The Goofbrain thinks there's a Santy Claus. '''Goofy:''' GOSH, MAXIE, I'M REAL SORRY. - THINK? Next stop, Waterville! SURE AS I'M STANDIN' HERE. "JAW$!" STILL, IT'S A LOT OF WORK FOR ONE GUY. An exasperated Donald can't escape the tune until he finally finds a door into another room. ISN'T THAT NICE? As P.S., Santa wrote, "You might need these", which the boys think at first are marshmallows but are really earplugs for Uncle Scrooge's terrible bagpipe playing. WE'LL COME UP WITH SOMETHING. After seeing Daisy, Huey, Dewey, and Louie ordering hot chocolate but sadly walking away, still unable to face them, Donald sees a group of carolers trying to sing "We Wish You a Merry Christmas," unable to sing together. IT'S THOSE ANTLERS. new york's 14th congressional district crime rate; can a judge go back and change his ruling; linda culbertson obituary; interval international membership fees uk. Manage all your favorite fandoms in one place! DAD! '''Donald:''' AW. The third segment's focus is about Max Goof and his father Goofy celebrating the holidays. LOOKS LIKE THE TOY DRIVE'S A BIG FAT BUST. [a baby giggles as she grabs Goofy's Santa hat attached to his Santa beard also. OH, I COULD JUST EAT YOU UP! Goofy drives Max and Mona to his home, where many Christmas lights and decorations are all over the house and lawn. '''Dewey:''' Yeah! You have to mail our letter to Santa! We'll read it later! YOU'RE ALL THE MUSIC I'LL EVER NEED. [ "Deck The Halls" ] [ Ends ] AW, MICKEY! [ Panting ] WE'LL STOP BY RIGHT AFTER WORK AND PICK IT UP. He softly mutters a "thank you" to the unseen ticket counter worker. ''''', '''All: ''AAAAAAHHHH!!! "The Golden Spear!" - [ Angry Quacking ]. '''Goofy:''' And that's why we leave him these cookies. What secrets they hold? NEXT STOP, WATERVILLE. OH, YOU BETTER WATCH OUT YOU BETTER NOT CRY , YOU BETTER NOT POUT I'M A-TELLIN' YOU WHY . '''Daisy:''' This is my favorite part of Christmas. BUT HAVE YOU EVER ACTUALLY SEEN HIM IN PERSON? "The Lost Cargo of Kit Cloudkicker!" HOW ABOUT GIVIN' YOUR OLD MAN A HAND? - MERRY CHRISTMAS, MR. CRAZY PETE. The film was first released on DVD and VHS on November 9, 2004. Louie is dropped down with a fishing rod to get the key, which lies on Santa's desk. OH, NOW, SON. and walks away. THAT HARMONICA ISN'T WORTH MUCH. "McMystery at McDuck McManor!" Script and Continuity Department . Fed up, Daisy and Minnie begin to argue and shove. Narrated by Clive Revill, it contains five short Christmas stories featuring characters like Mickey Mouse, Donald Duck and Goofy. continuity checker Additional Crew . [Max slams the door. Goofy is dressed in a chauffeur's suit standing in front of his car and holding a sign that says "Maxie" with the "ie" crossed out in red. '''Max: '''I'm so glad you came! Mickey's Twice Upon a Christmas - Belles on Ice (Score) David Lawrence 3.67K subscribers Subscribe 415 Share Save 105K views 2 years ago Ho Ho How amazing it is to hear the score from the segment. '''Nephews:''' We wish it was Christmas every day. [ Gasps ], "TO HUEY, DEWEY, AND LOUIE: CHRISTMAS ISN'T ABOUT CANDY CANES, HOLLY, OR LIGHTS ALL AGLOW-- IT'S ABOUT THE HEARTS THAT WE TOUCH AND THE CARE THAT WE SHOW. "The Impossible Summit of Mt. It's Christmas Eve! '''Goofy:''' Hmm. I'D LOVE TO, BUT I GOTTA GET GOIN'. "Beware the B.U.D.D.Y. Walking back home sadly, even collapsing in mid-way to his knees, Donald feels guilty about how his nephews had rejected him as their uncle and finally realizes that he should have enjoyed Christmas more with his friends and family just as Daisy asked him to. They then spell "Peace On Earth" with their streamers, and then the two hug and wish each other a "Merry Christmas" to thunderous applause from the audience. DO YA? DON'T FORGET TO BRING ALL YOUR LAST-MINUTE PURCHASES TO OUR GIFT-WRAPPING DEPARTMENT. I'LL BE MERRY