Most of the courses that usually require lower APS scores fall under Diplomas, Extended Degrees, or courses that don't normally require mathematics and physical sciences. Academy of Computer Science and Software Engineering. In this article, you will be given detailed information about it. We do recommend that you go to UJ Short Courses for further information about the short courses offered at UJ. Moshood Abiola Polytechnic (MAPOLY) requires four credits at one sitting or five credits at not more than two sittings to include English Language and Biology/Agricultural Science with at least a pass (D7 and E8) in Mathematics. The University of Uyo requires a credit pass in one Science subjects and at least a pass (D7 and E8) in Mathematics. If any of these courses interest you, you can check the universities and Polytechnics offering the course below. Do you offer Nursing courses to a person who doesnt meet the requirements? We do hope this article on UJ courses was helpful? The Polytechnic, Ibadan, Oyo State (The Polytechnic, Ibadan) and Kaduna Polytechnic, Kaduna (KAD-POLY) require credit passes to include English Language and at least a pass (D7 and E8) in Mathematics. 2 Faculty of Art, Design and Architecture (FADA). French and International Relations. We have courses you can study without Matric that fall under the following Programmes: Short Courses Programme. These are the other courses that do not require Mathematics and can be pursued at TWP Academy: At most institutions, Pure Maths is a requirement to study to become a CA. The main difference between these two positions is the amount of time spent directly with a patient. Crescent University (CUAB) requires Five (5) O level credits passes in English Language, Literature in English, Government and Economics at not more than two sittings in WASCE, GCE and NECO. Study Without Grade 12 Certificate | Flexible Learning - FET College Do universities accept mathematical literacy? Check it out | which courses that don't require maths at uj Possible careers: Photographer employed by an organisation or doing freelance work: portraiture, advertising, fashion, press, editorial, industrial, architecture, fine art. elizabeth rogers obituary what happens if you eat melted plastic wrap courses that don't require maths at uj. Minimum APS of 26, excluding Life Orientation. So if you prefer to not to deal with math or science anymore in the future, here are 7 university degree that matches what you want. NOTE: These qualifications require other subjects and marks for entry. All details are available on the institutions official website. Music teacher. At least a pass (D7 and E8) in Mathematics or Physics is required. List of Engineering Courses: After 10th, After 12th, and Job Scope in Linguistics Crescent University (CUAB) requires Five (5) O level credits passes in English Language, Literature in English, Government and Economics at not more than two sittings in WASCE, GCE and NECO. Contact Us. Without further ado, here are 10 degrees or majors that don't require math but still prepare you for a lifetime of high earning potential: 1. Dental hygienists also don't do any math. This list was made using just the information readily available from UCT and Wits' websites. Department of Mechanical Engineering Science, Department of Quality and Operations Management. (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({});
, For Advertisements, contact:, Sound Engineering and Music Production Courses, Graphics and Communications Design Courses, Sefako Makgatho Health Sciences University, N6 Question Papers and Memorandums with Study Guides, N5 Question Papers and Memorandums with Study Guides, N4 Question Papers and Memorandums with Study Guides, N3 Question Papers and Memorandums with Study Guides, N2 Question Papers and Memorandums with Study Guides, N1 Question Papers and Memorandums with Study Guides, Computer Applications Technology Grade 12, Engineering Graphics and Designs Grade 12, Mathematical Literacy Grade 12 Learning Resources Directory, Agricultural Management Practices Grade 10, Afrikaans HT ET Grade 10 Controlled Tests and Exam Question Papers, Notes, and Study Guides: 2022, 2021, 2020, Computer Applications Technology CAT Grade 10 Controlled Tests and Exam Question Papers, Notes, and Study Guides: 2022, 2021, 2020. . Abia State University, Uturu requires Five SSCE credit to include English Language, Government or History and any three subjects, and at least a pass (D7 and E8) in Mathematics, Education and Efik/Ibibio Adult Education. Let us know your thoughts and opinions via comment section below. Kogi State University Anyigba requires five O level credit to includeEnglish Language, Pass in Mathematics and four other relevant subjects. Answer (1 of 2): Although all major courses like Nursing ,veterinary,Dentistry,Chemical lab technician,Pharmacy technician etc.But still there are lot of options to choose from like Associate degrees (chemistry,Biology,Biochemistry),Early childhood education,health and wellness,office administrat. A pass mark in English at Senior Certificate level (minimum additional language; certain programmes may require first or home language status) Each course has its own specific admission requirements. courses