This one named former A/A- list singer whop did a lot of features that made her famous, got dumped by her most recent sugardaddy right after she blew a whole bunch of money on something stupid because she thought more money was coming. The dome also comes from Edward VII as someone stated as well as his grandfather. She loves children but suffers with hyperemesis gravidarum, which makes pregnancy about as uncomfortable as it can get. The story about Wills cheating is not true. Such bs. ---MM did have a first child. Oh and the Jews are chosen too. Even the rumours about Harry's supposed father are BS. There are more technical references available, but this one was an easy Google: "If both of you have brown eyes, then there is generally a 25% chance that the baby will have blue eyes if both of you carry the recessive blue-eye gene." She is not divorced, In fact she was at the state function for Donald Trump and his family with her husband, months after that false story emerged. Enty you left off the best secret. Yes, alignment with Farkle is Ill advised. I encourage others to do research to come to own opinion.The art I create and any opinions shared in this space, are protected under my right to express peacefully and aligned with YouTube policy guidelines. And I don't think the timeline lines up for that army dude anyway. Get your stories straight Enty, last blind said they had a falling out over money, Randy taking more than his half share of the Casa Amigo's sale money. Someone actually trying to play the Wills is the son of King J Carlos'? And it was 1981. Speaking of the singer in #3, there were of course all the rumors about her being HIV+ back in the day, but the blind people refer to thinking it is her, is not. He wears a coat by Martine Rose, a Margaret Howell cable-knit sweater, and checked Marni pants. Harry may not resemble Charles but he's a ringer for his grandfather. The Meghan Markle leaks wouldn't stick if there wasn't "there, there." Absolute rubbish. Off Topic: Billie Eilish rolling her eyes at other singers at the Oscars. Ive been here for many years. Was it the worst spray tan ever in the history of the world? This alliterate permanent A list singer will not see 2024. This brings to mind Bill Clintons earnest under oath testimony that he did not have sex with that woman. Spoiler alert: he did have oral sex with her.What the truth is, and what people choose to swear to, are two very separate things. Itd freak the f out of me, too. A brown eyed person can have a brown, green or blue eyed child. Wow - surprised at the surprise. At least 100, Hot damn! @mischi - Rose entertained William at his home while Kate was away. How is this outing I am confused, partners can also mean business partners, they do own the tequila company. Harry has a kid from the Vegas party. Wait William is actually not Charlies son? Also obsessed with pedophilia. Back around Halloween he was supposedly busking in Northern California. I hope that Clooney and Gerber are paying the Mexicans a decent price for the mescal. You dont get to shut down websites that challenge your personal narrative. (rumored girlfriend) Harry Edward Styles (born February 1, 1994) was a member of One Direction along with Liam Payne, Louis Tomlinson, Zayn Malik and Niall Horan. This very recognizable person who is currently attempting a new career has been strangely out of view for the last week. Links to content on and quotation of material from other sites are not the responsibility of Crazy Days and Nights. The one thing I can say for their divorce is it helped William be able to choose a more amicable marriage. He's a Windsor-Mountbatton alright. Yes this is Enty outing people but he can save his ass by saying partner because technically Gerber and Cooney were business partners. I'm not surprised. Harry Styles And Olivia Wilde Are Reportedly Dating - Los . Blind Item #13. Harry has the Windsor super close-set eyes just like his father Charles and his grandmother the Queen. Although not as strongly pronounced, I see Windsor in William as well and since there would not have been any time in the 4 months between their marriage and when they announced the pregnancy for her to dig up a lover I believe both sons are legitimate! Entry has blown what little credibility he had. It's not that bad a blind actually, just follow it in order and it pretty much lists everyone in the BRF. Shoo, fly. Oh, crikey, the Sunshine Sachs plants are here, too. This morning news anchor should really check her boyfriend's other phone. MM will get over all the hate once her bank account is nicely stacked. It is astonishing to me that people will simply take the fact that they are both redheads and run with it. She is a malignant narcissist who would have been better off marrying Rob Kardashian. Poor thing was a mess. All 3rd party information referenced, are for illustrative purposes, are NOT for malicious intent. I knew Markle was also the publicity scapegoat for Andrew as well but didnt know the surrounding circumstances. Who is running around while pregnant and breastfeeding? #3 - This now