David. 2022, See ingredients, nutrition and other product information here. Old bottle manufacturers finished their bottles with three general types of tops or closures. oz. Mrs. Butterworth's has been creating happy family moments with her rich, thick, and sweet syrup since 1961. Here is a link to that page, which is a .pdf file: https://static1.squarespace.com/static/51379b83e4b02119d184b2a2/t/584a336ee4fcb59adb85c48b/1481257838281/User+Permit+numbers.pdf. The other side has an eagle with its wings spread The bottom there is a 2 thank you. and the letters and numbers V-928 , Dawn, (readers, we communicated by email concerning this mark) and Dawn gave me permission to post her pic of the mark, under Bird. in the alphabetical mark listings pages. This tasty pancake kit includes: double chocolate pancake mix, chocolate fudge, rainbow sprinkles and detailed directions on how to make an extraordinary breakfast everyone will enjoy. Shipping Listed Is For The 48 Continental Us States. http://www.google.com/patents/USD187302, Most bottles found with a marking such as DES PAT (plus number) can be researched by going to google and typing in D (for design) immediately followed by the full multi-digit number. [1] In 1999, the original glass bottles began to be replaced with plastic. Whether you enjoy your breakfast foods for breakfast, dinner or any time in between, the syrup makes the meal. ~David, I am trying to date a bottle I found and cannot find information on the specific bottle, so I am hoping the stamp on the bottom will help. Please check the embossing - and let me know what you find. The mtc Mark On The Bottom Indicates Production Years From 1944 Through 1983. Crown-topped bottles enjoyed wide distribution during the machine-made bottle era. (12, 24, and 36 fl. Michele, I dont think there would be any connection, since that logo appears on an olive oil bottle. I found a bottle like the second one from the left in your cover picture I can tell it has 1/2 and the number 51 on the bottom and some other markings I cant make out what is it. 6 is at East; 5 is South, and 3 is West. Im not sure. The first set is on the bottom around the outside which is 01 95 ws-4. David. They were possibly produced as early as the late 1890s, in shades of aqua, light green, light blue, cornflower blue and other colors. Can you help? Very Nice Piece Of Folk Art. The 4 is probably a mold identifier number. Is is possible to find out what this means? The A in a circle does identify the bottle to be a product of Armstrong Cork Company, but this was long after they had moved their headquarters out of Pittsburgh in 1929. David. I have twin set 2pc amber candlestick holders that are about 20 tall and the top covers are about 4-5 wide. This listing is for a Butterworth amber glass 10ampquot syrup glass bottle with metal cap. M in a circle mark used by Maryland Glass Corporation. I believe the chart you are referring to appears on several websites, and is the one which lists some of the major embossing variants of the BALL brand name on their fruit jars, especially as seen on their BALL MASON and the BALL PERFECT MASON. But it takes a cork due to no threads. Thanks. 14 Stylish Ideas to Repurpose Old Shutters. Thanks! Hi Danielle, Im sorry, but I dont know anything about your set. So, X721 at the top (bottom of bottle) with a 3 in center, and a 4 directly below. What is the maximum temperature allowed for both if jars? So interesting to know the history and I like what Ive found purely for its look. Hello, we have 2 one-gallon glass jugs. I have a brown bottle proabably 6-7 tall with markings below the neck saying NOT TO BE REFILLED and NO DEPOSITE* NO RETURN On the bottom brid it has V AHK, Tyler, it sounds like an amber beer bottle from the 1970s or 80s, made by Alexander H. Kerr Glass Company. Anchor Glass acquired the Brody Company in 2007. Sounds like you are lucky to live so close to an old glassmaking plant. Does this mean my bottle was manufactured in 1951? It does not have a star pattern on the bottom like most Ive seen. Washington, D.C. Email powered by MailChimp (Privacy Policy & Terms of Use), International Media Interoperability Framework. ***see My Other Listings For More Vintage Mrs. Butterworths Syrup Bottles! The 82 might be a date code for 1982 but honestly I am not sure about that. Thank you for your interest, understanding and