Kinda like the amount of people who say they were at the original Woodstock concert! Sure beats some of the plastic guns and ARs which are that price or more. Barely fired. Um The double-action revolver predates metallic cartridges. Commercial rounds included a 90gr FTX Critical Defense .38 SPL Lite load from Hornady, the Federal Premium .38 SPL +P 130gr Hydrashock, a wide variety of 158gr FMJs in .38SPL and .357 Magnum, the once again impressive Barnes Vor-TX 140gr XPB HP round, and many others. The 6 model has the traditional three cut-outs in the rib, and the 4.25 has the two sections more traditional to the 4 older models. I havent seen a gun yet, but in pictures the hammer also appears slightly smaller, if so, supwifdat? Really. The new Python is a better gun. A whole lot of people are starting to fire up their keyboards, telling me Im wrong, yadda, yadda. The original in 1955 had a flat leaf style mainspring like the Trooper and not a plunging type. We are cranking out some CRAZY manufacturing designs and tolerances now and fantastic pieces from companies like Ruger that have updated most of their equipment with massive expenditures on equipment overhaul. More than an homage, the checkered walnut scales are so close to the originals that they can be interchanged with many of the older model Pythons. As with the King Cobra review, I cant do better justice to the operation of the transfer bar system than the Colt manual itself. Ill pester and pine away for a blued model, but Im overjoyed this new stainless snake gun turned out to be everything I hoped it would. I am dissatisfied customer, as much as how Colts customer service treated me as anything else. I am more sad than angry over the outcome. The only way to get a double action gun back in the game is to get that trigger forward as fast as possible. My newest handgun is a stainless Ruger. Every other round fell either on or between those two extremes. The average worker in the US would shell out nine days wages to pay for a Python in 1956. Nah. With the possible exception of the Korth guns, the new Python has the finest production trigger on the market right now. Im one of the lucky ones with an original blued piece. Mfg Part Number. LoL. I havent been here in a while due to health issues. And, no, I dont consider the Volcanic to be a practical semi-auto because its a weird hybrid thing that doesnt fit into any modern handgun category. To be fair, metallic cartridge revolvers predate practical semi-autos by almost half a century. I own a 74 Colt Python and it is amazing. Colt took less than perfect functioning examples to their big roll out at shot show, what manufacturing company doesnt check out examples before a event like Shot for their premiere. And no, the Cobra and Kimg Cobra are not that gun. Like from an 80s movie (or Stranger Things) where the trusty, crusty Sheriff ventures into the dark woods with his smokewagon in hand. Barrel Length: 4.25 in. Ill read a few more reviews and decide if that government check should go to Colt. On June 2, 1955, the first production Colt Python models left the factory and launched what still remains one of the most iconic double-action revolvers of all time. But it is the finest Colt revolver made. Pythons have always included a wide, deeply serrated hammer spur as standard. Then, right before I was going to publish, another 6 and a 4.25 Python came in from the Colt marketing department. They owned up to that and said that it was their fault. Got my 686 as an OSP color guard trade in. Colt in the past 40 years or so quality control lacks or is fairly non existent,can they be corrected yes but at a price and one shouldnt have to with what colt charges for their product. The few local gun shops I asked said they didnt really deal in new Colts. The Colt Officer Target pistols, especially in .22 and .32. A 1956 catalogue lists a Colt Trooper at $71. Colt Python 2020 Review: The Greatest Revolver of All Time? It was sweet, no doubt. Without the trigger holding the transfer bar up behind the firing pin there is no way for the hammer to contact the transfer bar or firing pin. Ha. On and on, this crap is seemingly everywhere on guns now. Fantastic handling dynamics. Heck of a startup for a 1600 dollar revolver, if you ask me. Once the hammer is released from the trigger, it rotates forward striking the transfer bar transferring energy to the firing pin to ignite the cartridge in the chamber. When I showed the American Rifleman review to the bride, all she had to say was are you buying it?, when I said yes she asked Are you buying 2? Damn shame shes my wife, Id love to marry her. The 2020 Python features modern stainless steel alloys and a re . Nano-nit Its caulk, not calk, nless thats a rural Texas thing Im unaware of. The Python. Width: 1.55 in. Fixed trench rear. Mine is a stainless 6 model with full size grips. The eye picks it up easily, and combined with the rear sight, its effective at making both quick and precise shots. The Python is cool. Not sure if Ill keep it when it returns from Colt, as Im concerned about reliability. Grips: Walnut Target Stocks On both the 6 and 4.25 guns, the Armscor 158 gr FMJ in .38 SPL shot the best. Ill also guess that it was easier to make this system than the old, from a manufacturing standpoint. Mine is a safe queen, and will remain that way while I beat the snot out of the rugers. I shoot it regularly and its still like a dream. The new Python opts for a similar but different style rounded wire V shaped mainspring. The enthusiasm was so high that eager buyers joined a Colt Python waiting list or even paid a premium to get the desirable revolver early. The gun pictured here was made in 1962. And then, in 2020, Colt released the best stainless steel revolver theyve ever made. Most people infected with the COVID-19 virus will experience mild to moderate respiratory illness and recover without requiring special treatment. You cannot get a new Python with an 8" barrel or blue steel. That would explain the extreme prices they are going for in the resale market. 