Programs should create a plan that includes performance measures for the program as well as appropriate clinical outcome measures specific to postnatal issues and clinical issues specific to any additional diagnoses for admitted participants. A designated staff person without direct clinical responsibility for managing a case should review cases to determine if the document supports the individual being in the program. Both are designed to serve individuals with serious symptoms and functional impairments resulting from behavioral health disorders. As an example, an outpatient staff psychiatrist may need to coordinate a referral with the program staff to avert a hospitalization in the same organization. Progress toward or away from goals is to be addressed throughout the clinical record. Services may be provided during the day, evening, and/or on the weekend. The concept of partial hospitalization programs (PHPs) was developed before the 1950s.1 However, in the United States, PHPs did not take hold until Congress passed the Community Mental Health Act of 1963, which required that PHPs must be a core component of Community Mental Health Centers (CMHCs). A further revision of Adult PHP standards and guidelines was completed in 2003.19 The intent was to outline model conditions while providing both objective and concrete criteria for establishing and comparing adult partial hospital programs. Application for DMH Services, Referral, Service Planning and Appeals. Kiser, L., Lefkovitz, P., Kennedy, L. and Knight, M. The Continuum of Ambulatory Mental Health Services. Alexandria, Virginia. Regulations, and Minimum Standards Authority: T.C.A. At times, frank communication about issues can facilitate a more productive family communication pattern or acceptance of an illness or condition. Multidisciplinary staff members must possess appropriate academic degree(s), licensure, or certification, as well as experience with the particular population(s) treated as defined by program function and applicable state regulations. A socially isolated person with serious debilitating symptoms may also benefit from treatment even though they may report virtually no support system at all. 8.320.6 School-Based Services for MAP Eligible Recipients Under Twenty-One Years of Age 7/1/15 to 1/31/20. The individual is not imminently dangerous to self or others and therefore not in need of 24-hour inpatient treatment. Adult Residential Care Provider (ARCP) Ambulatory Surgical Center (ASC) Behavioral Health Services Provider. and the progress described in measurable, behavioral, and functional terms. New York: Guilford, 2002. It's more intense than psychosocial rehabilitation or outpatient day treatment. Program and quality improvement measurements may include, but are not limited to selective case studies, clinical peer review, negative incident reporting, and goal attainment of programmatic, clinical, and administrative quality indicators. The individual exhibits acute symptoms or loss of function that necessitates an intermediate level of care or has relapsed and failed to make significant clinical gains in a less intensive level of care yet does not need 24-hour containment. Do not enable the chat feature during group. Positive psychology focused topics address strength building themes in groups that maximizes individual potential. Consults, evaluation summaries, absentee notes, results of collateral contacts, treatment team notes, and progress summaries may also be included. Most regulatory bodies have a requirement that consumer feedback in an integral part of programming. In the absence of detailed state licensing regulation, a program must pay attention to requirements for Payers and accrediting bodies. This array of metrics provides a given program with potential access, treatment, and staffing goals. An example of this type of individual is a young mother with anxiety and depression who is unable to work and care for young children following separation from her significant other and needs rapid improvement to resume responsibilities; Some individuals experiencing behavioral health symptoms or dysfunction due to a chronic mental illness that severely and persistently impairs their capacity to function adequately on a day-to-day basis, despite efforts to achieve these goals through treatment in a less intensive level of care. Oregon Administrative Rules. For those with AN, weight restoration may need daily monitoring to prevent re-feeding syndrome. Whenever possible, they want to keep their job and maintain their homes. The downloadable version of the Standards and Guidelines reflects the most recent publication and may not accurately reflect the online version. As programs choose to include telehealth service delivery methods to provide the best care possible to all participants during normal or challenging times, programs need to move thoughtfully into each modality used considering confidentiality, best care practices, the severity of our patients issues, and the risk for them and for us caused by changes in treatment methods. Linkages are also important. Such conditions frequently follow serious crises, stressors, or newly diagnosed acute physical problems. Telehealth Service This service delivery method is utilized when in-person treatment is impossible, not sensible, or high-risk (e.g., a medical pandemic). Partial Hospitalization - A program for adults or adolescents which provides active treatment designed to stabilize or ameliorate acute symptoms in a person who would otherwise need hospitalization. A wide range of referral options is essential to ensure that those persons in treatment are able to access a wide range of additional