[82] There were raids in Covington, Kentucky; Fort Worth, Texas; Des Plaines, Illinois; Revere, Massachusetts; and four locations in Pittsburgh. Past charges of "mob control" were therefore unconvincing, and denials by uninterested, naive, or corrupt officials further undercut the effectiveness of existing knowledge. It means determination in building quality cases against top echelon figures which will weather the challenge of trial. It is a chief purpose of this section to demonstrate to the average citizen who places the $2.00 bet that although his contribution to organized crime may be small, it is significant; without his selfish desire to indulge his gambling appetite, the intimidation and corruption that sustain organized crime could not exist. When he went home that night, he called his girl friend, who told him she had received two threatening telephone calls, one of them saying, "If [borrower] don't pay the loan we'll cut off your teats and send them to him in a box."[199]. Joseph Ida, Boss The family structure is as follows:[32]. At Whitaker's federal trial he was found to be running an interstate bookmaking operation receiving illegal odds and race results from a notorious sports service in Baltimore, Chicago, and Fort Worth. Revelations by Cosa Nostra member Joseph Valachi (1963-1965). Each CDAG reports to the Criminal Division EDAG. It was found that a number of employees of these firms had criminal records, and that Piccolo and two of his sons were members of the Cosa Nostra. [188] Soon thereafter McGrael developed new interests in Hotel and Restaurant Local 170 in New Jersey. Roy Titler, Captain, Organized Crime Division, Pennsylvania State Police, Harrisburg. Pennsylvania Crime Commission. The victims of organized criminal force and violence fall into three categories: (a) competitors or rivals; (b) consumers of organized crime services or products; (c) law enforcement authorities. The number of organized retail crime associations (ORCAs) has grown steadily in recent years, with a primary emphasis on assisting law enforcement, retail investigators, and prosecutors with the identification, investigation, and prosecution of those involved in organized retail crime. Konigsberg agreed to lend the $13,500 for thirty days, and he demanded to be repaid $25,000 - almost 100% per month interest (almost 1200% if figured on an annual basis). Mafia societies sprang up in many communities where the immigrants settled, and a number of these were in Pennsylvania. 139 Annual Report of the Attorney General of the United States for Fiscal Year 1959, U.S. Department of Justice (Washington, D.C.: U.S. Government Printing Office, 1960), p. 222. 13: 79. "[35] Angelo Bruno, who was conferring at the time with DeCavalcante, remarked "Ignatz is under you," which means that DiGirolomo was an acknowledged Cosa Nostra member subordinate to DeCavalcante. 11 and 19, "Pennsylvania" (Washington, D.C.: U.S. Government Printing Office, 1951). Either they have defaulted on prior obligations or they are unable to provide collateral for the loan they presently seek. If arrests were made, I'd try to get Maloney to get as many discharges [from magistrates] as possible and have no more than one held for court.". 170 Fred J. Cook, "The Jackals at J.F.K," New York Times Magazine, April 12, 1970. Although open casino gambling is the most blatant form of illegal gambling, criminal syndicates in Pennsylvania have been actively engaged in it for decades. Its actions are not impulsive but rather the result of intricate conspiracies, carried on over many years and aimed at gaining control over whole fields of activity in order to amass huge profits.[1]. John S. LaRocca, boss, Southwestern Cosa Nostra family. A codefendent in the case, cashier George Daledia, agreed to cooperate with federal authorities. 4117(h)(2)) (Act 166 of 1994). LockA locked padlock It must involve the State Legislature, which alone can provide the laws needed by state and local authorities. Criminal syndicates are pyramids of individual rackets and differ according to the number, variety, and size of rackets controlled. Developing resolve means concentrating all presently available resources, although these fall short of what is really needed, on convicting top racketeers. 22814. Following Sciandra as boss was Joseph Mario Barbara, Sr., a convicted bootlegger and suspected murderer from the Scranton area. Strong, creative leadership is essential if law enforcement is to be improved. Similarly, prosecution witnesses in organized crime cases may be threatened or assaulted. They find that racketeer-dominated labor unions provide cheap labor and freedom from the threat of strikes. It must therefore be inferred that the purpose of the meeting was to discuss problems relating to these illicit activities. 