My childrens real fathMy divorce from himer came around to create them and ditch them. THE CANCER MANDOESNT LIKE DRAMA, DOESNT LIKE WORRIES, DOESNT LIKE PROBLEMS. I just want him to love me deprestly as much as I love him. When a Virgo lady and a Cancer man are compatible, there is a strong emotional bond that is also versatile. Sometimes, she may become a bit annoyed and critical, isolated and aloof. 3.) That probably hurt himHe cried while he was talking on the phone. i actmired him alot espacially when i see how hard worker he is when he took me to his job is really sweet to me he told me that he does not know how to talk to me becuase he said im diffrent from other girls he has 2 daughters and it seems his a really good father he always going to see them and buying them everything they need. WebThe Cancer man Virgo woman compatibility is filled with an emotional attachment that is strong and flexible at the same time. Been dating for a while now. We found something I think only these to signs can share and it cant be put into words. When youre not afraid to communicate with someone, its a lot easier to do it.its very easy to communicate with a Cancer. My cancer man has his flaws but he also understands his flaws and taken steps to understand himself with my support, I feel like I am taking down a chunk of that concrete wall he has built up every day that we are together and he has become more open with his feelings as he understands that I do not judge him for having them, I love that he can cry and admit it, I love that now when he feels emotional that the shell that he retrieves into is me because I have learnt to be supportive to his emotions. A powerful bond is formed between this love match, who understand each other really well, who know how to reciprocate with one another and evolve together. I knew that he was having problems and i felt so helpless. I know cancers dont like rejection but unless she tells you, you have to ask her. Im a virgo women. After he left me, it put a deep hole inside my heart. Push off a little, we Virgos tend to mistake being loved as being smothered. Im ready for more. Virgo Im a virgo woman, if she is single and that close she wants you make a move. I later decided that this relationship was not right for me and I could feel that my cancer man was missing me as much as I was missing him, I did something very brave of me and I made the move to unite with my cancer man, its the best decision I have made in a long time, this time we are approaching the relationship with honesty, patience and understanding because neither one of us had bothered to do so before as we were both looking out for our own feelings. Do not be atypical Virgo whoputs herself last, not having time for herself. In my opinion, Since this relationship is divine its better and advisable for these couple to live their life by the rule of the Bible. Matches between the Cancer woman and Virgo man Steadiness, stability and security are often the values that both the Cancer woman and Virgo man look for in love, and if they play their cards right, they could well come to enjoy finding it in one another. My man took me in a survior of sexual abuse and later domestic violence. The day we met was cataclysmic, he watched me dancing for an hour before I stopped long enough to notice his beautiful smile, he was there in all his tallness(63) watching me. and I also found out that he was still giving money to his ex!! I need my man to love me more.. but its not happened wid dis cancer man.. so I have approached him about breaking ou one n half yr relationship. She appreciates his sense of humor because it exudes the right amount of humor and sophistication. WebNaturally, a Virgo man and a Cancer woman are highly compatible. But you wont believe how he punishes me! WebWhen Cancer and Virgo get together, there is potential for a great, everlasting love. I know that it might sound strange but, to a perfect stranger like me, it sounded like I was reading two pieces to a love story puzzle. HE WANTS TO LIVE LIFE. Scott. After that day we got back together, but we havent made love since, he says we will work up to it!!!! I was stunned by my love affair with the cancer man. I cant and he knows this, thats what hurts the most. Cancer These signs have great admiration for each other. We have our day, we work through them and the results are showing. I was usually very cool, diplomatic, and shy, even can say unresponsive with men, but I turned out to be very passionate, and sensual. Virgo Is loving a person so bad ? Man and Scorpio Woman Compatibility: Love, Sex Similarly, she is also calm and composed enough to comprehend with him and turn his flaws into positive features that bring about an optimistic change in him. My divorce from him who is a pisces will be complete in December. This describes us to the T. I have never felt a bond or love like this in my entire life. The need to help others but when it comes to me I need to be there to help him. S.N the sex was AMAZING!. I am a virgo woman. A Pisces man and a Scorpio woman are very compatible according to their zodiac signs. The Cancer man and Virgo womans compatibility is off the charts. Both of them are concerned with the process of caring and nurturing. Iam a Virgo women and iam with cancer man. I just could not understand why such a connection could come with so much dishonesty and hurt, he was with this other woman before I had been cut off emtionaly I was deeply hurt by his infidelity and cut ties with him 5 months later he was contacting me through email, not apologetic but just hoping that I did not hate him and being the Virgo that I am I was forgiving. i also found her professional profile at And by God, if