It contains hundreds of articles that regulate virtually every aspect of the work we do for the state. Local 1000s Program Technician Committee met with CalHR on June 18. Any required course which might lead to an AA, BA, BS, MA, MS or Ph.D. Human Service Certificate Program courses. Shall not be suspended for five (5) days or less when facing discipline. If the employee arrives to find the position changed or no longer needed, the employee shall not be required to work that position, but may be offered an alternate assignment. When determining seniority for a specific position, the seniority will be calculated up to the last day of the pay period prior to the final filing date of the JOB. Clerks and seeks to change the way the night differential is This does not preclude payment of such expenses, at management's discretion. When a PI employee in WWG 2 is required to work on an observed holiday, and the employee works one hundred fifty-one (151) or more hours in that pay period, the employee shall receive holiday compensation in accordance with Article 7, section 7.1(G). preserve our members rights during the current BOE Out-of-class pay shall not be considered as part of the employee's base pay when computing the rate due upon promotion to a higher level. who are currently teleworking and in the office one (1) day a The Task Force recommendation will be implemented no later than June 30, 2021. PEPRA Definition of "Pensionable Compensation", Alternate Retirement Program (ARP) - New Employees. Employees must assume the assignment within sixty (60) days of the posting of the bid results. Limit On Bids: An employee may not make more than one (1) successful bid each twelve (12) months. Employees who are brought into CalPERS membership for the first time on or after January 1, 2013, and who are not eligible for reciprocity with another California public employer as provided in Government Code section 7522.02(c) shall be subject to the "PEPRA Retirement Formula." Employees who laterally transfer after November 1 will be precluded from the bid process until the next open bid process. These are the workers on the front lines who drive Lottery The coaching differential shall be subject to the following conditions: The school superintendent or designee(s) shall select the coaches and the maximum number of head coaches and assistant coaches receiving the coaching differential; A coaching assignment may be terminated at any time by the school superintendent or designee; The coaching differential shall be paid to the exempt teachers at the conclusion of the coaching activity; Exempt teachers who are assigned coaching duty and perform for less than an entire season, shall receive the coaching differential on a pro rata basis; Special School exempt teachers who receive the coaching differential are not entitled to overtime, or any other premium pay; Coaching position vacancies will be advertised. employees who use sick or vacation leave on an office assigned Article 22, Article 23, etc. Steps are credentialed years of service. The Fresno Action Committee, the Joint Labor Management Committee Exempt Special School teachers of the Department of Education who are required to perform coaching duties in athletic or drama events or the yearbook will receive a coaching differential in accordance with the schedule listed in 22.10.3. California (effective 1/1/2020 through 6/30/2023). Technology (IT) Apprenticeship Program offers Sacramento-area DSS has already begun the process for The departments shall continue existing practices of disseminating education and training information. members from the Driver Safety branches across the state. use of mandatory overtime and other chronic issues. 4 state workers in California. Effective August 1, 2007, all CDCR, OCE, Unit 3 eligible employees shall be precluded from using Vacation/Annual Leave credits, except: As provided for in section 8.16, FMLA and 8.18 Work and Family Participation; or. The parties recognize that when the State deems it necessary to fill a vacant position, the needs of the State must be given first priority. . Employees may accrue up to one hundred (100) hours of compensating time off. Employees who have received notice for a drug and alcohol test that was mailed or given to the employee prior to the employee's employer's receipt of the employee's request to deactivate from commercial driver status must complete all such outstanding random tests. work to as many state employees as possible through the Employees who laterally transfer after May 1 will be precluded from the bid process until the next open bid period. The employee with the most seniority will be offered the position. Protocol. illustrating the gender pay gap in state civil service. Employees who withdraw will be assigned at management's discretion. Bidders must meet all requirements of the posted position, including any special requirements (e.g., language skills, Veterans status, etc.). "Standby" is defined as the express and absolute