The mounts can be a great indication of what career choices might work best for a person. Located directly in the center of the palm, this key line unveils the lessons you need to learn during your lifetime. These aspects of yourself may be a prominent feature in your life or may only come out every now and then, causing conflict in your life. Obviously, a normal mount is desirable and means that you are well balanced in this area. All Rights Reserved. Opinions vary about whether the fate line is counted as a major line or not, but I like to think they are. Nothing drives you more crazy than a lover who is ignoring the phone to you because theyre upset! If these two lines arent close to one another, it suggests youre steering the ship. Its one of the most highly regarded divination practices. Noticed mine are slightly in between fingers and not directly below them. They will tend to be more impulsive, too, and less driven by reason than others! If it is observed at the commencement of line (4) then it denotes few mysteries in respect of beginning career. So go ahead and examine your hand to see if the mounts are developed or undeveloped. If you have a Jupiter/Saturn Mount you will be highly determined. You may get success without anyones assistance. Traditionally, The Sun Mount is associated with fame, ability to socialise and can reveal how skilled you are at influencing others. What does the Grille on Jupiters mount mean? Unsubscribe at any time. Also a general reading would be appreciated! Click here to learn more about the head line and the areas of the headline. In general, merged mounts take on the good interpretations of both mounts. There is the possibility that these aspects of yourself will never be realised to your full potential but, trust me, they are there! By doing so, you can build a complete picture of a persons life and character. If you have a triangle on a specific line it strengthens that line. This line certainly appears to denote at the least principal incidents of your career. Writer, artist, and energy healer You may not get success continuously. The Mercury Mount is mainly associated with communication, but can also reflect you speed levels and how tech savy you are. If the mounts of Jupiter and Saturn are equally raised and almost merged with each other, then that person is extremely fortunate and achieves special . Here is what they mean for love, career and as positives and negatives for divination and fortune telling! Additionally, it suggests a connection to the spiritual world. You think your words should be final. Mount of Sun - It is located below the ring finger. Blessed be An avid Tarot reader from the age of 7, Lisa believes that divination should be effortless, personalised, and meaningful. It experienced another resurgence in the 19th and 20th centuries when studied and practiced by cerebral minds such as Casimir dArpentigny (founding father of chirognomy), William Benham (academic, author, and churchman), and Swiss psychologist and psychiatrist Carl Jung. It is unbelievable but true, head line does not represent intelligence, knowledge, or skills. Qualities associated with the mount of Jupiter as follows. A mind needs rest too. Normally it is observed on the palm of a woman than the palm of a man. If an island is found in the any portion of a Plain of Mars then it denotes a duration of great troubles, loss in your profession (3). You can find out more about Lisa and her work at LEGAL DISCLAIMER: is for Entertainment Purposes ONLY and is not qualified to give Medical, Legal or Financial Advice, and takes no responsibility for individual interpretations. Individuals with fire hands are typically confident, passionate, and hardworking, but they can also lack tactfulness and empathy because their own interests drive them. Palmistry Guide - Minor Lines. Finding markings on your palm is sort of like looking through a Wheres Waldo book, and every time I look at my hand I always seem to find more! The possibility arises if someone has a Simian line. It is clinically proved that men with a simian line are prone to seven diseases while women are prone to nine, which shall be prevented as early as possible. This area highlights innate magnetism and a persons emotional connection to love and romance. There are seven mounts on the palms, and they are synonymous with the Sun, Moon, Mars, Mercury, Jupiter, Venus and Saturn. You have to judge each hand individually. When you think about palm readings, what comes to mind? This area symbolises how balanced you are and how much confidence you have in yourself. Lastly, sunken mounts are considered blind spots that highlight a persons weaknesses. The vertical crease near the pinky side of the palm is known as the sun line. Of course, fractures arent a green light for infidelity or promiscuity. Mount is the area under the fingers and various other portions of the palm. Palmistry Mounts and Plains . There are a total of ten mounts on the palm, but Ill be going over the six that are the most prominent and easiest to locate. You may have permanently moved to a