Especially since he cant even deliver the bare minimum in this relationship. At first, he was working, seeing his daughter, making me coffee in the morning, starting my car for me, doing dishes, and laundry and now ten months in, he lost his job, and I have no idea if hes looking for a job. I say I never give advice, but this is one thing I want you to know: you have to build a life outside your relationship with your boyfriend. I feel like i am constantly having to fight for us to have a better relationship. I know hes not a bad person maybe he doesnt feel the same about me anymore, or still loves me but is not in love with me anymore. Clearly I am not a priority and I deserve better so I think it is time to move on. I even dressed like a naughty teacher when we had sex. They say age shouldnt matter, but it does play a part. Ive been with my bf for a year & half but we have past history. I simply did it because I knew I wasnt perfect and I wanted to become the women I needed to be for him. I stayed, I settled for hearing that he loves me and cares about me but all the ugly and mean things said and done between those few comments of praise and validation, was the permission given to keep doing it. Maybe he will brush his teeth at lunchtime but often he just smells like armpits and looks like a scruff and then wants to come to our clean bed that way. I didnt hear from him till early Sunday morning when I drunk texted him. After I voiced my frustration, he said hes been busy with trying to get a promotion at work and on his free time he spends it with his son. After this last incident, something broke inside of me and I said no more. He told me about his situation and how his mother is a single mom and he has to take care of his younger siblings. 's life, you're sending clear signals that your partner isn't important to you. Such as examples of what he did made you feel a certain way and what was the real reason he did that? Are you expecting more from your boyfriend than he can give? I met this guy 6months ago we were happy and everything was going well, until last week Friday.He went out with his friends and he came back in the morning. What if he says he doesnt want to acknowledge the time weve been together? Everything is fried up. But how can we trust someone who says they love us and then, intentionally hurt us? He hasnt showed any affection towards me since that incident and makes me feel he doesnt care to make me feel like Im the only one. Its not just a lack of attention. Its Valentines Day , I been with my boyfriend for 6 months. And we rarly go outing..but i wanted to be spend my time with him. His text messages have gotten shorter, he would rather hangout with his buddies instead and says if we hangout to much we will get bored of eachother. Communication is not good. i simply dont understand this. Im in school full time until July 2023 and though I have a flex pt job at Amazon, the hours and job itself is so crappy. Idk what to do anymore. Me and him didnt talk all day but that didnt matter at first cause he slept while i went to school but then he started to sleep at night like a normal person and so I would go to school and ft him right when school got out and we would fall asleep on ft together. Literally so many times. If youre always playing offense, you could continually be hurting your partner's feelings, thereby offending, alienating, and pushing them away. I could write a book about the unfolding sh*t show rollercoaster I worried from that start of meeting the man of my dreams would end up being. ps. I just badly like him and want to care of him. Thank You for sharing your story. Its confusing because he takes care of me by buying me food and we hangout all the time but theres 0 affection. all in all, i just feel underappreciated, mistreated and im angry and resentful towards him all the time. He ignored me for a week 1/2 I thought he dumped me an i had mental breakdowns every night and day..I finally get an email from him asking to zoom and i zoomed him. Its up and down. It has created a balance to where I dont feel exhausted with trying to keep things going. Weve been together a year and a half now. But I clearly have seen enough examples of the ones who simply stops caring when they are sure that we will be theirs and we will always care about them no matter what. I have told him many times that he doesnt care about me, and he always says that he loves me. I tried to tell him how rude that was and he didnt understand where I was coming from and proceeded to tell me I was making a big deal about it. Ive been dating my boyfriend for almost 3 years now, i love him and I know he loves me back but, my biggest insecurity is him changing and being lazy in the relationship, which I have noticed he has been doing lately. Ive put my career aside to help him build his business. dont know if you guys familliar with Myasthenia gravis.. its an auto immune decease which makes your muscle gets weak. Ive been with my bf for almost two years and my biggest issue is the alcoholIve been told its not a problem and that he does love me.any suggestions. When he is sad I quit everything to cheer him up. But when it comes to his business he always asks for my help and Im always putting things aside to help him. I can sorta relate to you, my boyfriend and I have been dating for 3 months, but our relationship took off really quickly, and he seemed like the perfect boyfriend for the first month, but after that, its seemed like Ive gradually lost his respect. But we should start taking care of ourselves more. As of now, we have been back together in a relationship for about a year and a half. He also said he wanted to get married also but here we are and here I am still unmarried. We girls if determined, are so much more stronger than guys Angela. The first two years of the relationship he was wonderful. Like hes not gonna change. We started with skyping during weekends, to calling sometimes to texting only and recently weve stopped texting as often. I almost believe he is avoiding me for not been attracted to me.I am sure that he wants me and I feel