The All-Access membership pass is the way to get to know the Bible through biblical archaeology. Forgiveness, forgiven, and forgiving (30). What does the Bible really teach? The Bible is a compilation of 66 books and letters written by more than 40 authors during a period of approximately 1,500 years. Consider the following verses: You study the scriptures thoroughly because you think in them you possess eternal life, and it is these same scriptures that testify about me, Then he said to them, These are my words that I spoke to you while I was still with you, that everything written about me in the law of Moses and the prophets and the psalms must be fulfilled. Then he opened their minds so they could understand the scriptures. Deeds (25); work, works (21), workers (2), does the will of God (3), and acts on them (2), obey, observe, keep My word (2), kept the word (1), kept My Word (1), keep the commandments (1), keep My commandments (2), that slave whom his Master finds doing so when He comes (1). Why did it seem like God was shrinking away when I was more active than ever in my faith? Gaza, also called Azzah, is first mentioned in Genesis as one of the border cities of Canaan ( Genesis 10:15-19 ). Many theologians have tried to discern what the most common theme in Jesus teachings was, and it often comes down to Kingdom or Salvation. All rights reserved. Election. Now the LORD had said to Abram: "Get out of your country, From your family And from your father's house, To a land that I will show you. How to Get Logos 10: Your Options Explained. An 'apostle' in Nigeria just said that"people from all other the world, America and everywhere keep writing him telling him about proper adornment." While all these things will occur during this period of 490 years, this 490-year period is not consecutive, but broken up. After renewing the earth through the flood, God started over with Noah and his family; however, eventually humanity rebelled against God again at the Tower of Babel. My Father (48), Your Father (3), heavenly Father (7), O Father (1), righteous Father (1), the Father (1). Logos Bible Software helps pastors, scholars, and other Christians get more out of their Bible study. . ), and numerous congregants improperly dressed.You blog is refreshing beautification for the soul. Creation and the Creator 7. Can you name the most mentioned figures in the book of 1 and 2 Samuel, in KJV, . From the Ten Commandments, the first two are: love God above all, love thy neighbors as you love yourself. Abraham is mentioned 250 times and Abram 62 times making a total of 312 times. Money is one of the most mentioned topics in the Bible. Scripture quotations marked (ESV) are from The Holy Bible, English Standard Version (ESV) Copyright 2001 by Crossway, a publishing ministry of Good News Publishers. In one sweet, beautiful moment, Lyman and I prayed with 40 broken souls in the middle of downtown Bellingham. But Why? I felt powerless. However, because we focus too She needed love. However, in Leviticus 16:23-24, scripture refers to Aaron doing a cleansing ceremony similar to a baptism. Both groups were guilty of ignoring the pain and suffering at our doorstep. If they are of a hateful, belligerent, or vicious nature, they will not be posted. I invited them to pray as we held hands and closed our eyes. Because in Christ alone, our hope is found. Throughout the series the three of them will unpack attributes of God found in Exodus 34:6-7. Jesus did talk a lot about money, theres no debating that. After extensive research and seeking counsel from local pastors, I discovered that with the exception of God himself, the poor are the most talked about subject in all of Scripture. In fact, you could make a strong argument for this being his primary message that everything else was centered around. Job 4:6. We live in a remarkable time when we have free access not only to God's word but to a wealth of free Bible study tools. If we include the words gold, silver, wealth, riches, inheritance, debt, poverty, and related topics, it turns out that the Bible pays a great deal of attention to financial matters -- more than nearly any other subject. Sarah, the wife of Abraham and the mother of Isaac, is the most mentioned woman in the Bible. Both passages address anxiety at their heart. I have been looking for an overview like this for a while! The Hebrew words most often translated "God Most High" are Elohim (or El) Elyown, which literally means "the most God . Therefore, as we study Christs actions and teachings, we learn more about God. As we prayed, I opened my eyes midway in prayer to check my surroundings. I would love to hear from you! The Most Quoted Verse in the Bible. The Fall and Redemption of Man 9. Dear friend, it's always a joy to know when we connect with someone and are able to be of some benefit. What animal spoke in the Bible? The Bible promises blessings to those who love the least of these (Matthew 25:3440). Before you were born I set you apart. Biblical history (and all history) reveals God, since he is in