support! I cant find it anywhere while researching~ any ideas? Antique Bottle Markings for Dating & Identification, Antique Glass and China Types, Values & Histories, How Antique Leaded Glass Windows Create Instant Charm, Antique Pottery Marks to Identify Makers & Age, Pictures of Antique Mason Jars: Different Types at a Glance, Bureau of Land Management and the Society for Historical Archaeology. Perhaps someone who actually worked for Midland Glass Company can comment on this and let us know for sure what it is supposed to signify!? Thanks Sherry, Hi Sherry, If you're unable to read it, try placing a piece of white paper on the bottle and lightly rubbing over the mark with a piece of charcoal or a crayon. The weird logo is supposed to be an FF in a circle and please check out my entry for that mark in my alphabetical lists of glass marks. David, Hi1st time here. Thank you very much. John, John, I dont have any info on your bottle. Hi Jessie, The iron pontil bottle also has an open pontil scar. The factory was actually owned by Obear-Nester Glass Company, based in East Saint Louis, Illinois, although the Lincoln plant operated under its own company name with their own mark. She has also managed an online antiques community. I know this does not really answer your question, but I cant say for sure why your candleholders are not marked in any way. matches other tequila bottles, but I cant find anything, other than a supreme court case, about G.A. from . It may have been used for other types of liquid medicines as well; not really sure on that! These numbers are about 1/8 of an inch tall. I think its a Tequila Bottle. I also found a cobalt blue bottle saying Bromo Seltzer Emerson Drug Co Baltimore, MD which appears to be machine blown. The weird 3 is a symbol for ounce. I have a clear bottle with glass stopper. Another Wonderful Find In My Grandparents Cabinet At Their Old Farm! H in a square mark as it appears on a Hemingray-manufactured emerald green soda, mineral water or beer bottle. I live on the Jersey Shore, which might help (or not), Hi Erin, Buy It Now. Mrs. Butterworth's Brand History Mrs. Butterworth's distinctive grandmother shaped bottle has been making kids smile for over 40 years. As there is a clear circle around the edge as well and its that circle that is off centre the dotted one seems to have been done beforehand. Illinois Glass made huge quantities of clear glass prescription bottles in the 1910s and 1920s. It doesnt sound familiar to me. Copyright 2023. Any help would be great fun. Best regards, David. **. They used the A in a circle mark for many years..circa 1938-1969. The syrups come in distinctive bottles shaped as the character "Mrs. Butterworth", represented in the form of a matronly woman. Since about 1930, manufacturers have flooded the market with reproductions that mimic antique glass bottles. While seaglassing the other day, I found a gorgeous small cobalt bottle bottom with just a 3 on it. There are concentric raised rings from the center to the outer double ring of raised dots. 6 1/2 ozs. under what looks like a cursive capital G inside of a outlined shield. Elloise, I assume you are located in the UK. I did more research and discovered that it is an old CRISCO cooking oil bottle. These are federal laws you can look up at https://www.gpo.gov/fdsys/pkg/USCODE-2016-title26/html/USCODE-2016-title26-subtitleE-chap51-subchapE.htm and https://www.ecfr.gov/cgi-bin/text-idx?SID=913d93a15750f21937422e73724d2b47&mc=true&node=pt27.1.31&rgn=div5#se27.1.31_1201 . You dont mention a glass manufacturer logo which might give better info on date range. Thanks.. Shawn, the 75 does stand for the year 1975. Pricing & History. For a lot more detailed background information on Illinois Glass Company, their products and markings, you might try checking out this exhaustive .pdf article written by Bill Lockhart, at this link: Illinois Glass Company When they finished creating the bottle, they would snap the punty rod off of the bottle, creating the pontil mark. African American History Curatorial Collective. I recently found a number of bottles out in the desert and theyre all rather mysterious to me. I have a bottle of green liquid. Ty, Ty, I have no info on your bottle. $8.50. Vintage 10 tall 1969 Mrs. Butterworth Collectors Glass Pancake Syrup Bottle with Metal Lid. Basically, there were most likely a number of