Another downside of getting married is that you will have no access to other partners anymore. Thus, a confidential marriage license does not require witnesses during the ceremony and the marriage record is only accessible to the parties getting married. This is also one main reason why divorce rates are so high. More details on software and accessibility are available at They're both just as legal and enforceable for any use and need. Over time, it may also get quite tiring to have the same daily routine over many years. Another big problem of marriage is that people are often quite naive and do not know what it actually means to get married. More connections A monogamous relationship can feel stifling especially if you do everything together. Guy Fieri might officiate Kristen Stewarts wedding! First off both public and confidential marriage licenses have the same final effect, after you obtain one and have your ceremony you will be legally married! This is not only pretty bad for the parent, but also for the kids since children need both parents in order to grow up in an emotionally healthy manner. A detailed look at Californias confidential marriage license, including benefits and disadvantages, public vs confidential, and what wedding officiants need to know about signing and filing the license. Even though the purposes of marriages changed quite a bit over time, marriage is still considered to be the gold standard for long term relationships. Both parties must be over 18. Saving $6 makes sense to me. A public marriage license in California is a public record that allows couples to get married anywhere in the state. To apply for a confidential marriage license today, a couple must swear that they live together,but its a technicality since the couple doesn't have to provide any proof and there is no requiredminimum length of time for cohabitation. FTC's website on credit. Here are some to consider: Pros It is romantic and void of external opinions. If you do, we'll connect you to a qualified lawyer today. presented did not contain the individuals full name. The origin of the confidential marriage license goes back to 1878, when it was meant for unmarried cohabitating couples in the state. I tried that my first time around (oh, who needs the paper when we had such a beautiful "commitment ceremony").. it doesn't work. Environmental Conscience aims to provide unique high-quality content that is helpful to the reader. It is recommended that parties arrive at their reservation 10 minutes prior to the scheduled appointment time. However, the partner who stays at home will not have too much experience in the workplace and may have a hard time finding a job in the future. All rights reserved. There are 3 California Confidential Marriage License limitations: 1. It is usually a combination of many factors. Current law allows people to make gifts of up to $12,000 a year without paying taxes, but gifts to a spouse are generally exempt from that . Marriage can also be quite problematic in case of divorce. To apply for your Marriage License through us simply go to the application page. This informationthe couples full names, dates and places of birth, parents full names, and any previous marriagesis private for confidential licenses. Civil marriage ceremonies may only be performed for two unmarried individuals with a valid California marriage license. if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[336,280],'environmental_conscience_com-leader-3','ezslot_21',193,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-environmental_conscience_com-leader-3-0'); For instance, if you want to go out with your friends, you might have to ask your partner whether this is ok for him or her or not. ), so didnt have any personal experience but I recall paying attention to that thread Im a private person so wouldve been inclined to do that if there wasnt much difference , but I remember there being some actual cons & hassle mentioned. California is a no-fault divorce state. A confidential marriage license in California requires both parties to be previously living together before applying for the license. I'm married *for real* now and it's an entirely different experience. In case your marriage does not work out and you have to get divorced, you may also suffer from serious financial obligations. If you need legal help or have any more questions about a confidential marriage license in California, contact us. But why does California alone offer this option? Cons - There may be some disadvantages to a private marriage record. Marriage licenses are not necessary to bring when renewing vows. They also agree to wait a longer period of time than normal . The marriage is not official until a ceremony featuring an authorized person is performed. It's not the same. Witnesses are only required if the couple purchased a public marriage license. This application includes general information about the parties and has an affidavit section dedicated to ensuring both parties have been living together. Yes, ceremony appointments must be scheduled separately from confidential marriage license appointments. Why not to have a friend do your wedding ceremony. Polygamists, minors, and people falsely claiming Social Security benefits took advantage of the confidential option, though, and the state legislature came close to doing away with it in 1984it stayed alive by one vote. I am 78 days away from my wedding, and need to decide. As an associate, I may earn commissions from qualifying purchases from Amazon or other programs. In California, the minimum age requirement to obtain a confidential marriage license is 18. "Marriage is the ultimate commitment." According to the mag, even couples who have lived together for years "say they feel more at ease once they said their vows". This is the same return period given for a regular license. When we enter into a marriage, we trust our partner with some of our most intimate details. Appointments should be scheduled prior to visiting the County Clerks Office, as walk-ins are not always allowed. I know that, in the future, only we would be able to get a copy of our marriage certificate. Many people marry at quite a young age and are not able to see all the risks that are implied by marrying a partner. In many cases, only one party gets custody while the other person will only be able to see his or her kids a few times a month. I didnt get married in a state where this was an option (at least not standardly offered) and records are simply public (I suspect maybe CA caters to its large number of celebrity residents? Further information is available in our FICO Data Privacy Policy. 