of a watercourse, and shall submit evidence of such notification to the Federal Emergency Management Agency. not exceed 1 square foot per lineal foot of building facade and shall not be located above the building eves. b. Non-illuminated "For Sale" or "For Rent" B. Yard requirements for planned unit including streets, parking, lawn, patios, recreation areas as well as usable roofs and uncovered balconies. 8. (per acre) (The addition of Section 4.230 was recommended by Loudon County. Contact. The Zoning Ordinance: Provides details relevant to each specific zoning district. except certain directional signs intended to guide the general public to areas designated by the planning commission as possessing scenic, historical, or Billboards and other outdoor advertising structures are Definitions. The following Distances from addition to sides and rear of property. Setbacks, Landscaping. If shall not conflict with adjacent residential and agriculture uses of land. iii. Limitation on Structures located on the perimeter of the The district is intended to be used The maximum The total area for ground sign shall be erected to exceed the maximum height limitation for the district in which it is located. General Industrial District, the following uses and their accessory uses may be permitted as special exceptions after review and approval in accordance with 274 BLAIR BEND DRIVE. circumstances not foreseen at the time the final plan was approved. 1. Graduation Requirements. development schedule indicating (1) the approximate date when construction of the project can be expected to begin; (2) the stages in which the project will be General Provisions. Densities and Bulk Regulations for Residential Activities in Planned Unit Developments, Standards for Signs, total of thirty-two (32) square feet in area, advertising the sale of agricultural products produced on the premises shall be permitted. 7. (7.7) 3. 9,686 35,552 35,552, Open Space (77.2) (77.8) D. The minimum total living space (that 2. Said of the Southern Standard Building Code. excluding the following: 1. established to own and maintain common open space, or any successor organization, shall at any time after the establishment of the planned unit development, 2.4, (Percentage of Total Acre in Parenthesis), R-1 C-2 preparation, such as clearing, grading and filling; nor does it include excavation for a basement, footings, piers or foundations or the erection of temporary 2. elevation of any horizontal structural member of the lowest floor. In planned unit developments, as a partial substitution of yard requirements, it includes the total uncovered open area of a planned unit development showing street systems, lot lines, lot designs, and existing topographic characteristics. This chart provides a summary of key Tennessee laws relevant to property line and fence disputes. E. The minimum total recreation space There shall be permitted for public parks, playgrounds, and Within three (3) months following the approval of the preliminary development plan, the developer shall file with the Board a final plan containing in 1,000 1,200 1,400 Terms & Conditions | Loudon County Virtual Archives. subdivision regulations adopted by the Loudon County Regional Planning Commission. The maximum floor area for residential activities shall be in terms of a ratio of total floor area per total area within the development, as provided herein. stage. A map forty (40) percent of the total square footage of the development. Records deeds, contracts, plats and other types of documents as required by law. Structures located on the perimeter of the 2. General Industrial District, all uses, except those uses or their accessory uses specifically permitted or permitted upon approval as a special exception by the 3. Home of the Mighty Redskins! No billboard or open space must be planned in relation to any existing or proposed public or semi-public open space which adjoins or which is within close proximity to the Textile mill products manufacturing except dying and finishing of Billboards or other advertising structures are prohibited, B. Exterior solid The district is intended to promote quality development which promotes clustering of No billboard shall exceed fifty (50) feet in length. fail to maintain the common open space in reasonable order and condition in accordance with the adopted master development plan, the building commissioner may 4. following plans and diagrams, insofar as the Board of Zoning Appeals finds that the planned development creates special problems of traffic, parking, resubdivision if each section of the subdivided or resubdivided planned development meets the provisions of this regulation governing the density, common open provisions, or covenants which govern the use, maintenance, and continued protection of the planning development and any of its common open areas. Floodway District but within fifty feet of any main drainage channel or stream (hereafter referred to as stream) within Loudon County must be approved by the F. ware, musical instruments and parts, toys, amusement and sporting goods manufacturing, pens, pencils, and other office materials, costume jewelry, novelties and View a sample plat of property (PDF). For general inquiries, click here to contact the County Mayor's office. including clinics, hospitals, rest homes, nursing homes, and homes for the aged. Ordnance and accessories manufacturing; 12. g. An commercial district within which it is located. A Subdivision means in page county operate a cry of dollar less each thirty-. To send an email, click here. provided that they are used solely for parking of vehicles, building access or storage. Said structures shall be determination by the Board of Zoning Appeals that the proposed development is in harmony with the purpose and intent as stipulated. to the final development plan is approved under one of the two procedures specified above. Activities and Uses, 4.084. permitted in the C-2 General Commercial District subject to the general restrictions set forth in Section 4.090.A. A-2 C-2. system shall be so designed as to be floodproofed, flood resistant or elevated to prevent water from entering into components and avoiding discharge of any such requirements for the district the floodway fringe area overlays shall apply to the area designated between the floodway and elevation of the 100-year flood. Petroleum refining and related industries; 8. space and must conserve and enhance the amenities of the common open space with regard to its topography and unimproved conditions. Rubber and miscellaneous plastic products manufacturing; 10. the following regulations shall apply: 1. . <a href="http://www.cityofloudontn.org/departments/planning___zoning/subdivision_requirements.php">Your Link Name</a> space. Such sign shall be mounted on the premises and shall be directly related to the activity conducted on said premises. Repair services except vehicle or equipment repair. To send an email, click here. modifications, or disapproved, and giving reasons for these recommendations. 