dead A- list actress who was the offspring of two people equally as high on the list, a stripper and this A list actor/director who was much younger than the actress. The information can be used for Illustrative, educational and/or transformative purposes. Sorry not genetically possible. If it did happen, if she was "checked," why on earth would I believe what the doctor said? Harry got public and vital praise for his function. Diana's mother had an affair with James Goldsmith,while still marries to Earl Spencer, this is not speculation but a well known fact attested to by named individuals in that circle and mentioned in at least one biography (weekend house parties , with revolving doors). These companies typically use a cookie or third party web beacon to collect this information. @Nutty_flavor. see comments from Goodau above those are what I heard in addition to the sacking of SS. The Queen is the head of state, with no political power, but she is also the nominal head of the Church. There's no denying Harry's genes when he could be confused for his grandfather as a younger man. Follow @Entylawyer Check out pictures of Philip in his younger years, when he was in the navy and had a beard and compare them to Harry. If one disagrees with your beliefs they simply MUST be "Meghan's PR"? Also, news leaking out from Australia about behind the scenes on Royal Tour. Wow, she is thirsty. It was rumoured that Wills' father was the Spanish King (father of the current King) at one point Harry definitely looks like his grandfather; Wills not so much like anyone. She didn't, but it is only a matter of hours or days. I wondered what he was thinking marrying her, I took one look at her and knew what her real motives were. Marrying girls with a past is no big deal. @ Count, ass off, dance off on pay per view! William not the son of Charles? He has the Windsor (as in Georges V and VI and Edwars VII) bulging eyes, the nose and the horsey teeth. And, "sentient being" as Trump pointed out in his STOU5 months and 1 week. Look at that nose of his! Any evidence? You leap to that conclusion from a bullshut story on an anonymous gossip website? Sat 12:15pm By ent lawyer. Read Share. This singer/reality star/actress who is always a victim, has been putting out feelers to this late night actor. yes - Wills is Diana all over, but look at the serious face and compare. Crazy Days and Nights: Blind Item #2 No personal attacks on other commenters. I've never heard anything about Charles not being Will's father, kind of doubt that. Oh, she doesn't know about the other phone? He believes the Rose Hanbury episode was blown out of proportion by the media. Charles has made it known when he is crowned King he will basically kick all of the royal family out of their various residences with the exception of his own direct lineage and few of his mother's elderly relatives in order to make the Royal Family more leaner economically. And it was well known the qualifications were high. William looks zero like Juan Carlos I. ?Wrong.Maybe they just dusagree with you. This pint sized comic actor is cheating on his wife. Go to bed with itchy tushy, wake up with stinky fingers. This in the news for a very bad thing design house has employees leaving in droves and despite the holiday season, their Miami location only had one customer all weekend. As recently as Monday, this morning anchor told his wife they should get back together, just to keep her from filing for divorce first. "I'll bet he did ;-) Not all of them. There's more to looks and genes than just hair color people. Please. Absolutely traumatised me. Google's use of the DART cookie enables it to serve ads to your users based on their visit to your sites and other sites on the Internet. We met 13 times before we got married (laughs). So yes, I believe she was a virgin when they married. This was a fun blind! Speaking of comics, this standup comic who still has 99% support among male comics despite the sexual assaults and statutory rapes, is about to be arrested. How long do you leave your holiday decorations up? Give me a break. There is no intention to deceive or mislead anyone under any false pretenses.Unless created as original art work using my artistic expression from my brain, any third party references that are incorporated into content are from the public domain. Who is Enty implying that William looks like here?? It is going to mess up the continuity.""No one will notice anyway, just shoot it."An actual conversation between a comic book universe executive and a producer of a very very very recent superhero. She was on maternity leave and wanted William to be able to go out and enjoy himself. "A lot of times people think that blind itemsbecause you're not naming names and most blind items never have any revealshave some kind of. Plus, they all have taken photos of her. Anyone notice there was no bodyguard in the pictures protecting her. Crazy Days And Nights operates by posting 'blind items', often just a few lines of gossip with clues embedded as to who the celebrity subject might be. I am NOT surprised, at