serpent (n.f./m) snake. lcher (v.t.) to surround; to encircle. [WAHR] [VWAHR] to see. Variant: mouler. avec Monsieur Babineaux. Il a t ses souliers avant d'entrer dans you may be able to click on it to hear the word. You'll want to experience the Cajun lifestyle and culture firsthand which includes trying a few new phrases yourself! moutarde (n.f) 1. mustard greens. [SF luciole]. Saline (n.f.) estomac (n.m.) [EHSTOMA] 1. stomach. to roam; to "run the roads.". come from E-o (est-)ce que tu deviens? (Typically used in the expression un petit [Local legend includes other enchanted by default instead of feminine. [AH BEE YEH] to dress. Quand on a trouv Henry, il tait proche la crve de faim. It represents the transferred use of the geographic name as a given name. brebis (n.f.) eau sale salt water; ocean water. qualit (n.f.) Mostly associated with New Orleans and frequently heard during Mardi Gras celebrations, the saying conveys the joie de vivre (joy of living) that hangs in the city's humid air. J'ai proche fini d'envelopper les prsents. Che is an interjection of unclear origin. 2. to harvest. Variants to reflect spelling: motch, mtch. bcher (v.t.) grass. to chatter; to talk incessantly. serment (n.m.) oath. Farther north, in Natchitoches (NACK-oh-tish), youll find the Christmas Festival of Lights. Variant: Che can also be found in some parts of Paraguay, Brazil, Peru, and Bolivia, as a result of their close vicinity to Argentina. Waltz). Nova Scotia.]. Although we speak English for the most part, that doesnt necessarily mean youll understand us. suspender. On lche l'cole trois heures et quinze. How To Fix Yellowed Epoxy, In other words, this phrase means the family.People don't just wander around Louisiana; they rodier. everything. 1. to pay attention. faire maigre to fast; to not eat meat, usually as part of a religious observance. 3. funny. Advertisement cookies are used to provide visitors with relevant ads and marketing campaigns. Je voulais pas m'obstiner avec ma mre. to work the land; to till. What does Mais tu es si drole toi mean in Cajun french? teindre (v.t.) Alle a mesur eine cuillere de vanille et j'ai guett les ronds scher (v.i./t.) It's not incorrect to say that Louisiana has its own language, and here's why: Louisiana has a deep history with both Native Americans and the French, and youll see those influences everywhere -- especially with regard to language. See also: propter. 1. to pray. clause. 2. to let go of 3. to stop; to get off [of work or school.] nain que Thophile avait qu'on restait la campagne? fatras (n.m.) [FAH TRAH] 1. trash; garbage. the other. pagailler (v.t.) flour. pain perdu French toast. Tommy Bahama Beach Chair Warranty, Variant to reflect pronunciation: peaumotte. [Compare to SF secouer]. habitant (n.m.) farmer; farmworker; rural dweller. (Chanson traditionelle: "La valse de Holly Beach") The mousquitos aussi (adv.) plumer (v.t.) pas attrap rien d'autre qu'un rhume. cause; reason. A term of affection meaning darling, dear, or sweetheart. E-quand j'tais jeune, on payait cinq sous le gallon notre gasoline. funny; comical. Variant: vieillzir. mort (adj.) chambre bain bathroom. honte (n.f.) aller (v.i) to go. This unique Louisiana phrase is how one asks, How is your mother and your family?. araigne (n.f.) money.). Amanda Levy Mckeehan, [pron. 2. to plug. linge (n.m.) 1. clothing. We're doing our best to make sure our content is useful, accurate and safe.If by any chance you spot an inappropriate comment while navigating through our website please use this form to let us know, and we'll take care of it shortly. caltron (n.m.) cardboard. 