Other fields related to change request will accept values when Change Management is not enabled, but that data will not be available through the UI. Getting an API User setup, along with the keys, will set us up to establish a link between CloudRadial and Autotask so that they can share information back and forth. You can use notes to track information, update the status of the associated contract, and communicate with resources and customers. Ticket Date Completed by Complete Project Wizard, Ticket Department Name OR Ticket Queue Name, Service Level Agreement Paused Next Event Hours, This entity will be read-only if the module with which it is associated is not active. Some resources contain additional objects in child collections; these resources have an additional Child collection access URLs field in their Online Help articles. window.open(uri); For more information, refer to Time Entry/Note Quick Edit Fields. Need troubleshooting help? It describes whether a Service on the Price List uses the internal currency or an external currency, and if it is external, lets you set the price in that currency. This entity's purpose is to describe a billing Work Type (Allocation Code) that is excluded from the contract to which the set applies. Resource access URLs for all entities appear in the next section of this article. Open the Kaseya Helpdesk. /*Adding a note to a task or ticket - Autotask The attachments will only be added to the incidents of problem tickets, not incidents of Change Request tickets. An attempt to create a Ticket using a Resource + Role combination with an inactive Role will trigger an error. This entity's purpose is to describe a billing milestone for an Autotask Fixed Price type Contract. This entity represents company (account)categories in Autotask. Do new devs get fired if they can't solve a certain bug? If TicketType = ChangeRequest, ProblemTicketID cannot have a value. This entity describes an approved and posted billable item in Autotask. This entity describes an Autotask Product with an association to an Inventory location in the Autotask Inventory module. This may be a difference between the SOAP and the REST API, but on SOAP new tickets require the id to be set as 0. This entity describes DNSrecords associated with Assets in Autotask. To complete the attachment process, you must save the note or time entry. The following table describes the standard Autotask field objects for this entity. ServiceLevelAgreementPausedNextEventHours. From the Autotask Home page toolbar, select Help. But does anyone know what should be used to create a ticket? Refer to WebhookUdfFields (RESTAPI). Be aware that some field data, such as picklist values and user-defined fields, may vary between Autotask implementations and cannot be provided in this document. [CDATA[*/ Create Tickets in autotask using REST api in python The ArticlePlainTextContent entity contains the plain text version of body content held by a Knowledgebase article. If selected, only internal Autotask resources will be able to view the note, and the, you opened the Time Entry or Note page from the Edit Ticket page, you don't have permission to edit tickets. Attempting to edit this field on a ticket with a different ticket category will result in the supplied value being ignored. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 . If a ticket is created with the 'RMA' ticket category via the API and no value is supplied for this field, the ticket category default value for the field will be used. /*]]>*/Want to tell us more? A Subscription creates recurring billing items for Assets when there is no need to track labor costs against subscription revenue; for example, when billing in installments. This entity describes an Autotask Contact. Review the setting of the Internal Only check box. IssueType and SubIssueType are never required in the API. Each entity description includes the following information: Note that actions are governed by the permissions of the logged-in end user; for example, although a Company entity allows a create call, the logged-in end user may not have permission to create a Company entity. Read-Only:Read-Only fields cannot be changed by, Required: Required fields must be present when you attempt a. This entity describes list items added to a check list on an Autotask ticket or task. The following table describes the standard Autotask field objects for this entity. Every attempt gives me a 500 server error. Head on over to our Community Forum! For String datatypes, the number in parentheses ( ) indicates the maximum number of characters allowed. You can assign it to any resource and associate it with a Contract, Ticket, or Opportunity. When updating a field that has Rich Text, the APIwill return the text-only version of the field. You can individually configure the following entities to allow querying, adding, editing, and deleting (bold items only): For more information about impersonation security levels, refer to Allow impersonation of resources with this security level. The change request approval process is part of the Autotask Change Management feature set. This entity's purpose is to describe a record of approval for a ticket change request. /*]]>*/Want to tell us more? This resource describes key business details for the Autotask Company 0, the Autotask user's company account. If the setting Enable [Entity] Stopwatch is cleared for the entity category, the stopwatch will not appear. Each of the entities inherits from the Autotask base class Entity. The function of this entity is to describe the number of units of a specific service bundle with an association to a Recurring Service contract for a specific date range. Select OK to apply; Setup Extension Callout. This article provides a general technical overview and index of the resources (entities)that you can access via the AutotaskRESTAPI. var uri = 'https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSdw1y-_z7_O1tSWNFkiDliribqAz5IrqAiJJ6u2KsbEvICTqw/viewform?usp=pp_url&entry.876121135=' + document.location.href; This entity manages the tags associated with tickets in Autotask. While this is not possible in the UI, in the API, you can create tickets with a ticket category of 'API.'