Alex Jaffe is a columnist for DC Comics, answering reader-submitted questions about the minutiae of comic book history. While the real world looks for alternatives to oil, Tony Stark has already invented it. What nobody knew was that Dupree created the competition as a way to learn who else was as smart as him. With that, here is a list of 33 Smartest Marvel Characters. Tony Stark, adopted son of billionaire industrialist Howard Stark, was a genius at a young age and attended MIT at only 15 years old. Peter's intelligence, since youth, was noted to be of genius caliber and earned him praise from some of the Marvel Universe's finest minds. Dont for a second think that he inherited his wealth without putting in some work. In addition, his proficiency extends beyond this field into many other sciences and he can speak over 8 languages. How Powerful Is Black Adam? Answered (2023 Updated) As the leader of Wakanda, TChalla is the wealthiest person in all of Marvel Comics. Without any over-exaggeration, Barbara was the most important character in DC. Ryan Choi Ray. Though she may not hold education expertise like Tony Stark, Riri is a skill mastered who could make Iron Man suit from old parts. 10. Plus, he invents all kinds of neat toys. In addition, he has given the world the most advanced form of Artificial Intelligence that it has ever seen. Even if he is a villain, who fought his first battle against Fantastic Four, and later with other Marvel heroes such as Iron Man, Spider-Man, Ivan Kragoffs abilities mostly lies his intellect. Fantastic, Reed shows fantastic tactician skills during battles. Ever since fans saw Shuri as Wakandas brilliant scientist, they have been thinking is Shuri, the smartest person in marvel? On the other hand, in the MCU, Tom Hollands Spider-Man is also a gifted intelligent who has enthusiast towards science who construct his web-shooters, which impressed Tony Stark. Thus he owns knowledge of science, biology, mastered several subjects, mathematical comprehension, computer prowess respectively from mentioned mutants. Who is the smartest horror villain? - Lex Luthor Most likely the smartest man on Earth, but still gets his plans ruined by Superman. Who in your opinion is the smartest character in fiction universe? Moon Girl, a nine-year-old genius, will serve as the smartest person in the Marvel Universe. Hence, Tony praise him as the most significant nuclear scientist yet on Earth. He processed thousands of data to decipher sophisticated computer system that was supposed to conquer the world. However, the comic book version is not quite up to that level. Adam Bernard Brashear aka Blue Marvel is a former member of the Marine Corps who known to be fastest Marvel Superhero. He holds expertise in the scientific field along with biology, genetics, cloning, physics, and engineering. This technology has evolved in all sorts of ways over the years, all the while being powered by a tiny arc reactor developed by Stark. Nadia Pym is the daughter of Hank Pym, one of the smartest persons ever to walk the Earth. She suddenly began to tap into her expansive knowledge of science, her above normal intelligence, her photographic memory, and most importantly, her connections that were scattered across the DC Universe. 4 OZYMANDIAS. Doctor Doom Unlike most villains that seek world domination, Doctor Doom goes about it in less obvious ways. Being known as the Skilled Inventor and Engineer, Riri took her superheroine work as Ironheart. Its common to think that Tony Stark would be number 1 smartest hero in the list due to Robert Downey Jr.s impressive performance in the MCU. Not only is he partially responsible for the powers they gained, but they owe much of their success to him. The vast world of X-Men is full of . With Reed Richards coming soon in Fantastic Four, the brainpower in the MCU rivals that of the comics, and dwarfs what the movies once held with Tony Stark as the former top of the food chain as the smartest Marvel character. Once he hacked the technology from the Kree, most advanced race in the universe than human. Teenager Billy. "Today is @SalSaysWhat's birthday!! These characters are the pillars on which their respective companies were built. However, every super ability takes a toll on the body. Fury of the Gods Special: Shazamily Matters, DCeased Transformed a Batman Family Member Into the Most Powerful Hero in the DC Universe, The Deadliest X-Men Villain Is Becoming a Dark Version of Professor X, Marvel's Ultimate Universe Destroyed Wolverine Using Simple Science. 