In Proceedings of the 2018 World Wide Web Conference (pp. Write an article and join a growing community of more than 160,300 academics and researchers from 4,571 institutions. However, in providing a vast service Uber has encounter many ethical issues. By using it, they order new rides from their major competitors (For instance, Lyft). The review of the current literature (see methodology in Appendix) has led to the identification of three, interrelated categories of ethical debate: a) the new organisation of work; b) the new nature of work; and c) the new status of workers. The technique Uber used was called Greyball. And nobody gets away with just an apology. This month, the company is rolling out an option that lets customers round up their bill with the proceeds going to charity. Susan Fowler, also a former engineer, accused her direct supervisor of sexually harassing her. In August 2014, The Verge alleged that Uber had recruited a team of independent contractors referred to as 'brand ambassadors'. Ubers problem: A culture of dishonesty. Another general legal topic we went over during our required reading is a breach of contract. For customers that travel to different cities frequently, Ubers scale gives them a clear edge. Their CEO described his company as the "better boyfriend . You can also use our tools to come up with interesting topics and points to argue in your These requests would be put forward to the registered Uber drivers who are currently not on a trip and are at the nearest destination. Factset: FactSet Research Systems Inc.2019. Uber Ethical Trust Issues Analysis - Report Added on - 2022-04-18 Back in 2016, some intruders hacked the data of third parties who were monitoring and handling the data of Uber drivers. Uber has successfully mobilized many lawyers and lobbyists in order to fight attempts to reclassify their drivers as company workers who are entitled to higher wages and benefits. Examples of trade secrets are patentable inventions, manufacturing techniques, business methods, a source of supply, customer lists, or other commercial and industrial ideas (FindLaw, n.d.). Retrieved from The New York Times:, Ivanova, I. Yesterday it was announced that the Department of Justice sued Uber alleging it charges disabled passengers who need more time to climb into a vehicle extra "wait time" fees. Uber's main selling point -- that nearby drivers are notified immediately of your desire to get a ride -- is also its chief drawback, at least from a safety perspective. Orders: Center for Ethical Organizational Cultures . Here's the strange thing about where I live: When I walk. In addition, we discussed Milton Friedmans philosophy and how it potentially influences executives at Uber. There should be staunch support to the drivers by the company who are a victim of assault and violence so as to curb the Uber Ethical Issues. With extensive experience in academic writing, Total assignment help has a strong track record delivering quality writing at a nominal price that meet the unique needs of students in our local markets. ReferencesAngrist, J. D., Caldwell, S., & Hall, J. V. (2017). Are you interested in getting a customized paper? Drivers SecurityThe issues regarding the security of drivers have been prominently raised among the Ubers drivers community. Some 85% of taxi company costs are drivers, cars and fuel, and this applies whether you cover one city or a dozen. Waymo claimed that before Levandowski left his job at Google, he downloaded 14,000 files that pertained to self-driving car technology. Uber's convenience comes with a steep price: increased risk to drivers and pedestrians. Retrieved from Forbes:, EEOC. By the response Susan Fowler got from her HR Department, and news articles I have read in the past regarding the #MeToo movement, I believe HR is not the police here. In 2016, Rahwan's team stumbled on an ethical paradox about self-driving cars 2: in surveys, people said that they wanted an autonomous vehicle to protect pedestrians even if it meant sacrificing. Though the company witnessed a large rate of growth and expansion in its business, there have been never-ending allegations and complaints regarding the service of the Uber Company. Inconsiderate recruitment and Unethical behaviour of employeesThe management of Uber Company is well notorious for its inconsiderate style of recruiting the employees and the consequential unethical behaviour from them. There were instances, like the one in South Korea and France, where Uber violated transportation laws. Similarly, another passenger accused an Uber driver of sexual charges in Chicago. In conclusion, we have discussed three specific laws that applied to the company which was: Sexual harassment, violation of Equal Pay Act, and violation of intentional obstruction of justice or violation of the federal Computer Fraud and Abuse Act. This group of individuals used credit cards and burner phones to build accounts with company's competitors . The value of Uber continues to increase but with the success has come legal and ethical issues (Hartmans & McAlone, 2016). Ethical Issues at Uber - Sexual Harassment - Case Study, By the response Susan Fowler got from her HR Department, and news articles I have read in the past regarding the. The company has never made a profit, and in 2016 alone lost nearly US$3 billion. Society will simply have to carry the cost of higher fares and lower driver wages. (n.d.). They have become a challenge when dealing with the case that has . But Amazon has benefited, throughout its growth, from a trump card: its use of a virtual shopfront makes its overheads significantly lower than bricks-and-mortar rivals. Uber: An Unethical Company Over the past couple