. It allows users to track and manage Inventory Items created from Autotask Products that require a unique serial number. About an argument in Famine, Affluence and Morality, Redoing the align environment with a specific formatting. Create Ticket Note. Have an idea for a new feature? It allows you to create, query, and update expense line items through the API. This entity contains SSLSubject Alternative Name (SAN) records associated with the ConfigurationItemsentity in Autotask. Form template settings will override any previously populated field content, including notification settings, additional contacts, and secondary resources. Some entities support file attachments. [CDATA[*/ How do I align things in the following tabular environment? ProblemTicketID cannot = TicketID of a ticket that is already associated with a ProblemTicketID; that is, an incident ticket already associated with a problem ticket cannot become a problem ticket. The entity exists for billing use purposes. Checklists are an optional feature on the ticket page that display numbered items to be completed in order to finish work on a ticket. To subscribe to this RSS feed, copy and paste this URL into your RSS reader. If the Contract is associated to an SLA, then use that ID. Open the Kaseya Helpdesk. If the API receives an invalid prefix, it will automatically generate one and assign it to the resource. Yep tried that - on the example given by Autotask it included "Id": "0" on the first line - but it doesn't make any difference. The id field belongs to each entity and acts as the unique identifier. This entity describes time and completion data related to service level events tracked for a service level agreement associated with a ticket. Every attempt gives me a 500 server error. Step 1: Creating an API User and Getting API Keys from Autotask (REST API) Why are we doing this? Refer to. The status code getting printed here is 401! This entity contains the attachments for the Resources entity. A SubscriptionPeriod stores the information for an individual billing period item associated with an Autotask Subscription. Invoices include Billing Items that have been approved and posted and are being billed to a customer or presented for information purposes only. Changes made to the Contract by using the ContractServiceBundleAdjustment entity affect only the quantity of Contract Service units. This entity describes an Autotask resource assigned to a task that is assigned to a service call. Tickets define service requests within the Autotask system. Calculated in hours only. This entity describes an Autotask Invoice. If the ticket does not have a value for a role, the check box for that recipient will still be enabled, because they can still be selected on the Notification panel. A ticket workflow rule with a Create Ticket Note . It was a requirement for soap though as the other reply says. 5. Ticket.Source is not required; however, in the UI the Source field defaults to 'Other', so for tickets created through the UI, the value for Ticket.Source is never Null. This entity's role is to describe any sort of note created by an Autotask user and associated with a Company entity as opposed to a Ticket Note. To use a speed code, enter it in the field. This entity records existing associations between tags and Knowledgebase articles in Autotask. It is only available through the REST API. This object describes notes created by an Autotask user and associated with a Asset entity. The API currently exposes the following entities. This entity's purpose is to describe a line item associated with an Expense Report entity. IMPORTANT Selecting a form template is the equivalent of manually populating the form. The function of this entity is to describe the relationship between an asset category and a specific UDF. UDF changes are included in the criteria for updating LastTrackedModificationDate. This entity contains the attachments for the ExpenseReports entity. Need troubleshooting help? Provide feedback for the Documentation team. This entity describes an Autotask Subscription. This check box only appears for notes and time entries on problem tickets associated with one or more incidents. This entity's purpose is to describe a payment amount applied to a Retainer type contract and sets the time period covered by the purchase. This entity describes an Autotask Inventory location, that is, a physical or virtual place where your company stores or assigns inventory items. Autotask API Ticket Creation with PowerShell Does anyone have sample code for how to create a ticket using the REST API. You can only create it; you cannot query or update it. This entity describes an Autotask Contract Rate. This entity describes an Autotask Resource. 