This brochure will help you navigate the application and transfer process, and introduce you to our transfer policies. Meetings are 30-45 minutes in length. From access to world-class faculty and the ability to conduct your own original research, to acquiring real-world experience through service learning and internship programs, the possibilities are endless. 2023-2024 USC Transfer - #14 by TiredAmoeba69 - University of Southern However, i. f you have earned fewer than 30 transferable semester units by the end of the spring term, we will need further information for our decision from your high school record and/or SAT or ACT scores (if you choose to submit them). If youve always been a full-time student (4 or more classes/semester) you can simply write N/A. What If Airplanes Could Repair Their Own Damage? We also consider transfer students for an optional second-choice major or Undecided/Exploratory status. Your entire academic history will be considered with a focus on Viterbi major-related courses taken at USC. GEs are not required for admission, and will not impact your admission chances. You can find courses at your current institution which will transfer to USC for GE credit in Step 3 below. Untuk mencoba mentransfer ke USC, Anda harus memiliki IPK saat ini minimal 3,79 - idealnya IPK Anda sekitar 3,94. All of the information and course listings in each of the documents on this page have been compiled according to USC articulation agreements or histories. The Department of Computer Science . For example, you will notice that MATH-125 (Calculus I) is a required course for all engineering majors. Around 92% of students who started at USC earn their Bachelor's degrees within six years. The VASE Academic Services team provides advisement services and academic co-curricular programs to undergraduate and graduate engineering students. For example, if your intended major is computer science, and already took Calc II, take Calc III. Our coursework recommendations are dependent on each students individual academic plan and may vary by intended degree. A team of USC students is one of 10 finalists awarded $10K to build a water extraction tool for NASAs Moon to Mars challenge. USC will contact you if you are missing any required application documents. The Department of Computer Science (CS) of the USC Viterbi School of Engineering seeks to recruit multiple Student Affairs Officers to join its outstanding team. Our virtual information session is a live presentation from a USC Viterbi admission counselor designed to help students prepare to transfer. While USC doesn't explicitly release the acceptance rates for TTP members, USC announced 34% of the accepted transfers were legacy students in the 2020 - 2021 transfer student profile and admission information. You can take GEs to fill in your schedule (you want to make sure you are taking a full load of courses each semester), but we are much more concerned with math and science courses. What If Airplanes Could Repair Their Own Damage? Articulation Agreements: Community Colleges At USC, we have a department dedicated to determining which classes taught at other schools transfer for credit (or articulate) at USC. hb``f``f```I Many majors require more math. This online resource will help you determine which undergraduate courses at other institutions will satisfy USCs General Education courses, as well as the lower-division coursework required for any major. Visit this page to see how AP/IB credit can satisfy GE requirements. If University of Southern California seems like a school you want to apply to, click the heart button to save it to your college list. Since only one course is required under Category A, you would have fulfilled all the requirements for Category A. including 20,790 undergraduate students and It is no more difficult to be admitted to Viterbi than the rest of the university. Moorpark College, one of three colleges in the Ventura County Community College District, was founded in 1967. We review each student based on the courses they have completed, not the school they are attending. If the Calculus I course at your current school is next to MATH-125 in Part II, that means it was considered equivalent to MATH-125 at USC. Clery Act crime and fire statistics for the preceding three years for locations owned However the Common App (not USC) may require you to assign an Academic Evaluator in order to finish the application. gypsymama March 28, 2020, 6:35pm #2. Transfer students must complete a minimum of 64 units in residence at USC, or half the units typically required for graduation. Students with an ACT score of Big-O notation and algorithm analysis. Sixteen (16) units of individual instruction in music. * Both Global Perspectives courses may be taken on a Pass/No Pass basis. Yes. Some students are admitted with higher GPAs, and some students are admitted with lower GPAs. The most recent term, unless youstarted college before Fall 2015. For students starting college before fall 2015: You must follow USCs Roman Numeral GE System. A maximum of 70 of the transferable units for this program may be earned elsewhere. PHYS 151L in the fall, take the equivalent to PHYS 152L this semester. Two-thirds of any transferable coursework must be completed at one of USCs four-year partner institutions. hZn9>`Y &3Yu!ivSdC6EbU1K!JEBF$ZD. USC Viterbi School of Engineering *Note that computer science students may also take