8 VANDAL SAVAGE. He also hosts the Insert Credit podcast, where he's been asking the smartest people in video games the weirdest questions he can think of since 2012. On the other hand, in the MCU, Hank Pym mark his performance as brilliant scientific geniuses in history. From super scientists to mutant masterminds, check out our list of Marvel's most intelligent characters and watch the video above to learn more about how we ranked them! Of course, he is also someone whose brain has gotten him into trouble thanks to overreaching the boundaries of decency. Most Intelligent Characters on Earth in the DC Universe - Comic Vine However, as time moved on, new braniacs popped up and the smartest Marvel characters have changed throughout the years. She later made herself strongest Iron Man suit, which she used as Ironheart capable of defeating Rhino in a single punch. In the comics, he identified as a futurist person as he can predict the near future events very accurately. After successfully harnessing the Pym Particles that was responsible for beginning an Ant-Man journey, Hank opened up his new company named as Pym Technologies. 9. First appeared in Black Panther Vol 4 #2, Shuri is a sister of TChalla, the Prince of Wakanda and one of 8 smartest marvel characters. If your board is ready to shape a . . Since he has no superpowers like others in the list, his greatest asset is his scientific mind as well as expertise in genetics and cloning. All of her gadgets are then used in battle, so she can continue to improve and be the hero she wishes to be. The word superhero usually brings imagesof muscular people that are capable of incredible feats of strength. While some can lift a building with one handand others are able to fly on command, there are some within the universe whoboast a superpower that isn't so visually impressive, but is nonetheless vital to the heroes' cause: incredible intelligence. In the MCU, Shuri has proven to be one of the smartest Marvel characters on Earth. Photo: Marvel Comics. Hence military units wanted to use her as weapon power for the state. Genius -level intellect. Even she once saved Vision from going superthermal. Answer (1 of 6): Other than those mentioned already: * Emma Frost: Not known for her intelligence, but is considered to be one of the most intelligent X-Men. Valeria Richard aka Brainstorm is the younger sister of Franklin Richards who is one of strongest Marvel characters ever in history. Reed was the first true explorer in Marvel Comics, but it ended up transforming the Fantastic Four into superheroes because of an accident. Darth Vader is often considered the main villain of the Star Wars franchise by casual viewers. Matt Reeves' The Batman universe was already getting a proper sequel and at least one television spinoff, 2019's billion-dollar Joker movie was getting a musical sequel co-starring Lady Gaga, Teen. The Fantastic Four are heavily immersed in the scientific world and Reed Richard's intelligence really helps them. Basically, Quire thinks ten million brilliant thoughts per second. 10 Marvel Characters Who Are Smarter Than They Look - ScreenRant Mr. 30 Smartest Marvel Characters Ranked - Fiction Horizon His excellence lies in genetic manipulation and particle physics. Hank Pym is an Avenger and as an Avenger has fought some of the vilest villains in history. Ray Palmer is a highly sought after scientist in the DC Universe. He first appeared in Tales to Astonish #27 by Stan Lee and Jack Kirby as a scientist who created a way to alter his body's size but keep the same strength and power. When he attempted to harness anti-matter, the experiment went wrong, and the explosion gave Adam superhuman abilities, which he swore to used to fight crimes as Blue Marvel. While Peter was a high school student at the time, he was always one step behind Otto Octavius. The Marvel Cinematic Universe is bringing in a lot of heavy hitters when it comes to the most intelligent characters from Marvel Comics. Lunella Lafayette, also known as Moon Girl, is the youngest super genius in Marvel Comics. The two fight crime together, but when she isn't being a hero, Lunella is experimenting. In the comics, T'Challa is a brilliant genius and inventor. Much like Hulk's strength has no upper limit and increases as the need arises, Leader's intelligence is the same and there is no limit to his knowledge. Review: Deathloop is one of the smartest games of the year | VGC Contents 1 History 1.1 Origins 1.2 Chairman of the JSA Victor Von Doom, often known as Doctor Doom, and the ruler of the fictional country Latveria, is perhaps the smartest villain of the Marvel Universe. This is so much that he practically has a way to beat every other character under the DC brandheroes and villains alike. However, its