The first thing that comes to mind when youre dealing with overtime expenses if figure out how much youre paying in overtime labor. After six months of gathering data, I determined that my team of 12 had averaged around 52 hours per week over that six month period. endstream
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<. Since this process can be time-consuming, it is helpful to have a sample Justification Letter to Hire a New Employee on hand to save time. Hiring is a tough, and usually an unwelcomed topic by executives and decision-makers because they simply cantafford to hire people whenever asked. If you were an executive, or a senior-level manager who oversaw a large organization, how many times a day would you hear the phrase I need more people? It made perfect sense. I am requesting permission to immediately hire 30 half-time seasonal employees in the shipping department . For example, if the goal is to increase sales by 30 percent, more HR help would be needed to hire and support additional sales staff. 8120 Penn Ave. S. #220 Bloomington, MN 55431. Its essentially a look at the backlog of work, and recognizing that if the client is placing more demand on you, a fixed amount of capacity will fall behind. Sample Additional Budget Request Letter. Here are two other ways to look at the same problem. 1. hb```f`` B@$QC{VsZK^kv':wO8jm3me aF?e| }]YEXf^h)|Z[Jw3,`pgX @C %PZqr@W03> j@Y`Y8DBMe`5ifK |@:]]oyuO\\Aoi\
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Q: Are those good enough reasons to bring in the help? A long-term position could be opened and filled for the wrong reasons, for example, to meet a seasonal work crunch that could have been met with a temporarycontractor. When you outline your plan, include how these things positively impact customers, employees, and business. I reported to the vice president of finance and had a very good working relationship with her, so she was clued in to my day-to-day [responsibilities], Parrish says, adding that the process of building a case for adding HR staff was more informal than in some organizations. Even worse, youre starting to worry about employee morale and the quality of work being pushed out the door. This can result in more investors coming on board or current investors increasing their contributions. Let us know how it goes. In the Job Duties column, list each bit of work that your team is responsible for. %PDF-1.6
Also make clear how you arrived at the conclusion that you need more employees and how the budget will cover the costs to recruit, train, onboard and pay them. The take away is that there are some tough decisions and sacrifices to be made because my monthly household budget has a bottom line. The best data you can collect on your own to help you make your case include things that will show: Examples of data you can collect to showcase trends (some may currently be tracked by your team and some may not): And, if you dont already have a Headcount Planning Strategy, consider creating one, so you can not only show how you can maximize efficiency but also help justify your need for hiring when necessary. Follow the tips given below: At the very start of the letter, it is very important to address the needs of the worker. As of December 2017, the U.S. Department of Labor's Bureau of Labor Statistics indicated the cost for private sector employee compensation was 31.7 percent of wages. State your current departmental budget. Secondly, you might want to look at it from a turnaround time standpoint. Step 2. The conclusion of your proposal for additional staff should indicate the timeline, based on when you receive approval, because you can't usually pinpoint the exact date when you can actually bring people on board. For example, you might not be able to meet deadlines, handle customer complaints or fill orders on time. I shall be thankful to you for this consideration. I knew this Vice President had always sought a larger impact from our team in the business. Valentine's Day Crafts and Activities for Kids, Secret Santa 2022 - How to Plan the Perfect Secret Santa, How to Organize Christmas on a Budget in 2022, Making Christmas Fun for Kids in 2022 - Useful Tips, Celebrating Thanksgiving at Home with Kids, Fun Ideas to Celebrate Halloween With Your Kids in 2022. Suite 202 How does it change or evolve? While my team was dedicated and hard-working, the amount of effort they were putting in on a regular basis was unsustainable. Is the company growing, and is the growth expected to continue? Check out our 20-minute Retaining Talent presentation! Working from Home Are employees working early mornings, evenings, on weekends and missing family or social engagements to work? Companies wont typically go for that, thats why they hired a temp. To write a salary increase recommendation letter, follow these five steps: 1. The numbers clearly showed a gap in ourstaffing, as well as an opportunity to be more effective at working towards the vision. Hi There! However, as I found out, managers arefar more likely to gain support when he or she can prove it is truly the right thing for the business to do. Thank you, Thanks for the comment Interesting, yet very common situation. Hiring more people makes the company bear more expenses. How to Justify A Need for Training Manager s Resource. If you dont get those people, what might be some of the impacts? Its such a touchy subject because as you point out, the work just keeps piling up as we scurry to find a way to justify more bodies. Because increasing staff size is a truly a business decision, we have included comments throughout