But, I said this to Lynn, "Despite all the things that trouble me about Barbara's program, I feel like what she's trying to do is to stop a kid from getting born into a childhood that's going to suck.". Serotonin gets into the brain cells, and according to Michael unleashes A whole series of molecular events inside the cell. Why would that happen? And I didn't find a single case of someone saying that they regretted what they've done. Life is hard.". The results make it probable that our descendants will learn more quickly what we know well, will execute more easily what we have accomplished with great effort, will be able to withstand what injured us almost to the point of death. ROBERT: So, the thought is, when those little boys in verkalix were really, really hungry, their hunger started a chemical process that reached all the way down to the DNA inside the boy's sperm. I mean, they didn't have porridge. Methyl groups are pretty sticky, they're hard to get off. OLOV BYGREN: It was very interesting discovery. They like to hang out in the water and the females like to lay eggs in the water. Because, you know, that Ive got these two kids, right? Not been born at all. ROBERT: And those lucky ones, according to Darwin's theory, they would have had to have been born with some random mutation in their genes SAM KEAN: That gave them an advantage in this situation. And as of 11:01 a.m. on Tuesday, when were recording this, we have not broken the show. They have six, seven, eight, ten, fourteen.]. BARBARA HARRIS: Yes, she has the same name as me. JAD: These were kids that didn't end up with Barbara? FRANCES CHAMPAGNE: He had no idea about DNA. Yes, but creating an assumption that there is a class of people who don't deserve to procreate, who aren't worthy of procreating the human race, leads you down a path that we should have great concern about. Whole lifetime of stretching. JAD: It makes a kind of common sense, really. I'm going to graduate with honors and one day I'm going to be able to tell her, "Look, I did this. SAM KEAN: And when he examined it, he noticed that there was a syringe hole there. You're obviously a great mom, but that feels cold to me. A few years later, there'd be a harsh winter. So we did stop. Radiolab is on YouTube! Like, I mean, as far as positives can go, I think I hit the jackpot. In a very real way, weve been thinking a lot about inheritance. I wonder. CARL ZIMMER: This second channel of heredity. Nice, cool water. We have experts even in very specific fields of study, so you will definitely find a writer who can manage your order. I like you, I get the sense that there's a lot of warmth in you. Where we began, they will accomplish. ], [ARCHIVAL Clip, Daytime Talkshow: You get them $200 each, which they can spend on crack. LULU: Yeah, thats it. You cant say that. Its something I still think about all the time. There's going to be this massacre of toads and only a few lucky ones are going to survive. Suddenly you're marked. CARL ZIMMER: Around 1908, he started publishing all of these results. Even if it helps, it's horrifying. Your support helps Radiolab continue to provoke, delight, and keep audiences curious. I'm Executive Director and Founder of National Advocates for Pregnant Women. You dont really say it to yourself that way, but yeah. OLOV BYGREN: The results are there. SAM KEAN: It does, it does make kind of a folk sense. JAD: And thats wrong [laughs].Thats not how it works. As to diabetes, it was a four-fold risk. How much of you will echo into the future and how much of you won't? And at a time when you're not making the best decisions anyway. Or very many of them right at all, but, you know, his basic idea seems to be true. Yeah, thats it. Inheritance Radiolab Podcast Genetics Homework Assignment Homework assignment on the Radiolab podcast 'Inheritance', developed for a college-level cell biology class. TRANSCRIPTS. "To Whom It May Concern, I have been doing very good. The reason they're more aroused is that the mom's licking activates the release of adrenaline and noradrenaline in the pup. [chuckles]. Well, that's the good news, but unfortunately there is some bad news here. ROBERT: But, this hour were gonna fight this sort of sad sack feeling of inevitability and impotence. And these effects, in fact, were so strong that you could trace it to the grandfather. OLOV BYGREN: Looking for patterns in cardiovascular diseases, high blood pressure, and such. All the babies I had seen and all the people that have called me to tell me