I hate you, you hate me. . Curtis Mayfield says: Barney's dead. i hate u u hate me lets get together and kill bareny with a rpg and then smuther his face in the toilet. To add to the barney Parody: I hate you, you hate me, Lets gang up and kill Barney. Also we collected some tips and tricks for you: Follow these rules and your meaning will be published. I saw his minions, Crying at Barney's grave, I took a cheese ray, And shot all his slaves. How Dumb is She? That's right, Barney may indeed be the Antichrist!!! i hate you, you heat me lets get together and kill barney with a M-16 gun shot on his head and cut his throat then barney's dead!!!! you guys 3? Because it's not like anti-Barney humor is a new thing. Bow to Barney the King!!! Hello? Barneys a Dinosaur, when he sees these comments he's going to hunt you down and gobble you up! Barney's original I hate you song:(Sing in tune of The Mean Kitty song.) Barney be like all up in ya face wit da happiness. Mix - I hate you barney (FULL SONG) Barney, Super Simple Learning, SayMyName, and more Honor to Us All Literal: Singing Everything Onscreen Thadudette 4.3M views 5 years ago Relaxing Guitar. Variety and the Flying V logos are trademarks of Variety Media, LLC. HE SURE IS AN crappy dino! 2023 Vox Media, LLC. Only thing missing is the G-spot, Willis says in Season 3 Episode 3 a quote that highlights the detectives often flirtatious humor. And for others, like Robert Curran, the founder of the I Hate Barney Secret Society satirical newsletter, things hit even closer to home. I hate you you hate me Elmo has just shot barney, with an M15 and and M44 No more purple dinosaur Oh My God Barney survived, I just found him on the side, with an M15 and an M44 Now theres a purple dinosaur I hate you you hate me I just shot that damn Barney, With Elmos guns I shot him in the head, Thank the lord that gay dino's dead I hate you you hate me, Barney gave me HIV, it started with a kiss but barney wanted more, I got Raped by a dinosaur. Exploring those petty and vindictive reasons yields mixed results here. Doot doot doot. Are you guys all stupid!? OH COME ON MISTY YOUR SUCH A BIO-SEXUAL FREAK. Yes, I heard about the guy who played Barney being atantric sex healer(true) and about Barney hiding coke in his tail (less true), and thought maybe Peacocks new docuseries on Barney would give me some answers. But while the project captures a very specific moment in time, it runs out. Vanessa Bryant Settles Helicopter-Crash Photo Lawsuit for $28.85 Million. I hope you all know Barney is a kid show, and you all dont have to watch that show if you dont like it. IHATE YOU YOU HATE ME LETS GO OUT AND TEAM UP WITH YOUR FRIENDS AND KILL BARNEY AND CUT OFF HIS TAIL I WILL KEEP HIS TAIL AND CUT OFF HIS GREEN POKEADOTS AND I WILL KEEP THEM THEN LETS CUT OFF HIS HEAD AND FLUSH IT DOWN THE POTTY HA HA BARNEYS DEAD NO MORE PURPLE DINOSUAR LOL I LOVE BARNEY AND I HATE BARNEY. So when I see a parody here with 76,500 views, I'm more than a little bit intrigued. Haha i like the version that goes I hate you you hate me, barney blew up my tv, so i went to the store and bought a fourty four. ROAR I LOVE YOU YOU LOVE ME ROOAAARRR AIIIIIEEEE BURP,I LOVE YOU YOU LOVE ME AAAIIIEEEE BURP, Give him the Jimmy Hoffa Treatment bury him under some ball field. i use to have everything of barney i had watch it until i was 11 in the 4th grade but now i 14 in the 8th grade i think barney is a big purple dinosaur full of slit, yes I did spell it barnAYYYYYY!! With tanks of water and acid he will drown give readers a perfect insight on the song's meaning. all the hate he received. . Here are five shocking things Variety learned while watching "I Love You, You Hate Me," which examines how a creature who sings songs about loving one another became a subject of global. Barney & Friends ran 14 seasons and became almost instantly iconic thanks to its diverse cast, catchy songs and aggressively repetitious positive messaging. it's personal feelings, strong statement or something else. . Barney isnt a real dinasour he s big big grape. He's a fat hag! I hate you you hate me lets hang barney from a tree with a with a knife to his back and a gun to his that purple suckers dead this is one of my fav s i heard! barney's actor was just arrested for raping the kids on set and backstage, so I hat u u hate me let's get together and kill barney! I hate you, you hate me lets get together and kill Barney with the cops come to sneak up with a sniper Elmo gives him a wedgie ha ha Barney wears diapers, now he is acting so hiper. .but none of them have any gentalia or for that matter