this download to help you build your own business case. For example, assume that in January your team of 5 people had about 6 weeks of foreseeable scope. It is a letter in which a person has to justify why he needs more staff members. Thanks for the questionovertime can be a big problem for a business it costs money, but it also wears down your work force over time. Sub: Request to Appoint a New Employee. We need ten shipment workers who will assist in the process of packaging and shipment. document.head.append(temp_style); You may be trying to access this site from a secured browser on the server. COVID-19Portal Email us if you have more specific questions and wed be happy to help. Ask astakeholderwith a healthy respect for the bottom line (for example, an investor) to vet all requests for new hires outside of the budgeting process. Learn to be a Fred! Below you will find our recommended reads for managers and business leaders who want to improve their skills. Here is a sample presentation to help you put together a business case to hire more staff. I was stunned. Tekla Industries. Avoid guessing when it comes to requesting additional staff. Giving Back Is employee satisfaction down. Getting to Yes is packed with strategies and tips for negotiating a deal. In addition to our 96-page ProGuide, you also get 5 editable templates that you can customize for your business, including: Get a Preview. ID. People, by and large, need more staff because: Since the objective is to convince the reader, the justification should always be provided convincingly so that fruitful results can be obtained. A sample Justification Letter for Additional Staff can be downloaded below. Please enable scripts and reload this page. Facts that highlight a need for action. Working at a humane society allowed Jill Leviticus to combine her business management experience with her love of animals. There can be serious consequences for not hiring if the current state of the customers, team, and business is suffering. You might also include in this methodology what could happen if the company is unable to hire qualified additional staff. Here, you should tell how many people need, for how long you need these supplementary people, whether you need full-time workers or part-time workers, and some other specifics. Also, consider how much of the work that the new hire would handle is going to be HR work. You might have competent staff, but not enough. We recently began providing employees with these standing desks and feedback has been tremendous. Great for managers and business leaders who need to protect their interests. 2023 Leaf Group Ltd. / Leaf Group Media, All Rights Reserved. You are simply providing them with the tool to fulfill those responsibilities. Readers with access only to the executive summary should fully understand the underlying reasons for the request for additional staffing. All too often, I see managersask for more people and more resources, butthen fail to put any sort of solid rationale or justificationtogether. Will that added staff help you avoid paying significant overtime, or help better schedule work to be done? When we see things are lagging because of any reason, we take steps to ensure that we catch up with the prepared schedule. Request Summary/Justification - Please provide a justification for or summary of your request. And more importantly, how can you overcome the common objections raised by the decision-makers when it comes to hiring more employees? Here are 7 steps to help you persuade your boss to expand your team. The end result will be a minibusiness case that will defend the decision for adding a new employee. Rationale for Request The rationale for this request is the result of increased enrollment of Deaf and Hard of Hearing students as shown in pages 5 and 6 (Fig 2 & 3). The Limited Vs. For example, averaging employee tenure is a simple calculation: For some departments, you might want to examine individual employee tenure to estimate attrition numbers. Requesting more staff for your team can alleviate many burdens, but it requires discussing costs and capabilities with your company's leadership. Here are some tips for persuading your manager to get some help in the form of another full- or part-time hire. Parent Clauses. #mc_embed_signup{background:#fff;clear:left;font:14px Helvetica,Arial,sans-serif}
, How to Justify the Cost of Hiring a Specialist. RELATED: 9 Mistakes to Avoid When Seeking More Staff. We all want happy and healthy employees.Get them on their feet!. This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged. She holds a Master of Arts in sociology from the University of Missouri-Kansas City. Temporary seasonal employees are needed as soon as possible. Workplace Recap. With growth projections remaining strong, she started looking ahead to determine when she might need to bring on an additional staffer. Explain in detail what type of work each new employee will perform and how completion of the work will help the department meet goals and deadlines. Its important to use data and facts to bolster your position, as well as to tie the increase in headcount to business needs. es]gND+>\7_N>O"'&9O|R@vL
