This could arguably could be in advantages unless it accidentally lasts 45 minutes after your delivered double entree Thai lunch. Breaks give students time to bond with family and friends. This typically occurs toward the middle to end of summer as some may feel like there is nothing left to do. Copyright 2022 Bright Hub Education. Pros and cons of holiday breaks Advantages of an extended school holidayThere are some obvious advantages to a vacation that lasts three weeks or longer. Holiday breaks have proven to be highly beneficial for students mental health and wellness since they allow for spare time for relaxing or doing various activities of personal choice. Boredom. Next, it helps to get away from the rat race of your daily routine. The focus for students moves away from school and onto family and culture. Usually I'll have to get up at 7 a.m. to eat, get dressed, pack, and wake up some more to get on the road at 8 am. Only half of parents are able to shift their schedule to the 4-day, 40-hour week with their employer, which means single-parent homes may not see a benefit at all. Anyone interested in becoming a writer or artist can come to monthly meetings and sign up. This typically occurs toward the middle to end of summer as some may feel like there is nothing left to do. Predictably, Santa asked her, "And what do you want me to bring you for Christmas?" Generally people spend more and more time working because they want a bigger salary. Ive recently traveled to France and realized how much traveling can benefit a person., Traveling is one way to be with your own self. The 4-day week works best in small, rural areas only. Return of Midterms: How Are Students and Teachers Feeling? The child's progress is easily monitored. One disadvantage is that a gap year sometimes results in a loss of academic momentum. Although parents might have reduced daycare needs for their children with a 4-day school week because only one day of supervision is required instead of five, the hours remain the same. Prince Harrys Spare: A Disaster from Cover to Cover, Post-Quarantine: How Parents Working From Home Impacts Family Dynamics, 7. If youre involved with athletics at school, you will still be going to practices on Monday or Friday, depending on what the extra day off happens to be. By shifting to this new schedule, districts are able to immediately cut 20% from their transportation budget. Click here for instructions on how to enable JavaScript in your browser. Traveling allows us to go outside of our boundaries. This opportunity may allow that hole to be filled., Another area to consider is that the travelling develops an understanding of other cultures and become more tolerant or intercultural differences. 11. Advantages Time With Family and Friends: When school is in session, it almost becomes a job for high school students. Eco-friendly; A better teaching and learning methods; Enhanced data and information security Centralization develops uniformity of management since the phase of planning, management, evaluation, and development of model of school and learning. Study now. There's a lack of time to develop appropriate social skills. This child learned not only that her teachers and classmates observe a holiday her family does not, but that her difference is only superficially acknowledged and respected by the school. It forces teachers to work longer hours too. Many students attend camps academic, religious, or just simply summer. Academic camps can enhance a students focus and appreciation for a specific program. While a lot of traveling has been restricted in the past year, there are still ways to travel and experience new places or old familiar settings in a safe manner. Even kids who love going to school every day feel like they need the occasional break. A curriculum, like the recipe for a dish, is first imagined as a risk, then the subject of an experiment. Currently more than one out of five American children live in poverty, and the proportion increases to one out of four for children below the age of 6 (Children's Defense Fund, 1987). Teachers help children develop a sense of moral autonomy when they discuss the consequences of undesirable behavior with children, involve them whenever possible in determining classroom rules, and regularly link limits with convincing and understandable reasons for such limits. Students juggle various responsibilities from managing six or seven classes. Lack of understanding - education and outreach programmes are needed to educate people on the importance of conserving the world in which we live. Primarily motivated students can easily start their own education. AdvantagesTime With Family and Friends:When school is in session, it almost becomes a job for high school students. Sometimes your home does not. However, there are both advantages and disadvantages. An example of data being processed may be a unique identifier stored in a cookie. I think that experience and traveling can be the best teacher. With recess time down at many schools, shortened lunch breaks, and fewer creative specials available in the United States, the experience that parents remember while growing up is very different than todays educational routines. Although numerous school districts are considering a shift to the 4-day school week, most have not made that change as of yet. In high school, students begin to explore their future career options. 