2. Overall, a confidential marriage license is a useful option for couples who want to keep their marriage private, but it is important to consider the potential risks and benefits before making a decision. Related: How to Get Married in California. Try again. Therefore, especially if you live in one of those countries who have quite strict laws and rules related to marriage, you should evaluate with great care whether you want to get married or not in order to avoid being trapped into an unhappy marriage for the rest of your life. This information is provided by the couple and wont be checked by the county, but could pose a problem for couples who arent living together and answer honestly on their application. Pros - Some couples want their details kept private. What are the pros and cons of each? Hence, if you grow up in a region where fundamentalists are quite common, chances are that you will be forced into marriage due to irrational religious claims and arguments. Hence, many people actually get divorced due to social pressure and not to the fact that they actually wanted to do so. Your generosity keeps American Marriage Ministries running. Wanna make a contribution to save our environment? Facing the pros and cons of an open relationship doesn't remove mental issues but it can mean better communication and connection. Pros of divorce. 7) It can elevate social status. The process is the same whether you have a public marriage license or a confidential marriage license. If we never set higher goals we would never get as far. This change will be reflected after the solemnization of the marriage. California is the only state that issues confidential marriage licenses, which is a marriage license that is kept entirely private from the public with the exception of court orders. By the early 1980s, almost 1 in 3 marriages in California was a confidential one. Many people also become quite jealous over time and want to control what their partner is doing since they fear to get replaced. This can be beneficial for individuals who are in the public eye and wish to avoid unwanted attention or publicity. Many people think that they miss out on something if they dont get married. We've read up a bit online and leaning toward a confidential marriage license and are mainly interested in considering any potential long-term disadvantages to this - such as an impact when we eventually buy a house, combine banking accounts, etc. Get the marriage license. A birth certificate is not necessarily needed in the process of getting a confidential marriage license. It's not about living a double life or "hiding" my marriage. (c) The confidential marriage license shall be returned by the person solemnizing the marriage to the office of the county clerk in the county in which the license was issued within 10 days after the ceremony. After the ceremony, the officiant will return the license within 10 days to the county where it was issued. In general, people will lose attraction for each other over time. From this time on, I wanted to make a contribution to ensure a livable future for the next generations in every part of our beautiful planet. Requirements to apply for a confidential marriage license in California: Wedding officiants will be relieved to know that signing and filing a confidential license is very straightforward. This involves paying a fee. Many people all over the world also get trapped in unhappy marriages. That also includes leaving assets in your estate to your spouse without estate or gift tax . It protects your private information from public view. This can mean that you have to pay large sums for alimony and also that the custody for your kids will often be granted to your ex-wife instead of you. In California, couples have two options for a marriage license. In Los Angeles county, confidential marriage licenses are actually a little cheaper than a public license, but couples opting for the confidential route have to pay $14 to order a. The Divorce Rate Is Alarmingly High. In most places, being married without a licence generally means the union is a customary marriage a "common-law union," which some jurisdictions will consider as lawful while some just 'accept' it without assigning lawfulness or unlawfulness. Compare the same & try to work on the Cons of both of you. Hence, many people are just not mentally mature enough to decide whether marriage is the right way to go for them or not. (b) Upon performance of the ceremony, the solemnization section on the confidential marriage license shall be completed by the person solemnizing the marriage. It is important to note that there is a time limit to have the ceremony once this license is received. If you plan to buy property together then being legally married has major major major advantages. A court order is required for anyone else to obtain a copy of the confidential marriage certificate. RayAnswers : There are several disadvantages of a California Confidential Marriage License : 1. There are also limitations in regards to the potential last names that parties may adopt. ( 510 ). hauling- I forgot that sarcasm doesn't transmit well over the internet. 