But in July 2010, an hour into the Polished Shaft sermonin a church packed with thousands of teenagers there for a youth conferenceSchaap went further. But, of course, I'm not telling you anything you don't already know.If you and your client really want to do the right thing, you'll face the fact that First Baptist Church has had a cancer growing in it for nearly 50 years. For a pastor to develop a romantic relationship with a church member is gross, gross abuse of his position and of his solemn marital vows. My father tried desperately to cover it up. He came and went as he pleased. (Similar concern has yet to be expressed for his victim.) "For the scripture saith, Thou shalt not muzzle the ox that treadeth out the corn. Oh, God, that hurts! he shrieked. He moved him to another church where he was found to have had 17 affairs with different women, and he just recreated what he had seen my dad live. On a single Sunday in 1975, more than 30,000 people attended services that began at 9:30 a.m. and concluded at 7:30 p.m., reported the Chicago Tribune, prompting Hyles to boast that he had created the worlds largest Sunday school.. I thank God for giving me the sense to decide not to become one of the neurotic puppets you employ. . Find out where to go, what to eat, where to live, and more. He also had a nasty, nasty temper. Be the first to contribute! But those who have left, the followers who have tried to leave, the outsiders, even the media (it was on 20/20 last year) recognize that it is clearly a cult. Christopher Settlemoir, 29 And, says Kaifetz, he got a heros welcome. 25 The fear of man bringeth a snare: but whoso putteth his trust in the Lord shall be safe. The author of this book, Cindy Schaap, has now divorced her husband b/c he's in prison. His dads philosophy is if I didnt see it I dont believe it. As a seven-year-old, she used to count the lashes as a way to cope through the searing pain. McGuires younger sister, Sherri Munger, told me she once received more than 300 lashes from a thick leather belt. I was embarrassed and humiliated that he said that, because David had kissed every other girl in the church, too, and they were all sitting there laughing. Within a couple of years, his flock had swelled to 4,000, earning Hyles a far-reaching reputation. The ushers, standing in back throughout the 90-minute service, occasionally whooped, like cowboys at a rodeo, at something they found particularly inspiring. Offering: Offerings are welcome if you care to make one. This, of course, was well after his son, Dave, had wreaked havoc on the youth department and had moved on to terrorize more than one church in Texas. Sadly, in your very heart of hearts you must be the most miserable, lonely person alive. Our primary goal with the FBIS is to provide material to assist preachers in the edification and protection of the churches. Several people who grew up at First Baptist recall that parents took the instruction to heart. Nischiks letter, which he later publicized, said in part, MY HOME WAS TAMPERED WITH AND MY MARRIAGE DELIBERATELY WRECKED BY JACK HYLES. Maybe you could start your investigation there. Early in my life I learned that there was one thing that could kill a festive mood at a dinner party. The earliest memory of my mother's affair with Jack Hyles that I can remember dates back to the 1960's. How I emerged from such a pit of secret sin, manipulation, and hypocrisy with the slightest interest in my professed religion at all, I do not know. You have to submit 100 percent of the time, and whenever anything goes wrong in a marriage, its because the woman didnt do enough.. A link to the original report is very much appreciated as the reports are frequently updated and/or expanded. His wife, Paula, divorced him. Menu. I about laughed in his face. Brother Evans daughter was one of the ones that David had an affair with. Its important to stress that even the people I spoke with who felt victimized by the church did not suggest that the majority of members are anything other than sincere seekers of Christ. You call him an adulterer. They didnt go on a vacation without asking my dads permission, and if he had said to drink the Kool-aid, Im not kidding, they would have. The surrounding blocks bustled with activity. Whatever awkwardness he may have had soon gave way to his extraordinary oratorical gifts. One night, Jack Hyles sat three of his four children down the eldest was away at college and told them he had to leave the home "because of the way your mom is acting," Murphrey recalled. 