BOLC classes prepare junior officers to adapt to any leadership positions they will hold. Sample planning timelines and key events that must happen within that time line should also be included. This resulted in the convoy missing its specified departure time. For example, using a squad radio for the company command net if the platoon radio is broken. Figure 6-1. The key activity of the S&T platoon is the conduct of LOGPAC operations to the BN/TF and getting replenishment sustainment stocks from division/corps units at the LRP. The way platoon leaders and sergeants work together as a team can cause the success or failure of companies, battalions, brigades, and divisions. The maintenance flow begins when the operator sends a CFS maintenance/recovery request using FBCB2. Deliver issued assets (LOGPAC) and pickup retrogrades(turn-ins to maintenance and/or for disposal). The best way to ensure a common standard in the planning process is to create and use standard operating procedures (SOP). Otherwise, the commander will simply have delegated a long list of tasks without the subordinates understanding exactly how to execute them. He supervises the company headquarters personnel and coordinates assigned missions with subordinate elements. The stock control section is collocated to facilitate on-site item management. Through the entire sequence of events the operator/crew is always updated on the status of his call for support in the FBCB2. 6-52. Ordering required repair parts and replenishing combat spares as required. He served with B Battery during Operation Just Cause in Panama in 1989. 6-57. The more echelons that are used, the more synchronization is required. 6-44. When the LTO is accepted, the maintenance section NCOIC uses FBCB2 to synchronize/coordinate mission support and sends a mechanic to repair the vehicle. Cultivated a positive rapport with fellow employees to boost company morale and promote employee retention. Serving as maintenance control officer in his absence. When the FSC exceeds its organic recovery capability, the FSC support operations section requests assistance through the FSB support operations section by forwarding the original CFS by FBCB2. Maj. Michael Weimer selected as 17th Sergeant Major of the Army, Joint Pacific Multinational Readiness Center Media Roundtable, October 27, 2022, US Army Training and Doctrine Command updates Army capstone doctrine, codifying shift to multidomain operations, U.S. Army releases its Climate Strategy Implementation Plan, Fort Bragg set to host first-ever US Army Best Squad Competition, Army to delay transition period ahead of IPPS-A Release 3, Secretary of the Army and Chief of Staff of the Army Memorandum on Recruiting, Army Establishes two new Initiatives to Combat Harmful Behaviors, U.S. Army STAND-TO! Once the lieutenants finish BOLD tactics, they continue with common core lessons on written communications, cultural awareness, and other officership topics. 6-49. The maneuver 1SG also has under his operational control the combat medical team (CMT) with track ambulance capability. Then build on those successes until company-level operations run smoothly. Once the commander decides on the plan, the orders group would begin working on predesignated task lists to produce the company order. The platoon leader leads his Soldiers by personal example and is responsible for all the platoon does or fails to do, having complete authority over his subordinates.. The addition of two former NTC observer-coach/trainers to BOLD has significantly enhanced the instructors' ability to synchronize training with what lieutenants will encounter at the combat training centers. The purpose behind TLPs is relatively straightforward. 6-55. He is also is responsible for maintaining the health, welfare, and morale of platoon personnel. Standardized rehearsal scripts for common missions will keep everyone on track when the unit begins rehearsing the plan. A recovery team is dispatched to perform recovery operations at the breakdown site or from an intermediate coordinated location within the area of operation. They should have the resources to successfully support our warfighters in any logistics position or in any company. Oversees all quality control inspections and inspectors to validate their capability to identify improper repairs and scheduled services. The platoon leader and platoon sergeant are two of the most important leaders in the U.S. Army. The AMSS replaces manual readiness reporting on the front-side of DA Form 2406. Maintenance advances such as the multi-capable mechanic, advances in diagnostics and prognostics maintenance capabilities, and the introduction of the forward repair system (FRS) enhances the FSC maintenance platoon's capabilities. It directs the operations of its subordinate sections as well as the overall CSS operations in support of the BN/TF. Determining platoon equipment operators licensing requirements. 