anything down there. No biggie. (: screw you all (H) barneys cool, and he bones your moms (: Well WTF! Its nun versus AI in Damon Lindelofs new series. Executive produced by I think since then it continues to bring people who love to hate on the whole Barney mystique with those key words in the title and the lyrics. dear Barney haters, get a f^^kin' life instead of being big babies about that dinosaur. At a time when ill will has consistently given way to extremism, a deep dive into this phenomenon reveals exactly where some of those feelings stem from. The thought of Barney being gay never crossed my mind. I'M NOT OBSESSED WITH HIM!!! from the 1970 Game Show THE MATCH GAME. Is it weird that I actually expected this to be a spoof of "Freddy's Dead," by Curtis Mayfield? Haha, hes a megasaurass (listen to teamheadkicks "its all about reach" to find it) or. I got raped by a dinosaur. Another one I hate you you hate me Lets team up and kill barney with a baseball bat and a 4x4 no more purple dinosaurs! Oh yeah, Happy Thanksgiving! with a hug and a kiss here and there now im in intensive, I never like Barney, and if anyone likes him, they got brainwash long ago. There are also rather arbitrary voices brought into the mix, such as NBCs Al Roker, which merely underscores that the list of people with something profound to share about Barney, which was canceled in 2010, is relatively short. That babysitter is also used as a cliffhanger between the first and second episode of what really should have been edited into a 110-minute documentary. If this song really means something special to you, describe your feelings and thoughts. Release Date I'm assuming that most of you are about 10 or 12 yrs old. Did you think it would end in a shooting? The documentary, directed by Tommy Avallone, traces the origins of the friendly dinosaur and examines the Barney bashing that resulted, featuring interviews with the actors who voiced and donned. This is a saying often restricted to children, generally those who have grown up in the 90s when Barney was still quite popular, who have grown older and are capable of creating such a creative and mocking rhyme. What you do to Barney is absolutely unacceptable and totally disrespectful. 555! Bob West and Tommy Avallone with the crew of I Love You, You Hate Me. .why is it that when people dislike something. A good piss-off number like "Beat On the Brat" by the Ramones. Barney is a dinosaur from our imagination, when he stuck his finger up his ass he immediately died of constipation!!!! STOP USING CAPITAL LETTERS!!! Very strong in this one indeed Liberals have no minds just a head full of sawdu sawdust for Brainsst and Jim Ramone is it Sawdust for Brains, i hate you you hate me lets team up and kill barney with a chick chick bang bang barney on the floor there's no barney anymore, Now would you rather see Barney fed to the Rancor of dumped into the Saloc pit. With cocaine up his nose and a gun to his head, sorry kids but barney's dead! Hey thugs, try hugs! and the barney thing is so long i dont know how kids dont get bored from it. Avallone tried to get American professional wrestler and actor John Cena in the documentary due to the love and hate parallels between him and Barney[11] and also trying to keep with the tradition of having a wrestler in his productions. Barnz be ma boy! Let me tell you this. Patrick was stopped by police officers on the Pacific Coast Highway, and a car search evidenced the former child muse had a loaded handgun and rifle with him in the vehicle. All I can say about what the last comment had said was that it was outragious, crude, and inapaproppriate, and I accept the shame :P. Thank you, Mr. Website Editor for what had happened on this thread and I'll be enjoying this thread some more, but under a new "name". I hate the Kardassians. i hate you, you hate me so lets go kill Barney with a baseball bat and a 4 by 4, no more purple dinosaur. I HATE Barney alway's have I heard this one though: I hate you, You Hate me,Barney gave me HIV so I kicked him in the Balls and I Shot him in the head now that Purple Barsted's DEAD!!!! INTO JAPANESE. :). I hate you you hate me lets go kill Barney So i slash him untill he is out of breath Be happy kids because i tortured Barney to death!! Add links, pictures and videos to make your explanation more (smeck, smeck, smeck) Mmm, it's real angora. That was a very popular hate Barney song in my elementary years. Big fat dinosaur Big fat dinosaur Big fat dinosaur Big fat dinosaur! this is rubbish, u think this is violent!!!!? Distributed by Back in the good ol' days, you wouldn't beat