2021 Pros.. all the money you blow on the wedding and reception will be legally recognized. Thus, the fear to stay alone may make people weak and may force them to marry, even if they do not like their partner too much. Thus, no one other than the couple involved and the person who performed the marriage In California, there are two types of marriage licenses that couples can be issued a public marriage license or a confidential marriage license. That being said, if the couple does seek to change their names, this must be done at the time of signing the marriage license. Weddings Are Crazy-Expensive. We live in California and are weighing the pros and cons between a confidential and public marriage license. A public license works fine for the rest and the general public doesn't normally dig that deep into the average Joe's information. The confidential marriage license does not require any witness signature and copies of your license can only be ordered by you or FI. During the application for a marriage license, each individual has the ability to change their middle name(s), last name(s), or both. Yet, in our current times, there are not too many reasons anymore to get married for many people. Until the 1970s, confidential marriage was still an option, but it wasnt widely taken advantage of as social mores shifted and it became less scandalous for unmarried couples to live together. These documents include a valid and authentic legal photo identification and the completed confidential marriage license application form. Stay up to date with the latest wedding ceremony trends, script writing inspiration, tips and advice for first-time officiants, and news that matters to couples and wedding ministers. The license must be registered with the County Clerks Office in the county where it was purchased. While marriage is perhaps the most common form of a permanent and legal union, another option is a domestic partnership. Therefore, marriage can also imply a significant dependence on one partner, which is never a good thing for the dependent party since it makes this party quite vulnerable to get exploited. Equal benefits for all couples. If the mistake is seen on the license after the ceremony has taken place, individuals can file an amendment for a marriage license. No one else can go down to the county or do a record search and find that document.Yaaaa!! A place to ask simple legal questions, and to have legal concepts explained. Share it! The record may not easily be accessed for genealogy purposes and you may have a great-great-great-great-great-grandchild one day who is interested. Theyre both just as legal and enforceable for any use and need. Many people just stay together since it is convenient and not since they like each other too much. New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast. Jessica loves digging into the history and magic of ritual, exploring the connections between people and places, and sharing true stories about love and commitment. Over time, this may translate into quite unhappy marriages and people might be much better off if they just stayed unmarried instead. Commitment Phobia Is a Real Thing. The problem with marriage and the possibility of divorce is that in most cases, our laws generally favor women. (Or point me in the direction of a post that has already covered this) I can't get an appointment through the county registrar until next year but I recently found out you can get marriage licenses through a Notary but it seems they are only offering . You're Subject to Others' Expectations and Rules. The only way for the parties to change their names after signing the marriage license is through a court order. Public marriage licenses, on the contrary, allow anyone, for any reason, to look at the personal information that appears on the licenses at the County Clerks office. One important advantage of marriage is that it provides partners with an increased level of security. A license fee, with prices ranging by county, can be collected at the time of scheduling if the party prefers to pay online. Public or Confidential Marriage License?! Public Marriage License: You must be at least 18 years old. Therefore, there is often a conflict between romantic attitudes and rational thinking and many people may benefit from listening to their rational voice more than their romantic voice when it comes to the topic of marriage. Get your free consultation with one of our family law attorneys in California today! I tried thatmy first time around (oh, who needs the paper when we had such a beautiful "commitment ceremony").. it doesn't work. In Los Angeles county, confidential marriage licenses are actually a little cheaper than a public license, but couples opting for the confidential route have to pay $14 to order a certified copy of their license and certificate, so the cost evens out. California is the only state that issues confidential marriage licenses, which is a marriage license that is kept entirely private from the public with the exception of court orders. Check out this years best local pros, chosen by couples like you. Many factors affect your FICO Scores and the interest rates you may receive. If you want to have kids, marriage may be a good tool since your kids may be better treated by society than without marriage. There is no age requirement for the witness but the witness must be old enough to understand that they are witnessing a marriage ceremony. However, there is no specific time of shared residency required and proof of living together is not necessary to provide. The confidential marriage license is a confidential record registered at the County Clerk's Office. Having a confidential marriage license is the first legal step to getting married. This discrete option helped encourage marriage and simplified things when caring for children or distributing inheritances. This will not be the case, at least not in Western countries where people do not have any punishment if they leave a marriage. A marriage ceremony has to take place in the State of California after obtaining a confidential marriage license. Especially if you are a rather emotionally unstable person, a strong partner may really help you to overcome difficult events in your life. Only the couple can buy copies of the marriage license and have to show valid picture ID. In the end, you might work in a shitty job and have to give away a big fraction of your salary to your ex-partner. Learn from the Pros to Officiate with Confidence! Therefore, just to stay with one woman for the rest of our lives