programming courses instead of, or in addition to, lab-based science courses before applying to transfer to USC. Select the Computer Science major youre interested in below to see your appropriate plan. Feb 15. Articulation what? you might ask. Fight On! If you are mailing your official transcripts please send them to: Note, you can use the address above for follow-up transcripts, application materials, and all other types of correspondence. Yes. The 3+2 Engineering program is a specially designed curriculum with specific, named, partner schools. If you repeat a transferable course for which you earned a grade of D+ or lower, both grades will be included in your transfer GPA. Depending on your math placement level*, take the equivalent to one of the following courses: Take the equivalent to 1 of the following courses to satisfy the CSCI Basic Science I requirement: See left for fall math recommendations, and take the next appropriate level of math. Download the Transfer Planning Worksheet. You can find courses at your current institution which will transfer to USC for GE credit in, We neither have a minimum nor a maximum number of units to transfer. Biomedical (all degree programs), Chemical (all degree programs), Civil (Environmental), and Environmental Engineering majors: 4 or 5 on the AP Chemistry exam or a 6 or 7 on the Chemistry IB HL exam, 4 or 5 on the AP Biology exam or a 6 or 7 on the Biology IB HL exam. Whether you are continuing your education or returning after a long break, we encourage you to apply and share your story with us. Complete all upper-division units in your major and minor. If your first degree was not in math, science, engineering or another related field, you may need to complete some courses at another institution before applying. 61% percent are from CA and You can look up the equivalent to MATH-125 in Part II of the articulation history/agreement for your school. Please note that applicants to the 2023-2024 academic year are not required to submit SAT or ACT scores, although you may still submit scores if you wish. Contact us directly for further advisement. & Journalism 6% Price School of Public Policy 4% . ", "There is no way a student can graduate from the engineering school at USC without learning how to think through a problem and come to a correct and proper answer. What USC researchers uncovered about sea star locomotion could help scientists design simpler, decentralized systems in robotics and beyond. Wondering what life at USC is like? Then, choose the next math course in the sequence. USC defines PhD applicants as those who have completed or are in the process of completing a four-year degree from a college or university. USC does not honor other colleges academic renewal or forgiveness programs that permit students to improve a substandard grade. USC Viterbi | Department of Astronautical Engineering USC was founded in 1880 and the school enrolls around 49,318 students a year, which includes 20,790 undergrads. We admit our students at a similar rate as the university, and the average GPA for Engineering students is the same as the average GPA for all USC students. We accept a number of 2nd bachelors degree students every year. See them all and learn more about life at USC on the Student Life page. An endowment is the total value of a school's investments, donations, and assets. New USC Viterbi assistant professor works to engineer green cement. If you have a question, scroll down to see a list of our most frequently asked questions about requirements and guidelines. Visit the FAFSA website to apply for student aid. Plus and minus grading is taken into account. Admission Requirements Top consideration is given to students who are taking 14 to 18 units per semester and have at least a 3.0 cumulative GPA at USC. If you started college before Fall 2015, set your effective period as Spring 2015. Basic number theory. Transfer admission to USC remains highly competitive, and we look for students with outstanding talents and leadership skills. The key to a successful transfer is good planning. Download our Transfer Planning Worksheet BISC 120L in the fall, take the equivalent to BISC 220L this semester. The 2023-2024 FAFSA Opened on October 1st, 2022. Please note that writing courses taken on a Pass/No Pass basis will not fulfill USCs lower-division writing requirement. *Note that computer science students may also take programming courses instead of, or in addition to, lab-based science courses before applying to transfer to USC. There is an in-person or virtual option. This worksheet will help you keep track of the transferable courses you have completed and what courses are still in progress. Second bachelors candidates have the same requirements as regular transfer students. Complete WRIT 340, a minimum of two Core Literacy GE courses from a Dornsife College department, and any remaining General Education courses not taken before entering USC. Only courses listed in Part II are considered course-equivalent. We understand that there is limited availability at some colleges and students need to go to more than one school to fill their schedule. California residents may qualify for additional assistance under AB540 (the California Dream Act)., University Park Campus Due to the volume of requests, we unfortunately cannot review courses for prospective students; only students who are admitted will have their transcripts reviewed. USC