any of this.truth. This comment has been removed by the author. How about billionaire Oprah and Gayle, who have the most invested in a half black Dutchess in the House of Windsor as some kind of triumph, instead of a tragedy (considering the zero character of the actress/Dutchess), and think everything can be covered up by good PR. Look it up. WTF? She seems to be going through the motions with husband #2 - keeping it up for appearances sake but there doesn't look to be a lot of love between them. Since the reformation? Once he started running around sanctimoniously pontificating and lecturing us plebs on how we should live our lives, he destroyed his own right to privacy. @emerald cityWhy do you say, "No doubt" Charles is William's father? This is due to emergency top up surgery he needed on his hair plugs which had started to fall out suddenly. Diana's older sister dated Charles and the rumor was she "gave it up too quickly" and then was crossed off the list as potential marriage material for Chas. This foreign born A list singer has had quite the year. So there is rightly deserved animosity toward Wallis Markle. Gotta love the boyband Stans. Damn, this Epstein stuff has been rough. It is called conversation.If you cannot be civilized, then this website needs to be shut down. I 'm just thankful Meghan saved the planet some more by flying across the Atlantic to watch a tennis match. Dad scoping out young boys. The two were on the same television show for years. Published on September 22, 2022 10:35 AM. Promoting Gucci's HA HA HA collection, the Grammy-winning singer posed in a teddy bear t-shirt next to a toddler-sized mattress. GAHHH! Enty never revealed the blinds, though, a consensus was that it was Gerber/Clooney. William was born about 11 months after the wedding of his parents.At the time, the of the heir to the throne had to be a virgin and a doctor certified this. Speaking of missing people, this foreign born singer has a long history of heroin use and disappearing for months long stretches. Where did you hear that? They don't actually care about her, but just the fame boost. +1 J, It would be like believing everyone that said they were a virgin. The north of the border singer who is closeted, has been hooking up with a foreign born openly gay A- list mostly movie actor. A MarkleB Andrew C FergieD EugenieE PhilipForeign TV Show-60 Minutes Australia F AnneG HarryH Edward H Wife Sophie, I messed the last two up. When I was in England last month I saw the initials O.W.M. If anyone is possibly a favorite grandchild, it is said to be Peter Philips as he was the first of the grandchildren. I DO NOT encourage anyone threatening or harassing others on or off this space. Yes, the world's media were watching, what is funny about Epstein and her son? No one is dressing slovenly Harry these days. What kind of moron actually believes this? She was in talks to star in a reality show with a a guy she calls her boyfriend and would marry in a second. @50 and counting. All so interesting. Maybe she should ask her boyfriend of the time who was in said movie, why she wasn't cast. No one. I see paranoia here.I see people labeling and pointing at other contributors. Which three named singer/celeb spawn of an A++ lister is developing a one woman show a la Carrie Fishers Wishful Drinking? No more stash for her. Thats what I want to know. Fergie thinks there is only room for one grifter in the BRF. @Nutty_Flavor, rumor has it that Farkle sacked Sunshine Sachs because their staff leaked a direct quote from her about wanting to break the internet. As an aside, even the RF dont see Harrys marriage lasting. Goes to show while "partners' are the new PC terms in journalism to be inclusive.people automatically assume homosexuals unless the names are automatically clear between men and woman. What were they both laughing about? "New York, are you feeling well and emotionally stable?". Doctors will break your hymen for u if its too painful. Funny, your name is one of the newer ones. Thats a lie. Diana states herself that Charles did his best on their honeymoon and she rather fell in love with him then. So is Harry Styles some biz whiz? She really didnt fall out of love for a while after that. I'm surprised this celebrity/reality star was able to maintain a relationship for as long as she did with her celebrity mentor/groomer a Maybe the acting sister would like to speculate on how the cause of death manifested itself in her sibling. Then, the fight happened. Much of the vitriol and leaks about A (alliterate one) are coming from B's (pedophile and lover of them) camp. Harry's Twitter name is @Harry _ Styles. Weak. Rose Hanbury is not divorced, though there are rumors her husband swings both ways.A Meghan Markle fan on Instagram has already admitted she made the affair up with no other facts than a story based on a reporting of William and Rose having dinner at a local Norfolk restaurant. And Princess Anne has always been a passionate woman, so it's not impossible that she would be having an affair, even at 70.The "William is having an affair" crap is straight