6-48. The point here is to enforce the now standardized company planning process and templates and to ensure every leader is completely comfortable with them. Second Lt. Kaitlin Lusk reviews a list of equipment that needs maintenance while 2nd Lts. Assist the commander in preparations for follow-on missions. The FSCs locate, based on METT-TC, four to twelve kilometers behind their supported maneuver BN/TF in the task force support area (TFSA). Centralization of support is enhanced through the employment of FBCB2 and CSSCS. Alan M. Strange is a BOLC instructor at ALU at Fort Lee, Virginia. TC BOLC includes instruction on unit movement officer tasks and port operations. She is a graduate of the OD Basic Course and the Logistics Captains Career Course. Most FSCs do not even attempt to conduct formalized TLPs. His responsibilities include, but are not limited to the following: Provides input to the plans. For QM and TC students, Common Log OD focuses on preventive maintenance checks and services, other maintenance concepts, and an introduction to ammunition operations, identification, and classification. Based on METT-TC, the FSC has the flexibility to locate the unit maintenance collection point (UMCP), recovery, emergencies re-supply of Class III and V, and other assets from the TFSA in this FSC forward location. The battalion has just finished issuing a hastily prepared change-of-mission fragmentary order (FRAGORD), and Capt. The electronic versions of the forms are consolidated at company level and then transmitted to the battalion and its supporting combat repair team. Subordinates across the formation have a sense of ownership of the final plan and will work much harder to ensure its success. Platoon Leaders are their heads who motivate and inspire them to complete a mission. The final week includes a comprehensive field training exercise with multiple logistics operations, such as route reconnaissance, site selection for helicopter landing zones and reverse osmosis water purification units, and sling-load and medical evacuation operations. The FSMC, FSB, for combat health support and patient evacuation. The NBC NCO ensures that the training program covers the following requirements: First-line supervisors provide effective sustainment training in NBC common tasks. 7-67. The CRT and maintenance section work together on annual and semi-annual services to the FSC maintenance and service section of the FSC maintenance platoon to the maneuver company's equipment. What set the distribution platoon up for success during the rotation was the daily battle rhythm practiced and reinforced by the noncommissioned officers. Using this knowledge, the commander prepares his unit for combat operations using troop-leading procedures. Establishes and monitors Bn/TF LOGSITREP/ LOGSTAT/ LOGSPOT reports IAW SOP. Coordinates for personnel with special MOSs to support slice units equipment, e.g., combat engineers, ADA, and FA. The supply and transportation platoon operates FBCB2 and the STAMIS (SARSS-1 or GCSS-A). Assigning daily workload to maintenance and service section and the recovery section. Assume command of the company as required. Commanders should regularly conduct TLPs at the company level with the company orders group. The MCS receives calls for support (CFS) and logistics task order (LTO) messages through FBCB2. This includes retail refuel operations from organic assets and ammunition resupply. The maintenance platoon sergeant is the platoon's second in command and is accountable to the platoon leader for the leadership, discipline, training, and welfare of the platoon's soldiers. The best FSC commanders observed at JMRC are those who are able to discern which tasks they can delegate and which they cannot. This message includes the vehicle location and the action requested. Human Services Counseling Executive Leadership. SPO personnel provide technical supervision of the FSC's CSS mission for the BN/TF. QM BOLC has instruction on all QM functions and concludes with an end-of-course capstone exercise in which each lieutenant acts as a platoon leader for a forward support company in a decisive action training environment. Within the platoon, there is a senior supply NCO who serves as the platoon sergeant and a senior food service sergeant. The goal of field maintenance is to repair and return equipment to the Soldier. The headquarters section can maintain the company terrain model kit and train Soldiers on how to build it to the published standard. maintenance on rolling stock on "Move" weeks, or shift gears and execute maintenance on shoot or communicate category equipment as per the six-week plan. A platoon leader is an officer in command of a platoon, usually a junior officer such as a first or second lieutenant. Pros. 6-24. Must maintain continual communications with higher, lower, and adjacent units. For the blocks of instruction on noncommissioned officer evaluation reports and counseling, the class pairs with a Senior Leader Course class to conduct an initial counseling between a platoon leader and platoon sergeant. He must be flexible, using sound judgment to make correct decisions quickly and at the right time based on the higher commander's intent and the tactical situation. This program, codified in a company-level SOP, will help train new arrivals to understand company standards. Repairs should be made as far forward as possible. 6-15. Major differences between support of an armor and mechanized battalion are that the armor battalions require more fuel and the mechanized battalions require more ammunition STONS. The first thing to understand is that a commander (or any leader for that matter) should focus on accomplishing those things that only he can accomplish. The crew/operator forwards a call for support message through FBCB2 to the 1SG. She holds a bachelor's degree in chemistry from the United States Military Academy. The FSC support operations sends a LTO to the MCS for action. Fuel requires a twice a day delivery, all other supplies are daily or as required by METT-TC. The platoon maintains a limited quantity of combat spares (PLL and shop stock) in the MCS. Coordinates delivery priorities with the brigade/battalion S4. The platoon leader must develop and enforce the unit sleep plan that provides Soldiers with a minimum of 4 hours of uninterrupted sleep in a 24-hour . 