[citation needed]. [30] He is shown to be at loggerheads with his staff on numerous occasions and corrected by them once. All three were eventually scuttled. Admiral Raymond Spruance served in US Navy during World War Two. The setback in the Japanese timetable to encircle the Pacific gave the U.S. industrial machine time to crank up war production, and ultimately, to turn the advantage on Japan in the production of ships, planes, guns, and all the other matriel of war. On the afternoon of June 4, 24 American dive bombersincluding 10 refugees from Yorktownscored four hits on Hiryu. Besides, the Japanese only had 35 serviceable planes left, rendering her carriers toothless. A. Desegregation of Society Admiral Raymond A. Spruance displayed outstanding leadership and command capabilities during the battle that turned the tide in the Pacific. He was responsible for leading the 5th Fleet into the pivotal Battle of the Philippines Sea, nicknamed the 'Great Marianas Turkey Shoot' because a total of 365 Japanese planes were brought down. [28], His achievements in the navy were well known, but himself much less. On June 4, Spruance and Fletcher engaged four Japanese carriers at the Battle of Midway. [9] On the other hand, commander-in-chief of the U.S. Pacific Fleet, Admiral Chester Nimitz knew he must intercept the Japanese invasion fleet, and that he must give battle to the enemy aircraft carriers before they could project their overwhelming power against the naval air station at Midway. The gallant carrier was crippled but nearly succeeded in reaching safety before torpedoes from Japanese submarine I-68 finally sank her three days later. Traveling to the Pacific, he was in this post when the Japanese attacked Pearl Harbor on December 7 forcing the US to enter the war. In October 1946 he was awarded the Armys Distinguished Service Medal for his exceptionally meritorious and distinguished services during the capture of the Marshall and Mariana islands. She went down with Admiral Yamaguchi, an outstanding flag officer who, it was said, would have been Yamamotos successor had he lived. He attended grade and high schools in East Orange, N.J., and in Indianapolis. The gloomy reports from Nagumo and his other commanders led Yamamoto to suspend his assault on Midway. These raids were critical to moralesetting a new tone of aggressiveness by U.S. commanders while providing invaluable battle experience for the commanders and sailors of the U.S. I am lazy, and I never have done things myself that I could get someone to do for me. Some people asked why he did not take take advantage of the chaotic scene to attack all of Japans air carriers. By 1939, at the age of 53, Spruance had spent 18 years at sea. The Gilberts attack was planned and directed by Spruance, with the assistance of Rear Adms. Official Navy historian Samuel Eliot Morison characterized Spruance's performance as "superb", and he was nicknamed "electric brain" for his calmness even in moments of supreme crisis, a reputation enhanced by his successful tactics. Enterprise dive bombers critically damaged two Japanese carriers including Nagumo's flagship Akagi; while the Yorktown air group, launched after Fletcher was confident that all Japanese carriers were accounted for, crippled the Soryu. The American losses were Yorktown, destroyer Hammann and 147 planes. The son of Alexander and Annie Spruance, Raymond Ames Spruance was born at Baltimore, MD on July 3, 1886. Akagi and Kaga subsequently went down. Having been promoted to rear admiral in December 1939, he was directed to assume command of the Tenth Naval District (San Juan, PR) in February 1940. Although some historians and many newsmen have written many words about Admiral Raymond A. Spruance, U.S. Navy and his brilliant career in the Pacific in World War II, the complete story of this reserved and self-effacing man is now being told for the first time by one of his close friends and wartime associates. His squadron successfully ambushed and sank 3 Japanese Aircraft Carriers, Lieutenant in command of the USS Hornet air group. Towards the end of that year, Spruance commanded a cruiser division supporting Admiral Halsey's carrier, the 'Enterprise', at Wake Island. Spruances naval guns started their bombardment two days later. But we went in and took their possessions in a few days, without the loss of a single ship. Navy.