What would I be? MALE, If I can go from E2 to F5. Enter your email and your range will display immediately in the app. Im 17 male and my low note is G2 and high note is C5. I am a 15 year old male and my voice has stopped changing. I have a vocal range of D#3 to A6, is that soprano or sopranino or even higher? I used to sing in highschool choir, but havent really sung much since then, only picking it up as a bit of loose a hobby again the last few years. I can never seem to find things that work right for me. So lets fix those, shall we. Also, Ive heard that SingSharp isnt the most exactly accurate device. This record is to be attempted by an individual female. If you dont know when that switch happens try singing the ng sound from the bottom of your range up and see where it breaks. my low is G1 and my high is G2 (I used several voice range programs to help me) what exactly does that mean about my range, other than the fact that it is exactly 1 octave? You will hear the piano play the first note (E4). When I am singing clean (as far clean goes), my voice is ranging from low A#2 til high A#5. Over time, the term 'falsetto' has been used to mean various things. Well I did it a bunch of times and I get E2 A5. Having a wide vocal range is just a talent by luck of the draw. Im not sure of where I fall. Whats my vocal range, overall, mine is G2-A#5 (A2-F4 without falsetto/head voice) But transition into head voice/falsetto is F4-A4, my chest voice can go from G2-D5, Yawning (A2-A4), and breathy falsetto (D3-C#5) and head voice F#3-A#5 (G5 Maximum Comfortable Range) But Average, I usually sing from C3-A4. What exactly is my classification? But I also noticed I like to mimic voices alot, any voice, high to deep since I was a kid. Id like to extend it up to an e5 or f5 full voice. Middle C If you look in the very center of any piano, you'll see the middle C note. 4. My low note is A3 and High note is G5. Hi I am a male who has a 4.7 octave range, going from a Bb3 to a G7. Would you say Im a tenor or what do you think I am? How To Return Home: Gb: X: Gb3: E5: Belt / Mix: Tales From The Bad Years: Solo: Ballad, Pop Ballad However, there are times when these 2 terms get confused with each other. I could reach from d3 to c5 is that good ? Falsetto has the similar range to head voice too. I feel most comfortable in G3 to C5 I dont know why but when I go further it cracks. Does that mean Im a mezzo soprano or alto? However: My range is E3-C5-A5. But my head voice is really strong where I can comfortably sing up to a second soprano and I also have whistle tone in my voice. my vocal rang is A0-E5 what is my vocal range considered? Or perhaps a Baritone-Tenor cross over. My range is C3 to E7 so basically according to this article my range covers that of tenor through soprano and beyond so what does that make me? How to Hold a Guitar Pick Like a Real Pro! Its crucial to identify the vocal range correctly since the vocal range of women and men might be varied. You might be able to perform notes higher or lower than your alleged range. Im singing a comfortable low note of D3, and a comfortable high note of F5. My range is from D2 to G4 is that good? My highest is A5 and my lowest is F2 so what am I? Hello! And what songs are examples for that, For sure a Mezzo. Maybe youre an alto with coloratura? You are very probably a baritone. Well, I am an untrained singer and I do not know where I fit in. corrected and reuploaded. hi I did the vocal test on sing sharp and my top is C4 and my bottom is A2. Im a a male by the way. If not clear, ask your vocal coach for help. However, many of these types are sub-types falling under 7 different main voice categories. Youre a baritone bass, I just stated high school and I can hit a c2, I forgot to check my highest note but hitting around c2 is bass baritone, No thats a deep bass, just starting basso profundo if its loud, if not its bass. I know plenty of female tenors and baritones. But as children go through puberty,. Hii.. im a man,23 years old, i could reach my lowest voice at G2.. and using chest voic i can reach my highest is at B4.. with falsetto i can reach A5.. what my vocal type?? BaritoneThis is the midrange of the male voice, and it spans A2 to A4 with an extension down to F2 of up to C5. I am able to hit as low as C3 and as high as G5-C6. I got roughly G3/F3 and about C5 what am I? D3 -C5. Like Frank Sinatra, Artic Monkeys, Dean Martin, What am I? My high Whistle Note is A#7, so, Im countertenor? Did you use an app such as sing sharps vocal range detector? You may be a contralto or a mezzo soprano. And that gets complicated. It is divided into five sub-categories according to the vocal range, timbre, weight, and voice dexterity and these subcategories are the coloratura soprano, soubrette, dramatic, spinto, and lyric soprano. Im 17 and I just started singing last year. She put me in the bass AND the alto section because of my range. I am a woman, and my range is C3 to C5. Hi my question is similar to the others. My lowest note is an A1 at vocal fry, around an f2 at chest up to an a4 , and cap out at around a b5. Is this natural talent or just normal? soprano. Dont worry your vocal will get bigger you have plenty of time to explore. As a Baritone singing low notes is a no brainer. I switch between ex- and inhale for higher pitched screams. Awesome! Please reply and lmk. Id assume Im a mezzo? The contralto voice range is C3 (F3 F5) B5. I can sing E3 to F#5. 3. Guys, start on the C an octave below middle C to find your lowest pitch.*. Your range is a bit different- you can fit it into either a baritone or tenor range, all depends on what youre most comfortable singing! Those are all the same notes, but in different octaves. I have a low of C2 and a high of F5 what am I? Ill narrow it down for you. my range is from f3-to E5 thanks nervous auditionee. Without croaking, my highest peaks at G4, Id love to know my classification! Im a male. What part should I sing if I can sing F2 A5. Id say that youre a mix of baritone and bass, which means that you can sing either one you want, which is quite good. 16. Ive been told I should sing Opera before, because of my voice. Am I a Tenor or baritone singer? Also any suggestions on how to improve vocal in our current range without straining too much? Right now you have a range equal to bobby mcferron . Hello, I tried SingSharp and it seems that I hit G#2 to E4, using my normal singing voice. Im 15 and I can only sing Eb2 F4 would my voice drop again? 2. Whichever you enjoy sing most! Thanks. I have no clue how to learn my range. Also when I sing some songs I can hit comfortably a sharp D5? I also usually use natural vibrato with my vocal tones. Part 2 Expanding Your Vocal Range Download Article 1 Develop your head voice. I really want to know is whether my range is a tenor or either side of the scale. So get someone else to help you find your range to make sure. Imagine a strong, silent-type hero or heroine from a movie: quiet and reserved, but with unmistakable inner strength. According to the chart, F#2 puts you just a half note below the lowest range of baritone (G2). My range is D2-C4 that makes me a bass. My head voice is very breathy and I feel that its very lacking in support and I sound like a completely different person. more around a G2 fairly consistantly) and up to Bb4/B4 (around a G4/A4 consistantly) and maybe a C5 once. -Zeke. Mezzo-Soprano (female)- Mezzo-Soprano is the most common range for the female voice and this range is generally between A3 and F5. BassThis is the lowest singing voice range that occupies the keys between E2 to E4. When singing at school, I would be singing in the higher key of the original music. They have the smallest vocal range spanning just over two octaves (C3- B4). I used an app called sing sharp and my vocal range is c3 to c5. My range according to this is E3-B5(C6 somewhat) comfortably and currently 14 as a Soprano in my choir. I have a vocal range from B2 up to E4. Hi,I am a boy,Im 13 years old with a vocal range from B2 C6, usually I would sing alto but when take the next step I start singing with my treble voice my voice also light it only gets rough when I sing with puberty voice tenor sometimes I feel strained singing in my alto but not in my treble and tenor.so what vocal range do I usually consider my self. What would my vocal range classification be? Pitch detectors regularly place me as having a range over 4 octaves. The fact that you can go to C3 means to me that you are most likely an alto or a mezzo with a few alto notes. The video " Opera Singers - The Tenor B-flat (Bb4) - High Notes Battle " has been published on February 22 2017. BecomeSingers is reader-supported. Okay so, Im a girl and my lowest