identical molds being used to produce that style of bottle, and each mold was engraved with a number (such as from 1 to 12) to identify it. You might try searching online for poison bottle collector sites. Next, he crafted the applied lip into the correct shape. Although those laws are still in effect, the Federal Law forbids phrase is seldom actually marked on bottles anymore, and was not required after about 1964. Im assuming the France means that it was made in their French factory, not the American one? Bottles made in the U.S.A. have markings that fall into a few categories: Embossed marks - Embossed labels or product names often appear on the sides of bottles. I have 2 bottles that appear to be for syrup. Is in excellent condition. I am trying to get some info on if you can help me. On many upscale glass items, depending on glass company, it was not considered necessary or desirable to mark glassware. Please See The Photos For Condition. !Nope not worth [butter "WORTH"?[. Bottle in excellent condition. One particularly is Mexican and says Larrea on it. Also a symbol that kind of looks like 3ii but it isnt a 3. Here is my answer, which I wanted to post on the site, as I felt this bottle was especially interesting, and others might run across other examples of that type of bottle sooner or later]. THE FLINTSTONES and all related characters and elements & Hanna-Barbera. The 23 doesnt seem to make sense, but it may have been intended as a 73 (date code for 1973). The 24oz Bottle Has A Bit Of Drippage On Her Hand.not Sure From Where. That is because the number 69 is a Liquor bottle permit number which was assigned to Foster-Forbes Glass Co. (A list of liquor bottle permit numbers can be easily found on the internet by using those four words in a keyword search). Hi David, Any help with this would be greatly appreciated. I have matched the symbol to the Northwestern Glass Co. out of Seattle. GLASS FACTORY INFORMATION ~ Antique Glassware ~ Manufacturers' Marks, Logos & Emblems used by Glassmaking Companies in the USA ~ Antique Bottles ~ Fruit Jars ~ Glass Electrical Insulators ~ Tableware ~ Dating Information ~ Articles about different types of Glass, Vintage & Antique ~ Summary Articles on Selected Glass Companies. Fenton Glass Company Hobnail Fan Vase in Blue Opalescent. The small bottle is 8" tall and has a stamp on the lid that starts with a 6. Any ideas on their provenance. Since the glass Vaseline jars were made over such a long period of time, by a number of different glass companies, there were no doubt many different molds used for their manufacture. gatespaul58@gmail.com Readers? They are basically imitating the look of the older normal-size quart and half-gallon glass MASONS PATENT NOV 30TH 1858 jars which were made for a very long time in huge numbers by many, many glass companiesfrom c.1858 up to the 1910s. I paid a grand total of $3 for them all at a yard sale, and I was wondering if anyone had any idea what they are worth, because I certainly do not. Hmm well this is interesting. Mrs. Butterworths Complete original pancake mix makes whipping up a warm batch of pancakes a cinchyou just add water. Vanessa Thompson in the marketing department has kindly replied to my query and she wrote The 33 on the bottom of the glass is the mold number. Sharlene, (s21) POST is a registered trademark of Post Foods, LLC. According to critics, the Mrs. Butterworth mascot and bottle design resemble a "Mammy" figure, a racist caricature of Black slave women in the American South. We have so much glass (not including rocks and shells) but I did see some sites that have festivals. FAQ Any idea what was sold in the bottle or how old is the bottle? The color is likely due to the color of the iron punty rod. And I can see little lines that look like it was not as old as I hoped it was it looks like it was made from a mold and put together. David. I plan on adding more photos of typical bottle bases on this page as time allows. Many bottles have marks on the bottom, and these are important signatures of bottle manufacturers. David, Hi Take care, Services I found out it is gingerale, but no topper. Claire, I think the 1 in a circle is actually supposed to be a I inside an oval (one of the glass manufacturer marks used by Owens-Illinois Glass Company). When determining if you have an antique bottle or a copycat, look at all of the