Printed matte on 300gsm, A4 paper, these works show a progressive journey of healing and hope through the time of COVID 19. Looking after others, literally working, but its important to recognize and be present for all the wonderful things that happen to you every day. Te Ao Mori | The Mori world, Mori ki Te Whare Wnanga o tkou Te Kore the darkness and endless potential from which all is created and all must walk through. They should be better than us. Manifesting the best life from Te Kore HANA. Paul assessed our situation and tailored his teaching to reflect that. Whakapapa - genealogy - Te Ara Encyclopedia of New Zealand Use of is subject to our TERMS OF SERVICE and PRIVACY POLICY. 24 Tini whetu ki te rangi, he iti te pokeao ka ngaro A small cloud overhead will obscure the stars A small group can overcome the multitude, can overcome a myriad of difficulties How can you come together to strengthen and support your friends and family? Perseverance in order to accomplish a task. (Will work with other default mapgens but may not display well. Atarangi Anderson is a multidisciplinary artist who works with textile design, photography and jewellery. Te Po-kerekere. sign in 48 E toa ai a Whiro, me noho puku noa a Kou tangata All that evil needs to triumph is for good people to do nothing Apathy breeds evil How do you overcome apathy in the face of challenges that seem so vast and overwhelming that people dont know where to start? Makiha rua ko Te Paea. The Relationship tab allows you to choose a second person and show the most direct connection between the two if there is one. Waatea Team. Tne is the personification of all forms of tree and birdlife. With kaimahi throughout the motu Para Kore delivers a te ao Mori based sustainability education programme called Oranga Taiao. When she began her exploration of Mori mythology, it was a way of finding a link to her own roots Ngti Porou ancestors. In this crucial time of separation, te wehenga, the tamariki spoke with respect to their parents while helping. Focussing on the Maori gods in conjunction with tikanga will put you and your tamariki at an advantage when visiting a marae. This other world is known as Te Kore. E kii ana te ture a De Morgan ko te tikanga e whai ake nei ka mau mo nga huinga A me B e rua. Can we take ourselves as far back as Te Kore, the mystery from which everything begins? 47 - E kore te kumara e ki ake he . Moana Fresh - Prints But some of the children plot to separate their parents, and this allows light to flow into the world. From here two of our Mori gods Ranginui, the sky father, and Papatnuku, the earth mother, emerge. great white shark population graph; clarence gilyard net worth 2020 A visual and metaphorical theme that frequently emerges in Sofia's artwork around the story of creation is that of duality; life and death, light and darkness, yin and yang, Te Kore and Te Ao. Eventually, the characteristics they bring to their activities and environments reflects these actions. nga rangahau pa; Kaiwhakarite Utauta; the work of the atua in making the natural world. Understanding the process of Whakapapa which leads you to th Whakapapa - Ng Krero o Te Tau Ihu They stand, therefore, as a model for individual and collective behaviour and aspirations. TS 1225 Nga Tatari Whakamatau-Rahi Whakaingoa o nga Tuwhera Karu me te IEC EN 61587-4 Hanganga Miihini mo nga Taputapu Hiko me te Hiko 8 E ngaki ana a mua, e toto mai ana a muri First clear the weeds, then plant Make time for mind weeding Cleanse your mind of negative self thought and self belief. Te Po-te-kitea. One of the most common comments I hear from kaiako is I want to make my programme, my te reo, and bi-culturalism genuine and authentic in my practice. Close to is Hawaiki, where Hoturoa's wife planted the first kumaras, brought over in the "Tainui." They are our whakapapa, our guiding stories that form the foundation of Aotearoa. In 2018, Atarangi curated a group show titled House of Wa. Established in 2010, Para Kore Marae Incorporated is a Mori, not-for-profit, zero waste organisation with a vision of oranga taiao, oranga whnau, oranga marae. 10 E ea ai te werawera o Tane tahuaroa me heke te werawera o Tane te wananga Satisfy the sweat of the cooks by getting a good sweat up while learning To properly acknowledge the efforts of all cooks, we need to give learning our all Creating time and space to honour each others roles and responsibilities. : Ko Brooking te ingoa whnau/Brooking is my last name linking that person to the East Coast of the North Island, and probably, the tribe of Ngti Porou). Te ira atua were then free to stretch themselves, to grow and reside over the different domains we know as our natural environment today. The Void. identify and use the name of four colours in te reo Mori, say numbers 1-8 in te reo (you can write the number words underneath to help. 51 Rui taitea, kia tu ko taikaka Strip away the sapwood, the heartwood remains Shed those outer layers and reveal your internal courage It is difficult to let go of old patterns and thought processes. Te Kore | Whakapapa | Io Prints Regular price $37.00 . Nga Kaihanga Hua, wheketere, Kaiwhakarato mai i Haina, Ka whakawhirinaki matou ki te whakawhiti me te mahi tahi me koe.Tukua mai kia neke whakamua tatou i runga i te ringa me te eke ki te ahuatanga win-win. In the centre lies the rose and koru patterns, symbols of creation, unfurling and growth. Who is the god of..? Te Kore whakapapa - Traditional Mori religion - Te Ara Te Po-namunamu-ki-taiao. The dark Night. In the beginning was Te Kore (the void, the nothingness), from which came Ranginui, the sky father, and Papatnuku, the earth mother. [6] Others such as James Cox argues that this "pre-Christian" understanding of a supreme god may in fact be due to the earlier Mormon missionary activities.