27 An unjust man is an abomination to the just: and he that is upright in the way is abomination to the wicked.. To critics, this effort appeared to be more about boosting the churchs attendance numbers than about saving souls. He moved him to another church where he was found to have had 17 affairs with different women, and he just recreated what he had seen my dad live. In 1997, the parents of a mentally disabled 12-year-old sued First Baptist over what they alleged was a months-long pattern of rape and torture of their daughter. Then there were the practical matters that caused immediate red flags when we rolled up to Hyles-Anderson College in our overloaded U-Haul, during the oppressively hot Midwestern August, in 1983. (He says he is not familiar with the details of First Baptist.) Questions? I, too, witnessed a lot of hypocrisy growing up in a Baptist church, but my unbelief and rebellion was my own fault and not something I could blame on others. Notice the bones and the skull there, he said as he raised a cup into which he told the congregation he was going to pour poison. She claims that Dr. Hyles died after having amassed $80 million dollars worth of real-estate buildings at the church. He owned our homes, our cars, our furniture. But even a saved man can deceive himself. Also, the girl whom Schaap counseled across state lines was 16 when the abuse began. The spokesman for the church, Eddie Wilson, did not return numerous calls requesting an interview. Men were to wear jackets and ties and close-cropped hair. Evaluate 3 (13395 Ratings) Top rated: 3 . Hated her. If we have our eyes on Christ and our own personal responsibilities before Him, we will not stumble when men fail us. Another occasion was the girl who was working at the cemetery. Things that we encourage you to share include the audio sermons, video presentations, O Timothy magazine, and the hundreds of Fundamental Baptist Information Service (FBIS) articles. This preacher, who had held Hyles up as his hero for 20 years and loved the man deeply and prayed for him passionately, approached him in fear and trembling about the matter of the door. There were so many mothers who went to him who David was having affairs with and told him. Jack Hyles set himself up as the saviour of fundamentalism and the pastor of pastors. ________________There was definitely a door between their offices [Jack Hyles and Jenny Nischiks offices]. Colsten, currently an associate pastor at First Baptist, did not hesitate. Nischik twice tried to present the matter before the deacons of First Baptist, but he was shut down. Instead of hearing from Hyles deacons, lets consider the testimonies of three women who knew Hyles far better and more intimately than the aforementioned Hyles defender knew him, better, in fact, than any pastor who is defending him today. Hyles arranged for Jennie Nischik to work as a secretary in an adjoining office in the late 1960s, and she would not allow her husband to touch her by 1971. Way of Life's content falls into two categories: sharable and non-sharable. He said that he didnt know he had broken mans law but knew he had violated Gods law. With that, he entered a guilty pleaand was immediately escorted to Porter County Jail to await sentencing. First Baptist Churchs longtime lawyer, David Gibbs, declined a request for comment on this story. Ohhhh! Author: jimbaumerexperience.com. According to his reading, men ruled absolutely. My dad pastored a church that evolved into a 50,000-member cult. For example, after Schaaps conviction, many church members blamed his victim as a temptress. So [authorities] have asked us to come in and conduct a thorough investigation. www.wayoflife.org/about/makeanoffering.html. But neither did he dwell on compassion. With your own insecurities and personal failures as your driving force, you have quite simply played havoc with an entire church, some of my dearest friends and worst of all, my family. He soon took it upon himself to arrange marriages. And even turned his own children against their mother. We will see that Jack Hyless own daughter and Judy Nischiks daughter both believe that the two had an adulterous affair. Every time we talked he would ask me if we kissed, and I would say yes, and he would ask me real intimate questions about when we kissed and what happened when we kissed. Jack Schaap will be sentenced to prison this week and, as I type this, I am weeping for him and for my sister. I dont care how much he demanded personal loyalty. Back at First Baptist, prayers for Brother Schaap have been asked for and received. It was craziness, living one way, preaching another. For the benefit of any doubters, Hyles demonstrated his power in the middle of a sermon one Sunday. And, equally important, to attend the church-owned Hyles-Anderson College a couple of miles away, one of First Baptists biggest coffer fillers. If a man doesnt want to believe something, he simply will not believe it. Other items we sell to help fund our very expensive literature, video, and foreign church planting ministry. That boy had not one rule for his life. He died a multi-millionaire. This is what happens to preachers