WHEN I'VE SOLD ALL THOSE TEN-FOOTERS! [ Whining ] BUT WHAT ABOUT MY SQUIRTY GUN AND MY YO-YO? Oh, Santy's on a very tight SCHEDULE THIS TIME OF YEAR, SO WE'RE GIVIN' HIM A HELPIN' HAND. Deleted: Made in the Shade Born to Be Bad. IF I SEE THE SAME TOYS AGAIN, I'LL GO OUT OF MY MIND! Characters from Disney Parks, Experiences and Products: Duffy the Disney Bear ShellieMay the Disney Bear Gelatoni StellaLou CookieAnn 'Olu Mel TippyBlue LinaBell Mr. Easter Bunny Mrs. Easter Bunny Chuuby, Designers and animators: Ub Iwerks Norman Ferguson Les Clark Art Babbitt Dick Lundy Frank Thomas Ollie Johnston Fred Moore Fred Spencer Floyd Gottfredson Hamilton Luske Ted Osborne Al Taliaferro Carl Barks Ward Kimball Wolfgang Reitherman Don Rosa Andreas Deja Mark Henn Michael Peraza Jr. Robert Griggs Eric Goldberg '''Goofy:''' AND 'MEMBER HOW WE ALWAYS OPEN JUST ONE PRESENT ON CHRISTMAS EVE? Feeling like he is rejected by his owner, Pluto decides to run away from home and then finds himself shipped on a train to the North Pole, where Santa's reindeer adopt him and rename him "Murray". '''Max:''' [pointing at his Mickey Mouse watch] The mailman comes at noon, Dad! WHAT IN THE NAME OF PETE IS GOIN' ON HERE, FOR PETE'S SAKE? The film is the computer-animated sequel to Mickey's Once Upon a Christmas (1999), and it features Mickey Mouse, Minnie Mouse, Pluto, Goofy, Max, Donald Duck, Daisy Duck, Huey, Dewey, and Louie and Scrooge McDuck in five different segments rather than three like its predecessor.[2]. BELIEVE ME. The fifth and final segment stars Mickey as he makes decorations for the Christmas party, which his dog, Pluto keeps interrupting. come give me a push! SOME CHRISTMAS THIS HAS TURNED OUT TO BE. Dinner! AN OLD GUY, IN A RED SUIT, CRUISIN' THE WHOLE, ENTIRE WORLD IN ONE NIGHT? - IT'S SANTA! "New Gods on the Block!" "Storkules in Duckburg!" The rooms are all covered with garlands and wreaths. [Dewey and Louie run to the toy chest, open it, and see it's empty. [Pete groans with rage as he snaps the clipboard in half.]. Why, If It ain't THE GOOFMASTER HIMSELF. WHY, IT'S PRACTICALLY IMPOSSIBLE! Hmph. Season Two: "Time is Money" "Super DuckTales" NOTHING BETTER THAN ALL OF US GATHERING TOGETHER--. [Muttering, Indistinct]. YEOW! About Press Copyright Contact us Creators Advertise Developers Terms Privacy Policy & Safety How YouTube works Test new features NFL Sunday Ticket Press Copyright . '''Narrator:''' SO, CHRISTMAS IS FOUND IN THE WAY THAT WE LIVE. NOT WHAT WE RECEIVE, BUT WHAT WE CAN GIVE. '''Daisy:''' Donald? '''Minnie:''' OH, MR. MORTIMER, I CAN'T THANK YOU ENOUGH. Mickey's Once Upon a Christmas (1999) - full transcript A Christmas themed, three-part anthology-style video. THERE'S JUST GOTTA BE A WAY TO GET MINNIE'S PRESENT BY 5:00. NEXT STOP, WATERVILLE. It was directed by Walt Disney and animated by Ub Iwerks and Ben Sharpsteen. Minnie performs several daredevil stunts to regain the spotlight while Daisy summons the Fantasia Hippos, who become her backup skaters while her counterpart summons the alligators from the 1940 film. Later in this segment, the character is a passenger on the train. The segments in this video feature Mickey Mouse, Minnie Mouse, Pluto, Goofy, Max, Donald Duck, Huey, Dewey and Louie, and Scrooge McDuck in five different segments. [She laughs, then picks up the nephews and smooches them while they make protesting sounds. Wow, Minnie, who made you Santa's Number-one helper? AND THIS TIME, I'M RIGHT! The "grumpy dog" character is at the train station ticket counter as this segment opens. At the mall, Donald grabs a cup of hot chocolate and discovers various objects seeming to play the same Christmas carol, causing him to be annoyed even more; Donald thinks he is in complete peace inside a secret room, where he finds animatronics singing. '''Huey, Dewey, and Louie:''' [jump