Oscar reiterates how he was born here as well, yet Tracey was too blinded by the difference in ethnicity to see her wrongdoing. The play, however, takes place pre-Trump. Lynn Nottage's Pulitzer Prize-winning drama Sweat, now playing at the Mark Taper Forum, exposes the collapse of the American working class in the new millennium. Event Calendar It won the 2017 Pulitzer Prize for Drama. Before this, her inspiration came from her family. I wanna say that. Media Inquiries: 540-232-8574,jennykb@vt.edu, Alumni Relations:540-231-8364,robynes@vt.edu The plot consists of many different characters. 5 pages at 400 words per page) Refine any search. Nottage took a break from writing for nearly seven years, but in 2003, her drama Intimate Apparel, a play about an African American seamstress in turn of the century New York, won major awards including the New York Drama Critics Circle Award, the Francesca Primus Prize and the Steinberg Award. For example, after Cynthia was promoted to Warehouse Supervisor, Tracey was very upset which led her to drink and smoke. by Lynn Nottage. The Pulitzer Prize-winning drama by American playwright Lynn Nottage focuses on race, class, prejudice and friendship. Note: All essays placed on IvyMoose.com are written by students who kindly donate their papers to us. Throughout the entirety of the play, alcohol was utilized as a prop by almost all the characters. Based on extensive interviews with residents of the rustbelt town of Reading, Pennsylvania, it shows the anger and despair that helped fuel the election of Donald Trump. With the opening focused on Chris and Jason, but the bulk of the play resting on their mothers, the audience investment from one set of characters to another feels destabilizing. In the scenes from 2000, before the young men get into trouble, Nottage sets much of the action in a fictional bar in the characters' working-class town of Reading, Pennsylvania, where people who. Tracey and Jessie view Cynthia as a traitor. Characters are saddened and enraged in the face of wage cuts, and conflicts erupt between them as they struggle to navigate their lives in the face of diminishing opportunities. Definitions and examples of 136 literary terms and devices. To combat this constant strain and underappreciation, the members of Readings working-class community depend upon tight-knit relationships with one another as a means of stress relief, support, and fulfillment. The ramifications of humanity's anger hangs over the play, yet Nottage hints at the power of forgiveness and redemption. I feel that its a common problem in our society to portray immigrants as needy and that they get special treatment for their race. 2023 . American playwright lynn nottage won the 2017 pulitzer prize for drama for. (including. Variety quotes the bartender, Stan, as warning the other characters that "You could wake up tomorrow and all your jobs are in Mexico", to which the characters respond with lethargy and disbelief. Mara plays Tracey as a shrill woman who is looking for others to blame. Ed. [10] It said that the city was "synonymous with deindustrialisation", for the effects there of loss of heavy industry and related jobs.[10]. Variety described Nottage as going into "the heart of working-class America". When Cynthia is promoted, the difference of social status is directly introduced. Tracey and Jessie grow bitter as their job security is threatened and their wages cut, while their friend Cynthia receives a promotion. In the Character list, Nottage describes him as "African-American, forties" (vii). During the play Cynthia applies for a managing job at the plant which causes some problems. By signing up you are confirming you are 16 or over. A lot of wrong things can be said under the influence, and I believe most of their arguments all began with the abuse of alcohol. Act 2, Scene 1 Summary. Personally, this part of the play resonated with my feelings towards the racial violence we experience today. Award-winning playwright Lynn Nottage often shines a spotlight on Black women under great duress, as in "Ruined," a Pulitzer Prize winner, or in the workplace like the evocative turn of the . We see how the plant uses ethnicity to divide workers in the case of Oscar, who is Latino. When Cynthia is promoted from shop floor worker to manager and her coworker and friend Tracey is not, their friendship suffers, and others make accusations of racially based preference, as Cynthia is Black and Tracey is white. eNotes.com, Inc. Creating notes and highlights requires a free LitCharts account. Cynthia gets the promotion, and Tracey wonders if its just because Cynthia is Black. grounds " Sweat " , emphasizing it 's the everyday - nature of the plays themes . From the creators of SparkNotes, something better. Oscar and his coworker Stan (the bartender at the bar where the characters all hang out) are attacked in a demonstration. We're friends! Both Cynthia and her loved ones feel hurt and misunderstood, further demonstrating the tendency for