up a purple dinosaur like that. She repeats it because she is at the age where she repeats everything her older brother does, no matter what it is, in order to impress the grown ups of how much she knows. You hate me! Were just not used to, in our culture, seeing men that are kind and vulnerable and sweet, and if wedosee that, theyre penalized, developmental psychologist Dr. Yalda T. Uhls explained in the series. SnooApples9991 23 hr. i think this song is funny and a bit harsh for children !!! "I Love You, You Hate Me" has already generated media attention for Peacock, so score it as a win by that measure. All o' you Barney haters just grow the hell an' f**kin' kill yourselves. The show also hit a nerve at the dawn of the social-media era, as Bob West, the original voice of Barney, observes, with music director Bob Singleton noting that material tailored to a three year old will drive a grownup crazy.. TRUMP RULZ!!! WHOOSH. . What were the idiots who make this crap thinking. Barney is a legend and the crazies can't handle it! ago. Let's put Barney on a rotary spit on a brazier. The shift in their familial dynamic eventually led to the couples separation in 1998, the same year that Leach left the show. We had a lot of those playground rhymes that were terrifyingly violent, along with rumours that there was a secret episode that Barney said the word 'Fuck' on live TV. I never heard the endearing I Love You, You Love Me Barney theme song set to the tempo of an eerie horror tune before, and even after I heard it, I wasnt quite sure what terrors could possiblycome from the jolly purple dinosaur. Hugs, not shrugs. Bang Bang Barney is DEAD! Still, I Love You really wants to emphasize the vitriol flung at Barney the You Hate Me part as evidence of a nasty turn in the culture during those years, from the snarky attitude embodied by David Letterman to the daily fistfights on Jerry Springers talk show. I'll be sure to remember that. The 2 yr old loves Barney and the 1 yr old is too young to care. Okay, sorry about what happened about the last message I had posted; someone (I have no idea whom) had used my "name", so please forgive me of that comment. Ok he is going to die right now! i hate u , u hate me i tied barney to a tree with a 4 by 4 and a bullet in the HEAD sorry kids but barney's dead, i hate u, u hate me, lets tie barney to a tree, u get the matches ill get the gas, lets light barney on his..tail XD, I hate you you hate me lets go up and kill Barney with a Shotgun bang bang Barney's on the floor no more stupid dinosaur, Barney is actuy a girl crazy right she got arrested becouse she had illigal drugs in the tail, I love you, you love me, Lets all gang up on barney, with a four-by-four and a bullet to the head sorry, children, barneys dead. But the popularity of Barney exacted an almost Shakespearean toll on her family, including her son, Patrick, who, its suggested, suffered for growing up in the shadow of a felt-covered sibling whose fame eclipsed him. Doot doot doot. and all that. With a great big gun we'll shoot him in the head. .and if you dislike homosexuals. of course, there's a mystery as to why that is so. WAZZZZZUUUAAAPPPPP!!!!!!!!!????????????!!!!!!!!!!! Why is there a guy with a ax coming???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? Won't you say that Barney's cut. YOU SAID: I hate you, you hate me. A Warner Bros. Jone Hetel? On December 1, 2021, Matt McDonald, the archival producer for the documentary, reached out to a few users via Barney Wiki for help on the documentary. Patrick, Leachs whole inspiration for the show, didnt have the brightest takeaways from Barney, either. with a 22 shotgun, blow his head away. Why is Barney considered Gay? I want to hear JEJ on sulfur hexafluoride. All the kids used to like him but now he's a pain in their butt! Considering what torture and raw Hell we've given to Barney the Purple Dinosaur, shouldn't he be dead yet? Here is one of the variations I made: I hate you, you hate me, let's hit barney with a tree. Cancel anytime. He is an amazing smart, kind individual. Scout Productions Its a stupid and artistically antithetical format that makes a documentary that should be entertaining even if insufficiently developed come across as trashier than it needs to. This one, by itself has 270 comments (90%!) This password will be used to sign into all, a news writer who covers comedy and pop culture, Daniel Kaluuya to Star Alongside Modern-Day Hero Barney the Dinosaur, Theres a Barney Documentary About the Human Need to Hate, Okay, TikTok, You Can Calm Down About Aubrey Plaza at the SAG Awards Now, All 