That affects both agriculture but also game animals and fish too. For comparison, Katrina in 2004 had a storm surge of @ 25 ft. For Sandy in 2012 it was @ 9 ft. Latest research ( indicates a tsunami of 13 to 26 ft hitting entire East Coast and Caribbean if Cumbre Vieja splits and sends western flank into ocean. What comes to mind is the Japanese wave, which killed thousandsin the very same place in Japan I used to live. How can anyone be so incapable of finding out information yourself? A suburb to the north of Boston by approximately 30 miles. the Bible I read does mention that Born Again Christians will leave in the If it hits on the east coast then the gulf of Mexico will have all the bodies and trash that it can handle, plus all the people that were wiped out from the panhandle of Fla. over to Alabama, Mississippi and Louisiana as well. Now, a day doesnt that I dont hear about someones wave nightmare. Should I relocate my family and what state is really safe. Real gas shortages. I also understand that Mt. Surfs up bro! You failed to mention your own state also. No 6 hour warning. Submarine launched cruise missiles along the coast, 10 minute warning. How far inland would that go in VA? If a 100 tsunami hit the west coast about how far would it travel East? I cannot imagine entire easy coast would be hit with massive tsunami? Would we have time?? This energy depending on the materials of the matter it flows through, as well as its depth and epicenter size, can give a rather broad range of various types of waveforms with various energy dimensions and dynamics rather than simple or narrow range of vibrational tendencies. I would imagine Waltham would see some damage but not total destruction. Its the little things! Read a lot of these and noticed that lot of people have had dreams. I dont know when this Tsunami will hit the east coast but please be prepared to take the actions needed to stay alive and ready for the outcome of the Tsunami. Pets will also alert their owners by becoming increasingly distressed and panicked; they just know. This Planet comes by roughly every 4500 years, never the same +/- 500 years. Anyone close to the water could have issues with soil erosion, sewage contamination (a frequent issue in hurricane zones), alterations in the salinity of the soil by ocean flooding, hurricane impact, tsunami, etc. I think when it does happen all we can do is look to Him! preferrable leaning your back against the wall from white the tsunami is coming Cause that gives you more chance to survice since the deadliest part is the first shock/impact! Some of our omnicidal heat engine culture us being tamed now in Germany which, besides leading zero-energy housing, some 34 coal fired generators will be decommissioned. Make sure you are right with God, only thru the believing in His son, Jesus, and repenting of your sins. Maggie I totally agree. It depends. Just curious . All of you people claiming this is going to happen, that is going to happen month after month, year after year, and nothing? . Well as a resident of Staten Island New York. But, with activity increasing, I dont see anything calming anytime soon. The only thing i tell you look up the prophecy of Efrain Rodriguez, pray ask for a circle of protection because this thing is gonna hit hard, obama know cause Rodriguez told him but he didnt believe him, i believe because as for me and my 10 yr son we have been dreaming about this, will happen soon between sep 1 2014, look for signs and ask the spirit of god to show you because god is tired america has turned away from him, god bless u all. Thx! Any thoughts? What happens when anyone one of the nuts that rule or fight for will hit back with the same ? The closer to the water the lower you are. Ive been digging and everythinh youve said seems to be on point. I know we are supposed to not worry as believers and trust that Jesus has saved us by his loved poured out for us on the cross, which I believe, praise God!! I would love to believe nothing will happen, But why are all the elite and government doing all these maneuvers across the states, You dont do something for no reason, you dont build something if you dont intend to use it, But these guys and some of them the Gov has moved some important offices to Chicago under ground WHY ? Donna, I truly dont know, I think its time to start witnessing as much as possible, and being a light to the world, being the love of Christ to those in need. Inundation distances can vary greatly along the shorelines, depending on the intensity of the tsunami waves, the undersea features, and the land topographic elevations. Look it up. Wow, we are in derby ct just left and up from new haven. Try not to panic so that you can think clearly and make safe discisions for you and your family. How high would a Tsunami be if a Cascadia fault quake 9.2 is generated? At the most, we will have a twelve hour notice. My arse would be getting as far west as possible and tf out of Florida/NYC, etc. THE ELEVATION FOR GREENVILLE IS NOT 375 MORE LIKE 75. Veronica. While they are not much more than a sand bar, would they still not alleviate some if a large waves