This would be a rally for Third Wave Members only. They were also acknowledged for doing this in a crisp and attentive manner. It was a full page color advertisement in the current issue of Time for some lumber products. And profound revelation. We were studying Nazi Germany and in the middle of a lecture I was interrupted by the question. Oh, you make promises to call each other but It won't happen. No one laughed. Arrogance, violence, terror. Discipline. The reproduction of a tyrannical atmosphere was successful, even if it is not strictly possible to reproduce specifically all the conditions required within a historical setting. Many have heard of Stanley Milgrams famous experiment on the effect authority has on ordinary people or Philip Zimbardos Prison Experiment that he conducted at Stanford University. Eyes strained and pulled at the light but the pattern didn't change. The power of the will. How far would you have gone? it went something like this. The German Nazi era was no different, The Nazi's felt they where now a part of something, where every one "in" where equal. Klink, Bill. But the rally itself. While the class sat at attention I gave each person a card. I was tearing apart. We talked and laughed about the Third Wave for the next few hours. I was in pretty bad shape myself. it's all right." . Then say goodbye. "It's over." Jones." This last lesson is perhaps the one of greatest importance. I began to think that the students might do anything I assigned. I sensed myself moving from an introspective participant in the event toward the role of teacher. Outright organised fascism is capitalism gone over the top, but manipulation of group dynamics happens all over the place - particularly in schools - and is the means used to get people to behave in required ways, absurd ways often but sometimes ways that are practically credible on the surface. My job. Both options were unworkable. The exchange of physical hardships for superior mental and physical facilities. This lesson was the question that started our plunge in studying Nazi life. "Everyone turned in shock. In objective terms I began to describe the past events. The trance with the television continued for what seemed like hours. Soon the image is the only identity people will accept. As the movement grew outside his class and began to number in the hundreds, the experiment had spiraled out of control. He would talk to the parents and calm their concern. I reminded students of what it felt like being in classes where competition caused pain and degradation. All day long he opened and closed doors for me. Community is that bond between individuals who work and struggle together. It felt hard to breathe and even harder to talk. Ron Jones has embellished the story considerably since being kicked out of Cubberley High School way back when. Ron tried to show his students what it would be like living in a totalitarian environment. The world misinterpreted her idea of the banality of evil; many believed that the phrase meant that within each of us there is evil and that the Nazi criminals were ordinary people simply following orders. Simply upload, import the demo data, and swap out the text and images as you wish! A television screen placed at the front of the room showed nothing but snow. I had a bodyguard. That's what I did. In an embarrassed hug we greet. No. 'Lesson Plan' is a documentary featuring interviews of the original students and teacher of the 1967 Third Wave experiment. The behaviour of the Palo Alto students was so similar to that of the Hitler Youth that they had even created their own specific salute which they would use in public and in the corridors of the school to identify one another. I agree with you that Ron's pedagogical experiment was disastrous and that he did not make enough pedagogical preparation for his simulation of the Nazi totalitarianism with his students. Evidently, experimentation in the social sciences is different. did not have this sense of ambivalence of what the hell we are doing here that promotes reflection and inquiry. Of believing so thoroughly in yourself and your community or family that you will do anything to preserve, protect and extend that being. At this stage of the game I was debating in my own mind whether to stop the experiment or continue. You would hear a crash of cafeteria food only to have it followed by two classmates saluting each other. The Wave is a made-for-TV movie directed by Alex Grasshoff, based on The Third Wave experiment put on by teacher Ron Jones to explain to his students how the German populace could accept the actions of the Nazi regime. I was only doing my job. On Tuesday, the second day of the exercise, I entered the classroom to find everyone sitting in silence at the attention position. I found myself sliding into the role even when it wasn't necessary. When a student asks how so many people could be . Given that assurance and smile I couldn't say no. I reiterated the importance of this event and asked once more for a show of allegiance. The students, of course, were not evil, in neither a banal sense nor a deep sense. Such disaster and upheaval have led many social theorists to discuss and analyse our society and the system by which we are controlled and by which the powers that be reign over us, despite our struggles and protests. the average citizen, claim at the end of the Third Reich that they knew nothing of what was going on. It was a wild gamble. Indeed, people of all nations and races . The autobiography of Albert Parsons, Haymarket martyr, written from prison. Each Student had a job and they weren't to . The only light in the room was coming from the television and it played against the faces in the room. In speed drills the class learned to move from standing position to attention sitting in fifteen seconds. He sat in the second row. Turned our head as friends and neighbors were cursed and then persecuted. The Third Wave Experiment took place over five school days. I have a question for you. In the library or in gym