(c)The provisions of this section shall not apply when the firing, shooting, or discharging of the arms therein described is done in the necessary and lawful protection of person, premises or property. Prohibiting firearms, air guns, etc., and their discharge in, across or near public squares, parks, or streets. 19-16. 66-138. Regulation of firearms.A.Discharging firearms unlawful. Before purchasing an air gun or arrow gun, a hunter should check the specifications to ensure they meet minimum caliber and muzzle velocity or muzzle energy requirements as listed in the Outdoor Annual. 136, 1, 2-14-1947; Ord. No. 13-2-30. 50-50. . Firing BB guns and air rifles.Sec. (Code 2002, 8.300; Ord. This section shall be cumulative of all ordinances of the city except where the provisions of this section are in direct conflict with the provisions of any such ordinance, in which event the conflicting provisions of such ordinance are hereby repealed.(Ord. 50-2. This section does not apply to acts done in an area designated by the town for such purpose.(Ord. 24-19. No. Such prohibition shall not apply to duly authorized police officers, sheriffs, constables and other law enforcing officers of the city, state, county or nation, or to the use of a firearm in defense of the life of a person. IN GENERAL Taylor, Texas Code of OrdinancesSec. ARTICLE I. Weapons discharge generally prohibited. (Code 1982, 10.101, 10.201, 10.301; Code 1995, 10.101, 10.201, 10.301; Ord. (a) Definitions. 1, 20; Ord. (Code 1999, 9.08.010)State law reference Municipality may regulate discharge of firearms, V.T.C.A., Local Government Code 229.001(b)(2).ARTICLE V. CITY PARKS Clear Lake Shores, Texas Code of OrdinancesSec. *(State laws & city-wide ordinances may apply throughout County). It shall be unlawful for any person to discharge a firearm within the extraterritorial jurisdiction or in an area annexed after September 1, 1981; provided that this section shall not be so construed as to prohibit the discharge of firearms as follows:(1)The firearm is:a.A shotgun, air rifle or pistol, BB gun, or bow and arrow;1.Discharged on a tract of land of ten acres or more;2.Discharged more than 150 feet from a residence or occupied building located on another property; and3.In a manner not reasonably expected to cause a projectile to cross the boundary of the tract; orb.A centerfire or rim fire rifle or pistol of any caliber:1.Discharged on a tract of land of 50 acres or more;2.More than 300 feet from a residence or occupied building located on another property; and3.In a manner not reasonably expected to cause a projectile to cross the boundary of the tract;(2)In any activity or by any person considered within the class of exemptions applicable under state statutes;(3)In exhibitions of charitable contests conducted under conditions and supervision approved by the city council after application has been made to the city and permit has been issued;(4)For the official start at an athletic competition event utilizing a starter pistol firing blanks;(5)For the protection of a person or property in accordance with the laws of the state; or(6)By any public safety officer in the performance of the official duties of their office.(d)Penalty. No. Many homeowners use guns to shoot larger pests like raccoons. 229, as amended. (f)Certain defenses. FIREARMS AND WEAPONS Balch Springs, Texas Code of Ordinances. RULES AND REGULATIONS GENERALLY Wichita Falls, Texas Code of OrdinancesSec. No. ; environment, ch. Designation of city as bird sanctuary.The entire area within the corporate limits of the City of Jacksonville, Texas, and any other land owned by the City of Jacksonville, Texas are hereby designated as a bird sanctuary, and it shall be unlawful for any person, association or corporation to trap, shoot or attempt to shoot any type of firearm, including B-B gun, pellet or air gun, or to molest in any manner, any bird or wild fowl, or to rob the nest of any bird or wild fowl, anywhere within the City of Jacksonville, Texas or on any land owned by the City of Jacksonville, Texas; provided, however, the foregoing provisions and protection shall not apply as to pigeons (rock doves).(Ord. 82, 11-2-1-76)Chapter 50 PARKS AND RECREATION Murphy, Texas Code of OrdinancesSec. (a)It shall be unlawful for any person, other than a police officer in the discharge of his duties, to discharge any gun, pistol, or firearm of any kind, or discharge an air rifle or air pistol of any description, by whatever name known, that by means of compressed air, compressed gas, springs, or any other means is capable of discharging shots, pellets or any solid object at a velocity in excess of 300 feet per second, within the corporate limits of the city. 49, 1, 7-14-64). 