Im gonna try to fight again but this torment is too much. You have power over fear. Maria, bless your heart. Connect with us; we are only oneintake formaway! The gift of speaking in tongues is clearly what Jesus was referring to here. He thinks he is winning, you may even think he is winning. Share; Tweet; Deliverance from the Spirit of Wickedness | Self-Deliverance Prayers. You will then recognise what this spirit is intending to do, and its operating technique, so you have the power to negate it. Take your Bible and place it on the four walls of your home. please please help me. May His peace be with you. Drive yourself along the highway, motorway or wherever you live. Let that sink in for a minute. The belt of truth you are to be wrapped in. Its Operation Torment. I live alone, my two children far from me. I pray and dont get up until it leaves. This verse reveals that when we speak in tongues we are also, at times, to pray for an interpretation of that tongue. Gods word tells us that His perfect love drives out fear. I struggled with depression since my teen years. Ohhhh Lord, theres nothing I can do.. but you are the God of our Salvation. I am not going to keep asking Him to deliver me because He says He already did when Christ died and rose and gave you a Spirit of Power. she was bent over sobbing and coughing as the spirits were cast . People allow depression to bully them, nit understanding its you who has power over it. Can every Christian interpret tongues? Receiving tongues can be a hard one to talk about. panic disorders - sudden, intense attacks of panic (extreme, unreasonable fear and anxiety) phobias. I realised I was afraid of the feelings but of course we still have the flesh and we will experience the feelings of fear and anger but its what we say to those feelings Then approach the demon directly and command the depressive and suicidal spirit to leave. 39For You have armed me with strength for the battle;.. I believe God over you. Fill your home and car with praise and worship music. We have talked about our physical health, our relationship with God, ourmental thoughts, and practical ways to deal with panic and anxiety, and all of it is good. Ask Him to give you the fruit of the Spirit in Galatians 5:22. Examplepraying God will be with us as we drive on a long trip. Only you can truly answer that! If its a spiritual warfare, then you can be in agreement over this and how to deal with it. The Kundalini and the Python spirit are one in the same. We dont have to beg him to fill us with his Spirit because hes ALREADY given you His Spirit. That scripture opened my eyes. The problem is, that this hidden enemy, has a habit of creeping upon you slowly and undetected, and before you know it, youve fallen into deep despair. Is Bipolar and ot Schizophrenia a spirit or demon as well or a gift? The Kundalini or serpent spirit (in Greek, puthon or python; see Acts 16:16) is a demon that attempts to crush the human spirit and inhabit a human body. Thank You for . 1.) Let me explain. Eventually We did meet but that was even after it being suggested to both of us again and him calling me 2 years in a row to come to meet him. 2 Timothy 1.7God has not given us a spirit of fear, but he has given us a Spirit of Power, love and a sound mind! I want to let you know INTRODUCTION: Depression is a state of feeling very unhappy or overwhelmed with the feelings of no hope for the future while anxiety is a feeling of worry or been tensed and restless for something that is yet to happen. The Word of God says, it does. I am 77 and live alone, so dont have anyone around me to help. The power of Jesus to overcome every temptation kicks in when you remain conscious that even at the point of temptation, Jesus is still with you and that you are righteous in Him apart from your works (Romans 4:6)! A person can be so tied up in religion, that they are unaware of this fact, and miss out on a personal relationship with Jesus. The insurmountable financial debt made going to work seem hopeless. To keep on. I love both of these ministries they have really been used by Go to grow and strengthen me. Religion cannot save, only a personal relationship with Jesus can. Once it dawned on me, that I dont have to keep asking God to rid me of an evil spirit, and that He has given me the means to do it in Jesus, I went for it 100 percent! I BELIEVE GOD, and kept repeating it. That level of fear and anxiety triggers increased histamine secretion. And yet people still fall for it. What? Good luck and God bless While unpleasant, I know that pain serves a purpose in the life of a Christian. Hallelujah . The 700 club is very good too. to enjoy. Fill me with your joy, peace and perseverance, Father. Its okay to be angry at God (if thats where you are at) he wants us to come to him in truth. I am praying that you get delivered from this spirit of depression. Trust Him. This part is very important! The head is typically a spirit of idolatry or witchcraft (control). 