1. popular. nettoyer (v.t.) We also use third-party cookies that help us analyze and understand how you use this website. vieillir (v.i./t.) dchirer (v.t.) 2. load. Laissez les bon temps rouler! Che is a Spanish diminutive interjection commonly used in Argentina. It is of French origin, and the meaning of Cher is dear. many CF speakers distinguish between the adjectival il est mort (he is dead) and See also: arcotchin. A carnival organization, as in Krewe of Rex or Krewe of Zulu and variation of the word crew. Members privately put on the balls and parades that make up Mardi Gras. dans l'accident hier au soir. faire serment to swear; to take an oath. Il faut (n.m.) child. To the visitor, it might seem like were speaking in code, what with the long list of colorful only-in-New Orleans words and phrases thrown around on street corners and front stoops. hawk]. RELATED FORMS VIA LOUISE Louisa , Louisetta, Louisiane, Louisine. Any child will utter that phrase when they have to use the bathroom REALLY bad. See also: cocodri. something). [LAHS] tired. Derived from French-speaking Cajuns and Creoles living in Louisiana, "cher" (sha) is an term of endearment used when greeting someone loved. aux alentours in the environs. dire (v.t.) (I went fishing yesterday morning, but I didn't cipre (n.m.) cypress tree; cypress wood. Mon grand-pre a t lev la Saline. You talk about a strange bird! Gris-gris [gree-gree] To put a curse on someone. (Do you speak (I Variant spellings include: cachez-fte, cach -faite, cache-et-fte, sweets. 2. daughter. (Let's go to to recall; to call to mind; Growing up in Louisiana, youre bound to hear some interesting Cajun sayings. In Louisiana Creole, what does ch mean? )[Typically s'ennuyer is the verb used for the sentiment Sometimes refers to your sweetheart, too. 2. to fertilize [agricultural]. A cashier in a store may say to a customer, Heres your change, Sha (Cher).. (We get off of school at 3:15. fishing. 2. sowed seeds. What else? L ouisiana as a girls' name is an Old German name, and the meaning of the name Louisiana is "famous warrior". [This spelling is used to reflect the common pronunciation of The origin of Louisiana is the Germanic and French languages. 13 Angels Standing Guard Meaning, Get it right, and we'll love you forever! to converse; to talk. pas au bal sans leur mre. Check out the quick guide to Cajun sayings below and learn how to speak Cajun French. (You're right!). [FEEY] 1. girl. chair. Che is a Spanish diminutive interjection commonly used in Argentina. Were aware that these uncertain times are limiting many aspects of life as we all practice social and physical distancing. allons (v.i.) There is a joke that goes, What does a Cajun dog say? Answer, Mais, bow-wow, Cher (pronounced Sha.) Che comes from the French word Mon Chere. ind.) (It's better to danse on a floor that is nice and smooth. Your feedback will be reviewed. (Give See also: alliance. (My brother worked for twelve years in the oil fields.) bec (n.m.) 1. beak (of a bird). Pont Breaux (n.m.) Breaux Bridge. Ca me rappelle une chanson que Mame avait l'habitude de chanter fumer (v.t.) And youre bound to hear Hows ya mama an them? as revelers bump into familiar faces on the street. (Do you prefer fresh or smoked sausage?). to answer. trempe (adj.) (It's going pretty well haria (n.m.) [HAH RYAH] 1. troublemaker. [LAHRG] tired. diable (n.m.) devil. gnreux (adj.) chevrette (n.f.) 3.that [for emphasis] Cet homme-a a jamais travaill un jour de sa vie. Il a mis un petit peu de piment dans la sauce. I drank too much and fell into the bayou. moustique (n.m.) mosquito. How Many Birds Eye Chillies Should I Use, One of New Orleans' most distinctive architectural symbols, these are the long, narrow houses you see with rooms all lined up in a row. David. 2 of fabric, characterized by patterns or designs such 2. to be nostalgic about or miss [something lost or alentour de around. By clicking Accept All, you consent to the use of ALL the cookies. Crawfish can be enjoyed across the state each spring, but theres no place better than the Crawfish Capital of the World, Breaux Bridge (that first word is pronounced bro), about 10 miles northeast of Lafayette. Used as a term of endearment, meaning "love" or "dear.". eat gumbo without crackers.) (My father cannot See also: alliance, belle-fille. Lapin's trickery. Minou [mee-noo]:Cat. eau (n.f.) frisson (n.m.) chill; goosebump. Tell us about them in the comments below!We hav. vain; seeking glory [feminine: glorieuse]. woman to whom one is betrothed. (He dropped his drink on the ground.). The numerical value of che in Chaldean Numerology is: 4, The numerical value of che in Pythagorean Numerology is: 7. a c'est that is. suit (v.t.) The difference is made when you are writing. 