services. In States where Medicaid is contracted out to other insurance providers, a program may find that guidelines are managed by the State and apply to all insurance companies contracted or the contracts may give the individual insurance providers the freedom to create their own guidelines. Clinical reviews for an individual in PHP should occur no less than once a week and my need to happen more frequently depending on the severity of symptoms that led to admission. Payment for peer support services is subject to the provisions of these requirements, 55 Pa. Code Chapter 1101 (relating to general provisions) and the limitations established in 55 Pa. Code Chapter 1150 (relating to the MA program payment policies) and the MA program fee schedule. Portsmouth, Virginia. and provide safety through clinical guidelines, standards, and best practices. Portsmouth, Virginia: Association for Ambulatory Behavioral Healthcare, 2003. We meet five days a week from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. The following criteria should be considered as part of the clinical presentation to determine ongoing need for the level of care being provided: In addition to diagnostic criteria above, there needs to be a demonstrated benefit from this level of active treatment. Programs that are planning to bill Medicarefor services must establish a relationship with their MAC by notifying them of their intentions to bill for PHP/IOP services if they already have a Medicare Part A Billing Number, or they must apply for aMedicare Part A Billing Number by submitting an 855A application to their MAC for their region and locate the MACs LCD (Local Coverage Determination) for PHP and IOP. When developing program schedule, consider your population and how you will structure school (i.e. Individuals appropriate for care at this level are generally able to sustain themselves between relatively infrequent behavioral health appointments and to adhere to treatment recommendations with minimal intervention. Fourth Edition. Clients with eating disorders may enter PHP level of care with a body mass index (BMI) which measures the relationship between height and weight, of 17.5 (adults) or less with a diagnosis of anorexia nervosa or may be of normal weight with a bulimia nervosa diagnosis, while they may be obese with a BMI of 30 or more or morbidly obese with a BMI or 40 or more. Adult Day Health Care. Codes G0129 and G0176 are only used, and therefore reimbursable, for partial hospitalization programs. The treatment mission of PHP and IOP services is to develop a setting that provides the tools for recovery. Common problems related to symptoms, life situation, and skill deficits lead to group topics. (a) Partial hospitalization services are services that - ( 1 ) Are reasonable and necessary for the diagnosis or active treatment of the individual's condition; ( 2 ) Are reasonably expected to improve or maintain the individual's condition and functional level and to prevent relapse or hospitalization; When a given benchmark is not being addressed nationally, a program is advised to track their own metrics that are relevant to their specific population. General acute programs are short term and tend to be associated with smaller hospitals or CMHCs which address smaller volumes and more heterogeneous populations that are admitted due to medical necessity, acute symptoms, and reduced functional level. Residential services are provided to individuals who require greater support, monitoring, and intensity of services than can be offered in acute ambulatory settings. Partial Hospitalization Programs (PHPs) are more intensive programs for patients who might otherwise require inpatient psychiatric care. We must advocate for simplicity and consistency in the description of services offered in programs and the billing process. Recently, accreditation organizations have also begun to look closely at clinical indicators of quality in addition to health and safety. The use of templated treatment plans by diagnostic category or group topic participation is discouraged and may lead to denial of payment for services. Marketplace forces and cost containment efforts have often resulted in a decrease in service availability, more restrictive eligibility (medical necessity) requirements, and reduced lengths of stay. Example metrics include, but are not limited to: Metrics related to the services that are offered during the course of treatment allow program staff to evaluate how service offerings can be adapted to meet the needs of the population served over time. Block, B. and Lefkovitz, P. Standards and Guidelines for Partial Hospitalization, Alexandria, Virginia. The American Society of Addiction Medicines (ASAM) Patient Placement Criteria (ASAM PPC-2R) (previously mentioned) is considered a best practice for assessing and determining level of care placement for individuals with substance use disorders.6, Psychoactive substance history & detoxification status, Emotional/behavioral/cognitive functioning. Key definitions related to partial hospitalization and intensive outpatient programming will be presented. Confidentiality guidelines pertaining to individuals in chemical dependency treatment tend to be more restrictive than for those individuals in mental health treatment. Programs tend to fall into two basic categories that impact programming: These distinctions are important since they may dictate the process, content, and structure of group therapy and psycho-educational sessions. The intensity of the partial hospitalization level of care is medically necessary and the individual is judged to have the capacity to make timely and practical improvement. Resources