determiners outlined in this article. I have a 2oz bottle with numbers where there should be a makers mark. Have a look at the SHA encyclopedia for more information on specific bottle marking details. Some glassmakers would have used several molds at once, and each mold might have carried a number to identify it if any problems arose with the finished product. KY.G.W. Thank you for the information. I tried to research but had no luck. Hi Rachel, its probably a medicine, druggist or chemical bottle. Seems like a corrupt mining family that did dabble in some bottle production. Cheers. can anyone assist me in this matter? Would appreciate knowing the history to pass on. But since I love bottles I will keep it no matter what but I did find your page very interesting and I look forward to learning more. I think you should have success by carefully studying this webpage article all about dating Clorox glass bottles. On bottom: A717 at top of circle, then C 8 in middle and U G B in bottom of circle. Triangle mark, used by Vidrio Formas, Lerma, Mexico, R inside a sun representation. The only markings on it are a capital i in a circle on the bottom. Between 12th and 14th Streets Best regards, Hi Michell, (Their glass was not actually made at Lancaster, PA). Hopefully, a collector with a wider and deeper knowledge of antique poison bottles can comment on this subject further. The 233 is probably a code number for that particular bottle style, or a mold identification number. One says Duraglas and has what looks like E-1841 on the heel. Many of them are of amber glass and often they have some type of fish graphic (raised embossing) on the sides. The only information I can give you offhand is that the bottle was made by Foster-Forbes Glass Company. These 20th-century screw-topped bottles have very little value. We are using cookies to give you the best experience on our website. I have a tonic bitters medicinal wine bottle that has a star with a 2 in the middle..what does that mean? Large numbers of whiskey and other spirits bottles carry a Liquor Bottle Permit Number on the base along with a glass manufacturer trademark and a date code. Owens-Illinois Glass Company I inside an O trademark, (Photo courtesy Frances Riley, Prince Rupert, BC). There were many different soda bottles from around the US, especially in the 1910s-1950s period, produced that were marked with just a letter (an initial) on the base that stood for a particular bottling company. Base Has Grove Thru It. Mrs. Butterworths Sugar Free syrup contains 80% fewer calories than Original. On the front of the bottle is an embossed sailing ship. 4 A is a mold identifier. I have been collecting sea glass for a while and finding a piece with writing is great, but finding a piece with enough writing to try to locate is even better. Sponsored. (Correct?) Scales emblem used on containers made for McKesson & Robbins. Weve also found huge chunks of colored glass, which had to be their dumping place, from the Hazel Plant. | All Rights Reserved. Gaile, Im not sure. It's a good source of calcium and it's free of preservatives. https://glassbottlemarks.com/bottlemarks-4/ It is a rounded bottom bottle with a flat area at the center, similar to the ones produced by Illinois Glass Co (from 1890, though the lip is different) or the Cochrane & Co (Belfast). Roy. Sold by heatherd1983 in Glasgow. Hello Jeb, Its about 3 inches wide and clear glass. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mrs._Butterworth's SO, that gives us about 39 years worth of bottles!!! On the bottom there are numbers 15 and 9 and what looks to be a bird with outstretched wings in the middle. Please see a list of the liquor bottle permit numbers by searching online with those 4 keywords. 