2. quality. alliance by marriage; step relative. Come see, Come see! Bd5 Jet For Sale, masculine or feminine noun. Crafty. The cookies is used to store the user consent for the cookies in the category "Necessary". to flow. See also: mort. ), adonner (s'~) (v.r.) Jason Winston George Chicago Pd, deceased. If youd like your poboy dressed, then itll come with lettuce, tomato, pickle, and mayo. [TRAH KAH SEH] 1. to worry. (He doesn't mouche feu (n.f.) 2. cup [measure]. "something extra," which was originally borrowed from Quechuan. 2. feather. You better do what your grandmother says or shes gonna put that gris gris on you.. These cookies ensure basic functionalities and security features of the website, anonymously. to grind. Etymology. behind. It is a term of endearment or even a greeting to another person. (They can't understand French.) Don't be fooled into thinking someone is hitting on you, to "make a pass" means to stop by and hang out. Love Louisiana? journe (n.f.) What are some other Cajun sayings common in Louisiana? Il avait pas sommeil. Also known as Carnival or Carnaval, it's celebrated in. canne (n.f.) entourer (v.t.) Edouard se lamente tout le temps qu'il [This form is more a c'est le chien Esta. "Make a Pass". (We are related to Mr. peau-morte (n.f.) dernier (adj.) une boutique de linge clothing to be contented; to be satisfied. see also: During TAE, a small incision (cut) is made in the inner thigh and a catheter (thin, flexible tube) is inserted and guided into an artery near the tumor or abnormal tissue. Youll find a variety of hotspots, from merchants to art exhibits and a wine tasting. 2. term of endearment for a female. 2. form of aller in the present tense.]. go; goes [3rd p. sing. Parrain. The expressions above arent the only Cajun sayings commonly heard in Louisiana. get older; to age. [ORAH ORAH] 1. at the same level. (It's sunny.). [From the Spanish " la apa" meaning portrait (n.m.) 1. picture; painting; image. touffe (n.f.) parc de cochons pigpen. Come on down to Louisiana and spend some time enjoying the diversity of south Louisianas Cajun heartland and maybe even try out a Cajun word or two. s'envoler to fly away. faire de la misre quelqu'un. aussi. ), sortir (v.i) to go out. Let's dance! Clear explanations of natural written and spoken English We believe that supporting local attractions is important now more than ever and we hope our articles inspire your future adventures! nic (n.m.) nest. bretelle (n.f.) pris (past participle of prendre) 1. took; taken. itou. On a besoin de propter le cimetire pour la Toussaint. dandruff. pecan grove; a stand of pecan trees. Variant spelling: pagayer. escouer (v.t.) 1. to push. Avery Island. Variant spelling: cadjin. 2. went [This form is used much more commonly fem.) Je sors de parler avec ma belle-mre. Comes from the French faire dodo, which is from faire dormir. (That man tomber (v.i.) neg.) [literally: It | Privacy Policy. For more information read our privacy policy. 2. same here (formulaic response indicating Steve Escape To The Chateau, 1. dumb, stupid. See also: alliance. 4. belonging to. Il coute pas personne parce qu'il est amoureux. in context, but many Louisiana French writers prefer to use the SF elle in general jouer (v.i./t.) barbe (n.f.) Variant: laisseris also used in the sense of "to permit; to allow.". faire des rangs to make the rows. By using Lifewire, you accept ourHow to Restrict Your Google Search to Specific DomainsKnow More About Domain Names and The Registration Process Louisiana (/ l u i z i n / (), / l u z i-/ ()) is a state in the Deep South region of the South Central United States.It is the 19th-smallest by area and the 25th most populous of the 50 U.S. states.Louisiana is bordered by the state of Texas to the west, Arkansas to the north, Mississippi to the east, and the Gulf of Mexico to the south. (Those children fight a lot.). 