He knew something was wrong. Behind them was a solid 10-pointer, so he stood up and grabbed his bow. Photo by: Markus Semmler. Arkansas Biggest Bucks: Score: Typ? All the highlights rushed back in the pre-dawn minutes leading up to legal shooting light. My brother and I counted 28 points, what youd call deer camp points, but the guy who scored it at the taxidermist shop said it was officially 25 points, Wilson, 22, said. He bolted and was jumping over treetops in the clear cut and finally after 80 yards he jumped into one last fallen treetop and stopped, he said. The first time, the buck was chasing does and didnt come close enough for a shot. As part of the BuckVentures field staff, they understand whitetails, and it came as no surprise when this 5-year-old deer fell to a Reed. About 45 minutes later, he heard a leaf crunch to his right. "The buck I missed was the sixth one to run through there that morning," said Hooper, a former Jackson resident now living in Benton, Ark. This time he got a gross non-typical score of 261 3/8, with a net of 230 7/8. Much to his surprise, he turned, and there stood Lefty about 70 yards away. The next day, Luke Wilson was back in the same stand at 3:30. Wilson kills 25-point buck that produces nearly 190 inches green. Articles may contain affiliate links which enable us to share in the revenue of any purchases made. The buck dropped close by, but as Watson climbed down the tree to make a follow-up shot, the strap on one of his climbing sticks broke and he fell roughly 17 feet to the ground. In 2011 the buck blossomed into a true shooter. That beat the record set by Ayecock in 2015 with a Drew County buck . Gordon Whittington talks with Steven Sprout about the trophy buck he took back in 1998 while bowhunting public land in Illinois. That would intimidate most hunters, but he commonly uses a boat to get to and from his best spots. It was a 5 X 7 main-frame 12, with one one-inch drop tine and several sticker points off the brow tines and other tines.. This deer stepped out on an old road directly across the patch from the shoot house I was in, Hooper said. Four hours later, Latimer returned, and followed the trail 140 yards to where the buck had fallen. I cant wait to see you again and tell you about this one., Jacob Latimers Kentucky BuckScore: 170 inchesDate of Kill: Sept. 30, 2021Location: Montgomery County, Ky.Weapon: Compound bow. Doctors said he only had weeks to live. Three double-digit tines of 10 2/8 to 13 5/8 inches, plus 7 1/8- and 9 3/8-inch brows and a 21 3/8-inch inside spread, add plenty to this regal crown. Buster was a magnificent animal and exceeded our expectations, Kamps said. Lightning had struck him for the third time! Can Coolers | An Official Journal Of The NRA, Find More Great NRA Publications Perfect For Every Interest, Discover Everything That The NRA Has To Offer. Is This Gagger Monster Buck the New State Record? Hunters in Texas have killed 200 bucks since 2010 that made book. Ryan did have one other encounter with the buck that season, but it was while he was taking his 7-year-old cousin out for his first-ever deer hunt. Fowler's buck scored 212 6/8 making it the #12 All time Non-Typical in Arkansas Matt Howard had the biggest Typical that scored 172 6/8 making it the #44 largest typical in Arkansas to date. Bucks like this in New Hampshire on public land are far and few, Martinson said. The G3 on the right had three stickers and the left G3 had two. I turned in his direction and prepared to shoot. He was bowhunting from the ground with some natural brush around him. I remember telling them, 'It's going to be a perfect morning in the morning. Rather, there's a short muzzleloader/shotgun season. His summer and winter ranges didnt change much. Knowing it wasnt a great shot, Johnathan called a buddy who had a tracking dog. Mike Clerkin heads to Buffalo County, Wisconsin to bowhunt whitetails. Big Bucks of Arkansas for 2010 Deer hunting is my peace. Hooper realizes his good fortune, even if the story belies just how good a shot he usually is. He had high hopes for the afternoon hunt. March 3, 2023 |Timber 2 Table Wild Game Recipes, March 1, 2023 |Timber 2 Table Wild Game Recipes, The story of Preston Halls two-year quest for a monster buck on state ground. He fractured a bone in his right . Arkansas deer usually score around 120 to 130 inches, Moreland says. County: Hunter: Date : 221 1/8: non: Washington: Richard Little: This deer means so much, Reed said. Hall hunts some swampy ground, and some of it is navigable by water. Ive dreamed of a deer like this my whole life. The DNR estimated 574,000 hunters spent 8.7 million days afield during the 2017 deer season, and harvested 376,000 deer for a nearly 50% success rate. On Nov. 23, they decided to move in. The Pope and Young Club's minimum score for world record non typical whitetail bucks is 155 inches, which would be a great deer, likely with a great camp story to match that would only get better with . Discover the Most Dangerous (Deadliest) Animals in Arkansas; WATCH: Sharks biting alligators, the most epic lion battles, and MUCH more. Ryan Sullivan was only 19 when, during the 2013 season, he arrowed an Arkansas buck of