[13] The FAM is the Forest Service program office that determines what aviation resources are needed to fulfill the agencys firefighting mission. End of Chile Aerial Firefighting Season 2022. Address: 9047 6th Street Great Bend, KS 67530-9770 United States of America Telephone: 620-796-2130 623-293-2038 Email: ryan.coulson@fly-kansas.com [9] The addition of a second BAe-146 large airtanker to Neptunes Legacy contract was not envisioned by the Forest Service to be a one-time occurrence. 18, 2014, at7. E: cg@coulsongroup.com Thereafter, the agency decided to take corrective action by reopening the competition. AR, Tab 67, NextGen RFP, at M-4. [25] AR, Tab 49, Neptune J&A, Dec. 9, 2013, at 1. Mr. Coulson is responsible for the Companys overall growth and strategic direction and has led the transformation of the company into an operator of regulated financial markets for U.S. and global companies. Moreover, Neptune repeatedly informed the Forest Service that Neptune would file a lawsuit against the agency if the agency did not satisfy the terms of the parties settlement agreement. Nevertheless, USDA argues that it did not act improperly because the sole-source award complied with all applicable procurement statutes and regulations. at 439-41. Various internal meetings also took place among senior Forest Service and USDA officials, including USDAs Undersecretary for Natural Resources and Environment (NRE Undersecretary) and the Assistant Secretary for Administration (ASA),[23] in an attempt to resolve the Neptune matter. Following a May 21 meeting between Neptunes CEO, Forest Service FAM and AQM Directors and staffs, and USDA counsel, the parties engaged in a series of settlement discussions concerning the Forest Services noncompetitive award of a NextGen contract to Neptune pursuant to FAR 6.302-3 (industrial mobilization) in exchange for Neptune withdrawing its May 16 protest. at 441, 451; AR, Tab24, SPE Email to AQM Requesting Additional Neptune Information, July12, 2013, at 1-2. It offers OTC Link Alternative Trading System, an interdealer quotation and trade messaging system; OTC Dealer, a real-time, front-end application that provides consolidated quotation, trading, and information system to attract and access market liquidity; OTC FIX, which uses the industry standard FIX protocol for quote submission, trading, and routing of execution reports; and OTC Link Electronic Communication Networks (ECN) that acts as the executing party on an agency basis in relation to transactions executed on the ECN's platform. Coulsons and 10Tankers protests were dismissed as academic. Tr. In addition to its current Legacy contract (including options for more airtankers being placed under the Legacy contract), Neptune is not precluded from competing on work--Forest Service or otherwise--in the coming years. The protesters argue that the sole-source contract awarded to Neptune, which was promised in exchange for Neptune's withdrawal of an earlier bid protest, is not justified. See FAR 6.302-3. 41 U.S.C. The company has over 160,000. At no time before the J&A was approved were FIs conclusions disputed or shown to be in error. The fourth jet is awaiting delivery. Interested Party Status of Coulson and Minden. By contrast, Neptune did not provide any detail with its cost projections to RUS, so it is unclear if fuel is included, or if government reimbursement is considered. Id. Coulson's and 10 Tanker's protests were dismissed as academic. Only supported aircraft types that are active with this airline are included in the calculations. Our fleet currently features custom designed Hercules C-130s, Sikorsky S-61 helicopters, Boeing Chinook CH-47 helitankers, Sikorsky Black Hawk UH-60 helitankers, and our custom-converted Boeing 737 FireLiner fleet equipped with our proprietary RADS-XXL technology. When an agency uses noncompetitive procedures under 41 U.S.C. Id. The NRE Undersecretary also stated that, insofar as USDA counsel had determined that awarding a sole-source contract here was permitted and Neptune had airtankers available, he strongly recommended the award of two NextGen aircraft to Neptune for up to 10 years. [31] The USDA contends, citing to our decision in Merlin Intl, Inc., B-310611, Jan. 2, 2008, 2008 CPD 66, that a protester is not an interested party to challenge a sole-source award unless it can meet all of the agencys requirements at the time of the sole-source determination. D, 2012 NextGen Contract Award Abstract. In a post to Facebook, Coulson Aviation (USA) named captain Ian McBeth, first officer Paul Hudson and flight engineer Rick DeMorgan Jr as the aerial firefighting crew who died in the crash of the . Specifically, the record contains many letters and emails between Neptune and the Forest Service during this period, and reflects a number of conversations between Neptunes Chief Executive Officer (CEO) and the Forest Services Director of Fire and Aviation Management (FAM)[13] and Director of Acquisition Management (AQM). at 691, 696. Canada V9Y 8E9. AR, Tab23, RUS Financial Analysis of Neptune, June 26, 2013, at 1-4. They were short staffed on driver's so . A Forest Service technical evaluation board (TEB) evaluated offerors proposals. E: michael.strain@bowmanslaw.com. 41 U.S.C. See AR, Tab 35, USDA Email to Neptune, Sept. 17, 2013, at 1; Tr. [5] The pricing of the NextGen contracts was based on both a 160-day daily availability rate (referred to as the mandatory availability period (MAP)) and flight hours actually incurred. Tr. The protesters should submit their certified claims for costs, detailing the time expended and costs incurred, directly to the contracting agency within 60days after receipt of this decision. FAR 6.303-2 identifies information required for an agencys justification of a noncompetitive procurement, stating, among other things, that the J&A shall include . Coulson Aviation @CoulsonAviation Global leader in aerial firefighting, emergency personnel transport, and heavy lift operations operating a fleet of fixed and rotary wing aircraft. at 658. AR, Tab 144, RUS Email to USDA, June 3, 2013. at 700. 2020 This will be the third converted 737 for Coulson; the first two are identified as T-137 and T-138. Only supported aircraft types that are active with this airline are included in the calculations. On December 2, the SPE provided the ASA with a detailed memorandum and documents in support of her recommendation that he not approve the J&A. DOCUMENT FOR PUBLIC RELEASE [27] The Forest Service issued cure notices to Coulson, Minden, Aero Air, and Aero-Flite in September 2013 for failure to provide approved NextGen airtankers by the contracts MAP start dates. Protests of the award of a sole-source contract for firefighting airtanker services under the industrial mobilization exception to the requirement to conduct a competitive procurement are sustained where the sole-source contract resulted from a settlement agreement in exchange for the awardees withdrawal of an earlier protest and the record does not contain an adequate justification reasonably supporting the agencys use of noncompetitive procurement procedures. and the results or a statement of the reason market research was not conducted. FAR 6.303-2(b)(3), (5), (8). It returned to the same airport at 1:26 pm. Coulson Aviation is the first company in the world to convert Boeing's 737 commercial airliners into FireLiner tankers. 1 The average fleet age is based on our own calculations and may differ from other figures. [35] To the extent Neptune now represents a vital source, it is because of its Legacy contract. 3. Neptune then withdrew its bid protest (the parties settlement agreement was not provided to our Office). AR, Tab54, Neptune Contract No. AR, Tab 148, Neptune Settlement Contract Offer, Oct. 31, 2013. In reaching its conclusions, FI found that Neptune had based its revenue projections for years 2-5 of the Legacy contract on the base-year rates instead of the higher, option-year rates set forth in the contract. Rationale The rules do not support the issuance of a sole source award based on the fact that a firm did not win a competitive procurement or in exchange for a particular action, such as the withdrawal of a protest or [Freedom of Information Act] request. Tr. Your email address will not be published. However, FI also expressed its opinion to the SPE that Neptune remained viable (without a sole-source award) through the end of its Legacy contract (2017). Coulson Group April 10, 2022. 3553(d)(3)(A), Neptunes protest triggered a stay of the NextGen contract awards pending our resolution of the protest. AR, Tab67, NextGen RFP, atB-11. The agency anticipates issuing a similar contract modification for the 2014 fire season. If the agency determines the award of a contract on a sole-source basis to Neptune for large airtanker services is not necessary or that the contract awarded to Neptune does not reflect the agencys reasonably justified needs, the agency should terminate that contract or modify it as appropriate. [20] Id. [26] Moreover, apart from Neptunes own unsupported statements and the anecdotal views of various agency officials, the record contains no analysis or evidence of Neptunes financial condition after 2017.[36]. Coulson Aviation plans to modify the fuselage on the CH-47, cut the floor of the aircraft and install a 3,000-gallon tank, called the RADS-L (large). Robinson R44 Raven II Contact seller for price, Airbus AS350B3+ Contact seller for price, Document reveals first known Canadian UFO study in nearly 30 years now underway, Surface conditions, lack of updates led to runway overrun at Kingston airport, GoFundMe started for North Island pilot who passed away in November plane crash, Scientists are flying into snowstorms to explore winter weather mysteries, Pearson Airport to implement hard limit on number of flights allowed during peak times. Our pilots employ night vision technology (NVG), allowing our attack crews to hover fill from open water sources, and carry out pinpoint fire suppression using laser guided drop technology. AR, Tab 18, Neptune Settlement Agreement, June6, 2013, at 3. The NextGen RFP required aircraft to have a minimum payload of 2,400gallons, and a target of 3,000-5,000 gallons. See 41 U.S.C. See FAR 6.3023(b)(iii) (when the quantity required is substantially larger than the quantity that must be awarded in order to meet the objectives of this authority, that portion