calculates your transfer GPA on the basis of your grades in all USC-transferable courses, including grades of D and below. Contact us directly for further advisement if you have completed PHYS 151 and PHYS 153L. Take the equivalent to WRIT 130/WRIT 150 (Writing & Critical Reasoning). No degree credit: College extension courses and courses taken at international institutions not credited toward a degree at that college. Check out our. Student Services Advisor I (multiple positions) job with University of Pre-Engineering - Admission & Student Engagement - Viterbi Undergraduate Visit Articulation Agreements with Community Colleges. Jawaban Cepat: Betapa Sulitnya Sebagai Transfer Ilmu Komputer Usc If your colleges articulation history/agreement requires more than one course to fulfill the equivalent of PHYS 151L course, please take the next course in that particular sequence following your fall course. USC admission, enrollment and tuition policies are not based on your immigration or DACA status. Abigail Horn joins the Daniel J. Epstein Department of Industrial and Systems Engineering, bringing expertise in fighting global challenges in food systems. Since math and science courses are the foundation of engineering, we want to see you excel in these areas. International applicants: please refer to the International Students page for additional requirements. If so, just provide a brief explanation that explains why you didnt enroll in more courses. We are happy to provide individual advisement via email should you need to confirm current or future coursework is on track to meet our minimum requirements. Los Angeles, CA 90089-0911 But you could be the first! Duplicated material: An AP exam and IB exam or college course covering the same material. The most common question we get is: Which courses should I take before I transfer? Were you ever enrolled in less than 4 courses in a semester (or less than 3 classes/quarter)? See the section on programming courses below for more information. Engineering problems exist in the real world, and our obligation is to help solve them, in real time. You have met the application deadline if you submit the Common App by Feb 15th. Take the equivalent to satisfy PHYS 152L. Other studio and performing arts classes are also limited. Transfer applicants must indicate a first-choice major on the application. 3667 South McClintock Avenue, Los Angeles, California 90089. Season 8: Episode 286 Internships and Co-Ops During the School Year. New role will support essential research harnessing AI and data science to manage subsurface resources and energy transition. By analyzing millions of tweets, USC computer science researchers are investigating how false information about the coronavirus spreads on social media. Over the years, the Articulation Department has compiled lists of courses from other universities that have transferred to USC for credit in the past. No. Supporting documents such as official transcripts can be submitted soon after the deadline. Based on this information, does USC seem like a good fit? You can still apply even if you havent taken two semesters of a lab based science. Nontraditional formats/time frames: Distance-learning, online courses, concentrated intensive sessions, special weekend modules, and other nontraditional course formats and time frames. Connect with the world's largest college forum for candid, authentic discussion. We are excited to offer you a spot in the 2022 USC Viterbi first year class. No. USC - Viterbi School of Engineering . Is There Life on Mars? Please note that applicants to the 2023-2024 academic year are not required to submit SAT or ACT scores, although you may still submit scores if you wish. However, if you already took a test and would like to send us your scores, you are free to do so. The median ACT score of an admitted student to USC is Admitted Student Home Page - USC Viterbi | Undergraduate Admission USC researchers 3-D-printed the next-generation of high strength, lightweight structures that can autonomously heal impact damage. If you have AP credit, consider taking the equivalent of PHYS 153L. To request this fee waiver, select the appropriate option under the school-specific fee waiver question, located in the USC Questions section of the Common Application. Remember, the first F in FAFSA stands for FREE! If you did not take any, this will have no impact on your chances of being admitted. USC defines prospective transfer students as anyone currently enrolled in college or anyone who has attended college since finishing high school. However, it may help you maximize the number of units you can transfer to USC if you take two semesters of the same science. The only guarantee we can give is that you cant be admitted if you dont apply! USC has gotten increasingly more competitive over the last decade. Your transfer GPA is different from the GPA earned in courses you take at USC. I know that I need to take up to at least Calc 2 to meet the internal transfer requirements for CS and was planning to take Calc 1 and Calc 2 this summer at a community college. USC menerima 24,57% pelamar transfer, yang kompetitif. No. Another 64 units must be taken at USC to graduate with a USC degree. CHEM 105aL in the fall, take the equivalent to CHEM 105bL this semester. If you have questions about your class standing, please call the USC Office of Admission at (213) 740-1111. If you went to a