that don't require maths at uj - However, there are 100s of other courses you can study that do not require maths. Airport Ground Service Operations Training. Plateau State Polytechnic, Barkin-Ladi requires O/L credit passes in English Language, pass in Mathematics, and three other credit from Government/History, Economics, Commerce, Geography, Biology/Agric. University of Benin (UNIBEN) requires five O level credit passes or five Merit level passes in T.C. Home / / courses that don't require maths at uj. University of Ilorin (UNILORIN) requires at least 2 Social Science subjects and a pass (D7 and E8) in Mathematics. In fact, I hate anything that involves complex calculations even Accounting. Art director. in English, one Arts subject and at least a pass (D7 and E8) in Mathematics, Mass Communication Under Faculty of the Faculty of Art, Religious Studies These are the courses you can study without credit in Mathematics. Moshood Abiola Polytechnic (MAPOLY) requires four credits at one sitting or five credits at not more than two sittings to include English Language and Biology/Agricultural Science with at least a pass (D7 and E8) in Mathematics. . Well, the answer is left for you because you have a reason for that. List of University of Johannesburg (UJ) Courses 2023 | Faculties And Programmes. 16 College Majors That Don't Rely on Math (And Related Careers) Please dont keep it to yourself; BE SOCIAL BY SHARING THIS POST WITH OTHERS and Dont hesitate to Like Us on Facebookto share, discuss, and get the University of Johannesburg (UJ) 2023 latest updates. Bowen University, Iwo requires five O level credit passes to include English Language and any two other subjects from Arts, Social Sciences or Science. The Polytechnic, Ibadan, Oyo State (The Polytechnic, Ibadan) requires credit passes in English Language, Economics, Government and a pass (D7 and E8) in Mathematics. National Certificate: Public Sector Accounting. Education and Efik/Ibibio. courses that don't require maths at uj courses that don't require maths at uj - Language and three other subjects plus at least a pass (D7 and E8) in Mathematics. Plateau State Polytechnic, Barkin-Ladi requires four O/L credit passes in English Language, and any three subject and a pass (D7 and E8) in Mathematics. Here are few alternative 1. Courses Without Maths After 12th - iDreamCareer University of Jos (UNIJOS) requires five credit in WASCE or NECO at not more than two sittings including English Language. Department of Town and Regional Planning. Your own reason might not be the same as mine, so I leave you with no option other than to move on with your course of study. Federal Polytechnic, Mubi, Adamawa State accepts a pass (D7 and E8) in Mathematics as the course requirement. Top 10 Careers without Math & Science in Class 12 | Stoodnt ALSO CHECK: Courses that Require 20 Points or Lower at Unisa. It provides details on the university's admission Points by using the selection/admission criteria of various courses for the same academic year. Federal Polytechnic, Mubi, Adamawa State accepts a pass (D7 and E8) in Mathematics and does not accept CRS/IRS as either course requirement or UTME subject. All candidates seeking admission to study at University of Johannesburg (UJ) for 2023 are hereby direct to check the list of available Undergraduate, Postgraduate, Masters, Certificate, Diploma, Degree, Distance Learning programmes and Short Courses offered at University of Johannesburg (UJ) that has gained the Council on Higher Education accreditation before applying. On this page, you will find the list of courses that require 20 -25 APS score points or less at the University of Johannesburg (UJ). Kaduna Polytechnic, Kaduna (KAD-POLY) does not accept any Language other than the English Language for Secretarial Studies. The University of Johannesburg (UJ) has 8 faculties which are; Extended programs offer at the School of Business. Ahmadu Bello University, Zaria requires five O level credit passes in English Language, Government or History, Economics, Geography, CRK/IRK and at least a pass (D7 and E8) in Mathematics. However, you can do a bridging course in Maths at a TVET college. Redeemers University, Mowe five O Level credit passes to include English Language, Literature-in-English and at least a pass (D7 and E8) in Mathematics. Which Degree Courses need A-level Mathematics? - Maths Careers Veritas University, Abuja accept at least a pass (D7 and E8) in Mathematics, Political and Administrative Studies University of Calabar (UNICAL) pass in Mathematics may be accepted, For Social Justice Below are 10 in-demand technical skills that don't involve writing a single line of code! At least a pass (D7 and E8) in Mathematics is required. [email protected] Go to the Online Application Portal to apply. Elementary Education, Home Economics and Education Also accepts NABTEB certificates in Shorthand, Typewriting, English Language, and two other subjects at not more than two sittings. A diploma in Engineering is a 3-year course students pursue after class 10/12. Courses that require 20 points at UJ. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); GPA Calculator Students of music learn about the history of music, music theory, and how to play musical instruments.