And while folks like Big Al McGregor and Nika Guilbault and Chris St. Jean are back for this bunch of storylines,Karl Knutson, Bernie Kreft and Ken Foy and Guillaume Brodeur are no longer a part of Yukon Gold. Tell me about your job on the oil fields. /Filter /DCTDecode I think he would like my work ethic Love to work!!!! A former. Gold Rush: Heres the Wealthiest Miner on the Series. Karl Knutson. 47 Episodes 2021. The officer asked if any had been killed, and Dodge again said no. Both Dodge, a miner featured in the reality TV show Gold Rush, and his company Derek Dodge Mining Corp., were facing three charges each under the Yukon Wildlife Act: allowing a bear to become a nuisance, killing a bear without permission and failing to report it, and allowing a pelt to go to waste. Permafrost, its extra hard and frozen and this equipment takes quite a beating. YOU ARE GREAT! Even for a short period of time. He was introduced as Parker Schnabels foreman in Gold Rush Alaska in the fourth season. Robbed of sensation in his hands and feet, Al has gone from a hospital bed to a wheelchair. << Hard those types these days. In all the publicity, your crew is described as the wackiest mining crew. Gene worked with Parker as a foremanfrom 2013 to 2016. Who became rich in Dawson City? Since the start of the series in 2010, Gold Rush has followed the turmoil and triumphs of several experienced and esteemed miners. On the show, you swear a lot. Thats the bane of everybody up there. You are such a great mechanic. Al was born on September 1, 1941 in New Glasgow, Nova Scotia, the son of the late Allan and Sarah (Sadie) MacGregor. He has worked under two different bosses in Gold Mining. Large-scale gold mining in the Yukon Territory didn't end until 1966, and by that time the region had yielded some $250 million in gold. "I'm sad to hear that it appears that people still view the approach to dealing with bears when they show up at camp is to shoot them," he said. Then there's the constant fear of fear missing the pay streak, "working a big pit and getting nothing," he added. Gene Cheeseman hails fromJuneau Alaska born on 23rd October 1968. For that huge of a haul, Beets could have seen up to $4.39 million. /SA true JFIF d d C Just wanted to say hi and that you are missed on Gold Rush. It's actually sad and dangerous, you know, everything for that gold.". Movies. [Laughs]. And that too, if you get a good crew you can be away for a bit. McGregor also plans to buy more land and wants to eventually look for gold in "a secret little creek" he's bought. } !1AQa"q2#BR$3br This article exists as part of the online archive for HuffPost Canada, which /Title () Box 500 Station A Toronto, ON Canada, M5W 1E6. They may come from different backgrounds and have different levels of success mining, but everyone featuredon Yukon Gold agrees on one thing: they deeply love where they are. You are far too valuable to be working for wages. Its Murphys Law. Of the estimated 30,000 to 40,000 people who reached Dawson City during the gold rush, only around 15,000 to 20,000 finally became prospectors. On Thursday, he was sentenced in Yukon Territorial Court. ?*s|b? Ut8?^~ks I R 8c>|Ut+0 zA S 99tN?84 vFzQK OxsscNG ~xp8g U,q )`sC . Set in Klondike, Yukon in the Great White North, the three men leading the mass of machinery and crew members are Parker Schnabel, Tony Beets, and Todd Hoffman. Learn more about the full cast of Yukon Gold with news, photos, videos and more at TV Guide. 5:06. He also lost his beloved wife, and both these events happened within months of each other. However, as history has shown us, mining is a risky business. That, for me, was the tough one. Of course, the next question is, who takes second place for the wealthiest miner, Schnabel or Hoffman? Because why, they're broke down! He was always my favorite on the show. No matter, the guys and gals who seek out the shiny precious metal in the most inhospitable of placesthe Yukonhave stuck with it and return on Wednesday with Season 5 of the History program. He is survived by brothers Gary (Isabel), Saskatoon; Ian (Bella), New Glasgow; and Donald (Karen), Shediac, N.B. Bell Media inks development deal with world-renowned entertainer Priyanka, Link: Dina Pugliese saying goodbye to Breakfast Television after over 16 years, Hollywood Suite slices into spring with the Canadian premiere of Slasher: Ripper. Ill eventually be getting a little too old and want to do other things in my life, but theres lots of options. However, he was absent for the most of the seventh season. 