9mm Pistol. Called them today and couldnt get through, as per usual. I was also considering a high polish prior to nickle boron and then B coverage. Never liked Colts trigger action or grip design as much as Smith & Wesson. The new Python is built out of stronger stainless steel than the originals and is available with a 3 in (7.6 cm), 4.25 in (10.8 cm) or 6 in (15 cm) barrel. Colt 2020 Python Gen 2 Marks And How To Date The Serial Number. Many folks think that Colt has lost the level of expertise and attention to detail necessary to produce that finish. I put a teeny tiny bit of tacky silicon caulk on the threads to fix the (non) issue. The Volcanic was basically a lever action pistol. This time, I figured Id give Du-Lite a shout-out that gun people should know about. They put the hand in a perfect position to both manage recoil as well as get a proper finger position on the trigger. One day the light goes off in your head and you realize just how good the piece really is. Colt designed the new Python to be a strong gun, capable of shooting numerous full-magnum rounds over the course of its life. As always, I lubed the gun (in this case with the supplied Lucas Oil Gun Lube) prior to shooting. Finally, our impatience was rewarded when, earlier this year, Colt released the 6 and 4.25 Pythons. I bet I thumbed back a Python hammer 20,000 times, easy, and let it down on a live round hundreds of times as well, it was definitely a non-problem, why was it fixed? Months before Colt was able to get me guns to review, the guns from my buddy came in. The cylinder never failed to cycle in single or double action. I had a fella offer me a straight up trade of a Python for my DW after we shot each others guns at the range. So I can forgive the differences. Did you read, or even glance at, the review? That ended up as a bonus to you, the reader. I asked Colt why stainless, and not blue? Wood 2 piece grip. . Took about 10seconds with a stone to fix. Customization on a revolver is a package deal. by. That number can be increased now that Colt is using a method of less hand fitting and more advanced manufacturing. When the hammer is approximately halfway to its cocked position the bolt is released from the trigger and rides on the outside of the cylinder. MSRP: $1,499 (street price about $1700). Inspired from the tv series Yellowstone, this Kelly Reilly Blue Coat is poncho-style outerwear. 5.1 oz. When push comes to shove though, Ive never been a big fan of the .357 either. But there is something about a Python. Ill keep it up over the next few days and keep annoying them. None of us were experiencing any issues at all. As a gunsmith, I find thread locker in more and more and more places on modern firearms. Colt didnt screw it up. The new models mainspring is a departure, but not a huge one. Colt notes that the rear of the top strap has more steel there than the originals, leading to a stronger revolver. After closing, it would again fire the first round, and lock up again. Grips: Walnut Target Stocks I tested both a 6 and a 4.25 trigger. Heres a corrosive agent (ie, blueing salts) you couuld use for the job: Its my BBQ gun. So it doesnt bother me. Spent two hours on hold with Colt before I got a living person on the line and they promised an RMA that never came. Fails to fire about half the time (light primer strikes). I assume no, but have not seen it stated. Outstanding value. i left vietnam in jan of 72 and at the end of jan i bought my first 6 blue python and still have to today and i can only say the the python is the greatest handgun ive ever had. The new Pythons didnt need thread locker. I have a Galco Summer Comfort and a DeSantis Thumb Break Scabbard for my Ruger GP100 4.2. She remembers that 50+ years later, the second one is for her. The new 6-inch Anaconda has an unloaded weight of 53 ounces, and an overall length of 13 inches. (Photo: Colt) The hand-filling 8-inch Colt Anaconda for 2021 has an. That concerned me because, if it was an old model Cobra, that would be the maximum end-shake we want to see from the factory. At no point did I clean or provide any maintenance to the guns in any way during the shooting. are now, but distinctly more expensive than the S&W 686 or Ruger GP100 with which it competes as a "shooter" as opposed to a collector piece. Dumps With Pin Shop Lyman oven makes around a 190 grain mold. The python had a lot of hand fitting and polishing, where as every piece on this gun was probably CNC machined. Different Colt catalogs throughout the decades described them as there to reduce weight or to dissipate heat. Got an RMA today and the gun is in Fedex custody. My handgun battery is about evenly split between revolvers and semi-autos. If you cant trust the US treasure check these days, whom can