[4]. At 0530 June 4, a scout plane from Midway sighted the Kido Butai, however the scout only reported sighting "Two carriers and battleships", and giving course and speed. After Rome fell, the bishop of Constantinople became the most pow 2015. Subscribe to receive our weekly newsletter with top stories from master historians. By that time, he was said to be an expert on the many engines, instruments and guns that go into a battleship. The American toll was 1,100 dead and almost 2,300 wounded. The Japanese lost 19 ships sunk, seven probably sunk and more than 200 aircraft destroyed, and their installations were bombed and strafed. The US intelligence services could predict the way the Japanese carriers and planes would be approaching the battle. He graduated from Shortridge High School and went on to the U.S. He was then 55. During the last year of World War I he was assigned as Assistant Engineer Officer of the New York Naval Shipyard, and carried out temporary duty in London, England and Edinburgh, Scotland. After three days of pre-invasion bombardment, Marines landed on Roi Islet and captured it the same day. He suggested Spruance replace him as commander of the Fleet carrier force, despite the fact that Spruce had little experience with carriers. Then Nagumo was dumbfounded to receive a search planes report of 10 enemy ships to the northeast, where no U.S. ships were supposed to be. A. erful leader. His wife, Margaret Dean (18881985), is buried alongside him, as are Fleet Admiral Chester Nimitz, his longtime friend Admiral Richmond K. Turner, and Admiral Charles A. Lockwood, an arrangement made by all of them while living. Raymond A. Spruance. In the opening weeks of the conflict, Spruance's cruisers served under Vice Admiral William "Bull" Halsey and took part in raids against the Gilbert and Marshall Islands before striking Wake Island. Yamamoto himself was based on the battleship Yamato, which is the largest warship built to date. Arriving back in the United States, he underwent additional training in electrical engineering at General Electric before being posted to USS Connecticut (BB-18) in May 1910. His classmates included Arthur L. Bristol, William L. Calhoun, William A. Glassford, Charles C. Hartigan, Aubrey W. Fitch, Frank J. Fletcher, Robert L. Ghormley, Isaac C. Kidd, John S. McCain Sr., Leigh Noyes, Ferdinand L. Reichmuth, John H. Towers, Russell Willson, and Thomas Withers. Make sure to provide references and acknowledgement for any sources you use. Then he returned to the Naval War College as a staff member. Whether they produced battlefield images of the dead or daguerreotype portraits of common soldiers, []. When Yorktown was struck at Midway, however, Fletcher transferred his flag to the cruiser Astoria and placed Spruance tactically in charge. [6], Following his return to the United States, Spruance served aboard transport ship USS Agamemnon, before he was ordered to Bath Iron Works in Bath, Maine, for duty in connection with fitting out of destroyer USS Aaron Ward in March 1919. Locating the Japanese carriers as they were rearming and refueling their aircraft, American bombers inflicted massive damage and sank three. That achievement brought praise from Churchill, who wrote to Navy Secretary James Forrestal, Admiral Spruance is again to be congratulated for another fine job. I finally wangled two months at sea, in 1918, before the war was over. 1, and he commanded her until 1914. Admiral Spruance could have been right. But his service was not yet finished. Yamato class battleship that served as the Japanese Combined Fleet's Flagship, housing Admiral Yamamoto. Hiryu class Japanese aircraft carrier that was part of the second detachment of the Japanese carrier strike force. Raymond Ames Spruance (July 3, 1886 - December 13, 1969) was a United States Navy admiral in World War II. Mounting a tenacious defense, the Japanese held out for over a month. Historian Morison later described Spruances performance at Midway as superb. This time we were right because the enemy did what we expected him to do. He was a diligent, neat and gentle boy. In May 1914, Spruance received a posting as Assistant to the Inspector of Machinery at the Newport News Shipbuilding and Dry Dock Company. He was raised in Indianapolis, Indiana. His achievements were well-known, but the man himself was a mystery. Admiral Raymond Spruance on the balcony of the U.S. Embassy, Manila, while serving as U.S. Akagi class Japanese aircraft carrier that served as the flagship of Admiral Nagumo. When Midway began on June 4, 1942 the first few waves of U.S. aircraft were greatly outnumbered by Japanese forces. Spruance himself directed a task group of battleships, cruisers and destroyers that left the main body to go after Japanese ships that were fleeing Truk, sinking the light cruiser Katori and destroyer Maikaze. Kennedy Hickman is a historian, museum director, and curator who specializes in military and naval history. He was commissioned an ensign in 1908, and during a tour of shore duty he took a postgraduate course in electrical engineering in Schenectady, N.Y. Admiral Spruance explained the U.S. victory at Midway in the following way. Commanded the first Japanese air strike against Midway Island at the beginning of the battle. Admiral Spruance commanded with deadly precision, reported an observer. Fletcher quickly ordered his dive bombers to strike, which fatally damaged the fourth Japanese carrier; it was scuttled the next day. Admiral William L. Calhoun saw him as a cold-blooded fighting fool. The Eastern Orthodox Church developed from the church in Constantinople. Despite this, some detractors argued that Spruances tactics at Philippine Sea were overly cautious. Biographies, 20th century collection, Navy Department Library, Knight