Living in dual realms receiving revelation in this realm sensing connection Mike Parsons takes us through his foundational daily meditation practice. Engage God through Jesus (the Way, Truth and Life) in the realms of heaven and within your own spirit and heart; and take up your responsibility as a mature son [daughter] in Gods kingdom. Over 6 hours of video recordings. Another more important reason is, the Father asked me to reach out to more people in different ways. Patreon funds are not going to me or any one individual but will help support our small team increase our capacity to share the message that God is love. Mary was born in Lanette, Alabama on November 28, 1925 to Samuel "Sam" and Annie Lee Myers. What was predestined was relationship. It is a journey, not a destination. God intends us to be spirit, soul and body, in that order. We are those saints, and the kingdom is ours to possess. Registered office: Freedom Centre, 1 Howard Avenue, Barnstaple EX32 8QA, UK. Read the latest posts from our Sons of Issachar blog. God had wired me to be inquisitive, always curious about how things were made and how they worked. It always gets us in a mess. Now thankfully He did not do that all in one go because it would have completely shattered my mind (which is why the Father has therefore deconstructed my thinking and greatly expanded my consciousness). The cross is not a pleasant place. Each of this series of blog posts is adapted from Mikes latest FREE video series on Unconditional Love. That will deal with sickness, disease, poverty all the things which rob Gods people (and the world) of their inheritance and all that stolen inheritance will be restored. Let that sink in. Psalm 23 When we have that relationship then that state of being releases a flow of everything we do. outworking the revelation you receive from God on a daily basis. Your first 2 weeks free. He does not want us to be limited or restricted in any way: therefore there are some challenges on the journey of deconstruction that challenge what we thought was true about God and about ourselves, and which will change our thinking. The expansion of the kingdom is going to come through Jesus body, the church. Everything in dealing with the flesh is dealing with humanism and dealing with independence. Topics likely to include:Restoration of fatherhood and sonship Call to the Joshua Generation Accessing the fire stones of destiny Engaging the Ya Sod, the Fathers heart in the what was (eternity) Standing in the 4 faces of God Operating in the Order of Melchizedek. Unconditional love requires absolutely no sacrifices or offerings but an Old Covenant mindset always requires something: it requires our obedience, our obligation, our duty which are all dead works and none of them have any value whatsoever before God. We will manifest the rule of heaven on earth,just as Jesus did. I really wanted to know what was happening. There is no place for selfishness or self-centredness in that. The instrumental music featured in this series is by Samuel Lane (SML Music) and can be streamed fromSoundCloud. Anyone who is married knows that when you get married, life does not revolve around you as a single person any more. And if you failed in one thing, you failed in it all. The Old Covenant was all about what we had to do to be acceptable to God. There is nothing good about our flesh whatsoever. conferences for 2018. Trying to please God, trying to be obedient, trying to love other people and trying to do the things God wants us to do: we get worn out trying. Introducing 'Engaging God'. Love released full and total, unconditional forgiveness. You may not have thought of it in quite that way though. Are all things actually all things? This is a book for the Joshua Generation, not only to read but also to pass on to others to introduce them to the concept of operating in the realms of heaven as sons and heirs together with Jesus. Literally, He sweat drops of blood, He was in so much anguish. Wait on the Lord and be still. Available wherever books are sold. In the Mirror Bible it says: He associated us in Christ before the fall of the world. He is happy to accept us as we are but we are often less happy to think we are acceptable the way we are because we have been conditioned to think we need to change. The early church was made up originally of Jewish people. All mankind can become fully mature sons, not just some, because God is so unconditionally loving that He leaves nobody out of the all. Yes, God is love, but He is also righteous. As if His righteousness contradicts His love! Get the recordings of all 22 sessions for 100 GBP at:, I did not set out to create a 7-step meditative exercise, I just discovered that I was doing this myself. His love never fails, never gives up and can never be escaped because it is filled with age-enduring grace and mercy. Make sure we give God first place, first love, first priority. But do not let this onefactescape your notice,beloved, that with the Lord one day is like a thousand years, anda thousand years like one day. So for me this has been a long, sometimes arduous journey to come to the knowledge of the truth and come to a realisation that God really is love; that His love is unconditional and He wants us to experience it so we can come into a reality where we love as He loves. All these are all religiously-programmed statements that I used to believe, because I had never experienced the contrary. Meditate on Bible verses and passages. If I am, then again I am operating in an old covenant mindset. God wants it to be very practical. That means that for God to love you, there are no conditions that you have to fulfil. Published on Mar 10, 2017. We are never going to meet some magical mark of perfect