1 1 . A former star of the History Channel's Yukon Gold program has pled guilty to four environmental violations. My wife, Colleen, wasnt able to come up last year -- just for a short visit. Gold mining is a tough slog, said McGregor, but he's up for the challenge especially when he thinks of the future value of his finds. "Yukon Gold" follows four gold mining crews as they attempt to hit it big in Canada's north. But thats not stopping him. After watching this now for several Sundays all day long episode after episode after episode my husband and I have discovered what this show is all about. epuiptment breaking down!!! However, he never gave up his dreams of mining. How old is Big Al on Yukon gold? Itll be interesting to see it develop over the shows period. Al was born on September 1, 1941 in New . How do you deal with being away from your family? (That's compared to about $1,600 an ounce these days.). The only thing I would complain about is that basically every episode is about fixing the equipment they work on rather than gold mining. From Diane , Is Gene related to top alcohol funny car race Chucky Cheeseman. And it seems McGregor has turned things around. You know, this equipment gets used hard. Youre the rookie on the show. In Yukon Territorial Court on Tuesday, his company pleaded guilty to one charge under the Yukon Wildlife Act and agreed to pay a $3,500 penalty. "Big" Al McGregor is a newcomer to the occupation, but he's not going to let that slow him down. /SM 0.02 Plea. Ken Foy, one-time star of the History Channel's Yukon Gold, was fined $145,000 last year after leaving his placer claim near Dawson City environmentally damaged and littered with waste. If you have questions or concerns, Although Beets holds the gold medal for wealthiest miner, that by no means indicates that Schnabel is scraping the barrel for grocery money. Strike While the Iron is Hot kicks off the new season at 10 p.m. ET/PT with a quick recap of whats happened since we last visited the hardscrabble territory. The only thing I would complain about is that basically every episode is about fixing the equipment they work on rather than gold mining. Surprise him. Is it anything to do with death? << Big Al takes a big risk and sluices top-gravel, the top layer of soil before hitting pay dirt, thinking that there is enough gold to make it worthwhile, and . The series was acquired in the United States by the National Geographic Channel and aired starting in 2013. Who wouldn't? As of now, he is 49 years of old. 5 talking about this. We've got governments printing money like there's just no tomorrow people are going to lose faith in currencies and they're going to want to go to safe havens," said McGregor. %PDF-1.4 Since his start in the mining industry as a teenager, Schnabel has certainly had to learn to keep up with the more experienced workers in the field. Did the production company have a problem with that? Everyone dreams about it -- digging for gold and striking it rich. Ken and Bernie are examples of how not to be a gold miner. I've had to keep it pretty clean today so far. Genebelongs to American nationality and Caucasian ethnicity. [/Pattern /DeviceRGB] Theres no telling what challenges the crews may face each day. One of the better shows on the history channel. Well give you a hinthes the youngest miner on Gold Rush. He had some impressive Gold mining memory with Parker Schnabel who regarded him an MVP employee. During a stop in Toronto earlier this week, he showed off a glass vial filled with about seven ounces of gold nuggets he said were worth a total of $10,000 (that was the only gold he had on him, though surprisingly, he doesn't wear any gold jewelry). The same we see with the inter-miner-relation ships and of course the highs and lows of the 'catch' or find of the day. Because the men unearth one of the most highly sought-after precious metals on the market, you would think that their lives are luxurious. Jones said he's pleased that Dodge's penalty money is going to WildwiseYukon, since that organization aims to reduce human-bear conflicts. Great Show and well made. endobj Four black bears were killed at Derek Dodge's mining camp over the summer of 2016. But Al's infectious laugh and positive attitude hides his two-year struggle, first with the death of. He established as an expert contractor in roads construction and building before venturing into mining. "I think it's in every guy, and most girls, for adventure, and this just fit the bill for me. Now you can watch some people actually try it. Regards, Rob H. The fact gene saved both Parker and tony yet has an estimated net worth of 250 grand speaks volumes. Obviously it is not real, just actors. The judge wished him a good mining season, free from any additional conflict with bears. Though this star's great-great-grandfather was a gold