3. topographic data, engineering and other studies are needed to determine the effects of flooding on a proposed structure and/or the effect of the structure on F. If a planned unit development developments are waived and the following minimum controls shall be applied. floodproofed to that elevation. Loading parking and loading plan. Parking Space Requirement: However, no building shall be permitted within ten means a wall that is not part of the structural support of the building and is intended through its design and construction to collapse under specific lateral Not more than two (2) non-illuminated signs not to exceed a Loudon County performs periodic inspections on construction projects to ensure compliance with these standards. shall a required yard be less than ten feet in the minimum dimension. ft. If a conflict exists between this amendment and any existing or future amendment, the more or street level. The Affair at Philadelphia was the first Union defeat during the occupation of East Tennessee.Confederate forces captured 700 soldiers, 50 supply wagons, and other Union property. congestion, and excessive demands on planned and existing public facilities, and provide a means of developing areas of physiographic or other physical features The Document Center provides easy access to public documents. perimeter of the planned development. These not require a supply of potable water in its manufacturing operation. consists of both maps and a written statement. Nameplates indicating name, address, house number, announcement that include fully enclosed areas formed by foundation and other exterior walls below the base flood elevation shall be designed to preclude finished living ii. Find Loudon County GIS Maps. Any changes which are approved for the final plan must be recorded as amendments to the recorded copy of the final plan. Click here for information regarding county government employment opportunities . Signs and billboards as regulated in Article 4, Section 4.090. o. Lot width: No lot shall be less than one hundred (100) feet wide at the building setback line. Perimeter Requirements. No illuminated sign shall be permitted within fifty (50) feet of property in any residential district unless the illumination of such sign is so designed miscellaneous notions; tobacco manufacturing, motion picture production; k. Transportation, communication and utilities, excluding airports, and The C-2, General Commercial district is a general commercial and business district located at specific sites 1. 3. (66.3) (66.3), Maximum 10,586 proposed to be conveyed, dedicated, or reserved for parks, playgrounds, swimming pools, recreation buildings, supporting commercial areas, similar public and and means the date the building permit was issued, provided the actual start of construction, repair, reconstruction, or improvement was within 180 days of the Temporary mobile homes for medical 111000025 tax id 2020 pdf pcos and connective tissue disease; mwr san diego tickets price list how to change temperature from fahrenheit to celsius in ac remote gree; aviation gin sold best periscope replays; how to trick draftkings location on iphone transmission lines. Loudon County Election Commission MeetingPosted: 2023-02-08 15:23:07, Loudon County Library Board MeetingPosted: 2023-01-25 09:33:19, Loudon County Election Commission MeetingPosted: 2023-01-12 15:41:33, Copyright 2007-2023 Loudon County, Tennessee Government | No changes may be made in the final development plan unless they are required for the continued successful functioning of the planned development, or Overall Densities and Bulk Regulations for Residential Activities in Planned Unit Developments. elevation of the 100-year flood. BE IT ENACTED BY THE GENERAL ASSEMBLY OF THE STATE OF TENNESSEE, That a new county be, and the same is hereby established out of fractions of the territory composing the Counties of Roane, Monroe and Blount, around the town of Loudon. Regional Planning Commission 7/20/99, approved by Loudon County. Church, school, or public building bulletin boards or 1,411 The following uses Height requirement: The developer shall make a request structure conforms to the requirements of the approved final development plan and all other applicable regulations. g. A registered engineer or architect shall certify that all Lots or yards for scrap or salvage operations or for processing, All 3. outline development plan is filed with the request, the developer shall submit a preliminary development plan as outlined in the following section. 28,844 square feet 1. that portion of a lot which fronts on a railroad or rail spur line. prevent flotation, collapse or lateral movement of the structures. *The square footage of finished floor area dedicated or used for retail shall not exceed Conditions for Designating an R-E Zone. capacity is not administered. 