about their babies that were damaged. Well, yep, that is so true. Catch up with new episodes and hear classics from our archive. Peanut butter, there we go. They could eat twice, three times as much. But she says, you can tell right away, just by looking, that some rat moms don't lick their kids a lot. Wait, when you say they can choose to be sterilized, you mean permanent? PEJK MALINOVSKI: And we have a lot more grain here. CARL ZIMMER: She carries your kids for nine months and you're like, "That poor male toad.". They both say that they actually often forget that they're not biologically related. There was a newspaper called The Daily Express and they have these headlines that come out. And um Doctors would later explain to Barbara that Destiny's mom had been addicted to drugs while she was pregnant. Most toads, he says, love to stay in the water. Well, he thought it might have been an assistant trying to frame him because he was Jewish. Taylor Swift's Never Getting Back Together. But I'm going to give them a basin of water. PAT'S DAD: Calling in to help read the credits. You can't change your DNA. The lady knew why we were there. They told me a bunch of these stories, one of them involving, well DESTINY HARRIS: I don't have the biggest boobies in the world. JAD: No, not brain cells. In this episode, originally aired in 2012,we put nature and nurture on a collision course and discover how outside forces can find a way inside us, and change not just our hearts and minds, but the basic biological blueprint that we pass on to future generations. CARL ZIMMER: It all came down to this jar with his toad in it. They willed the neck to get longer, the muscles to get bigger. You mean, if you had a starving grandfather, you would be a healthier boy for the because you had a starving grandfather? CARL ZIMMER: Enhancing public understanding of science and technology CHARLOTTE ZIMMER: in the modern world. FRANCES CHAMPAGNE: Methyl groups are pretty sticky, they're hard to get off. OLOV BYGREN: A lot of diagnoses actually. Is that what you're saying? JAD: I know! Where we sought, they will find. PAT: So Barbara and her son got in the car and drove across town to the foster home where Destiny had been living for the past eight months. Stick around. ROBERT: Because there is more data, more information about the people of verkalix, going farther back into the past than you can find almost anywhere else on Earth. ROBERT: You cant say that. The authoritative record of programming is the audio record. Edward Condon Session III American Institute of Physics. SAM KEAN: Well, he thought it might have been an assistant trying to frame him because he was Jewish. ROBERT: [laughs] We now know that thats not the case. OLOV BYGREN: Well, for cardiovascular disease JAD: Olov told us, take heart disease. And I've got say, I'm feeling pretty good about this show so far. And that number, by the way, has grown a lot. JAD: To fellow named Jean-Baptiste Pierre Antoine de Monet, chevalier de Lamarck. If you start smoking when you're 10, 11 something like that, you end up having children with more problems. JAD: One parent stretching isnt going to do anything, see thats the bummer of Darwinian evolution. Did that scare you at all? This lady right here is still taking drugs and she could be pregnant again next month.]. I guess the way I would look at it is that you can change your environment a lot more easily than you can change your genes. ROBERT: That's Sam Kean again. If you were a great rat mommy, what would you be doing with your rat baby? I mean, youre just youre saying a lot of things that are really impressive. On the one hand, she says, immediately, cheques started arriving. You have to look at one cage, say, are they licking? Do you have any theories for how this tongue is tickling the DNA, or whatever it's doing? Because we had already had to upgrade from a car to a van, from a condo to a home. Then, Carl told us about this research that showed Well, he couldn't quite remember the details. You feel kind of hemmed in by what your grandfather did? PAT: Yeah. Thats just the cold logic of Darwinian evolution. CARL ZIMMER: He was born in 1880 in Vienna, Jewish family. That, in a sort of ass backward way was Michael's question. ], I'd like everybody to meet, please, Barbara Harris. BARBARA HARRIS: I already knew that if I ever got a little girl, I was going to name her Destiny. You're now hearing Lamarck's name invoked these days because there are things beyond genes that we pass down to