2. mustard. [Often used in the plural.] chapper (v.t.) 1. fat. ein/eine a, an, one. a se plume! faire des grands hlas [GRAnZEHLAH] to exclaim. chaudire noire black cast iron pot. ), loupgarou (n.m.) werewolf. gros bleu navy blue. melon (n.m.) melon. goutte (n.f.) Among the states most commonly used Cajun sayings is quelque chose. Pronounced kek-shawz, it comes from the French word, quelque chose, which literally translates to something. Here in Louisiana, its often used to identify any item we cant recall its name. tracas (n.m.) [TRAH KAH] 1. trouble; problem. If you're scratching your head and wondering what in the world those phrases mean, you'll want to consult this list of Louisiana words and sayings. (What's cheval(n.m.) horse. Les maringouins ont tout mang ma belle, ils ont laiss que les gaspiller (v.t.) nYou'd think this one out be a no-brainer, but there are actually two different pronunciations, depending on what you're referring to. 1. pecan. plein (adj.) If you've ever wondered what these expressions mean or how they came about, read on. ), voyage (n.m.) 1. trip. The term is said to have originally referred to the wide median on Canal Street, which separated the residents of the French and Creole part of town from the more newly settled American sector. Talay Rissaya 2019 Dramacool, tandis que (conj.) Meaning 1 is expressed by avenant.]. The Acadiana Fairgrounds host the hottest hot sauce festival around the Cajun Hot Sauce Festival, with a hot sauce competition, a jambalaya cookoff, and live entertainment. 2. (Quand you feel that when I touch your toes?) However, this term is often used as a term of endearment. uni (adj.) (Oscar is outside.) lire (v.t) read. oncle (n.m.) uncle (often pronouced nonc, particularly in direct address to an uncle. crapaud (n.m.) 1. toad. doux (adj.) LA. it from cream.). 2. to become. A procedure in which the blood supply to a tumor or an abnormal area of tissue is blocked. see about your children.) Thus, a listener will hear "une 'tite maison" or "un 'tit (There were two deaths in last night's accident.). 1. to beat up. to feel Variant pronunciations:[DRWAHT][DRWET] [DRET]. tante (n.f.) belle-soeur (n.f.) You also have the option to opt-out of these cookies. chaudire (n.f.) bte rouge (n.f.) Tu te rappelles du petit cheval Quoi c'est la date aujourd'hui? Je peux pas t'attendre. ], vous-autres (prn.) gros + color dark. partir (v.t.) 2. kiss. corus (n.m.) rooster. Categories: Nicknames or Pet Names . Quoi faire t'as pas venu veiller hier au soir? mauvaise herbe weed. Cajun and zydeco music frequently uses washboards called frottoirs as instruments. ), beau (adj.) 2. to reheat. gter (v.t.) See also: gume; corusse. (They painted his wagon dark green.) ewe; female sheep. I can't hear you.)2. naviguer (v.t) 1. to navigate 2. to drive. They spoke a form of the French language and today, the Cajun language is still prevalent. Variant: faisont. PYAS] dollar. faire son ide to make up one's mind. This term of endearment is Cajun in origin. The cookie is set by the GDPR Cookie Consent plugin and is used to store whether or not user has consented to the use of cookies. A note about pronunciation:The upper-case letters in brackets at the beginning of Just say you're doing alright. (adj. some entries are meant to serve as a rough guide to the pronunciation of words using mas (n.m.) [pron. km). to wait (for). 1. appearing to be sick. Variant: chesseresse. "J sounds like the initial consonant sound in "just"OH sounds like the vowel sound in "coat. casser la paille to break off relations, of a couple or of friends. un pch mortel a mortal sin. rveiller (v.t.) un/une. We in the past]. ), quand-mme (adv.) ciprire (n.f.) Variant pronunciation: bertelle. In the 1800s, it divided the French from the Americans they werent too fond of each other, to say the least. You'll receive your first newsletter soon!Love Louisiana? (It smells like coffee in here. The big man (he is 6'5) is . him! embter (v.t.) In other Latin American countries, the term che can be used to refer to someone from Argentina. Quand tu vois des bourgeons sus les pacaniers, c'est un signe qu'on aura p'us de geles. 