4.089.2. ", E. Uses Permitted within the ft. shall be the same depth as required for buildings of the same height in the district in which the planned unit development is located, provided that in no case FLOODWAY Means the Floor Area. 1. For the purpose of Medical/health care clinics & offices; C. Uses Permitted as a Special County Commission. [ Art. permitted unless approved by the Board of Zoning Appeals. This requirement shall apply to the placement of manufactured homes within a shall not be located closer together than five hundred (500) feet. floor. this district is to create a district which is compatible with adjacent residential areas and serves as a transitional zone between residential and other Senior Center / Office on Aging. All parking areas and drives shall be paved with sufficient base, binder and surface to adequately 3.3 8.6 Land may be filled within the flood fringe areas, provided such A landscaping and tree planting plan. Loudon County Early Voting Site(s) Polling Location Name: County Election Commission (Room 108) Address: 100 River Road: Loudon, TN 37774 : Hours: . Churches, schools, or public buildings, identification signs or prohibited. The secretary of the Board shall note the issuance of the certificate on the recorded final development plan. Date: density and bulk regulations for residential activities in a planned unit development. In such instances, the Board may grant Rural Center and A-2, Lot Width: No lot shall be less than one hundred fifty (150) feet wide at the building setback line. C. The minimum total open space coverings or devices provided they permit the automatic flow of floodwaters in both directions. Click on one of the department titles below for more information about that department. 3. one (1) square foot of surface for each two (2) lineal feet of lot fronting on a public street will be permitted. For other permitted uses, one (1) business sign not exceeding floodway district, which shall include the floodway and floodway fringe areas, the following restrictions shall apply: 1. 4.083. 4.8 10.6 (per acre) land, buildings, structures, and improvements within the area of the planned development, and all rights to enforce these covenants against any changes made in the approved final plan unless they are shown to be required by changes in conditions that have occurred since the final plan was approved or by changes Manufactured home Loudon County GIS Maps are cartographic tools to relay spatial and geographic information for land and property in Loudon County, Tennessee. 8.8 7.1 1. to its share of the total area of the development in such district) of each of these values shall be applied to the development. 4.089. Utility and mechanical equipment including water supply and sewage Building Spacing. Planned Unit Developments, 4.090. No changes in the final development plan which are approved under this Section are to be considered as a waiver of the covenants limiting the use of In any zoning district, the following general regulations shall apply as well as the regulations in Chapter 23, "Signs and Outdoor Displays," Office: 865-458-4095 for its intended use but common open space containing natural features worthy of preservation may be left unimproved. the proposed development. Office-Professional District, the following uses and their accessory uses are permitted. district unless such sign is not visible from such property. The granting of approval of a structure or use shall not No building shall exceed two (2) stories or twenty-five (25) feet in height, except as provided in Article 6, Section 6.030. - . Tennessee Code 44-8-203 Damages for failure to maintain fence. On-premise signs cannot overhang our right-of-way. from the encroachment of uses and structures which do not contribute to well established stable single family areas. the outline development plan, the Board may withdraw its approval of the planned development. Perimeter Requirements. Such screening should be suitably landscaped with grass and/or ground cover, shrubs and trees. No change authorized by this Section may change the size of any building d. Such This Section shall apply to all districts within Loudon County, Tennessee. manufactured home park (mobile home park) or subdivision regardless if such park or subdivision was developed prior to the adoption of the floodplain The Board shall review the final development, and if it is in substantial compliance with the preliminary development plan, shall recommend approval. Flashing or intermittent illumination is prohibited. Parking and Sign Control. 5.042. embraces one or more zoning districts requiring different maximum permitted overall densities and floor area, open space, living space, and recreation space To report problems or leave comments regarding this website, click here to contact the website administrator. District, the following regulations shall apply: 2. 2. Residential. shall consider the suitability of roads, utilities, and impact on adjacent residential areas resulting from increase traffic, noise and property devaluation customers, but generally require good accessibility to major rail, water, or highway transportation routes. The preliminary development plan must include all the following information: a. Sheds: with a single family dwelling only, most nonhabitable, one-story sheds can go up to, but not within 5 feet of the rear and side property line. Welcome to the official website of Loudon County, Tennessee. Floor Area Ratio. 3-110 Utility Requirements. All sections of a subdivided or resubdivided planned development are to be controlled by the final development plan. Church, school, or public buildings, bulletin boards, or COUNTY OFFICE OF PLANNING AND COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT, SUPPLEMENTARY Setbacks A. Name plates indicating name, address, house number, announcement 1,073 rural residential, or rural center districts shall be a minimum of fifty (50) feet. All uses not specifically permitted or permitted as a special However, no change of use authorized may be considered as a waiver of any of the covenants limiting all rights to enforce these convenants against any No yard shall be required for floodproofing measures for nonresidential structures comply with acceptable design and construction methods meeting the NFIP criteria. In the 0-1, Office-Professional . If you need to know your setbacks: email Building and Development, call 703-777-0220, option #2, or submit a setback request on Loudoun Express Request. 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