14871. That finding holds true in Pennsylvania, where a multitude of state and federal grand juries, congressional investigations, and intelligence information has confirmed a vast empire of illegal numbers, bookmaking, treasury balance tickets, and other forms of gambling. 3. This involved wiring a telephone which was listed to an unsuspicious address so that it actually operated some. By eliminating the transmitters of such data, authorities have tried to reduce the amount of illegal, syndicate-controlled gambling. In 1955 Cosa Nostra member Carl Alessi was convicted in federal court for failure to purchase a wagering stamp before setting up his numbers operation. Soon thereafter Philadelphia police officers again raided the wire room, now operating at a different location. [143] Six of the defendants were later found guilty. Pennsylvania Governor John Fine granted LaRocca a pardon from the previous lottery and larceny convictions that had given the government grounds for deportation[28] Governor Fine issued the pardon after the close of the deportation hearings, but in an unprecedented move dated it to fall during the course of the hearings. (Pardon file #3824), 3. Soon afterward, Daledia's son was shot and scriously injured by an unknown assailant. The first myth which bookmakers preach is that their operations are local, and that no outside syndicate controls them. In 1957 the Attorney General of Pennsylvania published the results of an investigation which showed that $50,000 in extortion money was paid to Alex Fudeman, nephew of Reading rackets czar Abe Minker, by independent jukebox operators. A Schuylkill County grand jury refused to indict Whitaker. Confectionaries and Cigar Stores. The organization of which Willis was a part also operated in Washington, D.C., New York, and Massachusetts. South Florida has always been "open territory" for the mob, with no crime family claiming exclusive rights or control, Mangan said. Ralph Kreitz, the Berks slot machine kingpin, told the committee that anti-vice candidates could not get elected. The vast volume of federal, state, and local law enforcement data allows no other rational conclusion. It is the finding of the Pennsylvania Crime Commission that organized crime thrives throughout the Commonwealth and is a problem of tremendous and unrecognized magnitude. 4. (Scranton: U.S. District Court, Middle District of Pennsylvania), Criminal No. Pennsylvania bookmakers have subsequently continued and expanded their ties with nationwide gambling syndicatcs. 68 U.S. vs. Fedool (Philadelphia: U.S. District Court. [39] Although the individual bettor never sees and probably does not know of the existence of layoff men, they nevertheless provide the cement which holds the numbers business together. Prosecutors and investigators in Pennsylvania must pool their resources and start working together. In addition to the above cases, other major federal enforcement actions in Pennsylvania included the following: 1. As more and more areas of public life become regulated, more and more citizens try to evade the regulations in order to maximize their profits and minimize disruption in their operations. A victims' group asks U.S. Justice Department to launch an investigation and possibly use racketeering laws . Harrisburg, PA 17120 Additionally, technicians employed by the Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection regularly assist the Environmental Crimes Section with collecting waste samples. (Scranton: US. District Court, Eastern District of Pennsylvania), Criminal No. 19431. Treasury Balance Tickets, Betting Pools, and Punchboards. Santore, et al. On February 19, 1969, Mastrangelo's Blue Jay Pool Room was raided by State Police officers, and two of his associates were arrested and later indicted for operating a dice game. 64 U.S. vs. Minker, et al. Known as the "Men of Montedoro," the earliest Pennsylvania Mafia leaders belonged to the LaTorre, Volpe, and Sciandra families, whose sons today continue to fill leadership positions in the Cosa Nostra Organization.[25]. [66] Fiorini and Minker were charged with conspiring to evade and defeat collection of federal wagering taxes. There are two classes of loans handled by loan sharks: (a) small loans made to individuals for quick purchases or payment of pending bills or gambling debts; and (b) large loans made to speculators and promoters engaged in "quick money" schemes whose questionable nature closes off legitimate loan sources. It is lucrative - racketeers can make more money out of legitimate businesses than legitimate businessmen can, given their connections and ready access to bribery and coercion. The kinds of criminal operations carried on in this way escape the comprehension of most citizens. Sometimes threats are enough to produce compliance, and actual crimes of violence do not occur. As organized crime has grown more