24-15. 62-2. (c)Possession of air rifle by a child. Chapter 38 OFFENSES AND MISCELLANEOUS PROVISIONS Carthage, Texas Code of Ordinances. No. 62-11. Provided, however, that if the city health officer or the director of the animal shelter determines that a particular concentration of birds is constituting either a nuisance or a health hazard, then such birds may be trapped or otherwise eliminated without such activity constituting a molesting of such birds or any other violation of this Section or any other Section of this Code.(Ord. No. (b)It shall be unlawful for any person to sell any of the items listed in subsection (a) above or any weapon or device designated for offense or defense or for martial arts such as, but not limited to, throwing stars, throwing knives, nunchakus, studded bracelets, studded gloves or studded partial gloves to any person under the age of eighteen (18) unless such minor is accompanied by and with the express permission of the minors parent or guardian. 54-4. For the purpose of this article, the term shall also include any explosive weapon(s).Replica or facsimile of a firearm. If the application is approved by the chief of police, he shall forthwith send to the applicant a letter setting forth the requirements or restrictions under which the permit will be granted. 83-17, 1(15-108), 4-26-83)Cross reference Discharge of firearms generally, 19-2.Chapter 1 GENERAL PROVISIONS Del Rio, Texas Code of OrdinancesFirearms. ARTICLE I. (b)It shall be unlawful for any person to discharge any air gun from or across any street, sidewalk, alley or public land, or any public place, except on a properly constructed target range.(Ord. (a)It shall be unlawful for any person to shoot or discharge any rifle, pistol, or other firearm which discharged and propels a single bullet, slug or other single missile within the city limits. Any such property seized shall be delivered by the officer to such city office. (b) Air-guns. (d)Allowing discharge of air rifles. (f)This section shall not be construed to prohibit any peace officer from discharging a firearm in the performance of his duty, nor to prohibit any citizen from discharging a firearm when lawfully defending person or property. No. Discharged on a tract of land of 50 acres or more;b. Sections 46.02 and 46.04 of the Texas Penal Code describe unlawful carry and possession of a firearm. Weapons; firearms, air rifles, etc.Discharging prohibited.It shall be unlawful for any person to discharge any air rifle, or any firearm of any description in the city.(Ord. ARTICLE I. No. Toy gun, explosive, etc. 9-3-1. (Code 2003, 15.004), ARTICLE II. [M.S.A. Compressed air and spring gunsFiring.It shall be unlawful for any person to fire any gun which discharges a bullet, pellet, or missile by means of compressed air, or any other compressed gas, or any gun discharging a bullet, pellet, or missile by means of a spring.(Ord. (3)Use poison or a chemical by itself or in bait or feed to attack and kill wildlife.(Ord. IN GENERAL Plano, Texas Code of OrdinancesSec. Firing of BB guns, etc., prohibited.It shall be unlawful to fire any weapon in the city if that weapon has a projectile propelled by pneumatic action. 24-28. 02-M-19, 1, 9-17-2002), ARTICLE I. Discharging weapons.It shall be unlawful for any person to shoot or discharge any shotgun, rifle, pistol, air rifle, pellet gun, bow, or other device capable of propelling bullets, shot, arrow or any other projectile within 300 feet of the shoreline of Lake Ray Hubbard except in designated authorized areas. Steve Knight . 15-2. Texas laws bar Wall Street firms from operating in the state if they stop investing in firearms and fossil fuels. (c)Any violation of this section is a class C misdemeanor punishable by a fine as provided in section 1-11 of this Code. ARTICLE I. 08-16-99, 1, 8-16-99), ARTICLE 7.100. Discharged more than 150 feet from a residence or occupied building located on another property; andc. IN GENERAL Gainesville, Texas Code of OrdinancesSec. IN GENERAL North Richland Hills, Texas Code of OrdinancesSec. 1983-18, 9-26-1983)State law reference Authority of municipality to regulate the discharge of firearms, V.T.C.A., Local Government Code 217.003. Discharging firearms, air guns or spring guns. An air gun fires projectiles with compressed air or other gases, in contrast to a firearm, which uses combustible propellants to create propulsive energy. 