our children. Not usually because it upsets people and I'm Canadian. Radiolab is on a curiosity bender. JEAN KEAN: My name is Jean Kean. And if you haven't, you can choose to have an IUD, or an implant put in which will last for several years. What do you mean? But a year later, the social worker called again. SAM KEAN: Yeah, it was a very attractive theory to them in Moscow. PAT: For me, this whole story really shifted PAT: When I started spending some time with Destiny, Barbara's 22-year-old daughter. Who now works at Columbia University. ", BARBARA HARRIS: And I called my husband again at work and said, "They want to know if we want to take the baby." Visit our website terms of use at www.wnyc.org for further information. Listen Jan 20, 2023 If . I guess retard. JAD: I mean, it's pretty common but like, here's a for instance, my dad from my entire life had this thing where if someone was whistling, he would like they could be whistling six tables over in a restaurant and he would turn around and be like, "Stop that," it was like it was scraping his very nerves. ROBERT: Which, when you think about it, it has a very Lamarckian flavor. ROBERT: But the results are very clear. And she says, one day, this idea just came to her. We had an expression here, "Dig where you stand." Yes, no, okay, move on to the next cage, yes, no? She carries your kids for nine months and you're like, "That poor male toad.". Radiolab: Inheritance - Mastering Rhetoric Radiolab: Inheritance Posted on February 26, 2013 by wlin4 So I listened to Radiolab's story on "Inheritance" which talks about genetics. SAM KEAN: And so, they just had to hold on for the entire winter. I just saw them as child abusers. We inherited this beloved show that we first fell in love with as listeners. JAD: I find myself thinking like, Okay, I know these kids have their genes half from me, half from my wife. She should be with me. In pictures, he has that, you know, that crazy Einstein fuzzy hair thing. Yeah, it drifts into something like a shopping channel. ROBERT: What do you mean? ROBERT: Because the Soviets, they believe in Karl Marx's idea that human beings were an improvable species, that if you can change the conditions around people, you change the people. I said, "This will be the last one. Who, together, pledged more than $150,000 to her program.]. ROBERT: Frankly, this makes being 9, 10, 11, 12 like a rather crucial. You just haven't evolved for this and there's no way you can, at least not quickly. JAD: So its like grandpa's struggle is jumping forward and giving me a leg up? No, she was an oops kid. PAT: Over the past five years, if you look at our tax return. And then that baby would stretch and stretch, and it would give a little more stretching to its baby. The show in in the radiolab eye sky transcript of was interested in his life In And bring the eye Amount of long-distance Runners and they had a Radiolab podcast about it and they. I just got custody of my eight-year-old son. JAD: Visited Kammerer's lab when Kammerer wasn't there. Radio Lab: Into the Brain of a Liar March 6, 2008 We all lie once a day or so, according to most studies. Well, I just want to eliminate drug-addicted babies from being born. JAD: Now the Sweden story from our last segment left us both feeling a little strange. They decided to explore this question. A little village? By all accounts a pretty good-looking guy. KARIN BORGKVIST LJUNG: She was born 1904 and this is OLOV BYGREN: Everything happening in the family KARIN BORGKVIST LJUNG: Nelson, he was an idiot. ], [ARCHIVAL CLIP, BARBARA HARRIS: Like you said, when you were in your addiction like she is], [ARCHIVAL CLIP, BARBARA HARRIS: I didn't say I'm God. And were trying to think about how do we keep it the same in a lot of ways, but also how do we let it grow into something beyond what it was originally built to be. PAT: She just knew, "This is my daughter.". I didn't see them as people. JAD: So now, the genes can make the proteins that make the rats a good mom? And I told Destiny I was thinking about this and asked her about it. But here's what I did not know about DNA. I was just pissed at what they have done to my children. CARL ZIMMER: He's 22, 23, and he already had this reputation for being amazing at keeping animals alive, that otherwise would just die. Kalia came too. Oh you said it so much more diplomatically. Is that a genetic hatred of whistling that I just had? ROBERT: Well, lets not get too excited too fast because we have a story to tell and this tale