energy? Escape scenario? Hi Ken,I was just curious if you had a chance to put together the model for the West Coast yet Thank you, With that said, if you happen to live in the northwest, beware of the Cascadia Subduction Zone which will one day produce an enormous earthquake and tsunami, Hi, Jen! Will my internet service still be available during a Tsunami ? You mean other than the fact that you live in NJ? Move or definitely dont move there? I live in a small town called miramar in florida which is 13 miles inland.The problem is, i live right next to a canal that leads to North Miamai beach, If a tsunami hits is Allentown pa safe its only an hour away from Philly, Should we head north into mountains if we live in Allentown pa. Dont know about how soon but 100 ft wave incoming will travel several miles, unless the rim of rock/soil/ debris blocking it is very high. Nick Shae/Nick Shaw Im in Fayetteville and am still worried, no, and there will be more than one wave get a plan. My sister and her husband went through it one year after a hurricane. Would eastern Kentucky be hit inland wise? As far inland as the first 1000 foot contour line line it would reach on the map. Hmmm, its 2021 and I dont think this prophecy came true. Sub and get alerts. The reasoning of the question is that after watching some of the survival prepper shows, if some individuals were to have subterranean shelter, that could be made water tight, the amount of available oxygen would be limited and thus there would be the need to open the watertight seals to allow for proper oxygen replenishment depending on the number of individuals within shelter. YOU CANT FIX STUPID BUT YOU CAN VOTE IT OUT! Ill say just going up a hilly road 300 above sea level would suffice. No fruit or vegetables will grow in ground that has been filled with salt. In many places, the waves reached as far as 2 km (1.2 mi) inland. God bless and guide us all. And Im not kidding. You can head west only as long as that bridge holds but how much do you think that river will rise and how strong is that bridge? is that 10 feet under water? What if this, What if that? UPDATE: I first published this article during 2013. Having said that, this may not happen for 1,000 years or maybe next month ;). Only happy news here would be if DC went before we did in N. Florida. which will give way to all of that water; if that happens, Florida is gone forever. I have family there and given the panic that will unfold once the warnings get out I dont think I will be getting much further than that. St. Helens is gearing up again. I was among them terrified for my life only caring if I alone survived. As I see it anyone off the East Coast can relax regarding Tsunami. Mean while if we had CMAE or constant magnetic acceleration energy, there will be no need for the fools that rule to desire or seek out fossil fuels. Concerned I hope this helps! People get set and thats where they are. Make sure your soul is right with God first. Very helpful. Yeah and on those boxes of Ensure is a number 00701. So with enough common sense they will get to higher ground as soon as possible to avoid any future disappointments and catastrophes. My house roof is about 20`. Replacing just one pole requires a crane and a massive flatbed truck to haul the steel beam which is only a few feet higher than the original wooden pole but seems to have a larger electrical apparatus involved in the area where power lines connect. Earthquakes can also cause massive tsunamis, as are the cases with the 2004 Bali earthquake/tsunami and the 2011 Touhou earthquake/tsunami/nuclear plant meltdown. Today is the day of salvation. She had some bizarre experiences that made me believe her. I currently live in NC and have been dreaming of huge waves or water coming in as far as Chapel Hill. Having said that, a hypothetical tsunami as described, will not go everywhere within the elevations that are shown. Natural earth movement resulting in earthquake vs. projectile (meteorite impact, etc.) Its all about energy. Can you show a better picture of South Carolina the one you have cuts most of it out and shows more of North Carolina. Presumably this will have a knock on effect for the whole world? If you can vacuum seal these items so they stay dry you will be better off then your neighbors. I looked around the terrain & even though I had never been there I knew this was Hawaii or one of its islands. Listen up people! there is a warning video posted on BIN,there is a list of cties that can b impacted by events going on NOW in La gves cty names including 100% Deleware ri, Ny, DC, Houston Tx savannah Ga.. 99% Fl. Lava filled the valleys as millions ran for their lives & I turned to look behind & these people were following me. I Live in Philadelphia pa i know it will floor here so whst place would be safe for me to go? Only if you get rid of your moonshine stil. There is nothing wrong with the picture. The highest point in Florida is 345 feet at Briton Hill, there are buildings In Florida higher than that. As far as south Florida goes, arent you forgetting the Bahama bank and the Bahama islands? Like give us that 5 hour notice ? How bad ? I love you Lord with all my heart & my soul! I have assurance with confidence that He will be with me even until end of time said in Bible. Little nervious. The fool has said in their heart, There is no God'! It killed 6,000 to 12,000 people, making it the deadliest hurricane and natural disaster in U.S. history. The Elite know and I believe they give signs for the smart ones to notice and give them a small chance. Lol. If you were within a few hundred miles of the slide I could see 100 plus waves. However, I am older nowthan I am in those dreams..and I do not own a green beach chairand I am not on a balcony overlooking the beach. I am about 30 mins north of portland,me will the tsunami reach me.God Bless us all.Amen. Thousands of earthquakes meaning >6600 at last count. Shes Screwed!!! My family and i live in southern Texas , about 45 minutes from the coast (South Padre Island) It is off the Cross Bronx Expressway. The $10 shows a tsunami. What would be the timeline for the recession of the water at the levels shown in the maps? I see at first this 300 foot tsunami would go less than 10 miles inland but then i see later in your findings Florida would be wiped out. I dug up every comment he has made on this via Google. It looks to me like your location is fine, in my own opinion, given that even a 300 tsunami would lose energy (and height) as it travels inland. I am approx. Well Me and my family are done for because we live in Burlington county pemberton nj and your map shows that we will get hit even thou my family and I live on a hill it will still hit us and I heard that when that tsunami happens it is from God because of how the people in America lies and believes in abortions and thinks its okay for people to be gay and I heard that after that tsunami in acouple of years from that point on Jesus is coming back and Im not trying to start a controversial argument or anything but of that tsunami happens it is time to start repenting and time to go home with God just saying but I just wanted to show and help you guys out so you guys can be safe thank you for showing me the map. If the event happens, will likely reach our east coast within 8 hrs. Seems like we are getting closer than ever to some kind of event. I live in Keaau at about 400 ft wondering how big a tsunami would have to be to reach my house. Id like more data on how these maps were made. They have not invited our Lord, Jesus into their hearts to invite Him in their heart after repent of their sins for forgiveness & ask Jesus to be their Savior & Lord that He would direct their life by having relation with Him. Charlene, That would be an interesting project. Ill check it out again later and look for the other boxes. I have watched a few documentaries on mega-tsunamis, and there are various opinions regarding the height of a Canary Island event reaching the East Coast. That means dont put it off, now is the time to come to Him. I really think it could effect rivers and cause them to rise as well. Ive been working for several years encouraging him to get on the preparedness train. Maybe go camping for a few days? Yes, I believe you would probably (be underwater). Works for hurricanes too. We cannot tell when but it WILL happen. I saw this enormous dark tidal wave approaching the coast very rapidly and stretching from north to south as far as the eye can see. If you have ANY doubt then move!!! As far as i know there were never in the known history any tsunami catastrophe there only the ocasional earthquakes. or not happen. Good luck to all of us and God Bless. If one was large enough and it was within a couple of thousand miles of you though, you would not have to worry about a wall of water, for you would be incinerated first. So youre saying this post is fearmongering bs? THERE IS GOING TO BE A 1000 FOOT WAVE AS THE RESULT OF AN EARTHQUAKE OFF THE COAST OF PUERTO RICO. Karen, You will not be able to leave with 3 hours notice as 100 million attempt to do the same. The down side is the river that expands out. They have increased in frequency. Are you still in NJ? If your on a river connected to where tsunami hit, a wave will surge up that river so dont be near any connected rivers. I seen that too omg this makes me nervous and sick. Its possible the U.S. govornment could collapse or be extremely weakened. Lots of activity happening in that area lately . Other than this dude in Puerto Rico who had a dream about the asteroid hit is there any evidence at all that this is going to happen ? Its Sunday October 31 2021. Hi, i live in the northern coast line in Porto and i was born in the Azores islands (middle of the Atlantic) where my family still lives. Would we have ample time to reasonably evacuate the major cities? Estimates are that it would take the wave 7 to 9 hours to reach the East Coast. The Highest Tsunami on Record is like 1730ft! What sucks is any water getting to me from a gigantic wave would be full of debris and junkand not prettylike in my dreams. Thats all I can say now. Look it up get yourself and family right with GOD. Bible said woe to those on the coast in last days. The solution is simpleslaughter the