sustainable and clear note is G#3 and Highest sustainably clear note is C#5. rok wanita style korea. C2-A4= Good, believable, plausible, your vocal range. I always feel like my voice is plain sounding although. In those days transposing sheet music wasnt so easy, so if you couldnt sing a song in the key is was written, then tough Having said that, Im sure the music teachers didnt realise I had such a low voice. C5 and above is where everything is falsetto. Hello, Ive always wondered what I am I used the video test and my Lowest is F3 (E3 and under felt really weird) My highest is D5 still comfortable after that Id have to falsetto But that would put me as an Alto, Im a 39 year old man can men be altos? If you can go up 5 notes,(From C5 to A5) you will be a mezzo soprano. It also doesnt include growling or screaming or falsetto. Check out this article on famous bass opera singers by Become Singers. A couple examples of people who do this are Patrick Stump, Brendon Urie, Michael Barnes, Bruno Mars, Adam Levine, ext. MEZZO SOPRANO I can sing emotions and I m male soprano Im 20 my voice is very light I can sing c6 without falsetto and my voice is feminine. hello! Average Trained Baritone range is F2-G4 (A4 Extreme). Soprano This is the highest female voice type with a typical range of C4 to C6. Beyond E5, my vocal cords begin to strain. Hey, that can be considered a Bass- there arent many of you out there! My vocal range is G2-A5. Then what kind of voice i have.??? Can i be a good singer by using my this voice??? Im 15 and female. Depends where you feel most confortable and whether or not youre using full voice or head voice near the top. I sing clear notes and long notes with my radio, but I was never able to do that during my lessons. At the time of writing this my voice has already shifted up to B1 . I am a 18 Yr. old male. My vocal range goes from C2-C4 in chest voice. Hi, i am a 16 year old male. Im a 15 year old male and I have a range of a2-a4(brief/constant b4 if warmed up and and a brief c5 at times). Keep in mind 2 things: 1. So am dont know how to classify her voice. C4-E6 in head voice. Thanks for the reply, it was what I was thinking as Tenor tends to make me feel a tad out of my comfort zone, and bass a lot out of it. However, there is a difference and a massive one at that between a full fledged belt and sustained B4 and even a chesty B4 where you just graze the note. and my chest range voice goes from a b2 to an F5 sharp, what range am i? *Ladies, you should start looking for your lowest note around middle C and move down from there. Where do I stand? a skirt korean style. MY voice range is C4 low to C5 high and my comfort range for both is E4 what does that make me Soprano or Mezzo-Soprano or something else, you are definitely a soprano . BTW,My head voice range is B3~G5, my falsetto range is G5~C6~(F6). Would that be alright with my actual range itself? Im able to hit an F3 at the lowest comfortable- you know, so it actually sounds like a note- and A5 at the highest comfortable. Alto; though you can sing whistle notes, your average range qualifies for this range.. And hey, thats awesome- cuz thats mine:D. hi ya my comfortable raneg using your chart/video is a low A3 and a high F4/G4.I can get lower and higher but im straining really.What would i be classed as? So Im a bass as was originally classified. A soprano is likely, if your voice has a deeper quality when its lower then a mezzo soprano. Record Now-Let's find your highest note. Anyway, I hope this helps :). Hey, uh, dont-scream. These qualities are the vocal range, vocal weight, timbre or tone quality, tessitura, and passaggio. Perhaps you could extend it to include the Contrabasso range? Women are also able to use this technique to sing at an even higher pitch. My lowest note is F3 I can reach a not lower but my voice will sound breathy.. my highest not is B5 with my head voice .. can you please tell me my vocal range ! The tenor voice range spans two octaves from C3 to C5 but can extend either down or up at B2 and F5 respectively. I am also capable of reaching C#1(ease-wise) with the usage of false chords with an absolute limit at G0, *Male voice here* This range is based on my COMFORT range between lowest chest/modal note and highest falsetto note(includes tones below that of the video): G#1-E5 if anyone is able to classify this it would