inequality in status to break apart relationships. But I stood on line, patiently waiting for a break. Students Download the entire Sweat study guide as a printable PDF! Beyond that, however, Mara doesn't project the character's humanity, which leads a character meant to propel the story to instead fall flat. What statements does this play Sweatmake about racism and racial tension in the United States? It is bookended by scenes showing two young ex-cons confronting their parole officer, but the bulk of the action is set eight years earlier, in the year 2000, in a downtown bar where women workers from the local factory hang out. In Lynette Lintons production, Frankie Bradshaws impressive design sets the watering hole against a background of rusting girders. [7][11], After starting previews on October 18, 2016, Sweat opened Off-Broadway at The Public Theater on November 3, 2016. Management is for them. Jason The play portrays a meeting between a parole officer and two ex-convicts, and three women who were childhood . Not wanting to give up what theyve worked for, the floor workers vote against the deal and end up getting shut out. Note: When citing an online source, it is important to include all necessary dates. People of color are being persecuted by individuals in power because of the color of their skin, leaving them in fear for their life. At Donmar Warehouse, London, until 26 January. ", "Lynn Nottage's Sweat Will Transfer to Broadway", "Lynn Nottages 'Sweat' to transfer to West End from Donmar Warehouse", "Olivier Awards 2019: Full list of nominations", "Shortlist for first Black British Theatre Awards 2019 announced", "Maggie Smith wins best actress award for role as Goebbels' secretary", "Lily Allen, Grayson Perry and Danny Boyle join prestigious list of artists hoping to scoop awards as nominations unveiled for The South Bank Sky Arts Awards 2019", "The Stage Debut Awards 2019 winners announced | WhatsOnStage", " 'Hello, Dolly! They also work at the plant, although Chris talks about going to college. Academic Policies Sweat by Lynn Nottage Directed by Matt J. Bannister TICKETS: www.ssstage.org November 1 - 23, 2019 Fridays & Saturdays @ 8pm Matinees: November 10 and 17 @ 2pm A play in a bar like none other. The play opens in 2008. They built this town. If there are two dates, the date of publication and appearance This is highlighted by Brucie, who experienced a similar situation at a different mill. Sweat is a 2015 play by American playwright Lynn Nottage. Teachers and parents! Nottage began to write the play in 2011 and set its events during two notable economic downturns: the 2000 to 2001 recession following the dot com bubble and the Great Recession of 2007 to 2009. For online purchase, find ticket links here. When backed up against the wall and left with neither income nor hope, people sink into racism almost by reflex. Two hostile men sit in separate rooms with the same parole officer after being released from an eight-year prison sentence. Jason and Chris are the sons of the two women who find themselves on opposite sides over the strike, but the young men are workers themselves and try to support the strikers. [3], The play also examines the disintegration of a friendship, after two of the women one white, one black apply for the same management job. The employees work lives and decisions about organizing likewise affect their children. This leads to a confrontation with Jason, egged on by his mother. 1 Mar. The Virginia Tech School of Performing Arts will present Lynn Nottages award-winning Sweat for eight performances, opening on Nov. 9 in Squires Studio Theatre. Sweat - Lynn Nottage 2016-12-13 A hard-hitting new drama from the Pulitzer Prize-winning . Struggling with distance learning? Virtual Tour Lynn Nottage, originally born and raised in Brooklyn, New York produced the award-winning play, Sweat. 2023 eNotes.com, Inc. All Rights Reserved. PDF downloads of all 1699 LitCharts literature guides, and of every new one we publish. Nottage addresses the theme of social status, specifically in how the characters lives and relationships are shaped based on job position, socio-economic class, and education. Tell me about whats been going on. The original text plus a side-by-side modern translation of. Ultimately, Sweat shows the interpersonal costs of raising ones station: when desperate people strive for more out of life, fellow desperate peopleeven, and especially, dear friendswill often respond with resentment rather than support. You dont know what its been like to walk in my shoes. Scene 1 of Act 2 shows Jason and Chris returning to visit their mothers. If you are an individual with a disability and desire an accommodation, please contactSusan Sanders prior to the event. New York: Theatre Communications Group, 2017. Content Warning: Strong language, drug references, some suggested violence, If you have any questions, contact Emma Ruopp ateruopp@bmcc.cuny.edu, Borough of Manhattan Community College Since the twenties, okay? Oscar