The others arent so sure. We were afraid you might hurt yourself or others. Never has she experienced something to this extent, and never would she wish this upon anyone. Bad. She is a corpse in a superheros suit, and its now Lex realizes what he has done. Shes watched helplessly as her legs thinned, the bones on her hips became more pronounced, as her hands became so frail she could see the tendons and veins in her wrists. We had a deal. Alex, Kara snips, jogging up to her sister at the roundtable. They need to hear from me.. He looks at her watching him, eyes searching his face desperately, trying to find a spot to place him. There was a chance there, faith that she had remembered, but it immediately is crushed. As in Mars? Alex and Brainy exit the infirmary and round a corner to a secluded hall. Danvers was forced to leave Midvale after an incident that exposed her and has settled into a new life in Smallville, working on the Kent Farm and going to Smallville High, and keeping her head down. More than friends. Her eyebrows raise and he chuckles nervously. Theyre not going to hurt you., Karas eyes grow wide and she pushes against her sister. Alex takes Lena to the Tower alone after a heated debate with Kara about not letting her tag along. I believe that can be done, yes. I was so preoccupied with my pain I didnt see the bigger picture. Ive got you, youre alright.. He staggered to the balcony, gasping breaths of air as the wind is knocked out of him. But now, with no suit or clothing to protect her, she is forced to live in the cold. But when the five of them began to make their way from the Tower to the DEO, they realized they had a much bigger fight than anticipated. Hes broken a few ribs, he felt them snap as he put all his weight into her. Ive got to start on my article. She walks over to Kate and wraps her in a hug, grateful for her. Look, shes strong. Do you know who I am?. He turns to the stairs that lead up to the observation deck and sits down on them. Cisco, with a slightly hoarse voice as he fights back tears over now loosing both his best friends, says "We should get back to the lab." Who are you? In which Alex finds Maggie doing laundry at 1am in the morning. She needs to find someone she knows. Theres no proof, no motive. An Alex. The Return By: LMXB. It was bound to happen. The doctors were concerned for National Citys most prized possession, and that made the rest of the party more worried for their loved one. How to use her heat vision? Forgive?, She pretended to be my best friend and lied to my face. Ive been meaning to call you., Well, I didnt think we could take your entire armory without you noticing. And immediately after I did it I tried to revive him, but he was too far gone. Kate looks up, recognizing the look on Karas face. Was she being honest? And Im sure she knows that. Okay, alright. She had shaken her head sadly, knowing she let him down. Maybe it was the first phone call from Lucy. The main couple is Supergirl (Kara Danvers) x Saiyan!Reader*. Ill be waiting for you outside the DEO. But he presses the heels of his hands together to release one life-ending bout of energy, driving her into the street so forcefully she creates a scar in the pavement. For other uses of Supergirl, see Supergirl (disambiguation). He too had seen the news of Kara being taken, and the DEO was already working on a way to get her back. Hes starting with Canada and Mexico, and from there hell move on to South America and overseas.. I still havent told my own father! Thank you all for coming so quickly. A tapping on the window behind her jerks her out of her mind, and she turns around in her desk chair. Our father, Kate lets them have a silent moment, then speaks up. I know how we stop them. He stands, turning to the room. Alex rushes over but he rights himself, putting up a hand to stop her. Alex shakes her head, trying to form a logical and coherent response. So long story short. So she basks in the feeling of peace she has with this Lena. Summary: Kara's trial with MAxwell ends unexpectedly. Dreamer. Her sisters brows come together as she watches her, gaze sweeping over her face. They sit in silence, huddling into each other. If you proceed you have agreed that you are willing to see such content. Lena is in the infirmary. Kate, are you alright? Alex asks, kneeling beside the hyperventilating Batwoman. Jonn and Mgann, though strong and able to fight, will be no match for the several forces theyll be up against. Kara and Lena's relationship has struggled after Kara's escape from the phantom zone, what would happen if a kryptonian, who Kara knows from when she was younger one day fell from the sky (or a portal). The DEO also felt like a lifetime ago, and Alex had no interest in dwelling in the past. I thought youd have more fight in you.. That she wasnt here with them. Asshole, she mumbles, slipping away before Lena can come up with a retort, but she does hear her laughing as she makes her way upstairs. Lex. She turns to the monitors, breaking down Cadmuss security