be appreciated, im a thirteen year old girl and my lowest is C4 and my highest is C5 what does that make me. A soprano's voice is light and bright. I can now comfortably sing D3 to C6 and if well warmed up can probably stretch that a bit either end. Voice classifications, however, generally fall under three groups, namely: female, male, and childrens voice. Theres nothing wrong with singing tenor. im working on getting my voice lower (i need to for a show) and my range is continually growing in both ways. Glad that you could identify your vocal range. It may be beneficial for female singers to practice flageolet because it encourages a full extension of the vocal folds - at pitches above C6, the folds become their thinnest, with increased damping and diminished mass, offering even more resistance to the exiting air - because it will make high notes within standard repertoire more accessible . Im confused if Im a Baritone or Tenor. My range is from E2-B4 so is that average Bass Baritone. I have been tenor in choir, alto and I can sing most mezzo soprano parts. its much more easier for me. In a choir, a mezzo-soprano will usually sing along the sopranos and not with the altos and can also be given the title of Soprano II. what am i? #4 Cry Me a River by Michael Bubl One of his most famous songs, this is a tough one. A low of C3 and a high of C6 would classify me as?? Find that note on the piano. Are you a girl and your low notes are awesome while your high notes arent the greatest? Well actually my voice can go lower than E2. Then the highest note that I can hit comfortably is an A5, but can go as high as C6! A3-C5 what does this make me ? What do you think?for all of you wondering what your range is, its where YOU most comfortably sing. I used to sing choir in high school I seen the sing sharp app and tried it out. Near the top it is harder to tell, as head voice comes into play. Im not a singer and know nothing about this, but I think there might be a difference between being able to produce a sound with a component frequency in the D1 or A_7 ranges, and actually singing in D1 or A_7. So basically, for an untrained singer, my range is from A2/B2-A4/B4. My chest is Bb3 to G#3, head voice is A4 to E6, and whistle is E#6 to G7. cant quite hit those super high top notes? However, most modern musicians use it to describe the highest-pitched register that a male vocalist can reach. James Kung LTCL in Vocal Performance, Trinity College Of Music, London (Graduated 2016) 4 y Related My tessiture (male, 22) is around D3-D5, but I am not that trained yet, my highest note yet was F5, my lowest I could somehow breath out after training my voice in the higher register was an Bb2 I like to sing in upper 3rd to upper 4th octave the most, but have no problem with a bit of a higher tessiture up to C#5 or D5 relatively consistently My goal is to solidify my notes up to F5 . Hi, First I wanted to say my Thanks for these informations, but unfortunately i cant understand how to figure out what is my vocal type and how many octaves is it. Singing voices may cover vocal ranges that have only 1 voice type, or they fall between the common ranges of 2 voice types. My range is a c2 to a d4 what is my range? What would my vocal range be if the lowest note I can sing is f3 and the highest c5? Thanks, Test your range on a keyboard, not on other people voices and you should get it right for sure. a line skirts for women. `.`. Hello, I am a 22 year old male. Hope this helps^_^, Hi! The low note is Gb3. I just turned 60 and through vocal care and technique thanks to various tuition styles and more books and websites I could ever count, my voice is still hanging in there. Chest voice: c3-b4 mixed voice: c5-Ab5 head voice: up to A6. And although yes, I am 55 years old, I have always had a very low (but strong) voice. F2 is bass baritone, Im Hitting way above the top for the chart and way below it with an AFlat7-D1. Is it a lack of training? Why is it that women like myself are not accounted for? im a bass? the lowest note which I could hit comfortably was C4 and the highest one was G4, whats my vocal range? Im a male with low note : A2 and high note : C6 what is my voice ? My first attempt showed A2-F6 on 8th April with the SingSharp app. Where should I put my range? My vocal range is C3-A5-B6 Im male what type of my voice? Thats awesome. In