of years, one particular company has seen more than their share of scandals. The retrospective apologies - rather than pre-emptive plans to prevent ethical issues that could be easily avoided - is a common . Uber is a brand that has faced both ethical and legal issues. Ethical Issues at Uber . A professional writer will make a clear, mistake-free paper for you! Retrieved from New York Times:, In, S. F. (2017, Mar 04). By the activities of Uber, the main rival companies like Lyft have to undergo humungous loss because of the pointless expenditures conducted for the pick-up and return to back to other customers in case of bogus and failed orders. B. Trade secrets are something not generally known. Last Friday, Uber Vice President Emir Michael reportedly suggested a way of stifling the company's critics that would violate the most basic standards of business ethics. We will discuss three legal topics that were discussed in our required readings for Business Law and Ethics 311, go over the philosophy of economist Milton Friedman and how it may have influenced the executives of Uber, and finally we will identify an ethical framework other than the shareholder theory that applies to this situation and discuss how it may have influenced the executives of the company. Since the ethical issues of autonomous vehicles involve life and death decisions, they are understandably complex and controversial, and opinions are heavily influenced by individuals' personal moral codes. All rights reserved. The website Whos Driving Who explains ubers process for onboarding drivers is dangerously negligent.and Uber doesnt even bother to meet with drivers in person before allowing them to ferry passengers. This is the part that outrages me. Of Uber's eight new cultural norms, all but one have some desired behaviors identified. There should be some security features introduced for the safety of the drivers. Let's fix your grades together! Professional self-employment, new power and the sharing economy: Some cautionary tales from Uber. Our professional writers can rewrite it and get you a unique paper. (2020, Jan 20). It could be inferred from this decision that to address the existing Uber ethical issue, the management and leadership needs to change its tone and approach primarily. Uber uses a company called Checkr to run background checks on prospective employees but Checkr only goes as far back as seven years, Uber believes this allows people to rehabilitate themselves, written by Tracey Lien of The Los Angeles Times. (The issue would be average pay, not that a driver will necessarily get the minimum wage for every hour they do Uber-related driving.) A fairly common conclusion is that Uber needs to become more ethical if it is to survive. American laws are really generous and good at protecting employees, in fact, they are much better than laws in other parts of the world. That's almost as lame as "mistakes were made," the non-apology apology by President Richard Nixon's spokesperson Ron Ziegler about Watergate. It is looking as though, in many territories such as London, Ubers survival will rely on concrete measures to better care for both its drivers and customers. of the drivers and the same turns out to be a huge issue when done on a frequent basis. Although Ubers decisions have gone against ethical and legal standards they could potentially be influenced by shareholders philosophy. Uber Eats. Stop wasting your time searching for samples! Chicago Tribune Retrieved from, MacMillan, D., & Viswanatha, A. Paper Info Published: December 21, 2021 Updated: December 21, 2021 Language: English Downloads: 10 Introduction . The business guide to legal literacy: what every manager should know about the law. However, merely improving its PR will not get Uber out of the hole it has now dug for itself. ETHICAL ISSUES. Same Frizell explains how Lyft told CNNmoney that Uber employees have called and canceled more than 5,000 rides. Castigation without consequences is meaningless. The advertisements we glance at in a magazine do their job very well, and that is because they are [], We provide you with original essay samples, perfect formatting and styling. The denials were a result of her reports of misconduct to the company. 3. Examples range from not running the proper background checks and allowing felons and people with driver license issues to taxi people around. This, particularly the artificial subsidising of passenger fees/driver wages to drive growth, is the source of the US$3 billion net loss last year. Users can read menus, reviews and ratings, order, and pay for food from participating restaurants using an application on the iOS or Android platforms, or through a web browser ()Key features: Uber has been accused of potentially violating the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act and is undergoing investigation. Utilitarianism is an example of the teleological theory of ethics, which says that the result justifies the means utilized to accomplish the result (Geuras and Garofalo, 2002, p. 50). Ultimately whether in the form of debt or equity these sums will have to be paid back, and then some. Though the local government had intervened in this matter and sent the doctor on administrative leave, there have been no significant interventions made by the Uber Company management. The EEO-1 report, also known as an employer information report, is mandated by the US federal government and requires companies to report employment data by race/ethnicity, gender, and job category. In tech jobs, the majority 76,9% of employees are men, whereas women fill only 23,1% of tech positions Black or African American represent only 7,5% of the total workforce Water Consumption by Uber