gigantic proportions. He closed the remaining distance needed to get within range, dropped into a kneeling position and took the shot. Moreland, who always brings his camera along to film hunts, talked to the rolling camera for about 20 minutes before settling into his climber to wait. When it walked into the open, she touched off the 75-yard shot. 3 Men Cited for Poaching 34-Point Buck | MeatEater Hunting Registration on or use of this site constitutes acceptance of our Terms of Service. X-Vision Optics long-range ImpactThermal Scope (TS300) boasts a 640 x 480 thermal sensor that can detect big game well past 3,000 yards. They were very happy for me to take this buck. Stephen Tucker's non-typical record once the largest hunter-killed non-typical in the country was taken in Sumner County in 2016 and is the fourth largest non-typical of all time. Halls bruiser gross-scored 212 3/8. . I was sick as he pranced off with his nose in the air. There was an additional sticker off the left main beam. It took a while, but they started to figure things out. Then, later in the season, he finally crossed paths with the deer one last time. The region is unique to Arkansas in that it doesn't have a traditional rifle season. This deer is one of the biggest that I have ever seen and one that could hold the record for a very long time! The shot was 25 yards and I rattled him" into range, he said . Arkansas resident named Stan Whitt, . We got permission on a new property in early July of 2021, and thats the first time we got him on camera, she said. Official B&C measurer Glen Salow came up with a 'green ' gross score of 258 7/8 inches. The majority of these came from Maverick (28), La Salle (24), Webb (23), Dimmit (20) and Kleberg (11) counties. Deer was killed in Clarion County, Pa. , weighed 412 lbs. But I promise yall this, I feel my dad more now than I ever have. 186'' GIANT BOW BUCK!!! | The Tale of Road Runner - ARKANSAS - YouTube Yes, the two most giant bucks ever didn't fall to the bullet or arrow of a hunter. On the afternoon of Oct. 13, Moreland finally got the shot hed been waiting for. I settled the crosshairs where I needed to place the bullet and steadied the rifle. He never looked back; he just kept walking. Stan Potts heads to Montana with his rifle in search of a Big Sky buck. Whitetail deer harvest in W.Va. grows by more than 12 percent in 2022. He threw up his head and was looking around. Before the hunt, Lance and his dad were talking and couldnt decide on which stand to sit. Despite having broken off a 9-inch tine on his left side when he crashed, there was no ground shrinkage. They both laid their ears back and stood their hair up, Hall says. The doe he was following came right beneath my platform.. A coyote ran out of a nearby thicket and spooked the buck past his stand, but with no possibility for a shot. That's the beauty of hunting. I hunted him pretty hard, but never encountered him.. However, this 4-year quest came to fruition on the most stereotypical whitetail rut day on the calendar for most of North America: Nov. 15. The big buck was right behind her. I noticed on my iPad that it was 1:50 p.m., so I figured Id better keep my eyes peeled in case something came by.. He was hunting an area mixed with crops, hardwoods and thick cover. Throughout the day, we saw a few bucks that I rattled in, one being a nice 4-year-old, Kamps said. He had a little standoff with the 10-pointer, with them grunting at one another. They didnt have any encounters with the deer until after the rut. On Nov. 24, Hall launched his boat around 9:30 a.m. and reached his stand half an hour later. He was sitting in a blind on the edge of where CRP, timber and a food plot meet. Around 2:30, Hall heard some deer and spotted two does walking through the water. As he left his tree stand to get a better shot at the buck, the strap on one of his climbing sticks broke, and he fell some 17 feet to the ground. The moment Moreland got photos of a buck with wide, heavy antlers and what looked like 15 scoreable points, he made the decision to target only that deer. Its not as common, however, to see that monster buck taken with traditional equipment. Ryan says, "I could have killed this deer with a rifle if it had been legal. Once there, they followed blood and found the deer in a logging road about 75 yards into the tracking job. Besides how big he was, I couldnt keep my eyes off the double drop tines.. Ryan's foresight and patience were mature beyond his years. Ryan is a native of the region and the son of a farmer. Wilson sat back down in his tripod stand, realizing how he stuck out in the huge cutover. The deer ran 40 yards and expired. Check out these 10 monster bucks that were taken throughout the country. Hooper waited 15 minutes before starting the recovery. I sprayed some Tinks Doe in Heat Urine, more to check the wind direction that anything else, he said. "When we recovered the deer, his head was leaned on a sapling, propped up. Later in the afternoon, he heard a thunderous crash in the clearcut. State-by-State Hunting Data | Archery Trade Association The Boyett buck sits at . Lee, Im not going to be able to hunt with you this year, his father said. It walked