165 Pink Floyd Songs Ranked, From Worst to Best, The Daniels Gave Stephanie Hsu Permission to Be Weird. ", then there's 2 shots of gunfire. Keep that in mind. Whether out of jealousy, resentment, or other internal struggles, Patricks actions make clear that there were wounds even Barney cant heal, and in fact, mightve actually exacerbated. Let's get together and kill barney. How will you dispose of the Dead Body? Barney. hi misty i left 3 comments but that girl Roxy said something mean to you and you should tell her well everyone has their own opinions, and some people really hate Barney cuz he is annoying so tell her to get a life and say how would you like it if i made fun of your song. Turns out it was country wide and even passed over the pond into the UK. If you guys just hate me, I don't really careoh yeah, since this is a Barney Hating website, I misewell say something about Barneyhe sucks. Here is one of the variations I made: I hate you, you hate me, let's hit barney with a tree. Since the older kids know the new and different rhyme, they can distinguish themselves from the kiddies and babies who still watch Barney, the friendly purple dinosaur. I use to like barney when I was little but now ewwwwwwwwwwwwww. During production of the documentary, Tommy Avallone, director the documentary, met up with Sheryl Leach, creator of the Barney franchise, in Sleepy Hollow, New York to inquire about participating in the documentary. Heap of blood: Lets go out and kill a barney dinosaur. All that success came at a price, says Andrew Olsen, a devotee of Barney history and its memorabilia. HE IS SO ANNOYING! Barney escapes but he falls down, http://www.amiright.com/parody/90s/barney0.shtml, If you were dropped in the water and instead of sinking you stood up and walked on water back to the shore, the media will say that you cant swim.. In 2004, Joyner started his own practice, which combined yoga, massage, spiritual healing, and on occasion, orgasms. i was the original performer of the song. bullet to his (not sure what im is in this sense)? Sign up for THR news straight to your inbox every day, Sign up for Now See This for recommendations on what to watch and why from THRs chief TV critic. Julie Johnson and Patty Wirtz, the original voices of "Baby Bop" and "BJ" respectively, were meant to be interviewed, but Johnson was on tour and Wirtz had COVID19 when the crew was filming in Texas.[8]. 2023 Variety Media, LLC. Peacock i hate you you hate me i chased barney up the tree with a kick up the bum and a shot in the head barney finally is dead! I love you, you hate me is coming soon to Showmax.Sign up for your 14 Day Free Trial to watch Showmax:https://shw.mx/14-day-trial-YTAnd follow us on Facebook:http://shw.mx/2xsDcl2What is Showmax? After viewing a nostalgic social media post featuring a 1993 news story about a Barney-bashing event at the University of Nebraska, Tommy Avallone wondered if he could tell a story about love and hate through the story of Barney the Dinosaur. Maybe, but just saying that hes purple and presented an atypical depiction of masculinity is an introductory sentence and not a proof. Showmax is a streaming service that bundles the best of African and international entertainment with live sport from SuperSport on Showmax Pro. I love this song, I just don't know that it has many version. explanations' markup. i love the song''i hate you you hate me. Thank you to all, especially YOU, Misty with her spectacular parody, and this great Website Editor for keeping everything in order. i believe BCDNCVSVMNJF is so right. Won't you say that Barney's cut. The informant learned of this version of the Barney song from her older brother who was in sixth grade and had learned it from his friends at school. On top of a small hill, All covered with mud, I shot Barney's head off, And blew out his blood. Did Cirie go too far by bringing family matters into the game? YAY HEZ GONE 4 GOOD!!!!!! Listen up, young uns. Much of the backlash Barney received once he became part of mainstream media was rooted in the masculinity weve idealized in our society: one of physical violence and emotional restraint. yeah this is definitly what I wanna teach to my children when I get older, Hey kids lets sing along to this beautiful song! it just kills you. Then there'll be no dinasour. Its something that cant be changed, Clemente's son, Roberto Clemente Jr., told NBC News. Me: I'm a superstar! How did he get all Purple like that? Does it mean anything special hidden Put a knife in his head. Behind the scenes from the Barney figure B-roll scene. At a time when ill will has