The leaders, right from its former CEO and co-founder, Travis Kalanick, and senior management have been accused of sexual harassment and discriminating employees from certain races (Stark, 2017). Benefits/Challenges of a Diverse Workforce. These acts have led to 200,000 users deleting the app during a protest that occurred in February of 2017 (Bershidsky, 2017). Lussier, R. N., & Hendon, J. R. (2019). Now Amazon is able to use its position to generate the vast profits expected by those that funded its expansion. All Rights Reserved. Safety of the passengers Many of her complaints went ignored, according to Ms. Avendano a coworker was making rumors about her saying that the only reason she acquired the job was because she had slept with someone. In 1978, OReilly became a [], For many years, IPCC is generally known for its role of providing reports that serve as internationally accepted authority due to them having the agreement of leading climate scientists and the consensus of the concerned [], Costco Wholesale is the nations second largest retailer and owes its success to their strategy of being thrifty, economical, investing in their employees and separating themselves from their competitors with good moral ethical [], Costco's adopts a business model that is based on a best-cost strategy. Uber has not addressed this issue, as far as I can determine, but perhaps that's not surprising. Not only does Uber not avoid these costs, its model actually introduces new ones. It is categorized as either a material breach or a minor breach. Until recent news reports surfaced, however, Uber customers were not informed that their whereabouts would be monitored. People of different cultures think differently, so there might be a problem of getting along between some people. If Uber can achieve market dominance before it runs out of funding, the inefficiencies in its model cease to matter. Ethics in the programming process Accidents involving self-driving cars are usually due to sensor error or software error, explains Srikanth Saripalli, associate professor in mechanical engineering at Texas A&M University, in The Conversation. Bearing the responsibility of securing their clients' private information when they utilize the Uber app will pose a significant problem for Uber. Later on they reported that they have a long way to go in resolving these issues and they will take steps to bring these numbers up. Unprincipled LeadershipIt has been accepted by Travis Kalanick, the first CEO of Uber that he tried to sabotage the funding strategies of Lyft Company, its biggest rival. Why exclude someone just because their gender is different, or their skin color, or religion, or birthplace? This essay was donated by a student and is likely to have been used and submitted before, Free samples may contain mistakes and not unique parts. cent sure and w the three arities to the Uber Technologies, Inc. (Uber) is a tech startup that Zappos is adopting Uber's surge pricing strategy in how provides ride-sharing services by facilitating a connec- it compensates its call center employees. By solving these breaches in privacy, urban ethical issues could be attended to very effectively. Fowler reported the incidents to human resources but was ignored. We have sent you an email with the required document. Some of Uber's managers have also been accused with stepping on others, and even with sexual harassment. My hope is that Uber starts to take the safety of its customers seriously and provides stricter background checks on its employees. Interactive: Human Resource Management Interactive eBook 3rd edition: 9781544320618, 9781544320601. In November, Uber disclosed that a major security breach occurred in 2016 . National Post Retrieved from, Bershidsky, L. (2017, Nov 30). Privacy. For many, Uber is a sure thing. But you can one from professional essay writers. Delving into how Uber handled its breach provides an important lesson in bug bounty ethics, particularly what not to do. Where do you want us to send this sample? Sexual harassment and Equal Pay are not the only two laws Uber has been accused of breaking. Uber has been a major success story, reaching a valuation of $50bn after just five years. In Proceedings of the 2017 CHI conference on human factors in computing systems (pp. Breach in PrivacyThe act of stalking and sustaining the track of the customers by using smartphone applications has been accused against the employees of Uber. In our post-9/11 world, city governments have cameras in an increasing number of public places. You can find a skilled professional who can write any paper for you. Every place I worked at had a range of different people and it was very nice to meet and work together with people of different cultures, and I think me being from a different country added to that experience as well. Our local operations span across Australia, US, UK, South east Asia and the Middle East. Disclaimer. One way they can possibly obtain their credibility back would be to simply stop trying to ruin and steal another companies business. (2016, May). If agreed, the drivers are provided with the sign-up kit at the moment. Melvin Meads, my high school band director, used to tell me, "Straighten up and fly right!," after I acted up. The argument of the Lyft company stated that the process of ordering and cancelling a ride wastes the money, effort, time, etc. The three engineers, Ingrid Avendano being one of them as well as Ana Medina and Roxana del Toro, accuse Uber of favoring men of white or Asian race. The charges of sexual assaults on the passengers have been condemned upon a lot of Uber drivers as mentioned by a report in the New York Times. What is the ethical issue and dilemma