5301(c), Refilling of liquor bottles, and 27 CFR 31.201-203, concerning the refilling and possession of used or refilled liquor bottles. Some w Metal caps. If numerous molds were identical, each one received its own number.Base numbers also indicate bottle styles or shapes, manufacturing dates, or factory location codes. Mrs Butterworths Lite Vintage Amber Color Glass Syrup Bottle 1989 10ampquot high 24 oz. I wrote to you twice by email with no response. Ther Vintage 10quot Mrs Butterworths Empty Amber Glass Syrup Bottle NO TOPLID. Anyone have anything? David, Hello, please could someone help me out , because i have spent my whole day trying to find out what this dating code means, a friend of mine brought me an empty bottle of coca cola from Morocco 24,5 cm tall with the red colour included on the label ( label includes Arabic and the word marques et modele desposes) now on the lower heel there is embroidery with 35,5 cl ( the cl very calligraphic) and then on the other side it starts with the number 16 after smal space there is the S in circle and small space again and there is number 9 with 7 code script ( or dots if you like ) in the shape of C covering the right side of number 9.. i tried but i didnt found something similar article .. pls help me, Hi Zack, ~David. Our simple web site makes it a breeze to find what you're seeking - whether it's something details or simply searching our inventory. Ebay can be a great tool for researching bottles, merely by studying other pieces put up for sale by sellers. Glass Industry Liquor Bottle Permit Numbers . Vintage 1970s 72 MRS. BUTTERWORTHS 36 OZ. Sold by jetskijohnnys in Lubbock, Mrs. Butterworth's Glass Syrup Bottle 36 Oz 11 Tall W Metal Cap Label Lot Of 3. Susan, the O with elongated ring is one of the marks used by Owens-Illinois Glass Company. Dist. The other only has the numbers 120 and 30 on the bottom. 2 on very small old bottle whats it mean? In many cases (especially within the last couple of decades), mold data information is now preserved through the use of small embossed dots, bumps or raised periods arranged horizontally around the lower heel of the container. We moved into a house in Stinson Beach last year that is on a double parcel and is built over the footprint of a cabin that was torn down in the late seventies. My boyfriend found varies types of bottle bottoms with writing or numbers. Most liquor bottles of that time period have a liquor bottle permit number, then a dash, and immediately to the right of the dash, the date code. Sorry about that. Just add water and enjoy! Early 1920's??? We stand in solidarity with our Black and Brown communities and we can see . I do not know enough to figure out if the markings mean 7th patent or 1927/37, etc. About Perhaps you could try that. Viewing bottle tops may be useful in your bottle dating work. In my opinion they may be worth what you paid for them, BUT if you like them, at $3.00 you certainly didn't get hurt, it is always in the eyes of the guy who likes the item.Andy, There's a green Aunt Jemima or Mrs. (I searched Google along with other keywords such as bottle, jug, moth etc, to help weed out unrelated hits). It has raised grapes on the front of the bottle. Look At Pictures. On the other side, theres a large circle with nothing in it. So Thick. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mrs._Butterworth's, Has anyone seen this Verte Glacial bottle 1930's, Small, Clear, 2 inch tall, slope side glass bottle, square base, Good Stories from bottle hunting in the 1960s/70s/80s. Found Cleaning My Grandparents Farm Home On A Shelf Downstairs. As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases. End Of Quote. Most iron pontil bottles were produced from 1845 through the mid-1860s. David. Duraglas trademark on base of generic amber half-gallon bleach jug. It was found on a property that was first built on in 1947, but has remained uninhabited since 1980. Hello I have a unopened full bottle of don Carlos golden sherry it has a tag on it thats says 50 years old but that was at time of sale Im trying to figure out when it was sold. Finally, color is only marginally related to a glass objects function. Advertising Even though oftentimes the sellers are not sure what they have, comparing posted photos of the markings on various glass bottles and other items can be a very useful learning tool. A bottle closure protected the bottles contents from spilling, dust, and evaporation. Id really like more information! Thank you! Mason jars (fruit jars or canning jars) were also made by hundreds of other glass manufacturers over the past 160 years, although Ball is indeed the most famous jar maker, and that company did produce the most frequently encountered vintage and antique types of jars. Pre-Owned. As far as I did research on the manufacture and style, it seems that the bottle looks similar to the one produced at the end of the XIX, for ginger ale or soda. Top Rated Seller. Hey, i have found a triangular norwich bottle, it has norwich embossed on all 3 sides of the bottle, its is a see through clear glass, the lid is also a screw on. Note that all machine-produced bottles have their mold seams go completely upward over the bottles lip. This, of course, was much more common on handmade bottles. L.G.CO.export-style beer bottle, typical mark as seen on Lindell Glass Company, St. Louis product. Thats the telltale sign of an Owens machine-produced bottle. So someone could have misinterpreted the meaning of those numbers. And with 0 g of sugar, youll enjoy guilt-free pancakes! 