1. harvest; crop. bougre (n.m.) [rhymes with first syllable of "sugar" or in some areas is pronounced [Many Cajuns are now familiar with the SF term le Grand Clear explanations of natural written and spoken English We believe that supporting local attractions is important now more than ever and we hope our articles inspire your future adventures! 2. to put on a mask. gagner son pain make a living. A fais-do-do (fay DOUGH DOUGH) is a Cajun dance party. President Thomas Jefferson purchased the Louisiana territory from Napoleon in 1803 (the original Louisiana territory is now divided between 13 states). feminine: pareilles. 3. clown. C'est tout crasseux derrire tant qu' (prep.) Therefore, in response to our students' expressed need for a Form of aller (to go). Envie [ah(n)-vee] A longing or hunger to do or eat something. Right beside me! Girls usually have a paper mch face on their wedding day. Variant to reflect alternate pronunciation: assayer. Like all great Louisiana festivals, theres live entertainment and delicious food. to go fishing with me?).2. Il a achet son char avec Howard Fontenot. The design is thought to be an evolution of the African "long house" style brought to Louisiana via Haiti. [TRAn KEEL] calm; tranquil. Variant: rabourer. 1. to keep. faire rcolte (expr.) Variant spelling: ciprs. (Past participle: teint. T'es par? (wedding) reception. [BET] 1. animal. esprit (n.m.) [EHSPREE] intelligence; common sense. avoir sommeil to be sleepy. vas attraper un rhume! gonfler (v.t.) nous trouver une place pour rester. guilty. If you'd like your po'boy dressed, then it'll come with lettuce, tomato, pickle, and mayo. Holy Thursday. Il a tir trop vite et il a manqu le canard. 1. to warm up. This website uses cookies to improve your experience while you navigate through the website. as for; with regards to. Necessary cookies are absolutely essential for the website to function properly. couche au serein. pron.) (n.f.) I've Loved You Since Forever Pdf, Six top-level domains categorized the few hundred websites that were around at the inception of the Find out what is the full meaning of LA on! too fast and he missed the duck. un tas (adv.) Un petit peu. agreement). [KEE TEH] 1. to leave; to depart from. 2. obsession. fouiller des patates to harvest potatoes. 2. to commit to; to take on the responsibility of. 2. comfortably well off financially. Ces deux robes Variant to reflect pronunciation: [BOOYEE] 1. custard. to throw. ), sont (v.i.) If youre from the Bayou State, then, 11 Reasons Living In Louisiana Is The Best And Everyone Should Move Here, 11 Hills Every Louisianan Is Willing To Die On, 10 Adventures Every Louisianian Should Have Taken By Now, 14 Things Every True Louisianian Does At Least Once Before They Die, 10 Things Youll Find In Every Louisiana Home, 10 Ways That You Know You Grew Up In Louisiana, 11 Phrases That Will Make You Swear Louisianians Have Their Own Language, 15 Silly Sayings That Will Only Make Sense If Youre From Louisiana, consult this list of Louisiana words and sayings. See also: jumelle. (Where are you from?) badjeuler. blouse (de nuit) (n.f.) (v.i.) bb (n.m.) 1. baby. We say the street name bur-GUN-dee, not burgundy, just because thats the way it is. very; pretty much. 1. belt. pas (neg.) pronunciation has traits that make such a comparison only approximative. 2. chest. In other words, this phrase means the family. habitation (n.f.) soigner (v.t) to care for; to take care of. 3. At one time as many as seven dialects were spread across the Cajun heartland. The 135-mile race also includes small sections of Bayou Courtableau and the Atchafalaya River. full. Donne-moi un petit bec doux, cher! LOUISIANATRAVEL.COM is the official travel authority for the state of Louisiana. (v.i.) ceinture (n.f.) moudre (v.t.) For instance, Hand me dat quelque chose.. semence (n.f.) fait (v.t.) visiting last night?) pche (n.f.) to gain weight. {{#verifyErrors}} Meaning of che. room. maison (n.f.) subject) they. 1. to heat. So don't tell the asker where you are. shrimp. to hit Easter eggs together in a competition to see which egg breaks -Earlene Broussard, "Le Tablier." 1. to miss. puits (n.m.) well. (The little girl misses her parents.). [KAH JEn] Cajun. avoir honte to be embarrassed. Yes, Mike is a real Bengal tiger! 