presented in the case? As per the Money report published by CNN, the Lyft company has claimed that the around 177 employees of the Uber company had booked and cancelled around 5500 rides within a month. Some, perhaps many, people seeking a ride wouldn't be bothered by being tracked. Glss, M., McGregor, M., & Brown, B. Total Assignment Help Rated 4.8/5 based on 10542 reviews. Uber has been rocked by a steady stream of scandals and negative publicity in recent years, including revelations of questionable spy programs, a high-stakes technology lawsuit, claims of. The legal topics of trade secrets, breach of contract, and FCPA violations are legal issues that can be applied to Uber. Book Your Assignment at The Lowest Price Now! The reason for this, argued Horan, is that the economies of scale are not there for the taking in this market. Even if the person accused is very valuable to the company. We do this by: Fostering and enabling a culture of ethical decision-making Guiding the Uber workforce to comply with all applicable laws, policies, and regulations It all comes down to the economic model on which Uber is built. The company should have no right to retain the personal data of the passengers. Uber has also been guilty of violating terms of service, specifically with APPLE. Cancel via phone or email within 30 days for a full, no-questions-asked refund! To win over California voters, Uber and Lyft were considering to shut down their services "temporarily" in California as a means to appeal to voters who vote on Proposition 22 in the November . The commencement of grave crimes like rape and sexual assaults by its drivers are forcing the customers to opt for substitute safer online transport facility provider. Sabrina Sy March 22, 2021 Uber Workers' Rights. The benefits of a diverse workforce at an organization such as Uber are described above, but there exist challenges as well. Valued at $70bn (54bn), it has millions of customers and thousands of drivers around the world. The report understandably sparked outrage. In this case, also, the Uber Company has not taken any supportive stance for its driver. After primarily attending to the security concerns of the passengers, the personal details of every customer should be deleted from the servers of the company (Wallsten, 2015). Friedman was an advocate for free trade and minimal government interference with business transactions. Former CEO Travis Kalanick set to profit as the main priority it seems. The malicious intend towards competitive companies like ordering and cancelling the rides through bogus accounts should be terminated by the leadership of Uber Company. It's perfectly reasonable to stand on principle, and some will say it's even ethically required. You can find Ubers ethical position on its . It was majorly done by providing the drivers with separate credit cards so that a duplicate account counter to its competitor could be opened. Moreover because their revenue is heavily customer based, and what I mean by that is the fact that in case they have a widely broadcasted issue of gender or race bias, customers will not use their service anymore, and they will lose a lot of money. Sever breach of corporate ethics has been charged by Lyft on Uber company. Standard & Poor's and S&P are registered trademarks of Standard & Poor's Financial Services LLC and Dow Jones is a registered trademark of Dow Jones Trademark Holdings LLC. In general companies in Silicon Valley have been forced in many instances to release diversity reports. w23891). 2021 - Big database of free essay examples for students at all levels. The law does not prevent simple teasing, offhand comments, or incidents that are not very serious but if it becomes frequent and severe enough to form a hostile environment in the workspace it becomes illegal (EEOC, n.d.). Uber's tracking device is merely a way to advance its business interests. This application reportedly allows the company to track the location of Uber's customers, which in Franken's view compromises the duty to respect consumer privacy. The Department of Human Resources told Fowler that her direct supervisor was a high performer and they wouldnt feel comfortable punishing him for what was probably an innocent mistake (Isaac, 2017). Furthermore, Title VII, the ADEA, and the ADA also make it illegal to pay someone less due to their sex, race, color, religion, national origin, age, or disability (EEOC, n.d.). Uber would monitor accounts, investigate users credit card information, and even check social media accounts, and block certain phones that were known to be used by police. Ubers hope must be that when it gets to this stage there will be no alternatives left to chose from. Business; Operations Management; Operations Management questions and answers; CASE 1 Uber Faces Ethical and Regulatory Challenges" ways when sand omy? That's a moral difference that matters. We can write you a custom essay that will follow your exact instructions and meet the deadlines. But even before that, this wildly popular car-sharing service had raised several disturbing ethical issues: 1. Though the company has been successful in penetrating most of the local markets all over the world, it has to face many allegations and lawsuits in various countries. First, most of us recognize that the police force's policy is an attempt to protect the public from harm. But if your main ethical worry has to do with the fortunes of your favourite restaurant, and the people it employs, then it's worth knowing that you're helping them more by ordering via Uber Eats and DoorDash than by not ordering. Not every company, ride sharing or not, is ethically perfect. 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