from Meghan Markle's PR team, however. Watch popular content from the following creators: Copy of a Copy of a Copy(@songbirdsinlove), halie(@hstyles.fx), Steve Taylor(@stevenyc67), bethany(@bethany.grace03), juh. The Queen is the HoS and has many important functions. He is definitely not gay.Also, they sold the tequila business a long time ago. I think he probably regrets being married to her now that the newness has worn off. But he also looks like Ben and Zac Goldsmith especially when they were all younger (they are presumed to be his first cousins) and Diana looked like Jemima Goldsmith (presumed to be her step sister) . Since his anti-Semitic halloween gaff and that vegas stunt, Harry has been saying fuck you to the BRF. Behind the scenes, it is even worse and the talk show host has made it known that he would like a big position of power in the older faction because he is making it his life's mission to destroy the other host. Yeah, Brayson. The site publishes rumors, conjecture, and fiction. The documentary was also shown in the UK. Was there something on the website people weren't supposed to see? Before big school, Harry attended a pre-school called Happy Days. The incredible, edible egg!--FergieGreat blind Enty!!! +1 Aquagirl. I noticed this for the first time at his wedding - it was mind blowing how much the resemblance is!! Dunno but he has a really high forehead! I also saw on deuxmoi that madeline might be leaving the show because of her rise to fame and her and chases breakup drama and was wondering if there was any truth to that in crazy days and nights Or at least could be. Harry Styles/Olivia Wilde ent lawyer at 9:40 AM Share Andrew is also rumoured to be HM's favourite which adds up in light of recent (and past) events. In 2021, he became the first member of One Direction to win a Grammy Award. this is about a fourth. Answers here are obvious and repeated but regardless of who is leaking the MM news.MM is a drug-addled, long-in-the-tooth, grifting American whore of dubious breeding who will deliver to the BRF - exactly what they vitriol is organic. Blind Items Revealed #6 - Old Hollywood - Mr. X. November 18, 2022. If you are lip synching and not doing any dances, this one named foreign born permanent A list singer doesn't think you need to rehearse. The firm has known for some time that Harry was duped, but Harry is obstinate and maybe still in denial. Not until after she had the boys. William and Harry are presumed to be first cousins to all 11 Goldsmith grandchildren as well as all the royal grandchildren (Genie/Bea, Zara/Peter,Louis/James). Kicked out of Soho, kicked out of the BRF-she is now persona non grata. when requested not to abuse staff? She did not agree to a public life like the BRF and MM, or even Doria.---@JL That is false. This celebrity fugitive/awful person has locals ready to kill him. His 2nd album,, was launched on December 13, 2019. @Anna Nonymous +1 William looks like the Spencers, he looks like Diana. With family bills due, the time for fun and games and real love is over, and the barely there celebrity offspring of a former reality star from multiple shows is out earning a living yachting. brown is indeed dominant but can mean that one of the two genes for eye color is green or blue. Meghan must be ready to vacate the royal family if she's willing to throw even Harry under the bus with this massive blind. This long time married A- list singing actor ended up with three stars on the Walk Of Fame. The people involved will lie to outsiders and themselves. The former A-/B+ list actress/A- list singer has one version of events for not starring in an iconic movie. On the surface, they pretend they are friends, but underneath that superficial spray tan glow, it is a war. Do two half-princes add up to a whole one? For several years, this foreign born alliterate A+/A list mostly movie actress was the mistress of the guy second in charge at an initialed studio. William and Kate were also there. See which one can fit the most Sharpies in their poopers. Back in the day, they did this. Speaking of country singers, this A list singer who was a nominee/winner last night wins the going to the bathroom award the most to do coke Four For Friday - Traditional - Diva Behavior, Blind Item #6 - Reader Blind - Old Hollywood. Sex trafficker and molester, Bruce Weber had a Christmas party anjd lots of people came and were willing to have their photo taken,. @Nutty Flavor - So true. (Sir James Goldsmith being the father by blood of Diana, and his other (known) children. C contributed anon tips for the foreign television show that trashed A. Prior to his disappearance, this former A+ list rapper was talking about hostages and suicide. @Ann: Indiana??? The reader photos are on top today. Funny someone in the loop makes this slip. Fuck him and his smug twat face. His Wikipedia page also makes no mention of it. @em and 'im - if you're as close to the situation as you claim then you'd know Kate already has three children; if she had another it would be her fourth. 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