performance. So science actually indicates that the earth is not just 7000 years old, and in any case, no-one knows how long Adam and Eve lived before they fell and time really kicked in time did not function in the same way as it does today until they stepped outside of Gods eternal now. I discovered the answer to this is yes and no. This is not about there being a long period of evolution: I do not believe in evolution. Everything in terms of time is related to the speed of light; and the speed of light has been slowing down as it has moved away from the speed of creative light. When those norms are projected onto God, as they often are, it leads us to believe that God requires certain things of us, which contradicts the truth of His unconditional love. For the month of February 2023, Governor Mike Parson granted 22 pardons pursuant to Article IV, Section 7 of the Constitution of the State of Missouri. For the best reading experience we recommend you download the epub file and open it with Google Play Books or Apple Books. So if we live in that reality, then we can abide, dwell, and remain at rest in that state of conscious awareness that we are loved. I still havent found what Im looking for are the lyrics of a U2 song that I resonated with for most of my life. Soundcloud link. And if we are living in that place of living loved, then we can love living. Today those books are just gathering dust on peoples bookshelves, and if they were to read them now they would laugh. Satan's Secrets; . The path is not always straight and you cannot always see ahead but God knows where we are going: to a place of restoration and a deeper place of intimacy and creativity in our sonship. (2 Peter 3:8). His love cannot be thwarted by sin, rejection or death it has experienced all there is and yet has conquered and overcome all things, so that all things can be restored to loves face-to-face, relational innocence. Ive still plenty to share and I loveanswering questions and mentoring people to help them engage God directly and fulfill their destiny. Some of them are even free! It says that is not for now, and it denies the continuity of Gods purposes from Genesis to Revelation. Dates, times, everything seemed so very plausible. . Jesus, knowing that the Father had given all things into His hands, and that He had come forth from God and as going back to God (John 13:3). After this, Jesus, knowing that all things had already been accomplished (John 19:28). Or you can click the blue button to email us about making a one-time donation. For a lot of people, they are wanting to give because the Bible says so or they are conditioned to believe they should, when they have never really focused on receiving, and being, and experiencing, and knowing the unconditional love the Father has for them. Today, Governor Parson announced that the Coordinating Board for Higher Education voted to select Dr. Bennett Boggs as the new Commissioner of the Missouri Department of Higher Education and Workforce Development (DHEWD). Because it is too good to be true for an independent, alienated mind to accept and many of us have been alienated or separated from God within our own minds because of our religious programming. (From the Introduction to The Restoration of All Things, by Mike Parsons). This Freedom ARC blog Or you can scroll down for more written information. You make your first payment when you sign up. Then, of course, we only would want to do the things that we see the Father doing, not because we should but because it is the desire of our heart to be in relationship with God who loves us in such a wonderful way. That explains why the earth appears to be older than adding up the years in the Bible account would suggest: because it is! For the Law was given through Moses; grace and truth were realized through Jesus Christ. View all posts by Avril . That makes sense to us. That came about because the authors of those books just looked at the world around them, and tried to fit their own understanding of scripture with those events. 2023 Freedom Apostolic Ministries Ltd. Freedom Apostolic Resources, Freedom Apostolic Resource Centre, and Freedom ARC are trading names of Freedom Apostolic Ministries Ltd., a company registered in England. Are all things actually all things? Your spirit grows stronger through exercise; spiritual exercises train and equip your spirit to connect with God, to flow in revelation, and to rule in your life. But I do think rest is something which is built into creation, and it was previously revealed as one day in seven but now as all seven days. VAT registration number GB297839624. Now, I do want to change, because I want to be more like Him. Mike Parsons Speaker and author, creator of the Engaging God programme and presenter of Mystic Mentoring on YouTube. Meghan Parsons Marketing + Design. Or you canmake a one-time giftof any amount you choose (in US Dollars) by credit or debit card (processed by Stripe), or using your Apple Pay account if you have one. The Commission voted on February 22, 2023, and Dr. Boggs has accepted the position. The course was designed to take around 3 years to complete, but we are confident that you will begin to find benefit within a few days or weeks. OurPatreon patronsgive a small amount each month and can join us for our monthly group Zooms, get exclusive or early access to Mikes teaching and enjoy further patron-only benefits. A judge who is going to find us guilty? We do have a destiny, but it is to be who we are. By Personal Encounter and Experience. (Jeremiah 7:22). And what I have understood and experienced is that love can only be unconditional. I and the Father are one. (John 10:27-30). Registered office: Freedom Centre, 1 Howard Avenue, Barnstaple