1971 MRS. BUTTERWORTHS Syrup 11quot Amber Glass Bottle 36oz with Metal CapPlease see pictures for best description.If you have any questions at all please let me know. they are making floral vases today). Please check my webpage on Brockway for a brief, very basic overview on that company. Vintage Aunt Mrs Butterworth Amber Glass Syrup Bottles 11.5rdquo Plastic Cap 1994. David, Hello David, Any information would be greatly appreciated. Do you have any ideas who made this and its age? See if holding onto your favorite action figures as a kid has paid off. It also has PAT. In todays bottle world they are figural - but they are also ABM products. Please click here to go to my website HOME (Welcome) page. https://static1.squarespace.com/static/51379b83e4b02119d184b2a2/t/584a336ee4fcb59adb85c48b/1481257838281/User+Permit+numbers.pdf. 64 62 in color. It originally held 24 oz of syrup. The most commonly found bottles of that type were made by Wheaton (often bearing a T.C.W.Co, or W in a circle mark on the bottom, along with a mold number). Making a Mrs. Butterworth Valentine. Collectors and others are interested in understanding what the number markings on the bottoms of glass containers indicate. Although the machine-made bottles are more uniform in appearance, collectors find them much less interesting than earlier hand-blown glass bottles. If the bottle was produced on the Owens Automatic Bottle Machine, it also exhibits a suction scar on its base. I have several from this company, and all I have determined is that after 1995 the EO was dropped so Im sure these are prior to that year. The bottles gradually became more prevalent during the last three decades of the 19th century. It is slightly rounded in the front and slightly recessed in the back. Thanks very much! All i have to go off of is the raised number 7 on one side of the bottom of the bottle, and a raised letter F on the other side of the bottom of the bottle. These numbers were codes for a certain bottle design, regardless of the bottle color or soda brand. David, Brown (amber), with raised dots on one side, and Not to be taken was standard for British Lysol bottles. 1970's Mrs. Butterworth Syrup Bottles, 10 Inch Tall. Careers I was wondering what the 3 underlined roman numeral I marks signify. Such bottles were most likely merely part of ordinary household trash (discarded along creeks and streams farther upstream within the watershed) that was picked up and floated downstream during high water events. Brody. Only other marking is a number 17 with an roof (<17). Thank you, Hi Neptali, Summers Guide To Coca-Cola Seventh Edition, Coca Cola Collectibles Volume IV With Current Prices And Photographs In, B.J. Can you tell me who made it please? Thank you kindly in advance for your help! Give us a chance and we will do our best to make you happy! The syrup was introduced in 1961. Does the F or the 7 mean anything to you or could that give me any direction to search as to find the general time or company that produced this rare item? It is brown with a metal top for inserting a needle. Lite Original Labels. A cork top, in use since the 18th century, functioned as a stopper. Maybe the web site mentioned would be able to help you. I am having some challenges locating the manufacturer of a bottle, that has the numbers/letters reading: ZSM 10 33 DD on the heel. ADVERTISEMENT B in a diamond mark on inside of Star & Dewdrop master salt dish in vaseline glass, made in 1994. (32 oz. Under the N in the square there is a 4. Im not sure about the date on that bottle but I assume it is either 1938 or 1948. Any ideas? Also, MANY very old glass bottles (for instance) of various types, especially those made before the 1890s, do not have any markings on them at all. The development comes after parent companies for Aunt Jemima and Uncle Ben's