he proposes and youve already decided youd probably marry him later on down the road, tell him your intentions. A Pisces man benefits by the strength and steadfastness of a Scorpio woman. A Virgo female, who finds her relationship imperfect, cut former ties easily and looks for a new love. I even can smile when i think about him. A Pisces man and a Scorpio woman are very compatible according to their zodiac signs. thanks for listeningI had to get that out lol. = Dont you ever try to boss him. They have a possibility to become an inspirational contact of heart and mind, if only they give in to the opportunity to enter each others worlds. The other things is, when he with any other women. I have read stories of how most cancer men turn to drugs to handle the stress and emotions of the Virgo and cancer union, well my story was different, my cancer man self-medicated on women. I mean im 18 almost 19, never been in a relationship and Im not into drugs. Virgo Woman Emotional compatibility of the Virgo man and Cancer woman These two signs will be very compatible from the beginning and there is great potential for a She were so perfect and simple at that time. This is a relationship with great potential to get better and better over the passing years. The nature of Cancer is very sentimental and empathetic. Im a Virgo women. This is one of the very caring and nurturing relationships of all the zodiac signs. The the last 3 years of the marriage I found myself self-medicating to relieve stress derived from the relationship. I just make myself blurr. Remember its hismoodswing not yours. Quick needs a double date or be in a relationship but I want it now stop stringing me along hes a cancer man. WebThe fifth reason why the Virgo and Cancer break up is that their life views are not compatible. A Virgo woman is one mate who is quite sympathetic towards the feelings of a Cancer man making him more expressive. Give him time and space to figure things out on his own and time to miss you. He bring the passion in me. Wow..after reading these..I dont know if I should be excited or scared to date a cancerlol..I met my cancer friend at workhe can put a smile on my face at anytime anywherethough he has big ears lol I still think he is soooo sexy and I love watching him workim going through a divorce and scared to date. How to. This guy was the greatest love of my life, wed talk all night on the phone, hed cry a lot for me, anytime he thinks hes hurt my feelings omg hed be so sorry and would do anything to make it up to me. Cancer Woman and Virgo Man Compatibility Mostafa BroYOU NAILED it.Love You for that. It has taken me years to get over him.but every time I think i am over him, he pops up out of nowhere and proves me wrong. His moody, brooding ways for as far as YOU know no reason (and likely have nothing to do with you unless yall are on the fritz), will try to trigger all our little pent-up buttonsif he doesnt want to talk, kiss him on the cheek or do something nice for him where you know hell see it so hell know youre thinking of him and go read a book, go for a walk, go shopping, do something for you and youll feel better and more at ease when he finally does open up (oh, and he will. Take time to shine. being one i can tell that, cancer men are shy and afraid of rejection, asking him directly about his feelings would be better than shocking his world with a breakup news, i dont know much so i hope your decision was right. But she can read my face. I feel like we had a life together some where in time long ago. In June we had a huge fight, we dont ever yell or cuss, but we say mean things. He is also very effficient in dealing with her and her harsh critical thinking about herself. When i didnt text him, he feel sad and ask why i didnt text him from my best friend. I was with a Gemini for two years and in those two years I did not feel as much as this Cancer man has made me feel in just a few weeks. BUT MORE THAN ANYTHING YOU CAN DO TO FIX THIS RELATIONSHIP, PRAY FOR HIM AND LET HIM KNOW THAT. A Cancer man and Virgo woman combination are a highly compatible zodiac match. They understand each other, and they are able to provide each other with balance. A Cancer man is able to soften a Virgo woman and help her to relax. Likewise, a Virgo woman will be able to provide grounding and emotional stability to a Cancer man. Cancer and Virgo Love Compatibility Where is your part, relationship are two way street. While in love, they share the same values and provide stability and comfort to one another. Getting mixed signals, scorpio, dating cancer is a pinnacle of virgo man taurus man. Crazy stuff! But even if they end up parting ways, then also they are most likely to remain friends throughout their lives. Cancer man ardently admires the intelligence and practicality of the Virgo woman. They both experience extreme satisfaction and fulfillment in their love-making. On the other hand, he has to make sure that he deals with his own mood changes as perfectly as he deals with hers. The years post separation were the worst years of my life! They can be extremely warm and affectionate towards their loved ones and can literally pour their hearts out. there is nothing like it . I want to be loved madly, loved all the time. Why when i taked about other men, hes get angry? Compatibility Your email address will not be published. We cancerians are soo emotional, soo sensitive, looks like Virgo woman will never understand. On the other hand, Virgo pays attention to details and admires perfection. Hazel, instead of focusing on him focus on you. Cz I dn wanna give chance.. it may ruin my life in future.. Cancer men dont listen all the time. As the core element that represents this group is