different country when you were 18-20. This type of sign of Destiny or Fate right through the palm does not regard as the good line of Destiny. In this article I am diving deeper into the meaning of the mounts. As mentioned earlier, the first step to reading mounts is to establish whether theyre weak or prominent. Palmistry Merged Mounts Between the Fingers. What role does fate line play in determining how much money we will have in our lives? Water hands also indicate someone who is highly sensitive and gets their feelings hurt easily. By contrast, if you have no interest in a mount and easily breeze past it, this can mean that your intuition feels as though the mount is lacking. Ascending from the Life Line (2-2) your triumph may be created by your own effort and merit. Through her website, she teaches over 1 million yearly visitors how to make divination a lifestyle, not just an occasional practice. Our hands are fascinating things from a spiritual perspective. Some people will have chubby hands and some hands will be skinny. Other faiths too have superior knowledge; however, the vocabulary used can vary. If you run your own business, you shine on social media. What is the meaning of overdeveloped Mount of Jupiter. THE LINE OF DESTINY, ISLANDS, AND OTHER SIGNS. In palm reading, this is known as merge mounts. When this derivative climbs to the Mount of Sun (7-7) then the success may be towards the wealthy and public life. The mounts and hand shapes are open to interpretation and it takes practice to recognize and decipher meanings. Is disappearing good or bad for a mole. Click Here For Timestamps~ A SPIRITUAL message for YOU! People have been reading palms for centuries to try to determine the path their life will take, whether they will have good or bad luck, and what their innate character traits might be. Self-made millionaires, entrepreneurs, and those who do well despite generational inequality and coming from a poor background will all have strong fate lines. There are some people also who seem to shape their Fate or Destiny from day after day. Somewhere in the middle means you are a balance between these qualities of arrogance and meekness! Born into a Romany Gypsy family of fortune tellers, Lisa has always had a passion for psychic development and related subjects. Skills palmistry practitioners take in more than the major lines: they look at the palms shape, colour and spirals of the fingers, too. Divination and Fortune Telling, Tagged: palmistry, palm reading, divination, fortune telling, mounts between the fingers, meaning, meanings, beginners, mounts, jupiter, saturn, sun, mercury, Tarot Two. The prevailing notion is that the rare lines and signs on ones palm are indicative of the most favourable outcomes. There is also a relationship to the other major and minor lines in the hand, for example, where the mounts may intersect with those lines. Mainly, you are driven because of your family. An over-developed mount shows the extremes of the emotions associated with that mount while an under-developed mount means that you are lacking in the qualities of that mount. Before we jump into weakness and prominent mounts, lets first look at the general location and meaning of each mount: Mount of Jupiter: The Mount of Jupiter appears below your index finger (pink on image) and is concerned with your level of drive and energy levels. THE LINE OF DESTINY AND ITS MODIFICATIONS. |#short #palmistry #palmistrybhattacharjee #youtubeshorts #jupiter #astrologeryoutube surch#palmistry #palmistrybhattacharjee #hastarekha. In palmistry, does Jupiters mount represent money? Spirituality does not mean only praying or with magical power. I personally find this method difficult because I have fat hands so always fall into the trap of reading other peoples as looking weak! The more curved the head line, the less level headed a person will be. Just like the mounts, there are many more markings than Ill be able to cover. Its length doesnt necessarily speak of how intelligent we are, but of how many interests we have - its arc and depth describe the strength of the mind. In few cases it looks obscure or faint as though the way of Destiny or Fate is not clearly defined. He may leave you when you are no longer of use. The influence of Mount Brihaspati and Jupiter line palmistry on life affects a person's life in many ways. Through her website, she teaches over 1 million yearly visitors how to make divination a lifestyle, not just an occasional practice. The Line of Fate or the Line of Destiny (1-1) is one of the most significant lines in your hand. Although they are mighty and have complaint to marriage, they can reduce the conflicts with a tolerant attitude and communication and make the bad luck to husband insignificant. The picture underneath demonstrates there is no head line. This line certainly appears to denote at the least principal incidents of your career. If the Line of Destiny or Line of Fate is found broken then your career may full of difficulties and splits. No Head line The total absence of a head [], Yog, or a combination of lines or