now works there as the manager, and he takes care of Stan, who we find out has suffered a traumatic brain injury as a result of the fight. Teacher Editions with classroom activities for all 1699 titles we cover. Tracey, who comes from a family of German craftsmen, is a militant unionist but bereft without employment. Library More heat. Liberal Arts and Human Sciences Building,200 Stanger Street, Blacksburg, VA 24061, Phone: 540-231-6779, Fax: 540-231-7157,news.liberalarts@vt.edu Try it today! I do. Lynn Nottages 2015 play Sweat centers on the events in the lives of several people who all work at the same factory, Olsteads, and are facing layoffs and downsizing. This Study Guide consists of approximately 52pages of chapter summaries, quotes, character analysis, themes, and more - There are many scenarios that lead to this violent event, but I believe they are all significant in showing that, big or small, these racial attacks need to end. He used to work at the plant but he was injured from a factory accident. [14], A London production opened at the Donmar Warehouse on 7 December 2018, running until 2 February 2019. The City University of New York PDFs of modern translations of every Shakespeare play and poem. You're making the same sorry excuses that they do. . 2023 eNotes.com, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Ive got twenty-four years on the floor. Fred Mazelis. Refine any search. Jason, in particular, is notably altered by his time in prison, where he becomes a white supremacist. Unfortunately, that kinetic energy is all on one level, high, so the audience feels distanced from the characters. The play was produced Off-Broadway in 2016 and on Broadway in 2017. [1] It won the 2017 Pulitzer Prize for Drama. L ynn Nottage's Sweat is a play set in 2000 and 2008 that explores the tension in a group of friends in the midst of layoffs at a factory in Reading, Pennsylvania. One of the major plot points in this ensemble driven piece is Cynthia's promotion to management at Olstead's factory. She has now become one of people working to undermine the union by hiring cheaper labor. The. Job Opportunities The playwright shows how owners manipulate individual efforts to advance in order to destroy solidarity and instead foster suspicions, mistrust, and rifts between friends. Characters such as Jessie use alcohol to cope with their problems to the point of being out of control, which was an important symbol specifically used by Jessica Hightower, Scenic and Properties designer of Sweat. What Nottage captures brilliantly is the way work, however hard or demanding, gives people an identity and purpose. But I meancmonyou guys coming over here, you can get a job faster than. publication online or last modification online. Some characters use racial slurs towards Latinos and show him that he isn't welcome in the Olstead factory. Directed by Kate Whoriskey (who also directed the earlier productions), the cast featured Carlo Alban (Oscar), James Colby (Stan), Khris Davis (Chris), Johanna Day (Tracey), John Earl Jelks (Brucie), Will Pullen (Jason), Miriam Shor (Jessie), Lance Coadie Williams (Evan), and Michelle Wilson (Cynthia). Peterson unleashes her actors like pinballs, bouncing off each other, intensifying until they explode in the climax. Oscar shows her a flyer from the community center, written in Spanish, that mentions the openings and says nothing about needing to be in the union. Three best friends, Cynthia (Portia), Tracey (Mary Mara), and Jessie (Amy Pietz), pass the time at the bar joking and drinking to obliteration in order to survive the daily grind. Ruined. Call me selfish, I dont care, call me whatever you need to call me, but remember, one of us has to be left standing to fight. It will unconditionally squander the time. samples are real essays written by real students who kindly donate their papers to us so that Well, my familys been here a long time. Moving up the corporate ladder results in a loss of friendships and social exclusion. Sweat was a meaningful production as there are many important themes to take away from the story. Admissions Text-only Version, Information for: The fact that everyone in Reading is trying to keep their heads above water seemingly makes them less encouraging rather than more so when their friends try to get ahead. Although such connections are often indirect, they arise through tangible realities such as corporate downsizing and non-union hiring practices. They all work together and love to hang out at the local bar. The bartender is Stan, who used to work at the factory with them until he suffered an injury. LitCharts Teacher Editions. Ed. The second is the date of CHRIS: Dude, its just something I gotta do. Sweat challenged my thinking and led me to analyze serious problems that still have not been solved. Complimentary and Deeply Discounted Shows. Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass, an American Slave, The Circuit: Stories from the Life of a Migrant Child, Fabulation, or The Re-Education of Undine. Lead the Pack", How to Succeed in Business Without Really Trying, The Effect of Gamma Rays on Man-in-the-Moon Marigolds, https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Sweat_(play)&oldid=1127802853, Short description is different from Wikidata, Wikipedia introduction cleanup from May 2022, Articles covered by WikiProject Wikify from May 2022, All articles covered by WikiProject Wikify, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License 3.0, This page was last edited on 16 December 2022, at 19:00. This section contains 1,616 words (approx. (212) 220-8000 SWEAT is a 2015 play by American playwright Lynn Nottage. Accessibility Directions The two men have not seen each other since the events that led to their incarceration. Jump-start your essay with our outlining tool to make sure you have all the main points of your essay covered. "My students can't get enough of your charts and their results have gone through the roof." -Graham S. Below you will find the important quotes in, Would not have made it through AP Literature without the printable PDFs. Jason and Chris are Tracey and Cynthias sons respectively. Sweat is a two-act play written by Lynn Nottage. Their whole lives have been on the factory line. 'Sweat' explores themes of race, gender, ethnicity, class, and labor relations in a deeply human way November 1, 2021 The cast of "Sweat," pictured from left: Elizabeth Crishock, Ariana Pea, and Joseph Steele (front row); Misheck Mzumara, Ashlynn Brooks, Luke Dangel, and Mark Logan (leaning on the bar); Genaro Mejia and Alex Cruz (behind the bar). Religion and Culture News|Reserve Officer Training Corps News|School of Education News Reading, Pennsylvania is an industrial town with an emphasis on blue collar jobs. But when . Sweat. In the midst of all this, Cynthia, who is African-American, is up for a management role after years of hard work, but her promotion leads to frustration as both the company and her friends use her as a scapegoat. Lynn Nottage: 'Nostalgia is a disease many white Americans have', Original reporting and incisive analysis, direct from the Guardian every morning. Lynn Nottage began working on the play in 2011 by interviewing numerous residents of Reading, Pennsylvania, which at the time was, according to the United States Census Bureau, officially one of the poorest cities in America,[3] with a poverty rate of over 40%. Wil Johnson as Brucie and Stuart McQuarrie as Stan. Stan is severely injured, and the youths are arrested, convicted, and incarcerated. Tracey and Jessie grow bitter. The themes in Sweat are timeless, and the play is a microcosm of today's issues relating to poverty, race, and discrimination. The way the content is organized, LitCharts assigns a color and icon to each theme in. Nottage's characters were based on personal research and interviews she conducted in Reading throughout 2011. This specific scene supports how the usage of alcohol as a prop was continually utilized as a coping mechanism for many characters. Sweat switches between 2000 and 2008 as Lynn Nottage tells the story of a group of friends who work together on the factory floor. Im on your side, Cynthia tells them, but Tracey challenges her: Then act like it, she says. Start your 48-hour free trial to get access to more than 30,000 additional guides and more than 350,000 Homework Help questions answered by our experts. He learns that the cost of being hired is to become a scab when the others go out on strike. Of the performances, Coleman and Hochman remarkably deviate from sullen and washed-out in their 2008 scenes, to rambunctious, youthful, and optimistic in 2000. Our, "Sooo much more helpful thanSparkNotes. Thursday-Saturday February 23-25 at 7:30pm. The acting is superlative. TRACEY: You want us to feel sorry for you? [25], The play won the 2017 Obie Award for Playwrighting for the production at the Public Theater. 30 December 2016. eNotes.com The 2008 sequences also shine a spotlight on Chris and Jason's mysterious crime without revealing that incident until the end, leaving the audience waiting for the other shoe to drop instead of being able to focus on the complex relationships Nottage builds and the reflection of America in civil strife. Be angry, but dont make it about this(Points to the skin on the back of her hand) Look at me, Tracey. School of Performing Arts News|Science, Technology, and Society News|Sociology News, College of Liberal Arts and Human Sciences "Sweat," Lynn Nottage's 2017 Pulitzer Prize-winning drama set in a faltering factory town in Pennsylvania, magnificently answers the call for more far-ranging American playwriting. Registered About 3 Years Ago. T he main themes in Sweat are race and class in the workplace, the effect of work life on the family, and economies and individuals. The citation above will include either 2 or 3 dates. Sweat examines the changing lives of factory workers in Reading, Pennsylvania, between the years of 2000 and 2008. The last date is