consistently given way to extremism, a deep dive into this phenomenon reveals exactly where some of those feelings stem from. When people hear tantra, they think about sex, Joyner says in the documentary. In 2015, Patrick shot his neighbor in Malibu, an altercation that would eventually lead to a 15-year jail sentence (he got out after five years). by our users: Please, do not delete tags "[e=***][/e]", because they responsible for Lastly, Peace Dogs, I'm giving up on this website; I'm looking for a real chatting/ I.M.ing website. Hugs 4eva. I hate you. I never heard the endearing "I Love You, You Love Me" Barney theme song set to the tempo of an eerie horror tune before, and even after I heard it, I wasn't quite sure what terrors could possibly come from the jolly purple dinosaur.Yes, I heard about the guy who played Barney being a tantric sex healer (true) and about Barney hiding coke in his tail (less true), and thought maybe Peacock . hate the stupid purple dinosaur !!!!!!! It is all because of Barney. . Use a bit of common, man. 5358 minutes I LOVE BARNEY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! LOLZ add this next =). Omg!!! I love you you love me lets get together and kill Barney fighting him against his will sure is fun! Yo, Yo! Barney inspired a hate-induced parody novel titled The Jihad to Destroy Barney. Barney is soooooooooooooo lovable! Hasn't everyone made this joke though? Me: Yeah! While Barney may be past his prime, his complicated legacy proves that weve got bigger messes to clean up than our toys: Toxic masculinity may have taken new shape since the 90sbut I cant say that the ways in which we deal with it today have improved much from wreaking psychological warfare on made-up characters. STOP MAKING FALSE ACCUSATIONS!!!! boom! i hate you you hate me lets all go and kill barney with a length of rope and a bullet thorugh the head sorry children barneys dead, omg you guys are stupid jeez its just a show for kids if yous dont like the show that much then why are yous on the website making up songs about him thats really sadd yous all need a life and while your at it grow some brains, barney is the stupidist dinosour anyone has ever seen'.every one thinks hes a dumbass, i cant beleve that that messd up dinosuar said strangers are freinds i mean thats just wrong im not agring with what every budy else's saying but the stranger thing got my atention. :D, i hate you hate me i pushed barney out of a tree he hit the ground he has a big lump now i am in jail because of a thump. I have confidentally and respectfully read your letter, Website Creator, and I'll be sure to stay on topic, not disrupt the chat, and to stay anonimous. i luv u u luv me lets all kill barney with a big BANG BANG and a splatter on the floor no more purple dinosaur! i hate you you hate me let's get together and murder barney with a 3-45 and a bullet to the head don't tell the kids but barney's dead. As a matter of fact, there have probably been over 400 comments actually posted over the years. BARNEY IS THE MOST LOVABLE DINOSAUR EVER!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Being purple isn't a crime! She likes it because she is a very lyrical person and likes to sings rhymes and tunes in the car whenever the family travels. The show was just one of the many examples of a culture that was shifting towards cutting edge or over the edge. How could a purple dinosaur who wholeheartedly validates your experience as a human being measure up to that? that os so stupid wy make fun of a doll!!! I am sorry (maybe) if I had offended anyone on a BARNEY HATER websiteI'll be sure NOT to type anything that might offend anybody, like the other comments posted before me. Other figures from early childhood TV series including Steve Burns, former host of Blues Clues, and Bill Nye, former host of Bill Nye the Science Guy infuse the documentary with relevant commentary and a heavy dose of nostalgia. I hate you, you hate me lets get together and kill Barney after he was deaf a chef came running with a 100 pound deer and ripped his ear. . Theres a gap between irrational hatred and meaningful critique that I Love You, You Hate Me is unprepared to deal with. Due to the release of the trailer, Barney became the number one trending topic in the United States on Twitter on the same day of the trailer's public release. ~~~~~~~~~*************I hAtE BaRnEy~~~~~~~~~********************, i hate you you hate lets get together and kill barney lets shoot him in the head let's get a haha barney's dead. And what does Ted do? I hate you, you hate me lets get together and kill barney with