students would be seen giving this strange hand jive. The procedures were simple. Answers *tarted to stretch out as students usually hesitant to speak found support for their effort. "Mr. Jones, for the first time I'm learning lots of things." One of the central points of this movement was that democracy's main weakness is that it favors the individual over the whole community. Hey Felton, many thanks for your comments! No sign of a smile or a thought or even a question. Emotions were mixed and anticipation ran riot, especially since Jones had warned all those who didnt show up that they would fail their history class. Some former students explain that their parents at the time didnt talk about emotions, and taught their children to respect the government and authorities, but that the Third Wave Experiment gave them a different point of view on blindly following orders and authoritiesthey appreciated the fact that they had been given the opportunity to see through their naivety. The tension and anticipation was beyond belief. Scratch the surface and it appears. By this, the fourth day of the experiment I was beginning to lose my own arguments. Although . In telling their parents of the experiment they set up a brief chain of events. While debating whether to stop or go on with the experiment I talked on and on about community. Replace reason with rules. We did noise drills in which talking was allowed only to be shown as a detraction. I have participated in similar experiments and also discovered the innate being inside is so easily manipulated due to a childlike want for approval and purpose being just the way they are. The deductions taken from such experiments are strong when they are seen alongside natural experiments, where the events have already occurred in history and have already provided a significant and real basis for the analysis of society. I just kept talking. These are the reasons that ordinary people, good people, end up following tyrantsthrough lies, threats and the power and strength of this type of regime. We can bring it a new sense of order. It was the last time I would ask anyone to recite. How Witch-Hunts From the Left are Handing Victory to the Religious-Right, Charlie Hebdo and Free Speech Youre Either With Us or Against Us, The Destructiveness of the White Fragility Phenomenon, Why Neuralinks Pigs Are Hogging the Limelight, Reexamining the Third Wave Experiment and the 'Banality of Evil', On the Radical Feminist Colonisation of Prostitution Discourse, 7 Extraordinary Things The Ancient Greeks Gave Us. It's a secret I shall share with you.". The other option of just letting the experiment run its course was also out of the question. Mr. Jones used his own students to test out his theory, that the desire for order and discipline was the key to manipulating a body of people to act a certain way. Instead of allowing them to call him Ron as usual, he insisted that they started to refer to him either as Mr Jones or as Sir. It was strange how quickly the students took to this uniform code of behavior I began to wonder just how far they could be pushed. Over two hundred students were crammed into the room. It's far more important than that. How a ballet dancer or painter works hard to perfect a movement. I decided to find out. Hand raised upward in a shape of a curling wave. I didn't know the answer. Even stranger was the gradual improvement in the quality of answers. Strength through action Or he is exaggerating, or what? Was the desire for discipline and uniformity a natural need? No one moved. The subjects of the experiment were given four prompts, used by the experimenter whenever the subject started to doubt the ethics of their participation. A belief that demands a strong leader and discipline to preserve social order. It follows that when someone has committed irrational actssuch as exterminating a large group of people according to their religion and/or geneticsthey will endeavour to rationalise their actions using any excuse, thus rendering their actions banal, in their eyes acceptable and understandable. The machine came to life producing a luminous field of phosphorus light. Haslam and Reicher make a different point, with a better understanding of the specificity of social experimentation. I whispered to him to watch closely and pay attention to the next few minutes. "Mr. Jones, have you seen this advertisement in Time magazine? That you could extricate yourself at any moment. Late Wednesday afternoon I found Robert following me and asked what in the world was he doing. Explained from the beginning, how Ron Jones (the experimenter) came up with the idea of conducting a social ex. Their teacher called the group "The Third Wave," even going so far as to punish an improper sitting posture. "The Third Wave presents inside look at Fascism". In concluding this conversation I envisioned similar conversations throughout history in which the clergy accepted and apologized for untenable conditions. Don't you feel better.". The television won. This is different in the case of the Nazi regime, in which imperatives were serious and real. The act of apology. A strange calm is in effect when a room full of people sit in quite observation and anticipation. O my Gosh, I thought this story was amazing. To be number one. Set in 1967 in Palo Alto, California, during the Vietnam war, racial integration and social revolution, the play centers around a young, popular teacher, Ron Jones, and his world history class. The same can often be said in the natural sciences. In our consoling each other we became a rock in the stream of exiting students. "Everyone must accept the blame No one can claim that they didn't in some way take part.". Motivations having been identified, it becomes easier to explain why tyrannical regimes can come to fruition and power. The mystique of thirty individuals doing this strange gyration soon brought more attention to the class and its experiment into the German personality. Any% nazi speedrun. The wave has good effects on the students. On