system. All day people had been coming in and asking her if she knew them, if she remembers them, asking about a random event she apparently was present for. He turns to her, grinning. She pulls out the needle Lena gave her before she went, a heavy sedative. Or maybe the past will help her regain some information about herself. It is focused on the sisters and them finding things that they thought were lost. I want nothing but to keep you here until our plan is complete. Breaking news down at the docks of National City, a being with supernatural powers is causing devastation along the coast. What are you going to do about your brother who killed my sister?. The force of it beat her into the tile, and she cried out as it raked over her body. Kara? Oh, but I want to do this, Supergirl. He cant resist.. Being a hero isnt about selflessness, its about planning a way to outstrategize the enemy. If anyone can trigger a memory, its him. Do we have a deal?, Kate sighs, disappointed Lena didnt take more away from their conversation. If any new information is brought to us, well bring them in. I cant do this alone, he whispers, lowering his neck till their foreheads touch in a sticky kiss. Supergirl doesnt kill! Alex shouts after her. Theyve seen the news by now and are probably tracking her on their own, anyway.. If Karas a little bothered from being hidden for so long, whats the harm? I destroyed the serum! He sighs, closing his eyes and rubbing his hand over his head. Duty calls. Kara inhales unevenly. Forcefully, he grabs the collar of her suit and brings the blade to her neck. He wants her so badly to come back. Kara lied to protect you. I mean, this was his chance to show how powerful he was, you know? Barry turns his head and watches her go. What happened today?. Kate let me in, Kara tells, motioning to the open balcony door. You saw Alex be cleared by an EMT and hurried over to her. Even if they do defeat them, Leviathan still wins. Well, thats a first., Kate hums, then gestures to her partner. Lovely this time of year, isnt it? Rama Khan teases, yanking her wrists. He spreads out his fingers on his right hand, wrapping his left over the back of it. What can I say, Lex? My position only permitted me access that far. I can control her if she needs to be contained, but I think well be fine., You think. Tell her a story, she offers, shrugging and ducking into the hallway. She crouches next to her on the ground, a supportive hand on her back. The little vent above her turns on, and the hope she has left is put into the belief that it will be AC coming out of the unit to cool her. She would not be buried in a cemetary. I dont think shes slept or eaten in days. The Tower was getting the most traffic it had ever seen. I came as soon as I could get away from work., Were managing, but havent gotten anywhere. Uh, yeah. Good. Strip them of their memories and give them a blank slate. Kara turns around, looking back at them. He touches a hand to his face and finds that its true. Ive given you a second chance at becoming a hero, just as I have been given on at life., We get second chances, Lex. She cant face hearing bad news right now, cant face the hard truth of what is going on, why shes not waking up, how this happened to her. Kara had spread out against the wall, back resting against the cool tile as she sweats the rest of her energy. She betrayed me!, She told you her truth, which is not an easy thing to do, and you pretended to remain her friend when you already knew. Ah, youve been here before? But its grandeur is crushed by the wilted state its in. When she was forced to go in water, her suit kept her warm. It is focused on the sisters and them finding things that they thought were lost. Winn is working with Brainy. Is it in my best interest to excuse myself now? Read to find out what happens next. Her foster mother. (TV) (23 . I was in my lab at L-Corp all day with Lex. Tracker quit responding and she was off the grid. And when she had to go into warmer climates, a cooling system was in place to keep her body temerapture at a sustainable level. I dont remember, she says quickly, gritting her teeth. She wails and grits, her hands clamping around the leather fabric of Alexs suit. By all means. Weve met, actually, Kara remembers, recalling his toned stomach when they went searching for Bruce. Supergirl Fanfiction: Can anyone help me find a fic where Alex does not react to kindly to Kara coming out/revealing her relationship with Lena? Luna really hits it off with the team but especially Nia. Kara Danvers es un Alfa que lleg a los 14 aos de edad a la tierra, a sus 16 se emparej con un Omega llamado Kenny Li quien muri meses despus junto a la cra de Kara. Hes been killed before, but not at my hand. Her voice is muffled from a burst of continuous static. Kara smiles hesitantly, still unnerved by this interaction. Lena puts a hand to her mouth, unable to speak right away. Now, an orange haze falls around them and their city. Maggie is excited to pick up Alex from the airport, and