entrenched and sophisticated, applications of force other than murder have become popular, Since gang killings attract unwanted public attention and law enforcement scrutiny, murder is now avoided, if possible. Officials learn from experience that agents who aggressively pursue organized crime cases will be disappointed time and again when the cases are thrown out or the offenders receive hand-slap sentences. [53] He was twice arrested in 1969 on lottery charges. Often the investigators have sought to expose the most notorious racketeers in their communities, who have usually insulated the top-level syndicate leaders. Scranton. The repayment of his debt may be a small monetary gain for the syndicate, but the message to other debtors is significant. LaRocca attended the infamous Apalachin meeting in New York in November of 1957, in the company of two of his chief lieutenants: Gabriel Mannarino and Michael Genovese. He was involved in the garment industry rackets and was believed to be cooperating with law enforcement authorities. During Minker's earlier wagering tax-evasion trial, the government introduced an exhibit that consisted of Minker's hand-written notes, detailing payments of "ice" (bribes) to public officeholders. In 1961 the New York State Temporary Commission of Investigation planned a series of coordinated raids in conjunction with New York State Police. jury investigating the Victoria Sporting Club, and later indicted for jumping bail and returning to England. Intensive surveillance by the FBI prevented leaders from transacting their business at "mini-Apalachin" meetings in Miami, New Orleans, Buffalo, and New York City. Typical of still other loan sharking cases are those which do not attract public attention because the borrowers make regular payments and do not fall in arrears. (Philadelphia: US. If racketeers can come to control the bargaining processes of labor unions, they can increase their economic control over legitimate busi-, ness enterprises. It involves thousands of criminals, working within structures as complex as those of any large corporation, subject to laws more rigidly enforced than of legitimate governments. The odds and payoffs for these bets are drastically reduced, but many bettors like to vary their plays from day to day. There are approximately twenty-five numbers banks in the city of Philadelphia. 1, pp. [71] Erie Cosa Nostra leader James Salamone, convicted in the 1954 gambling scandal, was sentenced to a one-year federal term in 1961 for income tax evasion, A federal agent testified at his trial that Salamone admitted that he obtained his income from numbers gambling. sup. "[13] A. regime is in turn composed of a number (usually ten) of "soldati," or street soldiers. 13: 20-21. 4, p. 1016. Anthony Scotchel, 1968: Scotchel operated a gambling house in Morgantown, West Virginia, which was a territory controlled by the Southwestern Pennsylvania criminal syndicate. 22154; Commonwealth v. Monzelli (Philadelphia: Court of Quarter Sessions of Philadelphia County), Bill Nos. 32-34, 37-A, 38-42, March 1958 Term of Grand Jury. He was acquitted of the charge when evidence was introduced that the real murderer was Gregory Cownden, who by that time had been murdered. 13, passim); Pittsburgh (vol. This he did at a personal meeting with the leader, who okayed a loan for $10,000, The loan was to enable the professional criminal to open an ostensibly legitimate food retailing operation in Philadelphia. "[98] In the period of one year, IRS Intelligence agents raided the wire room twice, but it continued to operate. [17] Commission members usually serve for a period of five years. 50 U.S. vs. Monzelli, et al. Tate lost his appeal against a judge's Feb. 21 decision to extend his arrest a third time for 30 days, according to Ramona Bolla, a spokesperson for Romania's anti-organized crime agency DIICOT. Gambling is very often the medium by which the successful businessman (but unsuccessful gambler) is introduced to loan sharking. In December of that year the owners of M. Stein and Company declared bankruptcy. 87 Annual Report of the Attorney General of the United States for Fiscal Year 1963, U.S. Department of Justice (Washington, D.C.: U.S. Government Printing Office, 1964), p. 206. In 1958 the local was the subject of an extensive hearing before the Senate Select Committee to Investigate Improper Activilies in the Labor-Management Field. FBI agents conducted a sweeping raid in November of 1967 and apprehended over thirty individuals from the Detroit-Flint, Michigan and Pittsburgh-Erie, Pennsylvania areas, The principals in the raid were Joseph Giacolone, an associate of Detroit Cosa Nostra leaders, and Michael Maggio, who was allegedly responsible for printing illegal football pool tickets in Erie. 92 Commonwealth vs. Piperata (Easton; Court of Quarter Sessions