markings on the hand, is a term used in palmistry to describe traits or occurrences in a persons life. In fact, a short line represents independence and self-determination. Mounts can also develop and recede over time as we age of have new experiences. The latter reveals that you may feel bored or restless. The deeper the line, the better quality the individuals vitality - a deep line suggests the owner can express their energy and takes every opportunity to live a long and successful life. Additionally, the Luna mount is linked to compassion and empathy just as the moon lightens the darkness for us at night. For this reason, the right-hand takes priority in palm readings. As they look like rolling mountains on your hands, they are called mounts. Celebrating over 15 years online. What does the Cross on Jupiter mount mean? If you want to know how to read your palm, its essential to be aware of the size and shape of your hands, fingers, hand lines, their lengths, how and where they cross each other, and where they break or end are all a snapshot into your life and personality. In general, merged mounts take on the good interpretations of both mounts. If this date is observed then it may be most significant in your career. (Fig 15) If your hand does not contain a Line of Destiny or Line of Fate and just contain only a normal Line of Head then there is not anything specific to say about your Fate or Destiny. Together, both hands reveal how youre utilizing your potential in this lifetime. Many Yogs associated with prosperity or property can be seen in palmistry. It is important to know our hand shape so you can identify were the mounts sit on your palm. The minor lines include the marriage line, fate line, sun line, children line, money line, health line, travel line, bracelet line, and ring of Solomon. Although a Saturn/Sun Mount is rather positive, there are negative aspects to it. If they are crisscrossed with other lines, then they indicate life and personality that is confused and chaotic! If the Fate Line ends at a zippy along with a cross then you may expect a fatality. You can find out more about Lisa and her work at Mount weakness and prominence reflects how you express the feelings related to that mount. Youll find the Mount of Jupiter at the base of the index finger. Mount in palmistry is very important to study for indepth Palmistry analysis. The heart line starts underneath your pinky finger, curves across the hand and ends usually between the index and middle finger. When there are fewer lines around a mount, the planet will relax and replenish its energies. The same applies to too many lines on it. You are looking for thickness in relation to the other mounts on your hand in general, not how your hand looks to other peoples. Ill also go over some of the markings you might find on your hand or during a reading and what they mean. What you're seeing as a fate line fills in for your life line where it's broken. The depth of the line is also important. I noticed I have an arrow symbol on my left hand that starts at the bottom of my palm and almost (I'd say, like, 1cm almost) touches my head fate line (career/job/luck/destiny line ), Partial Simian Line on both hands, Fate line meeting heart and head line. Medieval palmistry was somewhat controversial as it was used by the witch hunters who believed certain pigmentation spots were a sign of the Devil. Mount of Mercury: The Mount of Mercury is just under the pinkie (Mercury)finger (green on image). The chiromantic art traveled to China, Persia, Tibet, Egypt, Mesopotamia, and Greece, where the practice was substantially developed. Our last mount Venus is at the base of your thumb below the inner mars mount. Its a frequent myth that if you fold your hand and the mole is inside, youll become extremely [], The fish sign in palmistry has gained significant attention in recent years, with numerous palmists creating over a thousand videos on YouTube dedicated to this particular symbol. Unfortunately, this is not true, it doesnt actually tell us how long we will be on earth for! Those with water hands are compassionate, imaginative, and in tune with their emotions. Youll observe your dominant hand for a look into your past, future potential, and choices that you need to make. You also have a habit of taking on responsibilities which are not your own and integrating them into your life. If the Line of fate or Line of Destiny merges with the Line of Heart and climbs together to the Mount of Jupiter (1-1) then you may possess contentment through your affections. Squares on their own that arent enclosing a broken line may indicate a time of confinement, mentally or physically, brought on by yourself or someone else. Normally it is a sign of influence of opposite gender to you. If these 2 lines merge after running parallel for some distance then it denotes that this Double Line has been formed by the great affection which surroundings are not allowed to union. Lisa Boswell is an award-winning divination teacher and creator of Divinerism. You may get success through your merit and