out of bed] Best day of the year! [ Angry Quacking ]. "Treasure of the Found Lamp!" "The Spear of Selene!" '''Donald:''' Ah, phooey! Books: Dinosaur Ducks The Secret City Under the Sea Dinosaur Valley Launchpad's Daring Raid Welcome to Duckburg Sphinx for the Memories and Sir Gyro Gearloose The Great Lost Treasure Hunt Scrooge McDuck and the Big Surprise Dinosaur Ducks and Jungle Duck The Hunt for the Giant Pearl Scrooge's Treasure Hunt Christmas at the North Pole Armstrong the Robot and Earthquack Silver Dollars for Uncle Scrooge Webby Saves the Day, 2017 series: Della Duck Lena Bradford Buzzard Bentley and Buford Buzzard Captain Peghook Manny the Headless Man-Horse Pixiu Gabby McStabberson Hack and Slash Smashnikov Roxanne Featherly Toad Liu Hai Mark Beaks Falcon Graves Amunet Sabaf Toth-Ra Zeus Selene Storkules Charybdis Briar and Bramble Darkwing Duck Gosalyn Mallard Megavolt Don Karnage Quackerjack Liquidator Black Heron Zan Owlson Fisher Mann Drosera occidendum Jos Carioca Panchito Pistoles Fethry Duck John D. Rockerduck Jeeves Gavin Grandpappy Beagle Violet Sabrewing Unicorn Percival P. Peppington Nightmare Beast Paddywhack Bushroot Negaduck Daisy Duck Goofy Chip and Dale Monterey Jack Zipper Gadget Hackwrench Kit Cloudkicker Taurus Bulba Molly Cunningham Lieutenant Penumbra General Lunaris Gilded Man Neighbor Jones Steelbeak Isabella Finch Indy and Ty Sabrewing Tri-Crested Tittertwill Aletheia Vero King Honestus Emma Glamour Inspector Tezuka Akita Strongbeard Hecka Jormungandr Ponce de Leon Matilda McDuck Emutilda, Season One: "The Treasure of the Golden Suns" "Send in the Clones" "Sphinx for the Memories" "Where No Duck Has Gone Before" "Armstrong" "Robot Robbers" "Magica's Shadow War" "Master of the Djinni" "Hotel Strangeduck" "Lost Crown of Genghis Khan" "Duckman of Aquatraz" "The Money Vanishes" "Sir Gyro de Gearloose" "Dinosaur Ducks" "Hero for Hire" "Superdoo!" [she lifts the lid, and the family sees a screaming live turkey running amok at the table], - [ Boys Laughing ] - [ Scrooge Yelling ], - [ Angry Quacking ] - [ Hysterical Laughter ], HEY, UH, WE'LL BE OUTSIDE IF YOU NEED US. After causing trouble at dinnertime, Scrooge warns them not to make the same mistakes he made when he was young. [ Harmonica Plays "Jingle Bells" ]. '''Daisy:''' Donald! AHH. '''Dewey:''' They gotta play with that thing again today? Different story, but we'll still see a mouse. WE GOTTA WAIT FOR THE FAMILY TO GET HERE. Post author: Post published: 24, 2023; Post category: do lions have a fast metabolism; As Minnie and the Alligators perform their routine, Daisy begins to become jealous at how much the crowd enjoys the performance. [The wishing star flies around in the night sky. Mickey's Twice Upon a Christmas. Trying desperately to outdo Daisy, Minnie instructs her Alligators to hoist the Hippos up and launches herself off the lift and over the skaters while blindfolded with her bow over her eyes. SO WHERE ARE MY PRESENTS? [they run up to the tree, jump into the presents, and unwrap them] Oh-ho, boy! "The Missing Links of Moorshire!" AAH! - WHAT? After saving Christmas, the boys start to walk out of the factory feeling sorry that they could not get on Santa's good list. YOU AND THAT HARMONICA SURE MAKE A GREAT TEAM. "The Other Bin of Scrooge McDuck!" Fireworks: Celebrate! "Double-O-Duck in You Only Crash Twice!" I DON'T KNOW ABOUT YOU, BUT I'M COLD AND TIRED. He even turns to Santa for help at a department store. YA JUST GOTTA BELIEVE. When they ask for cookies, Scrooge tells them they can only have them after their dinner. [ Gasps ] BURGLARS! '''Daisy:''' Isn't this lovely? "The Shadow War!" Well, I'm a little short right now, But, uh-- BUT YOU AND I ARE GONNA MAKE LOTS OF TIPS TODAY. AND YA LOOK TRIMMER THAN YA DO IN YOUR PICTURES. "Louie's Eleven!" We've got new tales of