the speed of light, but you need to be a fast mover to seize them. Below are 20 funny replies that should take care of them. Answer (1 of 4): Same here. Your friend can then reach out if and when theyre ready. Itd be cool to see you., Me and [mutual friends] are going bowling on Saturday night. 9. Here they are: I completely understand, and I know what its like to be interrupted. On the other hand, the people who have your best interests in mind will appreciate your honesty. The trick is getting an invite. Others say they are busy because they dont want to meet up. It can create some funny moments for you both. Therefore, we will rephrase the excuse into an . However, depending on how your tone of voice is, it can also sound sarcastic. This is appropriate to use on someone who always says theyre busy. And if they're not, maybe they just don't feel like texting. Whether they're a coward and don't want to face their fear of rejecting you or don't want to hurt your feelings in any way, they could go for a no response. The phrase Ive been busy is the ideal go-to response for those times when we dont want to give someone a good explanation or we arent sure what to say. You two went out on a date and it was amazing! document.getElementById("ak_js_1").setAttribute("value",(new Date()).getTime()); ABOUT USAnsweroll is a platform created to help you find answers to relationship questions that would spice up and strengthen that love life of yours.At Answeroll, we focus on creating content that will help our readers make the best of lifes conditions including scaling through a romantic relationship.We understand the confidence youve in us to help you build the right social circle, so our content is easy to implement in your everyday life.Feel Free to reach out to us at if you've got any requests, questions, or queries.BestMary-M. 2023 | A Part of DDM | All Rights Reserved. Whats the best way to respond to that? People will always gravitate towards the person who not only pays them the most attention but who also takes some initiative. Here are some of the most typical and genuine explanations for why someone hasnt been in touch with you recently: If someone is trying to avoid you, they will almost never admit it; instead, they will use an excuse like Ive been busy when confronted with the fact that they are avoiding you. This will demonstrate how much you liked speaking with them. The Noncommittal Text. This expression is used on someone who is always working and doesnt rest. Once youve got all of that, you should be in the clear. Hey sorry I was busy. They will probably tell you why they have been unavailable, and their reasons will sound plausible. When questioned about it, some individuals just do not like to discuss what they have been up to because they do not wish to seem boastful. Dont take it personally if they dont want to open up to you; it seems likely that they just need some space after the way theyve been acting lately. Learn my 4-step process for asking someone out. 1. 6. Additionally, people will usually telegraph their disinterest. You want to let others know that your request is important. What does this mean? You could be casually flirting one moment, only to find yourself saying the dreaded L word the next. Texting can make communication more difficult, as you can't read the facial and body language of the person you're texting with, but it also has a lot going for it. Instead, when someone tells you that theyre busy, you should first stop to determine what they mean. So, whether you're sending a text message to a friend or writing someone a letter, always start off with a greeting. For example, you could: If they are too busy to talk in the evening, suggest a quick phone call during their morning commute. Probe into their reluctance. Use the link below to get 20% off your first month at BetterHelp + a $50 coupon valid for any SocialSelf course. The two of you may flirt back and forth, exchange compliments, engage in some good banter, the whole shebang. Offer a few suggestions "while you've got them." Establish urgency. I don't care what you think. Deny it. Heres a scenario that you may be familiar with: youve been talking to someone for a couple of days now, and things seem to be going well, but when you ask them out, they say theyre busy. He is a chronic liar: When someone is always lying, it means everything they might have told you is a complete lie and such a guy does not deserve you. The tips above assume that your friend is genuinely busy. Of course, if this seems to be a chronic issue, there are ways to address it more directly, but if the person you are interested in says that they put their phone down or got caught up with work, they are likely telling the truth. At work, there are two types of colleagues: the busybody or the busy body. 6. $50 coupon valid for any SocialSelf course. Again, most people use this to avoid hurting someone elses feelings. Its possible that they have been busy, but its also possible that they havent. "Tomorrow's a new day.". Send A Laughter-Inducing Or Encouraging Text Message Just Because You might also keep it