[7]. Although the letters relate mainly to land purchases and sales and not whakapapa specifically, they are an excellent resource for te reo Mori students as well as those interested in broader social issues for Mori. In 2017, Atarangi had her first solo exhibition, Rangituhia, and her first solo fashion show, Inkycat. They are all different but all people and so we should remove judgment of their differences. This imagery unfolds outwards as an infinite, connected pattern of awareness, creating the building blocks of the mind and manifested universe. The carving above the doorway represents Hine, the guardian of the threshold between night and day, darkness and light. In the Maori tradition, it is your mountain, your waka (boat), river, your ocean, among other things. : wind etc), Haumiatiketike - Atua of uncultivated or natural foods, Rongo-m-Tane Atua of peace, balance and cultivated foods, Raumoko Atua of the unborn child (e.g. Keep moving forward. The time to move on. Based at Ng Whare Waatea marae in Mangere, it is located in the middle of the biggest Mori population in Aotearoa. Science systematic investigation, testing assumptions and seeking knowledge. Te Kore-te-rawea. [1] He, or somebody else with his name, appears as a great-grandson of Tiki, and a father of another Io-rangi in Moriori mythology. Dunedin 9054 Studying Mori myths helped Sofia re-discover her connection to not only ancestors, but to the land, and to Aotearoa. People, and therefore relationships, are the cornerstone to the essence of being Mori. Te Kore | Whakapapa | Io Prints Regular price $37.00 Whakapapa Tne - Digital Print (Limited Edition, 1 of 5) Regular price $50.00 Hand craved Sterling Silver & Pounamu Ring Regular price $305.00 Whenu (Series 1 of 3) original artwork by Atarangi Anderson Regular price $575.00 . There are however other whakapapa from the original inhabitants of the regions who pre-date these named tribes, and with whom . whnau, te hap, te iwi me te whnau whnui i raro i te . Just another site te kore whakapapa. Te Kore the darkness and endless potential from which all is created and all must walk through. Io represents the wrestle of decolonizing understandings of Io and the workings of Christianity. In Breath of Life Sofia explores the concept of yin and yang, represented in the two native Tui exchanging the breath of life in a traditional hongi. The Void in which nothing is possessed. This lead Sofia to an ever-deepening interest in ancient mythological and esoteric knowledge from around the world. Her work is often focused on human experience and our social environment. Learn more. 2 He iti hoi te mokoroa nana i kakati te kahikatea While the mokoroa grub is small, it cuts through the white pine There is power in small things. Then, another brother said, Lets separate our parents. 32 Ehara taku toa i te toa takitahi, engari he toa takitini My success is not mine alone, it is the success of the collective No one gets there alone The line between public and private is increasingly blurred. ). (Te Ao- Mrama). It is unavoidable when we are born as beings with a fundamental curiosity about the nature of reality and consciousness. Sharing the passion and joy of knowledge. Moreover, he is the most dominant feature of our environment and in which Mori have lived. The Maori creation story has been passed on from generations to generations. In Part 1 we spoke to the very early beginnings of creation. The McLean papers on Papers Past Letter by Epiha Te Kuao to Sir Donald McLean, related to Epiha Arama Karaka, 4 October 1848. Main Point Appreciate the life you have, the people in it. Te Kore whakapapa This item comes from Manat Taonga, the Ministry for Culture and Heritage and is part of their collection Te Ara - The Encyclopedia of New Zealand Please view the item on their site Opens in new window for the definitive information on how it can be used. There was a problem preparing your codespace, please try again. In her first Spinoff column, Hana Tapiata uses the Mori creation story to reveal a blueprint for living well and realising potential. Whakapapa are told orally in different ways. Whakapapa is the anchor and the rock upon which we can tether ourselves to in the storms of confusion that may come during times of crisis. 17 Ehara i te aurukowhao, he takerehaia Not a leak in the upper lashings, but an open rent in the hull! Io Matua Kore is often understood as the supreme being in Polynesian narrative, particularly of the Mori people.. Io does seem to be present in the mythologies of other Polynesian islands including Hawai'i, the Society Islands, and the Cook Islands. Atarangi Anderson is a multidisciplinary artist who works with textile design, photography, and jewellery. when were redskin lollies first made. If our tamariki (Mori and non-Mori) grow up not having these normalised at school, in a respectful and thorough way, they dont have the advantage of being able to take the characteristics and attributes of these founding atua to help them with challenges and choices. The pwhiri (welcome ceremony), has its basis in Mori creation stories and traditions. These became the stars of Matariki-Ng Mata o te Ariki o