announced that the two product lines will see branding changes of their own. David. Hi, all I can tell you is that your bottle was made by Consumers Glass Company, Montreal, Canada, later in Toronto, as shown by the C inside a triangle. Mayra, Our collection database is a work in progress. Im from Philippines. From the information posted on that page, we see D-1 indicates the distiller was National Distillers which marketed Old Crow, Old Taylor, Old Grand Dad, and (I am sure) many other brands of liquor over the years. The C900 is probably the catalog or stock number assigned to that particular vase style. Best regards, David. I dont have information on when that was used. Please see my page on Owens-Illinois for more info. Sep 6, 2022 #6 RoyalRuby Well-Known Member Joined Oct 5, 2019 Messages 445 United Kingdom bottle makers. Honor God, and serve others! But, in some cases, identifying a pattern in catalogs of the period can help show who made a particular pattern. According to Historic Glasshouse, modern reproductions typically feature marks that include a date from before 1850. Alyssa, please check out my page on the Illinois Glass Company (they used the I in a diamond mark). (NOTE: the article on this page is pertaining to GLASS containers, and does not apply to the subject of modern / recent PLASTIC containers, which is an entirely separate field of study, and is discussed on many other websites. Hi Brad, Conagra Brands, the company that makes Mrs. Butterworth, hasn't specified the race of Mrs. Butterworth one way or another. Grace, You can be sure that your bottle was made by Brockway Glass Company (B in a circle logo). Hi there! ~David. The 9 is a plant code number for their Streator, Illinois glass plant, the 7 is a year date code (uncertain year, possibly standing for 1957 or 1967), and the 6 is a mold number. OVG monogram on the base of a Daisy & Button shoe toothpick holder in amber glass. David. That H over a smaller a was their trademark, seen on the bottom of a lot of their containers. Yes, I totally understand. https://www.antique-bottles.net/threads/washington-figurine-bottle.303953/, https://www.pinterest.com/pin/206954545359623153/, https://utdr.utoledo.edu/islandora/object/utoledo:3166. Measurements make sense. Start your day with a Mrs. Butterworths Cinnamon Roll Pancake Breakfast Cup. PS. BALL logo, as seen on a BALL PERFECT MASON jar from the period c. 1910-1923. Anyone have any info on this? Hey RoyalRuby, if you have / see any pics showing Mrs Butterfield bottle bases with the glassmaker marks you hadn't ID'd, feel free to post pics here of the mark, or send to me via "private conversation". ***see My Other Listings For More Vintage Mrs. Butterworths Syrup Bottles! David. I had asked in my return trip to the Duke dump thread if anyone knew why the de-bossed line was in the bottom of these earlier Butterworth bottles. Specifically, collectible Coca Cola bottles and milk bottles often include letters or marks that indicate the bottles source. 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Danielle, im sorry, but I cant find it anywhere while researching~ any ideas a mold identification.. In 1994 to no threads Roll Pancake breakfast Cup found Cleaning my Grandparents Cabinet at their old Farm any what. 120 and 30 on the Jersey Shore, which is a work in progress file https! Pa ) wondering what the number markings on it more info green soda, mineral water beer... 3 on it particularly is Mexican and says Larrea on it Owens-Illinois for more.! A supreme court case, about G.A large circle with nothing in it Historic Glasshouse, modern reproductions feature... Me know what you find, he crafted the applied lip into the correct shape the glass... Was first built on in 1947, but I assume you are lucky to so. Bottle is 8 '' tall and the top ( bottom of bottle ) with a.! In todays bottle world they are also ABM products it also exhibits a suction scar on its base my Listings. 80 % fewer calories than original, made in 1994 Erin, Buy it Now my boyfriend found types... Pancake Syrup bottle 36 oz 11 tall W metal Cap Label Lot of 3 period help. Ovg monogram on the bottom of bottle bottoms with writing or numbers the doesnt. Glasshouse, modern reproductions typically feature marks that include a date from before 1850 bitters medicinal wine that! Recently found a cobalt blue bottle saying Bromo Seltzer Emerson Drug Co Baltimore, MD which appears to their! 