frustrated with his actions but I do love other qualities he has. When you get his attention, never hesitate to say your mind. But Im not certain its not because he now wants to hurry to get the house finished and sell it while the market is hot. We talked about it seriously the 2nd year. I am so sorry you are going through this. It sounds that you need to work on yourself first. I am experiencing the same situation too and it really hurts. My gut instinct had been telling me since February of this year that his feelings had changed. WebHe came up to me and brought me free drinks again. Even if I am not complaining he immediately jumps down my throat that something I am pointing out is a complaint. Stopped fantasies and games and generally sexual desire towards me about 2-3 years ago now, losing track. Unless he drank to much then he was argumentative and yucky. Forget it. Heres my concern-We live 70kms apart amd stick to phone calls and texts and online communication. He then told me it was the appropriate setting to tell me I was super cute. Ladies lay back and observe. Show that you love them, laugh, argue, help eachother. I asked why the sudden change? I feel like my house is just a hotel and he pays his family for meals but doesnt give me a dime. Sometimes when I try to kiss him he shoved me away. He is a nice guy as a whole but its the fact he went out of his way for me a handful of times that gave me a little hope in this sudden realization of my feelings but recently he has completely shut me out. You didnt like THAT answer, did you? I have been dating my boyfriend for 4 years and weve known each other for 10 years. OMGrelate!! Maybes its best we leave it and not have to try so hard with the next person. That it was fine even though I was angry but I didnt show him the anger. 1. Leaving a person you love is one of the hardest things to do. i would say hes a selfish person because all he cares is himself. Hes been going through a bit of a struggle with his mental health lately so Ive been trying really hard not to hold how hes been distant over him because I do understand it and I dont want to pry. But with the current situation with the virus we will probably meet even less. I miss him and who he use to be,at the same time am preparing myself for the worst! No texting. It was over a year ago that I asked my boyfriend if he would take me out on a date, but it never happen. I have felt hurt and abandoned, left out, unwanted, ever since he started his masters two years ago and threatened by his preference for them over me. I tried discussing that with him, he told me if he was to mess up he would want someone to correct him. I love him so much but just dont understand why he doesnt care when I am upset. When i pull back abit, i notice it is when he makes an effort. As he knows that everyone has me do everything for everyone. I have since ended the relationship as I feel it is a one way system with him taking and not giving. My boyfriend and me zoomed and emailed and he moved from job to job. Can Your Husbands Affair Be Good for Your Marriage? I dont think my boyfriend knows how to deal with someone like me. Anyways, I eventually moved in with him and things were good. I just want to have a nice time, an interesting conversation. Wow I can relate so much to this. He said hes always lacked that proactiveness even with his friends (which Ive seen firsthand) and admitted he let that be my responsibility,not because he didnt want to see me but because it doesnt occur to him to organise. Over the past 2 months something changed. I had to call him! Why doesnt he show his love? He continues to text me daily, several times a day generally, and gets worried if I dont respond right away. So i get back from fall break and i zoom him.hes acting different and grumpy and meanhe told me he was moving back to his home state and never coming backI started balling my eyes out I was so confused. MY BOYFRIEND AN I HAVE 2 KIDS TOGETHER AND WE BOTH WORK. I met his mom for the first time when his parents stopped by, we took his dog paddle boarding. They may not come true. Be like, Hey, Im going to the beach or the zoo tomorrow and I was also gonna do this other thing. I MEAN EVERYONE HAS THEIR OWN LIFE BUT I WOULD INSIST ON HIM CHANGING THE DRINKING NOW OR LATER YOU COULD BE LIVING MY LIFE. Which I practically felt alone and excited to do things by myself. :'(. Always cussed them out and called them names, and he works a whole day.. we are now behind on bills , our electric is over 300$ , our wifi is 170+$, we have another wifi bill from another company thats 200+$, and hes had multiple concussions and a broken hip from hockey a long time ago.. Hes become so inward that I have to question him daily and it hurts.. High on mine, low on his. Hi, I have a very similar situation to yours. You may find it helpful to write about your relationship. He says he doesnt want to text and show love and tells me to be patient. Which I loved! Psychologically, the pressure was destroying me. He pays alawys though i offer to pay but he refuses. Then he texted me to see how I was doing. When I ask him about it hes adamant that he still wants to be with me for the long haul and that he still loves me the way that he did when we met, which I feel so bad for doubting but its just so hard not to when things change like that. I barely work because the program Im in is so stressful and demanding that I nearly burned out and almost flunked out of the program in fall. It shouldnt have bothered me except the fact he didnt get me one. I used to take accountability for the frequent fights once they started. Me and him were in that I rlly like you stage lol. Also, the hard thing is, were in the same college course. I was told by my therapist that I could be the one to plan the date myself and ask him out and even though I completely agree with her on that, I cant help feel now that if I were to do that and ask him on a date that he will think that he doesnt ever have to put in the effort of planning something, anything, and that if he waits long enough I will plan it for us so he doesnt have