\` @&@Vb!,Lh(. Lets take a look at how we as managers can get the staff we need. Making the business case involves pulling together all the information you collected, specifying the problem and describing how adding the new position will help improve the situation. SHRM's HR Knowledge Advisors offer guidance and resources to assist members with their HR inquiries. Provide your managers with a free comprehensive template forjustifying additional staff. A face to face interview is conducted with the hiringmanager to present his business case. The data you gather should substantiate your argument for hiring additional staff. I appeal to say that we require an additional workforce to accomplish the tasks in the lieu of KYEL Construction Project-20XX. The company is saving costs by keeping the roll as temp, less pay, with no benefits, etc. We find ourselves getting to bed later each night to get things done and it just doesn't seem doable anymore. If the request is approved, the BO will receive an email with an eRA Commons User ID for the Signing Official account (SO) role. Managers are paid to manage, plan, and justify resources. An additional budget request letter is a document requesting more money from a company or institution to complete a project. %%EOF
If in January it took you 10 days to complete a given task, and the same task now takes 20 days, it would help show that the team is in need of more staff to properly support your customer. When your department has more work than it can handle, adding staff members may seem like the logical solution to you. For how to present your information, I would recommend you go to this page:, The following free downloads should help you put your story together: 1. Increasing staff size in the HR department is never an easy sell. Please confirm that you want to proceed with deleting bookmark. Support needed to achieve the companys goals. Clause: Justification for the Request. 77043, for Setting up a Department of Human Resources, Newsletter. Employee Headcount Justification Template How to Justify Adding Staff Free Downloadable Template. Dr John Sullivan is an internationally known HR thought-leader from the Silicon Valley who specializes in providing bold and high business impact; strategic Talent Management solutions to large corporations. Additionally, there is no precedent for what we do so nothing by which to measure us. Tim G. Editor The Managers Resource Handbook. WITH GUIDANCE FOR COMPLETING SF 424A: SECTION B FOR THE BUDGET PERIOD. Summarize the contents and provide information about how you intend to carry out the plan for additional staffing. Can the use of technology improve efficiencies? 123 Main Street . Again, details matter. Step 3: Collect the right data Start With the Essentials Depending on the size of your organization and the complexity of your staffing plan, your request for additional staff proposal should have at least four basic sections: Executive Summary Needs Assessment Methodology Budget Sample Business Cases to Justify Hiring Additional Staff. For each one of the components of your needs assessment, describe the sources for your information and how you used that information. Why is that important? Therefore, you must tell what benefits the company will be able to render if it adds more people to the project. Jurisdiction. Tools, Resources and Guides for Managers and Business Leaders. Follow the steps in this guide to help you build a solid business case to justify an increase in headcount for your team. I am compelled to ask for more staff because I am afraid a smaller number of people dealing with lots of customers might impact the satisfaction of the customers. Make the reader know that you dont have any personal motive to achieve when you are demanding more workforce. Decisions are far easier to make when they are driven by data. The steps are quite simple. Along with a high-level summary of the issues and proposed solutions, include a cost-benefit analysis that shows the direct and indirect costs associated with keeping the status quo compared to those that would be incurred by adding the staffer. Not being specific with your requests is a critical mistake to avoid! Managers may even threaten to quit! My case is more about showing better time to market for our content and its more of a quality assurance discussion. Before you begin writing a letter requesting additional staff, make sure you have all the facts and figures in front of you to support your request. The company needs at least five IT professionals to initiate IT-related work for the building. Hope this helps! When a few people have shown that they are incapable to work. Determine what kind of value the position sought can bring to the company, says Don Herrmann, SHRM-SCP, founder and president of Herrmann Advantage Consulting in Appleton, Wis. When the value of the position can be shown to be, on average, two times the annual wages for that position, then its time to bring on a staffer.. In many cases, like yours, its untrue. Justifying the expense can be difficult, but the pandemic's impacts on small businesses and departments make it a much harder conversation for many. Before you start writing the letter, make sure you have a way to define the position you're outlining. Thank You. Do the gaps frequently change? The negative business impact if HR staff isnt added. Among all the decisions that managers, executives and investors need to make, the easiest questions to answer are those thatcome prepackagedwithsomeindication of value or benefit. To throw out a number, from my own experience, even if I had a really well oiled machine, I would not expect to see much more than say a 10% increase in efficiency. Need help with a specific HR issue like coronavirus or FLSA? SHRM Employment Law & Compliance Conference, New OSHA Guidance Clarifies Return-to-Work Expectations, Trump Suspends New H-1B Visas Through 2020, Faking COVID-19 Illness Can Have Serious Consequences, Recruiters Brace for a Challenging Year Ahead, Tech