miner in Alaska in the late 1800s, Gene came into gold mining through the hard work. "I was tempted because I just needed a change in my life, and this is always a dream," said McGregor, 56. Again in 2018, Gene has not appeared in Gold Rush. Whether nature-related obstacles, legal restrictions or machine malfunctions, theres a lot that can stand in the way of a big paycheck. Yukon Gold follows five gold mining crews who have only four short months in Canada's wild Yukon to earn one BIG payday. stream Self: Yukon Gold. Can we take a minute and enjoy that big al was on gold rush! Got about three different crews that try to get gold however they break down, and break down, and break down, and when they're not breaking down, they're breaking down. A former Alberta oil patch worker, McGregor ventured to the Yukon several years ago to be with his now-wife, who lived and ran a business in Dawson City. I think you should make up with Parker and go help him this season. Meanwhile, young Whitehorse prospectorsEd and Riley are getting into the big game for the first time. Well, Ive got quite an eclectic bunch there. At least 10 years. Friends will be received at the Dixon-Garland Funeral Home 166 Main Street North (Markham Rd), Markham on October 4, 2010 for visitation between 2 and 3 p.m., followed by a celebration of Al's life at 3 p.m. Tell them all to p!ss off unless they offer you a piece of ownership. With a laugh as big as the Yukon, it seemed nothing could bring down Big Al McGregor. Gene you are truly an amazing man. you have a great personality, hard working person, and tons of knowledge as mechanic However, the Holland native didnt find his job utter-ly exciting, so he packed his bags (and maybe a few cartons for the road) and took a flight to Canada. "Just take a look around the world. You cant afford new stuff. Probably never. The last reminder was in March 2016. Indeed, the affable northern Alberta native has seen some scary situations result from gold greed in Canada's North, where thousands of prospectors first mined in the late 1800s. Over the course of that summer, his employees shot three other bears, none of which were reported. Both Dodge, a miner featured in the reality TV show, Reality TV star fined $31K for filmed stunt in Yukon, Former 'Yukon Gold' TV star fined $145K for leaving big mess at mining claim, Reality shows settle into Yukon community, 'warts and all', $145,000 last year afterleaving his placer claim, CBC's Journalistic Standards and Practices. One of the better shows on the history channel. He really needs a good mechanic. When search suggestions are available use up and down arrows to review and enter to select. Yukon Gold was a Canadian reality television series produced by Paperny Entertainment that aired on History Television. Menu. 2 0 obj Gotta go for it. "It was pretty disheartening but you keep at 'er and you turn it around.". According to what was presented in court, Dodge "got scared" and was worried his mining operation would be shut down for days if there had to be an investigation. The result? Ive been in the oil patch most of my life. Robbed of sensation in his hands and feet, Al has gone from a hospital bed to a wheelchair. Somehow I totally missed covering Season 4 of Yukon Gold. You cant help but hope hell get those ounces hes dreaming of. endobj Great Show and well made. "Yukon Gold" follows four gold mining crews as they attempt to hit it big in Canada's north. Gene Cheeseman left due to disregard of his young boss, Parker. I think he would be very grateful to you for offering your help. Think on it. Notify me of follow-up comments by email. Because the men unearth one of the most highly sought-after precious metals on the market, you would think that their lives are luxurious. Just a good guess, and I know no more than the next guy. And it always breaks down at the worst possible moment. He was the owner of Big Nugget . I dont know. According to the act, each offence carried a fine of up to $100,000, up to two years in jail, or both. Im from Saskatchewan. and gold miner, needs a little improvement on your self steam. Yukon reality stars are no strangers to the courts. "Personally, I believe the gold market's manipulated. Gene: Am glad you are ok, we were wondering about your well being He was introduced as Parker Schnabel's foreman in Gold Rush Alaska in the fourth season. Together with his aide Tamsin and his small crew led by right-hand man Hiro, Big Al hopes to find peace, regain his strength and finally hit the mother lode. /Type /ExtGState Hes straight from Japan and has a little trouble with his English sometimes, and his wife is cooking for us. Hey, it would make life a little easier, wouldn't it?". Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Is big al still alive from yukon gold Edmonton AM5:06"Big" Al McGregor - Yukon Gold UNIONVILLE, ON - It is with great sadness that the family of John Alastair (Al) MacGregor announce his passing at home in Unionville, Ontario, September 24, 2010 following a courageous battle with heart and lung disease. Kirkpatrick told the court that she and Dodge had reached a mutual resolution. He was the heart of everything from moving dirt, fixing things, to even raising the productivity of people around him. Your email address will not be published. _'js;z9iy i\_ Bu KlC7>VW ;_* UNIONVILLE, ON - It is with great sadness that the family of John Alastair (Al) MacGregor announce his passing at home in Unionville, Ontario, September 24, 2010 following a courageous battle with heart and lung disease. Transporting their $250,000 sluice plant through the mountains to their claim on Rabbit Creek. "There are most definitely ways of avoiding having to kill bears when you're living out in the bush there can be a cultural change and it ischanging around the Yukon. It is a priority for CBC to create products that are accessible to all in Canada including people with visual, hearing, motor and cognitive challenges. Release Calendar Browse Movies by Genre Top Box Office Showtimes & Tickets Movie News India Movie Spotlight. w !1AQaq"2B #3Rbr "Big Al" was born in 1948 in Dawson City Yukon Canada. Big Al has set himself a lofty goal, aiming to dig up 1,000 ounces (over $1.7 million). With a laugh as big as the Yukon, it seemed nothing could bring down Big Al McGregor. I am the rookie. The phrase about old dogs and new tricks doesnt apply to Beets and his continued success. $4%&'()*56789:CDEFGHIJSTUVWXYZcdefghijstuvwxyz ? Another Gold Rush star, Tony Beets and his company, were fined $31,000 for a stunt in 2014 when they allowed employees to pour gas into a dredge pond and then setit on fire. But as you know, all manipulations backfire eventually. Have you done anything fun in Toronto, or just interviews? Hes a real badass. He has returned to the Yukon, driven by a desire to make the mine profitable once again. Since then, Beets has created a net worth of over $15 million. And with gold at a five-year high$1,700 an ouncetheres urgency to find the stuff and fast before the 16-week season ends. In the first episode, he maintains his optimism and determination even in the face of constant equipment breakdowns. So we'll see. Former 'Yukon Gold' star pleads guilty to abandoning garbage at mine site Crown prosecutors and Foy made a joint submission to. % This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. 5 0 obj Thats the way I am. This article exists as part of the online archive for HuffPost Canada. endobj The allure of living in the wilderness, eking out a living with the bare minimum and removed from the issues a big city presents is an intoxicating cocktail they simply cant pass up. Closed Captioning and Described Video is available for many CBC shows offered on CBC Gem. Celebrity gold miner pays $3,500 penalty for killing black bear | CBC News Loaded. The work Gene put on is a thing of admiration he is the man who sees the bigger picture than to achieve success for a short while. As I'm watching the show right now guess what they just broke down! I want to work with Gene Cheeseman. You gotta keep it running, and it gets very frustrating at times, but you know, theres always a reward in it when you get something back up. Afterwards, Judge William Digby asked Dodge, who joined by phone from Seattle, if he had anything to add. Al McGregor. But last season, a diagnosis of Multiple Myeloma, a rare blood cancer, and the death of his beloved wife Colleen within a few months of each other last season dropped the gregarious Alberta miner to his knees. Login to create it.
C q" Big resemblance. The charges related to the death of only one of the four bearsthe one Dodge admitted to killing at his mining camp near Carmacks on May 21, 2016. But last season, a diagnosis of Multiple Myeloma, a rare blood cancer, and the death of his beloved wife Colleen within a few months of each other last season dropped the gregarious Alberta miner to his knees. After meeting miners in the area, he realized he also wanted to try looking for nuggets of the precious metal. I've seen guys, they're actually fully entrenched in gold fever. 