four-year college or a CC outside of California, select Spring 2015 as your effective date on the articulation history. Our session will cover an overview of our undergraduate engineering programs, the application process, and more on student life. Series: CS Colloquium The definition of a "good school" is different for different people. Application fee waivers are available to veterans and their dependents. Graduate-level courses: Graduate-level coursework taken by undergraduate students. Present at least one year of rigorous, full-time academic coursework, with strong grades. For students who attend a community college outside of California or a four-year institution, For students who attend a Community College in the state of California. Your chances of being admitted to one engineering major are the same for all engineering majors. If you have anything else you want us to see, please take advantage of the Additional Information section of the Common App. Visit Articulation Agreements with Community Colleges. You can also link to a personal website there if you wish. Due to disruptions caused by COVID-19, some exceptions may apply. Please click to download your course equivalency document below. To waive a requirement for that GE category, they simply need to be listed in Part I underneath one of the GE categories. 2021-2022 USC Transfer Colleges and Universities A-Z University of Southern California transfer CADREAMIN September 17, 2020, 4:53pm #1 Welcome USC Trojan transfer hopefuls! Articulation Histories with Local Four-Year Colleges This is a new thread for those who will turn in their app by Feb 2021 in order to commit (fingers crossed!) Already taken some college classes? 2021-2022 USC Transfer - College Confidential Forums to USC for fall 2023 or Spring 2024. Just follow the same transfer recommendations as all other transfer students. You are choosing to leave the current path that you are on and the degree requirements that you started, for a new path and set of degree requirements. This is typically the second course in your college or universitys English composition sequence. 49,318 students enrolled at The University of Southern Californias Annual Security and Fire Safety Reports (ASR) for the past three years are available online at: You will be part of the USC community for a longer time and have more opportunities to get involved with campus life and make the connections that can help you after graduation. We want to know your story, and it takes us time to read through each application. You will have a better chance as a transfer student than an enrolling freshman, however, your application still needs to be really strong. Part II: These are all the courses which are considered equivalent to USC courses. No. CS internal transfer : r/USC - Visit With Us To Meet Students Next Steps You might, however, still want to take one so that you have a full schedule. Take 1 course from GE Categories A, B, or C. Take the 2nd course in your math sequence (See Fall Math Recommendations). USC Researchers Analyze Coronavirus Misinformation on Twitter, My Belt Listens to My Watch, Glasses and Necklace: Whats Next in Wearable Technology, Keeping Them Honest: Jong-Shi Pang Honored for Career Achievements, ChatGPT: USC Experts Break Down What You Need to Know, Ming Hsieh Department of Electrical Engineering, Student Resources for Undergraduate Research. USC Viterbi researchers partner with the National Renewable Energy Laboratory on technology to convert CO2 to hydrocarbon fuels and usable materials. Be on the lookout for our next newsletter. Here are some stats of this year's admitted transfer students: Transfer Student Profile Go to the Interactive Planning Guide. To find out which courses are likely to transfer from your current school, visit our the, No. 8% International Colleges and Universities To waive this course, you will need to have taken a course which is equivalent to MATH-125. Not sure if your current institution has an equivalent class? We strive to get to know you, your interests, and goals by reading your entire application. Tired? USC defines first year applicants as current high school seniors or anyone who has not attended college since finishing high school. More. We neither have a minimum nor a maximum number of units to transfer. Check the school website For more information, please Here is a quick breakdown of the four parts of an articulation history/agreement: Part I: These are all the General Education (GE) courses which will transfer for credit at USC and waive a course in a USC GE category. USC Viterbi researchers partner with the National Renewable Energy Laboratory on technology to convert CO2 to hydrocarbon fuels and usable materials. Bored? 