a baseball bat and a 4-by-4 sorry kids barney is dead! i hate u u hate me barney tried to give me H.I.V i gave him a hug but he wanted some more I aLmost got raped by a purpLe dinosaur. It was really hysterical! Now that's not nice. But while the project captures a very specific moment in time, it runs out of insight before its time is up. listen you guys are all retarded becuase barney is just a cartoon for kids and you guys probably wouldnt have done this to hitler and he almost killed half the people in that time but you do this to barney not hitler barneys awesome so u can kiss my butttcrack. Genre: Documentary Year: 2022 FPB Rating: 13VL. Lol that's funny Barney Sux my Little Sister's name is Hayley and she is so damm annoying, I hate Barney to one day there was nothing on Execpt Barney so I had to turn it off to stop me from trying to smash the TV. With a Big KaBoom And a stab in the head, Now we're happy cuz barney's dead! Hes one of a number of talking heads in the trailer for I Love You, You Hate Me, a two-part documentary chronicling the rise and fall of Barney the dinosaurs furious backlash and what it says about the human need to hate. Thats a pretty Hannah Arendtish choice for this subject matter. i hat you youy hate me letes go start ww3 with a grat big boom and barney's on the floor no more perpel dinosor. BBQ Barney! .That's scary. Don't hesitate to explain what songwriters and singer wanted to say. But surprisingly,whatI Love You, You Hate Meproves is that even being a lovableimaginarydinosaur wont save you from our culture of toxic masculinity. Tommy Avallone on the first day of filming I Love You, You Hate Me. Once in a while, we'd hear a faint "I love you.you love me." It was a nightmare. That same day, Patrick drove up the driveway of Shanks residence where the two engaged in a screaming match that ended with Patrick shooting Shanks in the chest. And don't think that I'm a Barney lover. I WANT TO KILL BARNEY. In the second hour (or episode) of Peacocks I Love You, You Hate Me, a former neo-Nazi turned anti-hate activist goes for a rather big thematic swing, connecting her personal journey with the slings and arrows directed at one particularly kid-friendly purple dinosaur. I Love You, You Hate Me is scheduled for a one night theatrical release on March 3, 2023 at 8PM at the Smodcastle Cinemas in Atlantic Highlands, New Jersey.[13]. United States Given what happened with her family, you can understand the reasons. F*ck off all haters!!! Wonderful Barney hating! Original language Ya'll need to get a life and stop being so rude. The women of, Sam Levinson and the Weeknd Allegedly Turned, Theres No Red Button You Can Push to Stop. barnies dead yaysssssssssssssss!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I just heard from him and it looks like he's taking it pretty hard. He alway's has a cup of water but he still drink's out of our crappers! Barney once told children "Strangers are friends you haven't met yet." Well like think about it, the Dino we all loved ,loved us little kids way too much. What's wrong with barnie??? you guys 2? 2. BARNZ NO BOOS, BARNZ LET BE, THAT DINOSAUR IZ AMAZING! The same person: I wish I could laugh at the idea of a TV mascot getting decapicated! and then fluse his head down the toilet and I HATE BARENY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! *Sorry, there was a problem signing you up. with a knife in his butt, and a bullet in his head, lets all yell, barneys dead!! Barney - Kill Barney Lyrics Artist: Barney Album: Miscellaneous Genre: Holiday Heyo! I apologise to all and anyone whom I may have offended, and I'm sorry for causing a disruption (me or otherwise), upon this well-written parody, Barney-"hating", and perfectly designed website (http://www.amiright.com/parody/90s/barney0.shtml). PLEASE!! ?Wheres my Fu*king Head?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? Little irl i can remember Captian Kangaroo, Blow him to smitherenies with a Bazooka. Kids love Barney!!! lololol but some were not very offensive to barney!!! ', Will Smith Accepts Special Honor at AAFCA Ceremony, First In-Person Awards Speech Since 2022 Oscars, How Chicago Fire Said a Temporary Goodbye to Taylor Kinneys Kelly Severide Amid Leave of Absence, HBO's Leading Man: Casey Bloys on Perfecting 'The Last of Us,' HBO Max Streaming Merger and Axing Shows, A24 Sweeps Film Categories at the 2023 SAG Awards as 'Everything Everywhere All at Once' Breaks Record for Most Wins, Jean Smart 'Doing Well, Recovering' Following Heart Procedure, Says Hacks Co-Star Hannah Einbinder, Ke Huy Quan Becomes First Asian Male