unrepentant, wicked, and Satan worshiping Luciferian globalist elite and their guards and get their property. Yea! So, since waves are generally slowed down as their lower aspect drags along the ocean bottom, and further braked by trees and buildings, it is far more likely that a 100 ft wave will run out of enough water volume before ever reaching all those house under that 100 ft. WRONG. The shaded-colored coastal areas however, yes, those will certainly be underwater. I dreamt of two volcanoes. Very few die in Hawaii due to the elevation and the warning from the US, but thousands die in poor Cali, My numbers can be verified by the International Earthquake and Volcano Prediction Center in Orlando, Florida. I just want to point out that Manhattan is sheltered by the outer boroughs. Nothing against you bro get some floaties!!! Michelle, The Warren area specifically. Additionally, the wave would have to get over the Allegheny Front 60 miles to the east, which at its lowest point is about 2500 feet in elevation. Ken, The consequences of such an event are nearly unimaginable. The Savannah River runs on the North Side of Savannah which sits low and would act like a large petrie dish (Kind of like New Orleans in Katrina). Wow, that was a great summation.! Or at least spread out over thousands of miles?? Soil will wash from under buildings so that they topple. There is no evidence of a tsunami of this nature ever occurring in the Atlantic Ocean. No, you should be prepared; worrying does no good in life besides give you gray hair. We get a glimpse of what it would be like when hurricanes hit damage wise. Very unlikely to happen in our lifetimes, chaps. There are nuclear power plants along the eastern coast of north America and a Tsunami could cause another Fukushima Daiichi nuclear disaster. This happens and the entire state is history. I live in Chelmsford, MA. Just a tip! Given this particular article and its scenario, the wave is a massive tsunami, which would certainly travel more than 1 mile inland on much of the east coast of FL which is very flat and only feet above sea level thats my opinion. I LIVE IN OCALA FL WILL WE BE OK?ARE WE FAR ENOUGH INLAND? It is no secret that some in the elite have selected these spots as hideaways, have purchased land, often at existing resort sites already setup to house the wealthy, and are prepared to guard their fortresses. A real simulation would be interesting. You posted this back in 2016, so youve had plenty of time to locate OUT OF FLORIDA to higher ground. Land,the size of 1500 miles; 300-400 feet wide would slide into the ocean. You will be where ever you are just my take. There is no real evidence that this will occur. Ken, thank you for providing a model of could potentially occur. Something even better than the jab and quicker. What are your thoughts? silver fox says; Science is good-up to a point-whatever knowledge man has learned has been perverted by Satan, so why would you trust it? NYC will be unlivable as stores run out of food and people begin robbing. The day became night from the ash & the valleys raised with lava. I sometimes wish it was a law of nature that if anyone predicts a date for a disaster and gets folks terrified into a panic, that if the event does not occur then the predictor would cease to exist. So, chances are when it happens they will be where they are and either die or have to survive with nothingSIMPLE! How many miles West does one has to travel in Safety from the Beaches from Miami gardens? In times such as these (2020 to present) Gods presence is the one constant. is being put to the test at this moment. The videos of the Japanese tsunami are much more frightening..than my dreams. You had better be above Sea Level minimum 400ft, I prefer 650+ft and have a Shelter built from the harsh Elements, Fire, 200mph Winds, Acid Rain, Rivers/Streams Flooding, and Earth Quakes if near a Faultline, in your area, and have Food and Supplies for at least 2 years. Please shoot me an email as my search for answers will continue. So does this mean it could cause a power grid collapse then and no internet no phones no power of any kind from a storm of this magnitude and if that were to happen the govt could envoke their emergency fema laws and martial law would take over and we will basically be under tyranny overnight? Karen Maybe we can some way funnel the power and destruction into the DC area and save the rest of America? My instinct tells me that the effects would be muted well before then. If the wave is 300 feet its going over Florida into the gulf there all dead. It would take a wave from a meteor impact less an 70 minutes to propagate from there to inland Florida. I thought maybe you were referring to the boxes the guy was loading up onto his boat at the beginning. So I live in ga riverdale ga like the south side moved here 5 years ago and started having these wave dreams will ga be flooded Im 15 minutes away from downtown Atlanta and 30 minutes away from stone moutain. Doesnt show a 300 feet scenario, but it shows what the canary island landslide would produce. We will sit and wait. thats not a fun scenario either. Its true, Jesus is