nothing can stop her from getting to her wife, not even a rental car with no heat. All of Flight 237s passengers were transported to shore and checked out by the EMT's for any injuries. Alex and the rest of her family were assured that what they were about to see might be difficult for them. She turns to Kara, whispering. Alex, as badass as she may be, is still human. Able to look around at her office. He steps behind the camera and presses record. And shes already been exposed to Kryptonite. They both come to this realization, knowing now more than ever they will need each other. Batwoman, Kate corrects, her voice cracking and tears watering in her eyes. She closes her eyes and her knuckles barely catch the side of the block. Become best friends again. He wasnt about to show up to watch them put a casket of sandbags into her crypt when he has a much more important matter to attend to. He breathes into her again and after he sits back on his heels, giving her body a rest from his compressions. And that was how her family wanted it. Have you shown her the Tower yet?. If you accept cookies from our site and you choose "Proceed", you will not be asked again during this session (that is, until you close your browser). But youre not the type of person to make things easy, I can promise you that.. She looks up at the hero, concern written on her face. Once a Luthor always a Luthor.. The Crows. She pauses before she says the next name. He holds it up for her to see. He was a bad dude, trust me. Do you know who you are? Alex asks, now concerned that her sister might not know she has powers. And before she can pick her up and whisk her to safety, the water turns on. Alex lets herself smile, kissing her girlfriend before bringing her back into the team to tell them the plan. Barry trails behind, too nervous to enter a world where Kara Danvers doesnt know him. I never expected you to lie to me. I know its not the same as Kara, and hopefully shell come back to us soon. We dont know its him, Nia counters, sitting in one of the rolling conference chairs. And Kara, she may have given you both, but there was more love than lies. I know how to stop them!. She puts a hand on his shoulder as she passes behind him, stopping in the doorway. You killed someone?, Kates smile fades. Her eyes close as a wave of nausea washes over her. Lena is amazed at the vastness of the secret government agency, but Kara doesnt have the heart to tell her that shes been here before. It worked. You should visit more often., Kara smiles, looking over her shoulder. She had been manipulated, tested, fooled. Thats your vow! Are your parents aware youre making conversation with strangers? Lena asks genuinely curious. Thanks. Mon-El and Winn. Did she remember? All the paperwork she was working on the night before has vanished, and a bulging bag beside him tells her exactly where it all went. She gasps, eyes wide with fear, and he pushes his thumb on the pump. She can hardly call herself a hero., Youre wrong about that, Lex. Alex strokes her hair soothingly. Are you alright?. A martian from Mars? Kate asks. Alex thinks for a moment, looking between Kara and Lena. The vent never failed in producing air. She counts the ten minutes, then pants heavily when the water ceases. No. What do you mean captured? Kate demands, stepping forward. Everyone needs your help to get her back., Lena nods, looking up into the bats eyes. It goes on for too long, and then it suddenly stops. Kara hums, looking out at Gotham through the windows. Oh, hey, Nia soothes, wrapping long arms around Alex. How was she supposed to remember how to fly? A chance to reinvent yourself and your future. She turns back around, returning to her killing spree. She props her arms up on the backrest and settles in, looking up at Lena. The two women are engulfed in silence, save for the red sun lamps humming above Karas bed. Youre not alone. Lena doesnt have any memory of who she is, and you guys are chumming it up downstairs like youre old friends.. It was hard for her to see Alex like this. Talk to us about what? Nia and Brainy walk in, all smiles with seeing the sisters together. Hell find out we snuck in eventually, Nia says. So, why are you here?, Well, after what happened today I think that you should go dark. This tear here, she points, gesturing to the large gash following the entirety of the suit, it seems to be stripped with a blade. They can protect the things Supergirl used to. Not anymore, Kara says, too soft for them to hear. Kara smiles, fingers drumming on the doorframe. He had been trying to put himself in her shoes. Brainy seems confused at first, then tilts his head. He smiles, waves, and Brainy turns the tablet back to him. His lifes mission was to kill her. If it were her, she never would have said that statement. If strangers were telling him that they were his wife, his best friend, his loved one? She wasnt going to kill again. She doesnt want Lenas memories to return. She presses close to her, mouth to her ear as she whispers. Her casket was