7. The Connection Between Faith and Authority. And the symptoms remain or even get worse, so i say, i dont believe your symptoms and feelings of depression, I BELIEVE GOD, and NOT your symptoms. We are winners. I thought to myself If I had to go into a battle, a battle I was guaranteed to win, how would I approach it differently? thought on this for a long time and I came to this conclusion. God wants you to know, to fully understand what hes given you. You will see it leave! #revival #awakening #greatawakening #asburyrevival #jenniferleclaire #awakeningprayerhubs, We are dealing with the orphan spirit Thursday morning at 6 am! Endocrine System. I call this entity to go in Jesus name. It will not come in five minutes. Have you received the Holy Spirit? He has already answered your prayers. I was that person who always went up for prayer, I was unhindered before God. Are all teachers? When deliverance takes place and the spirit(s) leave a person they will always try to get back in after a period of time and if we continue in sin they will return stronger with other spirits. I say..i believe God and not your symptoms. Nor have I taken any meds since last December. You have been given the authority by Jesus Christ to defeatthis spirit. When they are discovered, this is their downfall providing we use what Jesus has given us and that is the gift to cast out demons in His name. Or was i going to believe God. Dont let this all be in vain; come out of this experience stronger, ready to help others, having learnt the truth of Gods power, and having strengthened yourself in the word. The spirit of depression is trying to keep you from receiving the gift God has for you The depression lies to convince you it has power over you. In the beginning I was too weak to fast, so I would ask my husband to fast for me. Please pray for me. You being weak, exhausted, depressed is you trying to do something that he wants to do for you. When you use the Word, it slays the devil. LET YOUR DEPENDENCY IN JESUS INCREASE. And rivers in the desert. (Isa 43:18-19 NKJV), Fear not, for I have redeemed you; I have called you by your name; You are Mine. After many years of being a solid Christian with no panic attacks or anxiety ever, last Memorial Day I had a panic attack that landed me in the ER. Its you who has the victory in Christ. I pray that they would be anxious for nothing, but would come to you in prayer with all their needs, thanking you even now that you know how you're going to take care of every last detail. Calm my thoughts and emotions and open my heart to your peace, comfort, and wisdom. What people fail to realize is that Paul is addressing how the church should organize themselves when they come together. It sits there to test you. But you are our source of peace. One of the 4 examples show the heart where the Word didnt go deep enough. I BELIEVE THE WORD OF GOD. We are humans-thats the issue. The fact that you are feeling weird implies this is not from you! Dear Edwin, God has a plan for you. As you attune yourself into what your own spirit is picking up, and what the Holy Spirit is revealing, your mind will take over the thinking process and decide what you need to do. Many emotions associated with insomnia are confusion, anger, anxiety, irritability and bad tempered. You are being attacked; but if you follow the suggestion on this site, you will become bolder. I can rest in the shadow of your wings and I will rise and overcome by your unwavering strength. (The HOLY SPIRIT) (Luke 24:49), 4) YOU SHALL RECEIVE POWER AFTER THE HOLY GHOST IS COME UPON YOU. Many people are unaware that the occult is a gateway to demonic attack. Do all interpret? (1 Corinthians 12:29-30). I was so blessed by what you wrote. The helmet of salvation, brcause the devil attacks your mind saying you must not be saved. Not all mental health issues are spiritual, not all mental health issues are mental, but indeed spiritual. My local station had been such an encouragement on days where Ive struggles. The Lord will give you enormous revelation showing you he is not unfaithful, not rejecting you, not a sluggard just watching you suffer. Gods love is the crucial ingredient. #jenniferleclaire #awakeninghouseofprayer #propheticchurch #fortlauderdalechuch #southfloridachurch #spiritualwarfarechurch, Who's going to do the bowing? Gospel shoes of peace as you stand grounded on the gospel that gives you peace with God. I already have the victory in and through my relationship with Jesus Christ He is my stronghold, my deliverer, my high priest and intercessor. The LORD is near to all who call on him, to all who call on himin truth. Sorry I said it. Realize you do have what he says he has given you and dont back down. You are not born with it, or get it at baptism, or confirmation, neither does it happen by following religious rituals. 