Friday, the final day of the exercise, I spent the early morning preparing the auditorium for the rally. In the study, an . He will explain all the things that he was able to manipulate the kids into doing which seems like would've taken weeks or months and claim it only took one day. He calls me Mr. Jones. They aren't bright, they can't make the athletic teams, and don't strike out for attention. The student who made the posters said right before she died that it was more like 9 days. Instead of simply summarising Haslams theory, however, its necessary to study his newer formulation of old conclusions to analyse a different, lesser-known social experiment called The Third Wave Experiment. There was a mental tug of war between the people in the room and the television. ''Is this part of the campaign, Mr. The group seemed to be composed of students from many persuasions. Conditions that produce tyranny could be the presence of an apparently legitimate authority, a certain motivational interest, and/or threats and manipulation. Our class came up with the motto the "the third wave" and the salute, but it stayed in our class and was not carried out into the school. There were the athletes, the social prominents, the student leaders, the loners, the group of kids that always left school early, the bikers, the pseudo hip, a few representatives of the school's dadaist click, and some of the students that hung out at the laundromat. Burned ideas. How could this be? The events were adapted into a non-musical play stage in 2011 by Joseph Robinette and Ron Jones. It went like this. Apparently not all psychologists were fully convinced about the complete failure of the Milgram experiment, as a study on an . By Thursday the class had swollen in size to over eighty students. Hold them tight. This incidence of monitoring meant that half the class now considered it their duty to observe and report on members of their class. Thanks to ethical codes and institutional review boards, most of these experiments could never be performed today. Jones." Most of my fear emanated from the incidence of "tattletaling". Therefore, it becomes necessary in some cases to manipulate and monopolise peoples confidence. On Wednesday, I decided to issue membership cards to every student that wanted to continue what I now called the experiment. What the new analysis revealed is that every single subject who was given the final prompt you have no choice but to continue immediately refused to continue. I explained how at noon on Friday a national candidate for president would announce the formation of a Third Wave Youth Program. The question here is not why but how the German people came to support the Nazi regime. Leler, Robin and Sakuma, Bernice. Shereen Lehman, MS. Jones was fired from teaching after a year-long discussion, but his work continues to be recognised and appreciated all over the world. 2010 Third Wave Documentary Film "Lesson Plan". Milgram conducted his experiment in 1963, four years before The Third Wave Experiment in Palo Alto. We carry it like a disease. Now the students do their homework to be able to answer Ben Ross questions. Jones based the name of his movement on the supposed fact that the third in a series of waves is the strongest. Returning again to the experiment conducted at Cubberly High School in Palo Alto 1967, we can start to use the newer analyses provided to reassess it. You're more alert. Who is this young man hugging me? On the contrary, he had not simply followed orders blindly, he had actually planned his actions in great detailhe was an author of the Holocaust. By the end of the day over two hundred students were admitted into the order. Minimal Lite is a stunning, fully responsive, WordPress blogging theme suitable for any kind of blog, personal, fashion, food, travel, photography, publishing or tutorial blog sites. In the case of war criminals such as Adolf Eichmann, he constructed no banal excuses for his actions, and acted according to his own ideals and his own plans, according to those already set up by the Nazi regime. Hannah Arendt wrote of the banality of evil, but she was for so long misunderstood and the Third Wave Experiment can help to explain that what she meant was not that evil is in itself banal, or that it can be found in all of us, but that people are more likely to assume the best when they are rightly afraid of the worst. I'm very upset over Robert! In 1967, teacher Ron Jones conducted a social experiment with unexpected results. Jones added "Strength Through Action" to the chalkboard. community, pride and action. A general assembly was organised for 12 pm the next day to watch the televised speech of their leader. I waited for several minutes to let everyone catch up. I was increasingly worried about how our activity was affecting the faculty and other students in the school. Across the country teachers like myself have been recruiting and training a youth brigade capable of showing the nation a better society through discipline, community. quite the contrary. At eleven thirty students began to ant their way into the room; at first a few scouting the way and then more. He turned on the TV placed in the middle of the room. You can't admit to being manipulated. Something in all of us. Milgram Experiment (1961) Yale University social psychology professor Stanley Milgram embarked on his now infamous series of experiments in 1961. I can tell you and anyone else about the Third Wave. Within days, they had a motto, flag, salute, and began to view themselves as an exclusive, elite group. When and how will this end? Students slowly rose from their Chairs and without words filed into the outdoor light. In this video I explore the 1967 Third Wave 'experiment', in which educator Ron Jones created a fake fascist movement in order to answer one of his sophomore. My announcement unleashed a fervor. To release the tension I went to the chalk board and wrote in big letters "STRENGTH THROUGH DISCIPLINE." He followed me every- where. Let me show you your future. Conclusions