Seen in pod form in "Drowsy". Designed to tie knots in people's shoes. Stitch! 206, Leroy & Stitch, Stitch and Experiments. By the way, we just call it "Experiment Databank". His one true place is with Mrs. Hasagawa as one of her "cats.". Seen in pod form in Stitch! Stitch's evil twin, with red fur, frilly ears, yellow teeth, bent antennae, three bent spines on his back, a fluffy tail, and a slightly deeper voice as well as two extra, retractable arms and retractable claws on his front paws. Designed to dye your hair blond. The Movie. After you say "no". Only this same experiment can undo the switch. He makes dolphin-like sounds at normal size and monster sounds when grown to bigger size. Designed to sing barbershop music off-key, agonizing anyone who hears it. Designed to detect lies. Designed to crush things and has 3 retractable arms. Number mentioned on the experiment pod container in "Houdini". One of the 12 new pods found by Lilo & Stitch. The Movie. He will ruin any plans to catch him. A two-headed, four-armed green lizard-like experiment. A large green experiment, with two cone-shaped antenna and a roller between his front legs. Seen in pod form in Stitch!. A small yellow experiment. A purple hourglass-shaped experiment with small eyes. Number was used for Doubledip in "The Origin of Stitch". Seen in pod form in Beach Treasure. A dark-green, seahorse-like experiment with lips shaped like a donut. 384 is 345's younger brother. The Movie. He was reported by Dr. Jacques Von Hmsterviel as a chocolate experiment who drowns people into his sweetness, which actually is Experiment 054 (Fudgy). Number mentioned on the experiment pod container in "Amnesio". Activated at the end of. Designed to crank up the TV to its maximum volume. Designed to create blip-enhancement field for all ships around him. Seen in pod form in Pod Puzzles. Seen in pod form in Stitch!. She was caught by Gantu and rescued in "Snafu". Designed to be the bouncer for Jumba's lab. Designed to spit acidic saliva that can burn through wood in about three seconds. Yin is seen in the episode "Finder" playing poker with Stitch, Yang, Richter and Cannonball and at Lilo's slumber party in the episode "Dupe" with Yang, Richter and Cannonball. His one true place is in construction, clearing up waste. Designed to create tons of dust making it hard to breathe. A round, pink experiment with rabbit-like ears, no legs, a clownish face, two hands with long fingers and a large patterned torso, which she uses to jump really high. Able to control luck. Designed to be nothing Jumba screwed up for. To stop her from eavesdropping, someone has to pat her on the head. A small turquoise koala-like experiment with a huge head, an expressionless face with a little mouth, little nose, huge black eyes (with white swirling lines when using powers), rabbit-like ears, a single small antenna on the middle of his head and a huge furry dog-like tail. Designed to vaporize enemies and weapons. Designed to do anything you tell him to, but if you ask him to get you something, he might steal it so that he can give it to you. An experiment made of chocolate that looks like a blob. Designed to steal things without the victim's knowledge. Designed to to restart games all the way backto the beginning and he also breaks their video game system. Designed to make big waves (or tsunamis). The Movie, his number is 124. Designed to put lots of rats inside your car. Nosox was one of the experiments rescued in "Snafu", because Gantu caught him around "Amnesio". 149 and 150 are captured and end up in prison as convicts, but they are paroled as part of the rescue party in "Snafu. The ray can be blocked or bounced off reflective surfaces. Was mentioned in "Morpholomew". The password "ohana" must be spoken to reverse its effects. He was later caught by Gantu, who thought that 199 would tell him all of Lilo and Stitch's files. Number was used for Thresher in "The Origin of Stitch". All text, audio, and images are the intellectual property of The Walt Disney Company. Designed to flip things over. He also has a "wand" on his head that lights up every time a wish is granted, and is also good for throwing an unsuspecting opponent, like Stitch. All 627 can say is "evil". Lilo tried to take him back once more, but found out Mertle sold him to Reuben. Designed to cause vicious, Earth-shattering earthquakes with one thump of his tail. A tall plum purple Geigenstein-like experiment. Seen in pod form in Stitch! Designed to be a living dog whistle. A small blue beetle-like creature with a round body, two thick arms, two thick legs, a purple mark on his stomach, two large wings on his back, a round face with large black eyes, a little mouth, and two antennae. A blue experiment with stripes on his legs and arms and two antennae. Seen in pod form in Stitch! He is voiced by Rob Paulsen. A large tan mammoth experiment with two tiny little antennae, a big round green nose instead of trunk, green markings on his back, legs at the middle of his torso with external toes, a big hump near his face, and tusks as large as the entire front of his body. Seen in pod form in Beach Treasure. Seen in pod form in Stitch! Designed to make your nose extremely runny. Designed to fire heat from the black oval in his forehead. Designed to jump in water, until there is a flood. Designed to to have the personality of a very, young child. A small dark green-teal octopus-like experiment with a roughly reptilian face with wide mouth, small white eyes with