That is to say, they were not doing hard labor in their past lives but rather harnessed their imagination and creativity while fulfilling their responsibilities. Are you a naturally gifted writer? It is a direct result of diligent, persistent, and hard work that was done in past lives. What Is A South Node In An Astrology Chart, And What Each - GOSTICA South Node Aquariuses can be playful and indulge in this attitude if theyre not seeing happiness as a way for them to make a fool out of themselves. Relationship Astrology: Soul Agreements, Karma and Past Lives A South Node is an inherited part of your soul that now describes who you are. Aquarius North Node. North Node in Aquarius and South Node in Leo Life Purpose - Astrology A Pisces South Node placement indicates that you may have lacked boundaries or a backbone. South Node Aquariuses need to make conscious efforts to deal with others at the personal level, as well to love and to not fall into the sin of being too intellectual, completely detached from their own emotions. Asouth node in Sagittariuswitha north node in Geminidenotes a person who in this lifetime has mastered the life path of being the eternal nomad traveler, moving from quest to quest, and guru to guru. Their deeds and actions were largely motivated by their selfless goals. Thats because your South Node also describes the innate talents and natural gifts you were blessed with from birth, shining a light on what youve already mastered in your previous incarnations. This is because they like being treated like equals and not having any ambition. The North Node represents our life purpose and what we aspire to become. Youre probably incredibly organized, clean and precise, because these are skills you acquired throughout the course of your many lifetimes. 2) Synastry of draconic charts. They are able to use this knowledge to prosper in the goals of current life, which are indicated by North Node Rahu in Leo. South Node in 1st House The individual has learnt to accept the assistance of others and not to plough a lonely, solitary furrow. You may have been a scientist, a librarian or an investigator; someone who needs to use critical thinking skills in their everyday lie. The South Node and Your Past Lives - California Psychics You may also have helped other mothers by being a midwife. Accordingly, individuals with South Node Ketu in Aquarius are naturally very wise and intelligent. People with the South Node in the 11th house are used to studying what seems gloomy when it comes to life and cant see their future if not having a vision. Discover Saturn in various signs for more extensive results. . And while the highest pointthe North Nodeguides you toward your ultimate destiny, the lowest pointthe South Nodetells the story of your souls history. Saturn in virgo in the 1st with Sun, Mercury and Jupiter. Past Lives & Astrology: How To Uncover Your Past Selves It might feel comfortable for the person with asouth node in Sagittariusto be constantly on the go from place to place and relationship to relationship. Thats why its important to follow the way your North Node always pushes you and challenges you, as it pulls you toward the level of karmic growth that your soul is always aiming for. Each time we will essentially be better equipped to handle them. A South Node in Taurus may indicate that your past was filled with material things and you put too much emphasis on them. Because of their highly humanistic nature, they were competent guides and team-leaders who guided their people towards betterment. Advanced Business Astrology Certification. South Node Meaning in Astrology: Who Were You In a Past Life What Your North Node And South Node Mean - Two Wander If you were born with your South Node in Aries, being on your own comes naturally to you. Making more room for play in your life. These experiences have made you naturally gifted when it comes to getting ahead and furthering your career. The 8th/2nd House Axis North Node in 8th House There is a need for the person to accept the unorthodox, to actively seek the unknown and the means to impose your own power on life. The axis of the lunar Nodes in the 5th and 11th houses can make its natives ask themselves questions about friendship and love, meaning these people need to have their priorities established, all the time. Because of how much you observed you had an opinions, you knew exactly what was necessary to change and better the system. Now, your North Node in Gemini wants you to lay down roots, connect with your local community and bring clarity to your lifes work. In your past lives, you may have been a revolutionary; someone who overthrew a brutal dictatorship. Check out my Past Life Astrology Toolkit with detailed tables to interpret my framework using your natal chart just $29USD. Without further ado, heres who you were in a past life, according to the zodiac sign of your South Node: iMaxTree;Adobe. North Node in the 8th House - South Node in the 2nd House. I can tend to escapism or to drink to excess to feel socially comfortable which also feels like this outsider energy coming through. Asouth nodein Capricorn denotes that you gain recognition from the public eye quickly, and anorth nodein Cancer suggests that you seek a more private life in this go-around. Those with Aquarius North Node (NN) often have dramatic life stories. This eventually leads them to combine the leadership qualities and creative self-expression of their Leo South Node (SN) with the idealism and altruistic qualities and inventive genius of their Aquarius . In addition to that, weak Saturn also indicates that individuals with this set of astrological combinations are easily deceived by their community members, friends, or coworkers which is a direct result of their deceptive nature in the past lives. They were likely related to secret communities which consisted of people who also had selfish desires and increased greed with whom they attempted to realize their plans. Every year and a half, the lunar nodes change signs. There can be transits that awaken their consciousness and have them giving up old behaviors in order to make room for new ones. Leos are bold, and aren't afraid to stand out in a crowd. In addition, you are used to being known and recognized in your local community for something and are less likely to go beyond the people and places you know and are familiar with. People with the South Node in Aquarius are preoccupied with what will happen with the planet in the future, not to mention theyre all the time thinking of some kind of utopia and can forget about the present. 