made by contemporary political scientists and sociologists reflect the experiences of the subjects of the Third Wave Experiment and make connections between those experiences and witness statements in history. Ron Joness students didnt know they were taking part in an attempt to show how they too could fall into step when a tyrannical authority was present. Upon their arrival, the students were presented with a blank channel. A report of the proceedings by George Williams, delegate of the IWW (Industrial Workers of the World). "Strength Through Community." Finally questions began to emerge. That you were better than those outside this room. The secret must finally be waning. Robert is like so many kids in school that don't excel or cause trouble. In high school, for example, ones grades are very important, especially for students who feel a need to please their parents; in Nazi Germany, the motivation to follow orders came from the power of the party, their threats, and the fact that the people were starvingfollowing orders was simply common sense unless anyone was willing to risk their lives. Throughout the next few days students in the class would exchange this greeting. I was exhausted and worried. The high school was well known for its progressive philosophy, but the parents and some of Joness colleagues were angry with the experiment because the students were young and impressionable. You bargained your freedom for the comfort of discipline and superiority. May 14, 2022 Lauren Coontz. Ron's problem is he let it get out of control and that is why he was fired. The first day, the students acted almost as if it were a game and obeyed the commands of their teacher who they already trusted and respected. I could go into how he brought American Nazis into our class and tried to let them speak to the entire school and how that worked out, but it is too funny and long to go into.Remember this was only about 20 years after WW ll when many of their family members were fighting the Nazis. The deed was concluded. Talk about tone deaf. The goal of the experiment had thus been achieved. Don't talk to anyone about this. The third wave, 1967: an account - Ron Jones. Some of their faces were relaxed with smiles that come from pleasing the teacher. This last prompt was different from the others since it inferred obligation, which made the subjects rethink their actions and realise that they were not in fact obligated, and therefore they refused to continue. Jones began subtly to demonstrate how the population of Nazi Germany were manipulated into submission; it was a history lesson. It concerned a bewilderment at the German populace claiming ignorance and non-involvement in the Nazi movement. This shows that many ordinary people will refuse to follow tyrannical orders if it becomes clear to them that they do have a choice. Immediately the students realised what had happened and some later attested to the fact that they cried. Upon hearing of our activity he simply lost control Late in the evening he broke into the room and tore it apart. . He then apologized to them for how far it all had gone, and played them a film about the Nazi regime to conclude the experiment.[9]. They watched the activities and participated in a mechanical fashion. [a] Jones, finding himself unable to explain to his students how the German people could have claimed ignorance of The Holocaust, decided to demonstrate it to them instead. Milgram himself was an American Jew and came to the conclusion that ordinary people were easily led into situations in which they directly caused harm when there was a presence of perceived legitimate authority telling them to do so. Kids were instructed in posture, began each remark with Mr. and saluted. Following my description of community I once again told the class that community like discipline must be experienced if it is to be understood. Though I formally appointed only three students to report deviate behavior, approximately twenty students came to me with reports about how Allan didn't salute, or Georgine was talking critically about our experiment. This is exactly what happened across one . He decided to create a fictional social movement as a demonstration of the appeal of fascism. Yes, I had been pushing information at them in an extremely controlled setting but the fact that they found it comfortable and acceptable was startling. In as such as there were several months still to go in the school year and I was already at World War II, I decided to take a week and explore the question. I discussed the beauty of taking full responsibility for ones action. When you're playing against all the odds the best action to take is to try the unexpected. Lesson Plan: Directed by David Jeffery, Philip Carr Neel. Others simply sunk into the activity and took self assigned roles. The rabbi became a part of the experiment In remaining ignorant of the oppression in the experiment he became an accomplice and advocate. We practiced short "silent reading" sessions. He gave them lessons in how to sit correctly, which they also obeyed with little persuasion after being told that sitting properly allowed more oxygen into the lungs, helping them to think more clearly and thus improve their grades. For example, the theory that appeared after the Milgram experiment was that ordinary, good people, professionals and students alike would obey authority to the point that it could kill someone (up to 450V of electrical currentfar beyond that which can be sustained by a human being). In 3 days the movement had grown to 200 students. Still the viewers persisted. We worked on this simple act for the entire class period. Soon everyone in the class began popping up with answers and questions. "It's your task to design a Third Wave Banner. programming. It's your job to read this pamphlet and report its entire content to the class before the period ends. Every word seemed to be taken and absorbed. Ron Jones was a teacher at Cuubberly High School. 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