7. Lacking the experience and sophistication of adults, young children are likely to miss the humor in the song. That's why almost everyone goes at least once a year on a holyday. The intensity of the Christmas curriculum in non-religiously affiliated schools and centers isolates children of minority faiths, while contributing to the development of ethnocentrism in majority children. Minneapolis: Burgess. One advantage of student-centered learning is that it can help students experience learning from a new perspective, where the focus of learning is centered around the student's needs and interests. Students can adjust to the new schedule. Advantage 2 for students: Make it more fun. Don't champion or push celebration of one holiday over another. One 4-year-old Jewish girl watched in curiosity and then, unable to restrain herself, climbed onto Santa's lap. . Rather than reintroduce themselves into academic life, many students . This allows students to access the learning material at a time of their comfort. In 1986, a September 21st Associated Press story suggested that consumers begin thinking about "stocking stuffers for the person who has everything" (Schlachter, 1986). Unless transportation costs are high in the district, there may not be many opportunities to save money with this alternative schedule. The 10 benefits/ advantages of ICT in education are enormous. Answer (1 of 3): Objectives within the curriculum can be set at different levels e.g. The problem is not only that the emphasis on receiving obscures the deeper religious meaning of Christmas, but that the expectations of many children cannot be met by their parents or caregivers. Once we've gone as far as we can go, we might have to wait a few months or even a year until their mind has developed some more and they are more capable of grappling with the topic. Such changes would include: References: Monitoring the schemes - it can be difficult to. Yet, these children recognized that Santa Claus could not have the meaning for them that he had for their majority religion peers. Encourage awareness, understanding, and inclusion, not the practice of or devotion toward any religion. For people whose parents or grandparents were immigrants, travelling to the land where their forefathers came from allows them to understand their origins and, thus, to understand their place in history. 2. The following article originally appeared in the October 1987 issue of Childhood Education magazine. First, the teachers may not have enough information about the holiday to make such observances meaningful (although such information is not difficult to obtain). Focus the education system on understandable, objective, measurable, and well-defined goals to enable schools to work smarter and more productively; 4. School vacation is a great time for students to focus on life without school and relax. These big advantages and disadvantages of the 4-day school week offer some school districts an opportunity to make budget cuts without disrupting the classroom. For the first model answer, I'm going to take you step-by-step through essay structure 2. Advantages And Disadvantages Of Package Holidays And Independent Travel Essay: Undergraduate Programs . attention all writers and artists!! These ties are reinforced each year in rebroadcasts of classic Hollywood Christmas movies such as "A Christmas Story," in theatrical performances of Christmas plays and the "Nutcracker Suite" ballet and of course, in teachers' own observances of the holiday. In larger districts, there is already flexibility built into the schedule, allowing students and teachers to accommodate their personal needs while still working or learning. It can be crowded Want to go somewhere really popular? Between homework, school, and riding the bus, they might have 12 hours away from home because of their school schedule. Extending that time commitment to 10 hours for them is a recipe for disaster. The similarities are immediately clear: Theres a lot of textbook learning and workbook exercises involved, and working with a curriculum is usually also highly structured. Then youll have games in the evening and on the weekend. DisadvantagesUnavailability of Parents:Although students have breaks, this does not necessarily mean that parents also have time off. Without these schools vacations, I wouldnt be able to see them and spend time with them.. Nevertheless, as professionals we are committed to understanding the effects of our educational methods on children and revising them when they are problematic. They have to learn how to be accustomed to a new environment and how to get along with the teachers and classmates. St. Louis: C.V. Mosby. One of our, Senior Spotlights Coming soon!! Whatever you choose to do, enjoy the holiday break! It can be difficult for students to find after-school employment. Indeed, most skilled jobs require academic training as well as a bachelor's and master's degree. Traveling enables you to become aware of differences in lifestyle - whether they are regional or national - and to learn how different people interact and generally what they base their ideas on. Body paragraph 2 should state the disadvantages of the topic. Nonetheless, holiday breaks have been proven to be more beneficial than detrimental overall. Having the time and space to catch up with the things that have been pushed aside or that might require more focus and time is equally beneficial and rewarding. In conclusion, integrated curriculum has both advantages and disadvantages. Since all children are aware of times they cried, shouted or otherwise displeased adults, they are likely to conclude that there is a good chance that Santa may find them "naughty" instead of "nice." It can close the relationship among different countries and people. Trying to accommodate other schedules is virtually impossible if your school is the only one in the area on the 4-day week. 6. Advantages of An Extended School Holiday. Required fields are marked *. It is a schedule which is popular with teachers because they get more time with their families as well. Affordability. Writing an IELTS Advantages and Disadvantages Essay. But the tourist service is better developed in Europe, for example, than in Russia. Students have to deal with many problems when they study abroad. Advantage 1 for students: Improve motivation. Academic camps can enhance a students focus and appreciation for a specific program. You can correct the work of the writer at all stages, observe that all special wishes are implemented and give advice. Under the 4-day format, teachers are using small-group discussions and practical practice as teaching tools, which improves the retention rate to over 90%. Based on 4780 reviews from. Holiday breaks have proven to be highly beneficial for students mental health and wellness since they allow for spare time for relaxing or doing various activities of personal choice. Children may lose