down a trail, turned broadside and offered a 20-yard, slightly-quartering-to shot opportunity. The colossal deer has a 25 2/8-inch inside spread, two tines over 13 inches and superb mass. Pike County hunter kills giant non-typical 25-point buck The Land of Giants: Where the Biggest Bucks Were Killed in the Last I just love chasing big white-tailed deer., Lynn Jareds Kentucky WhitetailScore: 171 inchesDate of Kill: Sept. 7, 2021Location: Clinton County, Ky.Weapon: Bowtech compound bow, Lynn Jared grew up hunting in the hills of Tennessee, and now also hunts in Kentucky. Does it get any better than that? The 2021 pre-season kicked off, and the 7-year-old Lefty was nowhere to be found. He grabbed his bow, drew back, settled the pin, and took the 22-yard, broadside shot. Gordon Whittington talks with 13-year-old Troy Metzger about the 2016 hunt that landed the young man a monster non-typical buck on this edition of Big Buck Profile. Justin, his brothers, and his father targeted this deer in hopes of arrowing it. Hubert Collins' beast is the biggest buck you've probably never heard of, and one of only two typical whitetails in the Pope and Young top 10 that are not from . Well, not so in this situation. Whispering 'fire in the hole ' while floating the crosshairs on the spot, I gently squeezed the trigger until the recoil removed the buck from my view. If you have a deer you would like us to consider listing here e-mail us with a picture, story and details. Matt Reed tagged his biggest whitetail buck ever on Kentucky's September 3rd archery opener, after eying the buck all summer. He was just a special deer, and very much a result of patience in both management and hunting. Likewise, the last 200-class buck to break into Boone and Crocket Club's list, which includes gun-hunted deer, was also killed in 2003, and 2000 before that. The larger buck snort-wheezed twice. The 2021-22 deer season is a wrap, and some big whitetails fell between the opening and closing bells. About an hour into the afternoon hunt, a doe appeared about 100 yards away and walked down through the finger of trees. ARKANSAS TROPHY BUCK, RANDOLPH COUNTY, ARKANSAS, DEER - Boa247 It brings me to tears thinking of dads face when I told him the news. Being a right-handed shooter, this was an impossible shot. [], This is an easy two pot meal, one for the venison stroganoff and one for the starch that can be prepared at home or at the camp. Taking any deer with a traditional bow is an accomplishment, but shooting a giant buck with a traditional bow can be a truly once-in-a-lifetime experience. Im a pretty good rifle shot; for some reason it comes naturally to me, and I dont typically miss. He settled in for the afternoon sit and waited for deer movement. The biggest buck entered so far was a 195-2/8" behemoth shot in Drew County, Arkansas. I glanced over and all I could see was antlers, he said. '. Hunter finally catches up with his 'ghost deer' in Clay County Lefty showed up on camera after a long Tennessee rifle season.. After the initial congratulations were over, the brothers walked to the spot where the buck had dropped. Rarely do you see a buck with a drop tine, let alone two of them. During the offseason, he used HuntStand to find and mark numerous stand locations to target this deer. Edey, Big Ten champ No. 5 Purdue outlast Wisconsin 63-61 By 3 p.m., he was harnessed to the tree and ready to go. Although he doesnt remember the fall, he does remember picking himself up, walking over to the buck, and putting another arrow in him. He would have been the first person I told. Its hard to put into words. He had cameras at the private hunting lease he hunts with his brother, Josh. While in Mississippi, Hooper made many friends and became a serious deer hunter, joining a club in Scott County. Copyright 1998 - 2023 Mississippi Sportsman, Inc. All rights reserved. Did I hit him in the leg? It ran 177 yardsan incredible distance for a deer with a 190-grain broadhead inside of him. Watts shot the buck at about 50 yards with a rifle chambered in 6.5mm Creedmoor. He was directly downwind of me and lifted his head and sniffed," Ryan recalls. He said he knew hed hit the buck based on the deers reaction at the shot, but . I finally decided to take a chance and take off work. Typical: 186 1/8 inches. Again, Moreland tried to call his buddy with the tracking dog again, but couldnt reach him. Unfortunately, the spike spotted Latimer move, and started to ease off. It was about 100 yards . Berryville buck surprises archer - Arkansas Online To his right and rear were stands of thick timber that opened in several spots, and to the left was more meadow with intermittent timber. In fact, going into 2013 he'd shot two net Boone & Crocketts: one a non-typical scoring over 200, the other a typical from public land. Hunter charged with illegally bagging trophy buck We purchased more cellular trail cameras. Virginia The second time, I actually drew back, Hall says. He was about 50 yards and I was going to have to shoot left-handed, which I didnt want to do.. Its hard to justify shooting a spike or forkhorn when you know there is a Boone and Crockett buck in the area. I had just built a rifle but hadnt