Layoffs Are Deteriorating DE&I Efforts. Thus, few things in business are as compelling as detailed data and quantitative information that support rationale, explain decisions and justify actions. Your need for staff also might result from not having the right employees. Include details about your success in . This seems to be more challenging then asking for a no salaried employee. It provides the framework so you know exactly what questions to ask. After a brief discussion the Vice President, looking up from his iPhone, granted his immediate approval to hire 3 more people on the spot. This letter is being written to you because a need for additional staff members has been identified. A. September 22, 2022, COVID-19 & Legislation Updates | Workplace Recap from July 22 to August 22, 2022, COVID-19 & Legislation Updates | Workplace Recap from July 1 to July 21, 2022, COVID-19 & Legislation Updates | Workplace Recap from June 17 to June 30, 2022, Give your managers the one tool they need to Justify Additional Staff. My partner and I aregetting increasingly stressed out and the household checklist only gets longer. In the next column, detail the work: 2600 requests per month @ 4 . Efficiency is important and putting an end to despondency can help but there are situations when saying just be more efficient does not solve the problem of inadequate staffing. In my business, for instance, we have a measurement for % on-time and first-pass to evaluate the quality and timeliness of the work we outsource. I want a sample letter for requesting additional manpower. Hi Patricia, Thanks for the feedback! For example, 6 months of tracking shows a 2-head deficit relative to capacity (ask salaried employees to track their hours in a spreadsheet), An overall decrease in employee satisfaction, work quality, and customer service, Decrease in qualified marketing and sales leads, Other enormous impacts on the overall goals of the company, Improved marketing efforts can positively impact the customer experience from a consumer perspective, Time to pursue career development opportunities can positively impact the morale and stability of a team, A focus on generating higher quality leads can positively impact big company goals such as increasing sales revenue, Pay attention to timing. During budget setting season, ask hiring managers who ask for additional headcount to present their business case at yoursenior management's final budget meeting. Sample letters to request additional staff from your boss Here are examples you can use to help you request additional staff from your boss: Formal letter example Jamie Wiseman Customer Service Manager (555) 555-555 John Banks Chief of Staff (555) 555-555 Dear Mr. Banks, For example: When and where you should bring up adding more headcount to your team is crucial and wildly depends on your company and situation. It should also set out the steps you took to look at each department's current resources and what you anticipate will be departmental future staffing needs. When it came time for a face to face meeting with the Vice President of my organization, I started by sharing our vision for growth. So when the teams hours dont reflect overtime, one might think there is no need to increase staff. Contract Type. Real Advice from Real Bosses. Take that amount, and quantify how many resources you could add for that same amount of money. 2. Id avoid the they deserve benefits discussion, that wont get the conversation very far. edu/academic-policies-and- . @DrJohnSullivan. Sample Letter: Requesting Training from Employer. Portray your efforts thus far in your position. $('.container-footer').first().hide();
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Companies will change their plans in situations like this when they see talent that fits their organization. I am looking forward to meeting you in person to discuss this further after your response. HR Consultants Renewals, About Us Next Put the Right People in the Right Jobs. In addition, they are unable to guide people appropriately. Follow through with your request and insist that this be done. Thanks for the comment. By 2018, she stood up a human resource information system and hired 30 more employees. What are the consequences of not hiring help? Before you begin writing a letter requesting additional staff, make sure you have all the facts and figures in front of you to support your request. You're a Supervisor Faced With a Professional Development Problem As a supervisor, you might have a skill gap problem in your team that you can easily address through additional training. Are you experiencing a higher turnover than normal? We're paying close to that right now in overtime. HR Consulting Kit Usually its just a request with nothing behind it. Waters, As part of my professional development with this company, I would like to pursue additional training to help me further improve and develop my skills. this is an illustration of a sample detailed budget and narrative. For managers, the lesson here is to understand the power and importance of making data-driven decisions. 653 0 obj
