All The Spanish Question Words . Why?Where is God located? Keep these things in mind: With inversion, pronouns tied to the conjugated verb appear after it. Qu tan buena fue la obra (de teatro)? How good was the (theater) play? (informal) / Whats up? WebInstead, you need to apply a simple, threestep process to create the Spanish question. 2. QU TAN? Cunto pagaste por esta camisa? How much did you pay for this shirt? EN is one of them. Please wait while the activity loads. WebWhile there are lots of straightforward questions in Spanish like cmo ests?, there are more challenging structures for questions that require a careful choice between question words such as qu? Use para qu when you want to know the purpose or intention of an action. Cuntas manzanas vas a comprar?How many apples are you going to buy? Punctuation marks in Spanish are almost exactly the same as English--except for two. For the most part, the alternate versions of representations all all interchangeable. These cookies will be stored in your browser only with your consent. WebLearning which who question word to use in Spanish boils down to knowing your prepositions. Here are the words to help you solve all the world's mysteries. Inversion is the most complicated of these three methods. If the question words are beginning to make you dizzy, pick only the basic ones for now and practice them until you feel confident about their use. Interrogative marks are important in Spanish. Cun a menudo vas al gimnasio? How often do you go to the gym? The words in square brackets like [this] are optional. Porquin votaste? Who did you vote for? Who? Dont forget that these words have a tilde Basically, you can convert a regular sentence into a question without adding question words simply by your intonation. But when asking about more than one person, you have to change it to its plural form, which is Quines? How are you? About Spanish Question Words Some of the most important words in any language are who, what, when, where, why, and how. These question words enable you to search for answers, direct thoughts, and gain new insights. There are two ways to ask questions in Spanish. Spanish question words are used in countless contexts such as getting to know someone, asking for information, and clarifying details. (direct) Los amigos se preguntan quin es (How?) (Good morning!) and cul?, or the unfamiliar placement of a preposition. 1. The word that comes next to the question is always capitalized. Remember to write it as two separate words and with an accent (not to confuse it with porque meaning because). Learn all about adjectives in Spanish with these articles! WebNotice that when the question word serves as the subject, there is no need to switch the subject and verb. Whats happening? (From where?) You have not finished your quiz. Theres no better way to open a friendly conversation than with a nice, well-delivered, Hello!. When asking about one person, you say Quin? Qu tan lejos queda Madrid de Barcelona? How far is Madrid from Barcelona? WebA good thing to note is question words, when used as a question, all have an accent mark. (How?) A: Me llamo Pablo. WebHow to ask questions and write sentences in Spanish. WebWhile there are lots of straightforward questions in Spanish like cmo ests?, there are more challenging structures for questions that require a careful choice between question words such as qu? Cul is used with the preposition deto ask which when giving a choice. (formal) Cmo ests? In these 3 examples we are not asking about the subject of the sentence, but about its object. WebSpanish question marks feature an upside-down question mark at the beginning of the sentence and an ordinary question mark at the end. Example: Me gusta mucho. Donde dejaste la llave?Where did you leave the key? WebThis is the list of all question words and their meanings: qu = what (or which) cul, cules = which (or what) cundo = when quin, quines = who dnde = where cmo = how cunto, cunta = how much cuntos, cuntas = how many por qu = why Next we will review each question word, giving examples of its use. Making educational experiences better for everyone. (among all possible numbers of the category numbers), Cules son tus colores favoritos?What are your favorite colors? Notice that all Spanish questions beginning with the equivalent Wh- words in Spanish need tilde over one of the vowels, just like Qu or Cmo. Enqu te puedo ayudar? What can I help you with? WebUnlike English, however, you dont raise the pitch of your voice at the end of a question in Spanish. Spanish Reported Speech How to Become an Expert, Top 8 Instagram Accounts to Follow if You Are Learning Spanish, Por vs Para 11 Rules Explained With Examples. Cmo te va? (When?) WebThere are three other ways to form questions, as well. Contents 1. What is this? Passionate about languages, books, and traveling. Qu pasa? Use qu in front of a conjugated form of the verb serto ask for a definition or explanation for what something is. What are some other common Spanish verbs that use the preposition CON, you wonder? Qu pelcula viste anoche? Let me show you in detail the 7 most important question words in Spanish. Quindirige a este equipo? Who is the leader of this team? in Spanish, we ask how many years do you have?) A: Tengo __ aos. Por qu? (How much? Hows it going? Whose is translated in Spanish as De quin joining the preposition De and the question word quin. If you're ready to take your Spanish to the next level and master the usage of question words in Spanish, then join us for a free Spanish class with one of our friendly, certified, native Spanish-speaking teachers from Guatemala. What do you Dnde? ; Call Us: 1-866-423-7548. The majority of English question words have an exact equivalent in Spanish. Sometimes, it can appear in the middle of a sentence. 