simple and simply say, "Hey, I was thinking of you. Moreover, if the person is a friend they should be able to detect the hurt in your voice and should work towards changing. Take this quiz and get a custom report based on your unique personality and goals. So, any of the expressions above can work when you want a sarcastic and funny comeback for someone who says, . If you're going to be two-faced, at least make one pretty. Your world shouldn't just revolve around your man. Again, it would be best if you did not let your anger or frustration get the better of you. Its possible that they dont want to come off as boastful, that they dont believe youll be interested, or that they just dont want to put the effort into explaining it. For example, lets say your friend has already turned down one invitation, didnt offer to reschedule, and is now declining another invitation. This is both a sarcastic and funny response. Try not to overthink everything it is okay to be momentarily upset or annoyed, but you should not indulge these feelings. Their cup is empty. Wish them well and try to put them out of your mind. In this article, Ill be giving you funny replies to someone who says busy. The reality is you aren't too busy. Theres no hidden meaning, no cryptic mystery for you to solve. "Everything good, I hope.". The best way to respond to a girl who says she is busy is to relax and not express any disappointment. Theyre people, too, not your puppets. Drop me a message if youre around! Make a clear ask. Tell them how much you liked conversing with them. Unsubscribe from personalized tips at any time. With this answer, I have just passively accepted his answer. For other individuals, doing so just gives them the impression that they are significant. The first step is to ask for help, even if you've been told no in the past. Naturally, this series of events can be emotionally draining if you find yourself on the receiving end of an " I'm busy " text. If not, they were likely never interested in you, to begin with. Remember, there are plenty of other people online for you to pursue. Grabbing a drink or snack on the same day after work every week. What happens when something they say feels like a no?. They slow down the sales process, but can also be powerful sales tools. For example, they might have a hectic job. " Bandwidth " is a technical term that has become a popular way to tell someone you don't have the time for something. Then they would apologize and say, Im sorry, Ive been busy!. 1. Im going to check out the new climbing wall that opened up next door to the gym on Wednesday night. You get 100% free personalized tips based on your results. How can you win over someone who is busy?. Of course, the warning signs are usually clear from the onset the term red flag gets thrown around a lot nowadays, and for a good reason. Being busy is excellent! If their demeanor suddenly changes, they are likely interested in someone else. The most effective response is to analyze the scenario, taking into consideration the setting and the individual in issue, and then make a decision based on this information. I appreciate you letting me know you can't come. It can be pretty tempting to lash out at someone when they reject you, especially over the Internet when the veil of a screen protects you. Of course, this is not the healthiest solution, nor is it the most viable. Thank you for scheduling a meeting with me." Accept that it may be a while before you get a reply. Always busy, it shows that they always give the busy reply. Some people do not care about how you feel it is okay to cut those people out of your life. A "sorry to brother you, talk later" or "text me when you're free" reply seems appropriate. Ask them out, sure, but dont stress it too hard. Another suitable reply for someone who says busy is to ask them what theyve achieved with it. Its also possible that they merely want to talk to you one-on-one rather than in a group setting. My co-workers often ask me "are you busy?" before asking for help or discussing a problem. That means establishing a good rapport, exchanging numbers within two or three days of connecting, and asking them out as soon as possible. When a girl says that shes busy, there are a few possible meanings that you can infer. When you feel the chat has come to an end or one of you needs to go, say something like, "It's been so wonderful talking to you" or "I'm so pleased we got back in contact." Let me tell you in a nutshell how this can help you, and then if youd like to know more, we can schedule a time thats better later fair enough?, [If yes, then briefly give a description and use a qualifying tie-down question. Besides, this expression doesnt only serve as a funny one, but it can pass as a warning, letting the person know theyre working too much. Your time is limited, so don't waste it living someone else's life. Or do they seem genuinely interested in you and are simply unable to make it? Inside Sales, INC. - ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. And, after that don't ask too early. Under no circumstances should you make a statement like as: What are you doing that takes up so much of your time that you cant spend it with your friends? Probably the most difficult question to answer but also the most rewarding. One of the most obvious signs the person you're texting isn't interested, according to online dating expert Julie Spira, is as simple as the length of their messages. This is where the Im busy excuse really comes into its own. My boss typically asks if I can do her a favor, which amuses me to no end. When you say okay, it shows your understanding and doesnt express anger. 