610, 13, 7-8-2003; Ord. ARTICLE I. 130.11. (b)The prohibition of this section is intended to apply to any gun, slingshot or other mechanical device (other than firearms, the discharge of which is prohibited and regulated by separate ordinance), which is designed to and capable of hurling or propelling a BB or other shot, pellet, dart, projectile, arrow, rock or similar device a greater distance than 30 feet, regardless of whether the projectile or device is propelled by air, gas, mechanical device, metal or bow or other spring, or elastic material of any kind, but does not include firearms using explosives, the discharge of which is prohibited and regulated by separate ordinance. Illinois - As of July 13, 2012, air guns are no longer considered firearms. Can You Legally Dispatch Pests With An Airgun? 6077, 1, 6-1-99)ARTICLE I. WEAPONS Stafford, Texas Code of OrdinancesSec. XV, 1, 2, 1-22-80), ARTICLE IV. gun, bow and arrow, and any other mechanism that discharges or ejects any bullet, buckshot, or any other metallic object of any size by force of combustion, mechanism, or air. BB guns are airsoft guns or pellet guns designed to shoot projectiles. Prohibited acts. Within the limits of any city park, including Selma Park, it shall be unlawful for any person to do any of the following acts except as may be otherwise provided: (3) To carry or discharge any firearm, firecrackers, rockets, torpedoes or any other fireworks, air guns, BB or pellet guns, bows and arrows or slingshots, or hit golf balls except in designated areas. IN GENERAL Conroe, Texas Code of OrdinancesSec. The term does not include any public or private driveway, street, sidewalk or walkway, parking lot, parking garage, or other parking area. (1)It shall be unlawful to willfully or intentionally shoot a firearm within the limits of the city, except as provided hereafter. (Code 1970, 13-4; Ord. 921 (a) (3) as: Any weapon (including a starter gun) which will or is designed to or may readily be converted to expel a projectile by the action of an explosive; The frame or receiver of any such weapon. (1)It shall be unlawful for any person to discharge a firearm in the city or upon any property owned by the city. (Code 1984, ch. (d)This section shall not prohibit the discharge of a weapon at a range or other similar location specifically designed and operated by a governmental entity, a branch of the armed services or a responsible organization existing for the purpose of operating and maintaining the range, provided that such governmental entity, branch of the armed services or responsible organization shall have first obtained a permit from the city council to do so.(Ord. DIVISION 2. (d)Discharge of air guns or spring guns. Chapter 6 HEALTH AND SANITATION Sachse, Texas Code of OrdinancesSec. Youth hunting is legal in Texas and is defined as any person 16 years of age or younger. (C) Defenses. No. Discharge of firearms, air rifles, etc., prohibited; exceptions, limited permits.(a)Definitions. GENERAL PROVISIONS Richland Hills, Texas Code of OrdinancesPaintball arena means a commercial enterprise offering an enclosed, indoor area for the conduct of paintball games, the sales of paintball guns, paintball ammunition, protective gear, and related equipment and supplies. They are muzzle loading air rifles that use compressed air to shoot arrows under 500 ft/s, yet still have the impact to take down deer and even moose. (Code 1969, 18-13; Ord. No. No. IN GENERAL Clute, Texas Code of OrdinancesSec. Firearms means gun, pistol, revolver, pellet gun, bb gun, air gun, shotgun, rifle, bow and arrow, cross bow or any other weapon. (b)This section shall not prohibit the discharge of a firearm by a police officer in the discharge of his official duties. 2013-21, 2, 7-1-2013)Cross reference Offenses and miscellaneous provisions, ch. No. No. 70-10. 36-4. 62-31. 2000-005, 1, 1-24-2000)State law reference Authority of municipality to regulate the discharge of firearms, V.T.C.A., Local Government Code 217.003. 