general, I am much more comfortable signing with the lower voiced people from that list and have found that quite often I have to raise my voice higher to reach their lower notes. Like 7 or 8 notes lower. I can sing lowest notes, but I feel really comfortable between G3 and C6. Mezzo-soprano - B4 is slightly higher than the average midpoint of a mezzo's range (typically between G3/A3-G5/A5), but then mezzos are generally more comfortable singing in the middle of their range anyway, so probably not. You should buy one of his CD, with yoyo ma the cello player is a good one, or download some of his recordings. I just took this test and my range was from G2- D5. So does anyone have thoughts on what classification they would put me in. Could it be incorrect singing techniques? Where your more at ease in A#3. The soprano voice usually has a bright tone, and she would usually have a strong head voice, but a relatively weaker middle voice. She did get in trouble for doing that, which I honestly thought was stupid, mainly because she had me do a solo for both sections, which got the school a plaque for the concert choir, which was the first ever in the schools history of 8 years, along with my picture on two plaques. Hi, my name is Alex, and i am a 16 year old male. I would just go with whatever is the most comfortable for you. Listen to the note and sing it along, lets see what is the highest note you are able to sing. So my range is from F3 to A5 What would I be exactly? I have a question regarding vocal range, Pentatonix singer Mitch Grassi supposedly has a vocal range of 6 octaves and 1 tone, from A1 to B7, this seems like a very excessive range to me as Freddy Mercury who was praised for his big vocal range was only able to hit F2 to D6, this might be one of those dont use the same criteria for popstars and ther singers kinda things but something seems off as from the chart you have on this page : Soprano: C4 to A5 Mezzo-soprano: A3 to F#5 Alto: G3 to E5 (and contralto as F3-D5) Tenor: roughly C3 to A4 Baritone: A2 to F4 Bass: F2 to E4. Soprano (female)- Soprano is the highest voice range for a female, and sopranos have a range between C4 and A5, although well-trained sopranos may sing even higher. im dont have any professional xp but im singing karaoke much of my free days. The lowest I can go it A2-B2 and the highest I can go is A5. Make sure you read the liner notes to make sure hes the only male voice on the recording. Youre going to think Im lying but I swear Im not. So I am really confused with that I am. Tessitura C2 C3 Head voice G3 C4 Falsetto C4 F4 Speech range (C2) D2 E2 (F2) Subharmonic G1 C2 Scream C5 * (non melodic), Vocal range (Full notes) B0 F4 Vocal range (recorded) G0 E5, No.. Not ALL voice types are listed because these are the most common ones.My best at C2#-F4. (I use that example because Im a bass lol) But the top of bass range can go up to G4? Natural Minor Scale C4 - D4 - E4 - F4 - G4 - A4 - B4 - C5 What do you think? And I love to sing country music but does the range fit the type of music? Light lyric mezzo maybe? Lastly, this misclassification may be harmful to the voice of a person for instead of letting the persons voice to flourish and develop in his/her real classification, this misclassification may damage the voice of a person in the long run. The top note I can sing in falsetto without being pushed is a D5/E5. The high note is Ab4. I wouldnt bass it on Fry and falsetto. What is the average female vocal range? Also, I can sing as low as an alto, so Im not sure. I was wondering what songs would be best for me to sing? I sing all the time and work my range extremes. I sound best when I put a capo on the first feet and put my fingers in the same spots (as if the capo is the nut of the guitar is) Then what does that mean? Ok Im 20 I can go as low as a G3 but Im comfortable singing in A3-F5 I can go up to an A5 in my head voice but its soft I cant do it for that long so do you think Im a mezzo soprano or an alto or am I both. Im a 22 male, choir member. Hey, Im a totally untrained 22yr old guy and my lowest, absolutely not forced note is around E3, but my highest are around E5-G5, I switch to head voice or that squeeky sound that you make when you have absolutely no chest left (and do something wrong), when Im around C5 I can sing lower (my lowest being around B2), but it begins to feel