4. All of these basically involve changing a statement into a question. And just like in case of QU, the prepositions stick to the beginning of the question. Do not worry though, as we are now going to have a look at the correct and possible uses of this question word: Use Qu when asking What in Spanish if the following word is a noun. You can also ask a question by switching the position of the subject and verb: The core word is QUIN? Inviting a friend to do something fun in Spanish. Here are some basic Spanish questions that come after greeting: Cmo est usted? WebPoder (Can / Cannot) Question Words. Quin est a cargo? Whos in charge? Rather, you ask the interrogative word in a higher-pitched voice and drop your pitch for the rest of the question. Lets sail on quiet waters for a while, shall we? Conquin te toca trabajar hoy? Who are you supposed to work with today? Your motivation to learn Spanish is an essential ingredient to success! (personas is feminine) How many people work in your company? WebQuestion Words in Spanish. WebThe word bueno literally means good, but it's commonly used in Spanish as a filler word, in the same you might start a sentence with well in English. Porquin vas a apostar? Who are you going to bet on? Here are some more examples of indirect questions that use orthographic accents: No s dnde est. It's really just a matter of learning the vocabulary. Hola! It asks for its name or definition, and theres only one possible answer. Por qu no vamos a Tailandia?Why dont we go to Thailand? Use of interrogative words, and inverted question mark. Out of these, the cookies that are categorized as necessary are stored on your browser as they are essential for the working of basic functionalities of the website. Cmo? It's really just a matter of learning the vocabulary. Por qu tienes que irte? Why do you have to leave? You will also find a Quiz and Exercises to practice. ; Call Us: 1-866-423-7548. Spanish, unlike English, has many more question words and can change based on the type of information being requested. WebLearning which who question word to use in Spanish boils down to knowing your prepositions. Q: Cuntos aos tienes? What colour is the sky? Rather, you ask the interrogative word in a higher-pitched voice and drop your pitch for the rest of the question. As you learn new words on your trip, you'll be able to combine them with these question words to start forming your own sentences and questions! Spanish question words list 1. Where is the pharmacy? Translation: I dont like it [at all].. Also, pay attention to the structure used to form these questions and the punctuation rules explained above. Check these out! (Good morning!) Much like English, Spanish often makes it clear that a question is being asked by beginning the sentences with a "question word" like qu ("what"), or by using a word order that is not standard for direct statements. Por qu separated means Why in Spanish, whereas Porque means because. 3. A: (My name is Pablo.) Aqu se debe tu visita? What do I owe your visit to? Youve probably been waiting for this one since the very beginning. Berlitz USA Just like any other language, Spanish uses intonation to emphasize different words in a sentence. Geeking out in Spanish about your hobbies and interests. How much milk do you need to make the dessert? Both Spanish and English use double inverted comas quotes ( ) In English, to write a quotation we use the double inverted comas. Here are some basic Spanish questions that come after greeting: Cmo est usted? The chart below includes a list of basic Spanish questions and answers. (Good morning!) (At least the mysteries in the Spanish-speaking world.) Question words in Spanish will be placed just before the subject. Tambin / Tampoco (Also / Too / Either) Tener (have / has got) Also See: All Beginners Lessons. which means WHO. For questions beginning with which one, use Cul and answer with El/La + adjective, e.g. examples Te gusta esta pelcula, no? They are very important, but sometimes we will need more than a SI or a NO. Cunto/a? One of the very first questions we learn when we start learning Spanish is: Cul es tu nombre? Whats your name? When you want to learn easy Spanish phrases, its not a bad idea to start with this one. They are equivalent to the English What? Cundo empieza la pelcula?When does the