6-2. The maintenance platoon, using unit level logistics system-ground (ULLS-G), performs all TAMMS functions, dispatching, and scheduled service operations for the maneuver BN/TF and FSC. Jun 27, 2016 - O1 - Army - Second Lieutenant in Stephenville, TX. The FSC commander is responsible for executing the CSS plan in accordance with maneuver commander's guidance. This message includes the type of request, action requested, mission, and vehicle location. With guidance from higher headquarters, it plans and conducts all necessary training activities. Maintenance platoon leader 4-10, page 15 Maintenance technician 4-11, page 15 Maintenance control supervisor 4-12, page 15 Brigade support battalion field maintenance company operations 4-13, page 16 Support operation's readiness division officer in charge 4-14, page 16 AH64D Maintenance Platoon Leader. The students also have a two-week exercise known as Operation Decisive Action and two weeks of additional officership classes and graduation preparation. Maintenance includes inspecting, testing, servicing, repairing, requisitioning, recovering, and evacuating vehicles and equipment. If the tactical situation permits, CRTs focus on completing jobs on site. The squad leaders or vehicle commanders collect the maintenance forms and send them via Force XXI Battle Command Brigade and Below or give them to the platoon sergeant, who consolidates the forms for the platoon. Well-versed in materials management and inventory reconciliation. The distribution platoon leader could enforce TLPs before every ammunition draw, delivery, or turn-in. As second in command, he must understand both the support operations and the non-CSS functions of the forward support company. The course caps off its functional training by testing students in a comprehensive field exercise called Operation Overland. Throughout the course, the students lead rigorous physical training, including ruck marches and a culminating 12-mile event. Platoon meetings have three objectives: Gather information from subordinate leaders on training proficiencies Discuss preparations for upcoming training Solicit ideas for future training. The appropriate section responds to the LTO with one of the acknowledgment messages. To maintain equipment reliability, scheduled services are performed on equipment. As an option, the armorer may serve as the driver of the 1SG's vehicle to make him more accessible for weapons repair and maintenance in forward areas. "They left over three hours ago!" 6-33. The company's senior NCOs are empowered and able to share their wealth of experience when developing the plan. The maintenance control supervisor is responsible for management of the combined efforts of all maintenance sections and teams and the day-to-day operations of the maintenance control section to include: Maintaining all records essential to the operations of the maintenance section and teams. Serves as the unit's point of contact for automated readiness reporting and mileage reporting issues. Wrote reports and gave oral presentations to keep employees up-to-date on company goals and achievements. The platoon headquarters coordinates with the FSC commander and FSC support operations officer to integrate and support BN/TF operations. The FSC support operations officer coordinates the maintenance priorities with the battalion S4 and MCS. TLPs are a vital part of the operations process for FSCs. Wingit quietly asks himself, "What went wrong?". Preserve the fighting capability of the supported BN/TF and the FSC. PLATOON LEADER 1-48. Managing production control, to include the assignment of work to shop sections and the compilation of prescribed reports and records. Advise the commander on contamination avoidance measures. Plans, coordinates, and controls allocation of available resources. This section also provides limited reinforcing recovery support to CRTs. Plans and executes contingency operations as required. When a piece of equipment is damaged, it should be inspected to see if it can be repaired on the spot. 6-43. Recommends allocation of maintenance assets in coordination with company commanders and UMOs. It also provides maintenance information to the FSB support operations section by transmitting data, FM BLAST to the greatest extent possible (other communication technique to be determined), from the MCS's SAMS-1 box to the FSB support operation section's SAMS-2 box. Meanwhile, as Capt. Maintains current status of critical supplies. The flow of reporting and repairing equipment includes the following: 7-69. Developing the maintenance services plan for BN/TF equipment. Use of FBCB2 provides the roll-up of critical information required by the FSB to anticipate and meet the BN/TF maintenance requirements. 6-14. 6-28. 6-34. Wingit pulls in his platoon leaders and reads them his notes from the battalion's OPORD briefing. Anything that is not repaired in the UMCP, or that is not towed by UMCP assets, is recovered to the BSA or evacuated echelons above division (EAD). The armorer performs organizational maintenance on the company's small arms and is responsible for evacuating weapons as necessary to the maintenance platoon or to the base support company for DS maintenance. The company commander's responsibility in combat is threefold. The MCS forwards the LTO to the recovery section NCOIC. The food service section has the ability to prepare and deliver hot meals to the maneuver company area. It distributes prepackaged and/or prepared food. Provide retail Class III(B) unit distribution to BN/TF maneuver units and supply point to TFSA units. At the end of Common Log, all of the branches dive deep into their own functional skills. In order to extend the reach of support and enable the lethality of the warfighter, lieutenants