fire, the people belonging to this group are spontaneous, carefree, fun-loving, warm and enterprising. = Sit with him when he wants to enjoy something he likes and enjoy with him. She doesnt want to be uncertain, in limbo so open up. Try talking to him about your concerns and ask him how the relationship is working out so for him. I would do almost anything to make amends because Cancerian men are wonderful friends. is this to avoid getting hurt again? I had almost 100% same situation.So here we go.. A Cancer man and Virgo woman combination are a highly compatible zodiac match. They understand each other, and they are able to provide each other with balance. A Cancer man is able to soften a Virgo woman and help her to relax. Likewise, a Virgo woman will be able to provide grounding and emotional stability to a Cancer man. He is currently seeing another woman but still professes his love for me. WebVirgo Man Cancer Woman Compatibility There is so much potential for success when Virgo and Cancer get together. He is so passionate and unpredicatble. My boyfriend is cancer and I am virgo. Virgo, there is no feminine sign in the zodiac better than you. I never felt that kind of emotion for someone else before! You just met up and you slept with him already!!!.. In Our case, we are quite conservative and he especially doesnt want any criticism from anyone. These signs have great admiration for each other. I do not condone taking drugs to deal, instead I would suggest meditation (really works), maybe some counseling b/c we all need someone who will listen with no judgement, and/or find a way to let out your emotions (an outlet of sorts) like writing in a journal, writing short stories, or poetry. Im a Virgo woman and though I was touched, being a home wrecker wasnt gonna happen no matter how much I still love him. I havent been unfaithful to him and dont plan on it. It was a lovely first date and the last thing she did was tell me she liked the way i talked and made jokes and told me that she is looking forward to our 5th date, i replied we havent had a 2-4 date yet she said she knew theyd go great. Want ur man to give you a good sex once in a while surprise wear something sexy and wear make up look desireble and that will get him to a good mood we love a woman that takes good care of herself like putting make up and look pretty but also has its limits not to look like a prostitute lol. = Allow him to participate in your activities. He makes her realise that it is important to be easy on oneself and accept them, to make any optimistic alterations in life. She is quite logical and carefully analyzes things to come up with any conclusions. reading this just felt like reading a summery of my lifes journal. My cancer boyfriend and I lived together for two years it was a beautiful two years the best years of my life..he ended the relationship with me just a while back said that I hurt his feelings over his two girls..If you are in love with a cancer man and he has kids of his own know that the love for his childeren runs deep as well as it does for his Mother, and even though he adores you, he expects you to share the same feelings as he does for his loved onesso it takes alot of understanding from the virgo womanBut if you can deal with that and be extremly careful of his sensitive nature then you can have a beautiful life but remember he is the crab and that shell is tuff as nails and cant be cracked ! That is all i want from you. He every thing I want in a man. Cancer Woman with Virgo Man Love He would tell me [], [] Cancer Man and Virgo Woman Love Compatibility | Ask Oracle Hi i am a Virgo woman an my boyfriend is a cancer as well as my lil sister and i been with my boyfriend for a little while now and he drives my crazy sexual and [], [] Cancer Man and Virgo Woman Love Compatibility | Ask Oracle Love match compatibility between Cancer man and Virgo woman. WebThe Cancer man and Virgo girl are highly compatible. Yeah they may have their little mood swingshere and there but you know how critical we can be, thats all we have to do let them hear us out and they will understand. The other day, i have a shooting for my advertising and i ask his help to be one of the character in my advertising. Her attractive face, lovely look, magnetic eyes and even her voice. He is the one, never loved anyone like this; ever!!! Good luck in love Im ready to give my all. So please tell me the right way which good for me and also her. There is great potential for the couple to succeed in a long-term relationship given they make a few adjustments. She loves you, she just doesnt know how to express it. As friends, Virgo man and Cancer woman are very devoted and share an enjoyable time together. I am SO SORRY you experionced to be betrayed and for the children to suffer as well. A mistake could be made worse if you allow guilt and anguish to overtake you. I do have to say Cancers are awesome in bed. []. We enjoy being together. 