Twhirimtea The Eyes of the God Twhirimtea. EUROLAB, son teknolojiye sahip akredite laboratuvarlar ve uzman ekibiyle birlikte IEC EN 60044-3 testi kapsamnda kesin ve hzl test hizmetleri sunar. Adjust Subantarctic, Raupo, gumland, and Coastal volcanic biomes. Mori society and structures The spiritual connection derived from whakapapa through our links with the various Atua (i.e. 106 Scope: Work-based Learning 1, 2020 my own teaching practice and my confidence grew It was dur. Every learning area links to a particular atua for total integration (especially Secondary school). Hinemoa recorded Indigenous knowledge through wnanga (learning) on marae and was guided by whakapapa (in her case, Te Aupuri, Ngti Kur, Te Rarawa and Ngpuhi). Whakapapa is what binds all things - animate and inanimate, known and unknown, terrestrial and spiritual. It illustrates profound ideas, meaning and messages both personal, resonating deep within her own psyche, and universal, linking with other cosmic origin stories across time and cultures. Takawirihanga - YouTube This symbol of consciousness then moves to the edge of its own limits and radiates outwards in a second circle, intersecting with the first. (verb) (-hia,-tia) to lie flat, lay flat. Every culture or civilisation has its traditions about how the world was created. Te Ika a Mui being changed to The North Island is an example of this. Without knowing where creation began, where Aotearoa and the Tangata Whenua emerged from, how can we know who we are? It is about our recitation of genealogy, our link to the land, which is the core of Mori identity, fixing people as part of an extended family. . te_kore_whakapapa adapted from Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 3.0 New Zealand Licence. Ng atua - the gods - Te Ara Encyclopedia of New Zealand Who am I? We need to find ways to remain true to our difference and at the same time focus on making our dreams for a safe and healthy planet real. Fortune tellers are a fun activity you and your learners may like. The Void in which nothing is felt. The change of position meant he could absorb more weight and generate enough force to push apart and, finally separate his parents. By: Ward, Stuart (Stuart Raymond), author. Whakapapa is the anchor and the rock upon which we can tether ourselves to in the storms of confusion that may come during times of crisis. Lift yourself up, and give yourself the encouragement to move forward. Established in 2010, Para Kore is a Mori, not-for-profit organisation with a kaupapa based on whakapapa to Papatnuku. The Mori creation story and the Mori gods are an engaging kaupapa that can be woven in throughout many topics all throughout the year. 25 Te manu kai miro, nona te ngahere; te manu kai matauranga, nona te ao The bird that east the miro berries, theirs is the forest; the bird that consumes the knowledge, the world is theirs Application of your own knowledge opens up your world There are resources all around us. The bright light of day. 43 Na te iho ko te korero, na te whakaaro nui ko te mumu Talking comes naturally, silence comes from wisdom Listening is underrated Slow down, stop, listen to the other person, give space for the thoughts to occur before you start speaking. We need to be careful of the choices we make, with ourselves, with our relationships, with our environment. That was until Tne Mahuta changed it up. The separation of the parents by the children resulted in the movement from darkness to the world of light. Sometimes it is the moon that prompts the children to separate their parents, Rangi and Papa; in other accounts, it is the sun. Jonathan Z. Smith questions the motives behind the existence of such a book,[clarification needed] seeing this as a questionable emphasis of the idea around the Io. 5 He ihu kuri, he tangata haere As a dog follows a scent, a traveler relies on the hospitality of others Be wary of following your nose. say the appropriate gods and what their domains are. The Importance of Whakapapa - An Explanation by Egan Bidois Te Kore encompasses the space, the formless, the thought, the realm of possibilities, the infinite potential. In other words, delving head-first into the stories of her own ancestors has brought Sofia closer to the rest of the world. So, what does this mean for me as a staff member? There are many overt and covert things. The Void with nothing in union. Te Po-whawha. Only $35.99/year Te Kore Whakapapa How do you want to study today? Tane is an appropriate atua for the scientific endeavour. It promotes the confidence to pursue a different agenda and the perseverance in maintaining a specific viewpoint. Sofia has explored the idea of consciousness in Aoraki Raama, a portrait of Aoraki Mt Cook crowned with gold sacred geometric patterns, representing the Flower of Life. Since the signing of the Treaty of Waitangi, many iwi have come together to recover and manage land and assets lost to them either through confiscation, war or legislation. Before life, Te Kore is a state of chaos, abundant with possibilities; an unlimited potential for being. Written language, reading and writing-The arts of whakairo and moko originate from Tangaroa and Raumoko. Sofia is also Swedish, English and Irish. Ko nga ptau e mau ana i te rua o nga ngota ngota wai ka hono ano ki te papa hiko ina pa ana ki nga . using Afterpay at the checkout. Membership to an iwi, hap and whnau provide a sense of affiliation and belonging for Mori, as well as their trangawaewae (a place to stand).