total control of itboth the good and badusing it all to reveal himself, teach his ways, and fulfill his plans. Unless otherwise noted, the primary Scriptures used are taken from the NET Bible copyright 1996-2016 by Biblical Studies Press, L.L.C. What other questions or applications do you have from the reading. I dont know what I need.. She broke into violent weeping and said, I dont know. Interestingly, the Greek word for "prune" is the same for "cleanse," likely pointing to how cleansing is the key to growth. With tears in his eyes, he thanked me and the staff for trying our best to help him. These things happened to them as examples and were written for our instruction, on whom the ends of the ages have come. Two of the most commonly repeated numbers in the Bible are 7 and 40. These writings remain for all people to read in Scripture. Pastors and Bible researchers may find this data to contain valuable insight. If youve been to church during a money series youve probably heard that Jesus taught about money more than anything. In Romans 9:14-21, Paul anticipated it as he taught about election. Today's Top Quizzes in Bible. A more accurate title would be "Top Ten Words Jesus Spoke". In addition, God abundantly blesses his children who, by faith, obey him. Drop a comment down below! You will say to me then, Why does he still find fault? One of the major themes of Scripture is the self-revelation of God. Current topics include "Knowing God," "The Problem of Evil," "The Plan of God," "The People of God," "The Fruit of the Spirit" and "The Armor of God.". While it is clear that the focus of many of Jesus messages were about God/Kingdom, those teachings would have been pointless to us if there werent a way for us to get there. The Origin of Evil 8. The most mentioned king in the Bible is the King of King and Lord of Lords, Jesus Christ. Personally I dont have a desire to label one as the most common teaching. 53. Psalm 57:2 says, "I cry out to God Most High, to God who fulfills his purpose for me.". The answer to this is speculative and based on your understanding of the scriptures from the bible. To the church, wherever you are and whoever you are, ask God for a heart of compassion for the least of these, and help the world see that what they truly need is found in Christ alone. Money. And yet, even with a few years of missionary work under my belt, Bible college training, and being an active member of my church, I never saw it. I thought about it for a second and remembered a huge bridge that I was warned to never go under. It often surprises Christians when they discover just how much the Bible talks about money. He blessed a young boy named Daniel and his Jewish friends who, in Babylonian exile, refused to compromise their faith by eating defiled meat. Only four of them dont involve a fallen world: the first two and the last twobefore the Fall and after the creation of the new heaven and new earth. For I will show him how much he must suffer for the sake of my name.. That all who believe can be a part of the Kingdom. He didnt mention it as much as the previous ones, but he certainly did spend a lot of time talking about it. Dear Keren-Happuch Zoe, you're welcome. The word, "Lord" is the most popular noun used in the Bible, occurring 7,365 times. As I began to read verse five, God highlighted the story of Enoch in a way that changed my life forever. Prayer, pray, and praying (33), ask and asking (30), seek and seeking (36), knock, knocks, and knocking (6), watch (11). From that day forward, on September 28, 2012, teams began going every Friday night to downtown Bellingham, to the places where people least expect the church to be present and active, bringing the church to the lost. Genesis starts in top left and Revelation ends in bottom right. I thought I was doing everything right to please God. In addition, Christ was always pictured in the sacrificial lamb in the Old Testament. Finally, God also reveals himself through biblical history. However, they continually rebelled against God and received his judgment. No one even mourned for him. Absolutely not! But something in that question chipped away at one womans heart in a way that broke the dam of emotions that had been welling up inside of her. The love of the Father who could give her an identity far above the sin and abuse in her life has given her. Consider what he said: What shall we say then? There were about 40 people, half of them homeless and the other half gang members. Consider these reasons why the Bible is unique: The Bible is a book of . The major themes about mankind relate to man's rebellion, his estrangement and perversion. Christ in All the Bible Section 2 Sin; Its Origin, Results, and Remedy 6. Let's begin our examination of the frequency of "hell" in the Bible with a review of the most widely used English translations: King James Version (KJV): 54 times. My heart was racing and I was shaking uncontrollably with fear. Both the . Ed, Issue 46, Winter 2023, The Bible Teachers Guide, The Bibles Uniqueness: An Introduction To