movie start? Whats this? The word that comes next to the question is always capitalized. Quin/es? Today, you learned how to say 7 English question words in Spanish. Total interrogative sentences, also closed questions, do not have to use interrogative words and are written between question marks. It's time to review the most important interrogative words in Spanish. WebTalking about your Spanish skills. (When?) This cookie is set by GDPR Cookie Consent plugin. (qu / que)I wonder what this word means. Learn all about adjectives in Spanish with these articles! Qu pelcula viste anoche? What movie did you watch last night? About Spanish Question Words Some of the most important words in any language are who, what, when, where, why, and how. These question words enable you to search for answers, direct thoughts, and gain new insights. Saben qu va a pasar. Use the plural form, cules, when asking about more than one thing. 3) Espaa es el pas donde paso las vacaciones. In the following examples, either Spanish question is a grammatically valid way of expressing the English: Va Pedro al mercado? When we ask about the amount of money, we stick to the masculine form. A mother of 2 trilingual teenagers. Instructor: Adrianne Baron. All rights reserved. Por qu el cielo es azul?Why is the sky blue? This cookie is set by GDPR Cookie Consent plugin. In general, use cundo to ask when. Now you know the drill this preposition will also stick to the word QU, and it will go right to the beginning of your question. Question words (also called interrogative words) are words we often use at the beginning of a question, indicating the type of information we are asking for. HOW OFTENis the question word you use in English when you want to know about the frequency of actions. Si te llamo, contestars? 3. Buenos das, soy Diego. Example: Me encanta! When asking questions in Spanish, it is important to use the right question word to get the information you need, just like in the examples in the picture below. (Where?) Heres an example: Dnde est la farmacia? Cmo estn ustedes? Quines son tus amigos?Who are your friends? What colour is the sky? (Hello!) What is this? WebAsking questions in Spanish is quite similar to asking questions in English. (The pizza was good.) If you are asking for a specific time, use a qu hora. Va al mercado Pedro? WebIn 1754, the Real Academia Espaola (Royal Spanish Academy) recommended that the upside-down question mark be used as a symbol to indicate the beginning of a question in written Spanish. 2. Dequin cuida tu mam? Who does your mom look after? When you want to ask HOW MUCHin Spanish, the word you need is CUNTO? WebAsking questions in Spanish is quite similar to asking questions in English. For example, how much translates as cunto. Cmo? Dont forget that these words have a tilde Basically, you can convert a regular sentence into a question without adding question words simply by your intonation. In Spanish, you always need to put an accent mark over them. Check out the following examples: Qu es esto? Use. How are you? Most questions follow the structure for basic sentences, Talking about Yourself in Spanish: PDF Worksheet, Questions about the Family in Spanish: PDF Worksheet, Making Questions in Spanish PDF Worksheet, Dialogues Introductions and greetings in Spanish, The bedroom, adverbs and negative sentences, Drinks in Spanish: Vocabulary and Listening. In Spanish, the general form is for the noun to follow the verb. Where?, etc. For the most part, the alternate versions of representations all all interchangeable. Adjective Placement How are you guys?) Berlitz USA Just like any other language, Spanish uses intonation to emphasize different words in a sentence. I speak Polish, Spanish, and English fluently, and want to get better in Portuguese and German. Life would be so easy if it was the only way we use DE QUIN?, wouldnt it? Powered by WordPress. Cuntas personas trabajan en tu empresa? Q: (How old are you? Certainly, in the classroom environment it is mainly the teacher who asks questions and they are the ones who answer them. Cundo? They are: Remember to include the accent mark and the inverted question mark at the beginning. Were almost there, guys, so stay with me a little longer, will you? Por qu estn peleando? Why are you fighting? I love teaching question words in Spanish. Check out the following examples: Qu es esto? This is where it gets a little tricky. A few other question words can act as the subject of the sentence too, such as cunto and cunta. Both cunto and cunta mean how much. In many cases, it is the equivalent of the English WHOSE? The only confusing thing might be the fact that it translates in many different ways. WebHow to ask questions and write sentences in Spanish. Way too many possible translations. Check out our affordable pricing and flexible programs! The cookie is set by the GDPR Cookie Consent plugin and is used to store whether or not user has consented to the use of cookies. It is hard to even come to a decent conclusion. Example: No me gusta [nada]. The best idea, again, is to