leaves me a little queasy. Sample Page; ; You can do this. That kind of 30 years? In RadioLab a laboratory setting is used, in which the player receives radioactive stones that emit alpha, beta and gamma radiation particles. And I packed up my stuff, it's pretty much done. Sincerely, Jennifer.". [expletive] That was awesome. Yes. The show is nationally syndicated and is available as a podcast. JAD: Just to be sure, we asked Frances Champagne what she thinks of this data. DESTINY HARRIS: Yes. So, somehow, by some chemical mechanism, starving grandpa, back when he was about 9 to 12 years old, turned out to be a good thing. LULU: And were trying to think about how do we keep it the same in a lot of ways, but also how do we let it grow into something beyond what it was originally built to be. And again, Barbara thinks, "Come on, but if this little girl is here, she should be with her brother and sister. I don't think that puts me in the same category as Hitler. Or did I somehow learn that? Did you know there is a part of this show is gonna be like crazy breaking news, like happened yesterday and we already have a deep take on it? Because the Soviets, they believe in Karl Marx's idea that human beings were an improvable species, that if you can change the conditions around people, you change the people. Like, "How did this happen? BARBARA HARRIS: And I was a waitress, I worked for IHOP for over 30 years. BARBARA HARRIS: That's how we ended up with four of them. PEJK MALINOVSKI: He was an idiot. And The other day someone was whistling and I was like, "Stop it", and it just hit me, I was like, "Oh God, I was him", it's never appeared until now. One time, and I'm on flighter. It says, "Race of Supermen." Listen Feb 10, 2023 Bliss When did you last shout from happiness? When you first hear about this, what goes through your mind? I didn't see them as people. The sneaky idea here is that the blacksmiths, the giraffes, they made it happen. I know! Were told. JAD: Famine again, and these changes would just bounce back and forth. Here's what Olov says he found in the data. He thought that you could kind of engineer societies by changing the environment. Yep, Im a professor in the faculty of medicine at McGill University in Montreal. BARBARA HARRIS: No, I've only had somebody call and say they regret that they didn't stay on birth control. So imagine the DNA in that brain cell. I'm Carl Zimmer's daughter. As he's doing his rounds, he stops by the midwife toad terrarium, he looks down at that little male toad with grapes stuck to his legs and he wonders, "How adaptable is that little guy?" The results are obvious to you. ], What's the worst thing you have been called by one of your critics?]. I do mean that. And um BARBARA HARRIS: I had asked for a newborn, so when the social worker called me, she said, "I have this cute little baby girl for you but she's eight months old. I don't think that puts me in the same category as Hitler. Yeah, like you can help them overcome you. JAD: Is that a genetic hatred of whistling that I just had? PAT: That's a lot of people. CARL ZIMMER: Yeah. So yeah, she keeps me busy. CARL ZIMMER: And when it came time to mate, the males and the females, they would mate in the water. At the Vivarium, as the name suggests, they have live animals. All jokes aside. I don't know where she gets that from. And she says oftentimes the women who want help have a really hard time finding it. ROBERT: And that advantage, whatever it was, because it starts with one individual, and then it gets passed onto the kids, and then onto their kids, it would take a long, long, long time to spread through the whole population because, generally, that's how evolution works. All right, I'll get in the water." ROBERT: What does it look like? It happens. And one of them is called the thyroid system. PAT: The question that was stuck in my head right then was, "If you could choose between being born knowing that your life might end up like that and not like it is now, or not been born at all, what would you have done?". In just two generations, these toads seem to have done something that should have taken, I don't know, 50, 100 generations? MICHAEL MEANEY: So the great rat nightmare comes true where the females become their mothers. It's only the mechanisms are not so clear. SAM KEAN: This is what's called the slow growth period. When Kammerer published his results initially, a bunch of scientists immediately began to say CARL ZIMMER: "Wait a minute, hold on here, it would be nice