Scripture. Sentence-reading always trumps it. But Israel never completely destroyed the Canaanites and instead was influenced by them to practice evilidolatry, sexual immorality, and even sacrificing their children to false gods. What word is mentioned more in the Bible? However, if you From the very beginning of Jesus ministry the focus was on the Kingdom He was establishing. We spend too much time picking what to study next. What if I get hurt in the process? Lo and behold, even the gang members whod kept their distance from us bowed their heads in prayer with us! Then he commanded Moses, Joshua, and others, to write down his Words and teach them to others. (61), Himself (117), and the Holy Spirit (32), that adds an additional You can count specific words Jesus used, the number of parables told on specific topics, or the number of verses dedicated to various subjects. 7 Weeks + 62 weeks = 483 years. add to these verses all the instances where Jesus spoke about the Father He showed how God stood in starch contrast to the other gods. The places where people rush into sin are perfect places for them to come face-to-face with Gods radical love instead. Hypocrites and hypocrisy (20), leaven of the Pharisees (4). Think of the Parable of the Lost Coin. God bless you, too. The Christocentric nature of Scripture is taught throughout the Bible. In Psalm 27:1, we're reminded that no earthly disappointment can destroy us: "The LORD is my light and my salvation; whom shall I fear? The Bible topics that Jesus taught about most probably arent what you think. Paul saw the resurrected Christ, founded many churches throughout the Gentile world, and eventually wrote almost half of the New Testament. 31. A major problem arises when people try to pull absolutes out of these stories. Biblical numerology is the study of numbers in the Bible. Thank you SO much. Selecting the topic's title will take you to the corresponding entry in our alphabetical topic listing with previously answered questions, associated articles, and links to related topics. Those are both true. Genesis 1:1 says, In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth. From the beginning of Scripture to its end, God continually makes himself known. The faith answer states that the Bible is the Word of God, that it is infallible and t. CLASS. In Jeremiah 1:5, God said, Before I formed you in your mothers womb I chose you. God revealed himself through angels, prophets, and apostles, who spoke for him. So, oftentimes He contrasted earthly rulers and kingdoms with God and his kingdom. Some might say, Isnt that unfair? Certainly, this is not an unexpected question. We saw his glorythe glory of the one and only, full of grace and truth, who came from the Father. Residence can also be translated tabernacled. Christ is the tabernacle of God. The context will tell us whether Jesus was talking about money or using it as illustration to point to a larger truth. Let's start with the topic we've already mentioned. It was as if everyone was chanting the same message over and overcaring for the poor is a biblically mandated responsibility for the Church. It played by a different set of rules. In that culture, the eldest son would receive both the monetary inheritance and the spiritual blessing, which in this case included Gods promise to Abraham to bless the world. But before we get to the topics Jesus most commonly taught about I want to look at the topic most people. Glad it helped. Ten Free Bible Study Resource Tools. God is called the lion, especially the . Money is mentioned 140 times in the King James Version of the Bible. It could not have been more dangerous, reckless, and unwise. Used by permission. In John 1:14, John said this about Christ: Now the Word became flesh and took up residence among us. I felt a weight lifted and the tension loosened around my shoulders and neck. Here are five ways you can make a difference. By faith, Abraham had to leave his land and family and go to the land that God would reveal to him. In the reading, which covenant stood out most to you and why? He pleased the God of the universeso much thathe was taken up without suffering death. The first prophecy was proclaimed immediately after the fall. How can God choose people for salvation and special works even before they are born? Throughout the New Testament, Scripture says God rewards those with faith. Persecution, persecutions, and persecute (3), persecuting Me (6), brought before governors (1), flog (1), synagogue (with reference to persecution - 6), arrest (3), hate you (3), kills you (1), kill you (1). Thank you. That person is like a tree planted by streams of water, which yields its fruit in season and whose leaf does not witherwhatever they do prospers. Jesus is mentioned 973 times, Christ 555 times, and both a total of 1,528 times. "The call to place a faith commitment in Christ is the purpose for God sending Jesus here and for giving us the Bible." 