who does anita blake end up with

The Lunatic Cafe (1996) ISBN 0-425-20137-6, 5. Anita majored in preternatural biology and became engaged to a fellow student, who later broke off the engagement due to his parents disapproving of him dating a Mexican woman. In Flirt, Anita refuses to raise the spouses of Tony Bennington, a grieving widower, and Natalie Zell, a wife that wished to take revenge on her dead husband. Not only do Jason and Anita find themselves in the middle of a media frenzy, but also they are threatened by the complicated vampire-human love triangle that has been plaguing the Summerland family (and most recently Keith Summerland) for generations. In her personal life, Anita wrestles with her jealousy of her lovers taking other lovers, particularly in the case of Jean-Claude and Asher. Richard affirms that he considers Anita the lupa of his pack, although they do not reconcile romantically. Anita plays along for lack of better ideas. Another hypothesis is that Chimera had somehow contracted a mutation (or caused the mutation) of the virus allowing all others to coexist without nullifying one another. 33 /? "Come into my parlour, said the spider to the fly." - Mary Howitt, The Spider and the Fly (1829) SYNOPSIS The first in the Anita Blake: Vampire Hunter series, Guilty Pleasures presents itself as an inversion of the traditional vampire hunter narrative. The stepmother, Judith, also had a daughter, Andria, from a previous relationship. Anita Blake is the title and viewpoint character of the Anita Blake: Vampire Hunter series by Laurell K. Hamilton. Anita Blake. When Alex arrives, he is enraged and hurts Ethan. Anita knows they're coming, but even being forewarned doesn't mean you can win. Love is hard. Embarrassed, Anita's father asked her maternal grandmother, Grandmother Flores, to teach Anita how to "turn off" her abilities. She has started a complex romantic and sexual relationship with Jean-Claude, Micah and Nathaniel, who she has begun to use as a source of food for the ardeur. This allows her deeper and wider control over the dead, including to some extent even vampires and zombies raised by other people. She's accomplished, beautiful, and she's crazy about him, too. The Killing Dance provides a notable turning point in her relationships with Jean-Claude and Richard. In Blue Moon, Anita juggles being a leader among both the werewolves and the wereleopards while investigating why Richard was framed for rape. Anita Blake is an "animator" someone who literally raises the dead for a living for a company called "Animators, Inc." Based in St. Louis, Anita has the power not only to raise zombies out of the ground, but also to exert a special control over any undead creature. Each issue contains roughly 40 pages of the novel adapted into a 28 page comic book. Jean Claude likes to call people by french pet-names. Sends Anita a dozen pure white long-stemmed roses regularly. Anita possesses a wide range of preternatural abilities that have developed both in breadth and depth over time. Anita also continues to wrestle with her recent increase in power, first attempting to deal with the ardeur and second, wrestling with the vast increase in her own powers as a necromancer. Incubus Dreams (2004) ISBN 0-51513449-X, 13. Hurt, Anita decided to forego additional sexual experiences until marriage. Their souls are trapped behind their eyes, signaling voodoo of the blackest kind. It also seems connected to being able to rise above negative views of oneself: "Her voice in my head held the first note of panic, as she said, 'If you take my power into you, you will be as I am.' Anita also obtains her apprentice, Larry Kirkland. During this time, Anita is frequently visited and harassed by Marmee Noir, the Mother of All Darkness that has been sleeping for years. Anita begins to doubt her feelings towards Jason. Anita drops her shields, hitting the MoAD first with the ardeur and then with a forces she acquired from a vampire in New Mexico, a force that sucks all the life out of her target. In communing with one of her captors, the werewolf who infected Karlton, Anita meditates on the ardeur, saying to him, "Id been told that the ardeurwas about lust, but my version was more about your hearts desire. As a jail couldn't hold a vampire, breaking the law means a warrant of execution for that vampire and any accomplices, human and vampire alike. Jean-Claude's motives may be kinder, but as any lawyer will tell you: motives matter, but you're just as dead. Anita Blake has the highest kill count of any vampire executioner in the country. Buffy is in an asylum in the Anita-verse after a traumatizing event. Given that Anita keeps thinking that Dr. Ellen doesn't quite manage to live up to Anita's standards, and that Dr. Ellen with her more vanilla tastes is inherently incapable of comprehending polyamory or BDSM, this isn't very surprising. Blood Noir (2008) ISBN 978-0425-22219-5, 17. Anita learns that everything from Damian's sickness to the vampire infestation in Dublin has been M'Lady's plot to bring Anita close enough to steal from within her the rest of the power of Marmee Noir, as part of it went to M'Lady as well. Anita's relationship with Jean-Claude takes a large step forward in this novel. 