more than that. Reed himself stated she surpassed him in intelligence at the age of only three. Over a dozen Ph. [] extraordinary suits, its powers, his human intelligence, etc. [2] [3] Dragon Man is an artificial dragon -like humanoid android who was animated via alchemy. Even as a child, Mad titan said to be genius among titan race. Each of these has propelled him to do some amazing things. She's not only made some great additions to the Black Panther's suit but has actually become a Wakandan hero in her own right on a number of occasions. She's their resident inventor and is able to do many incredible things with the Vibranium that is mined in their African country. He also upgraded Spider-Man's tech and weapons system and proved his intelligence was always higher than Peter dreamed. Valeria Richards is the daughter of Sue Storm and Reed and she is maybe even smarter than her dad. Stark is also a quick thinker and can solve problems easily. He develops his brain to such extent that he eventually unlocked brains extrasensory uses and that includes telekinesis, telepathy, and a limited form of cosmic awareness. Hes able to do through the use of his own very intelligent invention, Pym Particles. Spider-Man has not had his IQ officially tested in the Marvel Comic Universe and therefore his exact IQ is unknown. In conclusion, its safe to say that Tony Stark is not the best but smarter marvel superhero character ever. Tony also demonstrates his remarkable mind in the field of advanced technologies. After the accidental death of his wife and unborn child, Michael Holt wanted to make more of his life. Thus comes into the rank of smartest marvel characters. Reed created Unstable Molecules, which heroes have used to keep their costumes from destruction when using their powers. The Red Room believed that Nadias skills to be genetic because of her heritage. Also, possessing the entire worlds knowledge, he constructed a wide variety of high-tech tools such as Roboticks, insect-like drones that can swallow human flesh. Reed discovered the Negative Zone and created a portal to enter it. 6 REVERSE-FLASH. As for his secondary mutation, he has advanced cognitive and mental abilities. Riri first appeared on the pages of, Though she may not hold education expertise like Tony Stark, Riri is a skill mastered who could make Iron Man suit from old parts. Known by High Herbert Edgar Wyndham who born during 30s era. Everything else after that has some kind of caveat which makes it hard to. At such a young age, Shuri really is a child prodigy and she's going to continue to put Wakanda on the map with her inventions. Sometimes, even brightest superheroes likes of Reed Richards needed help from him. Thanos was always a major threat, but never the omnipresent villain of the Marvel Universe prior to the MCU being a thing. Performing such vast mental calculations requires immense amounts of energy. This Month in Comics History, March 2023 - Lore Olympus, Dragon Ball His specialty lies in rocketry, engineering, communications, genetics, robotics, physics, hypnotism. 10 Professor Ivo Is A Brilliant Inventor If Professor Anthony Ivo only had Amazo to hang his hat on, his career would still be a brilliant one, to say the least. Unlike her comic counterpart, in the Marvel Cinematic Universe, she was quite intelligent, having a gifted rational mind with a broad study of advanced science and technology. Hank Pym was one of the smartest Marvel characters. He already was skilled in genetics, robotics, engineering, physics, applied chemistry, mathematics, etc. While Banner is an expert in biological sciences, Stark mastered mechanical and electrical engineering, and he is an expert in chemistry, computer science, and physics. Besides this, Kitty also fluent in Japanese, Russian, the royal and standard languages of the Shiar Empire, Skrullos. :rollin If I have to sum up all the things, Hank Pym even in MCU, acknowledged as the smartest person as well as superhero ever. So in the cinematic universe too, Marvel Studio gave a quite an importance to this formidable character. Michael Holt is one of DC's smartest tech-powered heroes. Hence, she is without question called as one of the best hackers in the Marvel universe. The Top 10 Smartest Superheroes in Marvel & DC (Ranked). Amadeus Cho. Of all the characters in DC, Wally West is the fastest superhero they have. Fantastic He is often stated as the smartest man on Earth, by pretty much everyone except people known to be arrogant like Doom and sometimes Tony Stark. The real name of Mister Sinister is Nathaniel Essex who always uses his mind-controlling ability on others. Other