from Post-Partum Support Internation may be helpful in finding additional support for spouses. OAR 309-039-0500 to 309-039 . This plan facilitates efficient service delivery, an expeditious return to improved functioning in the individual's community, and a transition to less intensive levels of care. Example metrics include, but are not limited to: Consumer feedback is essential in a comprehensive quality improvement plan. The results of quality improvement and outcomes management are to be documented and incorporated into administrative, programmatic, and clinical decision-making processes. Each program should have an identified medical director. This condition may be exacerbated by age or secondary physical conditions. Because of the complexity of this issue, additional collaboration among residential and acute ambulatory providers, regulatory groups, and insurers is recommended to clarify when a combination of services is appropriate and to develop joint strategies to decrease redundancies and cost while providing excellent care to each person. Types of diagnoses (e.g., psychotic, mood and anxiety disorders, personality disorders), Theoretical orientation (e.g., cognitive behavioral), Treatment objectives (e.g., stabilization, functional improvement, personality change), Treatment duration (i.e., length of stay), Treatment intensity (i.e., hours and days per week). Service utilization during each acute episode of care will become the focus of overall continuum management. In 2005, SAMHSA surveyed the population and determined that 21% or 5.2 million adults experienced both serious mental illness and co-occurring substance abuse problems.21 SAMHSA experts emphasized that the treatment outcome for consumers is enhanced when both illnesses are addressed simultaneously using an integrated approach. Partial Hospitalization Program Partial hospitalization and intensive outpatient programs are therapeutic treatment experiences for individuals who require more than the conventional outpatient level of care but do not need the security of a locked unit or 24-hour care. In partial hospitalization, the patient continues to reside at home, but commutes to a treatment center up to seven days a week. It should provide the capacity for narrative description to reflect unique client dynamics or circumstances. The multidisciplinary team is central to the philosophy of staffing within a partial hospitalization or intensive outpatient setting. We encourage a shift in the oversight focus from document analysis to a concern for outcomes and the overall client experience. Sharing of the consumer feedback with internal program staff is essential and may often lead to the identification of performance improvement priorities and strategies which otherwise may have been unknown or overlooked. Ongoing performance reviews may address attendance rates, dropout percentages, treatment trends, satisfaction, clinical handoffs, discharge status, post-discharge adjustment, or readmission rates. Medical personnel address ongoing medical and physical health issues and assess and manage medication therapies. Standards for Intensive Outpatient Treatment: 22258025: Effective: 08/29/2019 Change 65D-30.002 Definitions, Certifications and Recognitions Required by Statute, Display of Licenses, License Types, Change in Status of License, Required Fees, Licensure Application and Renewal, Department Licensing .. 22030172: 6/25/2019 Vol. Partial hospitalization programs may either be free standing or integrated with a broader mental health or medical program. Institute of Medicine of the National Academies. Some of the core benchmarking metrics that directly impact the financial or operational success of PHPs and IOPs include: AABH holds process benchmarking workshops to assist program leaders and clinicians in better understanding the specific factors that contribute to superior outcomes. Availability of a nursery is critical for new moms. achieve effectiveness and best practices in service delivery. Provide at least 4 days, but not more than 5 out of 7 calendar days, of partial hospitalization program services Ensure a minimum of 20 service components and a minimum of 20 hours in a 7 calendar-day period Provide a minimum of 5 to 6 hours of services per day for an adult aged 18 years or older This may include marked impairments that preclude adequate functioning in areas such as self-care, and/or other more specific role expectations such as managing money, working, cleaning, problem solving, decision-making, contacting supports, caring for others, addressing safety issues, complying with medications, or managing time in a meaningful way. CMS publishes a manual that outlines the requirements for billing services and review of programs. The linkages between the assessment, treatment planning, group treatment, individual sessions, and family meetings must be clearly delineated as they relate to specific goals within the treatment plan and the individuals readiness for treatment and discharge. The individuals progress or lack thereof toward identified goals is to be clearly documented in the record. Programs should monitor regular program related performance outcomes that focus on the overall health of the program. Also, the program expectations should be flexible in order to accommodate a decrease in the number of hours per day or days per week of individual participation over time as a person moves toward discharge. This type of program usually provides daily service that people will access at least one day a week and up to 11 or less services in any one week. Improvement in symptoms and functioning as evidenced by outcomes measurement tools that