EX32 8QA, UK. 180126-N-LY160-0104 PEARL HARBOR, Hawaii (January 26, 2018) Mike Parson, lieutenant governor of . If only the children of God, right throughout the world, would come into a revelation of this reality: that we would not have a sin consciousness but a righteousness consciousness instead! Registered office: Freedom Centre, 1 Howard Avenue, Barnstaple EX32 8QA, UK. The verdict of the judge, in light of the victory of Jesus through the cross, is that all mankind is innocent, not guilty, justified and righteous. Includes many exercises for practice. I am a farmer and with my wife of 30 years, Mrs. Parsons and I raise organic hay, dairy goats, horses, rabbits, chickens and for 38 years I have raised wolves. The second and third tiers will probably fill up quite quickly so Id encourage you not to delay, its first come first served in thosegroups. The Engaging God programme is mostly finished Im adding a few sessions here and there and having deconstructed church, Im no longer teaching locally like I used to. Then if you don't think it's for you, you can cancel before the end of the free trial and never pay a penny. But your choice can only separate you in your own head, it cannot separate you from a God who loves you unconditionally. But because our spirit was dead to God, our soul has become accustomed to having its own way. My journey has been one of deepening intimacy which has revealed who God is as my Father, Mother, Brother and Friend. Cost: 5 GBP (typically less than $7 USD depending on exchange rate). Mike has in recent times been the Commissioning Editor for BRF, and before that taught Systematic Theology in Murdoch University and Vose . Do shop around (and check shipping costs)! I dont buy into that anymore. Yes, His love is a purifying, refining fire, a consuming fire: it will consume every hindrance and objection and anything that comes in the way of us entering into the depth of unconditional love. Registered office: Freedom Centre, 1 Howard Avenue, Barnstaple EX32 8QA, UK. He is also head of the body, the church; and He is the beginning, the firstborn from the dead so that He will come to have first place in everything. Fax: (573) 751-1495, Governor Parson Grants 22 Pardons for Month of February, Governor Parson Announces Evan Rodriguez as New General Counsel, Governor Parson Signs HB 14, Historic Pay Raises for All State Team Members into Law, Governor Parson Announces Dr. Bennett Boggs as New Commissioner of Higher Education and Workforce Development. Also by saying, I am commissioned to fulfil your will, he announces the final closure of the first in order to introduce the second. Get the videos of the original Restoration of All Things event! He is before all things, and in Him, all things hold together. For me it is about not functioning under the tree of the knowledge of good and evil and therefore not functioning in works. We were created to be spirit, soul and body, with the spirit taking the lead. I have had so many experiences of the nature of that unconditional love, both towards myself and how God has expressed and shown His love to others, that I am absolutely convinced that this is the key, that everyone needs to know. So it is better to just focus on each individual living in rest, which will in turn bring rest to the planet. This is a book for the Joshua Generation, not only to read but also to pass on to others to introduce them to the concept of operating in the realms of heaven as sons and heirs together with Jesus. Eschatology is often thought of as describing the end of the world or end times. (Gal 5:16). I had to die to that need to know what was going on. You can find us on Patreon at events. That really leaves nothing out. It is not about what we did or didnt do, or what we did wrong. Includes many exercises for practice. Come to Me, all who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. (Matthew 11:28). Lindy Strong guest speaker Potential Maximising Consultant. Yet much of our preaching of the gospel, particularly in an evangelical setting, has been the opposite of that. That covenant is unchallengeable because Jesus cannot fail: His blood is eternal. All those things are Old Covenant understandings and mindsets which have nothing to do with the New Covenant. Do you want to go deeper? This Patreon opportunity is primarily aimed at our YouTube and Sons ofIssachar blog followers but of course its open to everybody. This may encourage them to stock it (and maybe even discount it). OurPatreon patronsgive a small amount each month and can join us for our monthly group Zooms, get exclusive or early access to Mikes teaching and enjoy further patron-only benefits. Mike Parsons FREE video series for 2022/3. As sons of God, we need to have our lives built on a solid foundation: that foundation is the nature, character and essence of who God is as I AM. Included modules normally have the word 'Module' in the title. (Zechariah 3:6-7). Get the recordings of all 22 sessions for 100 GBP at:, I did not set out to create a 7-step meditative exercise, I just discovered that I was doing this myself. We are walking with God, not going ahead of Him nor getting behind Him; not going left or right, not running, but just walking closely with Him in intimate relationship. The Father loves the Son and has given all things into His hand. (John 3:35). Better still, become a patron and join us live for the next recording they are normally on the second Sunday of each month at 6pm UK time. Operating under an Old Covenant works-based performance-orientated mindset towards God will wear us out; we will never be at rest if we think we have to earn His love and favour. Mike Parsons coming to 'minister'. 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