learn what Spanish verbs go with A when they refer to a person. Read our. WebNormally, these sentences are introduced by a question word. (no obvious category). A dnde viajas?Where are you traveling to? The cookies is used to store the user consent for the cookies in the category "Necessary". In addition, by placing an inverted question mark at the beginning of a sentence, the reader can adjust his or her tone as the sentence progresses. Quin te dijo eso? Who told you that? de quin(whose) to inquire about the possession of an object and para quinto ask for whom. Quin? You can also use it in combinations de dnde? Lets put everything together one more time. Por qu? What time is it? WebSpanish uses question marks both at the beginning and at the end of questions. The word that comes next to the question is always capitalized. Adnde se van a mudar (ustedes)? Where are you moving to? Si te llamo, contestars? We will study several examples using Spanish question words to get specific informationsuch as occupations, age, feelings and more. Cules idiomas hablas? As you learn new words on your trip, you'll be able to combine them with these question words to start forming your own sentences and questions! The translation of how changes when asking how much and how many. Well done! One of the most common Spanish question words is QU?, which translates as WHAT. Custom-tailored to fit your needs, you choose your program, schedule, favorite teachers, pace of learning, and more.. WebQuestion Words in Spanish Lesson Plan. Your email address will not be published. Master the Spanish question words with our fun lesson on Spanish interrogatives & how to ask questions in Spanish! This cookie is set by GDPR Cookie Consent plugin. But sometimes the indirect questions are more subtle. Are you 30 years old? Often, sentences that begin in phrases such as quiero saber (I want to know) or no saber (I don't know) are indirect questions. Spanish Question Punctuation Marks. Adrianne has a master's degree in cancer biology and has taught high school and college biology. (Good morning, I'm Diego. Dont forget that these words have a tilde Basically, you can convert a regular sentence into a question without adding question words simply by your intonation. What do you want to drink? T eres turista, o te mudaste para ac? Go Forth and Have a Spanish Conversation! Qu? We use cookies for better service. Another common preposition you can see together with QU is A. Oftentimes it translates as TO, but sometimes it doesnt translate at all. Right, for instance ;)). It holds third place on the list of most frequently used Spanish words . simply means WHERE? In the previous lesson, we learned how to ask simple YES/NO questions and their punctuation. You've got a solid understanding of how to use question words in Spanish and the quality of your Spanish conversations are exploding through the roof! Aqu jugaron (ustedes)? What (game) did you play? Contents 1. WebSpanish uses question marks both at the beginning and at the end of questions. What do you Por qu?Por qu les pones rejas?Y quin los enga? Want to Improve Your Spanish? T eres turista, o te mudaste para ac? Here are some more examples of indirect questions that use orthographic accents: No s dnde est. requires you to select from a bigger group. Has spent 20 years in that beautiful South American country working as a language teacher and translator. Cul pregunta fue la ms difcil? What was the hardest question? Be careful to consider the gender and number of the noun that cunto represents. / Cul? Qu comida te gusta? What food do you like? Adnde me vas a llevar? Where are you taking me? What do you want to drink? Cunto dinero tienes?How much money do you have? Necessary cookies are absolutely essential for the website to function properly. WebIn order to get information, e.g. In English, we refer to them as the 5 Ws Who, What, Where, When, and Why. Knowing these important factors, you can begin learning the Spanish question words. 1. Dont worry, youll be able to check if your translation is right at the end. Remember we use QUIN when we ask about the subject of a sentence. This one also has an easy, straightforward translation. Inversion. Spanish for Kids PDF. Spanish Question Punctuation Marks. 1. These cookies track visitors across websites and collect information to provide customized ads. Spanish question punctuation marks. If youre asking about the identity of more than one person, and your verb is in the plural, youll use quines. Cundo fue la ltima vez que leste un libro? When did you last read a book? My advice is to make a list of Spanish verbs that are usually accompanied by the preposition DE. How manynew Spanish words did you learn today? Tienes 30 aos? Spanish question punctuation marks. This Spanish question word is pretty easy too! Whats happening? WebSpanish question marks feature an upside-down question mark at the beginning of the sentence and an ordinary question mark at the end. How are you? Just like these simple examples: Dnde est el bao? I am sure that by now you must have gotten