Methods for Workload Analysis and Evaluation of Headcount 3. Sample Justification Letter for Additional Staff. The temp currently works full time (40 hours a week), but does not have benefits, PTO, paid sick leave, or access to our gym. Document the work youre currently doing, the work thats not getting done due to a lack of resources and the costs associated with both. Thank the employer for their review and consideration of your training request. Ariane Laird Interested in more Celarity webinars? Regarding efficiency, something to think about is what your employees are spending their time doing. How much faster will you be able to get to market? List the job title and rank of each new position requested. Along with this, people are not getting their shipment at their doors within the period of 48 hours which was the core objective of this sale project. The money has to come from somewhere without decreasing the bottom line number. Consider the full landscape your boss is currently dealing with before approaching them with your request. Your trainers are grousing about long hours, short preparation times, and winging it . It's really that straightforward. Tips to write a proposal for hiring additional staff: Before you start writing the proposal, you should identify your needs. Follow a professional letter template or format. Provide facts and figures if possible. Sample Headcount Justification Presentation,, Ignorethe title this book packs in loads of great ideas for ANY company looking to connect with customers. creating happy careers with meaningful connections. I would like to hire one full-time associate to help cover evenings and weekends when the branch office does the most business. But as she defined the positions responsibilities, she determined it was necessary to hire an HR generalist who could oversee recruiting and open enrollment so she would be freed up to handle all negotiating and strategic planning. 1. Hiring unnecessarilyis one of the costliest mistakes a manager can make. Explain that increasing staff levels will allow your company to ramp up production or provide additional services. And you'lldefinitely hear, Im too busy to fill out this form! In terms of the current temp, focus on their skills/value they are adding and how it will benefit the company long term. We also need three data operators who will enter the required data into the project systems. Maybe. Write a list of the reasons you need the additional staff members. 588 0 obj
Sample Letter Requesting Additional Staff. Use the information to show your equivalent head count and to gain support to hire. Be friendly but firm. Justification Letter Samples for Additional Staff In work life, meeting deadlines and executing tasks at a normal pace is eminently important. It often details the additional amount required and why the addition is vital to the project. Subject: Request for additional staff Sir/ Madam, Courteously, my name is ______ (name) and I am working in _______ (department) as ______ (designation) of your company i.e. August Colin. Members can get help with HR questions via phone, chat or email. It sounds like you are struggling with the capacity to produce work internally or to review work that was outsourced, at least of the quality and standard that you require. Whats the long-term forecast for your company and industry? if(currentUrl.indexOf("/about-shrm/pages/shrm-china.aspx") > -1) {
Bottom line, there are only 3 ways forjustifying additional staff in a small business: No magic formula or hocus pocus. Lets face it, being under staffed is REALLY frustrating. The plan outlined new product development ideas which we believed would help make the firm more competitive. Learn how to manage the right way and dont be afraid to be unconventional. If you are truly struggling with your staff size and legitimately need to increase to handle the workload, consider collecting the employees time. The reason there is such tight control over staffing levels is becauseincreasing the size of your organization represents a significant cost to the business. If youre told no the first time, ask why and listen carefully to the answer, he advises. Hiring approvals dont always happen the first time theyre submitted, Herrmann notes. How can you explain and justify the improvement in quality? I make it a point to share the same advice that I once received. My current situation is I have a fantastic temp employee who is doing the role of a marketing associate. Can the additional headcount be a temporary expense? In reality how much more productivity do you think can attributed to increased efficiency alone without increasing staff? The good news is that the bottom line is madeup of a flexible menu of items that can be changed. Unfortunately, your manager might not agree with your assessment. On the next line, add your manager's official title. Legislation Your session has expired. We all want happy and healthy employees.Get them on their feet! Follow these five steps to increase your chances for success. You feel your team is understaffed and overworked. 8120 Penn Ave. S. #220 Bloomington, MN 55431 Privacy Policy. Career counselor Anna Ranieri, Ph.D. offers advice when asking to advance to a leadership position, recommending the use of statements like: For example, your needs assessment might include descriptions of average employee tenure, succession planning, employee training and development, and attrition and turnover. The building, less pay, with no benefits, etc to requesting additional manpower what! You outline your plan, include how these things positively impact customers, team, and business leaders need! Staffed is really frustrating some help in the business, like yours, its untrue Group Media, all Reserved... People makes the company long term the addition is vital to the executive summary fully. As well as to tie the increase in headcount for your team staffed really... The lesson here is to understand the underlying reasons for the comment Interesting, yet very common situation Renewals... 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