5.3: My only exposure to the universe of Anita Blake: Vampire Hunter is the comics, but apparently one of the key selling points of the setting is the way that supernatural creatures like vampires are treated in a more realistic fashion as it relates to the law. Despite this, Anita's magical bonds with the two are further strengthened throughout the series and Anita is still considered to be the "lupa" or female leader of the pack despite her relationship issues with Richard. In. ", "I was covered in blood, but it wasnt mine, so it was okay. The evidence that Anita may become a shape-shifter is growing; whether she will be wolf, lion, leopard, or something else is unknown. This is a timeline of events that take place in the Anita Blake, Vampire Hunter series. Anita has a pregnancy scare in (Danse Macabre), as the ardeur's control over her made it difficult to consistently use birth control during each feeding. Will there be any more Anita Blake books? Edward arrives the same day, bringing Olaf and Peter (now 16), who we last saw in Obsidian Butterfly. Anita also appears in the Marvel Comics/Dabel Brothers adaptation of Guilty Pleasures. Anita kills the werewolf lupa Raina and the wereleopard leader Gabriel in self-defense, resolving some unsettled conflicts from. By the end of the book she has become instrumental in removing the previous Master Vampire of the City Nikolaos from power by killing her and has received two of the four marks necessary to become Jean-Claude's Human Servant. That part of me that carried the ardeur could see all the way through you to the truth.". ", "Ive earned my reputation, but if you really did your research on me then you also know that I dont raise zombies for kicks, or thrill seekers, or tormented relatives unless they have a plan". Anita and Micah are happily leading their wereleopards and living together with Nathaniel, who also acts as Anita's pomme de sang, feeding off his lust, although they have not yet had intercourse. Warshawski, she has major emotional issues, is frequently the only female in macho situations, and tends to come across as quite prickly and difficult. Theyll try to let the Wicked Bitch of the World possess my body, Edward". Her mother died when she was a child, and several members of her remaining family treated her abilities as unnatural and wrong, as well as looked down on her mother's Mexican heritage. The Laughing Corpse Anita accepts that her romantic relationship with Richard is finally over. In a scene reminiscent of The Godfather series, Anita decides that this is a betrayal of their alliance and decides to abandon Joseph in favor of another werelion. Her formative experiences appear to be a series of traumas. The situation escalates into Dr. Ellen storming off and Richard not following. Blake's ongoing relationships become even more complicated by the end of Kiss the Dead, as one of the were-tigers she had sex with in Skin Trade (Cynric) has moved to St Louis to be with her, but is still only seventeen at the beginning of the novel. This power causes the official end of Anita's relationship with Richard after she is forced to feed off of him, although she still serves as the lupa and punisher of the St Louis wolf pack. Someone is producing zombie porn. Edward begins to think that the killers are a trick to try and lure Anita away from Jean-Claude and all his bodyguards, so that the Mother of all Darkness can either have her kidnapped try and takeover her body, or kill her. We let her pour her scary, lonely, insane dark into us, and we drank it down with our comforting hands, our bodies that had made us all home, and the craziness of having too many people, too much going on, but what would we give up, who would we give up, and the answer, in the end, was not a single thing. The Lunatic Cafe. And while he has . Jason suggests that J.J. might be able to help Anita with her girl problem, while she helps him with his kinky explanations. Micah and Anita have sex within hours of meeting each other because of the unexpected appearance of the ardeur in a shower scene in the hardcover version. Anita travels to New Mexico in Obsidian Butterfly to help Edward, aka Ted Forrester, investigate a series of supernatural attacks. Some of the methods of how Micah gets other animal groups to join to the Coalition are mentioned: just talk, and softer methods of persuasion but also fights for dominance. Blake also discovers that her anger and rage have been affecting those around her, specifically Richard. Although she may not admit it, Anita initially has a deep contempt for vampires and the humans who serve them. Marshal Anita Blake to find her. Before Alex gets there, Anita forms a bond with a guard named Ethan who says he carries three colors of tiger, but Anita senses he has some gold as well. After some family conflict with Micah's aunt, they go to his mother's house where they meet his siblings, which causes Micah's mother having to explain that she, Rush and Ty (Micah's stepfather) have a similar relationship to Micah, Anita & Nathaniel's relationship. Average 5. However, she accidentally forms another triumvirate with Damien and Nathaniel, this time with her (not Jean-Claude) as the power focus. He leaves Anita a note stating he still wants to be with her but does not want to become a Bride like Nicky. After her father remarried, Anita did not feel she "fit in" with her blond father, stepmother, stepsister, and half-brother. They chop off one of Ethan's fingers but he is a were animal he will be able to grow it back. Anita receives a phone call of Micah's distressed mother, asking her to please come visit, because his father, Rush Callahan, is dying. She discovers that her lengthy separation has caused significant damage to several of her friends and allies, both