the only one that can save you, your salvation is at hand at any given time. There is no f- ING middle idea just dead !!!! I live in Maine also. Nothing more than seeking confirmation of your own delusions of safety and looking for a reason to tell yourself not to worry, in an area that is OBVIOUSLY at risk! Im in nc too. @Sarah where did you see evidence of such event to be happening? Thanks for the link to the watershed info. I have dreams that come true often. He put out a YouTube video I think in September where he talked about his latest dream. Preparing for one event such as a tsunami may be on your mind at this moment, but there are literally hundreds or thousands you should be ready for in life, the needle in the hay stack (tsunami) may be a focus for now, but try planning for the entire Hay Stack in a wind storm. It has also grown larger due to Volcanoes eruptions forcing upward growth and widening areas potential land mass falling at record speeds hitting Ocean all the way down to floor. I used to live in Brooklyn and got out of the city, thank God. Please pray for me as I make this difficult decision as I pray ALL Christians see the light. Yes! Because Hes given us MANY warnings, and America is playing God, and Hes coming back soon! Given the known content and depth of the crust and mantle, different sources of vibrations would result in an increase in different waveforms forming with various energies. Your more detailed map of Maine shown in the article barely reaches north to even Freeport, which is about 1/5th the distance along Maines coast coming up from Kittery. We dont know when it would happen. I just read your comment. Thanks, Awesome info. if you lived on the east coast and had 5 to 6 hours notice would it be better to take a boat and run towards the tsunami and meet it in the open ocean, In fact, if you had the means (an appropriate sea-worthy boat) and if you feared massive traffic congestion or the inability to escape inland in time, and IF you had adequate warning (BEFORE the tsunami started pulling water out of the shore prior to its onset), then yes, escaping in a boat would be viable. Heard a lady talking about this & she made a comment this could happen in August of this year. A 10 meter tsunami goes 1.2 kilometers inland. Thank you so much. Then theres the nuke plant down near AC. This event would likely lead to a mega tsunami that travels across the Atlantic and devastates the East Coast of the United States. Assuming the direction of the tsunami is from across ocean, it would seem that Bahama islands would act at least as a partial barrier protecting the southern portion of Florida. Tsunamis can travel as far as 10 miles (16 km) inland, depending on the shape and slope of the shoreline. If yall get hit take a DEEP breath!!! These items should already be packed and either in your trunk or ready to grab at a moments notice. Evacuation with EVERYONE in Florida trying to evacuate would be disastrous. thanks !! We are 166 feet above sea level and a little less than 20 miles inland. My family and I are making sure our house is in order and we are right with God. I live in Winston salem NC if a mega tsunami hit the east cost is my city in danger giving the fact we like 200 miles from a beach bit we have the Yakin river that close by. Best thing to do is stay as closer as you can with Lord Jesus, otherwise you will be part of that event. If you live in central or southern new jersey it is extremely dangerous. I recalled posting the following East Coast Terrain Elevation Maps with intent of providing some context for a what if scenario of a mega-tsunami. Well it is 9/19/21 and there is major activity in the Canary Islands. I truly want to help.. God bless. Single mother on the coast . Does the Government have that kind of protocol in place right now? Is Charlotte, NC far enough inland or should I head for higher ground? Use your common sense, and do something b4 its too late. NY is doomed economically politically and if there is a true mega emergency it will be violent chaos. Because if this happens as predicted it would be much larger than 300ft. Of course at the 225 300 guages we are all underwaterbut one can hope The mountains in Appalachia are no longer a jumble of rocks, but have been worn down over time and covered with forests and glens. Seriously? Most tsunamis are less than 10 feet high when they hit land, but they can reach more than 100 feet high. It says 42 miles from Savannah but I see rivers. He didnt know anything about the eruption in La Palma, the El Combre volcano, or the horrendous possibility of a monster tsunami should part of the volcano slide into the ocean. Water coming in as far as i know it will be unlivable as stores run out Florida/NYC. First published this article during 2013 as predicted it would be getting as far i... Timeline for the smart ones to notice and give them a small chance is simpleslaughter unrepentant., but they can reach more than 100 feet high when they hit land, the waves reached far... Florida goes, arent you forgetting the Bahama islands the elevations that are.... 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