who continue to associate with men like Hyles and their defenders. We hated her. It probably is one the most significant (and difficult) decisions Ive ever made since. Hyles-Anderson College appears to be struggling, too. The pastor continued in this vein at some length, proving himself adept at building straw men, creating smoke screens, and straining at gnats. Love Makes the World Go Round (RPM Sketch #2), A New City/A New Home (JimBaumerMe Newsletter), One Sheet for Living in Some Strange Days (indie rock). Established in 1974, Way of Life Literature is a fundamental Baptist preaching and publishing ministry based in Bethel Baptist Church, London, Ontario, of which Wilbert Unger is the founding Pastor. August 6, 2012 Darrell 594 Comments. There will be nothing swept under any rug. Tags: Crime & Law, Print-Specific Tags - Feature, Writers - Bryan Smith. In the early 1980s, David Hyles, then in his 20s, was the youth pastor at First Baptist. Another common characteristic of cults, Ross says, is that they use shame and some sort of exploitationfinancial, spiritual, or sexualto exercise control. It was evident months later (and perfectly clear from where I sit, today) that this man was a sadist who derived pleasure from wielding control over peoples lives. . In facthe turned to Johnny Colsten, one of the men on the stage with himId like for you, if you dont mind, to drink this.. One of Schaaps adult children, Kenneth, has mounted a letter-writing campaign to the judge. Chicago magazine newsletters have you covered. The rest of the open letter. With these thoughts expressed, I bathe myself of you and any influence you may have had on me in the past. In the beginning1959, in this caseJack Hyles arrived at the First Baptist Church of Hammond as a skinny, charismatic Bible thumper with a Southern-fried drawl and a couple of cheap suits. THE TRUTH is that all the property belonged solely to the First Baptist Church of Hammond. Linda Hyles Murphrey's testimony is a clear indication of just how wounded those closest to Jack Hyles can be. Read more about this topic: Jack Hyles Famous quotes containing the word children: Linda Hyles-Murphrey Biography It looks like we don't have any Biography for Linda Hyles-Murphrey yet. I told his dad about that. View the profiles of people named Linda Murphy on Facebook. So does every expert and religion blogger tracking the churchand virtually every one of the dozens of victims and former church memberswith whom I spoke. Jack Hyles was a personal friend. Facebook gives people the power. It probably is one the most . Its not even a valid comparison.. Forgive me, but the shock and awe of this latest scandal is only felt by those faithful who have turned a blind eye to the systemic corruption and sin that has plagued FBC for decades. According to Kaifetz, When a guy like Hyles says, This is Gods will for your life, you just say, Well, I guess it is., One area in which Hylesa father of fourexerted particular control was child rearing. As soon as one First Baptistrelated scandal died down, another seemed to surface. The sister that Linda Murphrey mentions, is Jack Schaap's wife, Cindy. My 21-year-old radar told me he was a fraud. Why he lies about that I will never know. Its hard to believe. The site has more than 1,200 members, she adds. There was definitely a door between their offices [Jack Hyles and Jenny Nischiks offices]. I'm Jennie Nischik's daughter. Don says: August 20, 2012 at 12:35 pm. Tedd Butler, 47 Hes never said that he loved Mrs. Hyles. With Americas supposed Bible-believing preachers lying like this by abusing the tenses of verbs, it is no wonder that the president of the country testified under oath some that it depends on what the definition of IS is.Various other people testified of the existence of the door, including Dave Hyles wife and a preacher who was long associated with Hyles but left in 1988 because he could no longer tolerate the deception and who wrote to Robert Sumner about the matter in 1989. But in the process of hollowing you out, he made you very weak., In her first one-on-one interview about the church, Hyless middle daughter, Linda Murphrey, a motivational speaker and coach in Southern California, remembers his followers as zombies who were willing to believe and obey whatever he said. She told me: He used to joke around about drinking the Kool-Aid, but that was never funny to me because I knew that those people really would have done anything he told them to do. Eddie Lapina was witness to all of that. They are right back in the same trap.. No person has perfect knowledge or perfect memory about events that occurred years in the past, and it is always possible to quibble about some detail of someones story, as any court trial would demonstrate. Sadly, in your very heart of hearts you must be the most miserable, lonely person alive. He had affairs. The girl told authorities that her father used biblical references to justify beating, torturing, and sexually abusing her. Incidentally, Paula and I have volumes of stories to swap, and it is interesting to see just how similar they are. He really does have that kind of influence on those people.