you trust? Yeah, this gun is a hot mess. I really enjoyed this review. Also have a S&W Model 629 with a polished trigger. You just have to work at it. And it looks nice when it is done. Brand new 2020 Python 4.25 inch. And high-qualityrosinis just that. $1500 may be a lot now, but $729.95 was a lot in 1990. Ok While not a big fan of obsolescent wheel guns, there is something about the Python and he Rhino that warms the dried up black walnut I call a heart. JW thanks for a very informative review. This process is described the same way, and even on the same page (19) in the manual, with the King Cobra and the Python. pwrserge, obsolesent? I said double action revolvers. I was going to buy another AR but the Colt seems more appropriate. Dont bite the hand that feeds you. Considering my experience with the King Cobra, and how well Id see the Pythons hold up during this review, I have no concern about the end-shake growing to an unacceptable level anytime soon. Another problem with the internet revealed. Manufacturers, retailersif your actual, physical product does not include actual sincere and genuine customer serviceyoure wasting the customers time and money. Never enough. Its going back to Colt. Click here to view our other Live Auctions! It is possible to blue stainless steel because it is possible to corrode stainless steel. Colt-PY300168. Unlike the King Cobra, and more like the original model Pythons, there was no discernible movement of the cylinder during full lock up. I was impressed with the finish on the King Cobra, and it looks even better when theres more of it to look at. Theres no doubt the new trigger is better in every way. 5 shot .45 Colt capable of safely launching the Ruger Only loads. I asked Colt why 4.25 and not 4 like the original release. (TTAG isnt at the top of many major manufacturers Christmas card lists.) The only Colt I ever owned was a SAA. Definitely nice to see the wheel gun aficionados get a gun that actually justifies their love of the system. However, Colt took the. Not my thing or budget but fwiw American Rifleman gave it a good review too. Same again for Winchesters and Remingtons of old. You wont be changing springs in a revolver very often if at all. The current 2020 Python is closer to the Ultimate Stainless finish, and far more polished than the base stainless version. Its not exactly what the Democrats wanted done with the money, which makes it all the more delightful. Remember when Colt shafted the civilian market, thinking it could exist on military contracts indefinitely? And man, they do look cool. That would explain the extreme prices they are going for in the resale market. Colt's Manufacturing Company LLC Colt Speaks Justin Baldini,. As I said in my King Cobra review, my dad carried a stainless Python, so the Python wasnt just some other gun to me. 38SPL P. First, let me say I was getting a little worried about Colt. I just hope Colt makes them for a while so all the fan boys can get their fix leaving the rest of us guns we can buy without waiting on a list for months. I own the first Colt double action .357 Magnum, a New Service with 7.5 inch barrel, several Official Police revolvers, an original Python, the new Python, and I often carry a 1956 Colt Cobra. Weight: 42 oz. In January of 2020 a new Colt Python rolled out of the factory and it was the No. That they came out with improper assembly itself is a joke. The original Pythons were expensive and genuinely premium pieces, this is just overpriced average (and thats assuming they really have fixed the reliability issues). Good call Colt, good call. I got on the order train as fast as I could, asking for both a 6 and 4.25 gun from my distributor. Big black maw waiting to destroy my soul down to the sub atomic level. The second gun shoots much better but the trigger pull is DA 10lb and the SA is 6lb. You have entered an incorrect email address! I am looking forward to seeing more posts by you as soon as possible! I am cautiously optimistic about the future of Colt. For any mechanical issue, they should have it returned to you within 30 days. Thank you very much. Then I taught her to shoot a 4 Python with hot .357 loads around 1968, and she could not miss. Colt Python 6 The Serial Number is under 4000, and it was delivered to my dealer from the distributor one week ago. 1 selling revolver among FFLs using the services of in 2020. Revolvers obsolete? After approximately 150 rounds of CCI/Blazer brass case .38 SPL ammo, the cylinder locked up after the first round of a cylinder-load was fired, wouldnt unlock unless I released the cylinder and swung it open. . But they will be more affordable as time goes. are the ones to suffer through the surprises THEN buy it after the Beyond the straight back pull with very little stacking, and a now confirmed consistent weight and feel, the wide serrated trigger shoe completes its cycle without grit or mush. That allows the upper part of the hammer to move farther forward, which allows the lower part of the hammer to move farther forward, which pushes the transfer bar farther forward, which pushes the firing pin about 0.010 inches additionally forward. Too many recycled stories and a lack of depth. A DeSantis Thumb Break Scabbard for my Ruger GP100 4.2 prices they are going for the. ) issue, deeply serrated hammer spur as standard when, earlier this year, released! 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