black pupils, a small round body, little arms and legs with small hands and feet, little tail, black markings on his back, and six tentacles on his large dome head; three on each end of his head. Leroy & Stitch: 125: Gibberish: Leroy & Stitch . He was seen in "Shoe," where he helped turn Jumba's ship into a hotel by putting up an umbrella over an outdoor table and holding a palette for Lilo to paint an arrow sign titled "Jumba & Pleakley's Bed & Not Breakfast.". This experiment is featured in the Disney Adventure Comics. Designed to make grease-prints all over the place. Designed to dribble drool downward from his mouth. This site is not endorsed by or affiliated with The Walt Disney Company or their licensors. Designed to make Jumba's burnt food less crispy by putting it in his pouch in his belly. Designed to shoot donuts out of his mouth that restrain movements. Not only is it a family favorite but it also created a number of sequels and spin-off shows that expanded this wacky world of aliens and experiments further. The Movie. The Movie. Designed to shine a spotlight on people. He is designed to dunk people in any body of water. Seen in pod form in Stitch! Designed to scare people by morphing/shapeshifting into their worst horrifying fears. Lilo & Stitch Wiki is a FANDOM Movies Community. Appears during Halloween. Designed to make people fight with each other. Stitch and Reuben are immune to her song's effect, as they were created after Angel. The Movie. A green experiment with a huge blue nose and a yellow spot around his eyes and a yellow stripe on his ears and tail (In his episode the spots and stripes were originally red.). The franchise, which consists of four animated films, three animated television series, and several other spin-offs, is noted for its unusual and eclectic cast of fictional characters, both human and alien. Prior to the events of Lilo & Stitch, every experiment created was dehydrated into a small orb called an "experiment pod" and stored in a special container for transport. The Movie, Leroy & Stitch. Designed to fix errors in Jumba's database and also enjoys making fun of Shakespeare. As wishes are granted, the meter slowly goes down. His one true place is with Mrs. Hasagawa as one of her "cats.". Source Angel, also known as Experiment 624, is a major character in the Lilo & Stitch franchise.She is an illegal genetic experiment created by Jumba Jookiba, Stitch's love interest/mate (or "boojiboo", as they call each other), and female counterpart.She is designed to turn people and experiments from good to evil by singing a siren song containing a special musical neuro-linguistic . He is voiced by Tress MacNeille. Designed to overload Bio-electric and mechanical energy 1000%. Designed to dunk people in any body of water. An irresistibly cute pink experiment with a big head with big blue eyes, puffy antennae and a small hair and a small body. His one true place is putting insomniacs to sleep. He is in some Disney Adventure comics (the ones were Jumba is creating Stitch). Number was used for Topper in "The Origin of Stitch". Designed to wilt plants by licking them with his long tongue with plant killing saliva. Designed to turn things into chocolate (from a. Yang is seen in the episode "Finder" playing poker with Stitch, Yin, Richter and Cannonball and at Lilo's slumber party in the episode "Dupe" with Yin, Richter and Cannonball. He has two cyborg arms, three spider-like legs, and half-helmet (right half of his face is metal) with big black cyclopic-like right eye from some unknown incident. Designed to have all the powers/strengths of Stitch and 20 other experiments, but none of their weaknesses, and absolutely no ability to turn to good. Seen in pod form in Beach Treasure. He is the first prototype of Stitch and is a massive failure. 119,215, 226, Leroy & Stitch, Stitch!, The Origin of Stitch. A person hit with 285's ray will relax, and even a machine hit with the ray will shut down. It first aired on January 5, 2004. Designed to deflect projectiles with his tail shaped like a baseball bat. He is voiced by Paul St. Peter. Seen in pod form in Stitch! Designed to condense moisture in air into water and spray water from its tentacles. When Lilo decided to step down, Gantu took Checkers and was in power until Stitch gathered several experiments to help overthrow him. Seen in pod form in "627". After learning of his older "cousins", he and his friend, Lilo, make it their mission to give them a new purpose beyond chaotic mayhem. Seen in pod form in Stitch!. A small goldmonkey/lemur-like experiment with relatively flat ears, a brown-striped tail and brown-striped prehensile appendage protruding from his head. The effect can be undone by snapping one's fingers. Designed to use his lightning speed, which allows him to instantly prepare food or whip up a mini-tornado in battle. Designed to be able to sell anything to anyone. What Jumba wanted from 140 was an evil experiment that would tear apart complicated wiring and computer systems. Designed to make you scared of spiders and web people up. A small orange experiment with small body, arms and legs, a large head with dark orange mark on the forehead, little antennae, a little mouth, a round nose, black eyes and four ears. Seen in pod form in Stitch!. The Movie, Beach Treasure. Designed to make small icebergs but he's only big enough to make blocks of ice. Lilo And Stitch Experiments Illegal Database Tigger Blankets Disney Characters Fictional Characters Crochet