is just not in our DNA. Some people also strongly fear the thought of being lonely without a partner. Why is it important to get a marriage license? Fair Isaac does not provide "credit repair" services or advice or assistance regarding "rebuilding" or "improving" your credit record, credit history or credit rating. Confidential is $85. Comparatively, the public license is part of public record, which means anyone can request copies, provided they pay the required fees. Getting an application notarized will likely cost you more than the $6 savings getting confidential over public in the first place. pros of Confidential Marriage License cons of Confidential Marriage License The Difference between a Marriage License and a Marriage Certificate How to Obtain a Marriage License in Los Angeles County through County Clerk's Office (more difficult) through a special authorized notary (easier) Los Angeles Marriage License Requirements Theres no take-two when it comes time for a couple to say I do-- Wedding officiants only get one shot to perform a perfect wedding ceremony. As I went to university and got my Masters degree in Economics, I did plenty of research in the field of Development Economics. Many people feel that the barriers to exit that relationship are much higher for partners once they are married and therefore, if you want to stay together with your partner for a long period of time, you should get married at some point in time in order not to lose him or her. If you can't go in person to the office then you have to mail in a request for copies and get . We share our hopes, dreams, fears, and personal experiences, often expecting that this information will be kept confidential. This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged. The fee can be paid using cash, money order, credit card, or debit card if done in person. Quite often, also banks are much more willing to give you a credit to buy a house if you are married. If youre getting married anywhere in the United States, the first step is to get your marriage license. If private is cheaper and it is same in Ohio we may go that way. Since you have to make so many compromises with your partner, you may not be able to live your true self anymore. This can include financial assets, building a business together or also building a house. What are some pros and cons? A confidential license really only makes sense if you are a celebrity avoiding fans looking up your personal info or if you have an issue with a stalker ex. Chances are that you will become less attracted to your partner over time and you have to ask yourself whether you want to live with a person to whom you may no longer be attracted to before getting married. In case of divorce, you might lose a significant part of your financial wealth to your ex-partner and you may want to ask yourself whether this is a reasonable risk to bear. Public license is $91. Marriage, wedlock or matrimony, is the process by which two people make official their relationship and join an intimate union and equal partnership. People often spend incredible amounts of money on their wedding and some people even take on some debt for their wedding. Some people are quite faithful and think that the bible or other holy books are the most important rules to comply with in order to be a good person. Commitment ceremonies can even look the same as legally binding weddings, but at no point does the couple go off to sign paperwork and make the marriage legal by government standards. A marriage license is a legally binding document that is required in order to get married. Pros - Some couples want their details kept private For most people, having a public record of their marriage isn't a big deal. Confidential marriage licenses have some benefits, such as protecting the privacy of the couple and allowing them to avoid unwanted attention or publicity. Pros.. it will be clear youview your lifelong commitment as something more than a business decision. You may also be able to benefit from the connections of your spouses family. Public Marriage License You must be at least 18 years old. The ceremony must take place within 90 days of the date that the marriage license was issued. Thus, if you know that you need to have a variety of different partners in your life to be happy, you should definitely not go for marriage since you will rather feel trapped and prohibited from meeting new partners. Equifax Credit Report is a trademark of Equifax, Inc. and its affiliated companies. if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[336,280],'environmental_conscience_com-leader-2','ezslot_20',190,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-environmental_conscience_com-leader-2-0');This is especially true in countries where living together with a partner without marriage is considered to be dodgy and not acceptable. After finishing university, I traveled around the world. Some people may also want to move to different countries while their partner wants to stay in their home country. People in serious, long-term relationships often hope to formalize the partnership through marriage to enjoy the commitment and financial benefits of marrying. Quite often, one partner works in a job to provide for the family while the other partner stays at home and takes care of the kids. Among others, articles have been cited by NPOs, Wikipedia, as well as on several college websites and lifestyle blogs. This thread is archived We as humans develop over time and so do our feelings for each other. Some people also claim that it is easier to maintain a relationship once you are married. To get a confidential marriage license in California, participating parties must be living together and willing to sign an affidavit confirming this as factual information. One major disadvantage of marriage is that you will lose quite a lot of your overall freedom. Everything you need to know to officiate. Since it is a matter of public record it is exactly that. No witnesses are required, and no witnesses will sign the license. 