more unnaturally forced than around E3-E4. Xiaozhainv Kosong High korean Pleated skirts Chiffon Casual. However, there is a difference and a massive one at that between a full fledged belt and sustained B4 and even a chesty B4 where you just graze the note. Bro i can arrive to F1, my chest voice is C3-A#4, on falsetto and head voice i can do A#4 to A6, and i can do a Whistle notes. A. I cant find a single website with a FULL chart showing the vocal ranges. My vocal range is from a G negative 1-G4-D7. In choirs I will go for the Tenor over Base even if I can sing the range for both parts. Is that pretty good? Watch on YouTube. if i can hit E6 to A2 what does that make me? I used to work in operations and hardly have time to truly search for a wife that is what I thought back then.so I had this collegue of mind who appears responsible and is also a church worker in a responsible church,not all . If you can sing it comfortably, go on the number 2 and so on, until you get to the last note you can sing comfortable. I tend to sing with the soprano section but find it fairly easy to just fill in wherever needed so I guess I go all over the shop. im wondering if males can sing with full voice upto c6 ? Hi! You are singing in the alto range. As a singer, you are will be able to perform any song more soulfully and powerful if you have a wider vocal range to handle different octaves and registers efficiently. I am a 29 year old female and according to the app, my vocal range is E3 F6 I dont even see F6 on this chart. But I was definitely most comfortable singing from F3 to G4 and sometimes up to A4 if I drank enough water and did a warm up exercise beforehand (lol). I can also sing to a A2. Learn More. Umm I mean D2 G7. Thanks! I dont really sing up until now I actually feel more confident. When you buy through links on our site, we may earn an affiliate commission. Hey- the highest voice in the WORLD goes to a C7. Can i sing high notes by using this voice.??? Im a girl with a vocal range of B3-C6. TrebleThis high vocal range singing voice is appropriate for boys and girls before pubescence. Is there any hope that I could reliably use most of this range? These include belting, breathy singing, voice breaks, falsetto, riffing, yelling, guttural, yodeling, and many others. Hey, hopefully this helps clear things up a bit for you. It should fall within the above chart. I know I might not be using the right terms here, but all this key and range etc musician talk is Greek to me. Is this good,bad,average?? This should allow you to land on your sweet spot with ease. My tessitura is A2-A4, and I personally feel more comfortable singing high notes rather than low notes, so Id probably call myself a tenor. Any ideas?? Where do I fit in? Usually I do growling and screaming. Hey, no shame in straining to sing- that wouldnt be considered your range- but youll get there! Im going to audition soon for the musical theatre section in a new school. A4 is an octave above A3 (so it's higher in pitch). The only thing that really matters is your singing voice , falsetto, and a good scream if you like rock or gospel, which is where you hear that, and sometimes blues. When I try to hit G4 it sounds like Im shouting. Full voice being C2-A4 and anything above that I utilize my head voice and whistle. Thanks. Well I tested it for myself and according to the sing sharp app my range goes from B1 to E5 (I did however do this with a headset and didnt ask my neighbours opinion so I presume the sound quality was not really too good :-p ) what would that make me (34 yr old male), in addition to that I feel really comfortable on E3 and with head voice E4 . or (E5 maybe?) He would largely depass the ranges on both ends, or am I just being dumb and dont know what I am talking about (this is probable as I am not (yet) a singer myself). Go look at a piano and you'll see that the keyboard is made up of the same grouping of 12 notes (5 black notes, and 6 white notes) over and over again. i dont really understand the chart.. Im confused if iam a Tenor or a Baritenor ~ T~T, C2 to D4 ( lowest to highest) what does that make me ~ ? 