2. If selected, the note's Description or the time entry's Summary Notes, Internal Notes, and any new attachments are added to the ticket's incidents, as well. The function of this entity is to describe the tax rate charged to a customer for specific goods or services purchased in a specified tax region. window.open(uri); The value you select will be set as the status of the parent entity when the dialog box or page is saved. This entity describes an Autotask Opportunity. This object describes a payment amount applied to the purchase of (or pre-payment for) one or more Service Desk Tickets through a Per Ticket Contract. We recommend that you create a new resource (Autotask user account) for the integration, so that it is separate from other user accounts. In addition, a stumbling block I noted was to double check the AssignedResourceID has the actual role assigned via AssignedResourceRoleID. This entity is only used by multi-currency databases. You cannot create a ticket with TicketType = Problem and specify a ProblemTicket ID or specify ProblemTicketID for an existing Ticket with TicketType=Problem; that is, a ticket that is already a problem ticket cannot become an incident to another problem ticket. IMPORTANT Fields that are not visible cannot be validated. Implementing the time entry portion wouldn't be terrible. Everything else looks correct! If you edit a note or time entry that is associated with existing attachments, they appear in a separate Attachments section. If it does not exist, the ContractIDwill be set to null. It can be a separate physical location or a division or agency operating in the same physical location as the company. Does anyone have sample code for how to create a ticket using the REST API. A table that lists all standard Autotask fields by Field Name and provides the following information for each field: Field Name, Data Type, Read-Only, Is Required, Reference Name (provided only if the field is a reference), Picklist, and Picklist Parent Column Name (only if the field is a picklist child). This entity's purpose is to describe a group of Service entity items that are priced and billed as one component of Recurring Service type contract. function SendLinkByMail(href) { This entity describes one or more Autotask Assets (previously known as Configuration Items) assigned to a Ticket beyond the primary asset(ticket.configurationItemID). It must have an association with an Autotask Opportunity entity, and it allows users to specify and track multiple products, services, labor items, etc., that further define the Opportunity. Action. Any changes to the Status or Quick Edit fields made on the time entry or note will also be applied to their corresponding ticket fields. If TicketType = Service Request and the ticket also specifies a ProblemTicketID, the ticket type is updated to Service Request. The returned body will be super useful going forward if you can get it though! This is an event a Zap performs. The stopwatch starts running as soon as you open the task, ticket or time entry page. QueueID requirement - The ticket's category (Ticket.TicketCategory) will determine whether or not Ticket.QueueID is required, based on the category's 'Queue is Required' setting. window.open(uri); This entity describes an individual business unit that has an association with a company in Autotask. Only the incidents of problem tickets will have their status updated. This entity's purpose is to describe a Resource - Role - Department relationship. This entity contains the attachments for the. How do I connect these two faces together? It also controls if this section is automatically expanded when the time entry or note is opened for creating or editing. The 'YYYYMMDD' value must be a date less than or equal to today's date. Also create Note/Attachment on # incident(s) (tickets only). Currently, the API provides the following actions: GET, PUT, PATCH, POST, and DELETE. If setting equals 'Always', the API will always require the QueueID value. Access to version 1.6 will deactivate in Q4 2024. This entity's purpose is to describe a deliverable item that represents a pre-defined unit of work performed for a set price and billed at regular intervals; for example, a 'Disk Backup' performed for one computer. Autotask users manage Asset notes on Assets. If the ticket category has only the due date or only the due time configured, then the API Ticket.DueDateTime will be required, and not supplying a value will return an error message. The fields that do appear show the following differences: A Keep Current option is available and is the default. This entity contains the attachments for the ConfigurationItems entity. function SendLinkByMail(href) { Refer to WebhookFields (REST API). update() is allowed on a Ticket with an inactive ContactID value if that value is not being changed, or if a new active value is assigned. Contact Groups are an association of contacts, from one or more companies, that allow PSA users to send bulk email and create notes and/or to-dos simultaneously for all included contacts. A subreddit for users of Autotask Professional Services Automation tool. According to their documentation it requires the URI https://webservices4.autotask.net/atservicesrest/v1.0/Tickets and then the body contains the JSON formatted data: But this doesn't seem to work either and Datto are taking forever to respond to support tickets these days. The integration uses the Autotask Web Services API for automatic ticket creation in Autotask. How to handle a hobby that makes income in US. This entity contains attachments for the Tickets entity. We then put time entries in through Autotask. It determines a customer's total taxes on billing items. [CDATA[*/ A project defines and organizes a group of related tasks, events, and documents. Open the Datto Help Center. Access deactivation for version 1.5 began in Q1 2022 and will enter its concluding phases in October 2022. window.open(uri); This entity describes an association of contacts, from one or more companies, which allows PSA users to send bulk email and create notes and/or to-dos simultaneously for all included contacts.