driven through the city, ending at the large stone statue of her on the coast, where she would be sealed in a special crypt. Una tarde Lena se dirige al apartamento de Kara para tratar de aparearse con la rubia, al llegar escucha una discusin entre las hermanas Danvers donde Kara revela que cuando Kenny muri, l llevaba a su cra. The weight of their arguments, and truths, and hate. Brainy arrives at the Tower within minutes of contacting him. No, this is just her plan. Flight 237 (Alex x reader) . He needed to get into the DEO because he wanted Kryptonite, and now Leviathan has the one thing that can kill Kara because she doesnt have a kryptosuit., Lena hesitates before answering, taking in all of Alexs words. Wrong Earth., Kara nods. Barry and the Legends had taken to the streets of the city, monitoring Leviathan action and making sure the Tower was safe. Chapters: 1/1. James had come in from outside the city, desperately trying to get Kara to remember him by showing her an album of photos he had shot of Supergirl. Can you do that for me?. She had created a serum to erase memories. I cant remember what for,a lie, but you turned to me and said the worst part about me being with you was having to look at me and see no love in my eyes. He feels another tear fall, but he doesnt wipe it away. He hasnt said anything, hes scared to say something valuable and her not know anything about it. His smile fades slowly, his arms coming down to his sides in confusion. Create new ones. She tilts her head. When Alex is severely injured during an attack on an event she's attending with Alex, it brings Kara's true feelings to the surface. Qu pasar entre Kara y Lena? A world where she doesnt have to live a life with the burden of saving everyone alone. I beg you.. Ten minutes of brutal water, an hour of either AC or heat. Kara screams, covering her exposed face so she isnt burned by the force. Im here. You, he growls, lifting his robes to reveal a heavy brick of Kryptonite. From everything hes heard, she seems unreachable. Im a shell of the real Kara Danvers. Its gone. Well, forgive me if that analysis still doesnt give me hope, Alex snips, walking away. At once, the soldiers charge. Okay, so we go and get her. We still arent contacting the DEO? Nia asks, knowing Brainy should be here for this, even if theyre not on good terms. Yeah, Alex shrugs, he offered to pay. She was quickly arrested by Lexs soldiers, who were given a serum that granted them flight and strength. Punch it? So helpless. Your Kryptonian DNA allows you to have powers under a yellow sun, the one on this planet. Yes, the woman says, uneasily. Perhaps it was a threat that hasnt presented itself, a possible enemy that they havent experienced. Kara is removed from her shackled chair by Rama Khan, who drags her by the wrists down grimy hallways. With everything Kates saying, she agrees. Welcome to the team.. He wasnt optimistic just yet. She slices them in two, in four, in eight fleshy parts, disfiguring them completely. He can testify against that. But the phone is hers. Isnt that your own oath?, It was. Lena, Alex glances to Kara. December 02, 2016. His smile lowers into a smirk. The water was ice cold, chilling Kara to her core. The only reason you seem fine right now is because Lena doesnt remember what happened between you., Alex tilts her head. Except its not, Alex says, pouring the wine. New. Feeling out of place, she stood with the intent to leave, until she heard groaning. The last person Lena is expecting to see in her office is her brother. Not very well. Never stopping, never faulting. The team has settled on staying out of the spotlight and sticking to their human identities since then. She turns to her sister. Kara! her sister screams, desperate to rein her in but to no avail. But it would be a hell of a lot easier if I just had my memories back., He smiles. Thank you, Alex. And theres no way to help them. Ive barely been doing it a year and Ive hardly managed to keep up. As well as that bratty son of hers., What do you want from here? And I have a feeling anything that I ask you is not going to jog a specific memory. She follows and places herself beside him. But the only thing out of the ordinary was Kara being beaten and bloodied. But Kara? I feel lucky to protect the city, but I wish Kara was beside me. Dreamer with her blossoming yet amateur and uncontrollable powers. Now, they both know its not the end of their tussle, its the start of a new beginning. Of their memories and give them a blank slate your parents aware youre making conversation strangers... Wall, back resting against the wall, back resting against the cool tile as she sweats the of. Do defeat them, Leviathan still wins, Nia counters, sitting in one of the ordinary was being. And strength his best friend, his best friend, his arms coming down to his in! Me in, looking up at Lena she puts a hand on her back the... He had been trying to find a spot to place him humming above Karas bed shes or. 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