if life was like that but life isn't like that. ", And I called my husband again at work and said, "They want to know if we want to take the baby." And well just let the old yahoos from whom we inheritedededed inherited it take it away. There were four girls and Barbara and Destiny told me that a few years ago they found three of them and they all either were in college or had finished college. FRANCES CHAMPAGNE: Why? It would be wrong to think that they represent all women who use drugs while they're pregnant. JAD: Its an idea thats been kicking around for me since my kids were born. She was totally an oops kid. ROBERT: I think that makes a lot of sense. But this stuff you're telling me about Sweden feels very grim in a certain way. JAD: So this whole debate, two totally different ways of seeing life. But, I said this to Lynn, "Despite all the things that trouble me about Barbara's program, I feel like what she's trying to do is to stop a kid from getting born into a childhood that's going to suck.". So for Isaiah, being born was like just being cut off. But, this hour were gonna fight this sort of sad sack feeling of inevitability and impotence. How old are your boys right now? Right away, people accused her of targeting women at their weakest moment and enabling their drug abuse. SAM KEAN: He was known for going around and giving, what he called, his big show lectures, where he would wow whole audiences of people. About 30 years ago-. Barbara Harris's solution is simpler than anything else out there. So FRANCES CHAMPAGNE: So we start looking at maternal care. She said, "Well, she's just beautiful and she has lips like a baby doll." Move on to the next cage, yes, no? Right below the headlines says, "Scientist's great discovery which may change us all.". I mean, yes, I might get a great family, but I might not. Look, in the end, what do I know? Baby, be careful. PAT: A year later, she gets another call. She asked my opinion and that's what I'm giving. You've got these toads who hate water. This whole toad thing, to the Darwinian faction, it didn't scan really. PAT: And she told Barbara, "There's something you need to know about this baby.". DESTINY HARRIS: You missed it. The team that creates each episode, including hosts Jad Abumrad and Robert Krulwich, are master storytellers. ROBERT: So, somehow, by some chemical mechanism, starving grandpa, back when he was about 9 to 12 years old, turned out to be a good thing. You're slippery, partner's slippery. I think I was really horrified and terrified. CARL ZIMMER: You're now hearing Lamarck's name invoked these days because there are things beyond genes that we pass down to our children. Like have you ever had one of those moments where you suddenly are your dad and it catches you off guard? More what kind of stuff? ], [ARCHIVAL CLIP, BARBARA HARRIS: That's their choice, but the babies don't have a choice.]. And since Kammerer kept the heat up, toads basically had to stay there, in this watery place that they had not evolved for. PAT: She actually emailed me afterwards and adjusted that number down a couple hundred. JAD: Because, you know, that Ive got these two kids, right? I wouldn't want to put it up to chance, because what kind of life is that? JAD: Now, according to Carl, your genes are still fixed. But then, a few years would pass, crops would bounce back. We spay them. MICHAEL MEANEY: Known as transcription factors. LYNN PALTROW: I think I was really horrified and terrified. I mean, when you think of Kammerer, there was a report in science outlining a theory about how Kammerer's toads got these characteristics that invoked these epigenetic inheritance and imprinted genes and it made it plausible. She's not offering treatment, she's not offering counseling, and there are programs that do that. Well, I guess I was thinking we could just start at the beginning. Don't you see, somehow the mother's tongue is getting all the way down in there and going [mumbles] and messing with the baby's DNA. And thats wrong [laughs].Thats not how it works. He's not even eating at all. Most toads, he thought it might have been an assistant trying to frame because! Both feeling a little girl, I guess I was thinking about this, we asked frances CHAMPAGNE: groups! These were kids that did n't stay on birth control Destiny 's mom had been addicted radiolab inheritance transcript while. The Vivarium, as the name suggests, they 're more aroused is that I 'd like everybody meet! 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