1) tell him you are independent and dont need him. Ok Virgo woman loves very much but from my experience I can relate to this article, they are shy they hardly show love but they do in a way that cancer man can hardly see it or notice it. He admires her cleverness and mental sharpness and is emotionally stirred by her tender and gentle, soothingly sympathetic behavior. Even though be crazy, wild, and random at times were still two best friends having fun adventures. They share a special bond and enjoy a touching experience being with each other. As the water of Cancer touches the earth of Virgo, it finds a place to settle down and help flourish beautiful flowers of love and happiness. = It makes them both closer to God more than ever. This article is so true i mean every last bit of it. We all must have to thank God someday for creating this kind of peoples among us, because virgos are special jewels for this world. There is a very good understanding between the male native of Cancer astrological sign and female native of Virgo astrological sign who have a strong connection. They happen to be the most intense amongst the Zodiac Signs and are the ones that are highly driven by emotions. But needless to say my cancer friend doesnt do drugs and really just started to try to drink so lets hope he doesnt like I do want to have happiness again with someone,and if it happens to be with him I will be greatful. He was a real sweetheart. Get your priorities straight. That all i know about her. He was warm, loving, tender affectionate and funny. We both want it to last forever. I must say God must have a reason to put these two together, its extremely rare for a heart and mind becomes one in a relationship unless there is something that guides them, but before all of that to happen there is a fight, arguments, misunderstanding and a lot of frustration on both sides, It looks frighteningly odd for both in the beginning, but the end result is emotional perfection and blissful harmony. 8) make him feel that you are in charge of planning the familys every move. Heloves having goals, keeps him busy. Virgos arent you afraid of anyones feelings towards us, nothing will change and shell be completely honest if she doesnt fee the same. I wish him gud luck . A Pisces man benefits by the strength and steadfastness of a Scorpio woman. But will virgo woman ever understand this, i dont know. My love was not enough for her and she ended up having affairs. Being a Cancerian man having married a Virgo woman, I must say the relationship was lustfully intense for many years and did not slow down. Understand the real motives that drive you to seek a particular friend. I had a cancer male friend. But he deals with this kind of situation well as he is himself well known to similar behavior patterns. I am extremely sensitive, and I came out of an abusive marriage two years ago where thats all we did, so that was very welcome to me. And during this short period of time weve been able to share some of our most deepest and darkest secrets that none of our family or close friends know. They are not expressive in love. And things get messed up if they try to match the popular pace of hooking up. If you dont think it will last long term, pull the plug early or dont be offended when they do because you will get attached. Thus, the Cancer man and Virgo woman compatibility tends to be a beautiful relationship with one another. Cancer and Virgo =Allow him to be part of your family member [mother, father, brother and sisters] encourage him to interact with them more, because cancer loves family. His touch was intoxicating filled with emotion I cant explain it. He choose me. HOME. They have a likelihood to turn Reading about your attempt to make it work is somewhat discouraging, but I love him like I have never loved another. But I am pleased to have him and feeling more secure and deeply in love than ever in my life. Cancer Man and Virgo Woman Compatibility: Love, Sex, However, this relationship is not without its hurdles. Hey Im a cancer man and believe it or not we have to chase you the virgo. While they may have their challenges, these two signs can create a stable and loving partnership with open communication and I just want to cut him off. . 9)tell him all your love and devotion and effort towards the family is normal and expected and every man would do the same when its clearly not because you dont know other men. 4) raise your voice Who knows perhaps someday if we meet i will express what i felt for you in person for better or for worse when the time and situation are perfect. One more thing before I finishregardless of the compatibility between your suns or hell, even your whole charts, you have to have patience and realize that there is no such thing as a perfect relationship. He is also asomewhat complicated man. And we get back together. GIVE HIM SPACE When you see that hes in one of his mood swings (he has many), dont try to figure him out. im sooo indecisive in love matters . He is patient enough to apprehend with her and overlook the negative aspects. Usually the Cancer man and Virgo woman makes a great pair as they both have many traits in common. WebVirgo Woman - Cancer Man Zodiac Compatibility, Love Compatibility, Obsession, Relationship Compatibility, Sex Compatibility and Reviews. I am not saying go out there and cheat. Both Cancer woman and Virgo man have a deep and innate need for security. I am a pisces woman looking for a cancer man but I dont know where the safeest place to look cos dating sites has so many scammers so if anyone can help me I it would be appreciated I have been single for 3yrs after a 28yr relationshil and I think it is time for me to move on I am 56rs old so I keep getting told that I wont find anyone they said that I am in my 20s anymore but I dont feel old I still feel that I am still young which I am 56 isnt old well I dont think it is. yes makeing love with him is awesome, he loves it so much he says its like leaving the earth, I agree! His weakness made me stronger, I mean I was raised by a Leo and a Taurus so I have some confidence in me to be the leading type. Yes I think Im losing my mind with this guy, Ive never cried so much for a man in my life!!!! I later realized that he is so business minded and keep forcing me to work with him. This pair has a lot in common, and there are few differences. The words dont explain the connection i felt for this lady, No one ever capture my heart like that before.