consists of the Null Bomb which was made using Bolts voice to stimulate and destroy the time/space continuum. She also solved the Banner Brain Omnicompetence Examiner, which was supposed to be unsolvable, in seconds. Marvel: Future Fight. The villain first appeared in, Riri Williams (Ironheart) is one of the tech prodigies who attained genius intellect at the age of five years. Having been re-invented a few times and been featured at various ages,she may have been smarter than Reed at the age of two! After growing into transcended human being, High Evolutionary unfold even further by altering his genes to such a level that he almost captured deity powers. Also, he created a cosmitronic gun, freeze ray pistols, rocket fuels, spacecraft which can withstand against cosmic ray storms. He even praised by Eternity as the Earths Scientist Supreme as he proved to be Earths intelligent people including Reed. He is also someone who proves that being one of the smartest Marvel characters can make him more insufferable. The MCU had Bruce Banner and Tony Stark as science bros, playing on his comic intelligence. [19] Alex Jaffe is a columnist for DC Comics, answering reader-submitted questions about the minutiae of comic book history. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Even though Mister Sinister not listed as top 8 minds on Earth, his intelligence has been said to be equivalent to Reed Richards and Doctor Doom. 2 LEX LUTHOR. . No matter how many Spider-Mans have made, web-slinger is the only one who creates web-shooter for swinging around the city. Kitty Pryde, also known by codename Shadowcat possessed tremendous knowledge of computer science, in which she exhibited a genius-level quickness for programming work. Debuted in 2018s Black Panther, live-action Shuri portrayed by Letitia Wright. The reason behind this is that he divides his consciousness with the help of Stark Datashades and operates them at his will. You're underestimating the intellect of a man known as the "Worlds greatest detective" and consistently put next to DC smartest minds like Lex Luthor and Mr. Who would be the most threatening villain on Earth? Superman: 15 DC Characters Who Can Defeat The Man Of Steel Without Kryptonite. He has displayed an impressive level of . He is. He was the responsible character who made Cerebra, a time traveling machine. I have listed ALL the Smartest Marvel Characters Ranked, Do you know who are the Smartest Marvel Characters. The 10 Smartest Heroes In The Marvel Universe, Ranked - CBR Marvels #1 is probably Reed Richards, with Peter Parker coming in at number two maybe, after that its probably a tossup between; Hank Pym, Doctor Doom, Bruce Banner, Tony Stark, TChalla and Hank McCoy. The Smartest Comic Book Superheroes Of All Time - Ranker "I've always been just an outlier in your eyes!" Polaris Lona Lona said this, the momentum on her body suddenly became stronger, as the saying goes, blackening is three times stronger, whitening is seven points weaker, although the strengthening of Polaris Lorna is not so outrageous, but at this moment, Lorna's strength has indeed been strengthened. Despite granting superhuman abilities, Jennifer is also a skilled expert attorney. Though the Leader possesses no muscular strength as that of Hulk, his smartest thinking mind is enough to counter anything most powerful being if uses flawlessly. He has a supercomputer brain and his original superpower was seeing everything happening around him and finding a way to solve any problem instantly. What holds him down is that he has dealt with emotional issues in his life that limited what he could accomplish with his brain. Like other fellow smartest members, he also holds total seven PhDs. In the Incredible Hulk Vol 3 #5, Bruce proved that out of 8 genius minds, his mind works so fine. Tony Stark is the smartest of them all, having been responsible for some of the most incredible inventions to have ever graced the Marvel universe, including the Arc Reactor and one of the most. While Banner is an expert in biological sciences, Stark mastered mechanical and electrical engineering, and he is an expert in chemistry, computer science, and physics. 9. In his heroic career, Tony made many astonishing suits and fought with strongest villains ever. For a multitude of good reasons, many people claim that Reed Richards is the smartest superhero in comics. version of himself. The real pirates behind Our Flag Means Death | Popverse Mister Terrific (Michael Holt) - Wikipedia At a young age of 6, Michael Holt would read the works of Bohr, Einstein, Planck and Feynman in order to gain a greater understanding of the world of science.