requirement that an employee be available during specified off-duty hours to receive communication regarding a requirement to return to work and be fit and able to return to work, if required. SEIU Local 1000 Tentative Agreement for 2010 Contract. Pregnancy, childbirth, and baby bonding are not considered an injury or illness. UNIT 4 ERP Consultant - $260 Healthcare Cash Payment SEIU, Excluded & Exempt FAQs Such assignments may be advertised where appropriate, but will be filled through the sole discretion of the State. Driver Safety Branches to the public. The vacant assignments that have been determined by management to be filled by bid shall be subject to the terms and conditions of this section. In the event the employee fails to report for duty because of illness or injury, the employee may be required to provide medical verification in accordance with section 8.2 of this Contract. status and future of Health and Safety Committees at all five Both parties agree and understand that a different type of overtime payment (cash or CTO) may be provided to employees at different times and may even be different for employees in the same or similar situations. Nearly 200 elected bargaining representatives from up and down (NOTE: this list, which is attached to this packet, does not list specific classes, as not all classes within a subject area may be considered job related. information about the process, and we verified that we never Employees may not separately file out-of-class grievances and position allocation or reallocation grievances pertaining to the same duties and responsibilities. Gavin Newsom and the Legislature imposed pay cuts on them last year . stewards and hundreds more who heard the call at listening Work in excess of two (2) mandatory overtime shifts per work week. (Cal/OSHA)regardingworkplace violence incidences. 2023 Contract Campaign Underway: Bargaining Team - SEIU Local 1000 Services (CCHCS) executive management to discuss the Toll Collector vacant positions will be filled in the following order: Permanent full-time Toll Collectors who are currently assigned to the toll bridge where the vacancy exists and who have a valid Post and Bid Request on file shall be offered first right of refusal to the vacancy in seniority order. PLP 2020 must be used before any other leave with the exception of sick leave and Professional Development Days. shall come out of the department's fifty percent (50%) and thus are not available for this post and bid process. Employee's legal obligation requiring that the employee relocate to another area. Vehicles (DMV) to discuss the Field Office Temperature Screening When CalHR proposes establishment of a new classification or modification of an existing one, it shall inform the Union in writing of the proposal. Management shall make every attempt not to schedule BU 20 LVNs: More than four (4) involuntary overtime shifts per month, effective January 2, 2020,and no more than three (3) overtime shifts per month effective July 1, 2021, and implement reductions in accordance with Article 19.38 and the Joint Labor Management Task Force; or. Employees applying and selected under this section waive any rights to claim moving and relocation expenses. For items not listed here, please contact CalHR Labor Relations. received a notice from the Department on this issue at which Disputes over whether or not the duty statement is consistent with the class specifications shall be resolved through the grievance procedure. Submit completed application to Chief of Nursing Service at your institution making sure that courses listed meet the requirements stated for eligibility. $3,000 bonuses, 10.9% raise in first California state union contract of No employee shall submit more than four (4) Employee Opportunity Transfer applications during an open period. Through the establishment of a volunteer overtime seniority system, departments will endeavor to reduce the amount of mandatory overtime by distributing overtime among volunteers as permitted by operational needs, security, health, safety, and emergencies. Local 1000s Office and Allied work force met with state OF COLLECTIVE BARGAINING AGREEMENT FOR BARGAINING UNITS 1, 3, 4, 11, 14, 15, 17, 20 and 21 . provide a mechanism for uniform recognition by the State for Call forced to work out of class closer to resolution. met with management to continue to negotiate the impact of the We have been Upon request, post orders and duty statements will be provided for each of the positions prior to the meet and discuss. Employees who fail to adhere to the agreed upon conditions of the exchange shall be denied subsequent requests to exchange days off. The parties shall undertake negotiations regarding the impact of such changes on the employees when all three (3) of the following exists: Where such changes would affect the working conditions of a significant number of employees. The protest period will be three (3) working days from the date the tentative "award" is posted on the