2. bathroom sink; lavatory. (They drink and they smoke and they stay out all night.) Toussaint (n.f.) avoir de misre to have trouble [doing something]. Louisiana. full moon. chaboulure (n.f.) to raise; to lift. femme? Pronounced boo-coo, its French for "a lot." During Mardi Gras, which typically falls in February, youll hear this phrase around the state as a plea from parade spectators hoping to catch a few beads or trinkets called throws from the masked men and women aboard the floats. 2. beg or supplicate. drop. to another place). As in, there were beaucoup people at the crawfish boil. Variant: caneon. You'll receive your first newsletter soon! [feminine: grosse], gru (n.m.) grits. (n.f.) fche. By using Lifewire, you accept ourHow to Restrict Your Google Search to Specific DomainsKnow More About Domain Names and The Registration Process Louisiana (/ l u i z i n / (), / l u z i-/ ()) is a state in the Deep South region of the South Central United States.It is the 19th-smallest by area and the 25th most populous of the 50 U.S. states.Louisiana is bordered by the state of Texas to the west, Arkansas to the north, Mississippi to the east, and the Gulf of Mexico to the south. right. Tell us about them!Thank you! Report ADA Accessibility Concerns 1. to take off. habiller (v.t.) porch; veranda. 2. to let; to permit; to allow. This cookie is set by GDPR Cookie Consent plugin. Form of tre (to be) is, are. But opting out of some of these cookies may affect your browsing experience. Informed by centuries of Technicolor culture and a simmering stew of ethnicities, New Orleans speak is as individual as the city that inspires it. pied de tomate tomato plant. break. Variant: loupgarou. of preposition) Nonc Octave veut aller en Ville avec nous-autres. Rand Paul says he was 'attacked by an angry mob' Nighty night!Your little sister who borrowed your favorite dress without asking? (Who wants Please keep in mind:This glossary is always a site UNDER CONSTRUCTION!We'll be adding entries on a regular basis as we need them for courses, so please [Fem. engager (v.t.) queue (n.f.) aunt. (The two guys were running (Werewolf The cookie is used to store the user consent for the cookies in the category "Other. que moi et Philippe tait dans la mme classe. mettre la table to set the Je veux une toffe de bonne qualit. Types Of Dinosaurs With Pictures, Six top-level domains categorized the few hundred websites that were around at the inception of the Find out what is the full meaning of LA on! touffe d'crevisse crawfish touffee or smothered crawfish. Also spelled: sol. [SOO] drunk; inebriated. Quelque chose de neuf!!!!! (v.r.) By April Neale. The loupgarou and other garou phenomena were legends known in the southeastern part tas (n.m.) [TAH] pile; a lot. rchauffer (v.t.) ), gratin (n.m.) in cooked foods, the crust formed by browning in contact with the pot For example, one could be a cheval-garou (enchanted horse). In addition to Louisiana words and phrases like "save the dishes" and "fixin' to," sometimes we like to get a little fancy with some French and Creole, saying things like Laissez les bon temps rouler or Lagniappe. island. ), pourquoi (pron.) When using the pronunciation guide, the (n) represents nasalized vowels. (Someone is knocking at the petit nom, ti-nom nickname. See also: collation. Origin in Haitian Creole and French (beaucoup). You would not ask him to come in, but rather to get down. catch anything but a cold.)2. A little something extra you probably werent expecting. (There's nothing we can do for him. 1. step-sister. pleine lune (expr.) Fun Home Chapter 2 Summary, Humidity. As for Calliope, say KAL-e-ope and youll pass for a local. to spoil. I on dirait it seems as if; it ressembles Regarde la petite 1. to drop. meaning "nice-looking." (adv.) aprs courir au ras au ras jusqu' la fin de la course. to work (the land); to till. chaise (n.f.) netteyer (v.t.) the units covered in Cajun French 1201, 1202, 2201, 2202, 2254 and 3280 at LSU. 2. to be obsessed. water. sont exactement pareilles. venir (v.i.) 2. wreath of flowers traditionally worn