are evidence based for children and adolescents. Partial Hospital Programs provide no less than 4 hours of direct, . The summary includes the clinical status on admission, the diagnosis and any changes during treatment, progress made, skills developed, issues not addressed, plans to prevent relapse/foster recovery, aftercare appointments, referrals, a medication summary, and assessment of risk. In some cases, a specialized IOP may be recommended as follow-up for specific conditions; Some individuals display increased symptoms of a previously diagnosed behavioral disorder and exhibit a progressive or sudden decline in functioning compared to baseline. Benchmarking, whether internal or compared to peers, provides an overview of how elements of a program are performing. Association for Ambulatory Behavioral Healthcare, 1996. Program Context recognizes that specific programs may vary with respect to the seven key items as identified by Edmund Neuhaus, Ph.D. in his article on flexible models of partial hospitalization2: When PHPs or IOPs are described, it is useful to include all these elements. Medicare Advantage Plans are obligated to follow the Medicare protocols for all Medicare coveredpeoplein PHP and IOP, including reimbursement rates. When possible, it is important that comparisons or benchmarks be used to enhance performance. PHPs provide structured, comprehensive care while still allowing people to . Standards and Guidelines for Level II Services: Intensive Outpatient. Performance improvement goals are best when they apply to real program needs even if comparison data is not available. The program director is a mental health professional with a minimum of 3 years of . Whenever possible, programs should compare their results and findings through benchmarking with similar facilities., Orientation materials and program guidelines should be designed to make program goals, procedures, and expectations explicit for individuals utilizing services as well as for their family members, supportive peers, and collaborating providers. Finally, we wish to fully integrate resilience and recovery principles and training into overall behavioral health care. Individuals in treatment include both those who participate voluntarily, as well as those mandated by the legal system. The assessment tools in the record must include all relevant information and have the capacity to go beyond documentation of the presence or absence of specific criteria through checklists or drop-down boxes. Groups that are structured to be repetitive, slower, and engage patients at multiple sensory levels are very important and can reduce the impact of physical and cognitive limitations on treatment. Partial hospitalization must be a separate, identifiable, organized program . A certain measure of relapse is to be expected and treatment remains appropriate to client needs after clinical review. In some cases, removal from a given residence or placement in a residence or residential treatment setting may be a precondition for treatment. Programs must have clearly delineated procedures for addressing a clients detoxification, withdrawal, and other medical needs that require coordination with the clients primary care provider. Standards for the approval of providers of non-inpatient mental health treatment services. American Society of Addiction Medicine (ASAM) (April 2001). We offered telemedicine as an option for care delivery and the patient consented to this option.. Many programs opt to divide the program leadership into two roles. An external audit should not be the impetus for utilization reviews. Section 115.120 Definitions. Follow-up may be provided by outpatient psychiatrists or the individual may be referred back to primary or physical/behavioral integrated outpatient care. Irvin D. Yalom provides relevant material from his book entitled In-Patient Group Therapy, which shares some insights regarding similarities to group therapy in an acute intermediate setting.4 Open-ended admissions, relatively heterogeneous client populations, and the crisis nature of the content of discussion are relevant. and Barry, A.D. Standards and Guidelines for Partial Hospitalization and Intensive Outpatient Co-occurring Disorders Programs. The provision of services allowed for each discipline is dictated by the scopes of work for a licensee in their particular State. People need to feel hope, find purpose, and care for others. The need for 24-hour containment has been determined to be unnecessary. Communication amongst programs regarding their results is strongly encouraged. Although an individual may have several pressing needs, those that are of so severe they require the intensity of services of an intermediate level of care should be the top priority of treatment. Casarino, J., Wilner, M., and Maxey, J. Progress notes reflect, but are not limited to: Specific individual skills training, client generated progress sheets, participation in milieu activities, peer support building activities, family sessions, and case management meetings should also be documented regardless of whether the service is billable. While the use of an EMR is required for hospital systems and most community providers are adopting them, the challenge of product selection can be significant. The need and staff time involved in case management can be significant, especially for those clients who are receiving treatment for the first time. For instance, one might track the percentage of patients with housing issues, joblessness, or secondary substance abuse with minimal effort. Include programs such as Depressed Anonymous, Emotions Anonymous, and the National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI). The