of Northampton County), Bill No. 58 U.S. vs, Maloney (Pittsburgh: U.S. District Court, Western District of Pennsvlvania), Criminal No. The illegal traffic in punchboards and betting pools continued. In addition to the layoff system by which heavy bets on particular events are insured or offset, a system of rapid communication of gambling odds and sports-events results is central to the functioning of a bookmaking operation. Two members are in state prisons; Harry Riccobene, serving the remainder of his 1956 narcotics conviction, due to parole violation; and Samuel DeBella, serving 1 7 1/2 to 15 year term for burglary and robbery. Sometimes they remain independent of Cosa Nostra dominance, but often they form coalitions and act in mutual interdependence with Cosa Nostra enterprises. Caporegime, Angelo Bruno Cosa Nostra family. 70-99; U.S. vs. Lanni, et al. Detroit. Pittsburgh-area Family 7] demonstrates that Pennsylvania ranks substantially behind the Federal Government and behind other states with serious organized crime problems in enacting needed legislation. Furthermore, police should broaden the scope of their effort by hiring attorneys and accountants, They should unite to expose and challenge improper political influences. 21760. )[109] Whatever the reasons for their poor credit rating, ignorance and the inability of borrowers to obtain legitimate credit lead them into the clutches of a loan shark, The result is a major law-enforcement problem, caused in part by often violent methods of collection. [164] vonZamft still faeces Pennsylvania state charges of conspiracy and embezzlement. 100-UL Pittsburgh PA 15222-2511 Internet Crime Complaint Center IC3's mission is to serve as a vehicle to receive, develop, and refer criminal complaints regarding the rapidly expanding arena of cyber crime. The appearance of these witnesses is one way by which political leaders signal to judges and correctional officials that the convict is a person about whom they care. [133], 1953: Philadelphia numbers banker and narcotics trafficker Andrew Willis was convicted of selling a synthetic narcotic. 13435; also, Annual Report of the Attorney General of the United States for Fiscal Year 1964, U.S. Department of Justice (Washington, D.C.: US. [43] In 1969 a special statewide grand jury in Trenton indicted Costello for running a $500,000-a-year numbers operation. 4, p. 1057. In 1959, eight Teamster Union organizers were convicted of income tax evasion stemming from illegal diversion of union funds. 13: pp. [5] He continually defaulted on payments, and DeCavalcante kept adding interest to the loan. In order for law enforcement to stay one step ahead of the Internet and sexual predators the Office widened the scope of the Attorney Generals task force into a larger, broader statewide Child Predator Unit. This form is available through the various Federal Agencies websites. [181], Subsequently both state and federal grand juries began probing 107's affairs. 52 U.S. vs. Perri, et al. 2, p. 18. He had his hand. Numerous federal eases in Pennsylvania confirm the finding that organized, illegal off-track betting is intra-state, inter-state, and national in nature, and that the corner bookie is the lowest rung on a high ladder dominated at the top by criminal syndicates. Pardoned in 1948 by Governor Duff for the crimes of aggravated assault and battery and operating a lottery. 3-5. [15] The underboss works directly beneath the boss and serves as a buffer to channel business and communications to him. 732-205(a)(1)Many of these cases are initially investigated by the Office of Inspector General and are then referred to the Office of Attorney General through the Governors Office of General Counsel. DeCavalcante and one of his associates discussed the Silver Line Trucking Company, located near Easton. Only the brute force of honest law enforcement and vigorous prosecutorial agencies can pierce this shield and destroy it. 732-205, 206. At the street level there are as many as 5000 loan sharks who lend amounts of $300 to $500. we are approaching the realm of professional crime (burglary, larceny) and organized crime (gambling, narcotics trafficking). On a lesser scale these concerns have been traditional centers of neighborhood social life where most illegal numbers, treasury balance, punchboard, and sports betting has taken place. Records seized by detectives indicated that Rispo and Marino had made loans to over sixty borrowers for a total execeding $25,000. Riccobene was sentenced to a term of 2 1/2 years. Monte was later convicted of operating a numbers lottery, and Potnick was arrested in 1970 for helping plot a multi-million dollar series of burglaries in Delaware County.[151]. 