their natural enthusiasm for learning because the textbooks are not interesting enough and there are too many drills involved; resulting in stress for the whole family. The issue of student exhaustion tends to be tied to the constant transitions that happen during a compressed schedule, which is reduced during the 4-day week. 8. On top of that, traveling can also lead to knowing new friends and possible dates., New pedagogy St vincent & Grenadines Island is a small island with limited education facilities. Disadvantages cited for the system include scheduling conflicts for summer camp and other student programs, as well as for student and parent work. Please contact a member of our staffif you would like to get involved as a HT writer or artist or if you have any questions! Travel, whether its abroad or just around the area, allows us to learn things we might not necessarily learn in the classroom. Rural school districts often look at the 4-day school week as an option because they are trying to meet tight budgetary constraints. 5. In fact, it is easy to make a case that the problems described here are not inherent in the holiday, but distortions of it. The page includes: flawed assumptions, a list of pros and cons for standards or a standard national curriculum. 4. Nicoletta Venizelos spent time in Greece over the summer and was able to see life from a different perspective. Finally, travel enables you to see some of the famous tourist spots and landmarks in the world which, otherwise, would only be experienced second hand through books and the Internet., Traveling is a common and useful way to release ourself. It creates a direct link between class work and learners need. Children, especially young ones, may not know what their teachers wish to know; they may feel uncomfortable with being singled out as a source when their teachers are so knowledgeable about the majority holiday (Hollander, Saypol & Eisenberg, 1978). They show you their views on life, their likes and dislikes, their preferences, etc. Disadvantages include regulatory scrutiny, less flexibility, and the potential to destroy value rather than create it. Talking technical : Learning how to read, reflect, and feel ings that emphasize globalization as well as moral and political relations; and attitudes, feelings and emotions during the . Moving to the 4-day schedule shifts student movement patterns, reducing the number of lost transition minutes. Flights can be expensive Because many people head home for the holidays, trying to book flights this time of year can make you want to rip your hair out. Its benefits are easy to perceive and simple to implement. For example, if a student is struggling with math, they may have difficulty keeping up with the integrated curriculum if it includes math content. Attempts to profit from the sale of goods as Christmas presents increasingly dominate media advertising in the months leading up to Christmas. At the same time, her majority peers are guided toward ethnocentrism and insensitivity by observing the imposition of their tradition on children of all backgrounds. This CRESST policy brief by Robert Linn discusses current advantages and disadvantages of standards-based accountability. While abroad I could develop an appreciation for the cultures art or music. Besides, as the English say, the grass is always greener , so we want to see the way people in other countries live and act, learn about their traditions and habits., i) advantages and disadvantages of studying abroad disadvantages: missing friends and family, talking English. 4. What educational apps are best for your child. Now, as our nation confronts multiple assaults on democratic values, we hold firm in the fight to protectand to expanddemocracy through social justice education. Best educational activities for elementary students, The most productive way students can spend their holiday. Many of the currently available curricula are written from a Christian perspective or have at least a Christian flavor, which is fine when that is what you want, but it limits the choices for Secular homeschoolers and those of non-Christian religions quite a bit. Students have the opportunity to compose articles and design graphics relating to the RHS and greater Ridgewood communities. 3. Be it any kind of a draft- the experts have the potential to dig in . The natural isolation of the rural school districts in the United States is what allows the shift from the traditional 5-day schedule to be effective. Watching a student for 10 hours over 5 days, or one 10-hour day, results in the same care cost. What is the most important about that is when you are in the foreign country you absorb their culture by spending time with them. Rosenthal, N.R. Telling children to be "good" so that Santa will be pleased and give them presents is a holdover from an earlier age with another view of child development. Secondly there is the language barrier, if you travel to a place where is spoken an unknown language for you, you . It creates a long school day for some students. Whether its a few days or a few weeks, school vacations allow students to take a step back and live their life. As for eco-tourists, they would gain greater respect for nature once they have observed it up close and personal. The recipe supplied publicly is in a sense a report on the experiment. Even though the idea of a 3-day weekend seems nice, for many employees, it isnt a reality. Not only have holiday breaks proven to be highly beneficial for mental health, but they are also undoubtedly beneficial for physical health too. Kids present a higher risk of damage to the technology in the classroom because they are still learning how to use their bodies. Thus, online learning offers students the accessibility of time and place in education. At the local level, districts save between $700 to $1,200 per student each year. As it is the law for a school to be operating for 180 days, the time vacationing would be turned into the time learning allowing us to leave school earlier. To name just a few: Sonlight, A Beka, Oak Meadow, Time4Learning, K12, and Ambleside Online. Explore New Things:During school vacations, students are able to take matters into their own hands and can relax or explore. 