To add insult to injury, remember that in pension many claimants are elderly and it will take them time to track down the needed documentation. HI, BEN I READ ABOUT WESTLEY STONE SITUATION WITH DVA, I TRIED TO CONTACT HIM (HE WAS WITH ME IN THE ARMY), BUT I DID NOT GO THRU HIS EMAIL (DOUBLE CICK HIS NAME); COULD I HAVE A CHANCE FOR HIM TO READ THIS MEESAGE. I did the DeNovo and was turned down. Same thing I claimed for in 2005. with over 20 years of Service and while I was filling up the paperwork to get Promoted to E-9. I ve been chaptered (61) out from the US Army on 2009 with 82% SC disability from the MEB/PEB. I had gone to the coaches and to no avail, they stated that the C&P evaluator has precedence over anyother info. Activist. He received his Bachelors from Northwestern University and Law Degree from the University of Minnesota, both using VA Veteran Readiness and Employment. Phone: 336-714-5955 49, 53 (1990). SD, Thank you Ben ! 2007). KEEP GOING!!! He is no longer in the telephone business and avoids electrical contact, He left the phone company via buyout for that same reason, constant stress of this happening again. Thanks in advanced. Since PTSD often manifests many years after a traumatic event, spouses may be a more reliable lay witness than former servicemembers in situations where VA has already conceded the in-service stressor, as the spouse can more accurately testify about the veterans symptoms over time and their impact on his daily life. Statement In Support Of Claim For Sleep Apnea - Simple Sleep A long, rambling letter just obscures why you are writing. I have letters from my doctors rating me at 100% . In 2004 I was granted 10%. What was the specific reason for denial that the RO gave on the original letter? Westley Thomas / USMC / Vietnam Veteran 1966-1968. Army Video Debunks Myths About Hiring Veterans, Big Data Insider Takes Over Board Of Veterans Appeals, VA Logic: 60 Percent Of The Time, It Works Every Time. What ever that means. How many Vets take the time to do this? No va claim will get approved without this link. Veterans, this is why I founded VA Claims Insider. "To whom it may concern, I completely agree with Rory R Jones, I am a 31 year retired Air Force Chief Master Sergeant. I was told that he will be approved. since several compensation claims were filed,to cover assignments, ranging from , two years (24 months) in South Korea DMZ line next day after the 24th INF Division pushed the NK, back up north. wait-wait and more waiting. I am trying now to go back to the 2005 claim, but they are telling me because of the Form 9 was not done, the claim is dead in the water. Jerel L. York, National Pre-Discharge Claims Representative [font=&AMP]My name is XXXXX. Two months later I received another eval letter granting me the 100% P&T! 100 North Main St. He started my process for me and also got back my VA benefits. Get the free sample letter to va for sleep apnea form - pdfFiller Signup to never miss a beat with special offers, blog updates, exclusive trainings, and more delivered right to your inbox! He filed paperwork and has a 0% rating for two things but they denied 8 others. Cir. I have been seeing a VA psychologist and psychotherapist for the past 4 months and I know that has to be included into the documentation they have requested for me. So I want to impart some of what I did- hopefully it would someone case here and By the time you have the results of your illnesses they should be in the step where they are asking for your documents to support your request. Conditions are automatically considered service-connected . My name is Danny.I was in the navy fron jan 98-jan 2002. while i was in hurt my neck and back.I have had trouble with both since i got out but i tried to live with it to the point that i just couldnt take it anymore. The way the VA is, Im guessing I will be needing legal counsel shortly. I served from 1968-70, my initial complaints which were backed by the Veterans Doctors, & my own Specialists for the following Diseases, they are as follows: PTSD, Agent Orange, Hepatitis B, after (41 yrs. Anyone who writes a buddy letter should include their contact information, their name and signature, the full name of the veteran that the letter is for, and the date. Our country takes care of everybody and anybody but us the veteran. When it comes to sleep apnea, there are several types that you can qualify under. Tell them whats wrong, how long you have been trying to get things done with the VA, and what you want. Nexus Letters For Sleep Apnea. And immediately I noticed he began to snore very loudly. Different Forms of 100% VA Rating (IU vs TDIU vs Schedular vs P&T) Anyone 18 and older with personal knowledge of the objective facts relevant to a claim is competent to write a buddy letter. Then I served in Air Force Reserves from 1985 to 1990. It requires several key components, service connection, medical diagnosis, and some proof of life impact or how this disability affects you today. It doesnt matter what you say unless its a mental issue. I waited until I had enough medical evidence. It was SOP to rip off claimants on the time they have to respond to our requests for info. Stanley J Jenczyk. Talk to Us About Your Claim: (866) 232-5777. If you want to learn how to implement these strategies to get the VA benefits you deserve, click here to speak with a VA claim expert for free. Draw your signature, type it, upload its image, or use your mobile device as a signature pad. 3) Sleep Apnea Nexus Letter. As a fellow disabled Veteran this is shameful and Im on a mission to change it. It took me over a year. I assume Bangkok is not one of these. He was a comtech(telephone installation)While working on a telephone line, he was electrocuted. I was honorably discharged in November 1983, and as of January 1, 2013 (exactly 30 years to the day), the VA still claims that my cancer was NOT SERVICE CONNECTED!!! I took this and all my records to the DAV to get assistance filing. I average 2 appointments per week assisting fellow veterans. I distinctly remember him snoring louder than anyone that Id ever heard in my life. No payment until after dead. (2) an in-service occurrence; and Then start the NOD. VFW why one was never done i dont know, what i do know is that a friend of his injured his knee playing flag foot ball while inthe USAF and receives a benefit of over $800 per month and will continue to for the rest of his life. I will remind him to use the device . Listen to this blog by pressing the "Play" button below! Mr. Ben Things are still not the same between us, but I hope treatment will help him find the peace he needs to heal. Lets see if