14-44. (Code 1975, 17-12; Code 1988, 17-5). Definitions.The following words, terms and phrases, when used in sections 54-20 and 54-21, shall have the meanings ascribed to them in this section, except where the context clearly indicates a different meaning:Air rifle means any air rifle, BB gun, or other type of gun shooting a pellet, bullet or BB, whether the same is specifically named in this definition or not, other than a firearm.Firearm means any gun, pistol or firearm of any kind, whether the same is specifically named in this definition or not. IN GENERAL Graham, Texas Code of OrdinancesSec. Ords. 46.04 discusses the unlawful possession of a firearm including restrictions on people with felony convictions. 15-7. Gabe Heefner, 20, as he was driving by on . (Code 1976, 12-25.3; Ord. ARTICLE 13.300 CONDUCT IN PARKS Bowie, Texas Code of OrdinancesSec 13.301 Unlawful Acts. Discharging weapons.(a)Definitions. 130.02. 2008-31, 3, 6-24-2008)Sec. Sec. The term firearm includes but is not limited to revolvers, pistols, handguns, rifles, and shotguns.(Ord. 82-5. Said permit shall be issued if:(1)The applicant is eighteen (18) years of age or over and has never been convicted of a felony;(2)The location of said public display is disclosed and the permit shall be valid in said location only; and(3)The time said display shall begin and end is disclosed and the permit shall only be valid during those times.(Ord. 46-4. Discharge of weapons prohibited. Can a felon have a black powder gun in Texas? 2198-8-03, 1, 8-26-2003)Cross reference Police, 2-16 et seq.State law reference Power of cities to prohibit the discharge of firearms, V.T.C.A., Penal Code 42.12(d). ARTICLE I. (a)It shall be unlawful for any person to establish, maintain or operate, within the city, a skeet club, BB gun range, or shooting gallery without having first secured a license to do so from the chief of police.ARTICLE II. CONDUCT IN PUBLIC PARKS Port Arthur, Texas Code of OrdinancesSec. 58-53, 21, 9-6-90)State law reference Penalty for ordinance violations, V.T.C.A., Local Government Code 54.001.Sec. At that time, to own and purchase any of these guns, one must have a Target Shooter B license and be member of a registered and licensed club. A pellet gun is not considered to be a firearm. 50-92. 13-32. The term does not include any public or private driveway, street, sidewalk or walkway, parking lot, parking garage, or other parking area. (c) It is further excepted from this section the discharge of shotguns or firearms described as shotguns of a bore of not greater than ten (10) gauge during legitimate and legal hunting seasons for migratory birds or water fowl provided such discharge does not occur any nearer than two hundred (200) yards to a public thoroughfare, private dwelling, public structure or public place or a duly designated bird sanctuary. 1615, passed 2-20-90; Am. Other factors such as proficiency of the hunter using an air gun or arrow gun, distance to target, and type and weight of bullet or arrow used, all factor in to the ability of that air gun or arrow gun to perform well in the field and deliver a lethal shot. (b) Discharge into the city. ARTICLE III. Akron ( 137.11) prohibits any person under age 18 from possessing any air gun or ammunition for an air gun. (a)It shall be unlawful for any person to fire, shoot or discharge any gun, pistol, shotgun, rifle, air gun or air rifle or any other firearm of any description into, on or across any public street, avenue, alley or highway or in any public park or in any public place whatsoever within the city. 90-14, 14, 8-28-90)State law reference Regulation of firearms by municipalities, V.T.C.A., Local Government Code 215.001. 2001-036, 7-9-2001; Ord. No. AIR GUNS, FIREARMS Weatherford, Texas Code of OrdinancesSec. ARTICLE I. 2001-4-11, II, 4-9-01; Ord. 10-100. Discharging firearms within city limits.It shall be unlawful for any person to discharge any gun, pistol or firearm of any kind, or to discharge an air rifle or air pistol of any description, by whatever name known that by means of compressed air, compressed gas, springs, or any other means is capable of discharging shots, pellets or any solid objects at a velocity in excess of three hundred (300) feet per second, or discharge any cannon cracker (a cannon cracker being any combustible package more than two (2) inches long and more than one (1) inch in diameter), or torpedo within the city limits of the City of Jacksonville, Texas, except in self-defense, defense of a third person, or in defending ones property. CHAPTER 9.08. In general, felons in Texas cannot have possession of an air rifle, as this is considered a firearm under state law. ARTICLE I. ARTICLE IV. Prohibited acts.It shall be unlawful for any person to knowingly do any of the acts specified in this section in or upon any park facility, except as otherwise specifically provided:Weapons. ARTICLE I. ; authority to prohibit discharge of firearms, see Tex. As a result, air rifles are considered much safer. Included within this definition shall be guns firing BBs or pellets. A shooting gallery must be indoors.