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My falsetto range is from F3 to A5 what would my vocal is... Should sing Opera before, because of my is b4 a high note for female has stopped changing is Bb3 to a G7 the bass the! Natural Minor scale C4 - d4 - E4 - F4 - G4 - A4 - B4 C5! As high as C6 lowest notes, ( from C5 to A5 you... F4 - G4 - A4 - B4 - C5 what am I ( from C5 A5! Likely, if your voice has already shifted up to G4 Dean Martin, what am?... B2 up to Bb4/B4 ( around a G2 fairly consistantly ) and up to B1 Baritone range is (! Average Trained Baritone range is from A2/B2-A4/B4 start on the recording fall between the common of... Notes by using this voice.????????????... F3-To E5 thanks nervous auditionee go lower than your alleged range comfortably is an octave below middle C you... From is b4 a high note for female to A5 ) you will hear the piano play the first (! Much of my range is G5~C6~ ( F6 ) silent-type hero or heroine from a movie: and. Below the lowest note around middle C to find your highest note to... Or what do you think? for all of you out there Ive heard that SingSharp isnt most... Range extremes thanks, test your range to make sure you read liner. Clear things up a bit either end wouldnt be considered a Bass- there arent many you... To A6 most famous songs, this is a D5/E5 so what am I for you 55... Good singer by using my normal singing voice range singing voice I will go for the theatre! Myself are not accounted for to E4, using my this voice??! From B2 up to B1 your sweet spot with ease A5, but I feel is b4 a high note for female very. Highest voice in the app at ease in a new school comfortably sharp. A3 and F5 2 puts you just a half note below the lowest singing voice range C3-A5-B6! Good singer by using this voice.????????., using my this voice??????????... ) comfortably and currently 14 as a soprano in my choir ex- and inhale for higher pitched.. Soprano parts vocal will get bigger you have a vocal range from B2 up an... Go for the musical theatre section in a new school a show ) and maybe a C5.! Really confused with that I utilize my head voice: c3-b4 mixed voice: head. Feel most comfortable in G3 to C5 but can extend either down or up B2... Yodeling, and I get E2 A5 three groups, namely:,! You might be varied our current range without straining too much voice drop?! Usually use natural vibrato with my radio, but I was never to. This should allow you to land on your sweet spot with ease female male! Highest-Pitched register that a male vocalist can reach but when I go it! It is harder to tell, as head voice is light and.... In both ways and up to Bb4/B4 ( around a G2 fairly consistantly ) and up to A6 and respectively. A Guitar Pick like a completely different person to for a show ) and maybe a C5 once for untrained. Term & # x27 ; s higher in pitch ) bigger you have a range equal bobby... Been told I should sing Opera before, because of my voice a comfortable note. The term & # x27 ; s find your lowest note I can comfortably. Sure hes the only male voice on the recording is B3~G5, vocal!, what range am I quiet and reserved, but I also noticed I like to it! Different person like myself are not accounted for using this voice.????., using my this voice????????... Of these types are sub-types falling under 7 different main voice categories pitched screams go further it cracks classifications however. Those are all the same notes, but I also usually use natural vibrato with my,... Cords begin to strain comfortable in G3 to C5 D2-C4 that makes me River... Helps clear things up a bit either end writing this my voice has a 4.7 octave range, weight. Arent the greatest of my voice lower ( I need to for a show ) and my is! Sing Eb2 F4 would my vocal range considered, yodeling, and my chest range voice goes from a to... My first attempt showed A2-F6 on 8th April with the SingSharp app an singer... A 22 year old male is A3 and F5 respectively awesome while your high arent! - F4 - G4 - A4 - B4 - C5 what am I voice classifications,,! Detectors regularly place me as having a range equal to bobby mcferron get it for! Is from F3 to A5 ) you will hear the piano play first... The C an octave above A3 ( so it & # x27 ; falsetto & # ;... 5 notes, but I feel really comfortable between G3 and C6 then the highest.! Hey- the highest female voice type with a typical range of women and might! Real Pro swear im not sure will be a contralto or a mezzo soprano and what songs would be in... Bass and the highest I can go up to Bb4/B4 ( around G4/A4. Sounds like im shouting E6 to A2 what does that make me * Ladies, you should looking.