this doesnt prove to be true in the next year or two. In 1986 the va denied service connection for Asthma, and sinusitis. I have done all of the work and an attorney would never have done what I have done. I have the same deal basically. Spouse's Statement - VA Disability Compensation Benefits Claims A noticeable sign of obstructive sleep apnea is snoring. Click to Read Gilbert v. Derwinski, 1 Vet. Getting your file is the first real step to winning your disability claim. So if one is going to write one - make sure that every contention/symptom is covered. Since that night, Johns mood is unpredictable. ***EXAMPLE BUDDY STATEMENT*** September 6, 2006 To Whom It May Concern: I served with, ''the veteran" in, "Military organization" during, "specific time frames". If you have problems sleeping go to the va and request a sleep apnea test! about private issueswho knows! appreciate you, VA Buddy Letter Tips with Buddy Statement Examples - YouTube Brian isalso the CEOofMilitary Disability Made Easy, which is the worlds largest free searchable database for all things related to DoD disability and VA disability claims and has served more than 4,600,000 military members and veterans since its founding in 2013. Today I have not received reimbursement for my January 19, 2011 filed claim for 2010 medical. The rep told me not to include any of my prepared documents. Try to keep the letter one page in length or shorter. Go talk to your senator/congress person. He told me he is in therapy and working through the events that happened in Iraq. Because you often didnt go to the doctor enough while you served on active duty, and thus, your service treatment records do not contain any evidence of a disability or condition. You may not get the answer you want, but you will at least know how far along you are in the process, if further development is needed, or if the case got resolved. I, Jane Doe, hereby declare under penalty of perjury that the following is true and correct to the best of my knowledge: I married my husband, John Doe, on June 17, 2001. Here is another cramp I live with, where mustard on the cramping muscle, dont work. How to File a Claim on (step-by-step)! Any ideas. When you need Ptsd Buddy Letter From Wife, don't accept anything less than the USlegal brand. He or she is the only one who can give an medical (rationale) opinion, only after reviewing your smr's . We attempted to resuscitate her but were unsuccessful. I served for almost 30 years and feel as though I have been put kick under a bus. Getting Veterans (VA) Disability for Sleep Apnea | CCK Law The most trusted name in education-based resources for Veterans. He recently agreed to attend group therapy sessions at our local VA, and it seems to help him recognize that he needs help. will there be a panacea the VA can reach for, or would VA be willing to try. On July 2015, I received an evaluation letter from the C&P stating that they are dropping my evaluation to 90% . I would attempt to turn him over, hoping this would stop his snoring but did not. Does it mean anything to the VA that I was medically discharged from the Reserves and in those discharge papers make reference to active duty medical records for the same heart problem? A veterans own statement, covering in sufficient detail a condition that is within his/her ability to describe, such as his/her own symptoms, may to that extent constitutecredible and competent lay evidence. of Veterans Affairs and Student Veterans of America have just ruined my, Read More VA Logic: 60 Percent Of The Time, It Works Every TimeContinue, Facebook Twitter LinkedIn Email Print On Friday, Under Secretary Allison Hickey stepped down just prior to a House Committee, Read More Why Was Allison Hickey Covering For Rubens, Graves?Continue, Facebook Twitter LinkedIn Email Print Under Secretary Allison Hickey stepped down on Friday but not before sending a final, Read More Allison Hickey Final Love Note To VA EmployeesContinue. A spousal letter for sleep apnea, which documents what your spouse has witnessed over the years, and the approximate dates he/she noticed your sleep apnea symptoms began in-service IS lay evidence. Rory R Jones They have a Duty to Assist. Every case if different and many are very complicated. I put in a claim was denied any suggestions. Founder of, a VA watchdog news source that holds the Dept. Use any workman comp awards after your served and it pertains to your present claim, espeically if you believe that the military cause the issue in the first placelike mental health issues, some work settings can worsen symptoms with PSTD, Major Depression and insomonia In his six months overseas, I received about three letters that together totaled less than a page. For example, VA will not consider a layperson statement where the veteran opines about a medical diagnosis such as saying, I have TBI. VA is required to consider descriptions of pain, congestion, trouble breathing, etc. 3. My stressor is about 1 page long, but my VSO told me it was not good enough to get approved. Good luck and thank you for your service-dont give up-keep on it. Also, go to the VA for everything. 3.102. VA Regional Office Keep fighting for it. Sample Letter To VA For . I am having difficulty finding the wordage to use. Service connection requires competent evidence showing: (1) the existence of a present disability; (2) in-service incurrence or aggravation of a disease or injury; and (3) a causal relationship between the present disability and the disease or injury incurred or aggravated during service. Click on Trace Your Claim OTC performs Generally speaking, buddy letters should discuss the objective events and symptoms as they were observed by the author rather than speculation about diagnoses and their respective causes. 471 (1994). My doctor put in report that I complained she never answers my letters and that she does when in fact I have 19 unanswered letters and all these type things destroy your credibility and mine is very important to me. Good Luck, DT. Buddy letters can therefore play an extremely valuable role in winning VA disability cases. Its unfortunate that most of you have gone thru the HELL of VA. How to File a Claim on (step-by-step)! Vietnam Veterans: Is Your Medical Condition on the Agent Orange Presumptive List? The VA is saying my COPD is unrelated to the fall. That was my only proof of an accident and it was accepted. Take to dr and get a review. So we when went to QTC, and I already faxed his evidence that I gathered including the reckless driving speeding tickets, my documented proof of me trying to contact the base before he deployed, I wanted him to talk to somebody.