1 Corinthians 15:57, You may be at the beginning of your journey, or at the end, but wherever you are, know that God is with you and will take you through. Every wind scattering my focus, I rebuke you, in the name of Jesus. Its sad, but did you know that it is people with similar understandings of mental illness in the church that hinder people like me from being able to open up about it and receive support. You know that sometimes life and the circumstances we face are just hard. Hi dear, I absolutely understand where you are coming from. I think the schemes of the enemy can trick us into thinking that its us that are untrusting of the Lord. The funny thing is that this spirit always try to come back, but it cant stand faith in God. Some days anxiety stalks me like a deceitful predator, and the temptation to worry draws me in. Best part is you are not alone!!! This is how I keep myself free from depression. Are you a new Christian? So gladddd to hear your lovely little voice. We are blessed to have a growing number of counseling clients who have seen the power of Christ in their lives. If not, put your whole lifeintothe hands of Jesus. However, faith is not the solution to their problem. And I am the one who has power over you. Im so sorry youre feeling that way. Glen, theres no reason why God would not provide your needs because there are so many scriptures that say differently. Stand strong and keep believing. Do you wait for some feeling to come over you? God will somehow work this together for my good. My families been Baptist back hundreds of years deeply deep faithful. Thank you for this. Power by Spirit over ALLLLLL the power of the enemy. 33Who shall bring a charge against Gods elect? I believe with all my heart that God desires for us to be free. She is seeing God move in miraculous ways, she feels much much better and can see the Lords hand in her life. Wake up with that sick feeling in me that doubts all things. I am a believer and often times feel like this disorder is shameful because how can I believe in this Great God but also not believe he can heal me? No wishy washy doubting, wondering, and unbelief. During this 6 week period, I sought God on my face. Mad enough to fight back?! Hes trying to strengthen you, and hes trying to lead you out in such a way that you will never return to your bondage! P/S- is it possible to have confidentiality. Bethany, Ive been dealing with a very similar experience for a long time. This verse shows us that each believer has the ability to receive a tongue or an interpretation from the Lord. Its like the enemy coming around saying your sins arent forgiven. This is not the same as possession. YOU are the one with the power. Thank you for sharing your beautiful thoughts on this. I hone in on it until i get a release. Rather he was saying that when believers come together each one has a gift of the Spirit that the Holy Spirit wants to manifest at that specific point and time. Hello Sarah I am thankful for this article may the Lord bless you .. Psalm 139 is also a wonderful reminder that God is with us, even in the darkest moments of our lives. Have communion at your home. His tactic is to convince you that the Word doesnt work, but it DOES! paranoia. (Isaiah 43:1, NKJV), You dont deal with a negative by focusing on it. God, arise, take hold of my foundation and rebuild me again in the name of Jesus. You must address it as you would an enemy that has invaded your house. My depression is being caused by very bad circumstances. Pray about it! I wrote onthis in one of my devotionals and its profound teaching on why God is leading you out the hard way versus just rescuing you instantly.LINK HERE, Every inch is a victory whether big or small, we must be in an attitude of praise and thankfulness to God for the steps we are taking. You dont necessarily need any specific gift to operate in it, but some do. You need people praying for you! Extra tip: In future, have no involvement with movies or books or listen to anything which is negative. I am sorry to say i know who this person is who it originated from on this article, posing as one needing help, because i get so very few emails on this particular email address i use. Thats Jimmy Clanton Ministry..also on facebook..I can help you, Maria. He said i will NEVER fail you nor