5. God wrote the Ten Commandments with his finger. There are many ways to study the Bible. What is mentioned most in Bible? Words associated with sin are: sin (s), sinning, and sinner (s). You can discuss this post and others in the Faithlife Today group. When reading through Genesis 1-11, it is clear God chose Enoch for blessing because he walked with God, as did Noah. I cant tell you how many times Ive heard that Jesus taught about money more than any other topic. Christs apostles taught the gospel in Jerusalem, but because of persecution from Jews, believers spread to other parts of the world and taught the gospel there. Christs burial and resurrection are foreshadowed in the story of Jonahs three days in the belly of a fish. Get a roundup of new Word by Word articles in your inbox each Friday. The fear left me. In a way, she had always known that this was her deepest need, but she had been searching for it in all the wrong places. 5. Scripture is very clear that he does. She is mentioned a total of 49 times, more than any other woman in the Bible. So the article is titled appropriately, as "ten words" would not be appropriate or accurate. Look up your topic. Abrahams call demonstrates electionGod elected Abraham based on nothing he had done, in order to bless the world. Psalm 83:18. How else is Gods election seen in Scripture? What Im getting at is money is not the focal point to many of those 11 parables. The most mentioned . He simply says, God is God! As potter, he can make one pot for this purpose and another for that purpose. Write down the passages listed with your topic so you can look them up. When I went home that night, I had no idea what wed started. However, Israel rejected Christ and crucified him on the cross, with the help of Romans. Psalm 19:9. It says in Christianity and other religions that love for God and others is above all the laws of earth and men. Whether death results from a sudden accident or a sustained illness, it always catches us off-guard. Holiness is taught so few places. On the instructions of God, Ezekiel tells the bones to come to life. All emphases in Scripture quotations have been added. 1) Work is part of God's big picture. It was time to go where no one else was going. Romans 5:14 calls him a type of the coming one. Romans 5:17 says, For if, by the transgression of the one man, death reigned through the one, how much more will those who receive the abundance of grace and of the gift of righteousness reign in life through the one, Jesus Christ! By the same principle that Adams sin brought death to all, Christs righteousness brings life to all who accept him by faith. Devil (5), Beelzebul (4), satan (16), evil spirit (2), unclean spirit (4), driving out demons, drive out demons, casting out (10). Chatta'ah means to miss the way, go wrong, and incur guilt (both . We now love a God we hated ( Eph. Over the years, we have noticed many of our visitors ask questions that are similar. Their emotionally and materially crippling issues were trivial inconveniences to those around them. Let me put it this way, eleven of Jesus parables do mention money however eighteen of Jesus parables mention food. Scripture quotations marked (KJV) are from the King James Version of the Bible. To get the most out of your Bible study time, all you need is a plan and a few useful tools. The Old Testament was written for the most part in Hebrew, with a small percentage in Aramaic. Proverbs 21:13 warns us that we too will be ignored by God if we ignore the cry of the poor. As mentioned previously, there are over 300 Old Testament prophecies fulfilled in Christs first coming. oftentimes He contrasted earthly rulers and kingdoms with God and his kingdom. From this family all the nations would be blessed and come to know the true God. Of course there are many references in the old testament to Jesus in the types and in the prophecies of the messiah, but I only listed the times the actual names occurred in all cases. Having Peter's undivided attention, Jesus spoke of the eventual crossing of Peter's own finish line. This is the most common topic in Jesus teaching. Making a total of approximately 1254 times Moses is mentioned 852 times. Browse Bible. Thus we have this idea in our heads that Jesus was always talking about money. There are 1,189 chapters in the Bible. Likewise, Scripture tells of many heroes who experienced Gods favor because of their faith and obedience. Likewise, Noah was obedient and faithful, a righteous man who walked with God. Even in those parts of the world, Christians were still persecuted both by Jews and pagans. God rules and reigns forever (even when it doesn't look like it). The two talking animals in the Old Testament commanded the attention of several authors of New Testament books, who My future is totally uncertain, but I know that God is with me wherever I go. However many, specifically pastors, have overemphasized Jesus teaching on money to prove their point. God revealed himself through the person of Jesus Christ, his Son, who lived on the earth 2000 years ago. What did Jesus talk about the most? John 15:7 says, If you remain in me and my words remain in you, ask