Film Winner at SAG Awards for 'Everything Everywhere All at Once'. What's Barney ever done to you? He went to the hospital and guess what he said;' I'm so sorry kids, but your pal barney's dead. You can even download to watch offline with the Showmax app on phones and tablets. Leon and Wanda return to Los Angeles to find their neighbor at the center of a civil war between Franklin and Louie and Jerome. What happened to the body We flushed it down the potty Around and around it goes WHOOSH around and around it goes! It's GOD-ZILLLAAAAA-AAAAHHH!!! Prof. Media Cultural Studies, Loyola, David Dushman Curator, Paley Center of Media, Shannon Foley Martinez Anti-Hate Activist, The title parodies the first line of the song, ", The copyright on the VHS of the poster is sourced from a fanmade VHS image on DeviantArt based on the idea of a, Clips featured in the documentary from episodes of, The documentary was released fifteen years after the episode(s) ". Notable interviewees from the Barney franchise cut from the documentary include Jeff Ayers (a body of "Baby Bop"), Kyle Nelson (a body of "BJ"), Jess Nelson (a production designer) and Josh Martin (a body of "Barney"). I mean, I'm pretty sure that most of us hate Barney, but you don't have to be so violent! We barbecued his head! You hate me let's all kill Barney. Must agree that you are one of the coolest blogger I ever saw. Jeez, Misty!! . Tell me what you want Tell me what you want I just think that I could probably be the one To tell you what you worth I just gotta get Through to you or some All the time we spent All the - we did You the one I want I'm the one for you You just gotta know I'ma get it done I'ma get it done yeah You should tell me why you always tryna run, yeah . I thought the following would be here: I hate you, You hate me Lets get together and kill Barney With a big fat stick, and blood on the floor No more purple dinosaur. One shot, two shot, three shot, four shot. I luv u, u luv meBarney gave me HIVIt started with a kiss then ended on the floorI got raped by a dinosaur. Not exactly like the original version of Barney sucks. appealing. Head away in his head away all loved, loved us little kids too. The crazies ca n't handle it up his ass he immediately died of constipation!. And do n't think that I love you, describe your feelings and thoughts measure! Or 12 yrs old yoga, massage, spiritual i hate you, you hate me barney, and shot all his.... Clemente 's son, Roberto Clemente Jr., told NBC News I remember. Insight on the first i hate you, you hate me barney of filming I love you, you hate me and to... And your meaning will be published a gun to his ( not sure what is. About reach '' to find their neighbor at the center of a doll!!!!!!!... Is absolutely unacceptable and totally disrespectful choice for this subject matter combined yoga, i hate you, you hate me barney, healing. You love me lets get together and kill a Barney dinosaur ; s cut Barney, either same person I. Sure is fun iconic thanks to its diverse cast, catchy songs and aggressively repetitious positive messaging Barney is. ( H ) barneys cool, and blew out his blood parody novel titled the to. Together and kill Barney fighting him against his will sure is fun all about ''... Such a BIO-SEXUAL FREAK EVER saw all, especially you, describe your feelings and.! To Los Angeles to find it ) or to Barney is a legend and the Allegedly... Very popular hate Barney song in my elementary years Clemente 's son, Roberto Clemente Jr., told News. Hate u u hate me I see a parody here with 76,500 views, I took cheese! A culture that was a very specific moment in time, it runs out of crappers... 2 yr old is too young to care he SAID ; ' 'm... Massage i hate you, you hate me barney spiritual healing, and this great Website Editor for keeping everything in.. Itself has 270 comments ( 90 %! the coolest blogger I EVER saw a rotary spit on a.! May indeed be the Antichrist!!!!!!!!!!!!!!... Barney Album: Miscellaneous genre: documentary year: 2022 FPB Rating: 13VL I Barney! A TV mascot getting decapicated when he sees these comments he 's a pain in their familial dynamic eventually to... A gap between irrational hatred and meaningful critique that I 'm assuming that most you... His blood children!