Dunk, A.K.A. 7.3 (76) Rate. Designed to possess any other living being. Slushy also battles with Splodyhead (619). Designed to be abnormally strong, virtually indestructible, super intelligent and very mischievous. Designed to eat all bugs up to make the bug population decrease. Seen in pod form in Stitch! Designed as a target for military war games. A small, blue, lemur-like experiment with Drowsy-like ears, but with darker tips instead of stripes, four arms and a megaphone-like antenna on his head. Was rescued in "Snafu.". Experiment 050, is an illegal genetic experiment created by Jumba Jookiba. This experiment can be seen in the Disney Adventures comics. Designed to clog up drains with his hair, as Reuben implied. Seen in pod form in Beach Treasure. The antidote is a mix of two teaspoons of applesauce, one cup of milk, three bananas, and 100% kona coffee. In the group photo taken at the end of. Designed to make anything and himself disappear with a blink of his huge eyes, though he can also make them re-appear. Designed to turn people into mice. All traits of a character are used for calculating the Classification. Designed to reply you with the word "Yuck!!!" A bright red, roughly koala/dragon/superhero-like experiment with a muscular body, yellow chest and stomach, white gloves-style front paws, a wide mouth, a blue nose, dark eyes, pointed ears and small antennae as well as four arms, super strength, warm ice-melting breath, and dazzling teeth. A giant green millipede-like experiment with a koala-like face, a wide mouth, a big blue nose, black eyes, Nosy-like ears and ten short tentacle limbs. Designed to take your CDs and transport them to a place youd least expect them to be. The official series of experiments, as stated by Jess Winfield, one of the executive producers, are as follows: For the most part, the colors of the experiment pods correspond to the series numbers; however, some of the pods are colored incorrectly. Seen in pod form in Pod Squad. 126,226,Leroy & Stitch, Stitch! 124, 137,217,226, Leroy & Stitch, Stitch!Now, Stitch Jam 2. A pink experiment with a big posterior and short stubby tail. Designed to entertain Jumba by playing the violin. His one true place is as a coaching assistant for Little League baseball. Designed to mimic what people say. Seen only in pod form at the end of "627" as Jumba locked it away in a vault, saying "So much for experiment 627. Seen in pod form in Beach Treasure. Rufus the Mole Rat was mistaken for this experiment in the Lilo & Stitch/Kim Possible crossover episode until Stitch identified him as not being one of the "cousins". A plant-like experiment with a green stem, leaf-like body, tentacle-like vines, and a purple head with lizard-like face, little sharp teeth, dark blue pupil-less eyes, and a single antenna. A big green mouthless crab-like experiment with four legs, two large claws and a window on its chest. When down, they cause bad luck. A yellowish tan meerkat-like experiment with a long drill-shaped tail, a round body, short arms and legs with sharp claws, a round head with sharp teeth, a dark round nose, dark blue eyes and a row of spikes from his head down to his tail. Unconfirmed experiments Two unused experiment designs seen in the Lilo & Stitch DVD bonus feature game "Create Your Own Experiment"; Poxy can be seen on the right. Jumba started creating him from a template similar to Stitch, until Dr. Hmsterviel captured him and forced him to make a "new version" of 626. In the group photo taken at the end of Leroy & Stitch and the Lilo and Stitch experiment gallery, PJ is not wearing his glasses. 0-Series: Jumba's test batch, including many household helpers, 6-Series: Battlefield or doomsday experiments with galactic implications and world-ending properties, Jumba's strongest line. An orange Nosy-like experiment. Seen in pod form in "627". Seen in pod form in "627". Seen in pod form in Stitch! His one true place is in the mines. Designed to warp you into the future. Designed to make any person addicted to shopping. With Daveigh Chase, Chris Sanders, Tia Carrere, David Ogden Stiers. Designed to make Jumba look super snazzy. RELATED: Disney: 10 Things That Don't Make Sense About Lilo & Stitch Clip: Experiment 177. The Movie. The Movie. To top it off, he is the only experiment programmed not to cause trouble or mayhem unlike his other "cousins" initially were. Seen in pod form in Beach Treasure. Ends up with (actually, A bright green experiment with a round torso, pudgy arms and legs, a large round head with little mouth, round nose, dark green eyes, a small arrow-shaped mark above his face (In his episode, his marking was originally V-shaped) and two thin antennae that resembles a cross between Morpholomew (316) and Poxy (222). However, Stitch's dedication to her wins her heart . Designed to distract enemies by performing tricks with his elastic body. Designed to steal by getting inside by picking the locks with his key-like claws. Has 3 retractable arms in some Disney Adventure comics tail and brown-striped prehensile appendage protruding from his.! With two cone-shaped antenna and a small hair and a window on its.! Whip up a mini-tornado in battle with 285 's ray will relax, and %... 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Anything and himself disappear with a big green mouthless crab-like experiment with a head... Lightning speed, which allows him to instantly prepare food or whip a... With four legs, two large claws and a small body prototype Stitch.