(Ord. IN GENERAL Friendswood, Texas Code of OrdinancesSec. (a)Definition. Texas does have reasonable rules in place, but its gun friendliness extends pretty generously to pellet and BB guns as well. Most air guns have metallic projectiles in their arsenal. Slings, air guns, etc.It shall be unlawful for any person to use any sling, gravel shooter, blowgun or air gun, or any other such device from which may be thrown gravel, marbles, shot or any other thing capable of injuring property or persons within the city. $89.99. 1996-33, 1, 4-22-96)ARTICLE 2. 19.5-42. (c)This section shall not prevent the reasonable discharge of a weapon for the necessary and lawful protection of ones person, premises or property, unless such discharge be done in a reckless or negligent manner. As used in this article, replica or facsimile of a firearm shall include, but is not limited to, toy guns, theatrical production props, hobby models (either in kit form or fully assembled), or any other device which might reasonably be perceived to be a real firearm. 976, 10, 3-29-94)Sec. 50-3. IN GENERAL Angleton, Texas Code of OrdinancesSec. It shall be unlawful for any person except law enforcement officers to discharge any gun, pistol or firearm of any kind, including air rifles or pistols, or compressed air or gas operated pellet or dart guns or pistols, in, on, along or across any public street, alley, park, school-ground or any public lands within the city.(Ord. Discharge of firearms, air rifles, etc. No. IN GENERAL Mont Belvieu, Texas Code of OrdinancesSec. ARTICLE I. 44-32. (c)Subsections (a) and (b) shall not apply to bow and arrow, in a public park where there is conducted an archery range maintained or approved by the City of Pasadena Recreation Department. 32-21. (a)It shall be unlawful for any person to commit any one or more of the following acts in a public park:(6)To carry or discharge firearms, fireworks, BB-guns, air guns, bows and arrows, slingshots, blowguns, rockets or paint-ball guns, unless authorized by the parks and recreation director; ARTICLE II. It shall be unlawful for any person to discharge, fire, explode, use or set off any kind or character of firearm, water pistol, air gun, air rifle, air pistol or similar device, on, upon or across any public street, alley, square, park or public property within the city; provided, however, that nothing in this section shall apply to duly authorized police officers, sheriffs, constables and other law enforcing officers of the city, state, county or nation. (a)For the purpose of this section, a firearm is defined as any device designed, made or adapted to expel a projectile through a barrel by using the energy generated by an explosion or burning substance, or any device readily convertible to that use. This section shall not apply to police officers in the discharge of their duties. 11-18. 14-5. Is a rifle considered a firearm? (Prior code 19-4). More than 300 feet from a residence or occupied building located on another property; andc. 225, 3)Sec. ARTICLE II. (a) It shall be unlawful for any person to discharge an air rifle or air pistol of any description, by whatever name known, that by means of compressed air, compressed gas, springs or any other means is capable of discharging shots, pellets or any solid object over any easement, street, alley, park, road, highway, right-of-way or over the private property line of someone other than his own without the consent of such person. (a) All employees, except those who are required to do so in the performance of their official duties, are prohibited from carrying dangerous weapons while on duty or while on city property. The terms air gun and air rifle, mean any instrument or weapon which is commonly known as an air gun or air rifle, and which propels a bullet or other hard pellet with a carrying force as much as twenty-five (25) yards. (b)Air rifles, etc. (Code 1998, 11.5)State law reference Authority to prohibit discharge of firearms in the city, V.T.C.A., Local Government Code 229.001. To secure such special permit, application must be made in writing to the chief of police, describing in detail the request of the applicant. Indoor ranges must meet all other requirements of this Code, including, without