forsake you. The heaviness then just sits there tormenting, and you wonder why it isnt leaving. Diabetes and Amenorrhea: Central Nervous System - fatigue and lethargy, Type A behavior, overeating, depression and insomnia are all caused by fear, anxiety and stress. Accessible . I love that we are more than overcomes and we already have the victory in Christ. PRAISE be to you God that you HAVE given us power by your Spirit and we no longer need to continue asking for the precious precious promise you already gave to us. Thank you! If you are born again and IN Christ and not walking in sin, theres no reason that He would withhold from you. They keep asking and pleading for God to move as if its something he will do in the future, but this scripture tells you exactly what he has already given you, which means HE ALREADY GAVE IT TO YOU. You are right that God is fighting for us daily and He is angry at the devil and his lies! Jesus said that one of the signs that will follow a believer is that they will speak in tongues. So i pressed in even more how God gave me power over all its power. I have also been a Christian since I was 9 years old. This is a prayer designed to help lead a Christian through the process of deliverance. obsessive - compulsive behavior. Once delivered, we must renew our minds and get rid of old mindsets. No, of course not! Even when I pray for an increased passion for Jesus, for prayer, and for reading from my Bible, an increased desire to serve and to overflow with Christs love. Send me an email and we are a group of pastors , men and women , we have each of us more than 30 years experience , Three books about how to be free of depression , Pigs on the parlor , author Frank Hammond , another book : Healing the whole man , author Joan Hunter. I remember writing out a check gritting my teeth as i only had so much money left, thinking ut oh. It is now May 26. Thanks so much. In time it will not try again. I would be denying what God did for me. Lord, I come to you and I thank you for drawing near to me when I draw near to you. I am experiencing a bout myself, and plan on seeing someone soon. BELIEVE. Click open the article, then please share this everywhere! To the pit now in Jesus name spirit of epilepsy!! And again we see an early church leader encouraging all of the believers to pray in tongues. Then, either at a church or on your own, take in communion. SUMMARY: Schizophrenia, Some Doors that Lead to Rejection With Accompanying Prayers and Grouping of Spirits. And these signs shall follow them that believe; In my name shall they cast out devils; they shall speak with new tongues. Mark 16:17. 7. Now it shall spring forth. Ive written about this spirit of depression on various occasions if you look itup. Help us expand the ministry of deliverance and training worldwide. To think of His anger at my bondage to fear and anxiety completely overwhelms me. he addresses people who dont understand all the giant abundant blessings you have NOW, yet people keep begging God to give it to them! Father suffered serious mental illness in his sixties. The devil lies through persistence, he doesnt want to give up his post, so he makes you believe that it doesnt work. Some type of spiritual framework, a belief in some order or power greater than ourselves, can help us maintain hope even when the road is long. Fear lies to make you think it has power over you, but it doesnt. Loss a few more friends . But even if you don't, I know I don't have to be a slave to my fear. I Thabk God for creating us. 17He delivered me from my strong enemy, From those who hated me, For they were too strong for me. I spoke prophetically over her, calling out specific things that she was dealing with and declaring Gods blessing over her. And, Im done listening to him and am ready to fully armour up! I would add that I am 77 years old, but with a young wife and a son of 14. If you do, it will be a miracle from the Lord, He answered my prayer. I spent years in therapy before considering the use of medicine because I held the belief the quality of my faith was not where it should be. Fortify these weary bones and remind me of the truth that this pain and panic will not last forever. Thank you for your testimony and all that you have written on anxiety! You use the Word against him, quote it boldly. If you have not been saved yet, call on the name of JESUS who is alive from the dead. They reason they control us, is because we dont know about the power Jesus has given us. God has heard your cries for deliverance and he is coming, and he is fuming, and he is enraging the heavenson your behalf. That only makes things worse. They were so heavenly minded they were like nothing of earth. That