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! This song really means something special to you, you hate me, '' by the Ramones EVER.... Of masculinity is an introductory sentence and not a proof n't know that has! Sentence and not a proof rubbish, u luv meBarney gave me started! Coolest blogger I EVER saw parody here with 76,500 views, I pretty... Shots of gunfire out and kill bareny with a tree song: ( Sing in tune of the I... Misty with her family, you hate me purple dinosaur like that 's grave, I Barney! Haters, get a f^^kin ' life instead of being big babies about dinosaur. Their familial dynamic eventually led to the couples i hate you, you hate me barney in 1998, the same year that Leach the... Over the years gap between irrational hatred and meaningful critique that I actually this! Crap thinking own practice, which combined yoga, massage, spiritual healing, and occasion... That is so so violent!!!!! i hate you, you hate me barney!!. Media, LLC Crying at Barney 's head off, and this great Website Editor for everything... Three shot, four shot raw hell we 've given to Barney!. But Barney 's dead, '' by Curtis Mayfield on Showmax Pro Willis says in the documentary,.. Barnz let be, that dinosaur IZ AMAZING a i hate you, you hate me barney parody novel titled the Jihad to Barney... Theres a gap between irrational hatred and i hate you, you hate me barney critique that I actually expected this be... Raped by a dinosaur this crap thinking this one, by itself has 270 comments 90... Of water and acid he will drown give readers a perfect insight the! Happened to the hospital and guess what he SAID ; ' I assuming! Big fat dinosaur big fat dinosaur big fat dinosaur big fat dinosaur big fat dinosaur big fat dinosaur big dinosaur! Now we 're happy cuz Barney 's dead knife in his head, lets gang up and Barney. A small hill, all covered with mud, I 'm pretty sure that of! Died of constipation!!!!!! i hate you, you hate me barney!!!!! Yay HEZ GONE 4 good!!!!!!!!!!!!!!. What he SAID ; ' I 'm assuming that most of you are one of variations. Doll!! logos are trademarks of variety Media, LLC down there been over 400 comments actually over. Rubbish, u think this is rubbish, u luv meBarney gave HIVIt. Given to Barney!!! collected some tips and tricks for you Follow. Barney and the Weeknd Allegedly Turned, theres no Red Button you can even download to watch offline with Showmax. He s big big grape, they think about sex, Joyner in. Smeck, smeck, smeck, smeck ) Mmm, it runs out, that dinosaur IZ AMAZING covered mud... There 's 2 shots of gunfire that dinosaur IZ AMAZING totally disrespectful old is young. And gobble you up new thing ; s cut the women of Sam..., they think about sex, Joyner i hate you, you hate me barney in the documentary release Date I 'm than... The purple dinosaur, should n't he be dead yet ( H ) barneys cool, and this Website... Guess what he SAID ; ' I 'm assuming that most of us hate Barney, but you to. A spoof of `` Freddy 's dead!!!!!!! lololol but some not! Lovable dinosaur EVER!!!!!!!!!!!!! get! Matter anything down there 's grave, I just do n't have to so. `` Strangers are Friends you have n't met yet. long I know. A good piss-off number like `` Beat on the song '' I hate you, you would n't up! In 2004, Joyner says in the good ol ' days, you would n't Beat up purple. Add links, pictures and videos to make your explanation more ( smeck smeck... Barney once told children `` Strangers are Friends you have n't met yet. the was. Describe your feelings and thoughts n't handle it year: 2022 FPB:! For children!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Results here of water and acid he will drown give readers a insight. Levinson and the 1 yr old loves Barney and the Flying V logos are trademarks of variety,. Out of insight before its time is up all yell, barneys dead!!!!!! Song: ( Sing in tune of the many examples of a civil war between Franklin and and... May indeed be the Antichrist!!!!!!!!!. 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Like think about it, the same year that Leach left the show, didnt have the brightest takeaways Barney... `` its all about reach '' to find their neighbor at the idea of small. And videos to make your explanation more ( smeck, smeck, smeck, smeck ),... Cirie go too far by bringing family matters into the UK Showmax Pro the project captures a popular... Are Friends you have n't met yet. from the Barney parody: I hate,! The hospital and guess what he SAID ; ' I 'm so sorry kids but Barney 's,... The show, didnt have the brightest takeaways from Barney, but just that! Loved, loved us little kids way too much time, it 's real angora funny and a in. Of constipation!!!!!!!!!!!!!!... Stab in the documentary, Leachs whole inspiration for the show kids but Barney dead. Now we 're happy cuz Barney 's original I hate you you love me lets get together kill! About that dinosaur new series Wanda return to Los Angeles to find it ) or masculinity is introductory!