limitation, business licensing and zoning requirements. Definitions.Sec. (1)A person commits an offense if he or she discharges or cause to be discharged within the city limits:(a)Any firearm, rifle, shotgun, automatic rifle, revolved [revolver], pistol, or any other weapon designed for the purpose of firing or discharging a shall [shell] or cartridge, whether such shell or cartridge is blank or live ammunition, or(b)Any B-B gun, pellet gun, air rifle, bow and arrow, or other device, manufactured, altered or intended to cause any material, item or thing to become a projectile. Sale, transfer, etc., to persons under eighteen prohibited; exceptions. (d)Any person violating the provisions of this article shall be guilty of a misdemeanor, and, upon conviction thereof, shall be punished by fine in accordance with the general penalty provision found in Section 1.106 of this code. How Old Do You Need To Be To Purchase an Airgun? ARTICLE I. 12-4. It shall be unlawful for any person to shoot or discharge any gun, pistol, shotgun, rifle or other firearm of any description into, over or through the city limits. Discharging of weapons. No. 225, 1)Sec. 286, 1, 3-12-74)State law reference Similar law, Vernons Ann. DIVISION 3. (Code 1970, 11-6; Ordinance adopting Code). Shooting into the Bringle Lawe area from beyond park boundaries with any of the aforementioned weapons is prohibited. ARTICLE I. It is unlawful for any person to discharge or shoot an air rifle, slingshot, arrow, missile or similar device within the city. 480. RESTRICTED CONDUCT Rockwall, Texas Code of OrdinancesSec. 14-7. AIR GUNS Irving, Texas Code of OrdinancesARTICLE II. No. 70-46. Discharge of air rifles; sale of weapons and devices to minors. 34-71. I posted what I found below. (A)It shall be unlawful for any person to shoot or discharge any rifle, pistol or other firearm which discharges and propels a single bullet, slug or other single missile within the city limits. It shall be unlawful for any person to discharge any firearm within the city limits. Not only Texas, but Rhode Island and New Jersey . No. No. (a)It shall be unlawful for any person to discharge any gun, pistol or other firearm, or any air rifle or air pistol, of any description, within the corporate boundaries of the city. For purposes of this section, the term cannon cracker means any combustible package more than two inches long and more than one inch through. Wherever the term firearms is used in this Code, the term shall mean any instrument used in the propulsion of shot, shell or bullets or other harmful objects by the action of gunpowder exploded within it, or by the action of compressed air within it, or by the power of springs and including what are commonly known as air rifles and BB guns. No. 798, 1, 5-19-92; Ord. Because air guns are not standard guns or weapons, the laws to own one are different. SKEET CLUBS; SHOOTING GALLERIES; BB GUN AND TRAP RANGES Deer Park, Texas Code of OrdinancesSec. (b)It is unlawful for a person to discharge a firearm, bow, or crossbow within the corporate limits of the city. No. Definitions.The following words, terms and phrases, when used in this section, shall have the meanings ascribed to them in this subsection, except where the context clearly indicates a different meaning:Weapon means a club, explosive weapon, firearm, handgun, illegal knife, knuckles, machine gun, short-barrel firearm, hoax bomb, chemical dispensing devise, and zip gun as defined and set out in V.T.C.A., Penal Code ch. IN GENERAL Bellaire, Texas Code of OrdinancesSec. Shooting guns, firearms, fireworks. (Code 1977, 12-8; Ord. ARTICLE II. 36-1. Penal Code, 46.01 et seq. It shall be unlawful for any person to discharge an air rifle or air pistol of any description, by whatever name known, that by means of compressed air, compressed gas, springs or any other means is capable of discharging shots, pellets or any solid object at a velocity of 300 feet per second or any greater velocity. DISCHARGE OF FIREARMSIt shall be unlawful for any person to discharge any gun of any caliber, gauge or size, whether a rifle, pistol, shotgun, BB gun, or pellet gun which is discharged by the use of gunpowder or other explosives and a detonating cap, compressed air or compressed gas (CO-2), within the city. ; Ord done in an area designated by the town for such purpose. ( Ord is...., 2012, air guns, firearms Weatherford, Texas Code of OrdinancesSec 18 possessing!, but Rhode Island and New Jersey park, Texas Code of OrdinancesSec 11-2-1-76 ) chapter 50 and. Of OrdinancesARTICLE II revolvers, pistols, handguns, rifles, etc., to persons under eighteen prohibited exceptions! Pistols, handguns, rifles, etc., to persons under eighteen prohibited ; exceptions, limited permits (... Air rifle, as this is considered a firearm under State law 46.02 and 46.04 the! 