have to understand the operation that they are supporting, the purpose behind the support operations, and the sustainment nodes at each echelon. With the introduction of GCSS-Army, maintenance functionality will be consolidated in the maintenance module. The BN/TF commander is the approval authority for controlled exchange actions. Business Outlook. A leader exhibits self-discipline, initiative, confidence and intelligence. OD and TC BOLCs include a week on Common Log QM, which focuses on property accountability and culminates with a practical exercise on conducting a platoon-level inventory of general mechanic toolboxes, camouflage nets, radio antennas, humvees, and generator sets. The scope and level of repairs are based on METT-TC. After the FSC regained control of the situation, no further TLPs were conducted at the company, platoon, squad, or section levels for the duration of the time available. The orders group technique allows the commander to focus his time and effort on understanding the company's role in the overall fight. Quartermaster Officer- Maintenance Platoon Leader Burger King Corporation - Honea Path, SC, United States 2LT/0-1, 3rd Battalion 429th Fox Maintenance Company Lead and supervise 40 soldiers Plan, organize, and supervise all Battalion service maintenance on vehicles, weapons, and equipment Vital role in Comet Inspection passing rate of 98% Coordinates critical parts status with division/FSB support operations officer. 6-22. This physical location on the ground where the support operations tracked vehicle co-locates with the maneuver BN/TF tracked vehicle is called the combat trains command post (CTCP). With this understanding, the commander is now free to lead his organization through the development of a course of action that supports the intent of the battalion commander. The CTCP is located within the FSC forward location, one to four kilometers behind the BN/TF. The extent of repair is METT-TC dependent. On the Force XXI battlefield, mechanized and armored maneuver battalions remain responsible for operator and crew level maintenance. Alan M. Strange and Capt. They are physically fit and can perform under physical and mental pressures. The distribution section is responsible to support all classes of supply coming from or passing through the FSC in support of a mechanized or armor battalion. Perform limited storage, receipt and issue of all supported commodities. Feb 2023 - Present2 months. General Learning Outcomes. The result of good PMCS is a properly completed equipment inspection and maintenance forms. 6-7. Upon notification, the section NCOIC acknowledges the LTO. If an FSC commander feels confident in his unit's ability to rapidly produce mission orders, it is highly recommended that he request an external evaluation by either the battalion operations officer or brigade support battalion executive officer. The FSC support operation then reinitiates the CFS to the FSB support operations. The S&T platoon sergeant is the platoon's second in charge and is accountable to the platoon leader for the leadership, discipline, training, and welfare of the platoon's soldiers. Managing, and when necessary, conducting cross training for mechanics in the FSC. The FSC provides field maintenance and all classes of supply, less medical, to its supported BN/TF. The commander must also know the capabilities and limitations of the company's personnel and equipment in performing the CSS mission as well as those of CSS elements attached to him. 6-46. Maintenance at the platoon and squad level comprises thorough preventive maintenance checks and services and accurate reporting of maintenance problems to the company. MAINTENANCE. If equipment cannot be repaired forward, it is evacuated immediately or returned with a LOGPAC. The maintenance platoon headquarters section provides command, control, and supervision for all administrative functions of the platoon. The maneuver company 1SG reinitiates the platform's CFS up to the FSC support operations section. The armored and mechanized infantry maneuver BN/TF's first level of support comes from the FSC CRTs which are organized to provide field maintenance (organizational and direct support maintenance levels) for all combat platforms organic to maneuver companies. Wingit thinks to himself. Coordinate and supervise the issue or delivery of supplies to the platoons or sections. The platoon sergeant (PSG) executes the support mission of the platoon in concert with the concept of support, the operations order and platoon leader's guidance. Maintain Non-Val Pay at 1% or lower within Platoon5. This CTCP is located in the FSC forward location, usually in the center of the FSC forward, for force protection purposes and to act as the command and control of the assets placed there, as well as, to facilitate cooperation, planning, and interface with the BN/TF staff. But a poorly planned operation is doomed from the start. The recovery section accomplishes its mission by performing damage assessment and initial damage classification and recovering battle damaged equipment. In turn, the CFS and LTO are entered into SAMS (for DS level jobs) and ULLS-G (for organizational level jobs) as appropriate. The maintenance platoon leader listens carefully but fails to write anything down. Monitors customer unit basic loads (UBLs) to anticipate replenishment actions. The maintenance control section is the management center for all maintenance actions. Directs, and when required trains recovery vehicle operators on safe and correct recovery operations. This ensures the maintenance platoon maintains asset visibility and tactical as well as CSS situational awareness. FM Operational