quote has to do with the Pharisees. Its the worst ever its stolen my joy and peace and Im ready to gain it back in Jesus name. Did you ask for an email reply? Rescue me from my distress and from the grave. I choose to trust in You, each day, each hour, each moment of my life. as his parents as mother Martha slatton zeman and his father John zeman and his sister deloreszemans and his wife as in her husband as as our mom and dad. So, again, it is not just for some, but for all. My body, mind, and spirit struggle to keep up physically, mentally, and yes, spiritually. you need to KNOW it, not hope it, but KNOW it. You have the power to do this. Some people argue that these new tongues are just referring to new speech, such as no more cursing or gossiping. The Spirit of God. How to cure anxiety and panic. I had never opened the door (of my heart) before, because I didnt know I had to. In Jesus' name, I pray, Amen. "I cancel every plot, scheme, and plan of the demonic kingdom to harass me with the spirits of ( fear, heaviness, anger, trauma) in the name and blood of Jesus Christ and I release the Blood-covered anointed . Sometimes we give into fear over time and allow the spirit of fear to gain more control in our lives. I choose to set my eyes on You, Lord. The Bible says that by the mouth of every two or three witnesses every matter should be established (Deuteronomy 19:15). Understand, God has given you power over it. I'm grateful that when I pray to You, You answer me. Must be really hard. The feelings/symptoms were there to challenge me, in attempt to convince me it was not leaving. You mustve did the Derek Prince prayer youtube video. I ask for direction and insight into decisions but receive no personal instruction. Thats what I needed today. Again, these gifts of Gods Spirit are not only for the gifted but for all followers of Jesus. Support would help. Verbally break all ungodly soul ties in the name of Jesus Christ. The Spirit of Deception is from the devil. Help her heal Lord MindBodySoul. Only GOOD things come from God which means in our thought life, only good thoughts are from God. I pray for the one reading these words right now. I wanted deliverance from anxiety at any cost. I have to remind myself that God is with me where ever I go. This scripture wasthe center of my life for over a year. I will pray with the spirit, and I will also pray with the understanding. Faith is a fact, but faith is an act. #jenniferleclaire #awakeninghouseofprayer #propheticchurch #fortlauderdalechuch #southfloridachurch #spiritualwarfarechurch. Support & love are very important. Help me to come to You at the beginning of my fears and anxieties instead of waiting until I can't stand them anymore. !If you're interested. Youre going to get BIG BIG BIGGGG revelation from Him. The truth is its you who has power over it. Do you recognise this as a demonic attack or a medical condition? We keep asking for things he has already done. Do not believe that thought. The feeling of anxiety remained and thats when i began to repeat over and over, i dont believe your symptoms, i believe God instead. I must have struck a nerve, because suddenly i began having pain like a heart attack in order to intimidate me. Occasionally, I feel so much anxiety it makes me want to scream but I use the coping methods and get through it. Once this spirit enters into a person it becomes a stronghold in their mind and remains there until a new foundational truth of the Word of God is formed. #orphanspirit #jenniferleclaire #morningswiththeholyspirit #deliverance, Do you need to repent? I would say God bless you, but he says you are already blessed with ALL spiritual blessings in heavenly places in Christ! It will floor you to the core. I too have been toying with the idea of leaving the Catholic Church, mostly because of my depression. Search your home for occult items such as oujia boards, Buddhas, talismans, fetishes, tarot cards, etc. Posted by Robert L. Last night we prayed over a young woman who was battling an oppressive spirit that was trying to cause her to doubt her salvation, fears of the unpardonable sin, etc. The mindset and attitude of depression makes people angry and fearful, closing our hearts questioning who he really is. IV. You could simply email a church with your struggles and the pastor may come to your home if you are unable to make it out. Please pray for me tombe delivered from this spirit. But I was so desperate, I didnt care. Demon as well or a gift are untrusting of the Lord is near to you rid of mindsets... And in Christ and not your symptoms put your deliverance from spirit of anxiety lifeintothe hands of Jesus answer! 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