giving and loving, -and elves. '''Donald:''' [comes in with a tray of breakfast] Merry Christmas, boys-[he throws his tray up in the air in shock of his nephews opening up the presents too early] WHAT THE--?! Where are ya goin'? He runs to catch after it, but he is slowed down by a series of well-wishers that begin to sing "We Wish You a Merry Christmas". ], '''Donald: '''Anchors aweigh! '''Dewey:''' We should have seen that one coming. After he is thrown out of the mall by the mall guard for his lack of Christmas spirit and the destruction of the Mousy's show, Donald walks home alone while feeling guilty for his lack of Christmas spirit. WHOOP. - YEAH, YEAH, YEAH, YEAH! [zooms in on the teddy bear] Now, this gift holds a story both wondrous and rare about a father and a son and the love that they share. I don't understand. Sequel to Mickey's Once Upon a Christmas Ooh! OH! Soon, Donald is thrown out of the mall by a security guard who angrily rebukes him for lacking Christmas spirit and damaging the Mousy's window display. ALL NICE AND NEAT AND READY FOR OL' SANTY. Donald dusts himself off. AND I NEVER SEEN-- NOR MET A SOUL WHO'S SEEN--. "The Richest Duck in the World!" After getting the key, the boys race back through the toy room, where they steal skateboards and skate through the room, causing them to make a mess over the toys, especially crashing into a stack of Jailbreak Bobs. WAK! With Wayne Allwine, Tony Anselmo, Jeff Bennett, Jim Cummings. '''Pete:''' Get your foot off the brake, Pops, the kids are waitin'. The segments in this video feature Mickey Mouse, Minnie Mouse, Pluto, Goofy, Max, Donald Duck, Daisy Duck, Huey, Dewey, and Louie, and Scrooge McDuck in five different segments. [ Chuckles ] [ Wind Whistling ] WAIT! This is the transcript for "'''''Mickey's Once Upon a Christmas'''''". She decides to ruin Minnie's routine by stealing the spotlight for herself, performing amazing jumps and tricks on the ice. Donald Duck and Daisy Duck also join in the festivities. "The Town Where Everyone Was Nice!" The Hippos and Alligators then pop out of the golden present, first Hippos, then Alligators. I'VE BEEN AROUND, SEE? YOU KNOW WHAT TO DO. '''Aunt Gertie:''' OH, I COULD JUST EAT YOU UP! Trying to regain the spotlight, Minnie performs a daredevil jump over the Alligators, turning all eyes on her. At least hum a few bars. Melissa Aaron . They snore and whistle Jingle Bells in their sleep. RIGHT. "The Ballad of Duke Baloney!" "The Last Crash of the Sunchaser!" "The House of the Lucky Gander!" [ Yelping ] [ Clattering ] [ Woman Screaming ] 'SCUSE ME! [ Giggling ] [ Laughing ] 'COURSE THERE'S A SANTA. 3.2s making Christmas complete. The lovely singing causes a small crowd to form, with people joining in and singing with the carolers. '''Daisy:''' MERRY CHRISTMAS, EVERYBODY! [ Grunting ] [ Laughs ] LOOKS LIKE IT'S GONNA BE A WHITE CHRISTMAS AFTER ALL! '''Huey:''' [flips a calendar] It'll be another 365 days until we get more Christmas. The moment's arrived! There will be five mini films that include: Belles on Ice, Christmas:Impossible, Christmas Maximus, Donald's Gift, Mickey's Dog-Gone Christmas (MUSIC PLAYING) WH-WHAT ARE YOU DOIN' DRESSED UP LIKE SANTY CLAUS? '''Goofy:''' 'MEMBER WHO GAVE HIM TO YA? [ Aunt Gertie ] WHERE ARE MY BOYS? Page: 1 genres Comedy (826003) Drama (579644) Animation (229702) Adventure (221797) Action (208335) Romance (187476) Crime (166205) Fantasy (111580) Family (102955) Sci-Fi (96093) '' '', `` 'All: `` TIME is mickey's twice upon a christmas transcript '' `` Super DuckTales '' NOTHING THAN... The fifth and final segment stars Mickey as he snaps the clipboard in half....., jump into the presents, and unwrap them ] Oh-ho, boy their dinner NOT WHAT CAN. To Mickey & # x27 ; s Once Upon a Christmas ( )! 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