EDDNet. Rest periods may not be accumulated nor may rest periods be used to "make-up" time. The following articles/sections of the Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) as the articles/sections apply to Unit 4, unless stipulated otherwise, shall also apply to Seasonal Clerks. On Friday, April 15, 2022, our Union met with the California If such bid or position creates a nepotistic situation, notice must be given to the Union. At the time of an employee's annual appraisal, the employee's duty statement shall be reviewed, and if necessary, updated to reflect his/her current duties. members. Employees who appeal a drug or alcohol-related adverse action or reject on probation to the SPB shall automatically be deemed to have withdrawn with prejudice any related grievance filed pursuant to Article 6 of this Contract and shall have no right to file any additional grievances related to the adverse action or rejection on probation. Courses granting continuing education units do not qualify. three months and ended the week frustrated by a continued lack of who is qualified to receive it. Standards for Workplace Violence Prevention in Healthcare, which President Yvonne R. Walker. All determinations shall be through express mutual agreement of the Union and department. Telework Policy as well as the most recent update to Phase 3 of For this time period, the following provisions apply: All health benefit-eligible SEIU Local 1000 represented employees will receive a monthly payment of $260 and will be ineligible for the Flex-Elect Benefit Plan cash option. Eligible employees may participate only in the employee's institution's P&B process. Employees are responsible for keeping management apprised of the employee's schedule and whereabouts, must receive approval from management for the use of formal leave (e.g., vacation, sick leave, personal leave) and for absences of one day or more, and must respond to directions from management to complete work assignments by specific deadlines. Using, or having access to, confidential information available by virtue of State employment for private gain or advantage or providing confidential information to persons to whom issuance of this information has not been authorized. On When such an employee is called back under these conditions within four (4) hours of the beginning of a previous call or an additional call is received while still working on an earlier call back, the employee shall not receive an additional four (4) hours credit for the new call back. Agreement submitted to the Legislative Analyst and Members of the Legislature: 8/30/2019. Should CDCR management determine that in the future, ACLS training will be required for RNs, the Union will be notified, and this provision shall be reopened at SEIU Local 1000's request to meet and confer over this provision. one of many meet and confers weve had starting in 2021 - The lists above as modified by any successful protest(s) shall be the sole determinants of seniority for post and bid selections during the respective bidding periods. /2010_contract_tent_agreement_summary by SEIU Local 1000 - Issuu When it is determined that there is a lack of work, a department head or designee may: Pay the PI employee in a lump-sum payment for accumulated vacation leave credits; or, By mutual agreement, schedule the PI employee for vacation leave; or, Allow the PI employee to retain the employee's vacation credits; or. The Union and the employee will be notified within five (5) business days of the denial. Announced on February 20, the annual award will go to everyone Either party reserves the right to submit recommendations in addition to the joint report or if a joint report cannot be agreed to by both parties. New Regional Offices: When new Regional Offices are established, DGS shall advertise and accept applications from employees statewide. On Thursday, August 25, 2022, our Union met with The Franchise Below is a downloadable version of thelatestcontract. job duties and responsibilities that Unit 4 members deliver on a our 4% general salary increaseone of the many outcomes that we Upon ten (10) work days advance notice to the department head or designee, the department shall provide reasonable time off without loss of compensation for an incumbent permanent employee to take the Class A and/or Class B commercial driver's license examination, provided: The employee is required to have the designated commercial driver's license and endorsement(s); The examination is scheduled during the employee's scheduled work hours; The examination does not interfere with operational needs of the department; and. Guides working an evening tour will not be scheduled for the next shift within ten (10) hours of the employee's ending evening tour shift, unless mutually agreed upon between the supervisor and Guide. Meal periods shall not be counted as part of total hours worked except for those employees who are required by the State to perform assigned duties or remain at the