2nd house opposes 8th house. Elisabeth is a writer and astrologer, based in Seattle. human design, Holistic Living, Manifestation, manifestor, manifesting generator, reflector, projector, generator, guide, north node feature, astrology forecast, Astrology, cancer, cancer season. The South Node is shaped similar to an upright horseshoe (in a lucky position). Tarot and the Sign of Aquarius In the metaphysical world, there is a lot of talk about . This means youre naturally gifted when it comes to strengthening your intuition and refining your connection to source. The North Node is the point in your chart that represents your life's mission. When compared to Capricorn, which is also ruled by Saturn, Aquarius is more comfortable. In a past life, you took the Aquarius trait of logic to an extreme. The North Node is the focal point of any astrological chart. Or, you can get your full birth chart through an online chart . The first step in claiming your North Node in Aquarius is to embody the highest expression of Leo (opposite to Aquarius). It is worth taking the time tostudy your south node placementto see where it is that you might be hiding out from life or the areas in which you are naturally inclined to keep your life smaller than it is meant to be, or on the road that you are already familiar with. It can be challenging to accept that they are not the experts in every field and for them to receive advice from people who know more than them in other areas of life. On the upside, I do feel like this Aquarius energy comes through in my innovative business offerings and ideas and especially merging technology with creativity. Unfortunately, the north and south node placement isnt always given when looking up a free birth chart, but some sites -, for instance - provide this information. This is similar to having Saturn in . Don't be afraid to step up and take charge as you continue on. Now, with a Piscesnorth node, opening up to multiple realities and possibilities brings them the peace they didnt even realize they had been seeking. In astrology, theres pretty much a sign for everything. Because of their good intentions towards everyone, they received a tremendous amount of honor and were celebrated within their group, network, or community. Being that your South Node is ruled by Venus . Our south node placementindicates where we are most comfortable in this lifetime. The Moon 's nodes, or lunar nodes, are two fascinating pieces of the astrological jigsaw that is your natal chart. Once they do, they can claim the spotlight and shine, spreading a message of justice. It is the very definition of destiny.. In Libra, the Element acts judgmentally, decisively, and neutrally. The nodes change signs every 18 months, approximately. . The north node shows your future, the direction you are supposed to go in. That is, do not be quick to judge and leave judgment to God except when there is direct threat to righteous beleivers. Aquarius North Node Aquarius is the humanitarian of the zodiac, which means your life's mission is to recognize the impact your actions have on the world. Thats because youve been independent for many of your past lives, which is where you get your individualistic flare from. Do what makes *you* feel good. Holy Prophet [PBUH] raised the status of and established legal rights for women which were never present before, and protected them from harrasment, and stressed duty and good treatment to mother. You could have been a pirate setting off to sea in search of buried treasure. Humanitarian ideals will always be at the core of this persons efforts, yet in this life as anorth nodein Leo, it just isnt enough. Steven Forrest in his excellent book Yesterdays Sky describes this: The South Node primarily represents unresolved wounds, tragedies, limitations and failures from the past, which potentially interfere with our ability to fulfill our soul-contracts in this lifetime. References to The Last Word of God are included not to mix Sunnah Kitab with worldly science, but to offer the best cure for worldly issues. You should also look for any aspects your South Node may be forming with other planets in your birth chart. So, with these examples, we can see how the south node is so influential in moving towards ournorth node! The south node represents your karma. I have had a past life vision of being a priestess in an emerald gown it felt like a Celtic period so maybe this is the lifetime in question. This gave them the motivation to harness their inventive talents and imagination for the good of their community and humanity. People with this placement were often adored in the past, and they lived like a royalty. Your instinct to comfort and your inherent nurturing abilities indicate that you have been a mother in several lifetimes. The North Node and South Node of the moon encode your soul purpose and past life karma into your astrological birth chart. You could have been the captain of a world famous ship or a pilot for Pan Am. Sometimes lovers feel connected, as if they knew each other in past incarnations. We can be too quick to immediately reject the qualities of thesouth nodebecause the comfort zone is looked down upon as something to avoid.