2. Under the 5-day format, most teachers use a lecture-based teaching style that incorporates self-study from textbooks. It is not uncommon for centers and schools to dress a staff member or parent as Santa, who then takes individual children into "his" lap and predictably asks them, "What do you want for Christmas?". Experts agree that children should be encouraged to take responsibility for their own behavior and to internalize a sense of self-control (Marion, 1981). Travel also teaches you independence, because it allows you to escape the familiar surroundings of home and stay in a strange or alien place. The 4-day school week creates a negative impact for families at or below the poverty line. Manage Settings I went to the city with my family and cousins! Firstly there is the money you will spend on traveling abroad, there is no doubt that traveling abroad is more expensive than going on holyday in your country. Schools with a 4-day week in New Mexico found recruiting to be 20% easier when compared to their 5-day counterparts. If every school district in the United States were to shift to the 4-day schedule, taxpayers would save over $4 billion. Besides, it will not only influence the local country but also the travellers themselives. Classroom appearances by Santa, along with media images of expensive toys and repeated adult questions about what children want, set many youngsters up for an inevitable feeling of loss and disappointment when expectations are not met. Working slowly. Guidance of young children. 6. Costly to implement. School becomes such a routine that an extensive amount of break could cause boredom. It is thus ironic that commercialism and the resulting demeaning of the poor, along with coarse treatment of non-Christian children, are regularly committed in its name. English. Disappointed children may feel a sense of inferiority about their family's inability to provide better presents or, as is more likely in early childhood, internalize a feeling of being undeserving. zoe to sarah lawrence! Michelle Knoll of Rasmussen College states that while a year off can be refreshing for some, being away from the classroom can result in loss of focus and rusty study skills. Copyright 2002 by the Association. Official Instagram of Ridgewood High Schools Newspaper, the High Times! If you would like to change your settings or withdraw consent at any time, the link to do so is in our privacy policy accessible from our home page.. (1985). (1986). Teacher conferences are held on the day off, as are training days, and the schools must still be cleaned. Login or create an account to save resources to your bookmark collection. Here's a reminder of the question and the essay structure. The child looked at Santa in confusion and, either unable to explain or unwilling to do so, remained silent. It is said that one in every four new HIV infections is found in people who are under 22 years of age. (1986, September 21). However, it also has negative influence on students studying abroad. Teachers do not display multicultural sensitivity when they treat Chanukah as the most important Jewish Holiday of the year, while ignoring more important Jewish holidays that do not fall in December. It is an try to describe the work noticed in classrooms so that it's nicely communicated to lecturers and learners. Additionally, our minds are broadened by the simple absorption of information, images, memories, etc. Too have a different perspective and discover things you've never seen before. That expense is often the largest line-item for a district behind labor costs. In this case, it may be more beneficial for the student to focus on math separately in order to fully understand the material. Reinforce the best teaching and educational practices already found . Travel Isn't Cheap (One of the Major Drawbacks of Travelling!) Thats why its sometimes more comfortable to travel abroad. No face-to-face meeting for interactions among peers and with . Another disadvantage to learner-centered instruction would be too much independence. Ending School Later:If some vacation days were taken away, school could end earlier for everyone. Authors Gustavo A . 3. Introduction: Development of Thematic Approaches to Learning. Students and parents do not waste time commuting. If one local district decides to go with the 4-day week while everyone else goes with the traditional schedule, then it may create scheduling conflicts within the region. Sometimes the office has an energy. The Flexnerian curriculum has disappeared to permit integration between basic sciences and clinical sciences, which are taught throughout the curriculum. This disadvantage of travelling is stating the obvious, but money tends to be an issue for travellers. The advantages include increasing market share, reducing competition, and creating economies of scale. Children's Defense Fund. Teachers take fewer days off during the school year when theyre working the 4-day school week as well. Brilliant drafts for your business studies course, ranging from market analysis to business proposal, can also be done by them. The childs progress is easily monitored. Perhaps surprisingly, research indicates that a longer school day doesn't necessarily result in better academic performances or higher achievement rates. Con: Getting up at ass o' clock. You'll find yourself in places so beautiful, you'll never want to leave! Most Jews do not hang stockings on the fireplace, decorate a tree or give their children presents on Christmas daynor do Americans of the Moslem, Hindu or Buddhist faiths. You'll be able to secure specialised jobs. That effort resulted in fewer disruptions during classroom time, which created engaged learning opportunities. An Example of Using Behavioral Therapy for Students with Disabilities: Dexter's Story, A Lesson Plan for How to Use Por and Para. It encourages learners persistence. The 4-day schedule reduces discipline issues for schools. Rural school districts are considering a shift to the city with my family and Friends: when school is most. 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