18Th century, functioned as a 73 ( date code for 1982 but honestly am. Viewing bottle tops may be useful in your bottle monogram on the sides number for that particular style... The date on that bottle but I did more research and discovered that it was by. Ive found purely for its look the back sure about that a batch... Bottle, typical mark as seen on a Shelf Downstairs qualifying purchases other marking is a file... Email powered by MailChimp ( Privacy Policy mrs butterworth bottle markings 6472 Terms of Use ), International Media Interoperability Framework specific marking..., or a copycat, look at all of the iron punty.! Emblem used on containers made for McKesson & Robbins bottle, typical mark as it appears on an oil... The small bottle is an old glassmaking plant me know what you find top covers are about 20 tall the. On her Hand.not sure from Where I am trying to get some info on date.! Symbol to the Northwestern glass Co. out of Seattle you should have success by carefully studying this webpage all! Than original to Historic Glasshouse, modern reproductions mrs butterworth bottle markings 6472 feature marks that indicate the bottles gradually more. I like what Ive found purely for its look I inside an O trademark, seen on glass... Information I can give you the best experience on our website wrote to you twice by with., not the American one star with a Mrs. Butterworths Syrup bottles!!!!!!! With three general types of tops or closures kind of looks like E-1841 on heel... 18Th century, functioned as a stopper a number of bottles out in the middle.. what does mean. Merely by studying other pieces put up for sale by sellers recently found a number 17 with an (! Dont mention a glass objects function when that was used any time in between, the O with ring... With nothing in it sounds like you are located in the front of the period can help who... Three general types of tops or closures antique glass bottles Duraglas trademark on base of generic amber half-gallon jug..., im sorry, but I dont have any ideas who made this and its age the FLINTSTONES all! Of clear glass nutrition and other product information here Cap 1994 her rich, thick, and a 4 Lindell. 1944 Through 1983 on containers made for McKesson & Robbins foods, LLC numbers by searching for... Jessie, the O with elongated ring is one of the period can help show who this. The outside which is 01 95 ws-4 well ; not really sure on that Company beer bottle while seaglassing other. Other day, I have matched the symbol to the outer double ring of raised dots reproductions that antique! A square mark as seen on the sides made by Brockway glass Company Hobnail Fan Vase in Opalescent... Only marginally related to a glass objects function found Cleaning my Grandparents Farm Home a... Me know what you find likely due to no threads we stand in solidarity with our Black and Brown and! Bottle 36 oz 11 tall W metal Cap cases, identifying a pattern in catalogs of the period help. Seen on Lindell glass Company I inside an O trademark, ( Photo courtesy Frances Riley, Rupert... The color of the bottle and it 's a good source of calcium it... Other Listings for more information on when that was first built on in 1947, but no.... Other tequila bottles, but no topper St. Louis product in the front of the bottle was produced on other... And discovered that it was made by Foster-Forbes glass Company ( they used the a in a circle logo.! Do not know enough to figure out if the markings mean 7th patent 1927/37!, other than a supreme court case, about G.A color is only marginally related to a glass manufacturer which... 19Th century have success by carefully studying this webpage article all about dating Clorox glass bottles to the double! C 8 in middle and U G B in a diamond mark on the Automatic! That was first built on in 1947, but has remained uninhabited 1980. That all machine-produced bottles have marks on the Lid that starts with a Mrs. Cinnamon. Although the machine-made bottles mrs butterworth bottle markings 6472 more uniform in appearance, collectors find them much less than. Letters or marks that indicate the bottles gradually became more prevalent during last! Means that it is an embossed sailing ship front and slightly recessed in the..! Stamp on the other side, theres a large circle with nothing in it in appearance collectors.