today's "My students can't get enough of your charts and their results have gone through the roof." AHRM NewsASPECT News|Awards and Honors|Bookshelf|Communication News|English News|History News In 2008, Chris and Jason both find themselves back at the bar to find some peace. The characters in Sweat have spent decades of their lives thanklessly laboring in Reading Pennsylvanias local steel and textile mills amid poor working conditions, disrespectful management, and union disputes. When the plant threatens to cut wages and lay off workers, the friends turn against each other as they struggle to stay afloat. Emilio Sosa's costumes reflect the clothing one would wear to unwind after a day sweating on the line. The kind but stalwart officer (Kevin T. Carroll) hopes a reunion between the two will help heal their wounds. Working with this diverse cast of student actors to climb inside this story has been a gift. The last date is today's In this breathtaking new play, premiered in 2015, she tackles the devastating impact of loss of work and of de-industrialisation on modern America. Lynn Nottage's Sweat is an unusual and rewarding play, depicting social reality not often seen in the American theater. She . He offers guidance that is bluntly, candidly phrased, but also empathetically considered. They both are arrested for assault and are released eight years later. Sweat, Lynn Nottage's play about discrimination at the workplace and the effect of economic downturns, returns to Philadelphia, courtesy of the Old Academy Players. Link to iframe content: https://www.youtube.com/embed/YcReO9WfWeQ, Lynn Nottage has given us an extraordinary story of a community of individuals whose stories we dont get to hear, never mind embody, very often, said Susanna Rinehart, an associate professor of performance, who is directing the play at Virginia Tech. 2023 Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University. After what went down. publication online or last modification online. Eventually in 2017, winning the Pulitzer prize award for drama. TRACEY: [] I know the floor as good as Cynthia. Nottage , through not making sweat a more general , traditional , " spectacle " , with large set pieces , costumes , etc . Who is the antagonist in the play Sweat by Lynn Nottage? Creating notes and highlights requires a free LitCharts account. Chris gets involved in the fight. The latter character gets the position, but soon the company moves jobs to Mexico. Teach your students to analyze literature like LitCharts does. Nottage shifts in time, switching scenes and showing events of eight years earlier. The New Yorker said the play was "the first theatrical landmark of the Trump era". Get professional help and free up your time for more important things. In 2000, we meet best friends Tracey, Cynthia, and Jessie. The three friends' names are Tracy, Cynthia and Jessie. Already a member? [1] The Los Angeles Times also states, "The play seemed to analytically grasp what too many political pundits had missed: the seething anger that turned a reliable blue state such as Pennsylvania red". Free shipping for many products! The collection contains chapters on each of her major works . Tensions rise as Cynthias new position pits her against her friends. When American playwright and screenwriter Nottage won the Pulitzer Prize for Drama for Sweat in 2017, she became the first and only woman to have won the prize twice, having also won it for Ruined in 2009. The play portrays a meeting between a parole officer and two ex-convicts, and three women who were childhood friends and had worked in the same factory. This leads to a lock-out, scabs crossing the line to keep the firm going and an act of violence that explains the parole interviews. Their fathers and grandfathers, spouses, and everyone else in this small Pennsylvania town have grown up working on the plant floor, including Tracey and Cynthia's respective sons, Jason and Chris. I cant think of any recent play that tells us so much, and so vividly, about the state of the union. The BMCC Theatre Department invites you to enjoy the performance of SWEAT by Lynn Nottage, directed by Diane Dowling. These fights over workers rights have claimed large parts of the lives of all three men, and their mothers must await their sons release, knowing their criminal record and their experience of incarceration will stay with them forever. With this diverse cast of student actors to climb inside this story has been a gift tensions rise Cynthias! Her friends of factory workers in Reading, Pennsylvania, between the years of 2000 and 2008 been like walk! And friendship suffered an injury to undermine the union by hiring cheaper.. Of any recent play that tells us so much, and incarcerated color and icon to each theme.... Latinos and show him that he is n't welcome in the play resonated my... ' names are Tracy, Cynthia, and three women who were childhood printable PDFs convicted, incarcerated... 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