__________________Do I have any reason to believe that the Hyles dont love each other? Trisha LaCroix, who attended Hyles-Anderson College, says that she was disowned by her parentsFirst Baptist members bothin part for daring to wear pants. 2. About 1,000 students are currently enrolled, down from 2,700 in its heyday, according to admissions director Joe Peete, who gave a Chicago intern a tour of the premises in late October. When Nischik confronted Hyles in 1985 and demanded that he leave his wife alone, she filed for divorce at Hyles insistence. One of the girls told me and Daves sister that she was sleeping with him, and we told his dad. He built her family a beautiful home right around the corner from our house. Terry was a deacon in the late 1980's when the deacon board rejected my family's appeal to them to -- finally -- deal with Jack Hyles and his decades-long affair with my mother. Money poured into the church in other ways: the tithes collected each Sunday, a book-publishing arm, and various conferences and seminars. [This was before Jack Schaap got caught in adultery with a teenager.] (She left the church in 2010 after her husband, a prominent member of the congregation, was caught having sexual relationships with underage girls. Her office had a door opening to Hyles office, but there was a drape in front of it so that no one coming into her office could see it. Instead, she continues, he was allowed and encouraged to perpetuate what my father began: idolatry, secrecy, adultery, and a harshly punitive culture based on an endless list of legalistic rules that served the man of God. Not Godor at least not a God that I would want to know.. He will abhor that which is evil (Rom. In light of the firsthand testimonies that have been published, this pastor is simply closing his eyes to the truth, for whatever reason. Yes, they havent slept together in probably 25 years, they dont share the same bedroom, they dont speak. No one could have imagined he would grow into the larger-than-life figure whom critics would dub the Godfather and others would consider the Chosen One. He told lies that he couldnt possibly get away with. It was simple, but daunting, and that was to keep all the secrets, and there were so many. He really does have that kind of influence on those people. boymom August 11, 2012 at 11:11 am Right back at ya, babe. The approach resonated deeply with rural Texans longing for a return to old-time religion. The answer is definitely yes and there are a hundred people who know that. Yes, then, I agree. In 1972 came the crown jewel: Hyles-Anderson College, an unaccredited divinity school where would-be pastors are taught to export the Hyles approach to churches across the country. She is the daughter of Jack Hyles (former pastor of the Independent Fundamental Baptist megachurch, First Baptist Hammond) and talks about her escape from that cult (her word, not mine). When he entered, we would all stand on the pew and sing, We love you, Preacher. Some of the abuse that Glover described in his bookas many others would later allegewas perpetrated by Hyless son. I remember hearing once that it is not wise to put anything in writing that one would not want the entire world to see. The sessions lasted from 2004 through 2009. But to the congregation of First Baptist, it was all in a days preaching. You may have convinced your following in the past twenty years that 'it did not happen if they did not see it,' but God has seen every moment of those years, and my faith will not let [me] believe that He will let you go unpunished. Much of our material is available for free, such as the hundreds of articles at the Way of Life web site. These are not sharable. I literally feared for my very life if I ever told what went on in our home, for fear that it would hurt his ministry. While most of the lower level was filled, sections of the sweeping balcony were deserted. Another occasion was the girl who was working at the cemetery. They need to know that there is help. . Former principal at Liberty Baptist Academy, Lake Station, Indiana, Convicted in 2002 of crossing state lines with the intent to have sex with an 11-year-old girl, 7. My dad lived a double life, one of a righteous family man and of a dynamic speaker in the public eye, but [another] one of sordid sexual secrets privately, secrets that only my siblings and me and my mom knew. Every time we talked he would ask me if we kissed, and I would say yes, and he would ask me real intimate questions about when we kissed and what happened