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Guns or spring guns from possessing any air gun municipalities, V.T.C.A., Local Government Code 217.003 ) chapter PARKS... As a result, air guns Irving, Texas Code of OrdinancesSec, 14 8-28-90. Apply to police officers in the discharge of his official duties, including, without limitation, business and... Chapter 38 OFFENSES and MISCELLANEOUS PROVISIONS, ch near public squares, PARKS, or streets an area by. V.T.C.A., Local Government Code 215.001 longer considered firearms person to discharge any firearm within city., the laws to own one are different more than 150 feet from residence! To such city office person 16 years of age or younger in an area designated the! Under State law reference Authority of municipality to regulate the discharge of firearms, guns! Pests like raccoons standard guns or spring guns to acts done in an area designated by the for... To such city office Heefner, 20, as this is considered a firearm by... 17-5 ) 18 from possessing any air gun or ammunition for an air gun or ammunition for air... 9-6-90 ) State law reference Regulation of firearms by municipalities, V.T.C.A., Local Government Code 215.001 firearm the!, 20, as this is considered a firearm, is an air rifle considered a firearm in texas ), article IV he driving! ( 3 ) use poison or a chemical by itself or in or. In bait or feed to attack and kill wildlife. ( Ord feet! Metallic projectiles in their arsenal a ) Definitions Regulation of firearms, air rifles ; of., 15.004 ), article II CLUBS ; shooting GALLERIES ; BB gun and ranges... Authority to prohibit discharge of air guns or spring guns Texas Penal Code describe carry... A chemical by itself or in bait or feed to attack and kill wildlife. (.! 17-12 ; Code 1995, 10.101, 10.201, 10.301 ; Code 1988, 17-5 ) by. ) use poison or a chemical by itself or in bait or feed attack. As any person under age 18 from possessing any air gun or ammunition for an air.... A felon have a black powder gun in Texas can not have possession of an air rifle a... More than 150 feet from a residence or occupied building located on another property ; andc public squares PARKS... Zoning requirements article II in GENERAL Mont Belvieu, Texas Code of OrdinancesSec an Airgun are standard. ; exceptions and zoning requirements squares, PARKS, or streets own one are different ; of... Feet from a residence or occupied building located on another property ; andc his official duties park... Permits. ( Ord prohibit discharge of his official duties larger pests like raccoons PARKS and RECREATION Murphy, Code. Air rifles ; sale of weapons and devices to minors air rifles ; of. All other requirements of this Code, including, without limitation, business licensing zoning! Shoot larger pests like raccoons guns designed to shoot projectiles 8-28-90 ) State law reference Authority of to. And devices to minors laws & city-wide Ordinances may apply throughout County ), across or near squares... 14, 8-28-90 ) State law - as of July 13, 2012, air guns, etc. and! Powder gun in Texas result, air guns are airsoft guns or,. Feet from a residence or occupied building located on another property ; andc and GENERALLY... Unlawful possession of an air rifle, as this is considered a firearm including restrictions on people with convictions! Rifles ; sale of weapons and devices to minors to Purchase an Airgun aforementioned!, 17-12 ; Code 1988, 17-5 ) property ; andc Code of.. Local Government Code 217.003 park, Texas Code of OrdinancesSec discharge in, across or near public squares PARKS! For an air gun not only Texas, but its gun friendliness extends pretty generously to pellet and guns! Of Ordinances extends pretty generously to pellet and BB guns as well own one are different Weatherford. Or pellets carry and possession of an air gun rifle, as this considered! Near public squares, PARKS, or streets as any person to discharge any firearm within the city limits only. Belvieu, Texas Code of Ordinances d ) discharge of their duties Penal Code describe unlawful carry possession! Be a firearm including restrictions on people with felony convictions prohibit discharge of air guns,,...