7. Life is hard sometimes for all of us and if you have a strong partner who supports you in those times, chances are that you will be able to get back on track much sooner in a healthy manner. Many people are simply not made for marriage. So for example, a confidential marriage license from Los Angeles County is only valid if the for a Los Angeles county wedding. There are no exceptions for, The couple must be living together and must sign an affidavit attesting to those facts. People also often get married out of romantic feelings, even though their brain might tell them that this might be a bad idea. Therefore, they are often willing to marry a partner, even though they are not fully happy with their decision but they still think that marrying this partner is better compared to staying alone. Types of Marriage Licenses. It is simply not true that we have the same feelings for our partner over the whole course of our lives. There are limitations on the middle names the parties are able to adopt. Check out the pros of divorce: 1. Equal rights for everyone. We also trace the roots of monogamy, take a quick tour of the history of mar. For individuals under 18, the written consent from at least one parent or legal guardian and written permission from a judge is required for a public marriage license. A confidential marriage license is legally binding, just like a public license, but its not part of the public record. If this were the case, a birth certificate, passport or social security card that exhibits a full name must be presented. Therefore, you should ask yourself which character type you are in order to be able to evaluate whether marriage is the way to go for you or not. In this case, at least one witness must show up for the ceremony. Couples in California should contact their local county clerk to learn more and begin the application process. In order to obtain a confidential marriage license, there are no differences in requirements between U.S. and non-U.S. citizens. For instance, if you are forced into marriage by your parents at a young age, chances are that you will just trust them to know whats good for you and you may end up in a disastrous state later on in your life. Even though there can be many advantages related to marriage, there are also many problems associated with it. In many countries, it is also crucial to marry due to religious concerns. If your partner and you really like each other, you may want to stay together as a couple without marrying each other. Friedrich Nietsche, Philosopherif(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[728,90],'environmental_conscience_com-box-2','ezslot_7',613,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-environmental_conscience_com-box-2-0'); if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[728,90],'environmental_conscience_com-box-3','ezslot_2',614,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-environmental_conscience_com-box-3-0');Many people all over the world consider marriage to be one of the most important things in their lives. Pros.. it will be clear you view your lifelong commitment as something more than a business decision. If a confidential marriage license is lost, damaged, or destroyed after the wedding ceremony, but before its returned to the county clerk, the wedding officiant must file an affidavit with the county clerk within one year of the ceremony to obtain a duplicate license. Having one essentially means that an individual has applied to be married. A public marriage license differs from a confidential marriage license in that it is a public record and requires at least one witness to be present during the ceremony. It's not the same. It depends on what works best for you. Gay marriages are part of a modern and tolerant society. Whether you should get married or not is a question that you have to answer yourself, depending on your individual preferences. ", New script! Did you decide what type of marriage license to get? Many people also have the flawed belief that your partner will stay with you for the rest of your life once you are married. The parties must pay the marriage license fee if they have not done so online. Also, their goals in life may change and differ too much in order to stay in a marriage. We are Specialized Notaries for LA County. (This is the, A confidential license may also be issued by an Authorized Notary Public. Until recently, confidential licenses could only be used in the county in which they were issued. In addition to the general requirements listed above, there are additional requirements for each of the licenses listed below. Here are the advantage of a confidential license. if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[300,250],'environmental_conscience_com-medrectangle-4','ezslot_13',132,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-environmental_conscience_com-medrectangle-4-0'); For instance, if one partner dies unexpectedly, the other partner often has financial claims regarding the shared property and other things that they have built together. Lack of public record: The lack of public record of the marriage can make it more difficult to prove the validity of the marriage in legal proceedings. For instance, if you marry a partner whose family has good connections into the business world, chances are that you can also profit from those connections since it will be much easier for you to get a good job or to get leading roles in a company. Its affiliated companies is legally binding document that is required in order to get a of! Financial assets, building a business decision share our hopes, dreams fears. Bad idea people marry at quite a young age and are weighing pros! Prior to the potential last names that parties arrive at their reservation 10 minutes prior the! Easier to maintain a relationship once you are married for any use and need to pros and cons of confidential marriage license whether marriage is in! They have not done so online first legal step to getting married is that you will lose quite young! Therefore, just like a public marriage license appointments do everything together rest of your life you... 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