not required to meet such objectives will be acquired by providing for full and open competition); Honorable Dan Burton, B-265884, Nov. 7, 1995, 1995 U.S. Comp. On its third mission, it took off at 3:32 pm. Just as an agency is not permitted to make a noncompetitive award that exceeds the size or duration of an identified urgency, see FAR 6.302-2(d), an agency is also not permitted to make a noncompetitive award for industrial mobilization reasons where, as here, there has been no showing that the award is presently necessary to maintain a supplier even if deemed vital. It was retired by Southwest in August 2017, and transferred to Coulson Aviation later that month. FI also found that Neptune had based its revenue projections for the same period on the use of seven P2V aircraft, rather than six P2V and one BAe-146 aircraft (and the higher BAe-146 rates) as specified by the terms of the Legacy contract. The adequacy of the rationale and conclusions set forth in the J&A is dependent on the completeness and accuracy of the information included in the J&A. For the next three months the Forest Service tried to reach an alternative settlement agreement with Neptune. As the Australian business arm of global company Coulson Aviation, Coulson Aviation Australia also supports other Australian States with the provision of large aircraft and experienced team members. 2 Future records only include new-built aircraft close to delivery and expected second-hand deliveries. In this case, we have a competitive field and recently awarded multiple contracts on a competitive basis to five firms from a pool of eight firms that submitted proposals on the solicitation. Get both those planes back in the air and putting out the US Fires. Id., 21.8(f)(1). Coulson Protest, Feb. 10, 2014, at 55. Estimated reading time 5 minutes, 20 seconds. Please refer to the current fleet list to see each aircraft's individual age. 18, 2014, at 28. The CLINs, each of which had a 5year base period and five 1-year options, contained sub-CLINs providing the Forest Service with the option to add up to 2 additional airtankers in the second contract year and 2 more airtankers in the third through tenth contract years, for a possible total of 5 aircraft and 44 aircraft-years per line item. 16, 2013. The USDA does not dispute that its consideration of a noncompetitive award to Neptune was motivated by its promise of a sole-source contract in exchange for Neptune withdrawing its bid protest and thereby ending the CICA stay that then precluded the Forest Service from fielding NextGen large airtankers for the 2013 fire season. The TEB also provided award recommendations that were reviewed and accepted by the agencys source selection authority. . They do not include all outstanding orders as reported by aircraft manufacturers. . As relevant here, the settlement agreement stated that: the Forest Service will award the Contract using noncompetitive procedures, pursuant to 41 U.S.C. at 477-78; AR, Tab 36, AQM Director Email, Oct. 30, 2013. [11] Neptune also ordered a one-day stand down of its flight operations after learning that it had not been selected for NextGen contract award. [27] Similarly, if the protesters were to prevail in their challenge and the agency decided to meet its requirements by exercising options available to it under the NextGen contract, the protesters would be interested and eligible to receive such orders. The protesters argue that the agency put the cart before the horse, and agreed to settle Neptunes protest before properly determining that the promised sole-source award complied with CICA. After taking on a new retardant load, it took off at 1:50 pm for the second mission. Neptune would undoubtedly prefer the financial security that would accompany a long-term NextGen contract, but this is simply not the standard by which an agency is permitted to make a noncompetitive award for industrial mobilization purposes. [8] AR, Tab56, Neptune Legacy Contract, at B-3 to B-21. Offerors were permitted to submit proposals for award of any or all of the CLINs, and were informed that awards would be made on a best value basis, considering price,[5] structural integrity, maintenance, equipment, past performance, and organizational experience factors. 1 The average fleet age is based on our own calculations and may differ from other figures. & Engg Co., B-403561, Nov. 18, 2010, 2010 CPD 276 at 3; SSI Tech., Inc., B-298212, B-298212.2, July 14, 2006, 2006 CPD 183 at 4. See also Federal Acquisition Regulation (FAR) 6.302-3. R Coulson is 53, he's been the President, Chief Executive Officer, and Director of OTC Markets since . bid protest [challenging the award or performance of the Neptune contract] with no less vigor than that applied in any other bid protest filed against it. 6. at658), the agency acknowledges that the 9-year, sole-source contract awarded to Neptune was based on the industrial mobilization exception to CICA. . at657-693. In sum, the J&A and its supporting documents, as well as the agencys submissions in response to these protests and the testimony of the agency representatives at the hearing held by our Office, demonstrate that the sole-source award to Neptune was promised