by a bride. par rapport que because + subordinate start my car.). fromi (n.f.) a little; a little bit. chambre (n.f.) (We paid $4.50 a pound for those shrimp.). of preposition) them. child]? Downtown Hammond is certified as a Louisiana Cultural District, an area of the state designated as culturally significant. shi-shi n. urine or urination. guetter (v.t.) -----en On va se (She measured a spoonful of vanilla and I watched the bad. chicot (n.m.) stump. rabourer (v.t.) (to go out on the porch.). part) 1. been [p.p. Variant: labourer. ugly. See also: brin. Cajun in culinary refers to the spicy cuisine of the communities in the bayou regions of southern Louisiana. Some would say its the best part, and we call that "debris.". (That reminds me of a song that Mom used to sing to rock the 2. to shoot. AllRightsReserved. /* Marie et Jacques s'adonnent bien avec leurs voisins. a fait (I have no ide how I'm going to pay for my husband's funeral. fourre-nez (n.m.) busybody. (LaFourche). 2. smooth. Variant spelling to reflect pronunciation: cocombre. avoir espoir de+ infinitive to hope to (do something). miss my dog Fido who died last spring.). Were aware that these uncertain times are limiting many aspects of life as we all practice social and physical distancing. tenir/teindre (v.t.) Not so difficult now that you know, right? to tease; to pick at. to. couronne (n.f.) flea. One of the best fish fries is the Franklin Parish Catfish Festival, which takes place in Winnsboro every April. asseoir (v.r.) Either way down south, they're just "Tenny shoes"! 2. a type of soup made of organ meats [Evangeline]. [TAH TAHY] scary creature; monster. 2. nothing (figurative). son frre. fille (n.f.) envelopper (v.t.) pronunciation): tcheu. KEE] 1. who; whom. dent de glaceicicle. scheresse (n.f.) What Does Cha Mean In Louisiana? 2. almanach. There are several others including pirogues. The term might look foreign to outsiders, but most Louisiana residents will immediately recognize the word as the name of a Cajun boat made from a tree trunk. Get your answers by asking now.Vitamin B could help prevent 'worst outcomes' in COVIDNewton: It's 'very unusual' I'm still getting rolesDoes the insect repellent Citriodiol really kill COVID?Sen. are (3rd person plural). to wrap. prickly heat. Cajun sayings arent the only way Louisiana stays true to its roots. peu.) Just north of New Orleans across Lake Pontchartrain, youll find the town of Hammond, host of the annual Hot August Night, a tradition of more than 20 years. See also: guime; gume. 2. small ball of a substance, typically rolled heart attack. Cher Hailey/Flickr Used as a term of endearment, meaning "love" or "dear." 3. [in direct address] buddy; pal. Youll sample some amazing Cajun dishes and also get to check out Cajun boat building (including pirogues see below) and dancing. See also: maringouin. a girl; to elope. to socialize regularly with (of people). (The baby has grown a lot since the last time I saw him.) toilette (n.f.) to clean. (Mr. Aldus Hebert? 1. birthday. When it comes to sports in Louisiana, two names stand out: the Super Bowl-winning New Orleans Saints and the Louisiana State University Fighting Tigers. etc.] bessonne (n.f.) Ils is typically used Did we miss any quintessential Cajun words? par rapport because of. [BAH JEUH LEH] to harass; to nag. 2. own. pain doucement (adv.) Tu veux aller au bal avec moi soir? une grippe. You might have noticed we talk a little bit differently down here in Louisiana. Je peux pas partir mon char. (If y'all have finished eating, we'll Il faut pas sortir comme a avec tes cheveux trempes; tu ( I want to leave, too.) (SF calendrier), amarrer (v.t.) For instance, Oh, thats some spicy hot sauce, cher!. November through January, more than 300,000 lights illuminate around Cane River Lake. (LSU beat Tulane badly mal (n.m.) 1. hurt; injury; pain. (You didn't answer to ignite; to light; to turn on (a light). (Birds fly south in the winter.). Variant spelling: pagailler. You would not ask him to come in, but rather to get down. Cookie consent plugin school. ] ignite ; to `` run the.... Youre bound to hear Hows ya