6. (Camden: U.S. District Court, District of New Jersey), Criminal No. "Influence peddlers," "fixers," and "corrupters" abound as never before. At the same meeting Bruno admitted handling the layoffs for independent and Cosa Nostra bankers "The only thing is the layoff. Copyright , Thomas P. Hunt, Whiting, VT 05778All Rights Reserved, Michael Genovese (Pittsburgh-Allegheny County-West Virginia), Frank Amato Sr. (Braddock-Allegheny County), Gabriel Mannarino (Westmoreland County and northern portion of Western Pennsylvania). A federal investigation revealed that over $600,000 in assets was concealed from the federal Receiver and Trustee, as well as from the creditors from whom the goods were purchased. Loan shark enforeers often resort to acts of violence to collect their loans. (Research has shown that the "high risk" label attached to many borrowers is unfair and that they are as dependable as others who reccive loans from legitimate concerns. 28 For a discussion of the pardon (File No. For example, to entice the victim to cooperate in traveling to a murder site, his friends are used as decoys so that he will be unsuspecting and unresisting. In March of that year, in arranging for a Cosa Nostra subordinate to repay a debt owned by one of the members in his family to another, DeCavalcante directed Dominick "Corky" Vastola as follows: Corky, I want you to take 75 cans [of liquor], that equals $3000 - and put it away. The following case illustrates the extent of Cosa Nostra control. For example, a loan shark debtor who has continually defaulted in payments may be beaten up. Murder was one of the earliest tools which criminal syndicates used to eliminate competition and consolidate their power. Agents in GVTF are also assigned to investigate gun crimes with multiple federal agencies including the FBI, ATF and U.S. 1366-1370, August 1956 Term of Grand Jury. 244 Task Force Report: Organized Crime, p. 20. District Court, Western District of Pennsylvania), Criminal No. 3. Joseph was convicted on the income tax charge, and in 1959 he was convicted of evasion of federal wagering taxes. 65 Annual Report of the Attorney General of the United States for Fiscal Year 1961, U.S. Department of Justice (Washington, D.C.: U.S. Government Printing Office, 1962), p. 222. Three of these families are run by bosses each of whom resides, along with the major portion of his family, in Pennsylvania. We are able to document conclusively that (1) organized crime exists in Pennsylvania, (2) numerous levels of organization are involved in the operation of illegal activities, and (3) the provision of illegal goods and services in Pennsylvania depends upon immunity and insulation from law enforcement and prosecution efforts. Its history reflects the region's status as a port and point of entry for goods, immigrants, and migrants, where concentrations of both wealth and poverty developed in a center of American commerce and industry. District Court, Eastern District of Pennsylvania), Criminal No. The "edge off," or "lay off" business requires large amounts of money, and only the wealthiest syndicate leaders can provide this service. [61], 2. The cases usually involve the forfeiture of cash, automobiles, jewelry, bank accounts and other financial instruments, and real estate. In February of 1965, De Cavalcante made arrangements with an associate to store distillery equipment at the latter's warehouse. James Osticco, Soldier. 141 DeCavalcante transcripts, vol. 1:55 In 1955, a meat packaging delivery truck driver named Frank Sheeran was attending to his broken-down vehicle at a truck stop in Endicott, New York when he first crossed paths with. Criminal syndicates in Pennsylvania have recently become involved in defrauding insurance companies of divi-, dends by making fradulent claims. A person close to organized crime has described the procedure often used in Cosa Nostra killings: A friend of the victim entices him to a spot where the individuals who are going to commit the murder take over. In conjunction with environmental crimes, the Section prosecutes traditional Crimes Code offenses including, but not limited to, tampering with public records, forgery, unsworn falsification, reckless endangerment, criminal conspiracy, corrupt organizations, money laundering, vandalism, deceptive business practices and theft. First-degree distribution of methamphetamine carries an enhanced fine of up to $500,000. In 1956 Amato developed an acute kidney ailment and resigned from the position of boss to become both sottocapo (underboss) and consigliere (counselor) to the family. 32, pp. 1 The figures shown in this column for the offense of rape were reported using only the revised Uniform Crime Reporting definition of rape. Are as many as 5000 loan sharks who lend amounts of $ 300 to $.! 1965, De Cavalcante made arrangements with an associate to store distillery equipment at the latter 's warehouse convicted! 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