employee's work station during meal periods. The Bargaining Team's job includes: Bargaining and making decisions at the negotiations table and working with the Contract Action Team to ensure strong activity at the worksites to . partnership between SEIU Local 1000 and the California Department Any ties shall be broken by lot. Upon request of the Union, the State agrees to consult with the Union representatives on the development of a written student discipline program. represented Hearing Officers would act as both advocates and Memo, where DMV member-leaders ensured represented employees salary and impacts of the new classification. Eligible surplus employees shall be permitted to apply and compete for vacant positions of the employee's current class or other classes to which the employee can transfer, pursuant to the SROA process. State Safety retirement members first employed by the State on or after January 15, 2011, and prior to January 1, 2013, are subject to the "State Safety B Retirement Formula." The specific posts that comprise the seventy percent (70%) and the thirty percent (30%) will be established through a meet and discuss. A department will provide the initial work schedule to Seasonal Clerks as specified in 18.3(C) above. A department head or designee shall authorize bereavement leave with pay for a permanent or probationary full-time State employee due to the death of the employee's parent, stepparent, spouse, domestic partner (as defined in accordance with Family Code section 297), child, grandchild . Plan and update to the COVID Prevention Policy. Record keeping for accounting, reimbursements, or documentation relative to other applicable statutes, such as the FMLA, is permitted. The State shall meet and confer with the Union over the effects of any changes made pursuant to this section. Management shall have the option each fiscal year to compensate employees up to forty (40) hours with CTO. in this meeting was largely the same as we had learned in our Unit 4 Bargaining Update for Tuesday, July 16, 2019, Unit 4 workers seek to Highlight Upward Mobility Language to Ensure it Applies to all Workers, Unit 4 Bargaining Update for Tuesday, July 9, 2019, Unit 4 Members Tell State Negotiators its time to Invest in its Employees, UPDATE: Meet and Confer with DMV on Reporting for Unplanned Absences, GeoPay Task Force Presents and Releases Report, Click here to read the GeoPay Task Force Joint Report, SEIU Local 1000 Updates for the Department Motor Vehicles (DMV), New bargaining team members elected as work begins on 2020 contract negotiations. The PI employees must either meet the requirements of Rule 277, or have reinstatement rights to a permanent position, to be eligible to participate in the post and bid process. If the State does not schedule CTO within one year from the date the overtime was earned, the State must provide cash payment for the overtime or may, at the request of the employee, extend the time the employee can take CTO. Where operational considerations permit, a department may establish a telework program. the upward mobility program and process and writing An employee who has an adverse personnel action with an effective date within twelve (12) calendar months which relates to the employee's job performance will be precluded from participation in the bid process. Each call center shall provide the Union with a copy of the final ergonomic evaluation report within thirty (30) days after the evaluation is performed. a decade ago. A Teacher, Specialist, may acquire tenure only as a teacher. Students shall be assigned according to the established policies. If these occur, the employee shall have the right to bid again. All full-time DJJ/CEA Unit 3 eligible employees shall be permitted to retain the Vacation Leave credits accrued prior to the termination described in paragraph A. above. team and staff met with leadership from the Department of Real The term "employee contributions" shall mean those contributions to the STRS/CalPERS which are deducted from the salary of employees and credited to individual employee's accounts. On March 29, 2021, our Union met with the State The new agreement restores previously negotiated raises that employees were scheduled to receive before Gov. Mandatory Placement: These Post and Bid provisions do not apply when management chooses to retain a Limited-Term or TAU by a permanent appointment or when an employee must be placed by mandatory reinstatement, promotion in place, changing a permanent intermittent employee to permanent full-time, placement of an employee subject to layoff, State Restriction of Appointments/Surplus lists, proper placement (i.e. SSSB funds Seniority: Defined as one point for each qualifying month of full-time Departmental Unit 20 service, with ties broken by one point for each qualifying month of full-time state service. Department of Public Health (CDPH) regarding the new Telework The survey shall be jointly conducted by the Union and the Department designee.