set the scope. Still, he never caught up to the deer during the 2018 season. The right beam was 26 4/8 inches long, the left 24 3/8. Several years ago, Lee was able to purchase the property right next to his father, and they both began hunting there. Copyright 1998 - 2023 Mississippi Sportsman, Inc. All rights reserved. The story of Loyd's Arkansas buck shows why effective deer management in many states is creating the potential for record-book . Zach Edey had 17 points and 19 rebounds as No. Bobby Cleveland has covered sports in Mississippi for over 40 years. After a quick congratulatory text, Ryan looked up to see a trotting doe. Konschak was hunting deer in nearby property and said he killed what he thought were . The one on the right was 4 inches. Don't Miss:Is This the Largest Buck of the 2019 Deer Season? This buck is known as the Missouri Monarch. The spread was 16 5/8 inches, and the longest tines were the two G2s at 8 1/8 and 7 7/8 inches. His spot put him facing eastward out into the field. The doe came by, and I knew he was fixing to come right past me.". The 16-point buck has been scored before deductions at 210 by Terry's Taxidermy in Oklahoma City, which would make the animal the largest typical whitetail ever killed by an Oklahoma hunter. Lee Dixon and his father have been hunting together for 28 years. He was running away from me, and it was a snap shot. I saw him on camera in 2013, and he had grown a tremendous amount. This buck means a lot to me because of my grandaddy, Jimmy Hill, Lance said. Several minutes later, the deer started moving again. Both bases were right at 5 inches, and the main beams were 23 inches, Wilson said. Ryan hunted this buck for four years on family property. Score: 155 inches. He missed. HUNTING TIPS OF A REAL PRO. Subscribe to OL+ for our best feature stories and photography. That anxiety would have been a lot worse had he known the full extent of the bucks antlers. My two boys were familiar with the buck, as they go through pictures with me. I moved 150 yards downwind of his bedding area and started rattling, Lee said. What is the biggest buck killed in Arkansas? Lance Hill brought down this 4 -year-old whitetail much earlier than most hunters have a chance to go hunting. She came in and started eating, but he caught our wind, Reed said. His father passed away in October. Luke Wilson of McComb was stunned when he and his brother walked up on the big buck Luke had shot minutes earlier in a big cutover on his deer lease in Pike County. Arkansas Bowhunter Falls From Treestand After Arrowing the Biggest Buck This, however, wasn't the last of the action. We called the buck Spider Man because we had hundreds of velvet pictures of him with a spider web in front of the camera.. To our knowledge, no one had seen this buck, and there are no trail cam pictures of him, Hooper said. However, when it happened, he was focused on finishing the job. I was trying not to pass out. So was Lefty. His stand location was in a draw between two ridges that led to a destination ag field. After a wait that seemed like an eternity, the doe finally started walking . It worked, Lee said. The rack's 21 6/8-inch inside spread certainly helps to show off its unique character. I absolutely worked my tail off to get an opportunity at this buck. I ran to the house and headed straight to Dads, he said. If he had any chance of killing the deer with his 50-pound Toelke Whip longbow, Johnathan was going to have to get the buck in close again. The 186-Inch Arkansas Longbow Buck with Seven Lives "I had class on Tuesday and Thursday, so I hunted Friday through Monday. He was set up in a blind along a fence row between two cut cornfields. Hall just couldnt seem to be there at the same time as the buck. He waited until the deer got behind a tree and started to move, but Lefty heard him, and stopped cold in his tracks. Its where I untangle my mind., Jason Lucas Illinois WhitetailScore: 168 inchesDate of Kill: Dec. 8, 2021Location: Central IllinoisWeapon: Mathews Triax compound bow. Dan Taylor, 33, of Shinglehouse, McKean County, bagged a massive 10-point with a 19-inch spread on the opening day of rifle season in north central Pennsylvania. but he got way bigger. He passed the deer in hopes of it returning the following season. An hour or so later, at 7:30 a.m. on Dec. 22, Hooper would realize his good fortune when a bigger buck, not showing the rutting behavior of the many that had passed that morning, suddenly appeared. Watson has been bowhunting on his familys 450-acre farm since he was 10. BIG BUCK CLASSIC: Pair of champions earn their crowns - Arkansas Online The deer instantly whirled and ran out of sight . Mississippi County is in the far-northeast corner and borders both Tennessee and Missouri. Bucks over 200 pounds in the state receive a patch to display on [their] hunting jacket. At least I think there were six. I never saw him on the three cameras we had out, but Id seen him when I couldnt shootearly mornings going to work, or at night past shooting hours, Hill said. His late grandfather started JJ Ranch in 1961, but passed in 2009, and its been worked by the family ever since. He decided he would try to take a deer with it.