when we kissed. And I was the one who was made to look like the bad guy in both instances. I attended at least 12 Pastors Schools. How true it is. When you do submit, be prepared to endure excruciating pain. Hyles made driving out these northern liberals his first priority. When he tried to read a three-page letter, Hyles cried out, You are trying to destroy fundamentalism! and the deacons chimed in by shouting the poor man down. Multiple websites tracking the First Baptist Church of Hammond have identified more than a dozen men with ties to the churchmany of whom graduated from its college, Hyles-Anderson, or its annual Pastors Schoolswho fanned out around the country, preaching at their own churches and racking up a string of arrests and civil lawsuits, including physical abuse of minors, sexual molestation, and rape. I have listened to over 1,000 sermons on tape which he preached in his own pulpit in the 70s and early 80s. Born in the tiny Dallas suburb of Italy, Hyles often preached about his alcoholic father, his devoted and deeply conservative Christian mother, and the curse of growing up poor. Ohh! . Facebook gives people the power to share and makes the world more open. The preacher quoted 1 Thessalonians 5:22, Abstain from all appearance of evil, but Hyles brazenly replied, My people need to trust me.In 1971, Hyles, without his wife, took Jennie and three other women to Hawaii and stayed in the same hotel, being the only male in the group.In a scene right out of some cheap romance novel, Hyles arranged for Vic Nischik to sleep in the basement of his own house and to pay rent to Jennie. until the child is crying, not tears of anger but tears of a broken will. They should leave stripes if need be. Treated her terribly. , because his influence is so pervasive even to this day. He had a mistress for many years, the wife of a Sunday School teacher. First, we see that refusal to separate from those who are immoral takes away the ability to protest their evil. The last point is just as unscriptural and wrong and dangerous as the first. I am reminded of the lessons of Proverbs 29:24-27 --, Whoso is partner with a thief hateth his own soul: he heareth cursing, and bewrayeth it not. There are some very good people still there whom I love dearly and who truly have hearts for the Lord but were deceived, Busby says. The fear of man is as much a problem among preachers as it is among teenagers, and it makes a man weak and incapable of taking the proper stand for truth. 57, 58). He pastored a church in Texas and was found to be having affairs with 14 different women. After his first sermon in 1947, Elijah blushed and Heavens flag flew at half mast for three days, he lamented in a 1975 Time magazine article. When the long-serving pastor of First Baptist Church in Hammond stepped down, Hyles got the call. - Receive these reports by email We trust that your Christian honesty will preserve the integrity of this policy. Joseph D. Combs, 63 Your idol is a false one. With these thoughts expressed, I bathe myself of you and any influence you may have had on me in the past. All we ask is that you give proper credit. They are so influenced by him that I think if he told them that he was a black man they would believe him. - www.wayoflife.org, Sharing Policy: Many rumors and much slander developed, some of which continues to rattle around to this day. About. He left everything to the organization, which my younger sister and her husband now lead. We were taught to not question and to take the man of Gods [Schaaps] word over everything, says Julie Silvestrone Busby, a former First Baptist member who now hosts a Christian radio show in Iowa. He could destroy you., In fact, he nearly destroyed Busbys marriage. Posted on September 8, 2018 by Jim. Previous Post FWOTW: 1611Skirts.com Next Post The Coup de Grce. But thats what it is. Walking away from fundamentalist Christianity was a pivotal event in my life. ), If a man did stumblehaving an affair, say, or visiting prostitutes or abusing childrenthe question wasnt how he could have but rather what the woman, or the child, did to drive him to such sin, some former church members say. Older Comments. I entered a bit after the 6 p.m. start time, ducked past the crimson-coated ushers, and found a seat in what I eventually realized was the section reserved for the deaf. , currently an associate pastor at First Baptist, did not return numerous calls requesting an interview in and. Church in Hammond stepped down, Hyles got the call 21-year-old radar me! One of the abuse that Glover described in his bookas many others would allegewas... Hyles demonstrated his power in the 70s and early 80s Hammond stepped down, Hyles cried,. Working at the church in other ways: the tithes collected each Sunday, a book-publishing arm, that! 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