effort. Rounded, slightly raised mounts signify . If the arc is big, the individual concerned has a lot of stamina and enthusiasm to share with the world and dedicate to their lifes cause. Contents of website is Spirituality Media & Lisa Boswell (2022) not to be reproduced without permission. How important are Mounts in Palmistry? Sometimes, this Mount reflects your loyalty to others and general confidence. r/palmistry Rules. The simian line is commonly seen among those who are highly loyal and dedicated to work and make great achievements. If the derivative ascends to the Mount of Mercury (8-8) then you may get the success in the field of commerce or science. Learn what it means to have mounts between you fingers and the impact this has on your future. Often the head line does deepen over time as a person develops their powers of concentration in studying and working, and finds out what they are interested in and what their purpose is. The classic mounts correspond with the seven classical planets within astrology: Apollo (the sun), Luna (the moon),. A spilt in the Line of Fate is not indicates a bad fortunes to you for all the time. The Moon always stands alone, away from the fingers as the Moon stands away from Earth. Romance and some lucky circumstances may play vital role in your life. It also tells us something of the persons psychic abilities. What if the lines from Jupiter mount merge with head line? This mount is considered to symbolize confidence and ambition and can be telling to our leadership skills. You may never achieve success. Here is the meaning of the mounts: Many people regard the life line only as a measure of how long we will live. You have a several travel lines, the first being the strongest. I am a participant in Amazons affiliate program. It is kind of hard to lie to yourself when you have one mount flat as hell and another sticking out like a sore thumb! You have to fulfil the desires or your parents in those days. SNU2310 I cant find any info about this,but this horizontal line that runs from the upper mount of Mars to cross my fate line on both hands,Is this an obstacle or a . Blessed be . Merged mounts usually have positive meanings, usually related to success. Since they are suspicious and hardly trust anyone, they have the extreme view of marriage: men are better because they are generally career-oriented but for women, it will be very terrible once the trust is lost because they are quite serious towards a relationship and can hardly control themselves to go for perfect. Pay close attention to where each line begins and ends, which mount it crosses, and where creases converge. If you are in a job which you feel restricts your lack of freedom you will feel trapped and depressed. For the purposes of this quick guide, well look closely at the major lines in palmistry - but be aware there is a lot more to learn about the ancient subject and its not limited to the major lines! What does it mean if someone has no head line in the left palm? Mounts are essentially elevated spaces on different regions of the palm, each assigned to a specific planet. The Saturn mount is linked to wisdom and responsibility. It can be observed on the palm even at the time of birth, distinctly denoting the kinds of Destiny or Fate which lies in the faraway before an inhabitant. Many Yogs associated with prosperity or property can be seen in palmistry. What if the lines from Jupiters mount merge with life line? Depth is related to how meaningful a relationship is, while the length is associated with how long the union was, is, or will be. When the Line of Destiny or Line of Fate does not climb to the usual place of Mount of Saturn and goes to the other Mount then the entire effort of your life may be traced with whatsoever characteristic that specific Mount indicates. You analyse others and can easily speak to them, however, youre not very good at listening. You feel as though it is your duty to take care of everyone around you. Even if they have to hand over some insignificant tasks to someone else, they will be deeply concerned and try to do personally. Her divination book, The Modern Oracle, was published in 2021. If you take charge of anything then everything may get out of your control. A well-developed Mercury mount is thought to indicate a talent for communication as well as the ability to succeed in careers that require skills. The Outer Mount of Marsshows how brave you and your willingness to do the right thing. You are responsible for your own life and decisions. Above the head line lies the heart line (aka the love line), the highest horizontal line on the palm. The mount of Mercury speaks to inventiveness, awareness of practical skills, and even psychic ability. It means that the person may apply you for fulfilling his ambitions. I hope youve found palm reading to be a fun way to pass the time with your loved ones and maybe even shed a little light on your own path! Your merged mounts in palmistry below the ring finger our hand shape so you can find out more about and. 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