12% California State University / University of California Math, science, and GE courses, on the other hand, are much more likely to transfer over. University Park Campus Los Angeles, CA 90089. Past and present SIPI students and faculty gather to toast 50 years of innovation from JPEGs to brain-computer interfaces. Engineering faculty will teach your courses right from the start, and you will have the flexibility to do more than engineering. If a student does well enough on a placement exam for a particular course, the student may be able to waive that course requirement. Broadcast of the 2006 FIRST Robotics Competition Kick-Off and the distribution of robot kits. With that being said, our articulation department will have the department review the course you took and determine if it is equivalent to a course at USC after you submit your commitment deposit to USC. Remember, a school that is perfect for one person may not be the right school for another! See a sample transfer plan for all engineering majors (excluding Electrical & Computer Engineering and Computer Science), See a sample transfer plan for Computer Science Majors, See a sample transfer plan for Electrical & Computer Engineering Majors, (Excluding Electrical & Computer Engineering and Computer Science). Student must take very specific courses at the 3+2 partner school to be considered as part of the 3+2 program. ", "Coming from community college, I was worried about transferring into a major university, but once I got to USC all my doubts were put to rest. Data Source: IPEDs and Peterson's Databases 2022 Peterson's LLC All rights reserved. A paper copy of the ASR is available on request made to Department of Public Safety Records by calling (213) 740-6000, An articulation history is a list of classes at a particular school which have historically transferred for credit at USC. By analyzing millions of tweets, USC computer science researchers are investigating how false information about the coronavirus spreads on social media. You can email them at Your admission and enrollment will not be affected if you do not have or if you lose your immigration or DACA status. Take the equivalent of WRIT 130/WRIT 150 (Writing & Critical Reasoning). USC only accepts applications for the fall semester. Seberapa sulit untuk masuk ke USC sebagai transfer? In some cases, the student may need to complete assignments from CSCI 104 and/or take the final exam to demonstrate proficiency in the course. Review an articulation history or agreement to see if your school offers equivalents to the USC Courses in these sample plans. Interactive Planning Guide Transfer Planning Brochure USC ensures housing for up to 7,600 students. While in residence at USC, you are also expected to: Engineering 3-2 Program: Students must complete a minimum of 48 units in residence at USC. Frustrated? If you have already followed the list of requirements and guidelines above, and you need one more class to complete your schedule, and youre not sure which one to choose, picking a challenging math class wont hurt. If your first degree was not in math, science, engineering or another related field, you may need to complete some courses at another institution before applying. SAT Subject Test scores are not required. We dont care if you take any GE courses before you apply. . See a full list of colleges in California and save your favorites to your college list. University of Southern California is a private, nonprofit school in the city of Los Angeles, California. Four (4) units each of English as a Second Language, physical education activity courses and music ensemble courses. CSCI 170 Discrete Methods in Computer Science For each college or university term (excluding summer) in which you were enrolled in less than four semester-unit courses or three quarter-unit courses, please provide a brief explanation as to why you were unable to enroll full time. Please keep in mind, it can take 7-10 business days (after USC receives) documents like transcripts to upload into your file. My legacy son was just rejected. However, if you have earned fewer than 30 transferable semester units by the end of the spring term, we will need further information for our decision from your high school record and/or SAT or ACT scores (if you choose to submit them). Please see the 2nd Bachelors page for more information. to USC for fall 2022 or Spring 2023. *Please visit the articulation websites in Step 3 to identify how many semesters are needed to meet these equivalents. Wed, Jan 18, 2006 @ 10:00 AM - 01:00 PM . Engineering problems exist in the real world, and our obligation is to help solve them, in real time. Transferable Coursework By College - USC Viterbi | Undergraduate Admission This years ASBME Makeathon saw 10 student teams battling the clock to build biomedical devices to help stroke survivors recover their hand and wrist movement. Please see our 3+2 page for a guide to the 3+2 program. CSCI 104 Data Structures and Object Oriented Design Access insights and advice on how to search and apply for scholarships! View all the course requirements to transfer to the USC Viterbi School. Advanced Placement (AP), International Baccalaureate (IB) and other standardized examinations: We accept a maximum of 32 units for standardized examinations. Introduces the student to standard data structures (linear structures such as linked lists, (balanced) trees, priority queues, and hashtables), using the C++ programming language. Areas of study not offered by USC: These include agriculture, business office procedures, hotel management, food services, industrial mechanics, interior design, fire science, forestry, police academy, and similar professional and technical programs. This is a new thread for those who will turn in their app by Feb 2023 in order to commit (fingers crossed!) For example, if your intended major is Biomedical Engineering, and already took two semesters of chemistry, you could take the next two chemistry courses in the sequence, or start working on your biology courses. During your meeting, you will review the basics of Viterbi's transfer admission .