10. Learn why people who "don't try" often are so socially successful. That will only make you seem fake and lose trust quickly. Start ignoring some of his texts- Don't bother to respond at all. Apr 23, 2015 at 5:57. The clearer you are, the easier it is for them to respond. End the conversation on a positive note by giving them credit for their views while still showing that you are interested in hearing more about them later on. It may be really aggravating when you are attempting to communicate with another person or when you have been waiting for them to respond to you. If so, they probably are not interested. Read our guide on what to do if youre stuck in a one-sided friendship. Some people have packed schedules. They might have time to talk for quite some time so make sure you give them the opportunity. Notify me when someone responds to my comment. If you want to keep in touch, you can send a letter through the post office or call them on the phone. You can also follow up with a handwritten note if you have not heard from them within a few days. However, if their texts suddenly seem more vapid and uninteresting, the Im busy text may have been nothing more than an excuse, at which point you should consider other possibilities. So, you can use this response to tease someone who always tells you theyre busy and at the same time show your concern for them. But don't expect them to do the same! They also have to reciprocate by telling you they would reach you as soon as they chanced. If you have the right communication relationship for it, you could also try a half-joking response, something like "I'll forgive you this time, because I know how busy you are. So, little by little, they begin to withdraw, and by the time youve caught on, someone else has already swooped in and stolen their heart. How to React When Someone Claims to Have Been Busy 10 Responses. Inside Sales, 112 Clubstone Ln, Cary, North Carolina, 27518, United States, permission to email you. Christi Peoples is an accomplished relationship counsellor. [After speaking] Say something like, "Let's do it again sometime." Alternatively, arrange a meetup with several other friends and invite your busy friend too. If you ever find yourself on the receiving end of a late reply, you may experience several conflicting emotions which can cause you to lash out. Consider using our profile writing service if you need help with your profile. Otherwise, if it seems like a fools errand asking them out, let them know that there are no hard feelings. To receive your $50 SocialSelf coupon, sign up for BetterHelp using the link below. No one likes to inquire! When you say you can see when someone says they're busy, they'll understand that you're trying to be sarcastic. Youll need to move quickly, and try to find out about some of their hobbies and interests which will inform your date ideas and give them more of a reason to go out with you. What to say when you talk to someone for a long time? Once you get to the reasoning behind their objection, help them brainstorm . "That stinks!". Another suitable reply for someone who says busy is saying, make sure you get an award for your busyness. Meet for a quick lunch on a weekday if they are too busy in the evenings or during weekends. Im intrigued. You might also keep it simple and simply say, "Hey, I was thinking of you. You: "Well, I don't know. In this guide, youll learn how to make plans with a busy friend and what to do if they never seem to have time for you. When you do hang out, they will act like a good friend who is interested in spending time with you. Sometimes we may need replies that will ease the tension when someone says busy and show that were not angry. When someone tells you that they have "been busy," you have a few options for what to say in response. Better offer him help or do something nice for him. Do you ever find yourself at a loss for words when someone tells you theyve been busy? I was just thinking of you.". or even just "I'm proud of you for taking on such a big task. So, when you call someone who says busy a busybody, they would get youre only joking and not insulting them. Calling them Mr. Bee indicates they work as a bee. These reactions will most likely cause the other person to withdraw from the conversation, and it will be far less likely that they will want to share what theyve been up to with you. Do they truly have so much on their plate that they cant send you a quick note? Girl who says busy is to ask them for something in your month! 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