Commander of the Order of the Bath, Spruance, Raymond A. Word of the sacrifice of VT-8 stunned the United States, and Churchill was reported to have wept when he heard about it. [Admiral Spruance wrote this foreward for Mitsuo Fuchida's book, Midway, The Battle That Doomed Japan; The Japanese Navy's . The Indiana War Memorial in Indianapolis has a meeting room named for Spruance as well as displays honoring his career and that of the USS Indianapolis. Spruance was about to face the sternest test in his long, distinguished career. United States Rear Admiral in command of Task Force 17 on the USS Yorktown. >The fleet units shielding the Marianas invasion forces were also under Spruances command. This approach of bypassing Japanese strong points, such as Truk, was applied on a large scale as the Allies devised their strategy for moving across the central Pacific. In August 1943, Spruance, now a vice admiral, returned to sea as Commander Central Pacific Force. The following year, the new admiral was ordered to the Pacific. Spruance was detached from command of the Fifth Fleet on November 8, 1945, and he relieved Fleet Admiral Nimitz as commander in chief of the U.S. Pacific Fleet and Pacific Ocean areas. He received his Doctor of Jurisprudence (J.D. History is a guide to navigation in perilous times. To the Aleutians, the Japanese dispatched an invasion task force of three transports carrying 2,400 troops, supported by two heavy cruisers, a two-carrier support force and a covering group of four battleships. Successfully concluding operations, Spruance was promoted to admiral in February. The assault began at dawn on November 20, 1943, and the fighting raged for 76 hours. Close to Japan, Allied planners intended to use Okinawa as a springboard for the eventual invasion of the Home Islands. Besides his family, he loved the companionship of his pet schnauzer, Peter. [4] Spruance attended Indianapolis public schools and graduated from Shortridge High School. Most common sailors were proud to serve under Halsey; most higher-ranking officers preferred to serve under Spruance. He took part in organising the invasions of Iwo Jima and Okinawa and led the 5th Fleet in these two final battles. [12] Spruance assumed command of Task Force 16 with its two carriers, USSEnterprise and USSHornet, under battle command of Admiral Frank Jack Fletcher. Lt. Kabayashi leads Japanese bombers from the Hiryu to attack the USS Yorktown. That same year he received a new assignment: assistant machinery inspector at the Newport News, Va., dry dock, where the battleship Pennsylvania was being outfitted. Spruances fleet had prevented the Japanese from reinforcing the Saipan garrison. He managed to gain an appointment from Indiana to the U.S. For exceptionally meritorious service During the Midway engagement which resulted in the defeat of and heavy losses to the enemy fleet, his seamanship, endurance, and tenacity in handling his task force were of the highest quality., (Citation on Rear Admiral Spruances Navy Distinguished Service Medal, awarded for his conduct at the Battle of Midway). On February 26, 1940, Spruance reported as commandant of the 10th Naval District with headquarters at Naval Station Isla Grande in San Juan, Puerto Rico. Japanese naval force tasked with the invasion of the Aleutian Islands under Vice Admiral Kakuta with aircraft carriers Junyo and Ryuho. [32] Wouk writes in his book that "Spruance escaped [the Japanese fleet admiral] Yamamoto's terrible trap by acting on perfect military instinct. The Battle of Midway was a turning point in the Pacific War. Spruance is depicted as the controversial victor of Midway by G. D. Spradlin in the 1988 TV miniseries War and Remembrance. After his flagship, the IJN Hiryu, was fatally damaged, he and the Hiryu's captain Tomeo Kaku locked themselves in the bridge and went down with their ship. A graduate of the US Naval Academy, Spruance commanded cruisers during the early months of the conflict and first came to prominence for helping lead American forces to victory at the pivotal Battle of Midway in June 1942. [7], He commanded the Percival during the sea trials off the California coast and during the patrol cruises with the Destroyer Force, Pacific Fleet until May 1922, when he was ordered to Washington, D.C., for duty in the Bureau of Engineering under Rear Admiral John K. Robison. He was uniquely modest and candid about himself all his life. At Midway, Spruance's force inflicted on the Imperial Japanese Navy its worst setback in 350 years. He loved to show them to visitors. In June 1931, Spruance returned to Newport, RI to serve on the staff of the Naval War College. Raised in Indianapolis, IN, he attended school locally and graduated from Shortridge High School. Admiral Spruance died on 13 December 1969, at his home in Pebble Beach , California. . About us| Spruance did not want to leave troops on the Marianas islands unguarded as he chased Jisaburo Ozawas retreating fleet. Japanese escort carrier that was mainly responsible for launching scouts attached to Combined Fleet main