to. It sounds to me like hes not into you. These tips actually worked. on the same note, say for example he does or says something that hurts my feelings or upsets me a great deal, not only does he refuse to apologize, but he doesnt make any attempt to correct the situation. We recently broke up with him due to the fact that, despite my efforts to express how I didnt feel like a priority, and him apologizing, him not making an effort to see me during the week (Works been crazy) and saying he would call me at night, but not, he did not change and I gave it 2 1/2 weeks. It is just hurtful to know that he could not even think of doing this one thing for me. When I ask, he gives me some reasons. I dont know why he continues on with me if he has no interest. Ive told him why I need contact to stay connected to each other n to feel secure n have fun. Im still in high school. my boyfriend doesnt want to spend time with me either but i dont trip i just stay at home i have no friends i do all i can for him and his children and he texts other girls send titts and pussy shots from his children mothers i rub his feet when he gets off work feed him so that he could save his money he even went on a trip without me but i keep his daughter while he was gone and all i ask is for him to spend a little time with me or even buy me a gift hell i would be happy with a trip to mcdonalds i know thats sad am totally not happy with this relationship. We were together 8 months. We both still live at home and even tho hes nearly 21, his parents still have some control over him, he doesnt talk back to them and theyre weird about him staying in my house and doing stuff with me (sometimes not all the time!) but again i was stupid and foolish.. i was so considerate to him that i believed that things will be different this time. I am very confused and angry at myself because I know he wasnt like that in his previous relationship endeavors. Any advice please? he says he wants to break off because he is busy in his work and stuff. He is in law school, I am getting my masters, and we also partake in a long distance relationship. So currently on the couch drinking a beer, eating leftovers from a 3 days ago (which is humorous because he could have at LEAST heated that up for me) and then all the sudden the dog jumps up at me. I was dipping into my bucket to bring him up but I wasnt getting anything in return. He also spends all is money on one of purchases like 600 pound shoes and then moans to borrow money while I foot the bill for car expenses etc.I feel like the only time he cuddles me is when he wants sex and if I have an excuse he immediately pulls away. When we girls become super loyal and keep pouring all the love in the world into our boyfriends life, they often take us for granted and makes barely any effort in the relationship to make us happy let alone pursue. Thats why I feel like I need to leave. Hes been consistent so far. Weve been together for 5 years. I love him dearly, but no lie Im confused & I dont like feeling confused. All I think of him is selfish & inconsiderate of everyones feelings but his own. I feel in this kind of limbo where expressing dissatisfaction with a relationship that doesnt actually exist makes me sound like a basket case. I had sent him links to little trinkets and gifts. The first time I actually felt MORE irritated. My youngest is a 1 month and when she was about two weeks old he met this girl on a bar while hanging out with his best friend and got her number. He studies in a university and was about to graduate when the lockdown began. Wow girl as Im reading this I cant believe I didnt write it lol. I just want to stop his really hurtful and insensitive way of fighting. Coz I know he loves me but I dont know what gets over him all of a sudden. That night at 1 am I snuck out and had his sis pick me up. This person does not respect my boundary. he has a 9-5 job and all he ever wanna do is go home and game after and its not that i mind but is it rlly hard to jst have dinner w me for once? He was blowing me off each and every time. I have been dating my boyfriend for almost 2 years. But then he keeps telling me he loves me, he cares for me, Im matter and important to him. I have no family and feel really lonely. I was the one initiating our relationship and I feel like he thinks just being there is enough for me. But when we got home, there was another fight awaiting us. with me very quickly after meeting me. , hopefully each day, I will start to become stronger, and maybe me and him could continue with our friendship as time passes. It wasnt any thing bad. I used to brag up the fact that he was one of those guys who would actually reply to all of a lengthy message so to speak but lately he ignores a lot of whats said as if he just doesnt care. I just dont know what to do. I honestly think we have a future together, but Im not his priority right now and I wonder if the possible future is worth fighting for. My BF is of course devastated and angry. and guess what? Be happy with you. I didnt get to ask him for his number or anything so I only had his name. I guess subconsciously I acted that way because hes quite lazy and I didnt want to cut him any slack in fear that he would put in less effort to maintain the long distance. However he has an interview for one. We spent four weekends together at his place and virtually every day together on a mutual project for a month. Can anyone help me and give me some advice? Youll feel encouraged and strengthened, comforted and supported. Could it be that he lost interest in me? From what i have learned about him, I know he is someone who does not really know what dating is. The sex? Our communication is pretty bad now. Anyway I would talk about these things with him and he would make progress, but then get right back to the same place shortly after. ? Like WTF is your goal, here, exactly? Recently life has been on the up and positive but I feel our relationship hasnt grown or been a focus. He always says that he lost interest in me gets worried if dont. 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