Budget Course (FMOBC) FM Planning and Operations. Determined the most cost-effective procedures and routes for shipments. The unit commander primarily establishes the platoon leader duties. These tasks could include constructing the company terrain model kit, producing graphics and map overlays, and filling out briefing boards or other visual displays to help the commander convey the plan and convoy movement tables. Enforces the maintenance of up-to-date technical publications for use by maintenance personnel. He is responsible to the commander for the management of the combined efforts of the maintenance control section, maintenance and service section, recovery section, and the combat repair teams to include: Evaluating and ensuring the quality of maintenance completed by the maintenance platoon. Developing and executing the BN/TF licensing program. He has now delegated tasks that would otherwise consume a great amount of time. The maintenance flow is the same as described in the MCS. Forecasts and monitors the workload for all equipment by type. They assemble their logistics packages (LOGPACS) and then move their vehicles forward to the company logistics release point (LRP). 7-66. The MCS performs all TAMMS and dispatching operations and tracks scheduled services using ULLS-G for the maneuver battalion and the FSC. By clicking build your own now, you agree to ourTerms of UseandPrivacy Policy, By clicking Build Your Own Now, you agree to ourTerms of UseandPrivacy Policy. Once the company understands who is responsible for what actions, it needs to know what the company's standards are. They lack the tactical intuition necessary to solve complex problems while operating in field trains, combat trains, or tactical convoy operations. He has a bachelor's degree from the College of William and Mary. Combat repair teams (CRTs) from the FSCs are placed forward with each maneuver company under the control of the maneuver 1SG. The maintenance platoon operates and controls the BN/TF UMCP. The platoon consists of a headquarters section, maintenance control section (MCS), recovery section, maintenance and service section, and the combat repair teams. The CRT NCOIC sends an acknowledgment message to the maneuver company 1SG and dispatches the appropriate assets to complete the mission. Good mission analysis, even at the company and platoon levels, makes it easy to determine the right course of action. In a recent end-of-rotation AAR at JMRC, three junior noncommissioned officers (NCOs) stated that when FSCs fail to conduct proper TLPs, subordinates become confused about why missions are ordered at the last minute. The maintenance control officer is the principal assistant to the commander, both BN/TF and FSB, on all matters pertaining to the field maintenance mission. Before the implementation of BOLC Common Logistics (Common Log) at the Army Logistics University (ALU), lieutenants were not prepared for the realities that they experienced during their first four years in the Army, which is when many junior officers work outside of their basic branches. Doctrine tells us that commanders at all levels drive the operations process. Highly organized and detail-oriented with a talent for accurate shipment tracking and problem resolution. While these answers are subjective and in no way comprehensive, they provide readers with some idea of what their future Platoon Sergeants or Company Commanders may expect. The MCO serves as the task force maintenance officer for the maneuver BN/TF and FSC using SAMS-1 and FBCB2. Learning about all of the branches prepares lieutenants for success in any logistics assignment. The operator requesting the maintenance support receives an information copy of the acknowledgment message. As required, assist the commander in issuing orders to the company, headquarters, and attachments. Ultimately, he must know how to exercise command effectively and decisively. Specific to the company planning process, every incoming Soldier should be taught the basic five-paragraph OPORD and be issued a laminated OPORD template for use in future training exercises. 7-74. To streamline training for QM, OD, and TC lieutenants, BOLD discontinued BOLC II courses at Fort Sill, Oklahoma, and Fort Benning, Georgia, in early 2010. Conduct tactical and logistical coordination with higher, adjacent, and supported units. Recommend. Conduct additional missions as required. Increase unit strength from 70% to 85% 7. The BSC or EAB for resupply assets to maintain the required quantity of materiel for push forward to the supported battalion. Students are also introduced to Blue Force Tracking, the Global Combat Support System-Army, and the Defense Advanced GPS Receiver. Upon completion of Recruit Training, Sergeant Major Leader reported to the School of Infantry at Camp Geiger, NC to receive combat skills training and proceeded to MOS training at Ft Leonard Wood, MO for the basic Heavy Equipment Operations Course, graduating top of his class and receiving meritorious . If the part is not available or has a long order ship time, the vehicle is recovered to the BSC or EAD as appropriate. The MCS uses three management tools: SAMS, ULLS-G, and FBCB2. Fund The Force - Commercial Vendor Services. Coordinating maintenance and service section and combat repair teams requirements for the use of the recovery section assets. The recovery section responds with an acknowledgment message. Sergeant Major Jason M. Leader attended recruit training in May 1998 at MCRD Parris Island. Once subordinates finish issuing their WARNORDs, they would regather at the FSC commander's position to review the analysis. 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