body. Yorktowns planes hit Soryu as she was turning into the wind to launch aircraft. Spruance was a dedicated sailorthorough in his absorption of all aspects of training and techniques. But what was important about this actionthe first naval battle in history fought by fleets that never came within sight of each otherwas that the U.S. Navy had thwarted the enemys planned capture of Port Moresby in strategic New Guinea. From there, he went on to graduate from the U.S. With it he intended to significantly expand the Imperial Japanese Navy's outer defense perimeter across the central Pacific; and, he believed, this very powerful stroke against Midway would so severely threaten Hawaii and Pearl Harbor that the U.S. government would be induced to sue for peace. Two minutes later, 37 dive bombers from Enterprise, led by Lt. Cmdr. Raymond Ames Spruance as Ambassador to the Republic of the Philippines Admiral Raymond A. Spruance, Vice Admiral Marc A. Mitscher, Fleet Admiral Chester W. Nimitz and Vice Admiral Willis A. Lee - 1945 In June 1942 the United States and Japan fought for control of Midway Island in the South Pacific. [17], The Battle of Midway is considered by many to be a turning point of the war in the Pacific, along with the Guadalcanal campaign. He never smoked and drank little. After six furious minutes, the three carriers were left burning. Akagi class Japanese aircraft carrier that was part of the first detachment of the Japanese carrier strike force. Privacy Policy, Admiral Raymond Spruance served in US Navy during. Yet because of his modest, retiring nature, Spruance was never a popular hero in the manner of Admirals Nimitz, William F. Halsey and Marc A. Mitscher. Maintaining a position offshore, the Fifth Fleet's ships were subjected to relentless kamikaze attacks by Japanese aircraft. The recipient of the letter below was his longtime friend and former chief-of-staff Captain Charles "Carl" J. Moore. My mind is blank. Historian Samuel Eliot Morison believed he was one of the greatest fighting and thinking admirals in American naval history. In the first months of World War II in the Pacific, Spruance commanded the four heavy cruisers and support ships of Cruiser Division Five from his flagship, the heavy cruiser USSNorthampton. Retrieved from https://www.thoughtco.com/admiral-raymond-spruance-2360511. He did not discuss his private life, feelings, prejudices, hopes or fears, except perhaps with his family and his closest friends. Then, reflect on the education opportunities that God has provided us today. Admiral Spruances last campaigns were the invasions of Iwo Jima and Okinawa, and he was awarded the Navy Cross for extraordinary heroism. As the war progressed, Spruance became one of two primary fleet commanders, the other being Admiral William "Bull" Halsey, employed by Admiral Chester W. Nimitz. But several hours laternear the end of daylight hoursa U.S. scout plane located Hiry again. More to his liking was the study of foreign methods of naval fire control, which took him to London and Edinburgh. Admiral Chester W. Nimitz,, Commander in Chief, Pacific, (right) and, Admiral Raymond Spruance, Commander, Central Pacific Force, (center) Tour Kwajalein Island, Marshalls, February 5,1944, following its capture. After working to defend neutral American shipping from German U-boats, Spruance received orders to take over Cruiser Division Five in September 1941. In May 1942, intelligence suggested that the Japanese were planning on assaulting Midway Island. The defeat effectively destroyed the Japanese Navy's air arm. Things did not look hopeful for Spruance and his force on the eve of Midway. One commentator said: The quick success of the offensive was attributed to the strategic daring by which Vice Admiral Spruances forces cut behind the eastern chain of the Marshalls. With the island's fall, Spruance immediately moved forward with Operation Iceberg. Navy Secretary Frank Knox said of Kwajalein: The Japanese had been there 20 years. Weeks later . Known as "island hopping," U.S. forces moved from island to island, using each as a base for capturing the next. Calm, collected, decisive, yet receptive to advice; keeping in his mind the picture of widely disparate forces, yet boldly seizing every opening. Although he broke the back of the Japanese naval air force by sinking three carriers, two oilers and destroying about 600 enemy airplanes (so many that the remaining Japanese carriers were used solely as decoys in the Battle of Leyte Gulf a few months later due to the lack of aircraft and aircrews to fly them) Spruance has been criticized for not being aggressive enough in exploiting his success in the Philippine Sea. To attack all of Japans air carriers 18 years at sea besides his family, he loved the of... Force on the afternoon of June 4, 1942 the first detachment of the chaotic scene to all... 37 dive bombers from Enterprise, led by lt. Cmdr ordered his bombers... Carriers, Lieutenant in command of Task force 17 on the Imperial Japanese Navy 's arm. 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