quality of therapeutic presence is even more important in telehealth than it is in Holding the space is much more challenging. The Level of Care Guidelines is derived from generally accepted standards of behavioral health practice. A less intensive level of care may have been insufficient to provide the treatment the individual requires to stabilize this decline. Payers may require different processes or timelines. Treatment must be rendered under the supervision of a psychiatrist or medical professional licensed to diagnose behavioral health issues. The overall expected outcome is the achievement of symptom and functional improvement on the part of the child/adolescent and the family. U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration, Center for Mental Health Services (January 2003). Education regarding medications during treatment should also be documented. Organizational Structure and Citizen Participation. Association for Ambulatory Behavioral Healthcare, 1998. Co-occurring treatment providers must be well versed in the diagnosis and treatment of concurrent mental health and substance use disorders. Programs may wish to develop their own measures but should do so with the help of professionals who can test and validate the instrument for appropriateness with the specialty population. This table is available to members HERE. Electronic record systems should reflect the clinical treatment process and allow the capture and representation of data in a user-friendly fashion. PHP programs may still meet appropriate standards as a distinct service while blending treatment staff and space with another level of care such as an IOP so long as they adhere to appropriate and applicable guidelines and maintain clear distinctions regarding the clinical impact of services rendered to participating individuals. Evaluation for medication assisted treatment (MAT) services may also be indicated. The record must document that specific treatment is ordered and supervised by an attending psychiatrist. 4-4-103, -5-4202, -5-4204, 33-1-302, 33-1-305, 33-1-309, 33-2-301, . Programs can provide daily symptom management, while at the same time, necessary case management services are engaged to foster the highest level of functioning possible. 373-388, 2017. Often primary care physicians, OBGYNs and Pediatricians need additional help and consultation from a trained psychiatric provider if they are going to be a part of the aftercare plan for clients, especially if they are managing medications. The original Standards and Guidelines for Partial Hospitalization established by the American Association for Partial Hospitalization was a landmark document in recognizing the modality of treatment known as partial hospitalization.13 It established parameters for defining partial hospitalization, was far reaching in its attempt to guide the establishment of quality treatment programs and, hopefully, to encourage increased development and funding of the modality. In 1991, the standards were revised to address the need for clarification of the definition of PHPs, and to further delineate the boundaries and unique characteristics of the treatment modality.14, The AAPH position paper, The Continuum of Ambulatory Mental Health Services (1993), proposed three distinct levels of ambulatory care, with partial hospitalization as a primary example of the most intensive of the three.15 The continuum model recognizes the importance of a broad range of non-residential services that augment partial hospitalization in meeting the needs of clients requiring greater intensity than traditional outpatient treatment. A minimal ability and willingness to set goals to work toward the development of social support is often a requirement for participation. l) Services provided to more than one beneficiary at a time, unless specifically allowed in the service definition. Fiscal Administration. Between 10-25% of women experience some form of PMAD during pregnancy or after the birth of a child. The following Text (Smartphrases if using EPIC) is an example: Consultation provided via telemedicine using two-way, real-time interactive telecommunication technology between the patient and the clinician. During the assessment period, each program should complete clinical assessments, outcome measures or screenings that have been verified as appropriate for the population that an individual fits into as determined by the attending physician. A recovery model that focuses on increased quality of life is essential to give the older adult investment and purpose in treatment. All measurements tools must continue. Archived Program Rules - Chapter 320 - Early and Periodic Screening, Diagnosis and Treatment. Archives of Womens Mental Health, 16. Initially, the individual may only be able to agree to begin treatment and form a basic treatment plan, and may require close monitoring, support, and encouragement to achieve and sustain active and ongoing participation. (a) Partial hospitalization services are services that - (1) Are reasonable and necessary for the diagnosis or active treatment of the individual's condition; (2) Are reasonably expected to improve or maintain the individual's condition and functional level and to prevent relapse or hospitalization; (3) Are furnished in accordance with a physician certification and plan of care as specified . The individual is not judged to be in imminent danger of withdrawal or has recently undergone medical detoxification. Accreditation organizations are responsible for providing guidance to programs primarily on health and safety protocols for facilities. 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