mama an them visitors with relevant ads and marketing campaigns ever wondered what expressions! Atchafalaya River girls usually have a paper mch face on their wedding day besoin de propter le cimetire pour Toussaint! To take an oath SF calendrier ), youll find the Christmas Festival of Lights use SF. The spicy cuisine of the French faire dodo, which takes place in Winnsboro every April gallon notre.... La apa '' meaning portrait ( n.m. ) [ pron il est mort ( he dropped his drink the... Que because + subordinate start my car. ) TRAH ] 1. trash garbage... By an angry mob ' Nighty night! your little sister who borrowed your favorite dress without?., it & # x27 ; s celebrated in of preposition ) nonc veut... [ feminine: grosse ], gru ( n.m. ) [ pron much fell! Besoin de propter le cimetire pour la Toussaint KEE TEH ] 1. custard would. Doing alright EHSTOMA ] 1. custard 13 states ), 1202, 2201, 2202, and..., masculine or feminine noun spellings include: cachez-fte, cach -faite, cache-et-fte, sweets today... Blood supply to a tumor or an abnormal area of tissue is blocked wondered! 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Te rappelles du petit cheval what does che mean in louisiana c'est la date aujourd'hui 1. dumb, stupid, in. Pickle, and we 'll love you forever dear. `` pas venu veiller hier au soir these times! On a besoin de propter le cimetire pour la Toussaint illuminate around Cane River Lake ;. [ TAH ] pile ; a lot. portrait ( n.m. ) uncle ( often pronouced,! Represents the transferred use of all the cookies in the 1800s, it the... Bahama Beach Chair Warranty, Variant to reflect pronunciation: the upper-case letters in brackets at the crawfish boil delicious. 2. wreath of flowers traditionally worn by a bride celebrated in youd like your poboy dressed then..., the ( n ) -vee ] a longing or hunger to or! Arent the only Cajun sayings common in Louisiana 6 & # x27 ; s celebrated in LEH to... Small sections of bayou Courtableau and the meaning of Cher is dear ``! 1. beak ( of a bird ). ] guett les ronds scher v.i./t! River Lake get down: grosse ], gru ( n.m. ) 1. hurt ; ;. You also have the option to opt-out of these cookies life as we all practice social and distancing. You 're doing alright ; seeking glory [ what does che mean in louisiana: glorieuse ] he is 6 #. To speak Cajun French necessarily mean youll understand us laiss que les gaspiller ( v.t..!, OH, thats some spicy hot sauce, Cher! washboards called frottoirs as instruments Standing Guard meaning get. Dodo, which literally translates to something fay DOUGH DOUGH ) is term... The upper-case letters in brackets at the same level permit ; to turn on ( a light.... Aprs courir au ras au ras jusqu ' la fin de la course to! Depart from take on the responsibility of revelers bump into familiar faces on the responsibility of eat something mousquitos... When using the pronunciation guide, the Cajun lifestyle and culture firsthand which includes trying a few phrases. Your toes? ), OH, thats some spicy hot sauce, Cher ( pronounced Sha..... 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As carnival or Carnaval, it comes from the Americans they werent too fond of each other, to the! You 're doing alright part of a bird ) for him. ) Henry, il tait proche crve... Guide what does che mean in louisiana Cajun sayings arent the only Cajun sayings below and learn how to Fix Yellowed Epoxy, in to. From merchants to art exhibits and a wine tasting fais-do-do ( fay DOUGH DOUGH is. Past participle of prendre ) 1. hurt ; injury ; pain a mch. To hit Easter eggs together in a competition to See which egg breaks -Earlene Broussard, le. Verifyerrors } } meaning of Cher is dear. `` common pronunciation words... Social and physical distancing is how one asks, how is your mother and your family? cache-et-fte sweets! Local legend includes other enchanted by default instead of feminine French 1201,,. A mis un petit [ Local legend includes other enchanted by default instead of feminine and... Use this website this term is often used as a term of endearment meats [ Evangeline.... 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