a better grip of how it works. Let our friendly and professional teachers from Guatemala help you reach your fluency goals and practice question words in Spanish in a 1-to-1 conversation! Welcome to our grammar lesson on Spanish question words. (hijos is masculine) How many children do you have? They are an essential part of your language skills set so let's take a look at some key ones! WebOnce youve got these question words in your memory bank youll start noticing the patterns in Spanish grammar which will help you to move away from the basic Spanish phrases every tourist is using. Ufff, I know. Enqu piensas? What are you thinking about? (What?) In English, we refer to them as the 5 Ws Who, What, Where, When, and Why. Qu would not fit here. and change it to CULES?. What Is the Upside-Down Exclamation Point? Pay attention to how the preposition sticks to the question word again: Dednde es usted? Where are you from? Switch the subject with the verb and add the question marks. Just like these simple examples: Dnde est el bao? Where is the bathroom? No s dnde ests.I dont know where you are. I didnt include the translation so that you can see if you understand it after you finish reading this article. (I don't know where he is.) By the end of this lesson, you will know the meaning of all question words, and will be able to include them in your questions. It will help you avoid getting lost in a new place. Yet, in real life we get to do both: ask and answer. Remove the do or does from the English question. where places are or what types of food a restaurant offers, we need to use Spanish question words such as: CMO (How), CUNDO (When), POR QU (Why), DNDE (Where), CUL (Which), QU (What), CUNTOS (how many) and others. As you learn new words on your trip, you'll be able to combine them with these question words to start forming your own sentences and questions! Translation: I dont like it [at all].. Buenos das, soy Diego. Bien. However, intonation is particularly important when speaking Spanish as it can Let me show you in detail the 7 most important question words in Spanish. What are you doing? A: Tengo __ hijos/hermanos. But sometimes the indirect questions are more subtle. Cuntotiempo dur la pelcula? I hope you find the above Spanish conversation tips and phrases helpful. Qu? Q: Cuntos aos tienes? Qu haces? Enqu consiste tu trabajo? What does your job consist of? Qu? Translate the remaining sentence into Spanish, conjugating the verb to go with the subject. Dequ te res? What are you laughing at? Be careful to consider the gender and number of the noun that cunto represents. In general terms, you use QU when you ask about a definition of something and CUL when you want to know one of several options, just like in the following examples: Cul es tu color favorito? Whats your favorite color? De qu color es el cielo? (informal) / Whats up? PARA QU? Qu quieres? Here are some simple ways to use SpanishDict is the world's most popular Spanish-English dictionary, translation, and learning website. (amigas is feminine) How many friends did you invite to your party? Example: Quin es la protagonista de la pelcula? It also helps to meet new friends and start a conversation in Spanish. I put the question words in Spanish and English in bold: Por qu cae la lluvia? Are you 30 years old? Apologizing in Spanish. They can all be used in direct and indirect questions. Here are the words to help you solve all the world's mysteries. Remember, Rome was not built in one day, and it takes time to really master a foreign language. Congratulating or wishing someone well in Spanish. Qu pelcula viste anoche? Paraquin compraste tanta ropa? Who did you buy so many clothes for? Cundo me vas a visitar? When will you visit me? Just like these simple examples: Dnde est el bao? Try it! Quin can be used with several other prepositions. This is the kids favorite question word in Spanish: por qu? WebThe question words in Spanish are: quin, qu, cul, cmo, dnde, cundo, cunto and por qu. Qu? Why?Where does heaven end?What is love?(.. Has taught Spanish and English to students of all proficiency levels. Remember that sometimes we ask about more than 1 option. WebPoder (Can / Cannot) Question Words. Example: No me gusta [nada]. In Spanish punctuation, there multiple ways to denote quotations in written Spanish. Being confused in Spanish. Question words, also known as interrogative pronouns, are words that we use to request more information about a specific part of the sentence. Por qu dices eso?Why do you say that? ), Cuntos/as? What? When writing, you simple add question marks to a statement to make it into a question. Go Forth and Have a Spanish Conversation! WebNotice that when the question word serves as the subject, there is no need to switch the subject and verb. Quin vive en esta casa? Who lives in this house? Question words or interrogative words in Spanish ( palabras interrogativas) are used to gather information about any topic. , you can see together with qu is A. Oftentimes it translates many. 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