in exchange for Neptunes withdrawal of an earlier protest, and that there was not a reasonable basis for the agencys action. Fort Worth, TX: 69 : PROFESSIONAL AIRLINE SERVICES: Doral, FL: 42 : SOUTHWEST AIRLINES: Dallas, TX: 41 : UNITED . See e.g., AR, Tab 84, Forest Service Letter to Aero-Flite, Dec. 12, 2013. GAO Notice of Partial Dismissal (B-406920.8), June 5, 2013. While it was conducting the NextGen large airtanker procurement, the Forest . LouisA.Chiarella, Esq., and GuyR.Pietrovito, Esq., Office of the General Counsel, GAO, participated in the preparation of the decision. Your email address will not be published. Michael Strain is one of East Africa's most active corporate/M&A lawyers; based in Tanzania but also covering the wider region. [34] AR, Feb. 19, 2014, at 3-7. AR, Tab 40, Forest Service Email, Nov. 7, 2013, at1-2. Coulson Aviation Australia Global Leaders in Aerial Firefighting AERIAL FIREFIGHTING IN AUSTRALIA Our highly experienced team of aerial firefighters are an invaluable firefighting asset for Australian emergency services authorities as they fight to protect human lives, infrastructure, wildlife and vegetation. at 657-693. AG-024B-S-11-9009 for NextGen large airtanker services. In order for a protest to be considered by our Office, a protester must be an interested party, that is, an actual or prospective offeror whose direct economic interest would be affected by the award or failure to award a contract. 3553(c)(2). Shortly after learning that it would not receive a NextGen contract award, Neptune informed the contracting officer of its intent to protest to our Office unless an acceptable solution could be worked out. There are no executives at OTC Markets getting paid more. at 1. Rather, the protesters challenge the reasonableness of the agencys determination that the sole-source contract here is necessary to maintain a vital source of supply. A settlement agreement promising award of a contract on a sole-source basis in exchange for abandoning ongoing litigation, such as a bid protest, is not a permissible basis for restricting competition and excluding potential offerors. AR, Tab 69, TEB Report, Apr. Boeing 737-3H4. . 41 U.S.C. The SPE made a series of requests of the Forest Service for additional information, including Neptunes financial statements and balance sheets, Neptunes Legacy contract, and documents related to the NextGen procurement. The J&A stated the following justification for the sole-source award to Neptune: Pursuant to FAR 6.302-3(b) [sic] (i),(ii),(iii) and (vi) [sic], the use of the industrial mobilization exception to the requirement to use full and open competition is appropriate when it is necessary to--(i)[k]eep vital facilities or suppliers in business or make them available in the event of a national emergency; (ii) prevent the loss of a suppliers ability and employees skills; (iii) maintain an acceptable balance of sources; and (vi) [sic] provide for an adequate industrial base by dividing the supply among two or more contractors. [22] The agency subsequently provided Neptune with copies of both the RUS and FI financial analyses reports. Gen. LEXIS 735 at *12. With our proprietary technology, multiple aircraft types, and highly experienced attack crews we can fight fires on multiple continents simultaneously. Specifically, the agency contends that Coulson and Minden did not have additional large airtankers available at the time the J&A was signed that would be capable of performing the requirements of the Neptune sole-source contract (which has an April 28, 2014, start date). The independent financial analysis subsequently performed by FI on behalf of USDA concluded that Neptune did not require the award of a sole-source contract to remain financially viable. at480. The protesters also point to the fact that the only legitimate financial analysis conducted (the analysis by FI) demonstrated that Neptune did not require a sole-source contract to remain viable, as recognized by the agencys SPE, who refused to approve the J&A. Aircraft capable of meeting these standards and requirements are not readily available and would take a considerable amount of time to be developed and operationally ready for service. AR, Tab 49, J&A, Dec.9, 2013, at 4. We first implemented our night aerial fire suppression protocols in response to the 2009 Black Saturday bushfires in Victoria Australia. at 45. Neptune Comments, Feb.24, 2014, at 3-5, citing AR, Tab 150, Neptune Financial Assumptions, May 29, 2013 ([b]ased on denial of contracts under the Next Generation Airtanker Services Solicitation, Neptune is now faced with extinction after the expiration of the Legacy Contracts). Teb Report, Apr ( 8 ) in response to the current fleet list to see each aircraft 's age. Contract, at 1 that are active with this airline are included in the world to Boeing. He 's been the President, Chief Executive Officer, and a target of 3,000-5,000.. Parties settlement agreement with Neptune Aero-Flite, Dec. 9, coulson aviation net worth, at 55 2014 at... Teb ) evaluated offerors proposals participated in the calculations corrective action by reopening the competition protest the... 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