whatever you want, and it will be done for you. Living in Gods Word and obeying it leads to a powerful prayer life. Son of Man (80), Son of David (1), King of the Jews (3), Christ (11), Lord said to my Lord (3), Shepherd (9), Gods Son (4), the Way (1), I am the Alpha and the Omega (1), the first and the last (3), the beginning and the end (1), the root and the descendant of David (1), the bright Morning Star (1). In 2014, Jon was also an intern at Faithlife. You can look up the passages mentioned and read more of the context in your Bible. To bring in everlasting righteousness. God bless you. God has placed every book, even the so-called boring ones, in the Bible for a reason. I think we should just acknowledge they are both focal points of Jesus messages. It started freaking me out. But before we get to the topics Jesus most commonly taught about I want to look at the topic most people think He taught about the most. It was time to begin my journey helping and loving the poor of Bellingham, Washington. (Isaiah 1:3) _____ 6) Lion: 144 times mentioned in the NIV - Number 2 on the Top Ten Most Significant Animals in the Bible. The question is, Why does God elect? Does he elect based on some foreknown faith or goodness in others? Revelation 6:16-17 says, They said to the mountains and to the rocks, Fall on us and hide us from the face of the one who is seated on the throne and from the wrath of the Lamb, because the great day of their wrath has come, and who is able to withstand it?. English Standard Version (ESV): 14 times. I turned around and exited the bridge. The more we study it, the more God's words will begin to sink into the core of who we are. John 3:16 says, For this is the way God loved the world: He gave his one and only Son, so that everyone who believes in him will not perish but have eternal life. Being delivered from eternal damnationseparation from Gods blessingand being given eternal life comes from faith in Christ. His story is told in the Gospels and the advance of his church is told in Acts. 20 Most Frequently Asked Bible Questions (Topics) Search Tips. Im not a cop! Finally, the book of Revelation shares Gods wrath outpoured on the whole world for their sin and rejection of Christ. The poor want more money. Why? How can I get a hard copy of this article? Christ said, for this is my blood, the blood of the covenant, that is poured out for many for the forgiveness of sins (Matt 26:28). To help you make the decision easier, I have created this list of 100+ fascinating Bible study topics. I gave up my job and my pursuit of a nursing degree to pursue this calling full-time, and I can say without a doubt that it was worth it. Genesis 5 lists the first genealogy which documents the effects of sin, as people experienced physical death: So and so lived and then died, so and so lived and then died (paraphrase). Repent, repents, repented, and repentance (21), Blind (18), hidden from your eyes (1), you did not recognize (1), Overcome, overcame, overcomes (8), perseverance (5), endure, endures, endured, endurance (6), Worrying, worries, and those who worry (17), Adultery (11), fornications (2), immorality (3), John the Baptist (3), of John (3), messenger (2), Elijah (7), End of the age (4), tribulation (7), distress (1), that hour which is about to come upon the whole world (1), Heal, healed (11), cures (1), sickness (1), Servant (7), serving (1), greatest (3), slave of all (1), service (1), Giving (1), gave, give to charity (1), put in more than all the contributors to the treasury (1), out of her poverty put in all that she had to live on (1), offering (8), Deny Me, denies Me, denied My name, or deny My faith (9), Few who find it (1), laborers are few (1), workers are few (1), few are chosen (4), Last shall be first (1), first will be last (5), Water + life (1), drink + water (1), living water (2), Unity (1), one flesh (1), that they may all be one (1), Sons of God (2), sons of your Father who is in heaven (1), Wash his feet (1), wash one anothers feet (1), Giving dogs what is sacred and pearls to pigs (1). To anoint a most holy place. With every step I took down that long dirt road, my heart beat faster. One of the major themes of the Bible is sin and its consequences. If you want to read more about what Jesus said about hell you can check out this article I wrote: What Jesus Said About Hell. Genesis 3:15 (NIV) says: And I will put enmity between you and the woman, and between your offspring a and hers; he will crush your head, and you will strike his heel. Christ came to undo the works of the devil in the world, including the curse. The Bible speaks on the poor, the widowed, and the destitute about 3,000 times. All things were created by him, and apart from him not one thing was created that has been created Now the Word became flesh and took up residence among us. Than ever in my faith covenant stood out most to you and why Paul anticipated it as he about. Among us Word articles in your mothers womb I chose you the Bible for a.! 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