emotionally and also in terms of their supernatural powers. ", - Anita kills Haven (lion Rex) for killing Noel (lion) while trying to kill Nathaniel (leopard), - Jade (Yiyu) becomes Anita's second Black Tiger to call, - Mephistopheles, aka: Devil, becomes Anita's Gold Tiger to call. Blake's troubles with Marmee Noir continue in Skin Trade in which she is also attacked by the ancient vampire Vittorio, who attempts and fails to make her his Human Servant. The books have sold more than six million copies; many have made The New York Times Best Seller list. Marshal, after all. "[3][4] It has brown eyes that usually glow or appear on fire, like Anita's eyes "when vampire powers fill them. Make Buffy a willing warrior to defend humanity, and the preternatural, from threats. He owns many vampire businesses. It was originally a nickname forsomeone with hair or skin that was either very dark (Old English "blaec") or very light(Old English "blac"). Olaf is now a werelion and disappeared. This brought her into contact with Ronnie Sims, a private detective, and Catherine Maison, a lawyer, both of whom she befriended. Manage all your favorite fandoms in one place! (plus the year each book was published) Home. Micah, who appears willing to accommodate any desire of Anita's, becomes part of a mnage trois with Jean-Claude, allowing Jean-Claude to feed on him. What happened to Jason in the Anita Blake series? Anita may have inherited this mutation from Chimera. In Serpentine Anita attends Edward and Donna's wedding that immediately heads off the rails, and lands in the middle of a strange case involving hereditary snake lycanthropy and women being abducted from the hotel where the wedding is being held. July 29, 2022 by Tonya Fillion. Nathaniel ends up taking control of the connection, and accidentally rolls both Anita and Damian when they have sex together. Deciding in the end that Jean Claude is the lesser of the two evils, she and Edward help defeat Mr Oliver. One Hypothesis about Chimera's panwere status is that because he was infected by multiple forms of lycanthropy before his first change, he thus developed the transformative abilities of each virus; though this directly contrasts the medical procedure of deliberate infection used in The Harlequin. Like Kinsey Millhone and V.I. Anita is having her own relationship growing pains with her only female lover ever, Jade. It was his only serious flaw. For some people the vampire hunter license largely means morgue stakings after the rogue vampire has already been caught and restrained, but others such as Anita do their own tracking down and killing in the field. In terms of her character and mental state, Anita displays signs of sadism and sociopathy in her dealings with vampires. There is little description of it as it hides within her and has small beady black eyes. She's also one of the most beloved characters in modern genre fiction, with an extensive list of fans who love her no matter what she does. Anita Blake Books in Order. Blake's ardeur powers reach a head in Flirt when she uses it in self-defense against a were-lion (Nicky) that had kidnapped her to perform a zombie raising for his client, only for Nicky to have all of his free will taken away and to become Anita's "slave". Anita and Richard have their first date in this book. ", Anita's inner leopard is completely black, and described as "gleaming black" and being like a "dark shadow. Id just like to meet one thats human. Anita is hardboiled, flippant and stubborn. 7, Affliction, Ch. movements. Anita also meets Raina, the lupa of the local wolf pack, as well as Jason, a young werewolf. By sacrificing Silas, one of Jacob's men, she raises not only Ilsa Bennington but the the entire cemetery and uses them to kill Bennington. Loved Blackberries when he was alive. This page is dedicated to giving you the latest Anita Blake, Vampire Hunter #29 Smolder release information, along with Anita Blake, Vampire Hunter #29 Smolder book cover art, synopsis and more. She's a vampire hunter, a necromancer, and a lycanthrope. Anita and Edward know everything and nothing that will help catch the killers. These marks also enhance her necromancy powers, with Jean-Claude remarking in The Laughing Corpse that he could feel her power calling to him at the end of the book. However, under Vittorio's influence, Blake is once again forced to have sex with several were-tigers, one of which is a sixteen-year-old boy and virgin. She is pushy, bitchy, violent, frequently obstinate, has incredibly poor impulse control, and she does not strike me as particularly smart. She is quick to point out the drawbacks, moral failings, and responsibilities of vampirism, and she sees anyone who advocates vampirism as naive. She takes along an entourage that includes both Damian and Nathaniel, but not a single wererat. Anita makes considerable progress with her metaphysical problems as she learns that she can partially control the ardeur by drawing power from others' lust and by ensuring that her other desires, such as physical hunger, do not go unfulfilled. Richard, with his desperate attempts to remain "human", represents the side of Anita that rebels against the "darker" elements of her nature, while Jean-Claude, who has long accepted his demons and draws his powers from death, represents the part of her that accepts them. Luckily, in professional circles, shes still the go-to expert for zombie issues. Despite her often harsh nature, Anita has more positive attributes. Anita has accepted being Jean-Claude's "declared vampire servant" at the beginning of the book. She generally prefers to wear long sleeved blouses to better conceal her weapons and her extensive scarring on her left arm and other parts of her body. Her police contact, Supernatural Experience: Anita holds a bachelor's degree in preternatural biology and is a trained Vampire executioner. One of the witnesses has twin baby daughters and makes Anita hold one of them, and she is surprised to actually enjoy the experience. J.J. doesn't understand why Jason isnt content to go elsewhere for a need she cant fulfil, so Jason asks Anita to help him explain. Anita is later infected with werehyena strain. Bernardo, Anita, Edward go to meet Olaf. 2. i. Burnt Offerings (1998) ISBN 0-515-13447-3, 9. Olaf is taken off to the hospital. The Killing Dance (1997) ISBN 0-425-20906-7, 7. "[5][6] It has dark gold eyes. She is also not happy that her attempt to save Edward from getting scratched by the accused failed, and may have led to him contracting something out of her own blood instead. She could tell the rage came from a vampire who could do that. 2. She asks Rafael to infect her with rat strain with the intent to make him her Rat to Call. Anita Blake is engaged to Jean-Claude, the new vampire king of America. She got her own license shortly thereafter. She is also attacked by rival vampire Alejandro, who too marks her as his Human Servant, which cancels out the control that Jean-Claude previously exerted through the marks he had given her. Cyrus, who is bigger than Matthew but not necessarily older, has a crush on Jeannette, and resents Matthew for the attention he's getting. Her mother died in a car accident when Anita was 8, which greatly impacted her throughout her childhood and adult years. Laurell K. Hamilton. book by Laurell K. Hamilton. Blake is ofOld English origin and its meaning is "black; pale, white". Only its worse than she thought. Anita is a young woman who lives in St. Louis. Laurell K. Hamilton's bestselling series has captured readers' wildest imaginations and addicted them to a seductive world where supernatural hungers collide with the desires of the human heart . She's ultimately defeated by Anita in Hit List, despite Marmee Noir having the Harlequin assist her in this task. Affliction (July 2013) ISBN 978-0-425-25570-4, 23. "[13] It is large compared to Anita's inner leopard. ", "Richard was an alpha werewolf. On her back, she has a scar from a stake being used against her, as well as others from various stab wounds. Anita Meets another 'living' vampire who is a member of the Vegas SWAT team. This would cause Anita to remain celibate for much of the initial books in the series (until The Killing Dance) After graduation Anita was recruited by Bert Vaughn to join Animators, Inc. as a professional zombie animator, where she was trained by Manny Rodriguez and became a licensed vampire executioner. Anita is a pet form of the name Ana, the Spanish version of Ann, meaning "favoured grace". Anita meets some of Jean Claude's other vampires and hangers-on, including a human named Richard Zeeman. Narcissus In Chains opens with Anita's decision to re-establish her relationships with Jean-Claude and Richard. Kiss the Dead - When a fifteen-year-old girl is abducted by vampires, it's up to U.S. On this Wikipedia the language links are at the top of the page across from the article title. [1][2] Hamilton stated that she created the character after perceiving a gender inequality in detective fiction, with female characters rarely getting the same treatment as male heroes of the genre.[3]. Anita is slender but curvy, and short but muscular. During the course of this investigation, we learn that Jean-Claude, another master vampire, is interested in Anita and gives her two of the four marks necessary to make her his "human servant". Jean-Claude is a fictional character in the Anita Blake: Vampire Hunter series of novels by Laurell K. Hamilton. Anita's personal life resolves in a number of ways. Her night job, and primary source of income, is the legal profession of re-animating the dead. Hit List (June 2011) ISBN 978-0425241134, 21. She also met Edward, and learned about weapons. Take An Anita Blake Break Average 8. "There's no end planned." Hamilton told I Smell Sheep that she plans to be writing Anita Blake books for a while: "I'd always seen the Anita Blake series as a mystery series which means there's no end planned. I prayed, not for help to do it, but that the power wouldnt corrupt me. The MoAD is now supposedly really dead, and her Harlequin all either come over to Anita or go off on their own. Under this influence, Richard and Jean-Claude nearly kill each other, and Anita must also be repeatedly resuscitated. Richard becomes the Ulfric, or leader, of his pack. When the danger and the news coverage hit a climax at the same time, Anita and Jason are left carefully maneuvering around truck loads of drama and politics, not to mention just trying to survive. Of sadism and sociopathy in her relationships with Jean-Claude and Richard have their date... Was 8, which greatly impacted her throughout her childhood and adult years have sold more than six copies..., aka Ted Forrester, investigate a series of novels by Laurell K. Hamilton, `` I was in..., specifically Richard framed for rape have made the New York Times Seller. That Jean Claude likes to call their who does anita blake end up with date in this book turning point in her dealings vampires. 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