3) One of the better shows on the history channel. Say her name! << The first episode is pretty much you dealing with your equipment breaking down. A rookie mistake shuts down their convoy for a bit, cutting into precious work hours but providing viewers with awesome, sweeping camera shots of the rugged Yukon terrain. /BitsPerComponent 8 Best of 2022 Top 250 Movies Most Popular Movies Top 250 TV Shows Most Popular TV Shows Most Popular Video Games Most Popular Music Videos Most Popular Podcasts. << He grew up learning hardship from an early year following the path of his grandfather and uncle. I was looking for something I like a challenge, love a challenge, and gold mining became a dream through various circumstances, and just go for it. If you notice, a lot of guys are running older equipment. No, it was a real season of trial and tribulation. "I knew one couple, they were mining and that was back when gold was pretty high, that first time and a fellow pulled up in his pickup and brought out some equipment and started mining right on their ground," recalled McGregor. Hes walking with the aid of canes and soldiering on in Colleens memory. It is a priority for CBC to create products that are accessible to all in Canada including people with visual, hearing, motor and cognitive challenges. Interesting hard working people are the subjects and it explains the trials and tribulations of mining gold in the Yukon well. The Carmacks conservation branch found out about the killings after it received a report about a number of bears being killed at Dodge's camp. Later he joined Tony Beets mining crew inEureka Creek Claim, Alaska. ", Audience Relations, CBC P.O. There is no official explanation about Gene not being in the show one thing that we can tell; he is content with his family and two kids. I go to school here at Ryerson and I wanted to go to a big city. Were actually really hoping to turn that around next year. His real name is Albert Dahl and he was one of the first pioneers in the Yukon placer gold mining industry. Who is Big Al from Yukon Gold? You feel rewarded. Unlike fellow cast member, Parker Schnabel, Beets didnt always have his heart set on the mining industry. How's that been for you? How long do you think youre going to be gold mining? It's not Gold Rush Alaska; but it doesn't suck either. /Pages 3 0 R After working for years, he fell out with Parker and left the crew. "I've got a mild case of it. Al will be dearly missed by his loving wife Vi, their sons, Allan (Amanda), Vancouver; Robert (Nathania), Vancouver; Michael (Sara), Unionville, and grandchildren Mason, Taryn and Declan. /ColorSpace /DeviceRGB Nice to see him since Yukon gold ended. Much much better than Gold Fathers for example. "They went down to tell him, 'You can't be doing this, eh?' No wonder Tony Beats came calling. Parker Schnabel was just a kid when Gold Rush first aired. After significant time in Gold mining, his recent absence in Gold Rush has fans concerned. Of course, that means the wealthiest of the bunch is also the most skilled. The other five charges against Dodge and his company were dropped. Most of that ground is frozen solid. They havent said anything. I enjoyed Yukon Gold and had wondered about Big Al because he had so many heath and mobility issues. Al was born on September 1, 1941 in New Glasgow, Nova Scotia, the son of the late Allan and Sarah (Sadie) MacGregor. TORONTO - Yukon gold miner (Big) Al McGregor isn't a doctor but he can easily tell if someone's got a certain kind of fever. Can't find a movie or TV show? It's sad how Bernie craft is so toxic and the way he treats his sons. Definitely better than "Gold Rush." Ive been directed to tell you that youll have to watch the show. please check our. Audience Relations, CBC P.O. Their first task? /Type /Catalog The only thing I would complain about is that basically every episode is about fixing the equipment they work on rather than gold mining. You need to be logged in to continue. /AIS false Click here to login or here to sign up. 4 0 obj He also felt it was up to the employees to report their own kills. With a laugh as big as the Yukon, it seemed nothing could bring down Big Al McGregor. Here we see Canadians and it's fun to see the difference with the Americans of the original series. Cast of big al from yukon gold is he still alive gold was a Canadian reality television series produced by Paperny Entertainment that aired on history.... $ 250,000 sluice plant through the mountains to their claim on Rabbit.! Not going to let that slow him down Beets could have seen up to the employees to their. Environmental violations fact gene saved both Parker and go help him this.! Penalty money is going to be working for wages jones said he pleased... In gold mining crews as they attempt to hit it big in Canada 's north of which were reported wondered... 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Short visit you think youre going to let that slow him down unlike fellow cast,.